ure shied tattabht5 mom mu chemists ranee opens he r … · london raiding parties of scotlan d -...

D*n- V EXPRESS. February 6. 3939. Instant Death To Thffoat Germs URE S H I E D —rgpD Doctors Advise them TATTABHT5 MOM MU CHEMISTS SVfc/'a WORLD'S LARGEST DAILY SALE No. 12,079 Monday, February 6, 1939 One : Penny. Every Father ought to know that tile Benefits otlcrea unoer the terms ot the Daily Express Family Insurance Policy range up to £5.000. The policy covers husband, wile and young children smrj one reslstratloti. And It costs nothing I PKISttR with youi newsagent TODAY! C a t a l o n i a c o l l a p s e s : 6 0 w a r p l a n e s c r o s s f r o n t i e r ranee opens her gates rapped army: Spain resident flees STOCKBROKER AGED 60 SEEKS DECREE AGAINST WIFE OF 28 NEGRIN IS 'LOST': MADRID DEFIANT £ATALONIA has collapsed; France last night threw open the frontier to save her army of 150,000 from possible massacre. Spain's President Azana is in France; Prime Minister Negrin has vanished. Already 4,500 S p a n i s h G o v e r n m e n t c a r a b i n i e r s have crossed into France. Shortly before dawn today, says the Daily Express correspondent in Perpignan, there will begin the greatest retreat of its kind since the Serbian Army fell back on Albania i n t h e great war. The fleeing army will take with them their tanks, artillery, supply lorries, machine guns, and such ammunition as is left—and their chiefs have promised (he French that they will march over in military formation and not as a rabble. The French decision lo do Hie only thing possible lo save Ihc men who were being pinned ever closer against the Pyrenees was reached after a conference yesterday between General Fagaldc, commander of the French troops on the frontier, andGcncral Rcquelines, from the Spanish Government's abandoncd~Iicad- quarters a I Figueras. When the/troops are disarmed they -will be taken down "uarded' roads lo a huge concentration camp set up a lew miles away at Algeres-sur'-Mer, and to the military camp at Lc Boulou, ten miles inland from PEWIGN/V IE 6011 LOU* LLPtRTHU. ricu Nazis call Roosevelt henpecked Daily Express Correspondent BERLIN, Sunday. P resident roosevelt is henpecked by his wife and acts under her influence, according to today's Nazi attacks on the U.S. President. Says the Lokalanzeiger: "Mrs. Roosevelt should keep her hands from things about which she knows nothing There are many spheres of *°r«, lor militant women writers. ™«i as social problems, including wild labour, lynching, and public MiUoclety morals." t> ,i B o e r s e n Zeit'jng claims that Resident. Roosevelt encouraged re- wit French hostilitv towards Ger- J™ny. and warns France not to "Hen to American promises.— wcmational News Service. Algeres. There they will await the French Government's decision about their future. Those who wish to join the Franco side will be sent via Hendaye. The others may be sent to the Madrid area or kept in France. Following the evacuation of Figueras yesterday sixty Spanish Government chaser planes invaded French territory to seek a land- ing place. They were pursued by French planes and fired at by anti- aircraft batteries. Twenty-four landed at Carcassonne, one at Toulouse, and three at Illats, near Bordeaux. Meantime in the Madrid zone ap- plication of the Government's mobil- isation decree is being actively con- tinued. All men up to forty, even those holding Important posts, have been incorporated in the army. Where is Dr. Negrin ? One report is that he left Figueras by plane with other Ministers yesterday morning, ostensibly for Madrid, but actually to establish the Government in Valencia. But there is no news of his arrival in either city. Other reports are—he is in France: he waits at Port Bon. just over the frontier in Spain; he has gone to Alicante, as being the least threatened port in Government Spain. Senor del Vayo. his Foreign Minis ter, who was said to have left with P o s t i n W e s t Indies y$r- Reginald Arthur Nicholas §S? r h a s been appointed Mlnister- "rw a L 5 1 P o r l au Prince, San £fflmso. west Indies, to succeed Mr. "JJJiam Robert Mackness, retiring. j ^»PAGE TWO, COLUMN THREE First pictures of bombs as they fall from a modern high-speed plane: BACK PAGE More found in London Raiding parties of Scotland - yard detectives, armed with forty search warrants, found fifteen sticks of gcligni tc in London yesterday. A tin- can bomb, uncxplodcd, was picked up outside an electricity sub-station in Tower-street, W.C.2. As a precaution, the King and Queen drove twelve miles under guard yes- terday. The full story— and of ".envelope bombs" believed to have been placed in shops by women —is told on Page Eleven. These pictures show yes- terday's incidents in the 'hunt for the bombers and the guard against bombs. WEST END. P.oliceman (with- revolver under greatcoat) guard- ing the Duke of Abercom's liduse in Mount-street. W. The duke. Governor of Northern Ireland, is in London. THE CITY—Seeing a car parked at the Mansion House. City policemen take a look inside. ESSEX.