us army: repository%20index

8/14/2019 US Army: Repository%20Index 1/34  Fort McClellan, Alabama Administrative Record Information Repository Inde As of December 2007 Locations:  Anniston Calhoun County Public Library  1 st Floor 108 East 10 th Street Anniston, Alabama 36201 Point of Contact: Ms. Sunny Gillespie Telephone: (256) 237-8501, Extension 13 (Filed by date.) Houston Cole Library  9 th Floor 700 Pelham Road Jacksonville State University Jacksonville, Alabama 36265 Point of Contact: Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis Telephone: (256) 782-5249 (JSU shelf number indicated after title.) Contact person at Fort McClellan, Alabama Brenda Cunningham, Telephone: (256) 848-3539 This index is provided in hardcopy and on CDs at all locations. Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at . * Indicates document is not on the web site at this time, however, a CD is available and loca in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL. # Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time.

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Fort McClellan, AlabamaAdministrative Record Information Repository Inde

As of December 2007


 Anniston Calhoun County Public Library  1


108 East 10th


Anniston, Alabama 36201

Point of Contact: Ms. Sunny Gillespie

Telephone: (256) 237-8501, Extension 13 

(Filed by date.)

Houston Cole Library 9


700 Pelham Road

Jacksonville State University

Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

Point of Contact: Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis

Telephone: (256) 782-5249

(JSU shelf number indicated after title.)

Contact person at Fort McClellan, Alabama

Brenda Cunningham, Telephone: (256) 848-3539

This index is provided in hardcopy and on CDs at all locations.

Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found 

on the Fort McClellan web site at

* Indicates document is not on the web site at this time, however, a CD is available and loca

in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL.

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time.

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


 Table of Contents

NEPA Documents..................................................................................................................................3

Preliminary Assessments (PA) ..............................................................................................................3

Site Investigations (SI)...........................................................................................................................4

Remedial Investigations (RI) / Feasibility Studies (FS) / EngineeringEvaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) .....................................................................................................16

Remedial Actions (RA) / Removal Responses (RR)...........................................................................20

Decision Documents (DD) / Records of Decision (ROD) / Action Memorandums (AM) .................23

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Documents.........................................................28

Site Closeout Documents.....................................................................................................................29

Community Relations ..........................................................................................................................29

Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) ....................................................................................................30

Land Use Control (Assurance and Implementation Plan, LUCAP & LUCIP) Documents ................30

BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) Cleanup Team (BCT)..........................................................30

Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) / Findings of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) / Findings of 

Suitability to Lease (FOSL) / Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP) Documents.................31

Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................32

Installation Wide Work Plans ..............................................................................................................33

Reference Documents ..........................................................................................................................33

Joint Powers Authority (JPA)/Matrix Documents...............................................................................34

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


NEPA Documents

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Disposal and Reuse of Fort McClellan, Alabama, Description of Proposed Action and

Alternatives (DOPAA). Prepared by Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., Harland Bartholomew and Associates, Inc., April 25, 1997. J

Book V105

Final Environmental Impact Statement, Disposal and Reuse. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District, VOL I and V

II, August 1998, and associated Record of Decision dated June 1999. JSU Books V66 and V67

Draft Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Decommissioning Plan for the Burial Mound, dated October 4, 1999. Filed in the sl

of the Decommission Plan for the Burial Mound Volume I. JSU Book V54.

Preliminary Assessments (PA)

U.S. Department of the Army Office of the Project Manager for Chemical Demilitarization and Installation Restoration, Installation

Assessment of Fort McClellan, Alabama Records Evaluation Report No. 110, Volume I, April 1977.

JSU Book V1

U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Material Agency, Reassessment of Fort McClellan, Anniston, Alabama, Report No. 110A. Prepared

Environmental Science and Engineering, Incorporated, 1984. JSU Book V2

U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, Hazardous Waste Consultation No. 37-26-1649-88, 8-12 December 1986. JSU Book V3

U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency, Enhanced Preliminary Assessment Fort McClellan, Alabama, Volumes I and II.

Prepared by Roy F. Weston, Inc., December 1990. JSU Books V429 and V430

U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, Industrial Radiation Consultation No. 27-43-EU66-93, U.S. Army Chemical School and

Military Police Center and Fort McClellan, Fort McClellan, Alabama, 30 March - 2 April 1993, dated 27 July 1993. JSU Book V39

Final Background Metals Survey Work Plan. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, July 1997. JSU Book V4

U.S. Army Environmental Center, Final Environmental Baseline Survey, VOL I & II, Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by

Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc, January 1998 Attachments: Letter, ADEM, dated May 27, l998, RE: Final Environmental

Baseline Survey (January 1998) Base Realignment and Closure Program, Fort McClellan, Alabama, Christopher L. Johnson, signatory

Letter, USEPA, dated Jun 8, 1998, RE: Environmental Baseline Survey, Bart Reedy, signatory. JSU Books V61 and V62

Final Background Metals Survey Report. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prepared by Science Applications Internationa

Corporation, July 1998. JSU Book V11

Historical Aerial Photography Investigation of the Fort McClellan East By-Pass Study Area. Prepared by Lockheed Martin Energy

Research Corporation, Geographic Information Science and Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1998. JSU Book V4

Historical Aerial Photograph Investigation of Chemical Training Areas at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by Geographic Informat

Science and Technology Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 1999. JSU Book V51

Final UST Summary Report, Volume 1 of 3, Text, Tables and Figures; Volume 2 of 3, Appendix A; and Volume 3 of 3, Appendices B

Prepared by International Technology Corporation, April 1999. JSU Books V5, V6, and V7

Human Health and Ecological Screening Values and PAH Background Summary Report. Prepared by International Technology Group

July 2000. JSU Book V135

Final U.S. Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Ordnance, Ammunition and Explosives Chemical Warfare Materials

Archives Search Report, Findings. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, Revision 1, September 2001. JSU B


Final U.S. Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Ordnance, Ammunition and Explosives Chemical Warfare Materials

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Archives Search Report, Maps. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, Revision 1, September 2001. JSU Boo


Final U.S. Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Ordnance, Ammunition and Explosives Chemical Warfare Materials

Archives Search Report, Conclusions and Recommendations. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, Revision

September 2001. JSU Book V299

Final Report Radiological Historical Assessment Main Post. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, December

2001. JSU Book V302

Final Report Radiological Historical Assessment Pelham Range. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, Decem

2001. JSU Book V305

Final Revision 1 Perchlorate Addendum to the Human Health and Ecological Screening Values and PAH Background Summary Repor

Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2004, and located in the sleeve of the Human Health and Ecological Screening Values and PA

Background Summary Report. Prepared by International Technology Group, July 2000. JSU Book V135

Final CTT Inventory Report, Closed, Transferring and Transferred Range and Site Inventory, Fort McClellan BRAC Property. Prepar

by URS Corporation, 25 June 2003. JSU Book V518

Site Investigations (SI)

Final Task Order 1 Sampling and Analysis Plan. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, March 1992. JSU Book


Final U.S. Army Environmental Center, Site Investigation Report, Volumes I and II. Prepared by Science Applications International

Corporation, August 1993. JSU Books V14 and V15

Technical Memorandum, Site Inspections (SI), Soil Gas Technical Memorandum and Attachments. Prepared by Environmental Scienc

Engineering, Inc., November 25, 1996. JSU Book V441

Final Site Investigation Work Plan. Prepared by QST Environmental Inc, March 1998. JSU Book V19

Final Site Investigation Quality Assurance Project Plan. Prepared by QST Environmental Inc, March 1998. JSU Book V20

Final Site Investigation Health and Safety Plan. Prepared by QST Environmental Inc. March 1998. JSU Book V21

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, GSA Area and

Surrounding Warehouses (Parcels 151, 2, 4, 67, 69, 238, 129, 111, 91, and 128), Waste Chemical Storage Area (Parcels 87, 10, and 13

Former Fire Training Pit (Parcel 77). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, August 1998. JSU Book V22

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Former Transforme

Building 3798 (Parcel 57Q). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, September 1998. JSU Book V24

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Motor Pool Area 31

13th Avenue (Parcels 146, 212, 24, 25, and 73), Autocraft Shop/Former DPDO Building 1800 (Parcels 100, 20, and 47), Former Motor

Pool Area 1800/1900 (Parcels 145 and 52). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, September 1998. JSU Book V23

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, 11th Chemical Moto

Pool Areas: Building 3299 (Parcel 29), Building 3298 (Parcel 30), and building 3262 (Parcel 74); Old Hospital (Parcel 95); Former M

Pool Area 2000 (Parcel 144); and Former Gas Station Area (Parcel 137). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, Septemb

1998. JSU Book V25

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Former

Decontamination Complex Building 1271 (Parcels 93, 46, 140, and 70), Former Motor Pool Area 1300 (Parcels 148 and 16), Former M

Pool Area 600 (Parcels 149 and 136), Motor Pool Area 800 (Parcels 164, 11, 68, and 12), Former Gas Mask Test Chambers (Parcels 19

196, and 198). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, October 1998. JSU Book V26

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Range 24A Fog Oil

Drum Storage (Parcel 88), Range 24A Multi-Purpose Range (Parcel 108), Smoke Area BVZ (Parcel 124), Smoke Area S (Parcel 106),

Smoke Area R (Parcel 105), Stump Dump (Parcel 82), Old Incinerator Building 5710 (Parcel 125), Former Smoke Area Choccolocco

Corridor (Parcel 107), Former Smoke Area South Slope Morgan Mountain (Parcel 159). Prepared by International Technology

Corporation, October 1998. JSU Book V27

Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Directorate of 

Engineering and Housing (DEH) Compound (Parcels 64 and 1), Motor Pool Area 3100 S of 23rd Street (Parcels 147, 72, 27 and 28), Po

Garbage Dump North of Reilly Airfield (Parcel 126), Training Aids Building 267 (Parcel 166), Former Chemical Laundry and Motor P

Area 1500 (Parcels 94, 132, 133, and 134). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, October 1998. JSU Book V28

Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Former Quartermast

Gasoline Storage Area (Parcel 130), Former Fuel Yard (Parcel 131). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, November 19

JSU Book V29

Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Motor Pool Area 13

(Parcel 143), Washrack, Building 1224 (Parcel 168), Small Weapons Cleaning and Storage Compound, Building 1378 (Parcel 174),

Former Motor Pool Area 1000 (Parcels 150, 13, and 139). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, November 1998. JSU B


Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments DRMO Area (Parcel

Fill Area North of Landfill No. 2 (Parcel 230) Cleared Area with Mound, Choccolocco Corridor (Parcel 237). Prepared by Internation

Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V31

Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments Golf Course (Parcel

Former Printing Plant, Building 1060 (Parcel 172), Bulk Storage Area, Building 296 (Parcel 60). Prepared by International Technolog

Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V32

Final Site Investigations Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments Former Printing Plan

Building 144 (Parcel 171); Former Printing Plant, Building 143 Basement (Parcel 138); Printing Plant, Building 3183 (Parcel 162); For

Personnel Decontamination Station at Building 3185 (Parcel 179); Former Fog Oil Drum Storage Area West of the Skeet Range (Parce

122); Trenches West of Remount Creek (Parcel 228). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Fill Area East End

Reilly Airfield (Parcel 227), Fill Area Northwest of Reilly Airfield (Parcel 229), Drain Field (Building T-459) (Parcel 236Q), Fill Area

Range 30 (Parcel 231). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V34

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Former Ordnance M

Repair Area (Parcels 75, 41, 42, 5, 6 and 66). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V35

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Fill Area West of R

19 (Parcel 233). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V36

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Trenches Near Rang

20 Firing Line (Parcels 239 and 240), Ground Scar with Trenches at Driving Course (Parcel 200). Prepared by International Technolo

Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V37

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Former Printing Pla

Building 2051 (Parcel 173), Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldier’s Chapel (Parcel 127), Range 16 AST (Parcel 177). Prepared b

International Technology Corporation, December 1998. JSU Book V38

Decommissioning Plan for the Radiological Laboratories and Alpha Field at the U.S. Army Chemical School, Fort McClellan, Alabam

Prepared by Health Physics Office, U.S. Army Chemical School dated March 1999. JSU Book V60

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Baseline Environmental Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Site-Specific Safety and H

Plan Attachments for the Chemical Defense Training Facility (Parcel 126-CWM). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 1999. JSU Book

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendums to the QST Environmental, Inc. Final Site Investigation Work

for the Boiler Plant No. 4 (Parcel 101); Former Incinerators (Parcel 96); and Ground Scar South of Building 3134 (Parcel 153) and QST

Ground Scar and Boiler Plant Sites, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Addendum. Prepared by IT Corporation, September 1999. J

Book V93

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments for Underground Sto

Tank Closure Assessments. Prepared by IT Corporation, September 1999. JSU Book V100

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Ammunition SupplPoint and Building 4416 (Parcels 197 and 199), Washrack, Building 351 (Parcel 170). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 1999.

