usda, aphis, ppq crdac outreach event portfolio

O UTREACHE VENT P ORTFOLIO PPQ Safegarding, Federal Hiring and Diversity & Inclusion Outreach Events APH IS-PPQ -FO -SW CA 2706 Long Beach P lant Protection and Quarantine WorkUnit Brandon R .Washington APH IS-CRDAC Specia l Emphasis Program Manager

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Page 1: USDA, APHIS, PPQ CRDAC Outreach Event Portfolio


PPQ Safegarding, Federal Hir ing and

Diversit y & Inclusion Out reach Event s

APHIS-PPQ-FO-SW CA 2706 Long Beach Plant Protection and

Quarantine Work Unit

Brandon R. WashingtonAPHIS-CRDAC Special Emphasis Program Manager

Page 2: USDA, APHIS, PPQ CRDAC Outreach Event Portfolio










M e ssa g e f r o m t h e Se c r e t a r y .......................

APHIS FO C iv i l Rig h t s a n d D iv e r si t y C o m m it t e e G o a ls & APHIS PPQ Sa f e g u a r d in g M issio n .............

Pla n t Pr o t e c t io n & Q u a r a n t in e Ad m in ist r a t o r s S t a t e m e n t Re g a r d in g S t r a t e g ic Pla n n in g a n d O u t r e a c h .................................................................................

U n iv e r si t y O u t r e a c h Exa m p le : U n iv o f So . C a li f o r n ia ( U SC ) D iv e r si t y a n d In c lu sio n Pa n e l D isc u ssio n ..............................................................................

Sp e c ia l T h a n k s................................................

C o lle g e O u t r e a c h Exa m p le : Lo n g Be a c h C i t y C o lle g e Fe d e r a l H i r in g Se m in a r.................................

H ig h Sc h o o l O u t r e a c h Exa m p le : C a b r i l l io Se n io r H ig h Sc h o o l PPQ Sa f e g u a r d in g In f o r m a t io n se ssio n ..........................................................

Af f in i t y G r o u p O u t r e a c h Exa m p le : U n i t e d S t a t e V e t e r a n In i t ia t iv e ( U .S . V ET 'S ) a n d T h e N a t io n a l Bla c k M BA Asso c ia t io n N BM BAA Re c r u i t m e n t , S t a k e h o ld e r En g a g e m e n t , In f o Se ssio n ..........................................................................


This portfolio provides brief descriptions and visual summaries of actual outreach events preformed and orchestrated by Brandon R. Washington in

his role as a Special Emphasis Program Manager (SEPM) for the APHIS Civil Rights and Diversity Advisory Committee (CRDAC).

This role also incorporates outreach to assist APHIS's Long Beach Plant Protection and Quarantine Field Office Safeguarding mission.

Page 3: USDA, APHIS, PPQ CRDAC Outreach Event Portfolio


the Secretary

As you know, creating a cultural transformation at USDA is one of my most important goals as Secretary.

I encourage our employees to take advantage of USDA?s Special Emphasis Programs, and get involved with these pro-grams designed to improve recruitment, retention, and career advancement to African Americans, American Indians/ Alaskan N atives, Asian Americans/ Pacific Islanders, persons with disabilities, Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual/ Transgender (LGBT), H ispanics, veterans, and women.

Get to know your Civil R ights Committee members because they are a valuable resource as well, and they exist to help en-sure that at all employees are treated fairly.

M ake training, education, and cultural transformation activities part of your Individual Development Plan, and make constructive suggestions for ways to improve the work processes or customer service.

Cultural Transformation isn?t something we wait around for, it?s something we make happen, so I encourage you to be proactive and improve your work-life and career potential. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the United States Department of Agriculture. I am proud of the work we do together, and I welcome your help in making USDA an even better place for both you and our customers.

(source: A Progress Repor t for Em ployees on USDA?s Cultural Transform ation? Sum m ary of Progress Novem ber 2010 T hrough February 2011 -Sum m ar ized)

"Get to know your Civil Rights Committee members because they are a valuable resource..."

T hom as J. V ilsackSecretary, USDA

Page 4: USDA, APHIS, PPQ CRDAC Outreach Event Portfolio


APHIS Plant Protection & Quarantine (PPQ) Administrator's


Since 1972, the U.S. Department of Agriculture?s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APH IS) has been a vital force in American agriculture. Over the years, the Agency has modernized to be more proactive, flexible, and responsive to the needs of those we serve. Although APH IS? activities have changed over the years, our core mission remains the same: to safeguard the health and value of America?s agriculture and natural resources.

We are also harnessing information technology solutions and outreach efforts to make services and information available to our customers electronically and to find cost savings. Continued proactive communications with our stakeholders and partners will ensure that those who have an interest in our mission receive timely, accurate information about the Agency?s programs and are able to provide perspectives to better inform our decision making. Our decisions will be data-driven and evidence-based.

Agricultural production practices, global trading patterns, and pest and disease threats will always be changing, but our core objective remains the same. It is simple but vital: to safeguard American agriculture. I have witnessed the dedication and determination of our employees. Together, we will meet the goals and objectives by employing both proven and new tactics in our programs.

(source: A Progress Repor t for Em ployees on USDA?s Cultural Transform ation? Sum m ary of Progress Novem ber 2010 T hrough February 2011 -Sum m ar ized)

"Healthy and profitable agriculture is good for America; it provides food and clothing for countless people worldwide and is a key pillar to a thriving economy..."