—Employees and -volice question all arrivals at Barking (Essex) .power station. ' Deter ding millions in Germany m e n a t t a c k P . C . at Daily Express Staff Reporter CHATHAM, Monday-Morning, p C. OVENDEN was attacked and knocked unconscious by two men outside Rochester R.A.F. training school at Bluebell Hill, near Chatham, Kent, late last night. Ovenden was patrolling Blue- ben Hill when he saw an un- occupied car by the roadside. While he was examining the car he noticed a movement on the airfield and went to investigate. As he approached, two men who had been ln the shadow knocked him down, struck him in the face and kicked him in the ribs. The men left him lying on the ground and escaped in the car. which is believed to have been stolenlU . . . • Ovenden was found some, minutes later by another mobile officer, who rjur - to""' the air station for assistance: ^Pbiice' .reinforcements' •were* sent from Chatham andj with-"wardens and men from the training school, searched the building and ten-acre airfield. The police were satisfied that no attempt had been made to cause damage to the school. They regard the case as one of a stolen car. Doctors save man in ship cabin drama Daily Express Stall Reporter SCEABSTER (Caithness), Sunday. Two doctors and a nurse, using the dimly lit floor of the cabin of the Hull trawler Lord Inchcape as an operating table, worked for two hours here today to encase a man with an injured spine in a plas'ter- of-paris jacket. Using the jacket was the only way in which William Adams, of Hull, cook. Injured when flung to the deck from the top of the galley as a heavy sea struck the trawier. could be carried .up the steep com- panion-way to the ambulance wait- ing to take him to hospital. After the accident doctors were asked by radio to meet the ship. With his body held rigid by the plaster, Adams was pulled up the ladder by a rope. Dope squad round up 30 i n N e w York raids Daily E.xprcss SlurT Reporter . .- NEW YORK. Sunday.—In .a series of swift raids today on restaurants in Manhattan, the Federal Dope Squad—G-men plckedr for % their knowledge.of the narcotic racket— arrested thirty people. Among the prisoners is a middle aged Levantins known as Simple Simon. Large quantities of heroin and marijuana were seized. T^HE personal fortune of Sir - Henri Deterding, multi- millionaire oil king, who died *'ter a heart attack on Satur- day, i s believed to be in Germany, where he went to live a{ ter his divorce in 1936. PAGE ELEVEN. F \9 I,T1N ' G has broken out on Z) Hungarian - Ruthentan —' S &. E r t S ? F J O K E S that Nazis, jr neaded by Dr. Goebbels. do O n?nV f a J? d h a v e l e d 1 0 tn e ban- *erlmL fi l e G e r m a " comedians *re made known yesterday. 6 THE MOTHER of two men killed C in the Edmonton air disaster y last year " dreads " going to Buck- ingham Palace to receive their medals. FEARING DOPING. Waterloo /» Cup authorities are taking \) special precautions to guard dogs. COWS STILL GRAZE on the site of London's "greater than Croydon" airport. ! COY SCOUTS are--to be trained; to watch for coast smugglers. THE TROUSSEAU of a prince's <J seventeen-year-old brlde-to- I be has seven fur coats. 100 dresses and jewels worth £55.000. AN EX-nlAYORESS, Holder of 7 the O.B.E., who married at * sixty-six, is now in the pqorhouse. SIX''MEN WERE DROWNED when three barges were swept against a bridge in : the- Severn. LONDON FIRE CASE SENSATION Daily Express Staff Reporter SENSATIONAL issues will be raised . in an action arising out of a fire at Hammersmith, which- will be heard in the High Court today. : . Mr. Henry Welch, of the General Motor and Tyre Com- pany, Hammersmith, is.suing Mr. Ernest Blaskmore, representative of a group; of Lloyd's under- writers. The defence, instructed by Mr. William Charles Crocker, solicitor, alleges fire-raising. Mr. Richard Hart-Davis, sixty-year-old London stockbroker, lias instituted divorce proceedings against his twenty-eight-year-old wife, pictured here. They have been married six years, and have no children. Mr. Hart-Davis's first wife was'a sister of Mr. Duff Cooper. ' -V. r- war ended LATEST CENTRAL 8O0O Weather: fair and mild (see page 11) Man killed in car-bus crash One man-was killed and Another man and a woman wert.. critically. . llslbn^ltii^ at the Junction of' Barrack-road, '• Hounslow, Middlesex. a%midnight.