usac redundant telecom circuits service and voip calling

Available for Public Use Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP) COVER PAGE USAC Redundant Telecom Circuits Service and VoIP Calling and Toll Free Calling Services SOLICITATION INFORMATION: Method of Solicitation: Request for Proposal (RFP) Award Effective Date: TBD Contract Period of Performance: TBD Solicitation Number: IT-19-015 Solicitation Issue Date: July 29, 2021 Offer Due Date: August 30, 2021 by 11:00 am ET CONTRACT TO BE ISSUED BY: Universal Service Administrative Co. 700 12 th Street, NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 CONTACT INFORMATION USAC CONTACT INFORMATION OFFEROR CONTACT INFORMATION Ecatarina Grant Senior Procurement Specialist P: 202-772-4529 E: [email protected] (complete) Name: _______________________________ POC: ________________________________ POC Title: ___________________________ POC Phone: __________________________ POC Email: __________________________ Address: _____________________________ OFFEROR SIGNATURE _________________________________ _______________________ Name and Title Date

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Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


USAC Redundant Telecom Circuits Service and VoIP

Calling and Toll Free Calling Services


Method of Solicitation: Request for Proposal (RFP)

Award Effective Date: TBD

Contract Period of Performance: TBD

Solicitation Number: IT-19-015

Solicitation Issue Date: July 29, 2021

Offer Due Date: August 30, 2021 by 11:00 am ET


Universal Service Administrative Co.

700 12th Street, NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20005



Ecatarina Grant

Senior Procurement Specialist

P: 202-772-4529

E: [email protected]


Name: _______________________________

POC: ________________________________

POC Title: ___________________________

POC Phone: __________________________

POC Email: __________________________

Address: _____________________________


_________________________________ _______________________

Name and Title Date

Available for Public Use

Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)



About Us and the Work

I. Overview of the Project

USAC is seeking a contractor to provide redundant telecom circuits and associated services.

II. Background

Through its administration of the Universal Service Fund (“USF”) programs on behalf of the

Federal Communication Commission (“FCC”), USAC works to promote the availability of

quality services at just, reasonable and affordable rates and to increase access to advanced

telecommunications services throughout the nation. Specifically, the USF programs provide

funding for the expansion of telecommunications and broadband access to rural communities and

health care facilities, schools and libraries across the country, and low income households.

Through program administration, auditing, and outreach, USAC works with contributors, service

providers, and program beneficiaries to achieve the program goals articulated by the FCC for

each of these programs.

The FCC has reformed the USF to support further investment in and access to evolving

broadband infrastructure, making the programs a primary vehicle to support this critical national

priority. USAC, as the administrator of the USF, plays a critical role in supporting the ambitious

vision to ensure that all citizens in the United States have access to high-speed broadband. The

organization has approximately 500 employees. USAC works in close partnership with the FCC

and other federal and state partners to support the achievement of the USF program goals.

USAC also administers the USF programs—High Cost, Lifeline, Rural Health Care, and Schools

and Libraries. USAC strives to provide efficient, responsible stewardship of the programs, a key

national asset in making important telecommunications and Internet services available to

consumers, health care providers, schools, and libraries throughout the United States. The

program divisions are supported by additional USAC personnel in Finance, General Counsel,

Information Systems, Internal Audit, the Enterprise Program Management Office and Human


Consistent with FCC rules, USAC does not make policy for or interpret unclear provisions of

statutes or the FCC’s rules. Universal service is paid for by contributions from

telecommunications carriers, including wireline and wireless companies, and interconnected

Voice over Internet Protocol providers, including cable companies that provide voice service,

based on an assessment of their interstate and international end- user revenues. These

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


contributions are most typically passed through to consumers through a universal service fee line

item on their telephone bills.

High Cost Program

The High Cost Program is dedicated to preserving and advancing voice and broadband service,

both fixed and mobile, in rural areas of the United States. The High Cost Program ensures that

rates for broadband and voice services are reasonably comparable in every region of the U.S.

Like all USF programs, the administration of the High Cost Program has undergone significant

modernization in the last several years to increase innovation and ensure beneficiaries have

access to updated technology. USAC is leveraging the new High Cost Universal Broadband

Portal (“HUBB”), which allows Carriers participating in modernized Connect America programs

to file deployment data showing where they are building out mass-market, high- speed internet

service by precise location. This information includes latitude and longitude coordinates for

every location where service is available, and USAC will eventually display this information on

a public-facing map to show the impact of Connect America funding on broadband expansion

throughout rural America.

Low-Income (Lifeline) Program

The Lifeline Program provides a monthly discount on landline or wireless phone service to

eligible low- income households. USAC works to ensure program integrity by making

measurable and vital progress towards reducing program inefficiencies and waste while

supporting the needs of Lifeline Program stakeholders through a detailed understanding of their

challenges. To combat fraud, waste, and abuse, USAC reviews processes regularly to increase

compliance, identify avenues for operational improvements, and refine program controls, such as

audit processes. USAC has focused on data analytics to improve customer service and outreach

approaches and increase the reach and effectiveness of the program to better serve service

providers and subscribers. USAC is in the process of building the National Verifier, which will

include the national Lifeline Eligibility Database to determine subscriber eligibility. USAC also

operates the National Lifeline Accountability Database (“NLAD”) which prevents duplicate

scribers from receiving support in the Lifeline program.

Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program

The Schools and Libraries program helps schools and libraries obtain high-speed Internet access

and telecommunications at affordable rates. Recent E-rate Modernization Reform efforts

focused on broadband to and within schools and libraries to support a modern and dynamic

learning environment for all students. In support of improved program outcomes, USAC is

completing the E-rate Productivity Center (“EPC”) which enables electronic participation in the

reformed Schools and Libraries Program. E-rate program funding helps ensure connectivity for

schools and libraries across the country. USAC is investing in new tools and data analytics

capabilities to support the success of the program in alignment with the FCC’s goals.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


Rural Health Care (RHC) Program

The Rural Health Care Program supports health care facilities in bringing medical care to rural

areas through increased connectivity. The Rural Health Care Program provides reduced rates for

broadband and telecommunications services via the Healthcare Connect Fund Program and

Telecommunications Program. These telecommunications and broadband services are necessary

to support telemedicine and allow cutting edge solutions and treatments to be accessible to

Americans residing in rural areas.

Additional information on USAC programs can be found at: are/default.aspx

III. Goals

USAC Information Technology requires services from a telecom vendor as follows:

A. VPN Service Components:

1. VPN Transport


3. Managed CPE

4. Non-Recurring Charges

5. 1800 – VoIP

B. Ethernet Access from our headquartered location to our backup colocation site. (located

in Ashburn, VA)

C. VoIP calling and Toll Free calling

1. Common billable elements including but not limited to off net charges and non-us

terminated off-net calling.

2. All elements of the calling plan

3. All underlying transport services support charges including but not limited to help

desk support, equipment setup and call change charges.

