u.s. epa, pesticide product label, bora-care, 04/30/2003

NISUS COPORA nON C/O RegWest Company 30856 Rocky Road Greeley, CO 80631-9375 Subject: Label Revisions Product Name: BORA CARE EPA Registration No. 64405-1 Fax: dated April 7, 2003 APR 3 0 2003 The labeling referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, ·is acceptable subject to ti).e comments listed below. I) Delete the statement" Treatment is long lasting (60 years demonstrated thus far)" or submit Efficacy study to support this claim. 2) To expedite handling, please return a copy of this letter with your finished labeling. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ms Pat Quarles at (703) 305-6876. enclosure Sincerely, Marion Johnson Product Manager 10 Insecticide Branch Registration Division 7505

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Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

NISUS COPORA nON C/O RegWest Company 30856 Rocky Road Greeley, CO 80631-9375

Subject: Label Revisions Product Name: BORA CARE EPA Registration No. 64405-1 Fax: dated April 7, 2003


APR 3 0 2003

The labeling referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, ·is acceptable subject to ti).e comments listed below.

I) Delete the statement" Treatment is long lasting (60 years demonstrated thus far)" or submit Efficacy study to support this claim.

2) To expedite handling, please return a copy of this letter with your finished labeling. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ms Pat Quarles at (703) 305-6876.



Marion Johnson Product Manager 10 Insecticide Branch Registration Division 7505

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

AI'IHTf-03 MON II: 28 REG WEST COMPANY FARHO. 19703530613 P. 19

~05-' N_~beI(T_): Page, 0116 001107103

For Both Interior and Eltterlor Prevention and Control of: .Subtemllllein Termites .Formosan Termltet .Carpenter Ante .Wood Destroying BMtIoa • Fungi (Mold and Rot) .Algae

Keep Out of Reach of Children

CAUTION 8M Back Panel for Addilional Precautionary State mente.

see Booklet for Complete Directions for U •••

ActIVO IngredIent: Disodium Oc1aborate Tetrahydrate (Na,B,O,,04H,O) ......... 40%

Other Ingredients .................................. , ............................ ~ Total ........................................................................................ 100%

Not Contenta: 1,0 Gallon (3.78 Lite,.) Net Weight: 11.5 Pounds (5.2 Kilo., EPA Reg, No. 64405-1 EPA e.t. 64405-TN-1

U.s. Patent Noe. 5.104,654. 5,298,240, 5,460.818, 5,645.828 A(.C.I;PTED

Nisus CorpoNtion

Cl Made In the u.s.A.

BORA-CARE® TennlUclde,lnsectlcld. and FungIcide Concentrate

A Product of Nisus Corporation

For the Prevention and Control of:

-with COMMENTS fn EPA LeMet' O$kd;

APR 3 0 2003 i:~::~~,~_S;: ~~~~::::~~;i~ci1~_;: as ~~=.;::CcJ, (ii' il:.2 f"£2)~('h\~ .rc-.:~,~j u:al.cr ~,~A i(::,;. No. "'044Q$- I

Termito .. , Carpenter Ants, Wood Desll'Oying Beetl .. , FungI (Mold and Rot, Ind Algae For Both Interior and E!xterior Use

For use in and around Homes, Apartrnenl8, Garages, Museums, Public and Private In&tlMlons, Schools, Hotels, Hospital8, Kennels, Stables, Fenn Buildings, Trucks, Trailers, WarehOUses and Non.Food Areas of SUpermarkets, Restaurants and Food Processing Plants.

Active Ingredient: Disodlum Octaborate Tetrahydrate (Na.BeO,.04H,o) ......... 40%

Other Ingredient. ........................................................ ", ...... ~ Total ............ , ........................................................................... 100%

EPA Reg. No. 84406-1 EPA Est. 64406-TN·1

U.S. Patent Nos. 5.104,664, 5,296,240, 5,480,816, 5,645,828

Keep Out of Reach of Children CAUTION

PRECAUnONARYSTATEMENTS Hazanls To HumlllS & Dom.stic AnlmllS


CAUTION: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye Irritation. Avoid contact with 8kln, eyes or clothing. Thoroughly wash with soap and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing betore reuse.

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

----- --- --- ---"'-- FAX NO. 19703530613, ___ --...;P;.;,;.2;;;;0 __ ----+J 311


If on Skin • or Clothing • If In Eyes •

Take of! contaminated clothing.

First Aid Borate Pesticide

Immediately rinse sldn with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.

BUG5· 1 N_ UboI (Tomp); "- Z 0116 04107103

Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses. if present, after the first 5 minutes then continue rlnsin!! eye.

CaU a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice, Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or goIng for treatment [You may also contact 1-800-424·9300 for emergency medical treatment InfollTlation.]

, {Note. The first aid statements grid format wtll be U$ed if mM<411labeJ space pennlts. othelWlSe • paragraph formal will be used.}

Environmental Hazard. This pesticide is toxic to fish and wildlife, Do not apply directly to water, to intertidal areas where surface waler is prasent ur to Interlklal aneas below the mean high water mark. 00 not contaminate water when cleaning equipment or disposing of equipment washwaters.


Net Contents: 1.0 Gallon (3.78 Litera) Nat Weight! 11.11 pounds (5.2 Kilos)

Nisus Corpol'lltion 100 Nisul Drive

Rockford, TN 37853 (BOO) 214-0870


For Both Interior and exterior Use For use in and around Homes. Apartments. Garages. Museums. Public and Private Institutions, SCIlools. Hotels, Hospitals, Kennels, Stables, FallTl Buildings, Trucks, Trailers, Warehouses and Non-Food Areas of SupellTlarkets, Restaurants and Food Processing Plants.

PRECAUnONARY STATEMENTS Hazarde To Humans & Domtltlc Animals

CAunON: Harmful If absorbed through skin, Causes moderate eye IrrllaUOn. AVOid contact with skin, eyes or clothing, Thoroughly wash with soap and weter after handling, Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before reuse.

If on Skin • or Clothing • If In Eyes •

Take of! contaminated clothing.

First Aid Borate PesUcide

ImmediatelY rinse skin with plenty of weter for 15-20 minutes. Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15·20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if p_reeent. after the nrst ~ minutes, then continue rinsing eve.

Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Have the product container or label with you when calling II polson control center or doctor. or gOing for treatment. [You may also contact 1.al0-424-9300 for emergency medical treatment information.j

, {Nota. The first aid stetements grid format wtll be used If marltel label apace permits. olheIwiM a paragraph formal Will be uSed.}

Environmental Hazard. This pesticide is toxic to fieh and wildlife. Do not apply directly to water, to intertidal areas where surface weter is present or to Intertidal aneas tlelow the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water When cleaning equipment or disposing of equipment washwaters.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product In a manner inconsistent with its labeling,

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:29 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.21


~INewUhl(TMtp): Poge3ofl6 0Wl'103

Reed and understand the entire label belore ueing. Use only acc:ordlng to label directions. Before buyIng Dr using this product. read w.mrnty Umltlltlons and DI#/aIm", aIlIIement Iound elsewhere on this label. If terms are unacceptable, return unopened package to seller for full refuncI of pulChase price. OInerwlse. use by the buyer or any other user constitutes acceptance of the terms under Wenanty Umltatlo"" end Disclaimer.