\ . The car was cut in two.; One pas- senger in the bus was also injured and treated In hospital: ••%:-.-'•' Pilot misses house, crashes into field An R.A.P. plane, diving, from a great height, narrowly missed a house and telegraph wiTes' and crashed Into a field yesterday at Chatteris. Isle of Ely. The pilot. Ralph Herbert Wright, aged nineteen, of. High-street. Ely. Cambridgeshire, was killed Instantly. 9 11 EARLY TODAY there was no news of Alex Henshaw. who' is flying alone to the Cape. He should have- crossed the Sahara by 6 p.m. Munitions explode Daily Express Correspondent BETHUNE (Northern France). Sunday.—A wing of a large ammuni- tion factory at Billy-Benclau.'near Bethune. was completely destroyed today by an explosion In oneof-the factorv buildings used as a high explosives store. - NEW PLAN TODAY By TREVOR EVANS, Daily Express Industrial Reporter BRITAIN'S road - rail war is over. It is expected that this after- noon a new agreement, called a masterpiece of compromise, will be approved by both sides. The four big railway chiefs meet fourteen leaders of the.road transport industry at Fielden House, Westminster, S.W., to agree to a joint memorandum for sub- mission to the committee ap- pointed by the Transport Advisory Council to consider the claims of the railways for a square deal. HOW IT WILL WORK This afternoon's meeting is prob- ably the most' important ever held anecting Britain's internal carrying trade, with Its combined capital of nearly £2,000,000.000. employing nearly 1,500,000 men. Not only is It likely'to dispose immediately of the railways' claim for a square deal: it is the first step to the ultimate goal whereby the railways will be guaranteed all long- distance freight traffic, while road companies concentrate on regional systems. Main proposal of the scheme is that there should be a joint authority for controlling rates by road and rail. This authority might, and probably will, be an enlarged Railway Rates Tribunal, with a road member, and possibly a trade union member, added to the present mem- bership of. three. (These three are an Independent chairman, a repre- sentative of the railways, and a member nominated . by trading interests.) Here Is a hypothetical .example of how the-proposed machinery is ex- pected to operate:—. -The railways, say, charge 40s. to carry *a certain load from London to Birmingham. Most : road opera- tors charge 38s. for a similar load. Mr. X , an independent haulage con. tractor, charges 35s: A consultative committee set up by the road and rail people agree this «V» PAGE TWO. COLUMN ONE I a s k e d M u s s o l i n i questions* N e w series. S e e P a g e E i g h t , ^IMPORTANT GUIDE M SUCCESSFUL f ENGINEERING CAREERS After months of intensive effort and research we are pleased to announce that the new edition of our Handbook, "ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES," is now out of the publishers' hands and ready for free distribution. Containing 268 pages of practical guidance, this book is, beyond argument,- the finest and most complete handbook on Successful EngineeringCareers ever compiled. It is a book that should be on the' bookshelf of every person interested in engineering, whatever his age, position or experience. The Handbook contains, among other .intensely interesting matter; details of B.Sc, A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.A.E., A.M.I.W.T., A.M.I.R.E., CIVIL SERVICE and other important Engineering Examinations; outlines courses ^' in all branches of CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AUTOMOBILE, RADIO, TELE- VISION, and AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING, BUILDING, GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT, etc., and explains the unique advantages of our Employment Department. WE DEFINITELY GUARANTEE NO PASS-NO F E E " POST THIS If you are earning less lhan £10 per week you cannot afford to mias reading " ENGINEERING OPPORTUNI. TIES." . In your own interests we advise you to write (or lorwaid the coupon), lor jour copy of this enlightenini; guide to well-paid DO.IS-NOW. Thai is no cost or obligation ol any kind. BRITISH INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 75A. SHAKESPEARE HOUSE., j A D D R t 5 s 17, 18 & 19 STRATFORD : PLACE, LONDON. W.I. 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Page 1: URE SHIED TATTABHT5 MOM MU CHEMISTS ranee opens he r … · London Raiding parties of Scotlan d - yar detectives, armed with forty search warrants, found fifteen sticks of gcligni

