usatestprep, llc

Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________ Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________ Match the term on the left with its definition on the right: Match the term on the left with its definition on the right: __ Checks And Balances A. This document was created in 1638 in colonial North America, giving structure and power to the government in a small New England colony. __ Constitution B. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others. __ Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut C. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a strong Constitution or other document. __ House Of Burgesses D. This is the system by which the main institutions of a nation's government are arranged and kept in place. It may be written down (as in the United States) or it may be unwritten (as in Great Britain). __ Liberalism E. This refers to the activities that are involved with running a government. __ Limited Government F. This is the legal notion that the power of government is limited and restrained by legal means and is not at the mercy and whims of individuals. __ Mayflower G. This was the first representative government in North America located in Virginia, but the Virginia Company had to approve any laws it passed. __ Politics H. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers be held by different groups and people. __ Rule Of Law I. This was written by Jefferson in 1786 and guaranteed freedom of religion in that colony.

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Checks And Balances A. This document was created in 1638 in colonial North America, giving structure and

power to the government in a small New England colony.

__ Constitution B. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative

branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others.

__ Fundamental Orders Of


C. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a

strong Constitution or other document.

__ House Of Burgesses D. This is the system by which the main institutions of a nation's government are arranged

and kept in place. It may be written down (as in the United States) or it may be unwritten

(as in Great Britain).

__ Liberalism E. This refers to the activities that are involved with running a government.

__ Limited Government F. This is the legal notion that the power of government is limited and restrained by legal

means and is not at the mercy and whims of individuals.

__ Mayflower G. This was the first representative government in North America located in Virginia, but

the Virginia Company had to approve any laws it passed.

__ Politics H. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers

be held by different groups and people.

__ Rule Of Law I. This was written by Jefferson in 1786 and guaranteed freedom of religion in that colony.

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__ Rule Of Man J. This was the famous ship that transported the English Separatists, better known as the

Pilgrims, from England to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

__ Separation Of Powers K. This political concept describes the political condition in which a single ruler or party

exercises absolute authority and is not bound by any law.

__ Virginia Statute Of

Religious Freedom

L. This is the political philosophy that stresses the importance of individual rights, liberty,

many of the freedoms found in the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Page 3: USATestprep, LLC

Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Alien A. This is a community member, by birth or by naturalization, who owes loyalty to the

government and is entitled to the government's protection.

__ Citizen B. This is the name given to the identification document that allows a person to enter

lawfully into and work in the United States.

__ Civil Liberties C. This refers to a person who lives in an area and can be either a citizen or a non-citizen.

__ Civil Rights D. This is a political theory that individuals have privileges that no government can deny.

__ Green Card E. This is the name/title given to the sentence, written in 1892, that is an expression of

loyalty to the United States.

__ Immigration F. This is a person who is not a citizen of the state in which they reside and may be there

for a short or long period of time.

__ Natural Rights G. This is the process by which one becomes a citizen of a country if that person was not

born in that country.

__ Naturalization H. This is the movement of people into a new country or political unit, resulting in a change

of personal, permanent residence.

__ Pledge Of Allegiance I. This term refers to the basic rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, that are

protected from government interference.

__ Resident J. This term refers to the laws that protect citizens from undue or unwarranted government

intrusion into their lives, either personal or as an organization.

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Page 5: USATestprep, LLC

Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Civil Liberties A. This term refers to the basic rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, that are

protected from government interference.

__ Civil Rights B. This is the right to vote.

__ Duty C. This is an action or thing that citizen is required to do by law.

__ Jury Duty D. This term refers to the laws that protect citizens from undue or unwarranted government

intrusion into their lives, either personal or as an organization.

__ Responsibility E. This is something that a citizen should do but is not required to do so by law. It is an

obligation that a citizen fulfills voluntarily.

__ Selective Service Act F. This is a citizen's legal obligation to serve as a part of the body that determines the guilt

or innocence of a person accused of a crime.

__ Suffrage G. This law requires men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected

for military service and was passed by Congress in 1917.

__ Tax H. This is money that a government requires people to pay in order to fund services and

goods for all people.

Page 6: USATestprep, LLC

Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Declaration Of


A. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers

be held by different groups and people.

__ Enlightenment B. This is the name given to the famous people of the Revolutionary War era who help

create the Constitution of the United States.

__ Founding Fathers C. He was a French philosopher who developed a number of political theories in his Spirit

of the Laws.

__ John Locke D. This was an act passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, declaring

the thirteen American Colonies independent of British rule.

__ Montesquieu E. This was an 18th century intellectual movement beginning in France.

__ Natural Rights F. This is a political theory that individuals have privileges that no government can deny.

__ Separation Of Powers G. This is an agreement between the governed and the government defining and limiting

the rights and duties of each.

__ Social Contract Theory H. This was a British philosopher is widely regarded as one of the most influential of

Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism" and that the

mind was a blank slate or "tabula rasa."

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Common Sense A. This was the Great Charter of English liberty granted (under considerable duress) by King

John at Runnymede on June 15, 1215.