Book V102

Final Site Investigations, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Area 1600 Motor P

(Parcels 163, 17, 18, 19, 71, 503, and 504). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 1999. JSU Book V103

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Trenches West of Iro

Mountain Road (Parcel 500). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 1999. JSU Book V101

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments Buildings South of Reilly Airfield (Parc

501). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 1999. JSU Book V98

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments, Site Investigation at M2, Subsection of Area 45. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2000. JSU Book V123

Final Survey Report Radiological Laboratories Building 1081. Prepared by U.S. Army Chemical School Health Physics Office, Fort

Leonard Wood, MO March 2000. JSU Book V158

Commodity Site Survey Report, Fort McClellan, Anniston, Alabama. Prepared by Allied Technology Group, March 2000. Filed in th

sleeve of this document is the letter Transmittal and Explanation of Amendment to License No. 01-02861-05 (Reference Control No

258979, Docket No. 030-17584). JSU Book V125

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, Site Specific Unexploded Ordnance

Safety Plan Attachments, Hand Grenade Range 32, Parcel 90Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2000. JSU Book V143

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, Site Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments, Impact Area Near Stump Dump, Parcel 135Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2000. JSU Book V14

Final Baseline Environmental Investigation Report, Chemical Defense Training Facility Parcels 126Q-CWM, 62(2), 59(7), and 10

Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2000. JSU Book V142

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Mock Village at Yahoo Lake, Parcel 130Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2000. JSU Bo


Final Site Investigation Report, Former Fire Training Pit, Parcels 77(7), 7(7), and 170(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 200

JSU Book V148

Report of Investigation of DEH Work Sites, Fort McClellan. Prepared by Zapata Engineering, September 2000. JSU Book V151

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments for Chemical Warfare Material Site Training Area T-31, Parcels 184(7) and 185(7). Prepared by IT Corporat

September 2000. JSU Book V149

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Supplemental Site Investigation, Former Motor Pool Area 3100, Parcels (146(7),

212(7), 24(7), and 73(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2000. JSU Book V150

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Supplemental Site Investigation, Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldier's Chap

Parcel 127(7). Prepared by IT, September 2000. JSU Book V410

Final Site Investigation Report, Range 16 AST, Parcel 177(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V154

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments for

Chemical Warfare Material Sites – Agent ID Area (Parcel 509), Training Area T-6 (Naylor Field) (Parcel 183), Blacktop Training Are

(Parcel 511), Fenced Yard in Blacktop Area (Parcel 512), Dog Training Area (Parcel 513), Dog Kennel Area (Parcel 516), Training Ar

T-5 (Parcel 182), Former Detection and Identification Area (Parcel 180), Old Burn Pit (Parcel 514), CBR Proficiency Area (Parcel 517and Old Toxic Training Area (Parcel 188). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V153

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Printing Plant, Building 143 Basement, Parcel 138(7) and the UST at the Administration Build

Building 143, Parcel 37(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V152

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Transformer Near Building 3798, Parcel 57Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU

Book V155

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Printing Plant, Building 144, Parcel 171(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU B


Final Radiological Status Report. Prepared by Allied Technology Group Inc., October 2000. JSU Book V160

Final Site Investigation Report, Old Hospital, Parcel 95(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V163

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments. Range 29, Former Weapons Demonstration Range, Parcel 87Q-X, Former Rifle Ranges, Parcels 110Q, and

Former Impact Area, Parcel 239 Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU Book V166

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments for Site Investigation

Former Trap and Skeet Range Parcel 127Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU Book V177

Final Site Investigation Report, Trenches Near Range 20 Firing Line, Parcels 239(7) and 240(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Novemb

2000. JSU Book V167

Final Site Investigation Report, Buildings South of Reilly Airfield, Parcel 501(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU

Book V165

Final Site Investigation Report, Area M2, Subsection of Area 45. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU Book V164

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments. Ranges West of Iron Mountain Road, Parcels 181(7), 194(7), 518(7), 73Q-X, 91Q-X, 114Q-X, 115Q, 116Q

117Q-X, 129Q-X, 151Q, 200Q, 201Q, 228Q, 229Q-X, 231Q, 232Q-X, Washington Tank Range, and 1950 Rocket Launcher Range.

Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2000. JSU Book V168

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Smoke Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 107(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, December 20

JSU Book V178

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Printing Plant, Building 3183, Parcel 162(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU

Book V180

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Artillery and Mortar Impact Areas South of Bains Gap Road, Parcels 138Q-X, 139Q-X, 140Q-X, 141Q-X and

142Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU Book V181

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Site Investigation Report, Former Printing Plant Building 2051, Parcel 173(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU B


Final Site Investigation Report, Old Incinerator Building 5710, Parcel 125(7) Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU Book V

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Quartermaster’s Gasoline Storage Area, Parcel 130(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 20

JSU Book V185

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Smoke Area, South Slope of Morgan Mountain, Parcel 159(7) Prepared by IT Corporation,

February 2001. JSU Book V192

Final Site Investigation Report, Directorate of Engineering and Housing (DEH) Compound, Parcels 64(7) and 1(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V191

Final Site Investigation Report, DRMO Area, Parcel 85(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V188

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 1800/1900 Parcels 145(7) and 52(7) and the UST at the Bowling Alley, Build

1928, Parcel 48(7) Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V189

Final Site Investigation Report, Ammunition Supply Point and Building 4416, Parcels 197(7) and 199(7). Prepared by IT Corporation

February 2001. JSU Book V444

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments, Range I, Parcel 201(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V194

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 600, Parcels 149(7) and 136(7), Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001.

Book V198

Final Underground Storage Tank Closure Assessment Report. Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V190

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Former Rifle Grenade Range North of Washington Ranges, Parcel 221Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001

JSU Book V195

Final Site Investigation, Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific and Health Plan, and Site- specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachment, Forestry Compound – Pelham Range, Parcel 84(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V225

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Gas Mask Test Chambers, Parcels 195(7), 196(7) and 198(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

February 2001. JSU Book V193

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Personnel Decontamination Station at Building 3185, Parcel 179(7). Prepared by IT Corporati

February 2001. JSU Book V196

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Smoke Area R, Parcel 105(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V197

Final Site Investigation Report, Bulk Storage Area, Building 296, Parcel 60(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Smoke Area S, Parcel 106(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V208

Final Site Investigation Report, Fog Oil Storage Area, West of the Skeet Range, Parcel 122(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 20

JSU Book V199

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Smoke Area BVZ, Parcel 124(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V200

Final Site Investigation Report, Motor Pool Area 1300, Parcel 143(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V209

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Site Investigation at Ranges West of Iron Mountain Road, Parcel 181(7), 518(7), 7

X, 91Q-X, 114Q-X, 115Q, 116Q-X, 117Q-X, 1290Q-X, 151Q, 200Q, 228Q, 229Q-X, 231Q, 232Q, Washington Tank Range and 1950

Rocket Launcher Range. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V443

Final Site Investigation Report, Washrack, Building 1224, Parcel 168(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V203

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific, Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Range 4A Fog Oil Storage Area – Pelham Range, Parcel 123(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V

Final Site Investigation Report, Drain Field (Building T-459), Parcel 236(Q). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V2

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 2000, Parcels 144(7) and 137(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. Book V211

Final Site Investigation Report Former Motor Pool Area 1300, 4th

Avenue, Parcels 148(7) and 16(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Mar

2001. JSU Book V212

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Fuel Yard, Parcel 131(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V204

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 1000. Parcels 150(7), 13(7), and 139(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March

2001. JSU Book V206

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 3100, 23rd

Street, Parcels 147(7), 28(7) and 72(7). Prepared by IT Corporatio

March 2001. JSU Book V205

Final Site Investigation Report, Small Weapons Storage and Cleaning Compound, Building 1378, Parcel 174(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V216

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 800, Parcels 164(7), 11(7), 12(7), and 68(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Ap

2001. JSU Book V220

Final Site Investigation Report, Motor Pool Area 1600, Parcels 163(7), 17(7), 18(7), 19(7), 71(7), 503(7), and 504(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, April 2001. JSU Book V219

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Printing Plant, Building 1060, Parcel 172(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. JSU Bo


Final Site-Investigation Report Trenches West of Remount Creek, Parcel 228(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. JSU Book 


Final Site Specific Investigation Report Cleared Area with Mound, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 237(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

April 2001. JSU Book V222

Final Site Investigation Report Ground Scar with Trenches at Driving Course Parcel 200(7). Prepared by IT Corporation April 2001.

Book V217

Final Site Investigation Report Former Waste Chemical Storage Area, Parcels 87(7) and 135(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 200

JSU Book V230

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments, Range 24 Lower Parcel 81Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V236

Final Site Investigation Report, Boiler Plant No. 2, Bldg 2278, Parcels 23(7) and 226(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU

Book V251

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Former Pistol Range South of Range 25, Parcel 224Q, Former Machine Gun Range, Parcel 226Q and Former Pistol Rang

Parcel 227Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V249

Final Site-Investigation Report Chemical School Laboratory Sump, Bldgs 2281 and 2282, Parcels 90(7) and 225(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V248

Final Site Investigation Report, Boiler Plant No. 1, Building 3176, Parcels 26(7) and 89(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. J

Book V250

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan and Site-Speci

Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments, former Personnel and Equipment Decontamination Station-Pelham Range, Parcel 206Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V255

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Incinerators, Bldgs 4428 and 4430, Parcel 96(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU

Book V256

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Range 24 Upper, Parcel 80Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V235

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Possible Range, Parcel 237Q-X and Impact Area, Parcel 238Q-X, Choccolocco Corridor. Prepared by IT

Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V234

Final Site Investigation Report, Golf Course, Parcels 178(7), 83(7), and 141(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V2

Final Site Investigation Report, Boiler Plant No. 3, Building 1076, Parcels 14(7) and 235(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001.

Book V231

Final Site Investigation Report, Boiler Plant No. 4, Building 1876 Parcels 101(7) and 236(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001.