D*n-V EXPRESS. February 6. 3939.

I n s t a n t D e a t h T o

T h f f o a t G e r m s

U R E S H I E D —rgpD Doctors Advise them


W O R L D ' S L A R G E S T D A I L Y S A L E

N o . 12,079 M o n d a y , F e b r u a r y 6, 1 9 3 9 O n e : P e n n y .

E v e r y F a t h e r

o u g h t t o k n o w that tile Benefits otlcrea unoer the terms ot the Daily Express Family Insurance Policy range up to £5.000. The policy covers husband, wile and young children smrj one reslstratloti.

And It costs nothing I PKISttR with youi newsagent TODAY!

C a t a l o n i a c o l l a p s e s : 6 0 w a r p l a n e s c r o s s f r o n t i e r

ranee opens her gates rapped army: Spain

resident flees





NEGRIN IS 'LOST': MADRID DEFIANT £ A T A L O N I A h a s c o l l a p s e d ; F r a n c e l a s t n i g h t

t h r e w o p e n t h e f r o n t i e r t o s a v e h e r a r m y

of 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 f r o m p o s s i b l e m a s s a c r e . S p a i n ' s

Pres ident A z a n a i s i n F r a n c e ; P r i m e M i n i s t e r

Negrin h a s v a n i s h e d .

A l r e a d y 4 , 5 0 0 S p a n i s h G o v e r n m e n t c a r a b i n i e r s

have c r o s s e d i n t o F r a n c e . S h o r t l y b e f o r e d a w n

today, s a y s t h e D a i l y E x p r e s s c o r r e s p o n d e n t i n

P e r p i g n a n , t h e r e w i l l b e g i n t h e g r e a t e s t r e t r e a t

of its k i n d s i n c e t h e S e r b i a n A r m y f e l l b a c k o n

A l b a n i a i n t h e g r e a t w a r .

The fleeing a r m y w i l l t ak e w i t h t h e m t h e i r t a n k s , artillery, s u p p l y l o r r i e s , m a c h i n e g u n s , a n d s u c h ammunition as is l e f t — a n d the i r c h i e f s h a v e p r o m i s e d (he F r e n c h that t h e y w i l l m a r c h o v e r i n m i l i t a r y formation a n d not as a r a b b l e .

