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A Weightloss & NutritionGuide for Brides Who Want

Real Results Fast!

From Dumbbells to Wedding Bells

Dear Bride-in-Training, !Thank you for downloading the Weight Loss Fitness and Nutrition Guide for Brides. We understand that you may be under the gun with all of your wedding plans and commitments you have before your big day. You don't have time to mess around when it comes down to making sure you look the best you ever have on your wedding day. That is why you need to read this guide and take action today! !Here’s what you’ll find inside: !

• Free Report on - The Secret to Transforming your Body… and your Life!

• 3 Rules you must follow to Achieve Optimal Results from ANY Workout Program

• How to Avoid Dieting Pitfalls • The 2 Most Common Misconceptions about Resistance Training • Easy ways to Make Better Food Choices at the Grocery Store • Making Time to Workout...Time Management 101 • Overcoming the Slacker Mentality • How to Figure out How much Weight to Lift • Why Aerobics alone will not get you the Toned Body you want” • 4 steps to a strong, healthy body!

!This guide was written to help you better understand the training and nutrition concepts that when applied, can yield amazing results in a relatively short period of time. If you have any questions about personal training or would like more information about our Bridal Transformation programs, you’re invited to call us at 216-678-9291 for more information. We are dedicated to educating brides on the truth behind transforming their bodies. We’ll be happy to help you in every way possible. !In Fitness and Health, Marty Velasco Fitness Edge !!!

“Specialists in Personal Training”

The Secret to Transforming your Body and your LIFE, in time for your Wedding Day!

In order to insure that you are absolutely stunning in your wedding dress on your big day, you need to understand the “Secret to Transforming.” This “Secret” is known as the concept of Synergy. Synergy can be defined simply as the combination of:

• The Right Nutrition • Moderate Aerobic Exercise • Having a Concern for Muscle

These are the three components that when combined properly, will bring about dramatic physical change. If any one of these three components is missing, results will be limited at best. The great news is, when you get a grip on all three (and it’s relatively simple to do), you literally take TOTAL CONTROL of the way your body looks and feels…forever!

How to make Better Food Choices at the Grocery Store

One of the easiest ways you can begin to shop smarter at the grocery store is simply by shopping around the perimeter of the store. This is where you will find fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, seafood, milk, and other dairy products. All of the boxed, processed stuff you find down the aisles is what you want to be avoiding when eating supportively. A simple rule to go by is this: If whatever you are eating didn’t at some point run, swim, fly, or come directly from the ground…don’t eat it!

3 Rules You Must Follow to Achieve Optimal Results from ANY Workout program

In order to really get the results you are looking for in time for your walk down the aisle, you need to adhere to the following three body transformation prerequisites: !

• You must believe you can !• You need a technology that works !• You must follow through

The belief that you can change your body, is imperative to the success of your program. Thinking that you “can never change” is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think you can’t, you won’t! !!The “Technology That Works,” simply means having the right information. The information that we provide in this guide will provide the fuel and the power that you’ll need to stimulate positive physical change. In order to make certain that you’re provided with the information best suited to move you toward your desired destination, it’s helpful to pinpoint precisely what that destination is. Take a minute to write down your specific goals and what specifically you’d like to change. The more open you are about your needs, goals, and desires, the greater benefit you’ll find in the information provided. !The fact that you downloaded this guide reveals that you’ve made a decision, and that decision was the first step toward “following through!” !

For many people, motivation is a tough thing to muster up on your own. An easy way to add an accountability factor and increase the chances of you sticking with your workout routine is to commit to a program with a friend. Chances are, your fiancé or maybe

one of your bride’s maids would be more than happy to become your workout partner. Another option would be to call on your local fitness professional. A personal trainer will help you with program design and words of encouragement to keep you motivated, making progress, and insuring that you look great in your wedding dress! Nothing is more motivating than knowing that someone is expecting you for an appointment and that there is money on the line if you don’t show up!

Overcoming the “I can’t do it” Mentality

“I have no will power- how am I ever going to transform my body on my own?”

Full Body Exercises you can do at HomeWe don't always have time to make it to the gym, so here are 2 Basic Exercises you can do at home which target your major muscle groups:

Push up: targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Beginners can modify this exercise by dropping to knees as pictured.

Lunges: For a great butt, thigh, and general lower body exercise, lunges are where it’s at! You can perform these as stationary lunges, or travel around the living room performing a walking lunge!

If all you do for exercise is run on a treadmill everyday for an hour, you could be doing yourself more harm than good. This is a common scenario among women who are afraid of lifting weights because they do not want to get “big and bulky.” !This is a myth, don’t fall for it! If you train beyond your body’s ability to provide fuel, your body will burn muscle for fuel and then you are left with skinny, but “flabby” arms and legs. !Resistance training will help to build lean muscle and give you a “toned” look. The more muscle you have on your body, the more efficient your body will be at burning fat. This is why it is so important to also incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

When beginning any fitness program, I like to use what’s called the “rate of perceived exertion” scale when figuring out what weight to use. It’s a scale from 1-10 where 1 would be the equivalent to “sitting on the couch” and 10 is “running for your life.” !In order to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts, you want to use resistance (weights) that would put you around a 6-8 on that scale of 1-10. In other words, the weight should be “challenging, but

do-able.” When figuring out your weight initially, start with a light weight and add weight little by little until you feel that you are sufficiently challenged (6-8 on the 1-10 scale). Understand that your body adapts to the demands you place on it, and one of those adaptations will be increases in strength. Increases in strength do not necessarily correlate with increases in size. It’s OK to be lean AND Strong! Relatively speaking, the more muscle you have on your frame the more efficient your body will become at burning fat. This will leave you with the sexy toned body you’re looking for!