__ English Bill Of Rights B. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a

strong Constitution or other document.

__ King John C. Passed by English Parliament in 1689, it limited the power of the monarch, but would

later become very influential in the creation of the first 10 amendments to the U.S.


__ Limited Government D. This is the writer of Common Sense in 1776 and advocate of America's separation from

Great Britain.

__ Magna Carta E. This was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony, signed by the Pilgrims in

November of 1620.

__ Mayflower Compact F. This English monarch is alleged to be the enemy of Robin Hood, but he is best

remembered as the king who was forced to sign the Magna Carta which placed limits on

absolute rule in Britain.

__ Thomas Paine G. Written by Thomas Paine in early 1776, it said that continued American loyalty to Britain

would be absurd, and independence was the only rational thing for colonists to do.

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ American Revolution A. This was the first successful colonial independence movement against a European

power, 1775-1783.

__ Boston Massacre B. This was a political protest by Boston, Massachusetts residents in 1773 against the

British parliament led by the Sons of Liberty.

__ Boston Tea Party C. The law was passed by Parliament in May of 1773, placing a tax on a major colonial

import in order to help fund the British East India Company.

__ Declaration Of


D. This was an act passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, declaring

the thirteen American Colonies independent of British rule.

__ George III E. These were series of laws passed in response to the Boston Tea Party by the British

Parliament in 1774. Those laws included the Massachusetts Government Act,

Administration of Justice Act, Boston Port Act, and the Quartering Act. These acts are

considered a significant cause of the American Revolutionary War.

__ Intolerable Acts F. This was the ruler of Great Britain during the Seven Years' War, American Revolution, and

War of 1812.

__ Parliament G. This was an event that occurred on Monday, March 5, 1770 that helped spark the

American Revolution.

__ Quartering Act H. Law passed in 1765 requiring American Colonies to provide lodging for British troops.

__ Tea Act I. This is the name given to a legislative body- such as that in Great Britain- that is usually

led by a Prime Minister.

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__ Thomas Jefferson J. He was the third president of the United States, a founding father, an Anti-federalist, and

the author of the Declaration of Independence.

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Consent Of The


A. Complete this sentence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are ___ , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

__ Declaration Of


B. This is a political theory that individuals have privileges that no government can deny.

__ Happiness C. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a

strong Constitution or other document.

__ Liberty D. Complete this sentence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ___."

__ Life E. He was the third president of the United States, a founding father, an Anti-federalist, and

the author of the Declaration of Independence.

__ Limited Government F. This condition of democracy is found in the Declaration of Independence: "Governments

are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the ____ ___ ___ ____," meaning

that the government is based on the will of the people as expressed in elections.

__ Natural Rights G. This was an act passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, declaring

the thirteen American Colonies independent of British rule.

__ Thomas Jefferson H. Complete this sentence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, ___ and the pursuit of Happiness."

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Articles Of


A. This is the practice of having only one chamber in a legislature or a parliament.

__ Bicameral B. This is the title of the person who is the Head of State and/or Head of Government, and

is in charge of an executive branch of the government and who does not have to answer

to a legislative body.

__ Commander In Chief C. This is the upper house of the Legislative branch- at both the national and state levels-

where treaties and appointments are approved, and where impeachment trials are held.

__ Congress D. This is the term used to generally describe the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government

(House of Representatives AND Senate).

__ House Of


E. This term refers to the role of the President as the head of all of the branches of the


__ President F. The first government of the United States was based on this, which was created in 1777.

__ Senate G. This is the lower house of the Legislative branch at both the national and state levels,

and is where tax bills must originate.

__ Unicameral H. This is the practice of having two chambers in a legislature or a parliament.

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Alexander Hamilton A. This means "to approve," and is what states must do to proposed Constitutional

amendments and the Senate must do to treaties just to name a few.

__ Anti-Federalist B. This was proposed that a state should be represented according to their "Quotas of

contribution, or to the number of free inhabitant" during the Constitutional Convention

of 1787. Large states would have more influence or votes than smaller states.

__ Constitution C. This series of articles was written in 1787 urging Americans to oppose the ratification of

the proposed United States Constitution.

__ Constitutional


D. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, this deal used parts of the "Virginia" plan and

the "New Jersey" plan to create a Congress with 2 houses, one with representation based

population and one with representation being equal.

__ Electoral College E. This is the system by which the main institutions of a nation's government are arranged

and kept in place. It may be written down (as in the United States) or it may be unwritten

(as in Great Britain).

__ Federalist F. This was a 1787 meeting called by Congress to amend the Articles of the Confederation.

__ Federalist Papers G. This is the gathering of electors from each state following the Presidential election and

the group who formally casts their ballots for their party's presidential candidate.

__ George Mason H. This document provides the framework for the United States government. It consists of

three main parts: the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments.

__ George Washington I. This was an author of the Virginia Plan, considered to be the "Father of the Constitution,"

and President during the War of 1812.

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__ Great Compromise J. This colonial Virginia statesman was, along with James Madison, known as the "Father of

the Bill of Rights" for his insistence that one be added to the Constitution.