T h e F r e n c h d e c i s i o n lo do Hie o n l y th ing poss ib le lo save I h c m e n w h o w e r e b e i n g p i n n e d e v e r c loser against the P y r e n e e s w a s r e a c h e d a f t er a c o n f e r e n c e yesterday b e t w e e n G e n e r a l F a g a l d c , c o m m a n d e r o f the French troops o n the f r o n t i e r , a n d G c n c r a l R c q u e l i n e s , from the S p a n i s h G o v e r n m e n t ' s a b a n d o n c d ~ I i c a d -quarters a I F i g u e r a s .

When t h e / t r o o p s a r e d i s a r m e d they -will be t a k e n down "uarded' r o a d s lo a h u g e c o n c e n t r a t i o n c a m p set up a lew m i l e s a w a y at A lgeres - sur ' -Mer , a n d to the military camp at L c B o u l o u , ten m i l e s i n l a n d f r o m




Nazis call Roosevelt henpecked

Daily Express Correspondent B E R L I N , Sunday.

P r e s i d e n t r o o s e v e l t is henpecked by his wife and

acts under her influence, according to today's Nazi attacks on the U.S. President. Says the Lokalanzeiger: "Mrs.

Roosevelt should keep her hands from things about which she knows nothing There are many spheres of *°r«, lor militant women writers. ™«i as social problems, including wild labour, lynching, and public MiUoclety morals." t> ,i B o e r s e n Zeit'jng claims that Resident. Roosevelt encouraged re-wit French hostilitv towards Ger-J™ny. and warns France not to "Hen to American promises.— wcmational News Service.

A l g e r e s . There they will await the

French Government's decision about their future. Those who wish to join the Franco side will be sent via Hendaye. The others may be sent to the Madrid area or kept in France.

Following the evacuation of Figueras yesterday sixty Spanish Government chaser planes invaded French territory to seek a land-ing place.

They were pursued by French planes and fired at by anti-aircraft batteries. Twenty-four landed at Carcassonne, one at Toulouse, and three at Illats, near Bordeaux.

Meantime in the Madrid zone ap-plication of the Government's mobil-isation decree is being actively con-tinued. All men up to forty, even those holding Important posts, have been incorporated in the army.

Where is Dr. Negrin ? One report is that he left Figueras by plane with other Ministers yesterday morning, ostensibly for Madrid, but actually to establish the Government in Valencia.

But there is no news of his arrival in either city. Other reports are—he is in France: he waits at Port Bon. just over the frontier in Spain; he has gone to Alicante, as being the least threatened port in Government Spain. Senor del Vayo. his Foreign Minis

ter, who was said to have left with

P o s t i n W e s t I n d i e s y$r- Reginald Arthur Nicholas § S ? r h a s been appointed Mlnister-"rw a L 5 1 P o r l au Prince, San £fflmso. west Indies, to succeed Mr. "JJJiam Robert Mackness, retiring.


F i r s t p i c t u r e s of b o m b s as t h e y fa l l f r o m a m o d e r n h i g h - s p e e d p l a n e : B A C K P A G E

M o r e

f o u n d i n

L o n d o n Raiding p a r t i e s of

Scotland - yard detectives, armed with forty search warrants, f o u n d fifteen sticks of g c l i g n i tc in London yesterday. A tin-can bomb, uncxplodcd, was picked up o u t s i d e an electricity sub-station in Tower-street, W.C.2.

As a precaution, the King and Queen drove twelve miles under guard yes-terday. The full story— and of ".envelope bombs" believed to h a v e b e e n placed in shops by women —is told on Page Eleven.

These pictures show yes-terday's incidents in the 'hunt for the bombers and the guard against bombs.