Storage and Olapoul Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or dl$posal.

Pesticide Storage: store In a coot. drY (preferably locked) storage area inaccel s'bIe to children and pets. Do not freeze. Dlaposal: If IfIIpty: 00 not reuse this container. Place In lra$h or offar for recycnnv "lVlilable. If partly "1Iad: Call your local solid waste ag.ney for dispoeal instruetio.... Never place unused product down any Indoor Dr outdoor drain.

I. Mixing InWuotlona BonloCare Is a concentrate that must be diluted with clean water before UH. The use of warm Dr hot water. if available. and an Impeller.type mixer that ean be used WIth an alectric drill aids the dUution process.

A. ..and Spraye,..: MIX in e clean container and stir the solution until completaly uniform. Pdways mbc In a separate container then add the solution to a spray blnk. Milling Bora-Care dlreclly in a spray tank can block noses and ~Ies.

B. Hand Volume Pumping Systems: Add all of the dlluUon W81er to tank, start racirculator. then slowty add BOnl-Care concentrate. Mix until uniform.

Use 1:1. 2:1 and 3:1 Bora4re solutions within 24 hours after mixing, 5:1 solutions will remain sblble for up to 30 days. 00 not leave unused solution under pressure or In lank ovemlghl Clean and/or flush equipment and lines With water after use.

BOnloCare may be tank-mixed with an approved non·residual pesticide for quicker knockdown of carpenter anl8 and other InseClll or with an approved fUngiCide for Increased performance against mold.

II. Dilution Rltlo. by Volume

Table A Mixlnll RatIo.

Target Pests Water plus Bora-Care Appncatlon NotH Pdllnsects 1:1 For usa as a remedlll control applied t:r;

spray, Injection, brush or roller Subterranean and Formosan Termites 1:10r2:1 For ramedim and preventattve treatments

apply a 1: 1 dilution ratio for all traalments by spray. injection, br'ush or roller, The 2: 1 dDution ratio may be UIed for foaming or, for application Into lnaccaeelDle wan voids, may be used In en NIsuwDproved mist machine.

AnoDlld and Lyctid 1:1,2:1 or 5:1 For all ramedial treatments use a 1:1 dilution powderpost Beetles ratio .. Logs> 4" reqUire a 1:1 d~ution ratto for

prevention. Use • 2: 1 dllutlon ratio for lraating hardwood floors. Use the 5: 1 dilution ratio for prevention applications In structures WIth no active infestatIon5,

All other beetle species including Old 1:10r5:1 Use the 1:1 dilution rliio lor remedial and House Borer Pl'1!Yemative treatment In wood > 4" In

thickness, Use the 5:1 dilution ratio lor prevenUon in WOOCIleU !han 4" in thieknan,


Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-Q3 MON 11:29 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.22

Target Peats Mixing Ratlotl

Wltor pI ... Bora-C.re Carpenter Ants 1:1.2:1 or 5:1

Fungi (Mold and Rot) Bnd Algae 1:1.3:1 or 5:1

Table B Mbdng RatIos

Mat,rials to Be Treated Watar p1ue Bora-Care Logs. Large Beams. Timber and See target pe$I$ In Table A Dimensional Lumber> 4"

OecIdng. Fences and Plywood See target pests In Table A

Logs, Large Beams and See target pests In Tabla A Dimen~ional Lumber

Parte Water 1 PII18 Bora-CI,.. 1 10 1 . 2 10 1 3 to 1 5 to 1

III. General Information

_5-, _ ubel rr.mp)! Poge. 0116 OW7103

AppllcaOon Nolet; Use the 1:1 dilution ratio for .11 remedial treatments. Use the 2: 1 dilution ratio for remedial treatments applied by fOam or with a Nisue-approved misting maChine (or applicator). Use the 5:1 dilution ratio for

I pre"."tion. For remedial control UI8 • 1: 1 dilution ratio on wood rnembarI 4" or greater In thickness. Use I 3: 1 dHLItion ratio for wood less than 4· in thickness. For prevention usa a 5:1 dilution ratio.

AppllcaUon Notes All spray appIIc;ationl for Insects and Fungi (mold and roll. For dip application .ae below. Use on wood members 2" or less in thickness. Use the 5:1 dHution ratio only for dip natment fOr Inteet prevention. May be used in conjunction with other fungicides for fungi (mold and rot) control.

'4 DlIodlum octaboratl Tetrahydl1lte 23% 16% 13% ,,-,-. .-9%

Bora-Care is an Innovative tarmiticide. Insecticide and fungicide that eliminates existing Intestations and provides long term protection against:

Subterranean Termites: RelicuJitermes, Helerote/11lS:S Formoaan Termttes: Copto/errr/N

Dampwood Tennltes; Zooterrnopsi$. Neotetmes POwtlerpost Beetle.: Lyetfde., BostrIchidae

Anobiid BeetIeI: Anob/idle Old House Borers. Longhom Beetles: Cemmbyr;ldH, Hy/O/rupes

Ambrosia Beetles: PJ.typodidae. ScoIytIdae Carpenler AnI5: CSmponollJs

Brown Rot (inclUding dry rot), 'Mllte Rot Wood Decay, Molda and other Fungi [Including:

Anlredla einuosa Antrodla xantha

Aspergilrl$ amstelodaml Aspergillus niger

Aureobasldlum pullutans Basldomycele

Bisporle pusillas 132 Ceratocystls pluriannulata

Ceratocystls picea

Fomesplnl Fomes plnlcola

Gloeophyllum abietlnum Gloephyllum seplarlum Gloephyllum trabeum

Hericlum abletis Heterobesidian annosum

Lentinus lepideu8 Lenzites trabea

Phialophora hetercmorphl Phialophora IIgnicoia

Phlalophoralueto-oUvac;ea Phorna herbarum

Phoma Ianose Polyporus abletinus POlyporus rugulosu& Polyporus sulphureua Poly porus tomentosus

Poria placenta Poria subaclda Poria viellanlll

Poril vaporaria Poria xantha

Rhinocilldielia spp. Scerlopnoma pityophila

Serpula lacrymans Sistotreme brinkmenll

Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-oi-03 MON 11:30 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO, 19703530613'::..-___ ...;.P;..;, 2;,;..3 __ -rf-


Chaelomlum globosum kelnze COniophora cerebella Conlophora olivacea Coniophora puleana

Fomes IIvldus Fomes otllcinalls

Marulius lacrymans Ophlostoma coeruleum

PaedlOmyces vanoll Phialophora spp.

Phialophora fastigiata Phialophora haffmannii

Polyporus varelcolor POlystictus versicolor

Poria carbonlca Poria incrassata

Poria mondcola S98

64oIQ!.1 N_Ub./{Tomp), Peg. G 011(,


Staehyboltys alnl core!a Stereum abietlrum

Torulla spp.

