uriah av-ron presentation at the junction, nov

Emerging Tech Companies: Effective PR without Hiring a PR Agency (as told to you by a PR agency) Oasis Public Relations at The Junction

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Uriah Av-Ron presentation at The Junction, Nov

Emerging Tech Companies: Effective PR without Hiring a PR Agency

(as told to you by a PR agency)

Oasis Public Relations at The Junction

Page 2: Uriah Av-Ron presentation at The Junction, Nov

Uriah Av-Ron

Founded Oasis PR in 2004 Focus on B2B PR predominantly in online

ad and ecommerce technology Current clients: eXelate, SupersonicAds,

Todacell, Barilliance

Oasis Public Relations

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Ground rules for today:

Please ask questions Let’s make it a dialogue so bring up

actual scenarios you have / are facing

Oasis Public Relations

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What is PR?

Engaging with Journalists / Bloggers / Communicators who can create and disseminate content to help influence the people you desire to reach.

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How do you do that?

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Divide & Conquer

Identify 5 Journalists / Bloggers / Communicators that can help you reach your target audience

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Research these 5 and compile a list of 10 things which they have written about which are relevant to what your start-up does

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Reach out to these 5 Journalists / Bloggers / Communicators

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Tips for how to reach out to these 5 Journalists / Bloggers / Communicators (in random order)

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Please ask any questions you have related to the points I’m making

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What is your objective? Why do you want the PR?

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Set realistic expectations

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Be realistic. Leave the hype for your mother.

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It’s about them, not you

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Be creative

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Use all of the information that’s available about the journalists / bloggers / communicators you’re targeting.

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Public Relations builds like a rolling snowball, but sometimes you have to make sure it keeps rolling.

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Keep it short – a pitch email about your company should be under 150 words

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Tell a story

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Make sure you:

Tell why the Journalist / Blogger / Communicator (and their readers) should care about your company / technology

Have a clear business model Solve a pain (a ‘must have’ instead of a

‘nice to have’)

Oasis Public Relations

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Include links but DON’T send attachments (unless they tell you that you can).

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Recommended: start with an email, and if needed, follow-up with other media, including Twitter, Skype, LinkedIn, etc.

Oasis Public Relations

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If someone can make an introduction to the Journalist / Blogger / Communicator, ask them to do so (provided it’s someone whom the Journalist / Blogger / Communicator respects).

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Most Journalists / Bloggers / Communicators won’t sign an NDA

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Social Media isn’t the answer

Oasis Public Relations

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This is the only slide about PR agencies:

Please hire someone who knows PR to help you announce funding because funding announcements get the most press coverage (Sorry Globes / The Marker, but if you’re targeting countries outside of Israel, don’t give the story exclusively to the Israeli press).

Oasis Public Relations

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Questions? Comments?

Thank you

Tel: 050-7-427-087Email: [email protected]

Oasis Public Relations