__ James Madison K. This was a series of Articles written to persuade New York to ratify the Constitution.

__ New Jersey Plan L. This was an agreement reached between Northern and Southern states during the

Constitutional Convention. It was a method of calculating the population of slaves into

the apportionment of the House of Representatives and distribution of taxes.

__ Ratify M. This plan was in response to the Virginia Plan. It proposed that each state should have

one vote for equal power between large and small states in the national government.

__ Three-fifths


N. He was our first president, father of the nation, founding father, and Commander of the

Continental Army in victory over Britain in the Revolutionary War.

__ Unconstitutional O. This early American political party was founded by Alexander Hamilton and based upon

the belief that a strong national government was critical to the survival of the nation.

__ US Constitution P. This is the term given to a law that a judicial body overturns because it violates basic or

specific rules of the government.

__ Virginia Plan Q. He was a "founding father," an author of the Federalist Papers, the first Secretary of the

Treasury, and the architect of the first fiscal plan for the United States after the

ratification of the Constitution.

Page 14: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Conservative A. This political ideology is associated with the Democratic Party in the United States.

__ Democratic B. This political ideology is associated with the Republican Party in the United States.

__ Donkey C. This political party was founded in the mid-1800s and is now associated with political

beliefs that lie to the right of center.

__ Elephant D. This political party was founded in the early 1800s and is now associated with political

beliefs that lie to the left of center.

__ Liberal E. This is a statement of a political party's beliefs and positions on many- if not most-


__ Partisan F. This animal is the unofficial mascot of the Republican Party in the United States.

__ Platform G. This term refers to any political group- other than Democrats and Republicans- that

attempts to get their candidates elected to public office.

__ Political Parties H. This is the act of being politically loyal to one political party and one party only.

__ Politics I. This animal is the unofficial symbol of the Democratic Party in the United States.

__ Republican J. This refers to the activities that are involved with running a government.

__ Third Party K. This is an organization that seeks to attain and maintain power within government

usually by participating in electoral campaigns.

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Page 16: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Native Born A. This is a second primary election between the two candidates who received the most

votes in the first primary election. This only occurs if no candidate received a majority of

the votes.

__ Platform B. This is a statement of a political party's beliefs and positions on many- if not most-


__ Politics C. This is the act of casting a ballot for a candidate of your choice in an election.

__ Popular Vote D. In most elections, the candidate that receives the most __ __ wins the elections, though

this is not necessarily the case when electing the President of the United States.

__ Runoff Primary E. This refers to the activities that are involved with running a government.

__ Thirty Five F. This is the minimum age required by the Constitution for a person to be President.

__ Voting G. In order to be President, a person must be ______ ______, 35 years of age, and 14 years a

resident of the United States.

Page 17: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Bias A. Found in the First Amendment, this is the right of the people to say things as they wish,

as long as those words do not endanger public safety or the rights of others.

__ Electorate B. This Amendment guarantees freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, & Petition.

__ Exit Poll C. This is a survey given to a sample of voters leaving selected polling places. The survey

asks how the votes were cast.

__ First D. This mascot was created in the 1940s to urge people to take precautions when using

fires in nature.

__ Freedom Of Speech E. This is a form of illegal redistricting in which a political district is redrawn for the sole

purpose of creating a constituency of a specific demographic (political party, racial

category, ethnic group, etc.)

__ Gerrymandering F. This is an unwanted influence on a sample.

__ Propaganda G. This is the body of citizens who are eligible to vote.

__ Smokey Bear H. This term refers to a method of influencing a community in favor of or against some

cause. This method of communicating often is, by definition, biased and leaves out

selective information.

Page 18: USATestprep, LLC

Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Federalism A. This is the belief that the ultimate power of the government rests on the will of the

people themselves.

__ Popular Sovereignty B. This is the absolute power of a government within its own territory.

__ Preamble C. This document provides the framework for the United States government. It consists of

three main parts: the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments.

__ Sovereignty D. This system of government has powers divided between the central government and

regional governments, with central government being supreme.

__ US Constitution E. This is the name of the introduction to the U.S. Constitution.

__ We The People F. These are the three words that start the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

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Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Civil Liberties A. This is a policy that the government's actions towards its citizens must follow

established rules and procedures.

__ Civil Rights B. This Amendment protects all Americans from the potential abuses of the legal system

and guarantees the "due process of law."

__ Due Process C. This is a political theory that individuals have privileges that no government can deny.

__ Eighth D. This Amendment states that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of

a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

__ Fifth E. This term refers to the basic rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, that are

protected from government interference.

__ First F. This is one of the post-Civil War amendments to the US Constitution that includes the

Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.

__ Fourteenth Amendment G. This Amendment prevents unreasonable searches and seizures of Americans.

__ Fourth H. This Amendment forbids "cruel and unusual" punishment and prohibits excessive bail

and fines.

__ Natural Rights I. This Amendment guarantees freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, & Petition.

__ Second J. This term refers to the laws that protect citizens from undue or unwarranted government

intrusion into their lives, either personal or as an organization.

