us vs knox

UNITED STATES COU RT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CrRCUIT DO CKET NO. 92- 7089 UN I TE D STATES OF AMERICA, AppeUet, ,. STE PHEN A KNOX, ApcUanr. SAT BELOW: Uon. Jam" F. Meaun, USDJ without. jury Criminal No. 91·00074 (JFM) On Re mand From the United States S uprrme Cou rt : An Appeal Fr om. Jud gment orthc United States Di5lrict Court for the Middle Dist rict of Pennsylvania BRIEF OF AMICUS TlU : lNSTlTIJTE FOR MEDIA EDUCATION On the Brief: R'IMald D. Ray, Esq. D avid S. Eggert, Es q. Randal M. Shaheen, Esq. , Ronald D. Ray Cou nn ll on. t Law 1012 South Fourth St. Louisville, KY 40203 (502) .5&4-8300 Arnold & Po rt er 1200 New Hampshi re Ave., NW Was hington , DC 20036 (202) 872-6700 Attorneys for Amicus Inst itute for Media Eduution

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US vs Knox


Page 1: US vs Knox


DOCKET NO. 92-7089






SAT BELOW: Uon. Jam" F. Meaun, USDJ

without. jury Criminal No. 91·00074 (JFM)

On Remand From the United States Suprrme Court: An Appeal From. Judgment orthc United States Di5lrict Court for the Middle

Dist rict of Pennsylvania



On the Brief:

R'IMald D. Ray, Esq. David S. Eggert, Esq. Randal M. Shaheen, Esq. ,

Ronald D. Ray Counn llon.t Law 1012 South Fourth St. Louisville, KY 40203 (502) .5&4-8300

Arnold & Porter 1200 New Hampshi re Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-6700

Attorneys for Amicus Inst itute for Media Eduution

Page 2: US vs Knox


TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ................. .... _ ... ....................................•..•. i

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................. ................................. 1

E"l"'r1 Testimony. K;"s~1! Sa &- f1"f1lld and Oakes v_ Massachusetts ...................... . ............. .

Why Amicus Enu:red the Knox Case .......................... ................ . __________ ........ 4

D. MEA,"iING OF THE STA TUTE .........................................•.................. 5

~LasciviDUS-.tW ~Exhibition" is KoyTo SllIMe... _______ .. _________ _____ ___ .. .. ~

Cltild Pomograpby VidtcUpe is SeIf·D=rihed ll< [n(ended To Excite l.usttiIl Desin::s ... .. . ........................................... 7

Medi~ Sexualization ot hu.nirnate Objects .......................... . ........................... 9 Teddy.&ars and H'odn ,l!5: ~irinl Cltildren__ _ ................................... 9 Schoolgirl Unifo""" Erocitized and Schoolgirl Panties Sold. .......... ....... __ ........ : .. _ .. __ . __ 10 All Children as EroOc Fodder fur Child POn>Oi""phy... . ...................................... .. I!

With N"", OlIiW Imprinlin, TC<:Moiogy


A. Harm to the Children Bting Di5played ...........•....•.................... _ .... t'( P>n:nw Beuayal is Allusc: .. ___________________ ... __ .......... ___ ................................ \4 Testimony of. Lone Child Pomctnphy V..:tim_ ................................ IS

otf-Camera Sexual Allusc: ............................. _-" ............. .. 15 Otr-Camc-ra Emotional Ab<u<: ................ ... _____ __ .. . .......•. IS Phy.icaI Ab<u<: ...•...........•..••..•........•.•..•.•........•..•..•... IS Valul=of"lnanimate~Chili! . ..... ____________ .... IS ""NO! F...:dom of Speech. b.It F.."".,;IQm 10 Abuso~ .. _ _ ___ _______ l.'I ~Similar 10 Slav .. aDd Concentration C.tmp ?risoners~.......... . ... 15 Children ~In~" COnltmp( _ __ ..... ..... ... .. _ _ -" __________________ IS To>ric FalIOIII: Child SeIf·Ha(~ Usc of Drup,

Enuy lmo Prostitution. Poverty ....•....... ............ _ ... _ .. 16

B. Effect!! of Child Pornogr2pby on Tbose Who Vit w It .............. _ .... 16 Pornography ... a Moo:l·Alu:ring Drug __ . _ ______ ....... ............... _____________ 16 Podoplilles Vicleotape America', Chil<1r<n for Masnubation and Sale ........... 17 John Rabun: Otfen<Ir:rs COmmQnIy 1'osse<IO .. Posuognphy .... _ .................... 17 Po<nopaphy.Arouscd.Pe&:>phil .. WOtIld Be Child Abusors. ......................... _ 18 0.-. Li.nno::a Smith: ~ Helped Crcau:!he Child Pomognpby

Market aad. Sauallust For Childrl:n .. ............................. ___ il R=arch Findings on Child Imagery in Pt"l'1u!I" PartIoOl!H, Hustkrffo}. .... 19 Children Posed To Mimic Animals "In HC3!" (Estru!) (fit) ............ 19 Cmadian Sup",,,,,, COWl UnanimollSly Bans I'<>mograpby in IW2 ....... 20 S~ FinaJiy1..ooks to Bm CIIUd PomoJraPhy Pos:scssiOll... ...... . ....... .. _ :ro

Page 3: US vs Knox

C. lnterpretin& the Sialute So As NOI To Require Nudity Will Not Render It Unconstilutionally Overbroad ................. 21

P.doPh!I:"~ .• ;~:;;;:, !~~;';~~:;:~;;,~::;:~~~ o"-'{ •. ...••.... 11

The , ................ 12 DeputySoti~itQr u·Specch"(fo) ......... 13 Child Pornography Images ... Th. Fim Amemlimcnl.. .................................. l4

IV. CONCLUSlON ............................................................................ 25

Nudi1)' is No! N=sa:y For Child To Be: Abused ........................................................ 2' All Children Are Harmed by Child Pornography.. ' '' .................................... 25 All Children Are Put Al R;sk by R;sk by All Pornography... .......... ..................... ,-.25 Childnn Cannol Give ~!nformed CO<l$ellt~ to ThrirOwn Abuse orOimlnutioQ .......... 25

V. REPORT OF UNNEA W. SMITH, M.D ............................................ 26 RI. KnOll: Eyal~atl"" by Fntkrlck L. Co ..... n. Ph.D.