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Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)



Requirements and Scope of Work


USAC is seeking a contractor to provide redundant telecom circuits and associated services.


The contract to be awarded to the selected Contractor pursuant to this RFP will be a firm

fixed price single-award contract (“Contract”). The firm fixed price for the work (total

project and all line items) is to be set forth in Attachment 1 to the Contractor Response to

the RFP. The firm fixed price is to include all direct and indirect costs set forth in this

Section B, including equipment, product support, supplies, general and administrative

expenses, overhead, materials, travel, labor, taxes (including use and sales taxes), shipping,

and profit. USAC will not reimburse Contractor for any travel-related expenses.


The term of the Contract shall be forty-two (42) months. The term of the Contract shall

commence on the Effective Date on which the Contract is signed.


A. All required Contract services must be performed within the United States at the Contractor

site, or USAC Corporate Headquarters as needed.

B. A Contract kick-off meeting will be held at USAC’s headquarters at 700 12th Street NW,

Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005 (“USAC Headquarters”). Status and other meetings may

be held telephonically or in person, at USAC’s discretion. USAC will NOT reimburse

Contractor for any travel related expenses for kick-off, status, and other meetings.

C. Services requiring work at USAC Headquarters, will include appropriate work space and

appropriate access to USAC’s computer network. No hardware will be provided. NOTE:

Contractor personnel requiring access to USAC IT Systems will be required to sign

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


USAC’s IT Security Rules of Behavior Form and complete mandatory IT Security and

Privacy Awareness Online Training. Contractor may be required to complete Role-

Based Privacy Act Training if accessing USAC information systems designated as

Federal systems of record.

D. Status update meetings and other meetings may be held onsite or virtually, except to the

extent that USAC or the Contractor requires in-person presence. While attending USAC

Headquarters for meetings, Contractor staff will be considered as visitors. All visitors are

required to complete USAC’s Visitor Form, USAC Visitor Form, and wear a badge while on

premises. The Contract kick-off meeting and all in-person meetings will be held at USAC

Headquarters or other reasonable locations designated by USAC.


A. Contractor shall begin performance of Advisory Services no later than five (5) calendar days

following the project kick-off meeting (see section B.VII.A.1 below). During the project

kick-off meeting the Contractor will establish a project plan to be approved by the USAC

Executive Sponsor.

The Contractor shall provide the following services:

All deliverables its elements and appendices, are considered Confidential Information (see Section

C.XXVI) and are the sole property of USAC. USAC may use and disclose the deliverables in its

sole discretion. Each document deliverable shall be submitted in an acceptable electronic

unprotected format, using Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Project Professional,

PDF, or any other format that is mutually agreed upon by USAC and Contractor.


Contractor shall provide the following services and deliverables in accordance with terms set

forth below and in Section C of this RFP:

A. Deliverables Overview and Submission Requirements: Contractor shall provide the

following consistent with support services offered to previous clients:

1. Redundant Telecom Circuits Services

a. VPN Service Component

1. VPN Transport

a. Connection – MPLS Port – 1G

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


b. Connection – ALL VNIC Components

c. Connection – All other connections

d. COS Package

e. All other VPN Transport

2. VPN (Virtual Private Network) DSL

3. Managed CPE (Customer Premesis Equipment Router)

a. MPLS Port Activation

b. MPLS CoS Activation

c. MPLS Managed Router Activation

4. 1-800 to VoIP

a. This will allow ease of management through USAC if any

redirects are requested.

b. Ethernet Access

1. Location One: 700 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005

a. AVPN Ethernet Access 1000Mbps

2. Location Two: 21691 Filigree Court, Ashburn, VA 20147

a. AVPN Ethernet Access 1000Mbps

2. VoIP Calling and Toll Free Calling

a. Common Billable Elements

1. US Off-Net Calling Charges

2. Non-US Terminated Off-Net Calling

b. Calling Plan

1. Calling Plan Setup Fee

2. Calling Plan Charge

3. Toll Free Calling Plan

4. Telephone Number Charge

c. Underlying Transport Services Support Charges

1. VoIP Module Card (if applicable)

2. Help Desk Service

3. Equipment Setup

4. VQM Charge

5. VoIP Adapter – TDM

6. VoIP Adapter Functionality

7. Concurrent Call Change Charge


A. Meetings.

1. Project Kick-Off Meeting.

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a. Within five (5) business days of the Contract start date, the Contractor shall initiate

work on this Contract by meeting with key USAC representatives to ensure a common

understanding of the requirements, expectations, and ultimate end products. The

Contractor shall discuss the overall understanding of the project and review the

background information and materials provided by USAC.

b. Discussions will also include the scope of work, deliverables to be produced, how the

efforts will be organized and how the project will be conducted.

2.Accessibility. Key personnel must be accessible via telephone or email during

standard business hours, Monday through Friday (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM ET).

Key Personnel. The Contractor shall provide staffing for the sample labor categories below, or

the Contractor may propose other labor categories in its proposal submission. Any additional

labor categories must include the associated labor hour bill rate for each additional category

submitted as well as the experience and qualifications of the personnel to be assigned to that

labor category.

1. Program Manager. The Contractor shall designate one (1) key personnel to

oversee the project and act as the day-to-day contact for USAC. At least 10+

years of experience with project management including planning, organizing,

directing, controlling and financial management. Provides overall leadership for

project tasks and development of project deliverables. Ensures deliverables meet

project scope and project owner expectations, and provides guidance and

direction to team. Interfaces with project owners and business product owners,

oversees execution of scope of work. Responsible for the timeliness and budget

of all project tasks.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)



USAC Terms and Conditions


A. “Contractor” means the Offeror whose proposal was selected for award of the


B. “Data” means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may

be recorded, and includes, but is not limited to, technical data and Software.

C. “Deliverables” means the deliverables, goods, items, products, and material that are to

be prepared by Contractor and delivered to USAC as described in Section B.

D. “Offeror” means an entity submitting a formal proposal in response to this Solicitation.

E. “Services” means the tasks, services, functions and responsibilities described in

Section B and in the Contract issued hereunder.

F. “Software” means computer programs that allow or cause a computer to perform a

specific operation or series of operations, together with all modifications to, or

enhancements (“derivative works”) thereof.


Contractor shall only tender for acceptance Services and Deliverables that conform to the

requirements of the Contract. USAC will, following Contractor’s tender, inspect or test the

Deliverables or Services and:

(a) Accept the Services and Deliverables; or

(b) Reject the Services and Deliverables and advise Contractor of the reasons for the


If rejected, Contractor must repair, correct or replace nonconforming Deliverables or re-

perform nonconforming Services, at no increase in Contract price. If repair, correction,

replacement or re-performance by Contractor will not cure the defects or is not possible,

USAC may terminate for cause under Section C.XI, below, and, in addition to any other

remedies, may reduce the Contract price to deduct amounts for the defective work.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


Unless specified elsewhere in the Contract, title to items furnished under the Contract shall

pass to USAC upon acceptance, regardless of when or where USAC takes possession.