Poria nlgrescenc 4866

Trametes lIIac1no..gliva Trametes serialis

TrichlOCl.dlum asperum]

801'll-C ••• may be used on all cellUlosic materials including wood, plywood, particle boare!, papar, oriented strand boare! (OS8), cardboard and wood composite structural components. Apply BoI'II-C.re only to bare wood, plywoOd, partlcJe board and othar cellulosic materials where an Intact watar-repellent bamar, such as paint, stain or sealer, Is not present

For tracking purposes (to make It easier to see whe,.. Bolll~are solutions have been applied) an appropriate marker dye or pigment may be edded 10 tile solution when diluting BoI'II-C.,.. with water. Refer to the dye or pigment product label for recommended amount 10 add to the Sora-Care solution.

When spraying overhead Interior aress of homes, apartment bUildings, etc., coyer or protect all surfaces below the area being sprayed with plastic Sheeting or other milterial that can be dISposed of if c:ontamination from dripping occurs. Do not apply In food serving areas while food i$ exposed.

Use soap and water to clean up tools.

In structures where a soil treatmentibamer termitlclde has been applied andlor termite ba~ system in&talled, apply Bora­Care as an additional treatment to protect wood from subterranean termkes that may have penetrated the chemical geps occunring wkhln the termlticide-treated soil or have by-paSSed tile bait/monitor systems and entered the structure or termites and beetles that can fly directiy Into the house, entirely bypassing the soH treatment.

As a remedial treatment. Bora-Care will both eliminate lind plllvent Infestations of FOlTl1O$6n, subterranean termites. wood boring beaUes, carpenter anlll and decay fungi. "may al60 be used as a supplement or alternative to fumigation in order to provide long-term residual control.

Since Bora-Care is applied directly 10 the wood, it can be used In areas where environmental contamination is of concern (nearby walls, cistems, etc.). The active Ingredient In BOIll-C .... is an inorganic salt and once in plICa it will not decompose Or vola~e out of the Wood. Treatment Is long lasting [60 years demonstrated thus lsr] provided the treated material is not exposed to rain, continuous water or ground contact

BOIll-Care is not a soli termiticide. Do not use to directly treat lOii.

[The active ingredient in BOI'II-Care, dlsodium octaborate tetrahydrate, Is toxic to many insaCls, decay fungi, algae and some forms of bacteria. Although the effk:acy of borates (salls containing thll element boron) against Insects such as termites and wood boring bealles is well documented, the actual mechanism Is not COmpletely understood. The moet accepted hypothesis is that boron Inhibits the dehydrogenase enzymes and prevents metabolism. Without them, tIlese inseew essentially starve 10 death. Bora-Caro's patented formulation greatly enhances both depth and Speed of penetration In wood as well as the efficacy of the active ingredient. On~ Bora..care has been applied, those insec:l$ that eat or Infest the wood come In contact with the active borate ingredient and are killed. Some wood damaging Insecta. such as carpenter anw, do not consume wood but use the wood as nesting sttes. Vtlhile chewing, they exude chemicals that soften the wood for eaSier removal. In the process of releaSing and ibsorbing these chemICals or by being in contact with Bora-C.re-treated wood, these insects also ingast the borate in the wood and are killed. Once individual members of many ant and termite colonlBS begin to die after feeding on a particular food source, the rest of the colony usually stops feeding on that same source end retreats from the area. Thus. borate-lreated wood may be avoided by those members of the colony still alive.]

Older wood boring beetle larvae and especially pupae (particular1y Old House Borers) alreedy prese"t In the wood at the rtme of treatment may occasionally emerge IIOmelime after treatment This is because they are no longer feeding on the wood. This will not OCCUr freCluently enough to cause structural damage to any wooden member end relnfestation is prevented.

IV. Remedial Treatment for th. Control of Subterranean, Fonno •• " and DlmpWood Tennltea. Carpent.r Ants, Old House Borers, Powd.rpost and Other Wood BOring 809tl85 and Fungi (MOld and Rot)

Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:30 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 18703530613 P'~1 84405-1 NO",..beI (Temp): Pig" 8 0' 16


A. Inf .. ted WOOd mar be treated by spraying and/or Injecting BoraoCare solution Into beetle holes. termite and carpenter ant gallenes and decay pockets. Apply to the point of wetness one (1) coat ot Bora-Care solution to all Infested and susceptible wood. paying partlcular attention to Infested areas. Two (2) coats of Bora..care solution need only be applied to those wood members with only one (1) or two (2) exposed sidS$. For quicker control, apply an additional coat to haavlly infested arellS, waiting at least 20 minutes between applications.

In cases where the infestation is not aecassibta from tha sulface, small holes may be drilled Into the wood in order to gain access to tha if1festad are.. Inject enough solution to completely !!ood galleries or voids. Adjacent Intact wood may be treated by pressure injecting BoraoCare Into holes drilled into the wood at eight (8)- to ten (10Hnch Intervals Inject at 40 psi for four (4) to six (6) seconds per hole.

For treating infested wall voids. refer to Sections IV.E. and F.

B. Basements and crawl spacH may be treated by applying one (1) coat of diluted BoraoCare solution to the point ot welne .. to all infested and susceptible wood surfaces including sill plates. plars. girders, subtloors, ~oor joists and any wood exposed to vertical access from the soil. On wood Where access is limited to one (1) or two (2) sides ot wood members, such as sills and plates on foundallOn walls, apply two (2) OOlIte of Bora­Care solution. wait at least 20 minutes between applications. Apply at a rate of approximately one (1) gallon of BoraoCara solUtion per 200 square feet of floor area (400 square feed of wood surface area).

C. Buildings on slabs may be treated by applying Bora-Care solution into Will voids by locating eaCh stud and drilling a small hole through the wall covering to gain access to the Infested area, or by foaming or misting (with a Nisus-approved mist machine) as described in Sections IV.E and F. DriU holes acijacent to the side 01 each stud every 18-24 inches elong its length and Inject at least 1/3 fluid ounce of BoraoC.re solution per hole. Drill at least one hole per stud bay near the ~oor to treat the base plate in each vokl. Trellt entire wall areas as opposed to single stud bays to completely Include the infested area within the treatment zone.