Page 20: USATestprep, LLC

Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Checks And Balances A. This is the branch of government that creates and makes laws.

__ Congress B. This is the branch of government that is responsible for interpreting what the law means.

__ Executive C. This is the title of the person who is the Head of State and/or Head of Government, and

is in charge of an executive branch of the government and who does not have to answer

to a legislative body.

__ Judicial D. This is the branch of government that is responsible for carrying out the laws.

__ Law E. This is the term used to generally describe the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government

(House of Representatives AND Senate).

__ Legislative F. This is the name for a set of rules that a government creates for the citizens that live


__ President G. This court has appellate jurisdiction and limited original jurisdiction; this court is the

final court of appeals.

__ Supreme Court H. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative

branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Bill A. This is the term for a tactic in which a Senator attempts to delay a vote on a bill by

talking continuously, refusing to "yield the floor' to other Senators.

__ Conference Committee B. This is a type of committee that is found in both houses of Congress and are permanent

panels in every session.

__ Congress C. This is the name for a set of rules that a government creates for the citizens that live


__ Filibuster D. This is a plan that outlines how the state government should be organized.

__ General Assembly E. This is the presiding officer of the Senate who is from the majority party and who serves

as the leader when the Vice-President of the United States is absent.

__ Law F. This only forms when the Senate and House of Representatives pass different versions of

the same bill; members of both houses meet to work out the differences.

__ President Pro Tempore G. The ____ ____ makes up a state's legislative branch and is responsible for making the laws

of the state.

__ Rider H. In Congress, this is a provision added on to a bill that has little or nothing to do with the

original bill.

__ Speaker Of The House I. This is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives and is chosen from the

majority party in the House.

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__ Standing Committee J. This is the term used to generally describe the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government

(House of Representatives AND Senate).

__ State Constitution K. This is name for a piece of legislation that is being considered and debated before a

legislative body.

Page 23: USATestprep, LLC

Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Article I A. Also known as the "elastic clause," this Constitutional clause gives Congress the ability to

make laws and/or address issues that are not specifically mentioned in the U.S.


__ Article II B. This is the upper house of the Legislative branch- at both the national and state levels-

where treaties and appointments are approved, and where impeachment trials are held.

__ Article III C. This is the branch of government that is responsible for carrying out the laws.

__ Elastic Clause D. This is a statement in the U.S. Constitution granting Congress the power to pass all laws

necessary and proper for carrying out the enumerated list of powers.

__ Executive E. This is the branch of government that is responsible for interpreting what the law means.

__ Judicial F. This article of the Constitution deals with the Executive Branch, including Presidential

qualifications and impeachment proceedings.

__ Legislative G. This portion of the Constitution outlines the powers of the Legislative Branch of the

Federal government.

__ Necessary And Proper H. This portion of the U.S. Constitution deals exclusively with the establishment and

powers of the Judicial Branch of government.

__ Senate I. This document provides the framework for the United States government. It consists of

three main parts: the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments.

__ US Constitution J. This is the branch of government that creates and makes laws.

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Page 25: USATestprep, LLC

Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Bill Of Rights A. This Amendment states that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of

a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

__ Fifth B. This amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits a President to two terms in office.

__ First C. This amendment guarantees the right to a jury trial in civil cases.

__ Fourteenth Amendment D. This Amendment states that the "powers not delegated to the United States by the

Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or

to the people."

__ Freedom Of Assembly E. This is one of the post-Civil War amendments to the US Constitution that includes the

Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.

__ Freedom Of Speech F. This Amendment protects all Americans from the potential abuses of the legal system

and guarantees the "due process of law."

__ Ninth G. This Amendment has been interpreted to mean that rights listed in the Constitution are

not the only rights Americans can enjoy.

__ Second H. This Amendment guarantees freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, & Petition.

__ Seventh I. Found in the First Amendment, this is the right of the people to say things as they wish,

as long as those words do not endanger public safety or the rights of others.

__ Sixth J. This Amendment grants additional due process rights to persons accused of crimes. For

example, it guarantees the right to a jury trial.

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__ Tenth K. This part of the First Amendment guarantees your right to gather with other people to

express your common interests or opinions.

__ Third L. This amendment prevents the government from quartering soldiers in a person's home

without the consent of the homeowner.

__ Twenty-second M. These are the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and were created to protect

the individual from abuse of power by the national government.

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Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Civil Liberties A. This is an illegal form of printing (newspaper, magazines, or internet) in which false

statements are made about a person or group, resulting in damage to that person or

group's image or reputation.

__ Civil Rights B. This is the right to vote.

__ Eighth C. This is a form of protest in which people- usually holding signs- gather outside an

establishment to dissuade others from doing business there.

__ First D. This is an illegal form of speech in which false statements are made about a person or

group, resulting in damage to that person or group's image or reputation.

__ Libel E. This term refers to the basic rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, that are

protected from government interference.

__ Picket F. This Amendment forbids "cruel and unusual" punishment and prohibits excessive bail

and fines.