The contract, including the following contract documents listed in descending order of

precedence: (1) Sections A-E, including the attachments identified in Section D; and (2) any

other attachments – constitutes the entire agreement (“Contract”) between the parties with

respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous

understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. Section B and

Section C have priority and shall take precedence over any other Contract document,

including Contractor proposals that may be included as attachments to the Contract. Any

waiver of any provision of the Contract will be effective only if in writing and signed by the

party granting the waiver. The Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit

of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assignees.


The terms of the Contract shall not be modified other than in writing signed by the parties.

USAC may modify the Contract as necessary to fulfill its requirements.


A. Where to Submit Invoices. Contractor shall submit invoices electronically to

[email protected]. Additionally, Contractor shall submit an electronic invoice

to the address designated in the Contract to receive invoices.

B. Invoice Content. Invoices must include:

1. Name and address of Contractor;

2. Invoice date, number and period of performance;

3. Contract number;

4. Completed and signed copies of the Contractor Weekly Status Report and Time

Sheet by each Contractor personnel performing services on the Contract for the

time period covered by the invoice, if applicable;

5. Name and address of official to whom payment is to be sent or to notify in

event of invoice or payment issues; and

6. Any other substantiating documentation or information as reasonably required

by USAC.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


C. Invoice Submittal Date. Contractor may submit invoices for payment upon completion

and USAC’s acceptance of all of the work associated with a Contract or, if the period

of performance of a Contract exceeds sixty (60) days, once every thirty (30) days, with

the submission of the first invoice no earlier than thirty (30) days after issuance of the


D. Content of Periodic Invoices. If periodic invoices are submitted for a Contract, each

invoice shall include only services that have been completed and deliverables that have

been accepted as of the date of invoice submission and that have not been billed in a prior


E. Contractor Statement to Accompany Invoices. All invoices shall be accompanied by the

following statement signed by Contractor: “I certify that the services and items submitted

on this invoice have been performed and delivered in accordance with the Contract

[insert contract number] and that all charges are true, correct and have not been

previously billed.”


Contractor shall be paid for services performed on a fixed-price, service category rate basis

using the service categories and fixed rates set forth in Attachment 1. USAC will pay

invoices submitted in accordance with Section C.V., above, within thirty (30) calendar days

of receipt of invoice, provided the Services and/or Deliverables have been delivered and

accepted by USAC. The labor rates are firm and shall remain firm unless agreed to in

writing by the parties, or unless Contractor provides a rate reduction or discount thereto. All

labor rates specified herein are fully loaded and include all direct and indirect costs and

expenses, including applicable federal, state, or local sales, use, or excise taxes, and profit.


Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend USAC and its directors, officers,

employees and agents against any and all claims and liability, including attorney’s fees and

other costs, for actual or alleged direct or contributory infringement of, or inducement to

infringe, or misappropriation of, any patent, trademark or copyright, arising out of or related

to Contractor’s performance of the Contract.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)



Contractor shall not assign or subcontract all or any portion of the Contract without

obtaining USAC’s prior written consent. Consent must be obtained at least thirty (30) days

prior to the proposed assignment or subcontracting. USAC may require information and

assurances that the proposed assignee or subcontractor has the skills, capacity, qualifications

and financial strength to meet all of the obligations under the Contract. An assignment or

subcontract shall not release the Contractor of the obligations under the Contract, and the

assignee or subcontractor shall be jointly and severally liable with the Contractor.

Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract with a company or entity that is debarred,

suspended, or proposed for debarment or suspension by any federal executive agency unless

there is a compelling reason to do so. Contractor shall review the System for Award

Management (“SAM”) for suspension or debarment status of proposed subcontractors. See


USAC may terminate the Contract for any reason or no reason upon one (1) day prior

written notice to the Contractor. Subject to the terms of the Contract, Contractor shall be

paid for all time actually spent performing the Services required by the Contract up to date

of termination, plus reasonable charges Contractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of

USAC have resulted directly from the termination.


Upon the expiration of a ten (10) day cure period (during which the defaulting party did not

provide a sufficient cure), the non-defaulting party may terminate the Contract issued

hereunder, in whole or in part, for cause in the event of the defaulting party’s failure to comply

with any material term or condition of the Contract, as applicable, or if either party fails to

provide the other party, upon request, with adequate assurances of future performance. In the

event of termination for cause, the non-defaulting party shall be entitled to any and all rights

and remedies provided by law or equity. If it is determined that USAC improperly terminated

the Contract for cause, such termination shall be deemed a termination for convenience. In the

event of partial termination, the defaulting party shall continue to perform the portion of the

Services not terminated.

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Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)



USAC may, in its sole discretion, issue a stop work order at any time during the Contract

term. Upon receipt of a stop work notice, or upon receipt of a notice of termination (for

cause or convenience), unless otherwise directed by USAC, Contractor shall, on the stop

work date identified in the stop work or termination notice: (A) stop work, and cause its

subcontractors, consultants or agents to stop work, to the extent specified in said notice; and

(B) subject to the prior written approval of USAC, transfer title and/or applicable licenses to

use, as appropriate, to USAC and deliver to USAC, or as directed by USAC, all materials,

Data, work in process, completed work and other USAC Information or material produced in

connection with, or acquired for, the work terminated. In the event of a stop work order, all

deadlines in the Contract shall be extended on a day for day basis from such date, plus

reasonable additional time, as agreed upon between the parties, acting in good faith, to allow

Contractor to reconstitute its staff and resume the work.


Except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct, in no event shall either party be

liable for any consequential, special, incidental, indirect or punitive damages arising under

or relating to the performance of the Contract and in no event shall USAC’s entire

cumulative liability exceed the amounts paid to Contractor under the Contract. All

exclusions or limitations of damages contained in the Contract, including, without

limitation, the provisions of this Section C.XIII, shall survive expiration or termination of

the Contract.


A. Confidential Information. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to,

information, Data, material, or communications in any form or format, whether

tangible or intangible, spoken or written (collectively referred to hereafter as

“Information”), that contains, reflects, or is derived from or based upon, or is related


1. Management, business, procurement or financial Information of either party,

the FCC or a USF stakeholder, including proprietary or commercial

Information and trade secrets that have not previously been publicly disclosed;

2. Information regarding USAC’s processes and procedures (including, but not

limited to, program operational Information, Information regarding USAC’s

administration of its programs, and Information regarding USAC’s processing

of applications for program support);

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3. Information concerning USAC’s relationships with other vendors or

contractors, the FCC, USF Stakeholders and financial institutions;

4. Information marked to indicate disclosure limitations such as “Confidential

Information,” “proprietary,” “privileged,” “not for public disclosure,” “work

product,” etc.;

5. Information compiled, prepared or developed by Contractor in the performance

of the Contract;

6. Any Information identified as confidential by the disclosing party; and

7. Personally Identifiable Information (PII), any information about an individual

that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity either alone or

when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific

individual. Examples of PII include name, address, telephone number, date

and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric records, etc.