Why Aerobics alone will not get you the toned body you want

How Do I Know How much Weight to Use when Exercising?

How to Avoid Dieting Pitfalls!

Ok, admit it, there’s been at least one time in your life where you actually fell for (or seriously considered) purchasing the latest workout gadget or magic diet pill you happened to catch in an infomercial you were watching at 2 o’clock in the morning. The truth is, none of those products “in and of themselves” are the solution to getting the body you want. Pay attention next time you see an infomercial and you’ll notice that they will always say “Results not typical” or “…best when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise.” Even the infomercial people know that the answer to lasting results is SYNERGY!

If you want to avoid the yo-yo dieting and weight loss/weight gain roller-coaster, you need to eat SUPPORTIVELY. Supportive nutrition simply means to eat combinations of lean proteins with complex carbohydrates. By combining lean proteins with complex carbohydrates you will maximize your body’s ability to release fat hormonally and you will stabilize your blood sugar levels, thereby allowing your body to release fat all day long!

Making time to work out. Time Management 101

These are all legitimate, real world reasons brides use as an excuse not to exercise. The bottom line is this: with a little planning even the busiest bride in training can find 20-30 minutes in her day to do ‘something’ that is related to exercise. You need to make taking care of yourself an “A” priority. Things like brushing your teeth and taking a shower are “A” priorities that you do on a daily basis, and making sure that you are a stunning bride on your big day needs to be an “A” priority as well! Set aside 20-30 minutes each day to do ‘something’ exercise related and before you know it, exercising will not just be something you do, it will become a part of who you are!

“I don’t have time to work out, I’m so busy planning this wedding, and I have to go to work, and when I get home I’m tired, and then I have to do laundry, take out the dog, etc, etc…”

The 2 Most Common Misconceptions about Resistance Training

“I need to have expensive machines and equipment in order to workout at home”

You don’t need $10,000 in home gym equipment in order to attain results working out at home. A nominal investment in a stability ball, dumbbells, and some resistance tubing can make for many a good workout. A good trainer will also show you how to implement items such as chairs, tables and steps into your workout regimen.

“I’m afraid that if I lift weights I’ll get bulky”

This is a common concern for many women and a misconception I come up against all the time. Have you ever picked up a heavy laundry basket? Groceries? Purse? Backpack? Your 2-year old niece or nephew? All of the aforementioned weigh much more than 5 lbs and I am willing to bet that most of you reading this guide have never been asked to enter any bodybuilding competitions because of the amazingly huge physiques you’ve developed from performing those daily rituals. The truth of the matter is that women cannot naturally or easily become “bulky” because they lack the testosterone to achieve that type of physique. It is not easy to become muscle bound, especially if you are using relatively light loads. All you need to remember is that you need to keep asking your body to do a little bit more than it is used to doing. As your body adapts to these new demands, you will notice improvements in lean muscle tissue, fat reduction, increased metabolism, and increased energy levels.

4 Steps to Total Body Fitness…1. Make a Commitment: Commit yourself to a change in lifestyle and take total control of your body FOREVER! !2. Decide what your fitness goals are going to be: Set some realistic goals for yourself such as: losing weight, developing muscle tone, improving flexibility, and gaining lean muscle mass !3. Ask questions! Call your local gym or personal training studio to find out about memberships and if they have personal training available. You can also talk to friends or neighbors who may already be working with a trainer or who have had a good experience at a certain facility. !4. ACT! Don’t get in your own way once you find the right match for you. Take the first step, be it a phone call, initial consultation or first visit to a gym facility. There’s no better time than the present to get started!

We’d like to thank you for taking the time to read our consumer guide for for brides in training who want real results fast! To help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of having on your wedding day, Fitness Edge has developed the “Get Your Body Back!” workout program. !This 12 to 48 week program combines high intensity interval training with a countless number of exercise combinations to keep your body guessing, and thereby constantly adapting to the new demands you are placing on it. The program consists of 2 to 3 training sessions each week, along with unlimited access to all of our group fitness classes. !We understand that you may be under the gun with all of your wedding plans and commitments before your big day. Time is limited and you want to make the most of the time you do spend in the gym getting into ‘wedding-dress-shape.’ Let us help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of having on your wedding day. Our proven programs have taken hundreds of ‘buff-brides-in-training’ just like you and helped them achieve stunning results! !

Kim Cunningham lost 35 pounds and got into the best shape of her life in time for her wedding day. Click the image below to see how she did it!


FitnessEdgeCleveland.com 216-678-9291