__ Poll Tax G. This Amendment guarantees freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, & Petition.

__ Slander H. This payment was meant to keep certain groups of people (mainly former slaves and

African-Americans) from being allowed to vote.

__ Suffrage I. This term refers to the laws that protect citizens from undue or unwarranted government

intrusion into their lives, either personal or as an organization.

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Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ 24th Amendment A. This is the right to vote.

__ 26th Amendment B. This is the amendment added to the Constitution that ended slavery.

__ Fourteenth Amendment C. This amendment, ratified in 1964, forbids the national and state governments from

charging a poll tax in order to vote in any election.

__ Grandfather Clause D. This Reconstruction era policy gave voting rights only to people whose grandfathers had

been legally allowed to vote, thus excluded freedmen from voting.

__ Literacy Test E. This is one of the post-Civil War amendments to the US Constitution that includes the

Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.

__ Nineteenth F. This was a movement to give females the right to vote.

__ Poll Tax G. This amendment to the constitution allowed citizens 18 years and older to vote.

__ Slavery H. This was administered to poor blacks in order to attempt to keep them from voting in

many parts of the American south for close to 100 years following the Civil War.

__ Suffrage I. This is the term used to describe a system of forced labor in which a person is considered

to be the property of another person.

__ Thirteenth Amendment J. This payment was meant to keep certain groups of people (mainly former slaves and

African-Americans) from being allowed to vote.

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__ Women's Suffrage K. This amendment guaranteed that all women in the United States would have the right to


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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Civil Law A. This is a type of criminal charge that, while illegal, is generally considered less serious.

These can include things like trespassing, public intoxication, and vandalism.

__ Constitutional Law B. This is the body of law that codifies what a state defines as legal and/or illegal as well as

the punishments for the violations of the laws.

__ Criminal Law C. This is the name for the type of law that deals exclusively with the document that acts as

the source of power in the United States government.

__ Defendant D. This is the term used for a lawyer who argues for the conviction of a defendant in a

criminal case.

__ Indictment E. This is when a person is formally charged (by a grand jury) with committing a crime.

__ Military Law F. This refers to the process of a person admitting to guilt in a criminal or civil case, often

in the hopes of receiving a lesser punishment.

__ Misdemeanor G. This is the person or party who is charged with criminal or civil wrong-doing.

__ Plaintiff H. This is the legal term for a person who initiates a lawsuit against another person for

neglectful actions or wrongdoing.

__ Plea I. This is the kind of law that deals with and governs the armed services of the United


__ Prosecutor J. This is the body of law that regulates interactions between individuals in a state.

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Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary WorksheetRoles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Brown V Board Of


A. This is the court case that upheld that the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-

incrimination requires law officials to advise a suspect of his rights to remain silent and

to obtain a lawyer.

__ Bush V. Gore B. This 1963 Supreme Court case ruled that states are required by the 6th Amendment to

provide legal counsel for defendants if they can not afford their own lawyer.

__ Gideon V. Wainwright C. This Supreme Court case, decided in 1969, more clearly defined the rights of public

school students, holding that students have a right to free speech and action as long as

the learning environment is not disrupted.

__ Hazelwood V Kuhlmeier D. This was a U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the legality of racial segregation

so long as facilities were "separate but equal."

__ In Re Gault E. This Supreme Court decision from 2000 resolved the dispute between the two

candidates in the contested Presidential Election of 2000.

__ Marbury V Madison F. This was the first decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to declare an act of

Congress unconstitutional, thus establishing the doctrine of judicial review.

__ Miranda V Arizona G. This 1967 Supreme Court ruling held that juveniles accused of delinquent acts have

many of the same rights afforded to adults under the 6th and 14th Amendments.

__ Plessy V. Ferguson H. This 1988 Supreme Court decision held that school newspapers are subject to more

official oversight and "free speech" limitations than other newspapers.

__ Tinker V. Des Moines I. This 1974 Supreme Court case held that executive privilege may not be invoked to deny

the courts access to evidence needed in a criminal proceeding.

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__ United States V. Nixon J. This Supreme Court case, decided in 1954, declared that the segregation doctrine of

"separate but equal," was not Constitutional when applied to the public school system.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Cabinet A. This is the branch of government that creates and makes laws.

__ Checks And Balances B. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers

be held by different groups and people.

__ Concurrent Powers C. This refers to the level of government responsible for printing money, funding the U.S.

Armed Services, and much more.

__ Delegated Powers D. Powers specifically given to the government by the Constitution.

__ Exclusive Powers E. This is the presiding officer of the Senate who is from the majority party and who serves

as the leader when the Vice-President of the United States is absent.

__ Executive F. This system of government has powers divided between the central government and

regional governments, with central government being supreme.

__ Federal Government G. This is the branch of government that is responsible for carrying out the laws.

__ Federalism H. This refers to the level of government responsible for things like police and fire

protection, and is led by a mayor or council.

__ Implied Powers I. In a legislative body, this is the person who is usually the floor leader of the political

party with the most representation within the legislature.