Book V243

Final Site-Investigation Report, Autocraft Shop/Former DPDO and Former Motor Pool Area 2100 North of DPDO Parcels 100(7), 20(

47(7), 152(7), and 241(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V242

Final Site-Investigation Report, Ground Scar South of Building 3134, Parcel 153(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Bo


Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Former Probable Range Parcel 247Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V245

Final Site-Specific Work Plan for the Groundwater Investigation at the Burial Mound at Rideout Field, Parcel 202Q-RD- Pelham Rang

Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V421

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Sandel Flamethrower Range Parcel 97(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 2001. JSU Book 


Final Site Investigation Report, Ground Scar at South end of Confidence Course, Parcel 158(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 200

JSU Book V246

Final Site Investigation Report, Ground Scar Near the Ammunition Supply Point, parcel 156(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 200

JSU Book V261

Final Site Investigation Report, 11th

Chemical Motor Pool Area, Parcels 29(7), 30(7), and 74(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 200

JSU Book V260

Final Site Investigation Report, Impact Area Near Stump Dump, Parcel 135Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2001. JSU Boo

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Site Investigation Report, Contractor Laydown Area and Former Tar Plant, Parcels 86(7), 99(7), and 32(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, August 2001. JSU Book V274

Final Site Investigation Report, Hand Grenade Range, Range 32, parcel 90Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2001. JSU Book


Final Site-Specific Sampling Plan, Site Specific Safety and Health Plan, Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments,

Investigation at Range 25, Known Distance Range, Parcel 83Q and Impact Area, Parcel 118Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August

2001. JSU Book V272

Revised Quarterly Sampling Plan October 2001 and January 2002, Former Base Service Station, Building 2109, parcels 21(7) and 22(7

Prepared by IT Corporation, September 17, 2001. JSU Book V437

Final Supplemental Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachm

Former Decontamination Complex, Parcels 93(7), 46(7) and 70(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001. JSU Book V280

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Ordnance Motor Repair Area, Parcels 75(7), 5(7), 6(7), 41(7) and 42(7). Volume I of II, Text a

Appendices A-E; and Volume II of II, Text and Appendixes F-I. Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001. JSU Books V283 and


Final Site Investigation Report, Training Aids Building (Building 267), Parcel 166(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001. J

Book V282

Final Site Investigation Report, Trenches West of Iron Mountain Road, Parcel 500(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001. J

Book V281

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Range 23A, Multipurpose Range, Parcel 109(7)/152Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2001. JSU Book V279

Supplemental Groundwater Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldier's Chapel, Parcel 127

Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2001. Filed in sleeve of Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum dated September 2000. J

Book V410

Final Site Investigation Report, Ground Scar with Small Pit North of landfill No. 3, Parcel 155(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Novem

2001. JSU Book V290

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Area North of Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) Site. Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2001. JSU B


Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments. Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 99Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2001. JSU Book V294

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments, Station No. 6, Subsection of Former Toxic Gas Area - Pelham Range, Parcel 211(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Decem

2001. JSU Book V293

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific and Health Plan, and Site Specific, Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachme

Small Arms Impact Area, South of the Former Prisoner of War Training Facility, former Rifle/Machine Gun Ranges, Parcels 100Q and

101Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V306

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments. Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 98Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V296

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Attachments. Impact Area, North-Central Main Post, Parcel 132Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V295

Final Revision 1 Site Investigation Report Ground Scar South of the Auto Craft Shop, Parcel 157(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Janu

2002. JSU Book V311

Final Site Investigation Report Range 29, Former Weapons, Demonstration Range, Parcel 87Q-X, Former Rife Ranges, Parcels 111Q,

Former Impact Area, Parcel 239Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V307

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Sampling Plan, Site Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Saf

Plan Attachments, Former Rifle/Machine Gun Ranges, Parcel 100Q, and 101Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book


Final Site Investigation Site Specific Field Safety and Health Plan and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments,

Former Tank Ranges, Parcel 92Q-X and 93Q-X former Grenade Range, parcel 107Q-X and Impact Areas, Parcels 133Q-X and 134 Q-

Prepared by IT Corporation. January 2002. JSU Book V310

Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site –Specific Safety and Health Plan and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordna

Safety Plan Attachments, Range 30, Confidence Course (Firing Line), Parcel 88Q, former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 102Q, Fo

Grenade Range/Area, Parcel 106Q-X, Tank sub-Caliber/Carbine Transition/Machine Gun Range (OA-08) Grenade Court (OA-15)

Unnamed Small Arms Range. Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V309

Final Revision 1 Site Investigation Report Ground Scar with Trenches at Littlebrant Drive, Parcel 154(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

January 2002. JSU Book V301

Site Investigation at the Impact Area for Parcels 103Q and 88Q. Prepared by IT Corporation February 26, 2002. JSU Book V317

Final Site Investigation Report Forestry Compound – Pelham Range, Parcel 84(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Bo


Final Site Investigation Report Former Trap and Skeet Range, Parcel 127Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Book V33

Draft Final Site Investigation and Fill Area Definition Report, Landfills and Fill Areas Parcels 78(6), 79(6), 80(6), 81(5), 175(5), 230(7

227(7), 126(7), 229(7), 231(7), 233(7), and 82(7), Volume 1 of 4 – Text, Tables, and Figures; Volume 2 of 4 – Appendices A through B

Volume 3 of 4 – Appendices C through D; and Volume 4 of 4 – Appendices E-L. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Boo

V333, V334, V335, and V336.

Final Amendment 01 to Final Work Plan/Site Safety Submission, Fort McClellan, Alabama, for Pelham Range Site Investigation (Lim

Pond, Old Water Hole, and Former Decontamination Area South of Toxic Gas Area). Prepared by Parsons Engineering Science, Inc.,

March 2002. JSU Book V325

Final Site Investigation Report 24 Lower, Parcel 81Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Book V340

Final Site Investigation Report Former Personnel and Equipment Decontamination Station, Parcel 206(7). Prepared by IT Corporation

March 2002. JSU Book V339

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Impact Area, Parcel 136Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Book V350

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 104Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Book V348

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former 81mm Mortar Range, Parcel 137Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V351

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 143Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V349

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Range 40, Parcel 94Q, and Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 146Q. Prepared by IT Corporation,

April 2002. JSU Book V347

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Range 43, Parcel 97Q, Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 144Q-X and Impact Area, Choccolocco

Corridor, Parcel 147Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V346

Final Site Investigation Report Possible Range, Parcel 237Q-X and Impact Area Parcel 238Q-X, Choccolocco Corridor. Prepared by I

Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V345

Final Site Investigation Report Range 4A Fog Oil Storage Area, Parcel 123(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Range 31: Weapons Demonstration Range, Parcel 89Q-X, and Former Defendum Field Firing Range No. 2,

Parcel 215Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V355

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Former Range 42, Parcel 96Q; Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 145Q

and Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 148Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V357

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Range 41, Parcel 95Q and Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 131Q-X. Prepared by IT

Corporation, April 2002. Also in sleeve of report is a letter from IT Corporation, subject: Additional Soil Samples at Former Range 4

Parcel 95Q and Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 131Q-X, dated July 3, 2002. JSU Book V354

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former Mortar Firing Point, Parcel 105Q-X and Former Defendam Range (Eastern), Parcel 225Q. Prepared b

Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V352

Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnan

Safety Plan Attachments Former 37mm Antitank Range, Parcel 230Q-X and Former Rifle Range, Parcel 149Q. Prepared by IT

Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V353

Final Site Investigation Report for Range I, Parcel 201(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2002. JSU Book V360

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Security Operational Test Site, Parcel 102(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Bo


Final Site Investigation Report, Artillery and Mortar Impact Areas South of Bains Gap Road Parcels 138Q-X, 139Q-X, 140Q-X, 141Q

and 142Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Book V366

Final Site Investigation Report Anniston Army Depot, Former Shell Tapping Area Parcel 208(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 20

JSU Book V369

Final Site Investigation Report for Former Probable Range, Parcel 247Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. Filed in the sleev

this SI - Results of Soil Samples Collected Near Drums at the Former Probable Range, Parcel 247Q-X, prepared by Shaw Environmen

Inc., May 15, 2003. JSU Book V372

Final Site Investigation Report for Ranges South of Range 25, Parcels 224Q, 226Q and 227Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002

JSU Book V375

Final Site Investigation Report, Agent ID Area, Parcel 509(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. JSU Book V373

Draft Final Site Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Former Decontamination Training Area South of the Toxic Gas Area, Parcel 207(7). Prepared by I

Corporation, July 2002. JSU Book V484

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Draft-Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Former Toxic Gas Area – Pelham Range, Parcel 211(7). Prepared by IT Corporation August 2002

JSU Book V426

Final Site Investigation Report for Pelham Range Sites for Recovered Chemical Warfare Material (RCWM) Lima Pond, Old Water Ho

and Former Decontamination Area South of Toxic Gas Area. Prepared by Parsons, September 2002. JSU Book V383

Draft Final Site Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Cane Creek Training Area, Parcel 510(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2002. JSU Boo


Airborne Radiological Survey – Main Post and Pelham Range Walkover Radiological Survey at Rideout Field and Anomaly Surveys o

Main Post and Pelham Range Groundwater Investigation – Burial Mound at Rideout Field. Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2002

JSU Book V492

Final Sampling Summary Report for the Blue Hole, Training Area 6C, Revision I. Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2002. JSU

Book V394

Final, Revision 3, Site Investigation Report, GSA Warehouse Area, Parcels 151(7), 2(7), 3(7), 4(7), 67(7), 69(7), 91(7), 111(7), 128(7)

129(7) and 238(7), Volume I of II, Text and Appendices A-E, and Volume II of II, text Appendices F-I. Prepared by IT Corporation,

December 2002. JSU Books V313 and V314

Draft Site Investigation Report Impact Area North-Central Main Post, Parcel 132Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2003. JS

Book V541

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 99Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2003. JSU Book 


Final Site Investigation Report, Impact Area, Parcel 136Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 2003. JSU Book V406

Final Site Investigation Report, Old Toxic Training Area, Parcel 188(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 2003. JSU Bo


Final Water Supply Well Report for Pelham Range, Revision 1. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 21, 2003. JSU Book V4

Final Site Investigation Report, CBR Proficiency Area, Parcel 517(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, July 2003. JSU Book V446

Draft Site Investigation Report Impact Area South of Prisoner-of-War Training Facility Former Rifle/Machine Gun Ranges Parcels 100

and 101Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., September 2003. JSU Book V542

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Mock Village at Yahou Lake, Parcel 130Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, November 2

JSU Book V455

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Decontamination Complex, Parcels 93(7), 46(7), 70(7), and 140(7), Volume I of II: Text and

Appendices A-B, and Volume II of II: Appendices C-J. Prepared by Shaw Environmental December 2003. JSU Books V463 and V4

Draft Site Investigation Report Training Area T-31 Parcels 184(7) and 185(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., December 2003

JSU Book V543

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Range 41, Parcel 95Q and Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 131Q-X. Prepared by S

Engineering, January 2004. JSU Book V465

Final Site Investigation Report, Range 23A, Multipurpose Range Parcel 109(7)/152Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, January 2

JSU Book V469

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site Investigation Report, Former Range 40, Parcel 94Q and Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 146Q. Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, February 2004. JSU Book V470 Final Site Investigation Report, Former Range 42, Parcel 96Q; Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 145Q-X; and Impact Area,

Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 148Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, March 2004. JSU Book V476

Final Site Investigation Report Former Range 43, Parcel 97Q; Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 144Q-X; and Impact Area,

Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 147Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, April 2004. JSU Book V481

Final Site Investigation Report, Sinkholes at Pelham Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 2004. JSU Book V490

Final Site Investigation Report Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 143Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., June 2004. JSU BV491

Final Concrete Monument Installation Report, Stump Dump, Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 19, 2004. J

Book V496

Final Revision 1 Site Investigation Report, Former Toxic Gas Area Pelham Range, Parcel 211(7) and Former Decontamination Trainin

Area South of the Toxic Gas Area, Parcel 207(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, September 2004. JSU Book V466

Final Site Investigation Report Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldier’s Chapel Parcel 127(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental,

October 2004. JSU Book V500

Final Site Investigation Report, Former Motor Pool Area 3100, Parcels 146(7), 212(7), 24(7), 25(7), and 73(7). Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, February 2005. JSU Book V504

Monitoring Well Abandonment Report, Army National Guard Sites at Pelham Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March

2005. JSU Book V505

Letter Work Plan for Investigation of AWWSB Tank Sites Near BBGR Ranges. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., July 19, 2005

JSU Book V509

Final Site Investigation Report for the Fill Area West of Range 19 Parcel 233(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., July 2005. J

Book V508

Final Site Investigation Report Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 104Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2005.