Kevin SheaAdm inistrator, APH IS-USDA

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APHIS Field Operation's Civil Rights and Diversity Advisory


Mission & Goals

National Civil Rights and Diversity Advisory Committee & the Civil Rights and Diversity Advisory Committee

APH IS implements Special Emphasis Programs through the N ational Civil R ights and

Diversity Advisory Committee (N CRDAC) and the Civil R ights and Diversity Advisory

Committees (CRDAC). The purpose of the N CRDAC is to serve as a strategic advisor to the

Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) in providing management officials and employees with

a vehicle that enhances equal opportunity employment and program delivery issues.   The

N CRDAC supports a diverse, proficient, and skilled workforce; equality of program delivery;

and the civil rights of employees.  The N CRDAC also establishes lines of communication

between employees and management through views on civil rights issues.  All of the programs

in APH IS will have a Civil R ights and Diversity Advisory Committees (CRDAC).   

Special Emphasis ProgramsSpecial Emphasis Programs were established to assist agencies in assuring that equal

opportunity is present in all aspects of employment and that proper action is being taken to

identify and eliminate barriers for equal employment and program delivery activities.

The purpose of Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) is to provide guidance and direction

on the establishment and administration of SEPs throughout the Department of Agriculture.

Special Emphasis Program M anagers address the unique concerns of the following individuals:

African Americans; American Indians/Alaska N atives; Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders;

persons with disabilities; Veterans; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals;

H ispanic individuals; and women in achieving diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in

employment activities.

Civil Rights and Diversity Advisory Committee Special Emphasis Programs

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University Outreach:

University of Southern California

Diversity & Inclusion

Panel DiscussionT he USDA Secretary and the Plant Protect ion and Quarantine (PPQ) Adm inistrator task and em power our m anagem ent, recruiters and civi l r ights com m ittees, with the duty to suppor t all aspects of recruitm ent, hir ing and outreach.

In collaborat ion with headquar ters and regional m anagem ent, these var ious com ponents of the PPQ workforce assist in the creation and im plem entat ion of com prehensive recruitm ent strategies, creation and applicat ion of civi l- r ights & diversit y plans and encourage PPQ safeguarding tact ics.

T his exam ple of Universit y Outreach incorporates these areas of focus to help our agency accom plish our m ission and to identify and attract highly qualified and desirable candidates in all areas of PPQ.


University Outreach:Diversity and Inclusion

"Thank you again for participating in the DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Recruiting Best Practices seminar last Thursday, April 14, 2016. It was great to have the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) represented at the panel, we received a lot of great feedback from our students."

Daisy MorenoCoordinator, On-Campus ProgramsUniversity of Southern California

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University Outreach:

Long Beach City College

Federal Careers & Hiring Authorities (VRA & VEOA)

for Military Veteran's The USDA, APH IS and the PPQ Field Offices work in tandem with the N ational Recruitment and Outreach Unit to actively engaged in workforce and succession planning. Additionally, the furtherance of diversity in PPQ has been the focus of many of our initiatives. The example above illustrates our commitment to recruitment and outreach to special populations including women, disabled persons and military veterans.

National Recruitment and Outreach Unit Vision and Mission Statements

Our VisionTo recruit and retain a highly qualified and diverse workforce for PPQ, instilling in them a sense of public service and commitment to safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources.

Our MissionTo connect PPQ management with diverse and highly qualified applicants committed to helping PPQ carry out its mission of safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources.

(Brandon R. Washington and the LBCC Veteran Student Association pictured above)

University Outreach: Federal Careers & Special Emphasis Recruiting

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USDA's "Vin Vasive" Character

Student Program s

Information on scholarships, internships, and work programs for students in high school through graduate school can be found on the APH IS Student Programs Web page.

Part of APH IS outreach activities involves engaging today's youths and helping to peak their interest in agriculture and agriculture related higher learning activities. One way to reach this goal is by promoting exciting opportunities such as the USDA AgDiscovery Program.

AgDiscovery is a summer camp outreach program to help middle through high school aged students explore careers in animal science, veterinary medicine, agribusiness, plant pathology, aquaculture, and much more.

This 2-4 week program allows participants to live on a college campus and learn about agricultural science from university professors, practicing veterinarians, industry representatives, and professionals working for the U.S. government. Students who participate in AgDiscovery gain experience through hands-on labs, workshops, field trips and other group and team building activities

High School Outreach:

Cabrillio Senior High School

Engaging Youth Stakeholders, PPQ Safeguarding and

AgDiscovery Information session

Engaging Youth Stakeholders

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APHIS understands the value of affinity groups and their ability foster and support our agency's diversity and inclusion strategy.

Many offer training and educational programs, create networking forums, host leadership conferences, and sponsor client events. We currently support over a various array of affinity groups that encompass the wide ranging cultural and ethnic and national backgrounds of our employees.

These groups provide an opportunity for our people to share concerns and feedback, and to develop professional relationships with other employees. Additionally, they help to identify opportunities for professional development and advancement to help them achieve their full potential.

"Cultural Transformation isn?t something we wait around for, it?s something we make happen"-T hom as J. V ilsack Secretary, USDA

Affinity Group Outreach:

US Veterans Initiative (501c3): Federal Hiring,

Special Hiring Authorities Info Session

National Black MBA Association (501c3): Member Engagement, Federal Hiring and PPQ

Safeguarding Information session

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I would like to extend a special "Thank You" to the organizations that have helped the USDA, APHIS and the PPQ SEPM connect, network and recruit diverse and highly qualified applicants. Your efforts have contributed to the support of our mission of safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources.

St udent Program sInformation on scholarships, internships, and work programs for students in high school through graduate school can be found on the APHIS Student Programs Web page.

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Created By Brandon R. Washington