__ Judicial J. These are powers that are held for the states to execute, not for the federal government.

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__ Legislative K. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a

strong Constitution or other document.

__ Limited Government L. In a legislative body, this is the person who is usually the floor leader of the political

party that does not have the most representation within the legislative body.

__ Local Government M. Powers that are held by both the federal and state governments.

__ Majority Leader N. This is the name given to a member of a legislative body whose job is make sure his

political party stays unified when debating and voting on bills.

__ Minority Leader O. This is the branch of government that is responsible for interpreting what the law


__ President Pro Tempore P. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative

branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others.

__ Reserved Powers Q. This is the power of the executive to prevent a bill from passing.

__ Separation Of Powers R. These are powers that can only be executed by the federal government.

__ Veto S. This governmental position is both a member of the Executive Branch and is also the

Constitutional leader of the U.S. Senate.

__ Vice President T. Powers that are not expressed but that the government may be inferred to have from

another power.

__ Whip U. This is a group of presidential advisers that includes the heads of the executive


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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Articles A. This is the title of the person that enforces the state's laws, grants pardons to accused or

convicted people, and appoints officers in the government.

__ Bicameral B. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers

be held by different groups and people.

__ Checks And Balances C. This is the system by which the main institutions of a nation's government are arranged

and kept in place. It may be written down (as in the United States) or it may be unwritten

(as in Great Britain).

__ Constitution D. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative

branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others.

__ Due Process E. The United States Constitution- and state constitutions- are divided into these sections.

__ Governor F. This is the title of the person who is the Head of State and/or Head of Government, and

is in charge of an executive branch of the government and who does not have to answer

to a legislative body.

__ President G. This is a policy that the government's actions towards its citizens must follow

established rules and procedures.

__ Separation Of Powers H. This is the practice of having two chambers in a legislature or a parliament.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Communism A. This is an economic system where the government controls the major means of

production but property and other businesses may be privately owned.

__ Democracy B. This is an economic system proposed by Karl Marx in which all means of production are

owned by the proletariat, but are controlled by the government when practiced by

countries such as the Soviet Union and China.

__ Direct Democracy C. This is a system of government in which the people participate directly in making all

public policy.

__ King D. This means "rule by a small group" and describes the system of government employed by

Ancient Sparta.

__ Monarchy E. This term is given to a male monarch who is the supreme ruler of a country.

__ Oligarchy F. This is a form of government in which citizens elect leaders to run the government.

__ Representative


G. In this type of government, political and governmental power is held by the citizens of

the country.

__ Republic H. This is the form of government with one ruler, such as a king or queen.

__ Socialism I. This is a type of government in which the people give elected officials the authority to

make laws and conduct government business.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Amendment Process A. This is the term used to generally describe the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government

(House of Representatives AND Senate).

__ Congress B. This is a method by which the Constitution may be changed or added to.

__ House Of


C. This is the upper house of the Legislative branch- at both the national and state levels-

where treaties and appointments are approved, and where impeachment trials are held.

__ Ratify D. This means "to approve," and is what states must do to proposed Constitutional

amendments and the Senate must do to treaties just to name a few.

__ Senate E. This document provides the framework for the United States government. It consists of

three main parts: the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments.

__ Unconstitutional F. This is the term given to a law that a judicial body overturns because it violates basic or

specific rules of the government.

__ US Constitution G. This is the lower house of the Legislative branch at both the national and state levels,

and is where tax bills must originate.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Appellate Jurisdiction A. This court has appellate jurisdiction and limited original jurisdiction; this court is the

final court of appeals.

__ Article III B. This is the branch of government that is responsible for interpreting what the law means.

__ Concurring Opinion C. This is the name given to the written decision of a case that has been agreed to by more

than half of the Supreme Court.

__ Dissenting Opinion D. This refers to the final verdict of a criminal case in which every member of the jury as

decided to convict the accused.

__ Guilty E. This is the term given to a law that a judicial body overturns because it violates basic or

specific rules of the government.

__ Judicial F. This is the authority of a court to hear or review a case after it has been decided at a

lower court level.

__ Judicial Jurisdiction G. This is the authority of a court to hear and try a case.

__ Judicial Review H. This is the power of a court to review a law or an official act of a government employee

or agent for constitutionality or for the violation of basic principles of justice.

__ Majority Opinion I. This is the name given to a written decision by Supreme Court Justices that, while they

agree with the final outcome of the case, they do not agree with the reasoning behind the

final outcome.

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__ Original Jurisdiction J. These are national courts of appellate jurisdiction; they review decisions made in the

lower district courts.

__ State Supreme Court K. This portion of the U.S. Constitution deals exclusively with the establishment and powers

of the Judicial Branch of government.

__ Supreme Court L. This is the name given to the written decision of a case authored by Justices of the

Supreme Court that did not agree with the final decision.

__ U.S. Court Of Appeals M. This group is the highest court with in the boundaries of a state in the U.S.

__ U.S. District Courts N. This is the authority of a court to hear a case for the first time.

__ Unconstitutional O. These are the federal courts of original jurisdiction; trials are held and lawsuits are

begun in these courts.