(pichlns 0/ sn-aliltd childrtn ud~tkd from pnsenlofiOlf. awnlable liP"" nqrast from Aml~~


( . Slillhtly nYU.d and ~ppl.m.n(fd sinew zubm/sslOtJ to tM ct)1Uf OS

an Qid to nad." IfOl familiar ... /II! lit. cau.)

Page 4: US vs Knox


Amicus, The Institute tor Media Education

("IME"), is a not-for-profit corporation. Its character

is to study nsex science" and the mass media and to

disseminate relevant data and provide education to the

public in this area. The Institute was established and

is headed by Dr. Judith A. Reisman. Dr. Reisman is a

widely published and recognized expert in the study ot

the effects ot images and ·sex sciencen on individuals

and sociGty. In particular, she has utilized her

background and experience in the field of com=unications

to study extensively the behavioral effects of erotical

pornoqraphy. In the early years of her career, Amicus

was a creative, performance artist tor network and

educational television, including more than a decade ot

work tor CBS TV's award winning children's program,

·Captain Kangaroo. n Amicus' concern for children caused

her to abandon her successful television career tor

academe, seeking answers to the problam of increasing

child abuse.

Her subsequent investigation ot Dr. Alfred Kinsey

and his team at Indiana university brought her into

prominence with her book, Kinsey. $ex and Fraud (1990)1

The British medical journal Tbe vancet, in reviewing the

1 JUdith Reisman and EdWard Eichel, KinseY. Sex and Fragd. (1990).


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book, wrote, "Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her co~1.ague.

demolished the foundation ot the [two Kinsey] Reports .• 2

Specifically, the book found Or. Kinsey's work involved

crimes a9alnst children for the purpose ot gathering

info~ation for the team's child sexuality data base in

order to encourage societal acceptance of adult/child , sex.

Dr. Reisman baa provided expert testimony on

matters involving the effect of pornography In a variety

of forums, and her work has been cited in written and

oral arguments on child pornography before the United

States Supreme Court in Oakes v. Massachusetts, 491

U.S. 576 (1989). and again in a brief concerning child

pornography in Osborne v. 2hi2. 495 U.S. 103 (1990), .a

well as in other CO~ proceedings. D~. Reisman a150

p~ovided data on the a/effects ot pornography in

connection with the 1992 unanimous decision ot the

Supreme Court ot Canada in ~ v. Butler which banned

harmtUl pornography in that country.

S.C.R. 452.

(1992) 1

D~. Reisman has p~ovided expert t.stimony in

va~ious courts and civic hearings both nationally and

internatIonally, includIng: the State at Georgia senate

, , The Lancet, Vol. 337, p. 547 (March 2, 1991).

A copy ot D~. Reisman's resume is attached. ,

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Education Subcommittee, Hamilton County, Ohio,

Prosecutor's Ottice; Hichigan state senate Juvenile

Justice Advisory commission to Corrections; Newport

News, Virginia, City counsel; u.s. Attorney General's

commission on Pornography; and the u.s. Attorney

General, Task Force on Domestie Violence.

In addition, Dr. Reisman has provided eXpert

testimony to the Presidential Commission on the

Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces and data to the

Armed Services committees and members of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff concerning the military's policy toward


Moreover, Dr. Reisman has been a consultant and

researcher tor the u.s. Depar~ent of Health and Human

Services, the U.S. Department of Education, the u.S. Departm~nt ot Justice, Juvenile Justice « Oelinquency

Prevention and has conducted intensive in service

training tor various law entorcement aqencies includinq

the FBI Academy, the center tor Missinq and Exploited

Children, the Missinq Children-Serial Murder Task Force,

and various police associations.

Dr. Reisman has also provided testimony to

numeroue qovernments concerninq the a/effects of

pornography. including Canada; the Ontario Human Rights

Commission; the Australian Senate Select Committee on

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community Standards; the New Zealand Indecency Tribunal

and the New Zealand Pornography Commission.

Amicus is sub~ittin9 this brief to the court

because she believes that the issue presented by this

case is critically important to the satety and well­

being ot our children. Appellant and the solicitor

General are seeking to read the prohibitions in the

Child Protection Act in a narrow and cribbed manner

whiCh plainly distorts the clear meaning and intent ot

the statute and leaves children at risk trom the very

behavior that the statute waS intended to prevent. As

discussed below, total nudity is not a prerequisite to

bringing about the "lascivious K response and the harm

that the statute is intended to prevent.


The statute at issue in this case is 18 U.S.C.

S 2256 {2) eE). It criminalize6 the -lascivious

exhibition ot the genitals or pubic area." In their

briet, appellants make much ot the detinition ot

"exhibition,· pulling the term completely out at its

context within the statute to support their position.

~icus will readily concsde to appellant's contention

that "exhibition" means to put something up to be seen.

However, appellants' proposed detinition goes much

turther, 6uppoping that a ·pubic area" cannot be

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, -

-exhibited," unless actual flesh is visible. Nowhere

does the statute require, nor does common sense suggest ,

that in order tor the pubic are. to be exhibited, it

must be unclothed. Indeed, ware the "director" of one

ot these films to ask a cameraman to locus 1n on tbe

pubic area of a child the cameraman surely would not

have turned to the director in puzzlRment merely because

the child was Wearing panties. In tact, it is difficult

to know how else the instruction might be given.