B. Non-Disclosure/Use/Irreparable Harm. It is anticipated that one of the parties

(Disclosing Party) may disclose, or has disclosed, Confidential Information to the

other party (Recipient). At all times during the term of the Contract and thereafter, the

Recipient shall maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information and prevent

its unauthorized disclosure, publication, dissemination, destruction, loss, or alteration.

Recipient shall only use Confidential Information for a legitimate business purpose of

USAC and in the performance of the Contract. Recipient acknowledges that the

misappropriation, unauthorized use, or disclosure of Confidential Information would

cause irreparable harm to the Disclosing Party and could cause irreparable harm to the

integrity of the USF Programs.

C. Employee Access to Confidential Information. Recipient shall not disclose

Confidential Information to partners, joint venturers, directors, employees, agents and

subcontractors (sub-Recipient) unless absolutely necessary for a Recipient’s or sub-

Recipient’s performance of the Contract, and if necessary, shall only disclose the

Confidential Information necessary for sub-Recipient’s performance of its duties. As a

pre-condition to access to Confidential Information, Recipient shall require sub-

Recipients, including its employees and subcontractors, and the employees of any

subcontractor, to sign a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement containing terms

no less restrictive than those set forth herein. The Disclosing Party may enforce such

agreements, if necessary, as a third-party beneficiary.

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D. Contractor Enforcement of Confidentiality Agreement. Contractor must report, and

describe in detail, any breach or suspected breach of the non-disclosure requirements

set forth above to the USAC General Counsel immediately (i.e., within one (1) hour)

upon becoming aware of the breach. Contractor will follow-up with the USAC

General Counsel and provide information on when and how the breach occurred, who

was involved, and what has been done to recover the Information.

E. Exclusions. If requested to disclose Confidential Information by an authorized

governmental or judicial body, Recipient must promptly notify the Disclosing Party of

the request and to the extent that it may legally do so, Recipient must refrain from

disclosure of the Confidential Information until the Disclosing Party has had sufficient

time to take any action as it deems appropriate to protect the Confidential Information.

In the event Confidential Information of USAC is requested, Recipient must notify

USAC, with a copy to USAC’s General Counsel, of the request. Neither Contractor

nor its subcontractors shall issue any public statement relating to or in any way

disclosing any aspect of the Contract without the prior written consent of USAC.

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, USAC may, without notice to

Contractor, provide the Contract, including Contractor’s proposal information, and any

information or Data delivered, prepared or developed by Contractor in the performance

of the Contract to the FCC or other governmental or judicial body, and may publicly

disclose basic information regarding the Contract, e.g., name of Contractor, price, basis

for selection, description of services/deliverables and any provisions necessary for

USAC to justify actions taken with respect to the Contract.


A. “USAC Information” includes Information and Data provided by USAC to Contractor

for use in the performance of the Contract, Data that is collected, developed or

recorded by Contractor in the performance of the Contract, including without

limitation, business and company personnel information, program procedures and

program specific information, and Data that is created or derived from such Data.

USAC Information is Confidential Information and subject to all requirements in

Section C.XIV.

B. Promptly upon the expiration or termination of the Contract, or such earlier time as

USAC may direct, Contractor shall, at the direction of USAC, and at no additional cost to

USAC, return or destroy all USAC Information, including all copies thereof, in the

possession or under the control of Contractor. Contractor shall not withhold any USAC

Information as a means of resolving any dispute. To the extent that there is a dispute

between Contractor and USAC, Contractor may make a copy of such USAC Information

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as is necessary and relevant to resolution of the dispute. Any such copies shall promptly

be destroyed upon resolution of the dispute.

C. USAC Information is provided to Contractor solely for the purpose of rendering the

Services, and USAC Information or any part thereof shall not be sold, assigned, leased, or

otherwise transferred to any third party by Contractor (except as required to perform the

Services or as otherwise authorized in the Contract), commingled with non-USAC

Information, or commercially exploited by or on behalf of Contractor, or its employees or

agents. Promptly upon the expiration of the Contract term, or such earlier time as USAC

may direct, Contractor shall, at the direction of USAC, and at no additional cost to

USAC, return or destroy all copies of USAC Information in the possession or under the

control of Contractor or its employees or any subcontractors or their employees.

Contractor shall not withhold any USAC Information as a means of resolving any

dispute. To the extent that there is a dispute between Contractor and USAC, Contractor

may make a copy of such USAC Information as is necessary and relevant to resolution of

the dispute. Any such copies shall promptly be destroyed upon resolution of the dispute.


The Contractor shall establish and maintain safeguards to protect the confidentiality,

integrity, and restricted availability of Confidential Information, including any PII, in its

possession according to NIST, FISMA requirements, and the Office of Management and

Budget (“OMB”) requirements. This includes all information that is sent to and received

from USAC and USAC Stakeholders. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall ensure

that their respective local area networks, servers, and personal computers are secure from

unauthorized access from within or outside their respective organizations. The Contractor

shall not store or otherwise maintain any USAC Confidential Information in the Cloud, or

back-up and store USAC’s Confidential Information without first obtaining USAC’s written



Contractor represents and warrants that it shall use its best efforts to prevent the introduction

into USAC’s network, software or systems (“USAC IT Systems”) of any Software,

program, routine, device, or other undisclosed feature that is designed to delete, disable,

deactivate, interfere with or otherwise harm USAC’s IT Systems or Data, or that is intended

to provide unauthorized access or modifications (“Malicious Software”). Contractor agrees

that if it introduces, or allows the introduction of Malicious Software into USAC’s IT

Systems intentionally, negligently or by failure to maintain available safeguards, Contractor

must, at no additional cost to USAC, eliminate, or reduce to the greatest extent possible, the

effects of the Malicious Software, including restoring Data, and, if the Malicious Software

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causes a loss of operational efficiency, loss of data or other damages, to mitigate and restore

such losses, and to indemnify USAC for any damages.


The Contractor shall meet and comply with all USAC IT Security Policies and all applicable

USAC, NIST, and FISMA requirements and other Government-wide laws and regulations for

the protection and security of information systems and data. Contractor’s security and privacy

controls must be assessed against the same NIST criteria and standards (specifically NIST SP

800-53, rev. 4, or the latest version) as if they were a government-owned or-operated system,

and comply with all FISMA requirements.

Safeguarding of Covered Contractor Information Systems:

The Contractor shall apply the following minimum safeguarding requirements and procedures

to protect covered Contractor information systems. Requirements and procedures for

safeguarding of covered Contractor information systems shall include, at a minimum, the

following security controls:

1. Limit information system access to only authorized users, processes acting on behalf of

authorized users, or devices (including other information systems).

2. Limit information system access to only the types of transactions and functions that

authorized users are permitted to execute.