D. Wood floorlnlJ may be treated by spray, brush or roller application. Prior to application, remove any existing finish by complete coarse &anding or stripping. Apply a two (2) parts water to one (1) part Bora-Ca ... (2:1) solution at a rate of approximately one (1) gallon of solution per 500 square feet of floor surface. For treating Infestations ot subterranean or Formosan termites, two (2) coats may be required, waiting at least one (1) hour between applications. Allow floor to completely dry (typically 48 to 72 hours). Moisture content must be 10% or Jess before applying flnal finish. Bora..c .... applications may rai8e the grain ot the wood and an additional fight sanding may be necessary before applying a new finish. Although Bora-Care is compatible with most floor coatings, alWays test a small section ot treeted floor with the new finish and cheek for appropriate adhesion prior to coating the entire floor. Note: If surface is tacky or residue Is evident aller 72 hours of drying nme, wash a1'fected "relI with clean water and a mop. cloth or sponge, nnsing frequently. Allow surface to dry prior to final light sanding and application of finish coat

E. For trelting voids, wall studs and wood memb.... not acc ... lble by conventional applicatIon methods, spray or mist soIuUon (using a Nisus-approved mist maChine) Into voids and channels in damaged and suspected Infested wood and/or through smalllloies drilled Into walls and baseboard areas. Space holes no mom than 24' apart along each member to be treated and at Ieut one (1) hole must be drilled between each wall stud when treating base plates, Use sufficient amount of material to cover all ireas to the point of wetness. Note: EXIstlng Insulation may interfere with dlstritlUllon of the Bora-Care solution. If necessary, move or displace insulation during or prior to treatment

F _ Foam application.: Bora-Care may be applied to bare wood surfaces and void areas as a loam by mlXlng two (2) parts water with ona (1) part 1S0ra-Cara (2:1) and adding 3 to 8 ounC8S of foaming agent per gallon of mixed solution. Apply toam to completely ftll the void. Foam will take approximately ona (1) hour to return to liquid state and soak into bare wood.

Apply foamed Bora-Care to void speces at a 1:20 to 1:30 foam ratio (one (1) gallon of mixed solution expanded with foaming agent to produca 20 to 30 gallons of foam). Apply enough foam to completely fill void and contact all wood surfaces in the void space.

Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:31 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 18703530613 P.25

~1 _ UI>aI (Temp): Poge 7 01 J 6 04107/03

G. [Roohl containing Infested cellulosic matertals may be treated by drilling holM through rooting $urface to gain acc:e&8 to the Infestad araa. Space holes no more than three (3) feet apart In .grkl pattern. InjectlWO (2) to four (4) nuld ounces of BOI'II-<:are solution Into eadl hole. Be sure to patch an holes with suitable materials to prevent subsequent water Infiltration.! ~

H. (Fogging applications: A fogging device may be used to lreat confined spaces SUCh as allies or CIlIWI

spaces. Add. two (2) parts walsr to one (1) part Bora-Care (2;1) solution to !he fogging device reservoir. Fog the area with enough Bora-Care solution to completaly wet all txPOSed wood surfaces. Apply approxllnlllely one (1) gallon Of solution for every 400 to 800 cubic feat of void volume. In heavily infested areas. supplement fogging with direct spray applications. If fogging is for conl/OI of subterranean or Formosan termites. two (2) separate applications may be necessary. walt It Ieaat 2 hours between apPllCauons. Slrnutlaneously operate muftJple fogging devtces for each 2000 cubic feet Of vo/ct valuma being treated. Note: Fogging is recommended only when access Is limited. preventing application by other means.)

I. Foam insulation may be treated by injecting a one (1) pmt water to one (1) part Bora-<:are (1;1) solution Into the infested area and/or low pressure surface spraying at a rate Of one (1) gallon per 300 to 400 square feet Note: Some types of foam Insulation. such as polyiSOcyanurale and extruded polystyrene. have closed cell structures that do not allow signlftcant penetration from surface application. Inject and surface spray these types of insulation to aChieve proper control or infestations prevention.

V. PreventatIVe endlor Pretreatment for Whole Hou.. Prvtectlon from Subterranean, Fonno .. n and Oampwood Tennlt .. , Carpenter Anti, Old Houee Borers, Powderpost and Other Wood Bortng Bee1I85 and Fungi (Mold and Rot) No~: This treatment serves as a primary treatment for ell wood destroying 0Ig8tI16ms listed above Including Formosan and subterranean termites.

Apply pretreatment at a point dUring the construction process when the graatest acce&& to all wood members is available. Normally this Is at the 'drled.jn' slage of construction when all structuTlll WOOd and she<lt~,''",·; ", . ,', place. yet prior to Installation of insulation. mechanical systems. eIecIricaI wiring. etc.

Apply to the point Ofwetn_ one (1) coat of a one (1) gallon water to one (1) gallon Bora-Care (1:1) solution \0 wood surfaoes for subterranean term"" and Fonnosan termit8IJ .. described In SectIon VI. For treatment of new log structures see SectIon IX. Trelt remainder of structural wood in a live (15) parts watar to one (1) part Bora. Care (5:1) solution. Concentrate application in areas susceptible to attack, to include at SUI8. plates. !loor jOists, Piers. girders and subftoors. Treat wood in all plumbing. electrical and duc:tworll al1l88 where they penetra!!! \'/alls or floors. Treat all base plates and studs on Interior and exterior walls. 85pecia1Jy thOle surrounding any nigh moisture areas suCh as bathrooms. kitchens and laundry rooms. For bUIldings bulH on slabs. treat all wood In contact with the slab, all Intel10r and exterior wall studs and waH sheathing mallIrial. In attics, treat all wood including ceiling Joists, 1111_, lop plates. rafters and roof decking. Be sure that eU sOl plates and wood contacting garages and porChQ$ are treated.

In areas where access Is limited to one (1) or two (2) slde. of a wood member. apply two (2) coats Of Bo ... ..care solution to the exposed surfaces. Walt at least 20 minuln between application ••

Treat all exterior wood Including sieling. facill. sofIIts. eaves. roonng. porella •• decks and railings (refer to Sectton v for camplete exterior application informaHon).

VI. Preventative and Pretreatments for Subter ... nean Termites (Crawl Space, SUen1ent and Slabl Note: This treatment serves as a primary treatment for the control of subterranean termites.

Use only a one (1) part water to one (1) part Bo ... .ca,. (1:1) solution when treating for subterranean termites.

Pretreatment may be applied at any point during the construcUon proc:eaa. however. it Is best performed when greatest access to all wood members is avellable. NOrmally this is at the "dried"n' stege of construction when aU structural wood and sheathIng Is in place. yet prior 10 installation Of Insulation, mechanical systems, electr1ca1 wiling. etc.


Page 9: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:32 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.26

_8-1 NIWII LBe/ (Tomp): PIO" 0116 00I0T103

A. Bulldins- on CraWl Spaces and BIIGmenta: Apply to the point 01 wetness one (1) coat of Bone (1) gallon water to one (1) gallon Bora-Care (1:1) solution in 01 24-lnch Wide uninterrupted band to all wood surfaces in crawl spaces and basemenlS. to Include all silrs. plates. noor joists. piers. girders and s~bfloors as well as wood exposed to direct vertical acce" from the soil. Tr.at a 24-inch Ilend around any WOOd adjacent to plumbing. electrical conduit lind ducts where Ifley penetrate 8ublloors If they provide a direct vertical BCCe$S

from the soil. Treat all wood In wall studs and 81115 In finished-out ba&emenlS wh.re wood framing is immediately adjacent to extertorfoundatlon walls. On wood where acces& "limited to one (1) or two (2) sides of wood memllers such as sills and plates on foundation walla. apply two (2) coats of Bora-e.re solution. Wait at least 20 minutes between applications. II accessible. treat the exterior of siD areas around the enUno perimeter of the structure wfth a 24-1"ch wide band 01 Bora.ca ... solution beginning WIth the sin area ana extending upwards onto the sheathing material. On multiple story structures. treat only the first $lory above the masonry foundation level. Coated or painted wood may be treated by pressure Injecting Bora-Care Into holes drilleel into the wood at eight (8)- to tao (10)- inch Intervals. Inject at 40 psi for four (4) to six (5) seconds per hole.