The key to proper interpretation of the statute

lies not in the meaning of -exhibition" but rather 1n

the meaning ot "lascivious,· (a definition conspicuously

omitted from appellant'. bri.f). According to Webster,

"lascivious" means "characterized by or expressing lust

or lewdness,· or Wtending to excite lusttul desires.· 4

The plain meaning et the statute cri.inali~e. the

oxhibition or the pubic area -- whether p~rtially clad

or not -- that is done in such a way so as to tend to

excite lusttul desires. Interpreting the statute in sny

other way completely undermines and subverts its

purpose, putting children at added riSk.

AS we discuss below, children are displayed in

the ril .. in a lascivious ~nner. Such completely

unnatural displays ot children Whether clothed or

• Webster's New Qniyersal Qnabridged pictignary, p. 1023 {1981~~

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not -- leads to significant harm to the child exhibited

as well a. to the children victimized by tho.e lustinq

after nude children in pornoqraphy. To limit the

statute'~ reach only to nude depictions or children

leaves unregulated the largest segment of child


Before discussing current scientific learning and

research which fully supports the proposition that the

films possessed by appellant arouse "lustful desires,M

it seems appropriate to first briefly s~arize the

films at the heart of this controversy.

The videotape.' selt-description is itself


an enchanting scane showing a dark­haired beauty of 11 lettinq us have a long, slow look up har dr ••• to view her snow-white panties. • . • SCeneS of a thirteen year old in a leotard skin bikini with a magnificent ass that she puts on display for you as she walkS back and forth slowly and teasingly. • • • Just look at what we have in this incredible tape [called Sassy Sylphs]: about fourteen girls between the ages of 11 and 17 showing so much panty and ass you'll get dizzy. There are panties showing under shorts and under dresses and skirts; there are boobs galore and T-back (thong) bathing suits on girls as young •• IS that are so revealing it's almost like ••• ing th.m naked (lome say eyen better.) KnQx v. United States, Bri.f of United States in Opposition to Petition for a Writ of Certiorari at p.3 (March 1993). (emphasis added)


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Th. images in the films included e~t.nded 9hot~

focusing on the pubic area, an off -camera voice saying

Nye love it," another child directed to pull a strap

down over her shoulder as the camera focuses on her

exposed nipple. Kn2X v. United States, Brief of Amicus

CUriae National Law Center tor Children and Families ~

Al., Appendix A (1993).5 AS this Court itself concluded

in its earlier Kll2K decision, the videotapes "contained

vignettes of teenage and preteen temales, ~etween the

ages of ten and seventeen, striking provocative poses

tor the camera. The photographer would tOOm in on

the children'S pubic and genital are. and display II.

close-up view tor an extended period of time. The (11.5

themselves • • • clearly were designed to pander to

pedophiles." ~ v. KD2X. 979 F.2d 815, 817 (3d cir.

1992). Moreover, it i. diffiCUlt to imagine for what

othar purpose appallant would have purchasad the tape ••

Thus, Amicus believes it shOUld be beyond question that

the films' focus on the exhibited children'. pubic area

served a "lascivious- purpose.

That these films should have a lascivious ettect,

even absent nudity is not surprising. Those who purvey

, There can be no .erious que.tion that the relevant

standard is whether the exhibition is intended to be ·lascivious· as to one predisposed to a sexual desire for children. Were a reasonable man standard used no exhibition of children might be found unla~ul. '


Page 11: US vs Knox

- . -pornography have round numerous creative ways to

sexualize i~ages that fall short of total nudity.6

Women and children drinking and eatinq are common

pornography sex cues. Pornographers have reddened,

lips to mimic oral sodomy, often pressing one finger

seductively onto the lips or licking a dash of foamy,

white cra.m ott a finger. 7 Photographs Cocus on 010 •• -

ups of white teeth sugge.tively biting into hot doqs,

bananas, strawberries and apples, a visual equivalent of

the double entendre. sippinq from a straw or eating ice

cream con •• and lollipops are standard pornQ9raphy fare

in which the perf orDers' eyes lust tor copulation. One

Hustler cover displays a young ~londe girl'. race, ber

pursed lips hesitantly touching a clear glass tilled

with a sli9htly (oamy, yellow liquid, an allusion to

"golden showers," a "sexual" aetivity whieh involves the

ingestion o( urine. 8

• As ••• d, supra, the ~ilas depietions a. "al.ost like ••• 1ng even better).·

deseribe the them nak.d (.ome say

, ·Playboy" has also used a vi.ual montage o~

Playmate o( the Month and then pictures o~ her child to •• t.age. o( children .

its nude a. a

• ~ D. Morri., "anwatehing; A field Guide to Human Behayior at 241 (1980) (di.cussing the u •• o~ ·phallie­shaped objects approaChing the open mouth, or by the use o~ gently parted lips, aoistened and reddened, in erotic or sexually teasing photographs.")


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Pornoqrapher~ otten us. inanimate objects to

elicit a sexual response . Teddy bears, hair bow.,

lipstick, un~.rpanti •• , br •• , bobby socks, cace and

pencils have all been eroticized. 9 Handcut's, whiCh

were once associated only with crime and police, have

through their u sa 1n pornoqraphy, become symbolic for

sexual excitement and sadistic aex. The •• ma i. true

tor long, silken ribbons , lon~ ropes , chains, string_

and leather ropes. lO

Especially disturbing i. the u.. by pornographer.

ot schoolgirl unitorms a •• sexual stimuli, proqr.~lnq

child abuse in young consu=ers and borderline and active

pedophiles. II In Japan , vhare achoolqirla vearing navy

blue sailor- style unitorm. and white panti •• ara •• ajor

feature ot pornography, Reuters recently reporte4 that

"Tokyo police found 1200 piece. of schoolqirl.'

