us army: brac%2c%20integration%20and%20tricare%202007

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Advertising Supplement to the Pentagram, Stripe, Journal, Standard, Aviator, Sentry, Trident, Tester,Waterline, Henderson Hall News, Capital Flyer, and South Potomac Pilot

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“The Fort Belvoir “robust” community hospital will provide expanded care for our beneficiaries. This is more than just state-of-the-art. It is our 

 patients having an increase in access to local specialized care. With care

 provided in close proximity to where they live, they will no longer have totravel as often or as far. This is about our patients and the quality of increased care we can provide them.” 

Col. Kenneth G. CanestriniCommander, DeWitt Health Care Network

 The Fort Belvoir Good News Story PLANNED ENHANCEMENTS INCLUDE:- Intensive Care Unit

- Interventional Radiology w ith cardiac capability

- Cancer Care Center

- Radiation Therapy

- Chemotherapy

- Infusion Center

- Level II N ursery (up from Level I)

- Inpatient Behavioral Health (adult andchild / adolescent)

- Pediatric Inpatient Ward

- Nuclear Medicine

- Expanded Ambulatory Surgery

- Women’s Health Center

- Expanded Health Professions Education

Fort Belvoir’s new hospital will consist of a 120-bed, six-story main structure flanked on each side by two specialty care outpatient clinic areas. At far right and left of the clinics will beparking garages, complimenting the tiered parking provided at the front of the hospital.

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The creation of the ne w  Walter Reed NationalMilitary  Medical Center ( WRNMMC) is an in-credible opportunity not onl y for military medi-cine but also for the nation’s academic medicalenterprise. The Military  Health S ystem (MHS)represents the best in medicineinits care for ourtroops and their f amilies. It bring s to this mis-

sion the talents and commitment of its people,an extraordinary  medical records system, ninemillion capitated liv es, and a unique health sci-ences univ ersity  – the Uniformed Serv ices Uni-v ersity of  the Health Sciences (USU), located in

Bethesda, Mary land.“The Uniformed Serv ices Univ ersity  of  the

Health Sciences pla ys a unique role in the Feder-al health system and in its integ ration of educa-tion, research and clinical care – the threeleg s of an academic health center,” said Dr. Charles L.Rice, president of USU, in describing the univ er-

sity ’s mission. “USU is also unique in our coremission to interact substantiv el y  and on multi-ple lev els w ith other Federal health agencies;certainl y the three armed serv ices, but also theU.S. Public Health Serv ice.”

The Cong ressionall y  mandated Ma  y 2005Base Realignment and Closure Commission di-rected the establishment of  a w orld-class aca-demic health center on the g rounds of  the Na-tional Nav al Medical Center and the USU cam-pus in Bethesda. The Univ ersity w ill be the aca-demic core of the ne w  Walter Reed National Mil-itary Medical Center ( WRNMMC), w hich is env i-sioned to be a w orld-reno w ned biomedical re-search, education and patient care f acility .

The WRNMMC w ill be located across thestreet f rom the nation’s premier biomedical re-search institution , the National Institutes ofHealth (NIH). The co-location of these tw o ex -traordinary public health resources prov ides theopportunity for a ne w model of cooperation be-tw een federal departments and the creation of ane w model for the U.S. academic health centerthe Academic Health Center of the 21st century .

This ne w  AHC model w ill focus on lifetimecare, health promotion and disease prev entioninteg rate serv ices, education and research, anddev elop ne w and innov ativ e w a ys to deliv er ne w

discov eries to those in the MHS as w ell as therest of  the population in the U.S. and, indeedthe w orld.

In a recent article in the A ssociation of  A meri-can Medical Colleges publication, the “ AAMCReporter,” Dr. S. Ward Casscells, the DoD A ssis-tant Secretary for Health stated: “ W hile USUHScontinues to educate and train the essentiahealth care prov iders for toda y's challenges, italso is deepl y eng aged in env isioning its f utureThe univ ersity's leadership is w orking  closel y w ith academic medicine and w ith defense de-partment leaders to redefine its role as a leaderin not simpl y  military  health care but also as ake y  collaborator in bringing  together the re-sources of  the federal gov ernment to improv e

health care research and deliv ery to our nation's w arriors and our nation at large.

“…Combining  USU, Walter Reed A rm y  Med-ical Center, the National Nav al Medical Centerand elements of  the A rmed Forces Institute ofPatholog  y into the Walter Reed National MilitaryMedical Center ( WRNMMC) w ill create a w orld-class academic medical system that deliv ers thehighest-quality  care, disting uished health edu-cation, and ex emplary  clinical and global re-search.

“The centralized, ex panded capabilities of the WRNMMC w ill offer students, residents, and fel-lo ws the opportunity to train as the y w ill deplo yin a multi-serv ice env ironment, emphasizingand capitalizing  upon the streng ths and tradi-

tions of each branch of military serv ice.“In addition, the location of the federal flag-

ship research institution, the National Institutesof  Health, directl y  across the street prov ides aunique and extraordinary opportunity for feder-al gov ernment agencies and departments to col-laborate on biomedical research, patient careand health profession education. This v ision of aunified federal effort to adv ance health promo-tion and disease prev ention through f undamen-tal and clinical research, education, and patientcare is one that I hope to help nurture intof ruition.”