B. Buildings on Slabs: Apply one (1) coat of a one (1) gallon water to one (1) gallon Bora.c .... (1: 1) sOlution to all base plates and the bOttom 24 Inches of all studs on all exterior and interior walls. In areas where lICCass ie limited to one (1) or two (2) sides of a wood member. apply two (2) coats of Bora-<:are solution to the exposed surfaces. Wait at least 20 minutes between applications. Treat all wood In plUmbing walls and apply 10 any wood in bath traps as well as wood adjacent to plumbing. electrICal conduit and duct penetrations to provide a minimum 24-lnCh wide barrier of treatment between the soil and the balance of the slructure. Foam Insulation may be treated with Iow-pressure spraying or injected at the rate of one (1) gallon per 300 tg 400 square feat. Note: Some types of foam Insulation. sUCh as polyisocyanurate and extruded polystyrene. have cto&ed cell structures that dO not allow significant penetration from surface application. Inject and surface spray these types of Insulation to achieve proper control or prevention ollnfe.tations.

VII. Preventative T .... tment for Powderpost Beetl.s Apply to the point of wetness one (1) coat of a five (5) gallons water tg one (1) gallon Bora-<:are (5:1) solution to all WOOd surfaces using a brush. spray or mist. Apply two (2) coats of Bora-<:are solution to those surfaces where access is limited to one (1) or two (2) sides 01 wood members. walt at least 20 minutes between applications.

VIII. Treatment of Extertor Wood SurfaC8$ Less Than Two Inch •• Thick auch a. Decks, Sheds, Siding and. Fences Apply only to bare wood or to wood surfaces where an intact water reptUent or 1fnish is not present If necessary. remove paint or "nish prior to application. Apply to the point of wetness one (1) coat of Bora-<:are solution to all wood sur1'aces. Apply two (2) coats 01 Bora-Ca ... SOlution to heavily infested areas and tg those surfaces where eccess Is limiteel to one (1) or two (2) sides of wood members. Do not apply in rain or snow. Do not expose treateel exterior WOOd surfaces to rain or snow tor at feast 48 houl1l after treatment If InClement weather Is expected. protect exterior treated surfaces with a plastic tarp.

For wood in contact with the ground or 5011. $Be Section XII.

A. Finishing and Maintaining Treated Surfac .. : For Iong-Ierm protection. exterior wood surfaces that hove been treated with Bora.ca ... wlll require a topcoeting with a water-realatant finish such as paint or exterior stain. Apply tile finish or topcoat within six (6) weeks ot treatment. It is important to allow Bora-Care-nated wood to completely dry (et least 48 hours) before applying any protective topcoat Coat a small section of treated wood with the finish to be usecI and chec:l< fOr compatibility prior to complete application.

III T ... atment of Log Structures, TImbers, Beams, Pilings and Extertor Wood Memb.rs Two or More Inches Thick Apply only to bare wood or 10 wood surfaces where an inlact water repellent or other finish Is not present. If necessary. remove paint or "nlsh prior to appllcatlon. Prior 10 treatment elean Interior. unfini.hQd surfacw that have accumulated dirt or cooking oilS with a strong detergent Apply tg the point of wetness a one (1) part water to one (1) part BOrll-Care (1:1) solution to all interior and exterior wood surfaces. Refer to application chart tor minimum amount of Bora-Care to treat various siZed logs or beams. Typically, two (2) coats of solution will be required to Ireat round logs 10- or greater In diameter and rectangular logs lerger than S' x 12-. Wait at least one (1) hour between applications. Also apply two (2) coalS of Bora.ca,. solution to log ends. notcnes, comers and sill logs. Actual number of eo,lI" necessary to meet tne minimum requirements will depena upon actual wood size.

Page 10: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:33 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO, 19703530613 P,27-,1 6«05-1 N ... UkI (T""P); page 9 of 16


surfaCe POroSIty and number Of sides acceS8ible for treatment 00 not apply In rain or snow. 00 not expose treated exterior wood surfaoes to rain or snow lor at least 48 hours aller treatment If inclement weather is expected, protect extertor treated surfaces With a plastic tarp.

A. Finishing and Maintaining Treated Surfac:es: For long-term protection. exterior wood $urfaces that have bean treated With Bo ... -e .... will require a topeoatlng with a water-resistant finish, paint or exterior !taln. Apply the finish Or topcoat within six (6) weeks of treatmant It is Important to aUow Bora-eare-treated wood to completely dry (at least 48 hours) before appJytng any protectIVe topc:oal Coat a small sectton of Ire8ted wood with the IInish to be USed and check for compatibility prior to complete applicatIOn.

X. Dip ireatlng Loga and Lumber Prepare a clip treating SOlution by mixing five (5) paris water to one (1) part Bora-Care (5:1). This Will rasun In a stable solution containing 9% active ingredient SUcker bundled wood to ensure the solution eavers all wood surfaces. Submerge logs and/or lumber In the solution for at least one (1) minute or until all entrapped air has escaped. Protect treated wood from rain or snow for at least 24 hours aflsr tre8!ment

XI. Treatment of Wood in Contact with the Ground A Bora-Care treatment to WOOd In contact with the ground or soil has a limited lifespan and will require periodic reapplication. Protec:tlon may be e""'nded with the use of products such as Jacta· DltTuslbl. Boraclde.

XII. Prevention and Remedial Control of Mold and Algae for C.lluloslc BuIldIng componenta Apply Bora-Care lor the prevention and remedial centrol of mold and algae to caliulosie building components in new construction and existing structures and where an intad water repellant barrier such as paln~ stain or sealer is not present Apply Bora-eare at the rate of one (1) gallon of solution per 400 square leet of surface area, Refer to Table. A and B for miXing rebos for pre~e"talive and remedial mold and algae treatments.

XIII. General Pest Applications The application Of Bora-eare to the surface of wood in new construction or to wood surfaces inside wall void areas in eXIStIng structures helps to prevent the establishment of cockroach and other insect pes\$ infestations in these treated areas. Apply one (1) gallon of Bora-Care solution per 400 square teet of surface area or refer to Tables A and B when applying as a surface applICation against wood destroying organisms.