, ~ J. Reisman, Soft Porn Plays HArdball , at

pp. 1'2-1'4 (1991) .

" ~ -Pl ayboy" Septeaber 1975 - woman handCUffed for torture; July 198) - gartered, hanging handCUffed woman in a phone booth; January 1978 - imaqes of handcuffed tortured women and a male ridinq atop a smilinq blonde, saddled woman being whipped with a riding crop . H

X and R Rated Senate select Subcommittee

0" Stan4arda Relevant the Supply ot

pp. 11-1) (March Technoloqie., •


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underwear and un i t orms in the apartment a t a man

arrested tor breaking i nto s chool locker r ooms .

He became aware at the value o! used schoolqirl panti es

tor sale. Schoolgirls can sell their panties tor

around $9 a pair. Pornography vending machines retail

them for several times that much. ,,12

The problem ot sexualiting and abusing children

will only escalate as technology becomes more versatile.

Modern personal computers can now be equipped with

graphics Which pe~it pictures at ch i ldren to be

captured via a pedophile's toom lens and then entered

into the computer. The children can then be digitally

undressed, genitalia enlarged and colored in a nonhuman

way and then used in sex and violence scenes. 13 The

pedophile can insert himself and/or his friends into the

child abuse scenes. As ~virtual reality~ breaks into

the home market and portable systems, a growing number

" Reuters, January 5, 1994. Young male underwear is also advertised tor eale in gay magazines such as "Tbe Advocate.~ ~ ~.g., ~The Advocate,~ April 9, 1991 ("Hot. Sweaty! Jocks, brief •• boxers, worn to qym •••• ")

13 The Washington post recently reported on the use of digital imaging and some at the concerns it raises. ~ "Digital- Imaging Fict ion Leaves No 'Footprints.'" lhI Washjngton POft , Section A, p. 3 (Feb~ary 21, 1994) •

. -,

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of pedophiles will have instantaneous access to their

~panty pornography playgrounds.~ 14

In sum, pornography has long given up any sole

reliance on nUdity, and We stand on the threshold ot an

explosion in the proliteration ot pornographic

~aterials.15 It nudity becomes the legal standard , the

growing pedophi le population16 will be tree to acee •• e

vast body ot lawful, sexually arousing child

pornography. As we discuss in the next section this

will serve to put children increasingly at risk for harm

and sexual exploitation.


As this Court has alre.dy recogniz ed, Congress'

purpose in passing the statute was to guard against

legitimate threat. to the phy.ical and psychological

H This future is not so far away. In 1992 Penthouse began to offer ·virtual reality· materials tor sale to it. readers. On February 25, 1994 ·Oprah" discuss.d and described a ·virtual reality· Penthouse pet.

l' Pornography is already a flourishing industry. According to the Attorney Gene ral'. commission on Pornography, it inclUdes more than 450 ditterent magazines, 20,000 adult book stor •• and two million videocassettes and is the third most profitable business segment - - after narcotics and gambling -- for organized crime.

16 .au. Bennett, W., The Index of Leading CUltural Indicators, V~uae 1 at p. 11 (March 1993) •

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well-being ot' minors. ~, supra, 977 F.2d at 821. 17

There are two aspects to this harm. First, there is a

signit'icant body ot' evidence that the children directed

to appear in sexual scenes are injured as a result of

the experience. Second, the available evidence also

supports the conclusion that at least some segment of

those who view child pornography for sexual arousal are

likely to respond with acts of sexual violence toward

children. As ~icus demonstrates below, the nature and

extent of this harm is substantial, and there is no

credible evidence to suggest that the resulting harm is

any ditterent whether the children are displayed nude or

partially Clothed.

A. Harm to the Cbildren Being Displayed

As this Court has written previously, children

are incapable of consenting to the diminishment of their

dignity that performing in pornography forces upon them.

Kn2X, supra, 977 F.2d at 821-22. There are numerous

ways in which children who are exhibited in pornography

are harmed. First, the children have either been

torcibly separated trom their parents or they are

17 See Ala2, Webster, W., Pedophilia, "FBI LaW Entorcement Bulletin," January 1984 ("Public concern over this perverted sssault on children was directly expressed in 1918 when congress passed the Protection ot Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act. • • • The dangers ot sexual exploitation and pornography to its victims are only too evident -- physical and emotional suttering- and -.ruined lives.·)

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participating with their parents' or guardian's consent,

and usually their _ncourage~ent or brokering and threats

and abuse. Th_ tormer is obviously debilitating to the

child as is the lattar, involving coaplata parental

betrayal and abdication ot their traditional role as

protector ot the child. FUrther, children who are east

in pornography have otten been incestuously abused

betore and atter the tilming. IS These e~otionally

trauaatized and abandoned youngsters are at greater risk

tram AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, drug

use, prostitution, suicides and heterosexual and

homosexual homicide. 19

The impact on children east in sex ti1ms was

chillingly recounted in the testimony at a woman who was

torced to appear as a child in such tilms. Although the

quoted excerpt is lengthy, amicus believes it is worth

quoting in tull.