JSU Book V516

Final Site Investigation Report Ranges West of Iron Mountain Road Parcels 73Q-X, 91Q-X, 115Q, 116Q-X, 117Q-X, 129Q-X, 151Q,

181(7), 194(7)/518(7), 200Q, 201Q, 228Q, 229Q-X, 231Q, 232Q-X., Washington Tank Range, and 1950 Rocket Launcher Range.

Volume I of IV: Text Tables, and Figures, Volume II of IV: Appendices A and B; Volume II of IV: Appendices C through F; Volume

of IV: Appendices G through J. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2005. JSU Books V512, V513, V514 and V515

Final Site Investigation Report Former Rifle/Machine Gun Ranges (Firing Line Areas) Parcels 100Q and 101Q. Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, Inc., September 2005. JSU Book V517

Final Site Investigation Report Fill Area at Range 30, Parcel 231(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc, September 2005. JSU Bo


Final Site Investigation Report for AWWSB Tank Sites Near Baby Bains Gap Road Ranges. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., J

17, 2006. JSU Book V528

Final Site Investigation Report for Range 31: Weapons Demonstration Range, Parcel 89Q-X and Former Defendum Field Firing Rang

No. 2, Parcel 215Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2006. JSU Book V533

Final Site Investigation Report Range 30, Confidence Course (Firing Line), Parcel 88Q; Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 102

Former Grenade Range/Area, Parcel 106Q-X; Tank Sub-Caliber/Carbine Transition/Machine Gun Range (OA-08); Grenade Court (OA

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


15); Unnamed Small Arms Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2006. JSU Book V547

Final Site Investigation Report Stump Dump, Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2006. JSU Book V548

Supplemental Soil Sampling at Former Tank Ranges, Parcel 92Q-X and 93Q-X, Former Grenade Range, Parcel 107Q-X, and Impact

Areas, Parcels 133Q-X and 134Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 26, 2006. JSU Book V551

XRF Soil Sampling at OA-03, Former Pistol Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., December 20, 2007. JSU Book V____

Remedial Investigations (RI) / Feasibility Studies (FS) / Engineering/Evaluation Cost Analysis (EE/CAs)

Final U.S. Army Environmental Center, Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Work Plan. Prepared by Science ApplicationsInternational Corporation, April 1994. JSU Book V432

Final U.S. Army Environmental Center, Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Health and Safety Plan. Prepared by Science

Applications International Corporation, April 1994. JSU Book V431

Final U.S. Army Environmental Center, Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Sampling and Analysis Plan, Volumes I, II, III a

IV. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, April 1994. JSU Books V433, V434, V435, and V436

Work Plan Radiological Remediation of Fort McClellan Hot Cell and Grounds, Anniston, Alabama. Prepared by Allied Technology

Group, Inc, December 1994. JSU Book V53

Draft Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments Long-Term Monitoring Program at Lan

No. 1, 2 and 3. Prepared by International Technology Corporation, December 1997. JSU Book V18

Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments fo

Fenced Area at Range J – Pelham Range (Parcel 202). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, November 1998. JSU Book


Final Work Plans for Eastern Bypass EE/CA. Prepared by Zapata Engineering, PA, December 1998. JSU Book V43

Long-Term Monitoring Program, First Quarterly Report for Landfills No. 1, 2, and 3, April 1999. JSU Book V91

Decommissioning Plan, Phase II, ‘Burial Mound’, Volumes I and II. Prepared by Allied Technology Group, Inc, September 9, 1999.

Books V54 and V55. Also filed in the sleeve of Volume I is the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Decommissioning

for the Burial Mound, dated October 4, 1999.

Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis, Fill Area Definition Work Plan, Parcels 78(6), 79(6), 80(6), 81(5), 175(5), 230(7), 227(7)

229(7), 126(7), 231(7), 233(7) and 82(7). Prepared by International Technology Corporation, February 2000. JSU Book V119

Final Eastern Bypass Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA). Prepared by Zapata Engineering, April 2000. JSU Book V277

Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Report, M2 Parcel. Prepared by U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, A

June 2000. JSU Book V422

Final Remedial Investigation / Baseline Risk Assessment Report, Volumes I and II. Prepared by Science Applications International

Corporation, July 2000. JSU Books V130 and V131

Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan

Attachments for Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6). Prepared by IT Group, August 2000. JS

Book V140

Reconnaissance Findings, Conceptual Plan, and Proposed Scope of Work for EE/CA Sampling - M1.13. Prepared by Foster Wheeler

Environmental, August 2000. Also included is Fact Sheet prepared by U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville by Fost

Wheeler Environmental, August 25, 2000. JSU Book V445

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site-Specific Ordnance and Explosives Work Plan Fill Area North of Landfill No. 2, Parcel 230(7); Fill Area at Range 30, Parce

(7); and Fill Area West of Iron Mountain Road and Range 19, Parcel 233(7) For Support of Construction Activities. Prepared b

Corporation, Rev 1, August 2000. JSU Book V565

Final Work Plan / Site Safety Submission, Volume I – Work Plan; Volume II – Site Safety and Health Plan; and Volume III – Agency

Plans, Chemical Warfare Materiel Site EE/CA. Prepared by Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. September 2000. JSU Books V174, V

and V176

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Remedial Investigation Former Chemical Laundry and Motor Pool Area 1500, Par

94(7). Prepared by IT Corporation September 2000. JSU Book V145

Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific

Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments, Ranges Near Training Area T-24A, Parcels 187(7), 112Q, 113 Q-X, 213Q, and 214Q

Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2000, Revision 1. JSU Book V159

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Remedial Investigation, Former Base Service Station, Building 2109, Parcels 21(7

and 22(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2000. JSU Book V423

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Addendum for the Supplemental Remedial; Investigation for the Fenced Area at Range J-Pelham Range

Parcel 202(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, November 3, 2000. JSU Book V420

Work Plan for Airborne Gamma Radionuclide Survey of Fort McClellan (Main Post and Pelham Range), Anniston, Alabama. Prepare

Fugro Airborne Surveys Corporation, November 6, 2000. JSU Book V419

Final Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum and Small Weapons Repair Shop, Parcel 66(7). Prepared b

IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU Book V411

Final Site-Specific Work Plan, Alpha Area, Ordnance and Explosives Response. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporat

March 2001. JSU Book V266

Final Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments, Range K, Former Agent Training Area, Parcel 203(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001.

Book V202

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Bravo Area, Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Ordnance and Explosive Response. Prepared by Fo

Wheeler Corporation, April 2001. JSU Book V227

Final Site-Specific Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Field Sampling Plan Attachment and Site-specific Safety and Health

Plan Attachment, Landfill No. 3, Parcel 80(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. JSU Book V218

Final Explosives Safety Site Plan and Safety Submission for the Interim Holding Facility. Prepared by Parsons Engineering Science, I

May 2001. JSU Book V326

Final Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum for the Supplemental Remedial Investigation for the Fenced Area at Range J-Pelha

Range, Parcel 202(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 15, 2001. JSU Book V424

Site Characterization, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance

Safety Plan Attachments, Ranges at Iron Mountain Road and Ranges at Bains Gap Road: Skeet Range, Parcel 69, (Q), Range 19, Parc

75(Q), Range 13, Parcel (71Q), Range 12, Parcel (70Q), Range 21, Parcel 77(Q), Range 27, Parcel 85 (Q). Prepared by IT Corporation

August 2001. JSU Book V270

Revised Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum for the Supplemental Remedial Investigation at Training Area T-38, Former

Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, August 14, 2001. JSU Book V460

Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis M1.01 Parcel. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, 14 December 200

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


JSU Book V285

Final Site Specific Field Sampling Plan for the Remedial Investigation at Landfill No. 3, Parcel 80(6). Prepared by IT Corporation,

January 2002. JSU Book V218

Final Engineering Evaluation /Cost Analysis, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Pla

Attachments at the Baby Bains Gap Road Ranges, Range 18 Down Range Feedback, (Known Distance) Range, Parcel, Range 20,

Infiltration Course, Parcel 76Q-X, Range 23, Trainfire (Record) Range, Parcel 79Q, Range 25, Known Distance Range,, Parcel 83Q,

Range 26, Life Fire and Maneuver Range, Parcel 84Q-X, Main Post Impact Area, Parcel 118Q-X, and former Range 25 East, Parcel 22

Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2002. JSU Book V304

Final Site-Specific Work Plan M1.01 Parcel & M3 Miscellaneous Property Ordnance and Explosives Response. Prepared by Foster

Wheeler Environmental Corporation, 19 February 2002. JSU Book V329

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Charlie Area Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Ordnance and Explosives Response. Prepared by F

Wheeler Environmental Corporation, 28 February 2002. JSU V328

Site-Specific Work Plan for the Supplemental Remedial Investigation of Range L – Lima Pond, Pelham Range, Parcel 204(7). Prepare

IT Corporation, March 6, 2002. JSU Book V332

Draft Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Landfills and Fill Areas Parcels 78(6), 79(6), 80(6), 81(5), 175(5), 230(7), 227(7),

126(7), 229(7), 231(7), 233(7) and 82(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. Filed in the sleeve of this document is a letter to L

Coker, US Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, from Jeanne Yacoub, Shaw Environmental regarding Asphalt Removal at the Fill AreaRange 30, Parcel 231(7), dated August 11, 2003. JSU Book V327

Final Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment for Iron Mountain Road Ranges. Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Boo


Draft Remedial Investigation Report Small Weapons Repair Shop Parcel 66(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Book V

Draft Remedial Investigation Report Former Chemical Laundry and Motor Pool Area 1500 Parcel 94(7) Volume I Text, Tables and

Figures, Volume II Appendices A-M. Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Books V365(I) and V365(II)

Final Work Plan Site-Specific Drum Removal and Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments to the Remedial Investigation Field Sampling Plan at Range K, Former Agent Training Area, Parce

203(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. JSU Book V374

Final Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM) Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA). Prepared by Parsons Engineering Science,

June 2002. JSU Book V371

Draft Final Supplemental Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, a

Site-Specific Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Old Water Hole – Pelham Range, Parcel 205(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, July 2002. JSU Book V397

Final Data Evaluation Report and Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Bains Gap Road Ranges. Range 24 Upper, Parcel 80Q

Range 21, Parcel 77 Q; Range 22, Parcel 78Q; Former Mortar Range (Firing Line), Parcel 109; Range 27, Parcel 85Q. Volume I of III

Text and Appendices A-E; Volume II of III: Appendix F; and Volume III of III, Appendices G-I. Prepared by IT Corporation, August

2002. JSU Books V380, V381, and V382

Draft Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum II for the Remedial Investigation (Source Area) at Ranges Near Training Area T-24

Parcel 187(7), 112Q, 113Q-X, 213Q, and 214Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 23, 2002. JSU Book V398

Draft Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum II for the Remedial Investigation (Source Area) at Training Area T-38, Former

Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, August 26, 2002. JSU Book V399

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Draft Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum III for the Remedial Investigation (Horizontal Extent-Surfa