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Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Confederal A. This is the name given to the most senior member of the majority party in a

parliamentary system.

__ Confederation B. This is a form of government in which the member regions form a loose association in

order to create a nation, but by law they have more power than the national government.

__ Federal Government C. This is a type of government in which a group of individual states are united under a

strong, central government.

__ Federation D. This refers to the level of government responsible for things like police and fire

protection, and is led by a mayor or council.

__ Local Government E. This refers to the level of government responsible for printing money, funding the U.S.

Armed Services, and much more.

__ Parliament F. This is the title of the person who is the Head of State and/or Head of Government, and

is in charge of an executive branch of the government and who does not have to answer

to a legislative body.

__ Parliamentary


G. In this type of government, there is no clear-cut separation of powers between the

legislative and executive branches, though the legislative has most of the governmental


__ President H. A group of provinces or states that come together under a common constitution. They

differ from a federation in that they retain specific state or provincial rights.

__ Presidential Democracy I. In this type of government, the institutions of the state are governed as a single unit, with

one constitutionally created legislature.

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__ Prime Minister J. In this type of government, the elected head of the executive branch acts independently

of the legislative and judicial branches.

__ Unitary State K. This is the name given to a legislative body- such as that in Great Britain- that is usually

led by a Prime Minister.

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Origins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrigins and Purposes of Law & Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ Checks And Balances A. This is the branch of government that is responsible for interpreting what the law means.

__ Executive B. This is the system of overlapping powers among judicial, executive, and legislative

branches to allow each branch to oversee the actions of the others.

__ Judicial C. This document provides the framework for the United States government. It consists of

three main parts: the Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments.

__ Legislative D. This is the branch of government that is responsible for carrying out the laws.

__ Limited Government E. This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers be

held by different groups and people.

__ Separation Of Powers F. This is the branch of government that creates and makes laws.

__ US Constitution G. This is a form of government in which the power to rule is significantly restrained by a

strong Constitution or other document.

Page 43: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ AARP A. This is a non-profit special interest group whose mission is to defend the rights and

liberties of individuals" in the United States.

__ ACLU B. This communication medium became popular in the early-Twentieth Century, providing

people with both information and entertainment.

__ Grassroots C. This information-sharing network began to evolve in the mid-Twentieth Century as a

United States Government project to help the military communicate better, though now

it can be used by everyone to read news, play games, and stay in touch with each other.

__ Interest Group D. These are actions of an interest group or agents to influence the policy of the


__ Internet E. This is the name given to organizations who attempt to affect the political process by

informing and influencing members the government to pass or block passage of laws.

__ Lobbying F. This is a political organization within a business or industry that is legally allowed to

raise money for candidates who favor or are sympathetic to the groups cause(s).

__ Lobbyist G. This is the name given to a person who tries to influence legislation on the behalf of a

special interest group.

__ Mass Media H. This is a general term that is used to describe all forms of communication.

__ Media I. This is the non-profit special interest group whose mission is to protect the rights,

benefits, and services designed for people above the age of 50 years.

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__ National Rifle


J. This name is given to political or social movement that attempts to mobilize its

supporters on a widespread level, using local members or teams to organize its members

__ PAC K. This is telecommunications medium, which became popular in the mid-1900s, sends

audio and video, usually into individual homes.

__ Radio L. This is the name of the non-profit special interest group who attempts to uphold the

Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

__ Television M. This is communication by the media on a large scale.

Page 45: USATestprep, LLC

Organization & Function of Government Vocabulary WorksheetOrganization & Function of Government Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ County A. This is a tax on goods and services, a percentage of the retail price.

__ Federalism B. This is a tool of local governments in which certain areas of the community are set aside

for a specific purpose (industrial, residential, commercial, etc.).

__ Income Tax C. This is the primary use of tax revenue in many states, examples include schools, roads,

fire-fighters and law enforcement officers.

__ Incorporation D. This is the title of the chief executive of most towns and cities.

__ Mayor E. This tax is locally assessed, varies according to the worth of land and goods on it, and

generally funds things like public schools.

__ Property F. This person can be thought of as the official "accountant" of a city or county.

__ Public Services G. This system of government has powers divided between the central government and

regional governments, with central government being supreme.

__ Revenue H. This is a spatial division that is larger than a town or city that is found within a state.

__ Sales Tax I. This Amendment states that the "powers not delegated to the United States by the

Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or

to the people."

__ Tax Commissioner J. This term refers to the process by which the Bill of Rights is and can be applied to the

individual states of the United States.

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__ Tenth K. This is the total amount of money that is brought into a company or government by its

business activities or taxation policies.

__ Zoning L. This is a tax levied on net personal or business income.

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Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ AARP A. This is the name of the non-profit special interest group who attempts to uphold the

Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

__ Apathy B. This political party was founded in the mid-1800s and is now associated with political

beliefs that lie to the right of center.

__ Compulsory Voting C. This is the name given to organizations who attempt to affect the political process by

informing and influencing members the government to pass or block passage of laws.