During the making ot the pornography, I was photographed nude and in costumes, raped by men and a variety ot objects, and subjected to sadism and physical

" Senate Hearing 98-1267 Betore the SubcOmmittee gn Juvenile Justice at the COmmittee on the Judiciary "Ettect ot Pornography on Women and Children," (1984) at p. 169. ("I was not allowed to do "certain things" while tha pictur.s were beinq taken. I could, and in tact had to, do those same certain things when pictures ware not being taken.") 19 ~ ~.g., Lloyd,

AttornlilY General' II c~;;';,l,,; Report (July l P86); Senate


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abuse. The emotion~l torture vas even vorse tor me. Watched constantly, I vas denied contact vith other "models" and spoken Qbout in the third person like an inanimate object. My thoughts, feelings and objections vere totally irrelevant. In addition, my tather had threatened physical violence and my life if I told about the pornography and I believed him. This living hell shamed and humiliated me beyond description. Many women and children have experienced worse. To me pornography is not freedom of speech, but freedom to abuse. YoU see, it's not just a simple matter of a picture taken. A real person is being physically and psychologically battered, degraded and beaten down. Similar to the experience of black slaves and concentration camp prisoners, the pornography -model" becomes a non-human, stripped of any and all rights. The utter cont~pt shown children and vomen forced into pornography is interna1i~ed by them, We learn to loathe ourselves, to believe we really are leftover trash until self-worth and dignity sre gone. . •• I deeply resent the stigma and contempt we "models" face from a society that permits pornography to llourish • • • • I am one of the lucky ones -- I survived. Many us us died in the making of pornography and afterwards from drugs, alcohol, prostitution, poverty and self-hate. 20

20 Anonymous, Karch 5, 1985 Testimony Before the

Nebraska Judiciary Co-=ittee Rearing on LB 668 "The Child Pornography Prevention Act,-,

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B. Effects of Child Po~n09~aphy on Those Who view It

The effects of child pornoq~aphy on those who use

it are nearly as chllllnq.21 Research suggests that

po~n09raphy is a mood-altering drug that leads to

addiction among vulne~able adults and child~en.22 We

discussed above the use of schoolgirl uniforms in child

pornography. In Australia, whe~e schoolgirl uniforms

commonly appear in pornography, "copycat" sexual c~ime$

have occu~~ed. The law enforcement office~ supervising

the search for one such child was quoted in the press as



You've got any amount of males that'll .it outside schools and follow kids. Some men even set up videos in their cars or vans and record young gi~ls waiting for buses. They'll video them as they cross their legs and then they'll take the video home for their own sexual gratification .••• We're staggered by the amount of porn in the

"1~~li~bodY of • and the commission of • sexual crimes • • • • A nUMber of experimental studies of sex offenders, as well as laboratory studies of the general population, have found correlations between the USe of obscene material. and either the actual commission of sex offenses or changes in attitude indicating a greater likelihood of committing sex crimes. • •• 53' of the child molester. surveyed intentionally viewed sexually explicit material as part of their deliberate preoffanse preparation.")

" See O. Reed, "POrnography Addiction and CompUlsive Sexual Behavior,· at pp. 249-267 in Kedia. Child~an and the Family. ed, D. Zillman, J. Bryant, A Huston, (199'1.

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cOllUllunity -- the bestiality, the .adomasochism, the children •••• 1'111 convinced ••. there'. a stro ... q link between p orn and the amount ot sex crimes WII qat. 2l

John Rabun, then deputy director o~ the National

Center tor Missing Childran, .tatlld betore a

congressional hearing on "The Ettllct ot Pornography on

Women and Children"

100 percent ot the arrested pedophiles, child pornographers , pimps, what have you, allot these in IIttect child molesters had in their possession at the time ot arrest, adult pornography ranging trom what is in the literature typically ret erred to as sott pornography, such as Playboy, or up to harder, auch as Hustler, end et cetera • • • ."

Senate Hearing 98 - 1267, supra, at pp. 133-134.

Criminologist Tim Tate has written that U.S.

Postal Service statistics show:


that at lea.t 80 percent ot tho.e it identities as purchasers ot child pornography are active abuserll • . It a man buys child pornography he does so tor one reason and one reason alone, accordinq to Ray wyre, who runs Britain's only tul1-time clinic treatinq pedophiles. 'The reason is

The Sunday TasminiaD, February 28, 1993 at p. 19. The impact ot pornography can also be .een in the ca.e ot Oakes v. Massachusetts, 491 U.S. 576 (1989). The Commonwllalth alleqed that the detendant took photos ot his stepdauqhter "in increasinqly revealing .tate. ot undress including clothes trom Frederick'. ot Hollywood.. Ultimately, he took photographs ot the victim nude, talling her that he wanted to "make her big tor Playboy." Briet ot the Commonwealth ot MaSsachusetts at p.8.


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that he wants to have sex with children.' The t act that he may not have done so is more likely to ~e a question o t availa~ility or the tear ot getting caught. 24

Moreover, sex of fender treatment literature regularly

discusses that tho.e who mastur~ate to child imaqe s are

commonly inVOlved in child abuse. 25 Dr. Linnea Smith, a

psychiatrist specializing in medi a research, has written

that "Playboy'S persistent and long-running use of

i=age5 of children has not just ted the demand f or

seX\lal access to children but has "help[ed ] to create

it:. N26

" Tate, T. Liberties, ;~h:~ (1992) •


25 ~ Reed, supra, at 263; v. Cline, "Pornography Effects! Empirical and Clinical Evidence," in MediA. Children and the Family, ed. Zillman, Bryant and Huston (1994) (finding that those who masturbate to child i mages are highly likely to sexually assault chi ldren . ) .

rn sharp contrast to this evidence stands the psychological report of Appellant by Dr. Frederick Covan that Appellant does not pose a threat to the community. As the attached statement of Dr. Linnea Smith discusses, there are substantial weaknesses in Dr. Cavan's report.

" Dr. Linnea Smith, "It's Not Child's Play," 1994. A 1989 study of pictoriAl representations in "Playboy" trom 1954-1964 found, among other things, that

o 1,675 child image. were associated with nudity o 1,225 child imag8s were associated with

genital activity o 989 child images were associated with Adults o 792 adults were portrayed as pseudo-children o 592 child imaqes were associated with torce o 267 child images were associated with .ex with

. .., [ Footnote continued on next page )

Page 21: US vs Knox

- 18 -

One particularly et!ective way in which child

pornosraphy leads to sexual abuse lies in the

dehumanizing view and treatment of the chi ldren

exhibited. By placing the children in unnaturally

seductive poses, the children are directed to mimic

ani~als in heat or estrus. 27 Dehumanizing children in

this way makes it easier for the pedophile to justify

sexual abuse.