Soil and Groundwater) at Ranges Near Training Area T-24A Parcels 187(7), 112Q, 113Q-X, 213Q, and 214Q. Prepared by IT Corpora

October 2002. JSU Book V400

Draft Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Training Area T-5 Sites, Parcels 180(7), 182(7), 511(7), 512(7), 513(7), 514(7), and 516(7). Prepa

by IT Corporation, October 2002. JSU Book V415

Draft Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Training Area T-6 (Naylor Field), Parcel 183(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2002. JSU

Book V416

Final, Revision 1 Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Problem Formulation for Small Arms Ranges at Iron Mountain Road. Prepare

IT Corporation, November 2002. JSU Book V389

Final Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Study Design for Iron Mountain Road Ranges. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 20

JSU Book V390

Draft Focused Feasibility Study Small Weapons Repair Shop Parcel 66(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2002. JSU Book V

Draft Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan Addendum III for the Remedial Investigation at Landfill No. 3, Parcel 80(6). Prepared by IT

Corporation, November 2002. JSU Book V566

Draft Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific UnexplodedOrdnance Safety Plan Attachments Former 81mm Mortar Range, Parcel 37Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2003. JSU Bo


Draft Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Former 37mm Antitank Range, Parcel 230Q-X and Former Rifle Range, Parcel 149Q. Prepared by

Corporation, February 2003. JSU Book V539

Draft Remedial Investigation, Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan, Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan, and Site-Specific Unexploded

Ordnance Safety Plan Attachments Impact Area for Range 30, Parcel 88Q and Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 103Q. Prepa

by IT Corporation, February 2003. JSU Book V538

Draft Focused Feasibility Study Former Chemical Laundry and Motor Pool Area 1500, Parcel 94(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Feb

2003. JSU Book V540

Final – Revision 1 Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Problem Formulation and Study Design for the Baines Gap Road Ranges.

Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., April 2003. JSU Book V408

Final Landfill Gas Investigation Field Sampling Plan, Health and Safety Plan, and Unexploded Ordnance Safety Plan, Landfills and Fil

Areas Parcels 78(6), 79(6), 80(6), 227(7), 126(7), 229(7), and 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 2003. JSU Book V5

Draft Remedial Investigation Site-Specific Field Sampling Plan and Site-Specific Safety and Health Plan Attachments Former Choccol

Corridor Ranges: Former Range 40, Parcel 94Q, and Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 146Q; Former Range 41, Parcel 95Q and

Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 131Q-X; Former Range 42, Parcel 96Q, range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 145Q-X, and

Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 148Q-X; and Former Range 43, Parcel 97Q, Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 144Q-X

and Impact Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 147Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, May 2003. JSU Book V487

Results of Well and Spring User Survey North of Landfill No.3, Parcel 80(6). Prepared by Shaw Group, June 2, 2003. Included is

Revision Table 1 dated June 13, 2003. JSU Book V417

Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Alpha Area of the Redevelopment Area. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental

Corporation, September 2003. JSU Book V449

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Report of Finding Training Area T-6 (Naylor Field), Parcel 183(6) and Cane Creek Training Area, Parcel 510-(7), Volume I of II: Tex

Tables, and Figures; and Volume II of II: Appendices A-G. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, January 2004. JSU Books V467 and V

Report of Findings, Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6), Volume I of III: Text, Tables, and

Figures; Volume II of III: Appendices A-C; and Volume III of III: Appendices D-K. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, February 200

JSU Books V471, V472, and V473

Draft Site-Specific Work Plan Supplemental Remedial Investigation Training Area T-5 Sites, Parcels 180(7), 182(7), 511(7), 512(7),

513(7), 514(7), and 516(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, February 2004. JSU Book V475

Report of Findings, Landfill No. 3, Parcel 80(6), Volume I of IV: Text, Tables, and Figures; Volume II of IV: Appendix A; Volume I

IV: Appendices B through F; and Volume IV of IV: Appendices G and H. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, April 2004. JSU BookV477, V478, V479, and V480

Final Supplemental RI Results, Range L – Lima Pond, Parcel 204(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., April 26, 2004. JSU Bo


Final Supplemental RI Results for the Old Water Hole – Pelham Range, Parcel 205(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, May 3, 2004

JSU Book V488

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Choccolocco Corridor Ranges. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, May 2004. JSU

Book V489

Final Addendum to the Final Site-Specific Work Plan Bravo Area, Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Ordnance and Explosive

Response. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Corporation, June 2004. Filed in the sleeve of the Final Site-Specific Work Plan Bravo Area,Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Ordnance and Explosive Response dated April 2001. JSU Book V227

Final Sign Installation Report, Choccolocco Corridor Ranges, Parcels 94Q, 95Q, 96Q, and 97Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, In

August 19, 2004. JSU Book V495

Final Remedial Investigation Report, Range K, Former Agent Training Area Parcel 203(7). Volume I of II: Test, Tables and Figures.

Volume II of II: Appendices A through I. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2004. JSU Books V497 and V498.

Final Revision 1 Remedial Investigation Report Range J – Pelham Range, Parcel 202(7) Volumes I and II. Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, September 2004. JSU Books V451 and V452

Final Site-Specific Work Plan OE Site Characterization for M1.01 Parcel and M3 Miscellaneous Properties on Fort McClellan, AL .

Prepared by Tetra Tech FW, Inc, December 2004. JSU Book V501

Final Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Problem Formulation and Study Design for the Baby Bains Gap Road Ranges. Prepared b

Shaw Environmental, Inc. August 2006. JSU Book V532

Groundwater Sampling at Ranges Near Training Area T-24A. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., September 6, 2006. JSU Book 


Groundwater Sampling Summary Ranges Near Training Area T-24A Parcels 187(7), 88(6), 108(7)/82Q-X, 112Q, 113Q-X, 213Q, and

214Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 2007. JSU Book V555

Final Remedial Investigation Former 81mm Mortar Range, Parcel 137Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 2007. JSU B


Letter Work Plan for Monitoring Well Installation and Groundwater Sampling at the Skeet Range, parcel 69Q and Bains Gap Road (BG

Ranges. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2007. JSU Book V570

Remedial Actions (RA) / Removal Responses (RR) 

Final Radiological Remediation of Building 3192 Hot Cell and Grounds and Building 31 'Military Police Museum', Fort McClellan,

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Anniston, Alabama. Prepared by Allied Technology Group, December 1996. Volume I – Appendix A-I; Volume II – Appendix J-L;

Volume III – Appendix M-Q; Volume IV – Appendix R-W. Filed in the sleeve of the Volume I is a letter from the U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, Region II, Atlanta Federal Center, Atlanta, GA, Subject: Termination of License No. 01-02861-0401-02861-

(Reference: Control No 257737; Docket No. 030-14759030-14759), dated October 19, 1996. JSU Books V56, V57, V58, V58A and

Final Removal Action Work Plan, Indoor Pistol Ranges at Buildings 141 and 143, (Parcels 16Q and 217Q). Prepared by International

Technology Corporation, January 1999. JSU Book V41

Parade Ground Geophysical Investigation and Removal. Prepared by Zapata Engineering, P.A., June 1999. JSU Book V104

Work Plan for Surface to One-Foot Subsurface Ordnance and Explosives Construction Support, proposed Eastern Bypass. Prepared byEODT, dated July 1999. JSU Book V120

Final Removal Action Completion Report, Indoor Pistol Ranges at Buildings 141 and 143, (Parcels 16Q and 217Q). Prepared by

International Technology Corporation, January 2000. JSU Book V118

Final Work Plan, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removals and Closure Reports. Prepared by IT Corporation, July 2000. JSU Boo


Final M2 Parcel Ordnance and Explosives Removal Action Work Plan. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, 28 Ju

2000. JSU Book V139

Final Explosives Safety Submission, M2 Parcel Ordnance and Explosives Removal Action. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environment

Corporation, 11 July 2000. JSU Book V438

Final Ordnance and Explosives Final Removal Action Report, M-2 Parcel. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, 2

November 2000. JSU Book V252

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Ordnance and Explosives Disposal Support. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, M

10, 2001. JSU Book V241

Final Remedial Work Plan for Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldiers Chapel Parcel 127(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October

2001. JSU Book V442

Explosive Siting Plan, Ordnance and Explosives Disposal Support. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, October

2001. JSU Book V289

Final Removal Report Ordnance and Explosives Surface Clearance for Construction Support, Proposed Eastern Bypass. Prepared by

EODT, October 2001. JSU Book V275

Final Conventional Explosives Safety Submission Ordnance and Explosive (OE) Removal Action Eastern Bypass. Prepared by Foste

Wheeler Environmental Corporation, October 2001. This binder includes all approval letters, corrections to ESS and Amendments 1

through 8. JSU Book V557

Final Underground Storage Tank Removal Closure Reports. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2001. JSU Book V287

Final M1.01 Parcel Explosives Safety Submission, Ordnance and Explosives Response. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental

Corporation, 12 February 2002. JSU Book V315

Final Addendum to the July 2000 Work Plan, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removals and Closure Reports for Removal of Three

USTs (Parcels 24(7), 25(7), and 212(7)) at the Motor Pool Area 3100, Parcel 146(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 4, 2002. Fi

in sleeve of original document dated July 2000. JSU Book 137

Final Radiological Status Report for Pelham Range “Burial Mound”. Prepared by Allied Technology Group, Inc., October 2002. JSU

Book V393

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Site-Specific Work Plan, Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action Eastern Bypass Revision 3. Prepared by Foster Wheel

Environmental Corporation, October 2002. Included in original document is Final Amendment 1 to Revision 3. Prepared by Foster

Wheeler, March 26, 2003. JSU Book V388

Final Site Specific Final Report M1.01 Parcel and M3 Miscellaneous Property. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporatio

March 2003. JSU Book V403

Final Conventional Explosives Safety Submission Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the Choccolocco Area, U.S. Fis

and Wildlife Land Transfer of Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, August 2003. JSU

Book V447

Final Site Specific Work Plan Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Land Transfer of FortMcClellan, Alabama. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, September 2003. JSU Book V450

Geophysical Prove-Out (GPO) Report, Eastern Bypass “Y” Junction, Task Order 0019, Ordnance and Explosive Response. Prepared b

Foster Wheeler Environmental, August 13, 2003. Filed in the sleeve of Final Site-Specific Work Plan. OE Removal Action Eastern By

Revision 3 dated October 2002. JSU Book V388.