XIV. Sora-Car. Total Wood Preservative A wood preservative for prolection and treatment Of Wood against brown rot, white rot, fUngi (mold and rot) and wood destroying in.ects Including beeaes, termne. end carpenter ants. Treatment IS pennanent provided tha treated matarlalls not exposed to rain, moisture or ground contact

A. General Information: Bora-Care 1$ a concentrated solution of sodium borate with additives that facilitate rapid penetraton Of wood, regardless of rnot.ture contenl It Is designed for preventative andlor remedial treatment of wood In both new and existing structures against fUngi (mold and rot) and wood boring insects Including:

Subterranean Termites (Ret1culltermas, Heterotermss, Coptotermes) Dampwooc1 Termites (ZOO1ermopSls)

Powderpost BeeUes (Lyctidoe, Sostriehidae) Anobiid 1leetIt. (Anobiidae)

Old House Borers, Longhorn Beetles (Cerambyc:Jdae) Carpenter Ants (camponotus)

B. Surface Preparation: Apply only to bare wood. Remove any Pf'llvious IIniahes or water repellentl belore appliesbon of Bora-C..... Surfaces must be free of dirt and other contaminates. If ftnlshed appearance is a concem. prior to application of Bora-Care, remove any mold or mildew with an appropriate wood cleaner followed by thorough surface rinsing.

C. Application In81ructlons: 1. Treatment of Dlm,nsional Lumbar, Plywood ancl Exterior Wood Surfaces (Decks, Shed., Siding,

etc.): Apply only to bare wood or to wood ourfaces where an intaot water repellent or finish Is nOI prasent.

Page 11: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:33 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO, 19703530613 P,28

_, N.w IJIbW (T_): P_ 100116 04I07,v)

11 n8Ce$sary, remove peint or finish prior \0 application. To all wood sur1acea apply \0 the point 01 wetness one (1) coat 01 either a one (1) part water to 011. (1) pert Bora-Ca ... (1:1) solution for remedial control 01 wood-lnfesting Insects. three (3) pel'b Wiler to one (1) part BoraoCa,. (3:1) for remedial control of fungi (mOld and rot). two (2) parts WIItw to one (1) part Bont.cal't (2:1) foam or mist solution or a live (Ii) parts wat.r to one (1) pert BoraoCa,. (5:1) solution for InMet and fungi (mold and rot) prevention. Apply two (2) coats of Bo,.-Ca", solution \0 heavily Infested arees and to those surfaces where IIcce8llis limited to one (1) or two (2) aides 01 wood mernbera. Do not apply In rein or snow. 00 not expose treated exterior wood surtacas to rein or snow for at least 48 hours aft8r treatment If inclement weather Is expected. protect exterior treated surfaces with a Plastic tarp.

2. Treatment of Lop, Timbers and Larg. alama: Apply only to bare wood or to wood surtaces where an intaet water repellent or other finish is not present If _ry, remove paint or finish prior to application. Prior to treatrnan~ dean interior, unfinished surfaces that have accumulatecl dirt or cooking oils with a strong detergent Apply to the point 01 runoff by spray or brush a one (1) part water to one (1) part Bora­Care (1:1) solUtion to all inlarlor and exterior wood surfaces. Refer to application Chart for minimum amount of 8o,..ca,. to treat various lize2lOgs or beams. Typically. two (2) ooats of solution will be required to traat round logs 10" 01" greatar in diameter and rectangular logs larger than e" x 12". Walt at laast one (1) hour between applications. AlIa apply two (2) coats of BoraoCara solution to 109 ends, notches, comara and sill logs. Actual number 01 coats neCl!SSlllY to meet the minimum requirements will depend upon actual wood size, aurfaoe poroeity and number 01 sld8$ lOOISS/ble for traatment Do not apply in rein or snow. If inclement weather" expected, protect axtelfor traated surfaces with I plastiC tarp for at least 48 hours after treatment

3. Dip Treallng Logs and Lumber: Prepare 8 dip lreating sotution by mixing ftve (5) parts water to or.e \;) part Bora-Ca", (5:1). This win result In a stable solution containing 9% active Ingradient Sticker bundled wood to ansure the solution covers all wood surfaces. Submerge IOg$ andlor lumber in the solution for at least one (1) mInute or until all entrapped air has e8CBped. Protect traaled wood from rain or snow for at least 24 hours after treatment

D, Finishing and Maintaining Extarior-Tl'tated Surfaen: For long-llrm prolBction, exterior '\,)Cd ,,;c~~.es that have been treated with Sor • ..care require a topcoatfng with • water-resistant finish 3ucn as paint or axtenar ltaln. Apply the finish or topcoat within six (6)_1<8 of treatment It 1& important to allow Bora-Care­treated wood to completely dry (at least 48 hours) before applying any proteetlYe topcoat. Coat a small section of treated Wood with the finish to be USed and Check tor compatibility prior to complete application. Interior surfacas do not rlIqulra topcoatfng except In situations involving repeated moisture contact or high humidity (shower stalls, bath houses, saUn&lI, etc.)

E. Retention Ratee: One (1) gellon of Sora-C.,. concentrate (two (2) gallons 018ora-Care solution as applitd) will treat 800 board feat of wood to a minimum retention level 01 0.084 pounds per cubic foot boric acid equivalent (BA!). Since the active Ingredient penetrates throughout the wood being treated, calculate the amount of Bora-C.re needed on the volume 01 wood being treated, not just tha surface area. Use the following formulaS to calculate the requited amount of ao ... .c.",:

For Dimenslona. Lumbar (2 x 4,2 x a, 2 x 12, etc.)

Materialthlcknass (inches) x material width Qnches) x matarial'angth (flet) divided by 12. Board Feet For Log Homea

Log height (inches) x log tltlCknass (Inches) x perimeter (feet) x number 01 courses divided by 12 .. Board Feet (I'or round Iog$ u .. the average diameter fOr both height and thickness lT188Iurements)

For Siding and 'anellng One (1) gallon of Bora.ca ... concentrate (two (2) ganom; of sotution) will treat 800 sq. ft. of 1" thick wood by spraying only one aide. If siding or paneRng is %" thick, one (1) galIOn of Bora-C.re concentrate (two (2) 911110n, solution) treats 1 ,600 sq. I\.

II/ J 7

Page 12: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:34 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.29

~/1 IY4OII-I N ... Ubt:I (romp): Pag,o II of j 6


XV. Application Rates Table A DimeMlonal Lumber -

1 Gallon Of Diluted MInImum Amount of LumberSiza Bora..c.,.· Diluted Bora-Ca,.e

(Im:h .. ) Will Traat Up To To Traal1000 Uns.' Feet 1x4 1.200 Lineal Feet O.BGal. 1x 12 400 2.6 2x4 600 1.6 . 2x6 400 2.6 2)(B 30B 3.2

2x 10 240 42 2 x 12 200 5.0 4x4 300 3.4 4x6 200 5.0 4x8 150 6.8 4x 12 100 10.0 6x6 133 7.6 -6x8 100 10.0 6x 10 80 12.6 6 x12 68 16.0

Table B - Pan .... SIdIng Ind PlywoOd (1;1 or 2:1 mlxlna ratio)

1 Gallon of Diluted MInimum Amount of Thlcknees Bora-Ca,.· Diluted Bora-ca",-(lnch_, Will T .... t Up To To Trait 1000 Squi11'II Feet

1/4 1.600 sq. It 0.6 Gal.