“The univ ersity  is w orking  closel y w ith col-leag ues throughout the National Capital A rea on

an integ ration plan that w ill establish the org a-

 Pa ge 6 TRICARE - A d v e rt i s ing S u pplement S ept emb e  r 2007

The Academic Health Center of the 21st Century

See HEALTH, Page 70993402

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Coming to K imbrough A mbulatory Center for an an-nual ph ysical, immunizations or sick call just got a littleeasier for Activ e Duty Serv ice Members at Fort Meade.

The Warrior Team enables consolidation of all healthcare for our TRICARE Prime Activ e Duty Serv ice Mem-bers, ensuring readiness for deplo y ment missions or du-ties relating to the Global War onTerrorism.

This is a joint-serv ices clinic dedicated to the care of all serv ice members enrolled at our f acility . K imbrough’sPrime Activ e Duty are assigned to primary  care man-agers w ithinthe Warrior Team; Activ e Duty f amil y mem-bers w hoare enrolled as Primebeneficiaries to KACC w illcontinue to be enrolled to primary care managers w ithinthe Red, W hite and Blue Teams. The Warrior Team is ac-tuall y comprised of tw o clinics that w ork together - the

acute/routine clinic for illnesses and annual appoint-ments, performed at the Warrior Team clinic and theForce Health Protection clinic, w hich performs ph ysicalhealth assessments.

The ne w  clinic encompasses the idea of “one-stopshopping ," and takes care of ev erything for serv icemembers on Fort Meade, f rom annual screening s toacute problems, all done right at this one clinic. The Warrior Team effectiv el y  addresses commander’s con-cerns about the medical readiness of their troops, andthe ability to deplo y at a moment’s notice.

 A f ter being seen at the Warrior Team, Serv ice Mem-bers are read y for an ything. Our commitment to quality health care for each K imbrough Prime beneficiary re-mains constant as w e accomplish all of our missions atKACC.

KACC enrollees ma y call our appointment line at 301-677-8606, or v isit TRICARE On-Line for appointments atall K imbrough Primary Care clinics.

The K imbrough A mbulatory Care Cen-ter, al w a ys in the foref ront of prov iding our patients w ith state-of-the-art care,

has relocated the reno w ned Muscu-loskeletal Center to thefirst floor.

This mov e prov ides for updatedequip-ment and ne w f urniture, and is be av ail-able to all TRICARE PRIMEenrollees.

Man y  of  the Musculoskeletal Clinicclientele are those for w hom access tocertain areas can be sev erel y limited. Tak-ing  an elev ator w hile using  crutches,

 w alkers and w heel-chairs can be a daunt-ing task.

 According to MAJ Beth Mason, Ph ysi-cal Therapist and Chief of  the Muscu-loskeletal Center, this mov e has resultedin g reater room for patients andprov iders.

“ W e are able to treat all of our patientsin a timelier manner and return our Ac-tiv e Duty  patients to duty w ith a mini-mumoflost time,” she said.

The KACC Musculoskeletal Centercombines Podiatry , Orthopedics, Ph ysicalTherap y  and Chiropractic in one co-lo-cated clinic.

“ W e w ill continue our integ rated ap-proach to patient care, optimizingev alua-tion and rehabilitation, b  y utilizing  theappropriate specialty serv ices in an inter-disciplinary f ashion,” Mason said.

nizational structure to sup-port this v ision. The WRN-MMC w ill be the core healthcare f acility  in the area. It w ill serv e as the tertiary careteaching hospital for thearea and the Univ ersity , and w ill enhance USU’s alread y strong  collaborativ e rela-tionships w ith the NIH b y prov iding  clinical researchopportunities.“

“The location of a w orld-class teaching hospital adja-cent to USU’s campus pro-

v ides the Univ ersity w ith theopportunity to ex pand itsunderg raduate medical ed-ucation prog ram, and to de-v elop leading-edge g raduateeducation prog rams in amulti-serv ice env ironment.USU f aculty  also w ill hav eex panded teaching and clin-ical research opportunities.“

These dev elopments w illallo w USU to broaden its al-read y significant contribu-tions to military  medicine,helping  to create a stronger,more effectiv e Military Health S ystem.

Kimbrough’s Active

Duty Warrior Team

Kimbrough’s Musculoskeletal Center 

HEALTH■ Continued from Page 6

Army and Marine Corps liaisons assigned to the 79th Aeromedical Staging Flight at Andrews AFB, support Air Force medics as theyexit a C-17 carrying a critically-injured service member returning from Iraq. The patient will be loaded on an ambulance bus headed forWalter Read Army Medical Center or National Naval Medical Center for more definitive care.

Marine Corporal Stephen Mark Smith runs in a third floor corri-dor at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He and other amputeeswho choose to remain on active duty will soon be able to prac-tice running on a dedicated indoor track with a harness system

(for beginners) in the new Military Advanced Training Centeropening September 2007 at Walter Reed.


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Our  V ur V isions ionOur  V ur V isions ionOur  V ision

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M ili  t a  r i l i ta r y  Hea  l t  h  S yst emH ea l th S ys temM ili  t a  r i l i ta r y  Hea  l t  h  S yst emH ea l th S ys temM ili  t a  r y  Hea  l t  h  S yst em