Final Site-Specific Work Plan 3X Scrap Removal Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6) Training

Area T-24A, Former Chemical Munitions Disposal Area, Parcel 187(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2003. JSU B


Final Conventional Explosives Safety Submission Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the Water Tanks Construction S

in the Bravo Area. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporations, November 2003. JSU Book V457

Final Amendment 1 Conventional Explosives Safety Submission Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the Choccolocco

Area, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Land Transfer. Prepared by Foster Wheeler, January 2004. Filed in the sleeve of the Final Conventional

Explosives Safety Submission Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the Choccolocco Area, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Land

Transfer dated August 2003. JSU Book V447

Final Site-Specific Work Plan, Concrete Monument Installation, Stump Dump, Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, April

2004. JSU Book V482

Final Revision 1 of the Final Site-Specific Work Plan Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action for the Water Tank Construction

Sites in the Bravo Area. Also includes Final Revision 2 to add the Dog Kennels. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corpora

May 2004. JSU BookV462

Revision 2, Final Site Specific Work Plan, Auburn Kennel Property, Unexploded Ordnance Clearance for the Water Tank Construction

Sites, Bravo Area, Task Order 0022, Modification 3, Ordnance and Explosive Response at Fort McClellan, AL. Prepared by Tetra Tec

FW, Inc. May 2004. Filed in the sleeve of Final Rev 1 of the Final Site-Specific Work Plan for the Water Tank Construction Sites. JS

Book V462

Final Letter Report, Time Critical Removal, Bravo Area Dog Kennels, Ordnance and Explosive Response at Fort McClellan, Alabama

Prepared by Foster Wheeler, June 2004. JSU Book V494

Final Site-Specific Work Plan Addendum: 3X Scrap Removal, Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 18

and Training Area T-24A, Former Chemical Munitions Disposal Area, Parcel 187(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, July 20, 2004

Filed in the sleeve of the Work Plan dated October 2003. JSU Book 453

Draft Soil Remediation Interim Removal Action Work Plan, Safety and Health Plan, Iron Mountain Road Ranges on ALDOT EBC

Property; Skeet Range, Parcel 69Q; Range 12, Parcel 70Q; Range 13, Parcel 71Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 200

JSU Book V544

Construction Work Plan Soil Removal and Disposal in Fuel Pipe Trench at the Former POL Point near Bldg 265, Parcel 4. Prepared b

Shaw Environmental, Inc., September 2004. JSU Book V499

Revised Final Site Specific Work Plan Amendment 2, Eastern Bypass OE Removal Area. Prepared by TetraTech FW, Inc., May 2005

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


JSU Book V506

Final Closure Report 3X Scrap Removal, Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel 186(6), Training Area T

24A, Former Chemical Munitions Disposal Area, Parcel 187(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., June 2005. JSU Book V507

Sample Results for Former AST at Range 13, Parcel 176(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 16, 2005. JSU Book V51

Final Site Specific Work Plan for MEC Removal Action Along Bains Gap Road. Prepared by TetraTech EC., Inc., December 2005. J

Book V545

Letter Work Plan – Range 12 Supplemental Soil Removal Erosion Control. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., January 24, 2006. Book V520

Final Removal Action Report Iron Mountain Road Ranges Soil Remediation on ALDOT Eastern Bypass Corridor Property. Prepared

Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 2006. JSU Book V522

Site Specific Final Report Eastern Bypass OE Removal. Prepared by Foster Wheeler, Revised April 2006. JSU Book V493

Final Site Specific Final Report Water Tank Construction Sites, Bravo Area. Prepared by Tetra Tech EC, Inc., May 2006. JSU Book 


Final Site Specific Final Report Addendum Construction Debris Removal Area of the Eastern Bypass. Prepared by Tetra Tech EC, Inc

May 2006. JSU Book V525

Final Site Specific Final Report Bains Gap Road MEC Removal Action. Prepared by Tetra Tech EC, Inc., July 2006. JSU Book V546

Final Letter Report Site Characterization M1.01 Parcel and M3 Miscellaneous Properties, Ordnance and Explosive Response, Novemb

2006. Prepared by Tetra Tech EC, Inc., November 2006. Filed in the sleeve of the Final Site Specific Final Report M1.01 Parcel and

Miscellaneous Property. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, March 2003. JSU Book V403

Letter Report TO20 Phase 1, Fort McClellan Alabama (Installation of Gates and Barriers in the Charlie Area). Prepared by Tetra Tech

Inc., April 9, 2007. JSU Book V552

Final Site Specific Final Report Eastern Bypass “Y” Area Junction. Prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, May 200

JSU Book V563

Decision Documents (DD) / Records of Decision (ROD) / Action Memorandums (AM)-- NOTE: (DDs are filed within the Site

 Investigation Report binder; RODs are filed within the sleeve of the Feasibility Study binder; AMs are filed within the sleeve of the

 Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis binder.)

Final Record of Decision for the Environmental Statement for the Disposal and Reuse of Fort McClellan, AL, dated June 1999, Filed w

the Environmental Impact Statement, Disposal and Reuse dtd August 1998. JSU Book V66

Final Action Memorandum for the M-2 Parcel. Prepared by U.S. Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, AL, August 4, 2000. JS

Book V422

Final Decision Document for the Former Fire Training Pit, Parcels 77(7) & 170 (7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2000. JSU

Book V148

Final Decision Document for Former Printing Plant, Building 144, Parcel 171(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Bo


Final Decision Document for the Former Printing Plant, Building 143, Basement, Parcel 138(7) and the UST at the Administration

Building, Building 143, Parcel 37(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V152

Final Decision Document for the Range 16 AST, Parcel 177(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V154

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Decision Document for the Former Transformer Near Building 3798, Parcel, 57Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. J

Book V155

Final Decision Document for the Old Hospital, Parcel 95(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, October 2000. JSU Book V163

Final Decision Document for Area M2, Subsection of Area 45. Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU Book V164

Final Decision Document for the Building South of Reilly Airfield, Parcel 501(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, November 2000. JSU

Book V165

Final Decision Document for Trenches Near Range 20 Firing Line, Parcels 239(7) and 240(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, November2000. JSU Book V167

Final Decision Document for the Former Smoke Area, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 107(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2

JSU Book V178

Final Decision Document for the Former Printing Plant, Bldg 3183, Parcel 162(7), Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU Bo


Final Decision Document for the Former Quartermaster's Gasoline Storage Area, Parcel 130(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January

2001. JSU Book V185

Final Decision Document for the Former Printing Plant, Building 2051, Parcel 173(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU

Book V183

Final Decision Document for the Old Incinerator Building 5710, Parcel 125(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU Book


Final Decision Document for the Ammunition Supply Point and Building 4416, Parcels 197(7) and 199(7). Prepared by IT Corporatio

February 2001. JSU Book V444

Final Decision Document for the Former Smoke Area R, Parcel 105(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V197

Final Decision Document for the Former Indoor Pistol Ranges at Building 141, Parcel 16(Q). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 20

and Final Decision Document for the Former Indoor Pistol Ranges at Building 143, Parcel 217(Q). Prepared by IT Corporation, Febru

2001. Both are located in Final Removal Action Completion Report, January 2000. JSU Book V118

Final Decision Document for the Directorate of Engineering and Housing (DEH) Compound Parcels 64(7) and 1(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V191

Final Decision Document for the Former Smoke Area, South Slope of Morgan Mountain, Parcel 159(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

February 2001. JSU Book V192

Final Decision Document for the Former Motor Pool Area 1800/1900, Parcels 145(7) and 52(7) and the UST at the Bowling Alley,

Building 1928, Parcel 48(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V189

Final Decision Document for the DRMO Area, Parcel 85(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V188

Final Decision Document for the Motor Pool Area 600 Parcels 149(7) and 136(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU B


Final Decision Document for the Former Personnel Decontamination Station at Building 3185, Parcel 179(7). Prepared by IT Corpora

February 2001. JSU Book V196

Final Decision Document for the Former Gas Mask Test Chambers, Parcels 195(7), 196(7), and 198(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

February 2001. JSU Book V193

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Decision Document for Bulk Storage Area, Building 296, Parcel 60(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 200l. JSU Book V2

Final Decision Document for Former Motor Pool Area 2000, Parcels 144(7) and 137(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JS

Book V211

Final Decision Document for Former Fuel Yard, Parcel 131(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 200l. JSU Book V204

Final Decision Document for Former Motor Pool Area 3100, 23rd

Street, Parcels 147(7), 27(7), 28(7), and 72(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V205

Final Decision Document for the Small Weapons Storage and Cleaning Compound, Building 1378, Parcel 174(7). Prepared by ITCorporation, March 2001. JSU Book V216

Final Decision Document for the Former Fog Oil Storage Area West of the Skeet Range, Parcel 122(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

March 2001. JSU Book V199

Final Decision Document for the Former Smoke Area BVZ, Parcel 124(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V200

Final Decision Document for Former Smoke Area S, Parcel 106(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V208

Final Decision Document for Former Motor Pool Area 1000, Parcels 150(7), 13(7), and 139(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 20

JSU Book V206

Final Decision Document for the Drain Field (Building T-459), Parcel 236(Q). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2001. JSU Book V207

Final Decision Document for the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Parcels. Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. Located in the U

Closure Assessment Report dated February 2001. JSU Book V190

Final Decision Document for the Trenches West of Remount Creek, Parcel 228(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. JSU Boo


Final Decision Document for the Former Printing Plant, Building 1060 Parcel 172(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 2001. JSU B


Final Decision Document for the Cleared Area with Mound, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 237 (7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April

2001. JSU Book V222

Final Decision Document for the Ground Scar with Trenches at Driving Course, Parcel 200(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, April 200

JSU Book V217

Final Decision Document for Former Motor Pool Area 800, Parcels 164(7), 11(7), 12(7), and 68(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Apri

2001. JSU Book V220

Final Decision Document for Motor Pool Area 1600, Parcels 163(7), 17(7), 19(7), 71(7), 503(7), and 504(7). Prepared by IT Corporat

April 2001. JSU Book V219

Final Decision Document for Motor Pool Area 1300, Parcel 143(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2001. JSU Book V209

Final Decision Document for the Washrack, Building 1224, Parcel 168(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2001. JSU Book V203

Final Decision Document for Former Motor Pool Area 1300, 4th Avenue Parcels 148(7) and 16(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2

JSU Book V212

Final Decision Document for the Former Incinerators, Building 4428 and 4430, Parcel 96(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001.

Book V256

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Decision Document for Boiler Plant No. 1, Building 3176, Parcels 26(7) and 89(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU

Book V250

Final Decision Document for Boiler Plant No. 3, Building 1076, Parcels 14(7) and 235(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JS

Book V231

Final Decision Document for the Chemical School Laboratory Sump, Bldg 2281 and 2282, Parcels 90(7) and 225(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V248

Final Decision Document for Boiler Plant No. 2, Building 2278, Parcels 23(7) and 226(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JS

Book V251

Final Decision Document for the Ground Scar South of Building 3134, Parcel 153(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU B


Final Decision Document for the Autocraft Shop/Former DPDO and Former Motor Pool Area 2100 North of DPDO, Parcel 100(7), 20

47(7), 152(7), and 241(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V242

Final Decision Document for Boiler Plant No. 4, Building 1876, Parcels 101(7) and 236(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. J

Book V243

Final Decision Document for the Golf Course, Parcels 178(7), 83(7), and 141(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2001. JSU Book V

Final Decision Document for Former Sandel Flamethrower Range, Parcel 97(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 2001. JSU Book V2

Final Decision Document for the Ground Scar at South End of Confidence Course, Parcel 158(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 20

JSU Book V246

Final Decision Document for the Ground Scar Near the Ammunition Supply Point, Parcel 156(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 20

JSU Book V261

Final Decision Document for the 11th

Chemical Motor Pool Area, Parcels 29(7), 30(7), and 74(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, July 20

JSU Book V260

Final Action Memorandum for Eastern Bypass dated August 2, 2001 with the Explanation of Significant Differences Eastern Bypass, d

March 11, 2002 and the Explanation of Significant Differences Withdrawal of Requirement to Post Warning Signs along the Eastern

Bypass Ordnance and Explosives Site – 2 dated October 5, 2007. JSU Book V277

Final Decision Document for the Contractor Laydown Area and Former Tar Plant, Parcels 86(7), 99(7), and 32(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, August 2001. JSU Book V274

Final Decision Document for the Impact Area Near Stump Dump, Parcel 135Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2001. JSU Bo


Final Decision Document for the Hand Grenade Range, Range 32, Parcel 90Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, August 2001. JSU Boo


Final Decision Document for the Former Waste Chemical Storage Area, Parcel 87(7), 10 (7), and 135(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

September 2001. JSU Book V230

Final Decision Document for the Trenches West of Iron Mountain Road, Parcel 500(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001.