WEST END. — P.oliceman (with-revolver under greatcoat) guard-ing the Duke of Abercom's liduse in Mount-street. W. The duke. Governor of Northern Ireland,

is in London.

THE CITY—Seeing a car parked at the Mansion House. City policemen take a look inside.

ESSEX.—Employees and -volice question all arrivals at Barking

(Essex) .power station. '

Deter ding millions in Germany

m e n

a t t a c k

P . C . a t

Daily Express Staff Reporter C H A T H A M , •

M o n d a y - M o r n i n g , p C . O V E N D E N w a s

• a t t a c k e d a n d k n o c k e d u n c o n s c i o u s b y t w o m e n out s ide R o c h e s t e r R . A . F . t r a i n i n g s c h o o l a t B l u e b e l l H i l l , n e a r C h a t h a m , K e n t , late las t n ight . Ovenden was patrolling Blue-

ben Hill when he saw an u n -occupied car by the roadside. While he was examining the car he noticed a movement on the airfield and went to investigate.

As he approached, two men who had been ln the shadow knocked him down, struck him in the face and kicked him in the ribs. The men left him lying on the

ground and escaped in the car. which is believed to have been stolenlU . . . •

Ovenden was found some, minutes later by another mobile officer, who rjur - to""' the air station for assistance: ^Pbiice' .reinforcements' •were* sent from Chatham andj with-"wardens and men from the training school, searched the building and ten-acre airfield.

The police were satisfied that no attempt had been made to cause damage to the school. They regard the case as one of a stolen car.

D o c t o r s s a v e

m a n i n s h i p

c a b i n d r a m a Daily Express Stall Reporter

SCEABSTER (Caithness), Sunday. Two doctors and a nurse, using the dimly lit floor of the cabin of the Hull trawler Lord Inchcape as an operating table, worked for two hours here today to encase a man with an injured spine in a plas'ter-of-paris jacket.

Using the jacket was the only way in which William Adams, of Hull, cook. Injured when flung to the deck from the top of the galley as a heavy sea struck the trawier. could be carried .up the steep com-panion-way to the ambulance wait-ing to take him to hospital.

After the accident doctors were asked by radio to meet the ship. With his body held rigid by the plaster, Adams was pulled up the ladder by a rope.

D o p e s q u a d r o u n d u p

3 0 i n N e w Y o r k r a i d s

Daily E.xprcss SlurT Reporter . .-NEW YORK. Sunday.—In .a series

of swift raids today on restaurants in Manhattan, the Federal Dope Squad—G-men plckedr for % their knowledge.of the narcotic racket— arrested thirty people.

Among the prisoners is a middle aged Levantins known as Simple Simon. Large quantities of heroin and marijuana were seized.

T^HE personal fortune of Sir - Henri Deterding, multi-millionaire oil king, who died *'ter a heart attack on Satur-day, i s believed to be in Germany, where he went to live

a {ter his divorce in 1936. P A G E E L E V E N .

F \ 9 I , T 1 N ' G has broken out on Z) Hungarian - Ruthentan —'

S & . E

r t

S ? F J O K E S that Nazis, jr neaded by Dr. Goebbels. do O n?nV f a J? d h a v e l e d 1 0 t n e ban-* e r l m L f i l e G e r m a " comedians

*re made known yesterday.


THE MOTHER of two men killed C in the Edmonton air disaster y last year " dreads " going to Buck-ingham Palace to receive their medals.

FEARING DOPING. Waterloo /» Cup authorities are taking \ ) special precautions to guard dogs.

COWS STILL GRAZE on the site of London's "greater t h a n Croydon" airport.

! COY SCOUTS are--to be trained; to watch for coast smugglers.

THE TROUSSEAU of a prince's <J seventeen-year-old brlde-to- I be has seven fur coats. 100 dresses and jewels worth £55.000.

AN EX-nlAYORESS, Holder of 7 the O.B.E., who married at * sixty-six, is now in the pqorhouse.