As the evidence begins to mount that pornography

is ~ore than just a pleasant diVersion, steps have begUn

to be taken to mitigate its harmfUl impact. In February

1992 the Canadian Supreme court. efter reviewing the

extensive research in this area, unanimously outlawed

pornography. 28 The Justices concluded that any

[Tootnote continued from previous page] ani~ls or objects

o 51' of the child cartoons and 46' of tha child photographs showed children age 3-11.

Almost all depictions of child •• xual abuse portrayed the child as unharmed or benefited by the activity. J. Reis_n. Executiye Summary, supra, at 10.

" ~, s..JiI •• Australian Senator MarIana Goldsmith, "Pornography and SexUal Violence,- Quadrant, p. 29 (November 1993) (-even many apparently nonviolent images a! naked women show them presenting as i! in oestrus -­as if already aroused and frequently in poses reminiscent of animal seXUality."); Morris, supra, at p. 239 (~Th'" ancient rump-display or the sexually active famale is rarely used in the human .pecies. Exceptions are !ou.nd in . certain (po:rnoo;rraphic) advertisements.")

" B.... v. Butler, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 452.


Page 22: US vs Knox

- 19 -

wo=en" and which "could cause har." should be banned.

In 1992 the Au~tralian parlia=ent restricted X-rated

cable TV and is now looking into restrictions on R-rated

materials. Recently Reuters reported that Sweden, which

has become a "hub tor international trade • • • in child

pornography" is considering banning it. possession.

Deputy Justice Hinister Reidunn Lauren was described as

having been "deeply shocked by the graphic scenes. n29

C. Interpretinq the Statute so As Not to Requfre Nudity Will Not Render It unconstitutionally Overbroad

Appellant has suggested that interpreting the

statute so as not to require nudity renders it overly

broad in that it will no longer be directed to the "hard

core o! child pornography." Appellant's Brie! at 34. 30

" Reute rs wire story, January 18, 1994.

30 In making his overbreadth argument, appellant asserts that it the statute is not read to apply only to nudity, a parade ot horribles viII occur and parents will quake with tear lest innocent pictures taken o! their children in ballet class or at the beach will be branded criminal. These tears are completely untounded. Further, it is not the parents ot ballet students who are raising these sensationalized tears or seeking to overturn the result in this case. Rather, it is, among others, "Playboy" which has written extensively about this case and amicus Aperture Foundation, Inc. which publishes "Aperture" magazine a publisher ot child pornography "art." Even appellant's counsel, Lawrence A. Stanley i. listed as a ~anuscript editor tor "Paidika: The Journal ot Paedophilia" and has been reported by the Columbia Journalism Review as the publisher ot the magazine "Uncommon Desires," which

[Footnote continued on next page]

Page 23: US vs Knox

- lO -

E~~v~r, as tne supr~:e court ha l r~co9nited and al t hil

because of the government's I trcnq interest in tha

phYlical and =antal ~ell-bei~ ot ohildren. 31 As ~~

hav .. draady d-... on"t.rat.d abov., wh . th.r that ~all-~1nq

tully unclothed. Fo:r reason, alone, appellant's Appoollent's ergu~.nt would nsrrpy t he statute ~c

luch an extent thet it ~culd be larqely ineffective in

carryinq out itl c~ngTeasl~nally intend-ed, and

con.UtuUcnally andor"ed, pJ.rpos •.

S.uoond, beeau,. .. tha statut. un" illa9"" and not

vorda, any a"alysia ot- its ocnstitutlonality ... ust tAke

into account tn. gr.-t.r i~ct ot On tn. brain

and the r.sultlnq QT •• ter i ntluenc. on b&havior. Ther.

can be little douot that i __ gel are .ore powerfUl

cOlllDllnicaton than worob.

AI wal statad to t~ United Stats" Supr ••• court

1n a 1989 amicus brief:

continUed It •• If iU

H!!, lark v. "

Fubpr, 458 U.S. 747, 756 (1982).

Page 24: US vs Knox

- 21 -

V15u~1 d~ta, 900d or bAd, true or tal.e, is processed as ~rea18 i~diately, forcefully and ~lth pernsn.nce, while c02potlnq pr i nt! ~peeen is ta.bly, o r i n 502. c a seS not .t .11 . .• Th.r. i o: • gro~inq body o f acia ntitlc nGuroche~ic.l r ••• arch wh ich Shovs t h a t picture" are proc •••• d .nd r e tained by the i n a differe nt ~anner than t he written word. 3Z

thill vi .. w.

" ,. "

Taxen tro~ tno Mation " l ~rchiv811, ·powsrs of i o n ,- II nev exhibit ot ~orld War I I post.r art, qrapples provocativ"ly .. ith. • the manipulative IaVic in villual symbol.. • HOW do iaaqss evo);;e emotion. • glr.cting the Office o f W~ Infor.atlon. • was the colol:>rated poet-, Archibald "'sOLaioh _ Ttl. aan under"tood l ... ~ .. q. "nd iaaq .... " C.v bureaucr .. t s hav .. s i nce . They depict .,uscul .. r -.n <U>d- deteraine<l WOIIlan, forthright citizens and imperilod childron, roaring blast furn .. =aa .nd t..mlnq ••• ..ely lIn.. iIOnd .. n anqry Statu. or Liboorty lind Uncle 5&11. 33 -

Brier of v. ~,

Concarned WODen of Aaerica. .. 9~ U.S. 1.0 l (1990).