JSU Book V281

Final Decision Document for the Training Aids Building (Building 267), Parcel 166(8). Prepared by IT Corporation, September 2001

JSU Book V282

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Decision Document for the Former Ordnance Motor Repair Area Parcels 75(7), 5(7), 6(7), 41(7), and 42(7). Prepared by IT

Corporation, September 2001. JSU Book V283

Final Decision Document for the Ground Scar with Small Pit North of Landfill No. 3 Parcel 155(7). Prepared by IT Corporation,

November 2001. JSU Book V290

Final Revision 1 Decision Document for the Ground Scar South of the Autocraft Shop, Parcel 157(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, Jan

2002. JSU Book V311

Final Revision 1 Decision Document for the Ground Scar with Trenches at Littlebrant Drive Parcel 154(7). Prepared by IT Corporatio

January 2002. JSU Book V301

Final Action Memorandum for the M1.01 Parcel dated January 18, 2002. JSU Book V285

Final Decision Document for Range 24 Lower, Parcel 81Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU Book V340

Final Decision Document for the Forestry Compound – Pelham Range, Parcel 84(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2002. JSU B


Final Decision Document for the Former Personnel and Equipment Decontamination Station, Parcel 206(7). Prepared by IT Corporati

March 2002. JSU Book V339

Final Decision Document for Possible Range, Parcel 237Q-X and Impact Area, Parcel 238Q-X, Choccolocco Corridor. Prepared by IT

Corporation, April 25, 2002. JSU Book V345

Final Decision Document for the Range 4A Fog Oil Storage Area, Parcel 123(6). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Book 3

Final Decision Document for the Artillery and Mortar Impact Areas South of Bains Gap Road Parcels 138Q-X, 139Q-X, 140Q-X, 141

and 142Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, May 2002. JSU Book V366

Final Decision Document for Anniston Army Depot, Former Shell Tapping Area Parcel 208(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, May 200

JSU Book V369

Final Decision Document for Ranges South of Range 25, Parcel 224Q, 26Q, and 227Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. JSU

Book V375

Final Decision Document for the Agent ID Area, Parcel 509(7), Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. J

Book V373

Final Decision Document for Former Probable Range, Parcel 247Q-X. Prepared by IT Corporation, June 2002. JSU Book V372

Action Memorandum Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM) Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis (EE/CA), October 18, 2002. JSU

Book 371

Final Decision Document for Former Security Operational Test Site, Parcel 102(7), Fort McClellan. Prepared by IT Corporation,

November 2002. JSU Book 361

Final, Revision 3, Decision Document for the GSA Warehouse Area, Parcels 151(7), 2(7), 3(7), 4(7), 67(7), 91(7), 111(7), 128(7), 129

and 238(7). Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2002. JSU Book V313

Final Decision Document for the Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 99Q. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2003. JSU Book


Final Decision Document for Old Toxic Training Area Parcel 188(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 2003. JSU Book


Final Decision Document for the Impact Area, Parcel 136Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., March 2003. JSU Book V406

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time



Final Decision Document, CBR Proficiency Area, Parcel 517(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, July 2003. JSU Book V446

Action Memorandum for the Storage and Destruction of a Glass Ampoule from the K995 Chemical Agent Identification Set (CAIS),

Former Training Area (T38), December 2003. JSU Book V461

Final Decision Document, Range 23A, Multipurpose Range Parcel 109(7)/152Q-X. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, January 2004.

Book V469

Final Decision Document for the Water Supply Wells at Pelham Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, May 2004. JSU Book V41

Final Decision Document Old Water Hole – Pelham Range Parcel 205(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, May 2004.JSU Book V488

Final Decision Document Range, Choccolocco Corridor, Parcel 143Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., June 2004. JSU Book 


Final Decision Document Fill Area West of Range 19 Parcel 233(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., July 2005. JSU Book V5

Final Decision Document Former Washrack, Building 1740, Soldier’s Chapel Parcel 127(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, July 2

JSU Book V500

Final Decision Document Former Motor Pool Area 3100, Parcels 146(7), 212(7), 24(7), 25(7), and 73(7). Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, July 2005. JSU Book V504

Final Decision Document Ranges West of Iron Mountain Road Parcels 73Q-X, 91Q-X, 115Q, 116Q-X, 117Q-X, 129Q-X, 151Q, 181(

194(7)/518(7), 200Q, 201Q, 228Q, 229Q-X, 231Q, 232Q-X., Washington Tank Range, and 1950 Rocket Launcher Range. Prepared b

Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2005. JSU Book V512

Final Decision Document Former Decontamination Complex Parcels 93(7), 46(7), 70(7), and 140(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmenta

Inc., August 2005. JSU Book V463

Final Decision Document Former Gas Stations at Motor Pool Area 1500 Parcels 132(7), 133(7), and 134(7). Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, Inc., August 2005. Filed in the sleeve of the Final Underground Storage Tank Removal Closure Reports. Prepared by

Corporation, November 2001. JSU Book V287

Final Decision Document Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 104Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2005. JSU

Book V516

Final Decision Document Former Rifle/Machine Gun Ranges (Firing Line Areas) Parcels 100Q and 101Q. Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, Inc., September 2005. JSU Book V517

Final Decision Document Portions of Iron Mountain Road Ranges on ALDOT Eastern Bypass Corridor Property. Prepared by Shaw

Environmental, Inc., June 2006. JSU Book V522

Final Decision Document for AWWSB Tank Sites Near Baby Bains Gap Road Ranges. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., July 1

2006. JSU Book V528

Final Decision Document for Range 31: Weapons Demonstration Range, Parcel 89Q-X and Former Defendum Field Firing Range No

Parcel 215Q. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2006. JSU Book V533

Final Decision Document Fill Area at Range 30, Parcel 231(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc, October 2006. JSU Book V52

Final Decision Document Range 30, Confidence Course (Firing Line), Parcel 88Q; Former Rifle/Machine Gun Range, Parcel 102Q;

Former Grenade Range/Area, Parcel 106Q-X; Tank Sub-Caliber/Carbine Transition/Machine Gun Range (OA-08); Grenade Court (OA

15); Unnamed Small Arms Range. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2006. JSU Book V547

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Decision Document Stump Dump, Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2006. JSU Book V548

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Documents

Sampling and Analysis Plan for Open Burn and Open Detonation Unit, Fort McClellan, Pelham Range, Alabama. Prepared by URS

Group, July 2001. JSU Book V258

Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan for the Open Burn and Open Detonation Units, Fort McClellan, Pelham Range, Alabama. Prepar

by URS Group, July 2001. JSU Book V262

Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Open Burn Detonation Units, Fort McClellan, Pelham Range, Alabama. Prepared by URS Grou

July 2001. JSU Book V259

Closure Report for Open Burn and Open Detonation Unit, Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by URS Group, August 2002. JSU Bo


# - RCRA Permit Modification Correspondence Binder - JSU Book V368

# - Letter to Mr. Ron Levy, dated July 16, 1996, ref: Closure Certification, Fort McClellan, USEPA I.D. Number AL 4210020562, dat

August 28, 1992. ADEM accepts McClellan’s certification for closure for the interim status hazardous waste storage area at the facilit

located in Anniston, Alabama.

# - Letter to Mr. S. T. Wright, dated May 9, 2002, ref: Correct current USEPA ID # 8213700000, Closure of Open Burn and Open

Detonation Units (OB/OD) Large Impact Area, Pelham Range, Fort McClellan, Alabama, and begin actions to closeout the Interim Sta

RCRA permit.

Site Closeout Documents

# - Statement of Clearance Binder – JSU Book V362

# - M2 Parcel, dated December 4, 2000

# - Ammunition Supply Point Closure dated April 18, 2002

# - Ordnance and Explosives Site (OES 1) of the Proposed Eastern Bypass, dated April 24, 2002

# - M1.01 Parcel and M3 Miscellaneous Property, dated April 14, 2003

# - Ordnance and Explosive Site 2 of the Eastern Bypass, dated April 7, 2004

Letter Work Plan for Monitoring Well Abandonment at Multiple Sites at Fort McClellan. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., July

2006. JSU Book V527

Monitoring Well Abandonment Report, Multiple Sites. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August 2006. JSU Book V530

Letter Work Plan for Monitoring Well Abandonment at the Stump Dump Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., August

2006. JSU Book V531

Monitoring Well Abandonment Report for Stump Dump, Parcel 82(7). Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., October 2006. JSU B


Letter Work Plan for Monitoring Well Abandonment At Multiple Sites at Fort McClellan (Revision 1). Prepared by Shaw Environmen

Inc., October 24, 2006. JSU Book V549

Monitoring Well Abandonment Report Multiple Sites at Fort McClellan. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, Inc., May 2007. JSU Boo


Statement of Clearance Ordnance and Explosives of the Eastern Bypass “Y” Area Junction. Prepared by Corps of Engineers, Huntsvil

Center, September 2007. JSU Book V569

Community Relations

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Community Relations Plan, Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by J. McKinney Associates for Reisz Engineers, Anniston, Alabama.

Revised January 2000. JSU Book V392

# - Community Correspondence Binder - JSU Book V367

# - Letter to Glynn Ryan, Site Manager, McClellan, from James Lloyd, President, Colyer-Lloyd, Inc., dtd April 9, 2002, regarding Lan


# - Letter to Glynn Ryan, Site Manager, Fort McClellan, from Keith Arendall, Cane Creek, L.L.C, dated April 15, 2002, regarding Lan


# - Letter to Stephen Cobb, ADEM, from Ron Levy, dated May 2, 2002, RE: BCT Mtg in Alpharetta, 16-18 Apr, providing writtenresponse to comments to Landfill 3 EE/CA.

# - Letter to Robert Shepard, CDG Engineers, from Ron Levy, dated May 7, 2002, RE: Response to concerns regarding UST on


# - Letter to Philip Burgett, from John Jenkins, dated November 5, 2002, subject: Request for Anniston Potable Water Maps.

Restoration Advisory Board

Minutes (On CD located in CD file box) 

1996 - May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

1997 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

1998 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.1999 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2000 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2001 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2002 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November.

2003 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2004 - January, April, July, October.

2005 - January, April, July, October.

2006 – January, April, July, October.

2007 – January, April, July,

Transcripts (On CD located in CD file box) 

1996 - May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

1997 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.1998 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

1999 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2000 - February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2001 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2002 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2003 - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

2004 - January, April, July, October.

2005 - January, April, July, October.

2006 - January, April, July, October.