3. Verify and control/limit connections to and use of external information systems.

4. Control information posted or processed on publicly accessible information systems.

5. Identify information system users, processes acting on behalf of users, or devices.

6. Authenticate (or verify) the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as a

prerequisite to allowing access to organizational information systems.

7. Sanitize or destroy information system media containing USAC Information before

disposal or release for reuse.

8. Limit physical access to organizational information systems, equipment, and the

respective operating environments to only authorized individuals.

9. Escort visitors and monitor visitor activity; maintain audit logs of physical access; and

control and manage physical access devices.

10. Monitor, control, and protect organizational communications (i.e., information transmitted

or received by organizational information systems) at the external boundaries and key

internal boundaries of the information systems.

11. Implement subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are physically or

logically separated from internal networks.

12. Identify, report, and correct information and information system flaws in a timely manner.

13. Provide protection from malicious code at appropriate locations within organizational

information systems.

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14. Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available.

15. Perform periodic scans of the information system and real-time scans of files from

external sources as files are downloaded, opened, or executed.


For RFIs, RFPs, and/or contracts involving the acquisition of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)


Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) or Software as a Service (SaaS) software deployed in the

cloud or on USAC’s on-premise infrastructure must satisfy the following requirements:

The product must be able to utilize USAC’s instance of OKTA’s Identity

and Access Management software for user authentication.

OKTA is a cloud-based Identity and Access Management product used by


Any USAC data stored in a COTS/SaaS product database must be easily

accessed by USAC via standard web services or another standard access


For RFIs, RFPs, and/or contracts involving the development of custom software for Universal

Service Fund (USF) systems (Lifeline, High Cost, Rural Healthcare, Schools and Libraries,


Custom software developed for Universal Service Fund programs (Lifeline, High Cost, Rural

Health Care, Schools and Libraries) shall reuse the USAC Technical Stack unless the contractor

demonstrates that those components are unable to meet the requirements. Key components of

USAC’s Technical Stack include the following:

Java programming language

OKTA (Identity and Access Management)

Postgres (Relational Database Management System)

Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana

Atlassian based tools (SDLC)

Apache Tomcat (Application Servers)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Business Intelligence, Reporting, Geographical Information System, and

Data Warehouse tools

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Further details of USAC’s technical stack will be provided during the down-selection process.


Contractor agrees that all Data, Software, Deliverables, reports or other materials

(collectively “Materials”) developed or conceived by Contractor and/or documented by

Contractor in the performance of the Contract, as well as all modifications and

improvements thereto and all other designs, discoveries and inventions, are USAC property

and shall be deemed USAC Information pursuant to Section XV above and works made-for-

hire for USAC within the meaning of the copyright laws of the United States. Accordingly,

USAC shall be the sole and exclusive owner for all purposes for the use, distribution,

exhibition, advertising and exploitation of such Materials or any part of them in any way and

in all media and by all means throughout the universe in perpetuity.

The Contractor shall not, without the prior written permission of the USAC Procurement

Office, incorporate in Data delivered under the Contract any Data not first produced in the

performance of the Contract unless the Contractor: (1) identifies the Data; and (2) grants to

USAC, or acquires on USAC’s behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth earlier in this

Section XIX.


Contractor personnel working on USAC premises are required to sign and agree to the terms

of a Visitor Form provided by USAC. Contractor is responsible for any actions of its

personnel, including any actions that violate law, are negligent or that constitute a breach of

the Visitor Form and/or the Contract.

Security Briefings. Before receiving access to IT resources under the Contract, Contractor

personnel must receive a security briefing, which USAC will arrange, and complete any

nondisclosure agreement required by the Contract.


During the term of the Contract and for three (3) years following final payment, the

Contractor shall maintain and make available at its offices at all reasonable times, the

records, materials, and other evidence relating to the Contract for examination, audit, or



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All Contractor employees assigned to the positions identified in Section B.IX are key

personnel. The key personnel assigned to the Contract must remain in their respective

positions throughout the term of the Contract, as applicable. USAC may terminate all or a

part of the Contract if the Contractor changes the position, role, or time commitment of key

personnel, or removes key personnel from the Contract, without USAC’s prior written

approval. USAC may grant approval for changes in staffing of key personnel if it

determines in its sole discretion, that:

changes to, or removal of, key personnel is necessary due to extraordinary

circumstances (e.g., a key personnel’s illness, death, termination of

employment, or absence due to family leave), and

the Contractor has resources (e.g., replacement personnel) with the

requisite skills, qualifications and availability to perform the role and

duties of the outgoing personnel.

Replacement personnel are considered key personnel and this Section XXII shall apply to

their placement on and removal from the Contract.


At its own expense, Contractor shall maintain sufficient insurance in amounts required by law

or appropriate for the industry, whichever is greater, to protect and compensate USAC from all

risks and damages/injuries that may arise under the Contract, including as appropriate, public

and commercial general liability, personal injury, property damage and employer's liability and

worker’s compensation insurance. Contractor shall produce evidence of such insurance upon

request by USAC. Contractor shall provide written notice thirty (30) days prior to USAC in

the event of cancellation of or material change in the policy.


It is essential that any Contractor providing Services or Deliverables in support of USAC’s

administration of the USF maintain the same neutrality, both in fact and in appearance, and

avoid any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest. For example,

to the extent that Contractor, or any of its principals, has client, membership, financial

and/or any other material affiliation with entities that participate in the federal USF in any

respect, there may be actual, potential and/or apparent conflict(s) of interest. Contractor

shall promptly notify USAC, with a copy to USAC’s General Counsel, in writing of any

actual or potential conflicts of interest involving Contractor, or any circumstances that give

rise to the appearance of a conflict of interest, and the means by which Contractor proposes

to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate such conflicts. Contractor shall also notify USAC of any

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conflicts Contractor has with USAC vendors. Failure to provide adequate means to avoid,

neutralize or mitigate any conflict of interest may be the basis for termination of the

Contract. By its execution hereof, the Contractor represents and certifies that it has not paid

or promised to pay a gratuity, or offered current or future employment or consultancy, to

any USAC or governmental employee in connection with the award. In order to maintain

the required neutrality, Contractor must not advocate any policy positions with respect to the

Programs or the USF during the term of the Contract. Neither the Contractor nor its

subcontractors shall issue any public statement relating to or in any way disclosing any

aspect of the Contract without the prior written consent of USAC.


It is the intent of the Parties that the provisions of the Contract will be enforced to the fullest

extent permissible, but that the unenforceability of any provision will not render

unenforceable or impair the remainder of the Contract, which will be deemed amended, to

delete or modify, as necessary, the invalid or unenforceable provisions. The Parties further

agree to negotiate replacement provisions for any unenforceable term that are as close as

possible to the original term and to change such original term only to the extent necessary to

render the same valid and enforceable.


Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of the Contract shall not operate or

be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either party.