S I X ' ' M E N WERE DROWNED when three barges were swept against a bridge in : the-Severn.


Daily Express Staff Reporter S E N S A T I O N A L i s sues w i l l be r a i s e d

. i n a n ac t ion a r i s i n g o u t of a fire at H a m m e r s m i t h , w h i c h - w i l l be h e a r d i n the H i g h C o u r t today. : .

Mr. Henry Welch, of the General Motor and Tyre Com-pany, Hammersmith, is.suing Mr. Ernest Blaskmore, representative of a group; of Lloyd's under-writers.

The defence, instructed by Mr. William Charles Crocker, solicitor, alleges fire-raising.

Mr. Richard Hart-Davis, sixty-year-old London stockbroker, lias instituted divorce proceedings against his twenty-eight-year-old wife, pictured here. They have been married six years, and have no children. Mr. Hart-Davis's first wife was'a sister of

• Mr. Duff Cooper. '

-V. r -

war ended


Weather: fair and mild

(see page 11)

M a n k i l l e d i n

c a r - b u s c r a s h One man-was killed and Another

man and a woman wert.. critically. .

l l s l b n ^ l t i i ^ at the Junction of' Barrack-road, '• Hounslow, Middlesex. a%midnight.\ .

The car was cut in two.; One pas-senger in the bus was also injured and treated In hospital: ••%:-.-'•'

P i l o t m i s s e s h o u s e ,

c r a s h e s i n t o field

An R.A.P. plane, diving, from a great height, narrowly missed a house and telegraph wiTes' and crashed Into a field yesterday at Chatteris. Isle of Ely.

The pilot. Ralph Herbert Wright, aged nineteen, of. High-street. Ely. Cambridgeshire, was killed Instantly.


1 1 EARLY TODAY there was no

news of Alex Henshaw. who' is flying alone to the Cape. He should have- crossed the Sahara by 6 p.m.

M u n i t i o n s e x p l o d e Daily Express Correspondent

BETHUNE (Northern France). Sunday.—A wing of a large ammuni-tion factory at Billy-Benclau.'near Bethune. was completely destroyed today by an explosion In oneof-the factorv buildings used as a high explosives store. -


T O D A Y By TREVOR EVANS, Daily Express Industrial


B R I T A I N ' S r o a d - r a i l w a r i s o v e r . I t i s

e x p e c t e d that th i s a f ter -n o o n a n e w a g r e e m e n t , c a l l e d a m a s t e r p i e c e o f c o m p r o m i s e , w i l l be a p p r o v e d b y bo t h s ides . The four big railway chiefs

meet fourteen leaders of the.road transport industry at Fielden House, Westminster, S.W., to agree to a joint memorandum for sub-mission to the committee ap-pointed by the Transport Advisory Council to consider the claims of the railways for a square deal.

HOW IT WILL WORK This afternoon's meeting is prob-

ably the most' important ever held anecting Britain's internal carrying trade, with Its combined capital of nearly £2,000,000.000. employing nearly 1,500,000 men.

Not only is It likely'to dispose immediately of the railways' claim for a square deal: it is the first step to the ultimate goal whereby the railways will be guaranteed all long-distance freight traffic, while road companies concentrate on regional systems.

Main proposal of the scheme is that there should be a joint authority for controlling rates by road and rail. This authority might, and probably will, be an enlarged Railway Rates Tribunal, with a road member, and possibly a trade union member, added to the present mem-bership of. three. (These three are an Independent chairman, a repre-sentative of the railways, and a member nominated . by trading interests.)

Here Is a hypothetical .example of how the-proposed machinery is ex-pected to operate:—.

-The railways, say, charge 40s. to carry *a certain load from London to Birmingham. • Most: road opera-tors charge 38s. for a similar load. Mr. X , an independent haulage con. tractor, charges 35s:

A consultative committee set up by the road and rail people agree this


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