2007 – January, April, July,

Land Use Control (Assurance and Implementation Plan, LUCAP & LUCIP) Documents

Memorandum of Agreement for Land Use Control Assurance Plan, Land Use Control Implementation Plans, LUCAP & LUCIP, Janua

2000 - Present. JSU Book V276

BRAC Cleanup Team (BCT) - Minutes (On CD located in CD file box)

1997 - September 23-24, October 29-30, November 19-20, December 18-19

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


1998 - January 22-23, February 18-19, March 26-27, June 2-5, August 5-6, September 16-17, October 21-23, December 16-17

1999 - January 20-21, February 23-24, March 18-19, April 14-15, May 18-19, June 22-23, September 14-15, November 16

2000 - March 21-22, April 25-26, May 17-18, June 28-29, August 1-2, September 6-7, October 24-25, November 14 15, December 5-6

2001 - January 10-11, February 5–6, February 13-14, March 27, May 24, June 27-28, July 17-18, August 21-23, September 19-20, Oct

22-24, December 5-6

2002 - February 20-21, April 16-18, May 21-22, June 5-6, July 17-18, August 20-21, September 18-19, October 16-17, November 19-2

2003 - January 15-16, February 11-12, March 24-26, April 22-23, June 12, July 23, September 3

2004 – January 7-8, 2004, February 17-18, March 3 and 8, April 27, May 25, August 11-12, September 28, October 28

2005 – January 25

2006 – February 14-16, September 14

2007 – February 8, March 9-10

Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) / Findings of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) / Finding of Suitability to Lease

(FOSL) / Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP) Documents

Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Building 69, Fire Station, July 29, 1999. JSU Book V110

# - Final Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL), Parks and Recreation, August 1999. JSU Book V106

Final Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Waste Water Treatment Plant Parcel 217 (1) dated November 30, 1999. JSU Book V

# - Final Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL), JPA Master Lease, Volumes I and II, dated January 6, 2000. JSU Books V114 and


*Final Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Credit Union Building 1122 and ATM, dated April 2000. JSU Book V127

Final Findings of Suitability to Lease (FOSL), Veterinary Facility, Building 250 and 254. Addition to Master lease April 2000. JSU B


*Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), The JPA E1 Transfer, Volumes I and II, June 2000. JSU Books V128 and 129

Final Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP), Former Noble Army Community Hospital Complex, November 2000. JSU Book 


*Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), JPA E1.13.501(3) Transfer, December 2000. JSU Book V170

*Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), JPA E2 Transfer, December 2000. JSU Book V182

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), JPA E7 Transfer, December 2000. JSU Book V171

Final Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP), Department of Justice Center for Domestic Preparedness, January 2001. JSU Boo


*Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), JPA E2 Transfer, December 2000. JSU Book V182

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), JPA E7 Transfer, December 2000. JSU Book V171

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Eastern Bypass Tract No. 1, March 2001. JSU Book V226

Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), SUPERFOST 1, January 2002. JSU Book V288

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Parks and Recreation, January 2002. JSU Book V291

Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), SUPERFOST No 2, October 2002. JSU Book V379

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Final Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain Long Leaf National Wildlife Refuge, A

2003. JSU Book V407

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Eastern Bypass Tract No. 2 and the Western Port of Eastern Bypass Tract No. 3, Jul

2003. JSU Book V401

Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), SUPERFOST No. 3, July 2003. JSU Book V428

*Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), GSA Warehouse and Reilly Lake Areas, August 2003. JSU Book V427

Final Findings of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET), September 2003. JSU Book V448

# - Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Highway 21, April 2004. JSU Book V474

# - Draft Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Eastern Bypass-Eastern Portion of Tract No. 3, April 2007. JSU Book V550

Final Findings of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), Water Tank Sites, November 2007. JSU Book V553


Fort McClellan: A Cultural Resources Overview. Prepared by New South Associates, July 20, 1992. JSU Book V88

U.S. Army Environmental Center, Final Report, Hazard Ranking System Scoring Results. Prepared by ERMPMC, December 1995. J

Book V40

Draft Report, Endangered Species Management Plan for Fort McClellan, AL. Prepared by B. William Garland, Directorate of 

Environment, January 22, 1996. JSU Book V89

Programmatic Agreement among the U.S. Army and the Alabama State Historic Preservation Officer, and Advisory Council on Histor

Preservation for the Closure and Disposal of Fort McClellan, Alabama, 1998. Included are the annual reports for calendar year 1999, 2

2001, 2002, and 2003. JSU Book V323

Biological Assessment: Disposal and Reuse of Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by 3D/International, Inc, April 1998. JSU Book V

Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, 1998-2002. Prepared by Reisz Engineering & Gene Stout and Associates, October 1,

1998. JSU Book V90

Restoration of POW Murals, Remington Hall, Building 51. Prepared by Reisz Engineers, Huntsville, AL, Contract No. DABT02-96-D

0005, Delivery Order 0038, March 1999. JSU Book V112

Final Site-Specific Work Plan for the Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessment. Prepared by IT Corporation, March 2000. JSU Book V122

Historic Context Study: World War II and Cold War Era Buildings and Structures, May 5, 2000. JSU Book V418

Final Lead-Based Paint Surveys and Risk Assessments (Phase I). Prepared by IT Corporation, January 2001. JSU Book V187

Final Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessment (Phase II). Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2001. JSU Book V184

Final Base Realignment and Closure Act Cleanup Plan for Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by IT Corporation, December 2001. JS

Book V298

Final Wetland Determination, Landfills and Fill Areas. Prepared by Shaw Environmental, April 2003. JSU Book V456

Landfill Gas Investigation Report, Landfills and Fill Areas Parcels 78(6), 79(6), 80(6), 227(7), 126(7), 229(7), and 82(7). Prepared by

Shaw Environmental, November 2003. JSU Book V455

Fort McClellan A Popular History by Mary Beth Reed, Charles E. Cantley and J.W. Joseph. Undated, filed in December 2003 area. J

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at 

* Indicates document is not on the Web site at this time, however, a CD is available and located in the Administrative Record at Fort McClellan, AL

# Indicates document is only available in hardcopy at this time


Book V458

*Emergency Administrative Order #04-086-EHW, Consent Order #05-009-CHW and supporting documentation, July 2004.

# - Miscellaneous Binder – JSU Book V338

# - Letter to Denise Klimas, Coastal Resource Coordinator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, from

Mr. Ron Levy, dated April 6, 1998, regarding natural resource trustee notification. Response letter from Tom Dillon, Coastal Resourc

Coordinator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, dated April 22, 1998.

# - Letter to James Martin, Commissioner, Department Conservation and Natural Resources, from Ron Levy, dated April 6, 1998,

regarding natural resource trustee notification. Response letter from James Martin, Commissioner, Department Conservation and NatuResources, June 24, 1998.

# - Letter to Donald Oltz, State Geologist, Geological Survey of Alabama, from Ron Levy, dated April 6, 1998, regarding natural resou

trustee notification. Response letter from James Moore, Directory, Hydrogeology Division. Geological Survey of Alabama, May 4, 19

# - Letter to Jim Lee, Regional Environmental Officer, Office of Environmental Compliance and Planning, from Ron Levy, Environme

Coordinator, Fort McClellan, April 6, 1998, regarding natural resource trustee notification. Response letter from Jim Lee, Regional

Environmental Officer, Office of Environmental Compliance and Planning, June 11, 1998.

# - Letter to Douglas Medders from Ron Levy, dated December 12, 2001, providing results of the chemical analysis of the groundwate

sample collected in May 2001.

# - Letter to Ruby Ann Lowery from Ron Levy, dated December 12, 2001, providing results of the chemical analysis of the groundwat

sample collected in June 2001.

# - Letter to The Honorable Mayor William E. Kimbrough from Ron Levy, dated December 12, 2001, providing chemical analysis of t

groundwater samples collected from the City of Weaver’s wells in May 2001.

# - Letter, EPA, dated February 20, 2002, SUBJECT: Ordnance and Explosive (O&E) Oversight at Fort McClellan.

# - Right-of-Entry for Choccolocco Corridor Environmental Investigations at Fort McClellan from Alabama Forestry Commission, dat

March 18, 2002.

# - Letter to The Honorable Mayor William E. Kimbrough from Ron Levy, dated April 22, 2002, providing chemical analysis of the

groundwater samples collected from the City of Weaver’s wells in January 2002.

# - Letter to The Honorable Mayor William E. Kimbrough from Mr. Levy, dated August 19, 2002, providing chemical analysis of the

groundwater samples collected from the City of Weaver’s two water supply wells in May 2002.

# - Letter to Starla Bennett, from Ron Levy, dated August 19, 2002, providing chemical analysis of the groundwater samples collected

May 2002 from wells on Mr. J.E. Brown’s property.

# - Letter to The Honorable Mayor William E. Kimbrough, from Ron Levy, dated May 28, 2003, providing chemical analysis of the

groundwater samples collected from the City of Weaver’s two water supply wells in October 2002.

# - Letter to The Honorable Mayor William E. Kimbrough, from Ron Levy, dated July 1, 2003, providing chemical analysis of the

groundwater samples collected from the City of Weaver’s two water supply wells in April 2003.

Installation Wide Work Plans 

Final General Site-Wide Work Plan Ordnance and Explosives Response, Fort McClellan, Alabama. Prepared by Foster Wheeler

Environmental Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama, September 14, 2000. JSU Book V147

Revision 3 Draft Installation-Wide Sampling and Analysis Plan Volume I of IV Text; Volume II of IV Appendix A, Installation-Wide

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_______________NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents are provided in hardcopy and can be found on the Fort McClellan web site at


Safety and Health Plan; Volume III of IV Appendix B-D, Installation-Wide Quality Assurance Plan Monitoring Well Installation and

Maintenance Plan Installation-Wide Management Plan; and Volume IV of IV Appendixes E, Installation-Wide Ordnance and Explosiv

Management Plan for Support Hazardous, Toxic Radiological Waste Activities and Construction Activities. Prepared by IT Corporatio

February 2002. JSU Books V341, V342, V343, and V344

Revision 2 Draft Installation-Wide Work Plan. Prepared by IT Corporation, February 2002. JSU Book V483

Reference Documents

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Superfund Information Repository Administrative Records: Introduction for Librarians.

EPA/520/F-92/001, August 1992. JSU Book V86

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Superfund Information Repositories and Administrative Records, EPA/520/F-92/002, August

1992. JSU Book V86

A Fort McClellan National Wildlife Refuge Feasibility Study for the Fort McClellan Local Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. Prep

by W. Peter Conroy, Jacksonville State University, undated. Filed in December 1996 area. JSU Book V86

JPA/Matrix Documents

Final Engineering and Cost Analysis (EE/CA) Action Memorandum Alpha Area Munitions and Explosives of Concern. Prepared by

Matrix Environmental Services, L.L.C., August 2005. JSU Book V510

Final Land Use Control Effectiveness Report. Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, L.L.C., January 2006. JSU Book V519

McClellan Industrial Landfill Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Results. Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, L.L.C., Janu

2006. JSU Book V568

Final Explosives Safety Submission Munitions and Explosives of Concern Remediation ALPHA and BRAVO Munitions Response Ar

of McClellan. Prepared by ECC Huntsville Office, March 2006. JSU Book V526

Final Program-Level Work Plan Munitions and Explosives of Concern Remediation Alpha and Bravo Munitions Response Areas of 

McClellan. Prepared by ECC Huntsville Office, April 2006. JSU Book V523

Final Revision 1 Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Landfills and Fill Areas, Landfills 1, 2, 4 and Industrial Landfill, Parcels 78(6)

79(6), 81(5), 175(5), Fill Area North of Landfill 2, Parcel 230(7). Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, November 2004,

Revised May 2006. JSU Book V559

Final Resource Conservation Recovery Act Facility Investigation Fill Area East of Reilly Airfield, Parcel 227(7) and Former Post Garb

Dump, Parcel 126(7). Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, May 2006. JSU Book V558

Final Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis (EE/CA) Action Memorandum Bravo Munitions Response Site-1 and Industrial Acce

Road. Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, August 2006. JSU Book V529

Final Resource Conservation Recovery Act Facility Investigation Training Area T-38, Former Technical Escort Reaction Area, Parcel

186(6). Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, January 2007. JSU Book V560

Final Resource Conservation Recovery Act Facility Investigation Range 30 Impact Area, Parcels 88Q, 102Q, and 106Q-X. Prepared b

Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, February 2007. JSU Book V561

Final Land Use Control Effectiveness Report. Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, Revision 1 April 2007. JSU Book V

Final Resource Conservation Recovery Act Facility Investigation Training Area T-6 (Naylor Field), Parcel 183(6) and Cane Creek 

Training Area, Parcel 510(7). Prepared by Matrix Environmental Services, LLC, June 2007. JSU Book V564