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of the Contract shall not affect the

validity or enforceability of any other provision of the Contract, which shall remain in full

force and effect.


The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the District

of Columbia (the term “laws” is to be construed as broadly as possible to include case law,

statutes, regulations, orders, etc.) without regard to any otherwise applicable principle of

conflicts of laws. Contractor agrees that all actions or proceedings arising in connection

with the Contract shall be litigated exclusively in the State and, if applicable, Federal courts

located in the District of Columbia (“Courts”). This choice of venue is intended to be

mandatory and the parties’ waive any right to assert forum non conveniens or similar

objection to venue. Each party hereby consents to in personam jurisdiction in the Courts.

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Contractor must submit all claims or other disputes to the Contracting Officer for informal

resolution prior to initiating any action in the Courts and must work with USAC in good

faith to resolve any disputed issues. A dispute over payment or performance, whether

informal or in the Courts, shall not relieve Contractor of its obligation to continue

performance of the Contract and Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance

during any dispute over performance or payment.


USAC is not a Federal agency, a government corporation, a government controlled

corporation or other establishment in the Executive Branch of the United States

Government. USAC is not a contractor to the Federal Government and the Contract is not a

subcontract under a federal prime contract. USAC conducts its procurements in accordance

with the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding with the FCC, which requires USAC

and its Contractors to adhere to certain procurement-related provisions of the Code of

Federal Regulations, 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.318-321, 200-323, 200.325-326 and App. II to C.F.R.

Part 200 (collectively “Procurement Regulations”). The Contractor shall comply with the

procurement standards and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, executive orders,

rules and regulations applicable to its performance under the Contract.


All licenses or other rights granted under or pursuant to the Contract are, and shall

otherwise be deemed to be, for purposes of Section 365(n) of the United States Bankruptcy

Code, or any replacement provision therefore (the “Code”), licenses to rights to

“intellectual property” as defined in the Code. The Parties agree that USAC, as licensee of

such rights under this Contractor, shall retain and may fully exercise all of its rights and

elections under the Code. The Parties further agree that, in the event of the commencement

of bankruptcy proceedings by or against Contractor under the Code, USAC shall be entitled

to retain all of its rights under the Contract and shall not, as a result of such proceedings,

forfeit its rights to any Material, license, Software, Data or works made for hire.


Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude USAC from retaining the services of other

persons or entities undertaking the same or similar functions as those undertaken by the

Contractor hereunder or from independently developing or acquiring goods or services that

are similar to, or competitive with, the goods or services, as the case may be, contemplated

under the Contract.

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Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it is an independent contractor to USAC and

Contractor’s key personnel, employees, representatives, directors, officers, subcontractors and

agents are not employees of USAC. USAC will not withhold or contribute to Social Security,

workers’ compensation, federal or state income tax, unemployment compensation or other

employee benefit programs on behalf of Contractor or Contractor personnel. Contractor shall

indemnify and hold USAC harmless against any and all loss, liability, cost and expense

(including attorneys’ fees) incurred by USAC as a result of USAC not withholding or making

such payments. Neither Contractor nor any of Contractor’s personnel are entitled to participate

in any of the employee benefit plans of, or otherwise obtain any employee benefits from,

USAC. USAC has no obligation to make any payments to Contractor’s key personnel,

employees, representatives, directors, officers, subcontractors and agents. Contractor shall not

hold herself/himself out as an employee of USAC and Contractor has no authority to bind

USAC except as expressly permitted hereunder.


USAC may require continued performance of any Contract services within the limits and at

the rates specified in the Contract. USAC may extend the services more than once, but the

total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed six (6) months. The USAC

Procurement representative may exercise an option to extend by written notice to the

Contractor within ten (10) days prior to expiration of the then current term.


All notices, consent, approval or other communications required or authorized by the

Contract shall be given in writing and shall be:

(a) personally delivered,

(b) mailed by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) postage prepaid,

(c) sent by overnight delivery service (with a receipt for delivery), or

(d) sent by electronic mail with a confirmation of receipt returned by recipient’s electronic

mail server to such party at the following address:

If to USAC:

Vice President of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing, Universal Service

Administrative Co.

700 12th Street, NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20005

Email: To the designated USAC Contract Officer for this procurement, with a copy to

[email protected].

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If to Contractor: To the address or email set forth in the Contractor’s proposal in

response to the Solicitation.


All provisions that logically should survive the expiration or termination of the Contract

shall remain in full force and effect after expiration or early termination of the term of the

Contract. Without limitation, all provisions relating to return of USAC information,

confidentiality obligations, proprietary rights, and indemnification obligations shall survive

the expiration or termination of the Contract.


The Contract may be executed by the parties hereto on any number of separate counterparts

and counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.

A signature sent via facsimile or portable document format (PDF) shall be as effective as if

it was an original signature. Each person signing the Contract represents and warrants that

they are duly authorized to sign the Contract on behalf of their respective party and that their

signature binds their party to all provisions hereof.


Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless USAC from and against, any costs,

liabilities, damages or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or relating

to: (1) claims for personal injuries, death or damage to tangible personal or real property to the

extent proximately caused by the negligent acts or negligent omissions of Contractor or its

employees, agents, consultants, or Subcontractors in connection with this Contract; and (2)

claims of any nature whatsoever to the extent caused by the violation of contract terms,

negligence, illegal or intentional wrongful acts or omissions of Contractor or its employees,

agents, consultants, or Subcontractors in connection with the performance of the Services.

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Attachment List:

Attachment 1: Bid Sheet

Attachment 2: Resumes/Biographies for Selected Key and Non-Key Personnel

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Instructions and Evaluation Criteria



The Contract awarded as a result of this RFP will be governed by, and subject to, the

requirements, Terms and Conditions set forth in RFP sections A, B, C, and D and any

attachments listed in section D (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Terms and

Conditions”). Offeror’s submission of a proposal constitutes its agreement to the Terms and

Conditions and their precedence over any other terms, requirements, or conditions proposed

by Offeror.

The Offeror’s proposal may identify deviations from, or revisions, exceptions or additional

terms (collectively “exceptions”) to the Terms and Conditions, but only if such exceptions

are clearly identified in a separate Attachment B to Volume II, “Exceptions to RFP

Terms.” Proposals that include material exceptions to the Terms and Conditions may be

considered unacceptable and render Offeror ineligible for award unless the Offeror

withdraws or modifies any unacceptable exceptions prior to USAC’s selection of the

successful Offeror for award. USAC will only consider changes or additions to the RFP

Terms and conditions that are included in Offeror’s proposal. After selection of the

awardee, USAC will not consider or negotiate any exceptions to the Terms and Conditions.


The Offeror agrees to hold the fixed service category rates in its offer firm for 120 calendar

days from the date specified for receipt of offers, unless another time period is specified in an

addendum to the solicitation.