-. 3/8 1.067 1.0 -112 800 1.2 3/4 533 1.8

-'. 1 400 2.6

Table C - Round Logs (only the 1:1 mixing ratio)

1 Gallon of DllutacI MInimum Amount ot Diametsr Bora-Care· Diluted Bora-Clre· (Inch"' Will Treet Up To To Treat 1000 Uneal FHt

6 167 Lineal Feat 8.0 Gal. 8 96 10.4 10 81 16.4 12 43 23.4

Note: The numbe~ listed above are based on an application rate of ona (1) gellon of Bora-Care soIuHon to 400 board feet of wood.

XVI. Warranty UmitatJons and Disclaimer Because of varying conditions arr.cting use and application. manufacturer warns buy.r that these may impair or vary the results or effectls of the usa of this product In any event. complete prevention Of decay or insect infestation is not guaranteed. Neither the manufacturer nor seller shall be liable In respect to eny injury or damage suffered by reason of the use of this product for a purpose not indicated by the label or when used contral)' to the directions or instructions hereon or wnh respect to breach ·of any wa~nty not exPressly specJfied herein. Buyer accepts this material subject to these terms and assumes all risk of usage and handling except when used or hendled In accordance with this label.

It i6 not intended that this product be used to practfce any applicable patent. whether mentioned or not. Without procurement of a license. if nscenal)'. from the owner. following Investigation by the user.

Page 13: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:34 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.30

&4408-, N • .,/JIbeI(retrrp): Pill' ,201"6 04i07103

NI.us CorporaUon 100 NIsus Drive

Rockton!, TN 37853 (800) 214-0870


BoraoCa ... • and Jec(I. are Registered Trademarks of Nlall$ Corporation Mad, In the U.S.A.


( I Denotea a~emate/optlona' language ( ) Denot., language tI18t will not appear on martlet labeling

(Th. follOwing lIbeling will .ppwr on product tmrt Is ~r;ked with Mo/d-Care '" floidie/d. Cone.ntnlte. I!PA R'II. No. &836-ZfZ.&U05)

(ContAin., Label Fro"t Panel)

BORA-CARE® Ttnnltlclde, Insecticide and FungIcide Concentrate

For Both Int.rlor and ExtarIor PrevenUon and Control of; .Wood Destroying Beet!.,. .o.oay FungI

For Both Interior and Exterior U ••

For u •• In and around Homes, Apartment.. aaragK. Mueeuma, Public and Privata InetJtutlons, SchoolS, Hotela. Hospitala, kenn.'s, Stables, Fann BUildings, Trucks, Trellers. Wal'lhous.,. and Non..food Areas of Supermarket., Restaufllnts and Food Processing Plants.

K .. p Out of Reach of Children CAUTION

s •• 'n,'d. Booklet for Addhlonal PreclUUOnl7y Statements and ComplMe DlreotIone for IJM

Act/v,", Inaredl.nt: Oisodium Oetaborate Tetrahydr&te (Na.B,O,,04H.O) ......... 40%

Other Ingredients ................................................................. 60% Total ........................................................................................ 100%

N.t Cont.nta: 1.0 Oallon (3.78 Litars) Net Weight: ".5 Pound" (5.2 Kilos) EPA Reg. No. 844C15-1 EPA Eat ~TN-1

U.S. Patent Nos, 5,104,114, 5,296,240, 8,480,81', ',645,828

For Mold Control. mIX entire contents (1 pint) of Mold-Care '" and Bora.ca ... e with 5 gallons of water.

Nisus Corporation

Page 14: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:35 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.31 UI

&UOI$.1_LM>eI(Temp}: Page 130116 Lin 04I07/Oa

BORA·CAR~ Tennltlclele, Insecticide and FungIcIde Concentrate

For Both Interior and Exterior Prevention and Control of: .Wood Destroying Stifles >Decay Fungi

For 80th Interior and Exterior Use

For use in and around Homes, Apartments, Garag", MUllums, Public and Private Institutions, SChools, Hote .. , Hoapitals, kennel •• Stables, Farm Buildings. TrucD. Trailers, W ... hou ... and Non-l'ood Areas of Supermarkets, Restaurants and Food Proeeesing Plante.

K .. p Out of Reach of Children CAUTION

See Inslele Booklet for AddlUonal Precautionary Statements and Complete Directions for ua.

Active Ingradient: Oiaodium Octaborate Tetrahydrata (Na.B,O,,04H.O) ......... 40%

Other Ingredients ................................................................. 60% Totel ........................................................................................ 100%

Net Contents: 1.0 Gallon (3.78 Litera)

EPA Reg. No. 64405·1

Net Weight: 11.S Pounds (5.2 KIlos)

EPA &t. 84405-TN·1

U.S. Patent Nos. 5,104,864, 5,296,240, 5,460,818, 5,844,828

For Mold Control, mix entire c:ontel1lll (1 pint) of Molel-Cara'" and Bora-Garee with 5 gallon. of water.

Nisus CorporatIon

PRECAUTIONARYSTATEM!KTa Hazarda To Humans & DomestIc Animals

CAUTION: Harmful If absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye trrIIaIIon. Avoid contact with skin. eyes or clothing. Thoroughly wash with sosp and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and WISh Clothing before reuse.

tfon Skin • or Clothing • If In Eyes •

Take off contaminated clothing.

First Aiel Borate Pesticide

Immediately I1nse skin with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 mnutas.

• Remove contact lensll if prasen~ after the first 5 minutes, then continue I1nslng "11.e. Call 8 polson control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Have the product container or label with you when ceiling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment [you may also contact 1-800-424-9300 for amergency medical treatment Information.\

lNOUI' The first .,d _eme,,'" grid fonnal will be used if market _ ~ permna: otlwwise II h _ will be UI8CI.}

Environmental Hazards This pesticide it toxic to fish and wildlife. Do not apply directly 10 water. 10 Intertidal areas where surface water is prasent or to Intertidal araae below the mean high water mar1<. Do nol con1aminate water when Cleaning equipment or disposing of equipment washwaters.

Page 15: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

APR-07-03 MON 11:35 REG WEST· COMPAlf{ FAX NO, 19703530613 P,32

J~J1 _'_LaHl(7'wRp): Poge14otl6


DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product In a manner Inconsistent with Its labeling.

Notice Read and understand the entire label before using. Use only according to label directions.

Before buying or using this product. read Wamtnty Um~ and Dhlc/alm., stat.ment found el8ewllere on this label. If tem'1$ ana unacceptable, retum unopened package to saller for full refund of pun;hase price. 0Ih8lWlte, use by the buyer or any other user constitutee acceptance of the tanns under W'l7lInty Um/tatlona IIId D"r:,.,irnar.

Storage and Disposal 00 not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or dispoeel.

Pastlelda Storage: Store in a COol, dry (preferebly locked) storage area lnaccesslbla to chlldnan and pets. Do not freeze. Contalnar Dispou': If ampty: Do nol reUM this container. Place In trash or oller for racycling if available. If Plrtly tlllad: Call your local solid waste agency for dispoaa' instructions. Never J)/aee unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

I. Mixing Instrucllons Bora-Care is e concentrate thai must be dnuted With Claan water before use. The use of warm or hot water, if available, and an Impeller·type mixer that can be used with an elactric drill aids the dilutiOn procell.