__ Conservative D. This is the name given to a person who tries to influence legislation on the behalf of a

special interest group.

__ Democratic E. This term refers to the process of taking away the right to vote from people who would

normally enjoy that right.

__ Disfranchisement F. This political party was founded in the early 1800s and is now associated with political

beliefs that lie to the left of center.

__ Interest Group G. This is the right to vote.

__ Liberal H. This political ideology is associated with the Republican Party in the United States.

__ Lobbyist I. This means "not caring" and it is the most common reason why people do not vote in


__ National Rifle


J. This political ideology is associated with the Democratic Party in the United States.

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__ Republican K. This is part of a political system in which casting a ballot in an election is required by


__ Suffrage L. This is the non-profit special interest group whose mission is to protect the rights,

benefits, and services designed for people above the age of 50 years.

Page 49: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ International Court Of


A. This organization began in the mid-19th century to provide independent relief to anyone

needing it, but it also helps collect blood for those in medical need.

__ NAFTA B. This is an international organization- made up of most every country- created following

World War II to provide a way to negotiate disputes.

__ NATO C. This international judicial organization is part of the United Nations and is meant to

settle disputes and legal conflicts between countries.

__ Red Cross D. This is an international organization that was formed to supervise international trade

and break down barriers to trade.

__ UNICEF E. This is an agreement signed in 1992 and put into effect in 1994 was created to reduce

tariffs between the United States, Canada, and Mexico

__ United Nations F. This is an international organization created by the U.S. and its allies in 1949 to prevent

attacks by the Soviet Union.

__ WTO G. This acronym refers to the program sponsored by the United Nations to provide long-

term humanitarian care and developmental assistance to mothers and children living in

developing nations.

Page 50: USATestprep, LLC

Government Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary WorksheetGovernment Policies & Political Processes Vocabulary Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________ Date: _________Teacher Name: Amaryllis Amarante Score: _________

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:

__ 38th Parallel A. This is the U.S. Naval base attacked by the Japanese in 1941 that brought the U.S. into


__ Al Qaeda B. This is a place that is divided in half by Communist control in the North and non-

Communists in the South.

__ Bay Of Pigs C. This was a pair of alleged attacks by North Vietnamese gunboats on two American

destroyers in 1964.

__ Brinkmanship D. This was a name given to the relations between the U.S. & the Soviet Union in the

second half of the 20th century which saw the buildup of nuclear arms.

__ Cold War E. This was the content of a speech given by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson describing his

plan for European reconstruction after WWI.

__ Cuban Missile Crisis F. This is a terrorist group responsible for the September 11 attacks on the U.S. They were

founded by Osama bin Laden.

__ Demilitarized Zone G. This line of latitude separates communist North Korea and the U.S.- backed Republic of


__ Fourteen Points H. The international conflict lasted from 1914 until 1918.

__ Homeland Security I. During the Vietnam War, this was the name of the guerrilla group that fought the United

States and South Vietnam on behalf of North Vietnam.

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__ Korea J. This is the practice of threatening an enemy with massive military retaliation for any


__ Korean War K. He was 28th President of the United States; led the United States in World War I and

secured the formation of the League of Nations.

__ League Of Nations L. This was a national conflict in an Asian country aided by Russia in the North and the U.S.

in the South (1950-1953).

__ Osama Bin Laden M. This Southeast Asian country was once a French colony, was split by war from 1954 to

1975, and currently exists as a unified, socialist state.

__ Pearl Harbor N. This conflict was fought between the Democratic Republic of this country- and its

Communist allies- and the Republic of this country and it's allies, namely the United


__ Persian Gulf War O. This was the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro

by Cuban exiles. It was funded by the US in 1961.

__ Saddam Hussein P. He was President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. He was in power during the Persian Gulf

War and repressed independence movements of groups within Iraq.

__ September 11 Q. This was a confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States over nuclear

missiles the Soviets had allegedly deployed to Cuba.

__ Strategic Defense


R. This Saudi Arabian man was the organizer of the September 11th attacks and was the

head of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

__ Tonkin Gulf Incident S. This was a conflict in 1990-1991 between Iraq and the US-led coalition forces to liberate

Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion.

__ Treaty Of Versailles T. This is the name given to the strip of land that runs roughly along the 38th Parallel in

Asia and serves as the dividing line between North Korea and South Korea.

__ Vietcong U. This Cabinet-level Federal agency was created in 2002 in the wake of the September 11

attacks and is charged with protecting the country from future terrorist attacks and

providing aid after natural disasters.

__ Vietnam V. This was an international agreement signed in 1919 that ended WWI.

__ Vietnam War W. A system proposed by U.S. President Reagan to use ground- and space-based systems to

protect the U.S. from strategic nuclear ballistic missiles.

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__ Woodrow Wilson X. This was the series of organized terrorist attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda by

suicide commercial plane crashes in New York City, Arlington, Va and Pennsylvania.

__ World War I Y. This is an international organization whose goals included disarmament; preventing war

through collective security; settling disputes between countries through negotiation and

diplomacy and improving global welfare, it was to be formed after World War I.