Proposals must:

Concisely address USAC’s requirements, as set forth in Section B.VIII. Performance

Requirements and Scope of Work (Section B), and should not contain a significant

amount of corporate boilerplate marketing information.

Be submitted to USAC Procurement Department, no later than 11:00 AM ET on

March 14, 2019 (Proposal Due Date).

Be submitted in the form of one electronic copy submitted to [email protected]. The

subject line for all email communication related to this solicitation should only state the

Solicitation Number, IT-19-015, of this RFP.

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July 29, 2021 RFP Released

August 5, 2021 Questions Due to USAC by 11:00 AM ET at [email protected]

August 11, 2021 Answers posted by USAC

August 30, 2021 Proposal Due to USAC by 11:00 AM ET at [email protected]

September 6, 2021 Potential date for oral discussions, if necessary

September 9, 2021 Final Proposal Revisions due

September 20, 2021 Anticipated Award Date

September 27, 2021 Work Begins

To be timely, Offeror’s proposal must be received by USAC by the Proposal Due Date at the

email address specified above. Any offer, modification, revision, or withdrawal of an offer

received at the USAC office designated in the solicitation after the Proposal Due Date and

Time is “late” and will not be considered by USAC, unless USAC determines, in its sole

discretion, that (1) circumstances beyond the control of Offeror prevented timely submission,

(2) consideration of the offer is in the best interest of USAC, or (3) the offer is the only

proposal received by USAC.


USAC reserves the right to amend, revise or cancel this RFP at any time at the sole discretion

of USAC and no legal or other obligations are assumed by USAC by virtue of the issuance of

this RFP, including payment of any proposal costs or expenses, or any commitment to procure

the services sought herein.


USAC intends to evaluate offers and make a single award. USAC may reject any or all offers

if such action is in the public’s or USAC’s interest; accept other than the lowest offers; and

waive informalities and minor irregularities in offers received.


The proposal shall clearly and conspicuously identify information contained in the proposal

that the Offeror contends is Confidential Information. See Section C.XIV.


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Each volume of Offeror’s proposal must contain a cover page. On the cover page, please


The name of the Offeror’s organization,

The Offeror’s contact name and title,

The Offeror’s contact information (address, telephone number, email address, website


The Offeror’s data universal numbering system (“DUNS”) number,

The date of submittal,

A statement verifying the proposal is valid for a period of 120 days, and

The signature of a duly authorized Offeror’s representative.


Each proposal shall be comprised of the following four (4) volumes:


This volume must include:

1. A cover page, as outlined above.

2. An executive summary summarizing all key features of the proposal, including the

identification of any subcontractors and affiliated individuals or firms that will assist the

Offeror in performing the Contract.

3. Pricing information should not appear in Volume I.

4. A statement regarding any known conflicts of interest.

a. USAC procurements are conducted with complete impartiality and with no

preferential treatment. USAC procurements require the highest degree of public trust

and an impeccable standard of conduct. Offerors must strictly avoid any conflict of

interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest, unless USAC has otherwise

approved an acceptable mitigation plan.

b. Offerors must identify any actual or potential conflicts of interest including current

USAC vendors involving the Offeror or any proposed subcontractor, or any

circumstances that give rise to the appearance of a conflict of interest, and the means

by which it proposes to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate such conflicts. Offerors shall

identify such conflicts or potential conflicts or appearance issues to USAC and

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provide detailed information regarding the nature of the conflict. Examples of

potential conflicts include, but are not limited to: (1) any ownership, control or other

business or contractual relationship(s), including employment relationships, between

the Offeror (or proposed subcontractor) and any USF Stakeholder; (2) an Offeror has

a direct personal or familial relationship with a USAC or FCC employee; (3) a

former employee of USAC or FCC who had access to confidential procurement-

related information works for the Offeror; (4) a USAC or FCC employee receives

any type of compensation from the Offeror, or has an agreement to receive such

compensation in the future; (5) Offeror has communications with a USAC or FCC

employee regarding future employment following the issuance of the RFP for this

procurement; (6) any employment or consultation arrangement involving USAC or

FCC employees and the Offeror or any proposed subcontractor; and (7) any

ownership or control interest in the Offeror or any proposed subcontractor that is

held by an FCC or USAC employee. Offerors must also identify any participation

by the Offeror, or any proposed subcontractor(s) or personnel associated with the

Offeror, in any of the universal service programs. The requirement in this Section

E.V.A applies at all times until Contract execution.

c. Offerors shall propose specific and detailed measures to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate

actual, potential and/or apparent conflicts of interest raised by the affiliations and

services described above. If USAC determines that Offeror’s proposed mitigation

plan does not adequately avoid, neutralize or mitigate any actual or potential conflict

of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, Offeror will not be eligible for

award of a contract.


This volume must include:

1. A cover page, as outlined above.

2. A summary detailing Offeror’s experience providing the services described in

Section B of this RFP.

3. An in-depth discussion of Offeror’s technical approach to providing the services

listed in Section B.VI., along with a clear statement of whether or not the Offeror’s

performance of the Contract will comply with all requirements, Terms and

Conditions set forth in the RFP. Offerors must submit a detailed response to this

RFP. The Offeror must clearly state whether it will comply with all requirements

and Terms and Conditions set forth in the RFP, and provide detailed information

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about how it will fulfill the requirements of the RFP. Any deviations from, or

exceptions to, the requirements or Terms or Conditions contained in this RFP must

be clearly identified in an Attachment B to Volume II.

Note: Offers that include material deviations from, or take material

exceptions to, RFP requirements, Terms or Conditions will be evaluated as

technically unacceptable and will be ineligible for award unless USAC

subsequently amends the RFP to modify the requirements or, if discussions

will be held, decides to address the deviations/exceptions during discussions

and thereby resolves the deviations/exceptions are thereby resolved.

4. Technical proposals that merely repeat the requirements set forth in the RFP and

state that Contractor “will perform the statement of work” or similar verbiage will

be considered technically unacceptable and will not receive further consideration.

USAC is interested only in proposals that demonstrate the Contractor’s expertise in

performing engagements of this type as illustrated by the Offeror’s description of

how it proposes to perform the requirements set forth in this RFP.

5. Capabilities. Describe Offeror’s capabilities for performing the Contract, including

personnel resources and management capabilities. If applicable, describe how

subcontractors or partners are used and how rates are determined when using

subcontractors. Provide a list of firms, if any, that will be used.

6. Timeline. Offerors shall describe in detail their process for providing services as

described in Section B of this RFP, including how the Offeror intends to staff and

complete these activities. Offerors shall describe in detail their plan for completing

the services as identified in Section B.V and Section B.VI. in a time allotted. If

Offeror currently has staff or personnel who meet the qualifications for the services

identified in Section B.V and Section B.VI who are available for assignment under

an awarded contract, please provide a resume (not to exceed two (2) pages per

resume) that includes their educational background, specific job and related

experience, and the specific position(s) for which they are available on the Contract.