sectio n

",;.blngtgo ppst. ,

Page 25: US vs Knox

- 22 -

In .u~, the u.e Of se~SI p ictures o~ children, rather

than the wri tten de~cription of sex yith children, is

likely to b4ve a ear Eore pOYerrul and digturbini


It is no accidlnt that pedophiLes rlverl th~ picture ~r. than the Yord. The plcturl. ot Golesration ~tiGulate thn on a deeper and IItronqor 10"8l, be it neurochemic.I or p.ychological. Tn • • ~loitation of • child in a phot oQroph, lo"il or VidlO 11, de""'"tatin'l, al'lCl it retains ita .Ipra"ed pot.ncy tor thoa. that possess Ind vie .... i t . . •. tt 15 til:e to stell the tid. of this t erribl e bolocau.t which ol.lma thoul.nds o~ innoc.nt ohildren .e ltl victiAS. p OI •••• ion ot pictori.l child pornography c.nnot b. ~lven th. SAme First ~endD.nt prot.ct ion as written dep i ction. I ntuition tollow. the old sdaQe that "a picture I , worth a thou.and worde,· Unfortunately, • sin91. photoqraph ot a lole,ted child .polk. vOlual' .bout the tragady that ha. bet.11ln that child. J4

There can be noth ing constitutionally lnfl~ ln rOlding

tbi~ ItltUtl 10 al to prot,ct the of ~hild~en.

rv. C9!fCLJlSJo.

k~icus re,plctt~lly 5u~ite th.t thil Court

shoul~ rejeet .ny notion that the Child ~oteetlon Act

was intended to cover only the use ot nude children in

child pcrno9rlphy. AS discuslad lbo"e, nudity 11 not

necessary, and ill most otten not u~, to leru!lly

J. AIIoic~ 8rle: Of Concerned WODen of Al:lerica, :lII$l3I, at pp. n - H.

Page 26: US vs Knox

- 2l -

addition, the ha~ that ehild pornography pregent$, both

to the thil~ren eomproAlsed by their par.nts a nd

displayed in th. ~at~riAls and to those vho v ould u ••

child "perrormer" bel"", "xhlblt.d is being p ....... itted to panties or not.

Reap"ctfully auloaittac:l,

~on.ld D .. Ray, £~q. ~onald D .. Ray cDuns"IIDrs at LBv 1012 South Pourtil St. ~iavl11., ~y 40l0J (502 f 584-1300

C.vid S. Eqq.rt, Esq. "n~al M. Shaheen, Esq. Arnold' p"rt.r 1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW Vas llillqton, J;)C 20036 ·:lC2) S72 - HOC

Co"n ... l to .... ieu .. curiae ~. Instit"t. tor M.die Edue _tlon

Page 27: US vs Knox

RIDDtt Df Llnnoa W. SDitb . M.D

The rollowing cO£Centa are In response to a

reque~t by AKICUS, In~tituto for Madi a Educati on, tor an

ev~luAtlon of t ha p~y~boloqi~.l raport on St.pb~n Xnox

sublllittltd by Pl'ed.aricl< L. cavan, Ph.D., and d ... ted

I am • psychiatrist speCializing In issues of

pediatric tral1mi'l and ",aB~ .... ,Ua ~cnt .. nt. II copy ot IlY

re~uDC is attached.

'l'!Ia raport as ""itun aoemed li.mite<l. In .tope

wlUl a lla joci t y ot tluo history and evaluation based. on

tha surt ... ce level content ot Mr. ~nox's selt-di.~loau~

lo1Iich wall accepted uncritically. Sex offenders in

genera l and padophilaE in particular ..... ctrongly

d@tanded, utill~ing t o a gr .. ate~ extent tne det*MS.

_chanilDlS ot danial, rationalization, and . ini.iz"tion.

It Is essential ~at intarview techniques include

aggres s i~ conrrontatlon and the Challenqinq or

inccniruoua .t.t • .ent.. Thla vaa not " .. dily apparent

rro," reading the .ua.ary ot Mr. KnO%'. evaluat ion. The

· . xc..dinijl~ ~andtd .bQut intimate • • p.~tg o~ h~ ••• wuel

hiBtOry- but the i nti .. te d.teil~ were not evidence In

the "ontent et the eva.luator's repert. Very Httl.

detBll 1s r elated about Kr. KnOK'. early childhood other

Page 28: US vs Knox

- , -

in the Knox h~ahold· but it .as not eTid&nt thl' " ••

explored !'=ther.

Behavioral indicato"l to~nd commonly in •• x­

o r render population. whi ch wara Id.ntltl~ in tne raport

Inolude, (ll poor relationlhip vlth hthlr,

C ~) isolat1<>n, P) In..-curlly, (4) lcndin_n, (5) lev

•• It-lst_lI, 'I ) no 010' ••• la trl_nela. &nd 111 rIp_tId

r. jection by w" ..n.

AlthOU~h .~ ral.cionlhlps vith adul t voa.n v a .. a

IclentJ.ticd. thh In ItMlt d ...... not elillinate the rh)f

of acting out the axta"-lvI, t •• of interactiona

with chl1dran. A t a lr n~r ot child •• x oftandare

heva b.en Involv-o In adult ralationahip •.

n.. raport U.t.d thl ahn4ard plyoholO9'l .. &1

t •• t., with a inl .. 1 datail, of the .... ulta.

An independent IV_Illation or the teltin9 re~u1t. would

t. helpful. IUC, ~ report..:!ly scor.a In thl ."perior

"&ng& of intRl119."'" and. with 101. r..,.,nt and

conaiderabl .. i ...... h_nt In t.n. _ ntal hoult.b. '),'10'" i,

pro~bl)' in a better po.ition to .. n ipulat. t.n. r ,.ult.

to pr ..... nt a t.vorabl. i •• ,_ ~bicb i. to hi. parc.iy.d

adVilntag,". It " oul<! alao boo t.pc~nt to wlWS.

te'tin, ~ore ,~citlc t o ,.x-otr.nd • ., .valuation suoh ••

t.n. penila plytbyaaqraph [email protected]~ant t or

det.or:aination or • d.vhnt .r ...... ll Il.iararchy.