For mold control, miX 1 pint of Mold-Care Moldlclde Concenfrllte with 1 gallon at eor.-e. ... in 5 gallon& of water fo"owlng the procedures below: A. Hand Sprayera: Mix In a clean container and 5tir the solUtion untIl completely unlfonn. Always miX In a separate

container then add the solUtiOn to a spray. tank. Mixing BoraooCare solutions dlrectly In a spray tank can bloclc hoses and nozzies.

B. H.nd Volume PumPing Systema: Add all of the dilution water to tank, start recirculator. then slowly add Bo ... -Ca ... and MoldooCere Moldlclde Concentr.at. conoentrates. MiX until uniform.

The solution will remain stable for up to 30 days. Do not leave unused solution under pressure or in tank overnight. Clean andlor flush equipment and lines with water alter usa.

II. Generallnforma6on Bo ... ·Ca ... is an innovative I8nnitlClde, Insecticide and fungicide that prOVides long lenn protection against

Brown Rot (including dry rot), White Rot, Wood Decay, Molds and Other Fungi Powderpost Beetles: Lyctidae. Bos/lichidae

Anebic! BeetJes: AnOb/ldae Old House Bonars. Longhom Beetles: C.ramb~.fI, HyIotrupes

BoraooCal'll may be used On an cellulosic materials Including wood. plywood. particle board, paper, oriented strand board (OSB). cardboard and wood composite structural components.

[For tracking purposes (10 make It easier to sea where Bo ... .ca,. solutions have been applied) an .ppropriate marker dye or plgmant may be added to the solution when dilUting Bora-c .... With water. Refer to the dye or pigment product label fer recommended amount to add to the Bo ... ooCa ... solution.)

Use soap and water to clean up tool •.

HI. Preventative Ind/or Pretreatment for Whole HOUIa Protection Perform pretreltmenl at a polnt during the construction process WIlen the greatest acc:ess to all wood members is available. Normally thIS is at the 'dried-in' stage of constnJctJon when 1111 structural wood and sheathing is in placa. yet prior to Installetion ot insulation. mecIlanlcal systems, electrical wiring. etc.

Treat wood in all plumbing, electrical and ductwork areas where they penetrate walls or ftoors. T .... t all base plate& and studs on Interior and exterior walls. especially those surrounding any high moisture aress IIUCh as bathrooms, kltC/lens and laundry rooms. For buildings built on slabs, treat .11 wood in contact with the slab, all inlllrior and exterior wall studs and wall sheathing material. In allies, In!at all wood including calling joists, !rUMes. lop plates, rafters and root decking. Be sure that all sill plates and WOOd contacting garages and porches are treated.

Page 16: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

. -APR-07-03 MON 11:36 REG WEST COMPANY FAX NO. 19703530613 P.33

e.c.I05·' NewUbelrr_pl: POO-1Sofl6 04107103

In areas where access is limited to one (1) or two (2) sides of a wood member, apply two (2) coats of solu~on to the exposed surfaces. Walt at least 20 minutes between applications.

Treat aI/ exterior wood induding Siding, facias. soffits. eaves. roofing. porches, decks and raillngs (refer to Secoon V for complete exterior application information).

IV. Preventative Treatment for Powderpost Beetles Apply two coats of solution to all wood surfaces to the point of wetness using a brush. spray or mist. Wait at least 20 minutes between applications.

V. Treatment of exterior Wood Surfaen Less Than TwO Inches Thick such as Decks, Sheds. Siding and Fences

Apply only to bare wood or to wood surfaces where an intact water repellent or finish is not present. If necessary. remove paint or finish prior to application. Apply to the point ofwetnesl one (1) coat of solution to all wood surfaces. Apply two (2) coals of solution to heavily infested areas and to those surfaces where access Is limited to one (1) or two (2) sides of wood members. Do not apply in rain or snow. 00 not expose treated exterior wood surfaces to rain or snow for at lust 48 hours after treatment. If Inclement weather IS expected, protect exterior treated surfaces with a plas~c tarp.

For wood In contact with the ground or soil. see Section VII.

A. Finishing and Maintaining Treated Surfac .. : For Iong-teJTn protection. exterior wood surfaces that have been treated with Bora-Care solutions will require a topcoating with a water·reslstant finl$h suCh as paint or exterior stain. Apply the finish or topcoat within six (6) weeks of treatment It Is Important to aJlc:r;v Bora-Care·treated wood to completely dry (at least 48 hours) before applying any protective topcoat. Coat a small sdon of treated wood with the finish to be used and check for compatibility prior to complete application.

VI. Dip T .... tlng Logs and Lumber Prepare a dip treating solUtion by following the miXing instructions in SectIon I. This will result in a stable solution containing 90/0 active boron. Sticker bundled wood to ensure the solution covers all wood surfaces. Submerge logs andlor lumber in the solution for at least one (1) minute or u~1 all entrapped air has escaped. Protect treated wood from rain or snow for at least 24 hours after treatment.

VII. Treatment of Wood In Contact with the Ground A Bora-Ca ... treatment to wood in contact with the ground or soil has a limited lifespan and will require periodic reapplication. Protflction may be extended with the use of products such III Jec:ta. DlITuslbl. Borac/de.

VIII. Appllc.tlon Rates T.ble A - Dlmenalon., Lumber

1 Gallon of Diluted Minimum Amount of LumberSlz1 Bora-Caree Diluted Bora-Ca ... •

(Inches) Will T .... t UD To To Treat 1000 Un .. ' Feet 1x4 1,200 Uneal Feet 0.8Gal. 1x12 400 2.8 2x4 600 1.8

_ 2)(6 400 2.6 2x8 308 3.2 2x 10 240 4.2 2 x 12 200 5.0 4x4 300 3.4 -. 4x6 200 5.0 4x8 150 S.8 4 x 12 100 10.0 6xS 133 7.6 6)(8 100 10.0

"'. 6 x 10 80 1? I'


Page 17: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BORA-CARE, 04/30/2003

--- - -

4 x 12 100 10.0 ~. __ ~6~X~6~-t ______ 1~3~3 ____ -4~ ______ ~7~.6~ ______ ~

6 x 8 100 10.0 6 x 10 80 12.6 6 x 12 68 111.0

hereon or with ~Spect to breach' of any warranty not' expressly spedl!ed herein, Buyer acc:epts this material subject 10 these terms and assumes ali risk of usage and handling except when used or handled In accordance with this label.

It is not intended that this product be used to practice any applicable patent, whether mentioned or not, without procurement of a license, If necessary, from the owner, following inv .. tigatlon by the user.

Nisus Corporation 100 Nisus Drive

Rockford. TN 37853 (800) 264-G170


Bora-Care· and Jecta· are Registered Trademll'ks of Nllus Corporation Made In the U.S.A.

~---[ I Denotes a~8mate/optionallal1guage { } Dellot ... language that wJII not appOar on market labeling