7. Experience. Describe your firm’s experience with the services as detailed in

Section B of this RFP. Provide examples of projects and personnel to include

project scope, size, and complexity, and types of positions with length of


8. Key Personnel. Identify by name all key personnel. Describe the technical knowledge

and experience of proposed personnel in the requested services with respect to, but not

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limited to, experience and qualifications including depth of knowledge, expertise and

number of years. It is preferred that the Program Manager have at least 10+ years of

experience with guiding and advising organizations through a wide range of

management, organizational and business improvement and modernization initiatives

by applying continuous process improvement strategies, methodologies and principles.

Develops business methods for problem solving, process change and solutions

implementation ensuring enterprise-wide integration. Identifies best practices, assesses

performance measurement and researches, collects and verifies data and translates it

into strategic and operational guidance. Indicate any other personnel that will be

assigned to USAC and his/her role on the contract. Provide a brief summary of each of

these professional staff members’ qualifications to include education and all relevant


a. Submit resumes/biographies for all key personnel, as an attachment

(Attachment 2) to the technical volume, no longer than two (2) pages in

length per resume.

b. If Contractor, at the time of proposal and prior to the award of the contract,

has information that any such key personnel anticipate terminating his or her

employment or affiliation with Contractor, Contractor shall identify such

personnel and include the expected termination date in the proposal.


This volume must include:

1. A cover page, as outlined above.

2. A list of three (3) current or recently completed contracts (no older than 3 years from

the date of the solicitation) similar in scope to those required by this solicitation.

Each entry on the list must contain:

a. the client’s name;

b. the project title;

c. the period of performance;

d. the contract number;

e. the contract value;

f. a primary point of contact (including the telephone number and email

address for each point of contact, if available);

g. a back-up point of contact.

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If a back-up point of contact is not available, please explain how USAC may contact the

client in the event the primary point of contact fails to respond.

a. For each past performance, provide a description of the relevant performance

and the name and telephone number for USAC to contact for past

performance information for each project discussed. A past performance

description will consist of:

(i) an overview of the engagement;

(ii) a description of the scope of work performed;

(iii) its relevance to this effort;

(iv) the results achieved.

This is the time to identify any unique characteristics of the project, problems

encountered, and corrective actions taken. Each overview shall not exceed

one (1) page.

b. USAC will attempt to contact past performance references identified in the

proposal for confirmation of the information contained in the proposal and/or

will transmit a past performance questionnaire to the contacts identified in the

Offeror’s proposals. Although USAC will follow-up with the contacts, the

Offeror, not USAC, is responsible for ensuring that the questionnaire is

completed and returned by the specified date in USAC’s transmittal. If USAC

is unable to reach or obtain a reference for the project, USAC may not

consider the contract in an evaluation of past performance.


This volume must include:

1. A cover page, as outlined above.

2. Completed pricing information in Attachment 1: Bid Sheet.

a. The FFP activities prices should be fully burdened and must include wages,

overhead, general and administrative expenses, taxes and profit.


Page count, for each Volume including the Cover page, may not exceed the below:

Available for Public Use

Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


1. Volume I – Corporate Information; may not exceed three (3) pages, including Cover


2. Volume II – Technical; may not exceed ten (10) pages including Cover page; however

excluding Attachment 2 (Resumes)

3. Volume III – Past Performance Information; may not exceed four (4) pages, including

Cover page.

4. Volume IV – Price; may not exceed two (2) pages, including Cover page.

Any proposals received exceeding the page count, will be considered technically unacceptable

and may not receive further consideration.



USAC will award a single contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible Offeror

whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to USAC, price and

other factors considered. The following factors, which are listed in descending order of

importance, shall be used to compare offers and select the awardee – technical, past

performance, and price. When combined, the technical and past performance factors are

significantly more important than price.

1. Technical: The technical sub-factors listed below in descending order of importance:

a. Technical Approach

b. Timeline

c. Capabilities

d. Experience

e. Key Personnel

2. Past Performance: Past performance information will be evaluated to assess the risks

associated with an Offeror’s performance of this effort, considering the relevance, how

recent the project is (no older than 3 years from the date of the solicitation), and

quality of the Offeror’s past performance on past or current contracts for the same or

similar services. Past performances The Offeror’s past performance will be evaluated

based on the Offeror’s discussion of its past performance for similar efforts,

information obtained from past performance references (including detailed references

for the Offeror’s proposed teaming partner(s) and/or subcontractor(s), as applicable)

Available for Public Use

Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


and information that may be obtained from any other sources (including government

databases and contracts listed in the Offeror’s proposal that are not identified as


3. Price Evaluation: USAC will evaluate price based on the firm fixed price, listed in the

Bid Sheet. Price is the least important evaluation factor and USAC may not necessarily

award a Contract to the lowest priced Offeror. USAC further recognizes that the size of

a company, its name-recognition, geographical offerings and the expertise/experience

of staff impacts the price of the service category rates offered by the firms, thus making

comparisons of differently situated firms less meaningful. Therefore, when considering

rates, USAC will use the rates of similarly situated companies for reasonableness and

comparison purposes. Price may become a more important selection factor if the

ratings for the non-price factors are the same or very close to the same. In addition to

considering the total prices of the Offerors when making the award, USAC will also

evaluate whether the proposed prices are realistic (i.e., reasonably sufficient to perform

the requirements) and reasonable. Proposals containing prices that are determined to be

unrealistic or unreasonable will not be considered for award.


USAC may determine that the number of proposals received in response to this RFP are too

numerous to efficiently conduct a full evaluation of all evaluation factors prior to establishing

a competitive range. In such case, USAC may conduct a down-select process to eliminate

Offerors, prior to discussions, from further consideration based on a comparative analysis of

Offerors proposals, with primary focus on the price proposal, but USAC may, in its sole

discretion, consider other factors such as quality of proposal, technical capabilities and past

performance. Proposals that include proposed prices that are significantly higher than the

median proposed price for all Offerors may be excluded from the competition without

evaluation under the other evaluation factors.

Proposals that contain prices that are unrealistically low in terms of sufficiency to perform

the Contract may also be excluded from the competition.


USAC will only award a contract to a responsible Offeror. USAC will make a responsibility

determination based on any available information, including information submitted in an

Offeror’s proposal. In making a responsibility determination, USAC will consider whether:

1. the Offeror has sufficient resources to perform the Contract;

Available for Public Use

Universal Service Administrative Co. | Redundant Telecom Circuits Services and VoIP Calling and Toll Free

Calling Services | Request for Proposals (RFP)


2. the Offeror has a satisfactory record of performance, integrity and business ethics;

3. the Offeror has the accounting systems and internal controls, quality assurance processes

and organizational structure and experience necessary to assure that contract work will be

properly performed and accurately invoiced;

4. the Offeror has the facilities, technical and personnel resources required to perform the

contract; and

5. the Offeror is not excluded from Government contracting, as listed on the excluded

parties list in