Page 29: US vs Knox

- , -

It would be pertinent to have mora Info~tlon

about the 90a1a and f ocus of Xr. Kno~'. praviou. , tna ot tnarapiata in tha

specialty .~ •• o f •• x-offanea .. tr_c .. nc , Kr. ~OX'.

coll;oli""ca ..- i tl> tr.a>:DBnt. and. it hi. t r •• t ... nt "'UO"

00\100 "rda .. a d.

experience of • •• t url>llti ng to Playboy- 11k. ".gul" ..

while tant •• lz1nq to same-a,. f ... l" pcu-a. I n the

urly 11170' . th .. tre<fUIOIICY Of ClI!ld i ... , .. in P l ayboy '

the .'.,ad .... i_g •• and h1 .. fant •• y cont"nt ccll.ld

include childr .n •• v l abla •• xual te r g"t • .

At on .. point, be "' •• or1&o4 fant •• ie. ot 13 end

14 year-old 9 1rla 1n which n .. " ould "make-out- but n.~r

-1I.&k1nc; - ouc- .. an and in itad!, In ... lIWll !antud •• 11

h19h1y unuSUAl and .oca cOEDOnly •• rvel a. .. precursor

to additiona l s.xu .. l behavior •.

At another poine In tn" .. aport, th .. • ••• xu.l'

•• ph ... l a-.l. Ttli. 11 unuAl1lIl alI4 .or .. d i rUcult t o

.ccept in light of hi . hi.tory of eo~id.rable ri.k­

I:.kin<] 1:0 Child IJexuoi .... t .. rt.l , (tluore h roo

de.~ripl:lon of th .. content of the .. ~t .. rJ.l i n que.l:l en

in Mr. ~nox·. fl r.t conviction of receipt e nd po . .... ion ,

Page 30: US vs Knox

-. -o~ child pornography). The r ole of pornography in

fanta sy production 05 ~.ll as a ~o.turbatory crutch doss

not support t~e c l a i m of "ase~al· fantasies.

Hi& f anta.iGs of uncrl~ie.l and

cooplsto adoration by littl_ g irl& i • • comnon component

ot t ho fa nta.i@s of p@dophiles and doesn't tha

likelihood of 8eKUol1~ed tant • • t... R •••• rcn has shown

that deviant fant •• i.. l .a. to deviant cot i nq out and

h;onda - on sexual off .. ns.... The vast lOa:!or ity of ~ild

porno9Tophy consumers molost children .

~. Knax'. firet oar •• r choice involved t • • cni~

at •• ~ool og@ laval of h is •• ~1 object inter •• t ,

hi gh- risk situati on. His history i ncluded the

conviction for r ece ipt sn4 pee •••• i on of child

pornography on two ~c •• ion.. Hi. first conviction

resulted in d isruption ot his li t e, loss ot career,

placement on prObation, an~ 1nvolve~t in

Pl'l'chotnerapy, y.t h. t<><>l< _.ur.o. to obtain chil~

porn"9T8phl' on 8notn.u- occ8"ion d.t .u-.inecl by ti>. 1.9a1

"yate.. Thi" is co~llinq evidence ot the severely

co.pul_lv. asp."t ot hi. behavior. Th. majorit y of •• ~

otfender_ sre obs •• aivaly involva~ wi t h pornoqraphy. It

i. diffiCUlt to understand the basis of Dr. Coven's

"o",ton; in predictlnq tha.t Stephan Jl:no~ 'a futu .. e

bahavior will not preaflnt a .. 1&k to chl1drfln or tne

c:ol3lUJ\ity. -,

Page 31: US vs Knox

- , -

• .•. ' If •• an buys ~hl1~ porn09r.~~y h. dolt •• 0 to~ ona ..... .an .nd ..... r_.en . lona,' accordinq t o ~ay Vy~ •• who run. 8rita~n ' . o',IV tu.ll - tl •• ellnie treating padopI!11... 'D ....... on t. t hat ha .. anta to 1I.v. ... v ith ch ild ... n. ~. r.=t that n. aay not h.". <I""" .., i • .ora ILkaly t o t.. '" qua.clon ot availabill ty or th. rIO ... ot gattinq c auqht than ... vul.! .. n at t he ... ry concept .'·

"Ita (the U.S. Po.tal 'arvl .. . ) _clItiat! .. ," "nOV t/lac '" l ••• t 10 par cant of those it 14.h01tl •••• pun=hil&ara at child p<>J'l\O'JI"aphy ar. actl"a abu...... ' The ... at .1thoor h ••• n' t had the opportunity to .bu •• or 80r. probably bav.n' t ~.n c.~ghc rat ,' e'" poet_l aervice ,peelal a.ant ".rnMl." (I t :l1n . p . l Oll.

• • ... Chl ld pornographT Can .. be '" ... r.ty-valva both becau •• th. chl 1dr-n 111 it lOra beln; u.uaad. and Mcau •• the pedopnl1 •• v •• it to ",Illdat. r •• 11ng&, to .aka thea r •• l tilay Ira no~ l. I n that way it h.w .... their inhibition. about going out .nd abuaing childran rathar than pr ••• nting t ham fro.. dOin'i ao. n (It,iII, p. 211)

· ·Tia Tat_ , ~e Child Pcrnography Indue try-, ttzin,

Cetherin., Pomogrephy; Bltn. yiolln;_ and Civil

LIRt;ti.e. Ozford Uoi~.ity PT, •• , 1"1 .

Page 32: US vs Knox