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Upper intermediate Companion German 1st Edition Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones & Jill Leatherbarrow Inside Out Ne w

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Upper intermediate


German 1st Edition

Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones & Jil l Leatherbarrow

Inside Out


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Welcome to the New Inside Out Upper intermediate Companion!

Wh frm h New  Inside Out Cm v yu?

• a summary of ky wr hr frm ch u f New  Inside Out Ur rmStudent’s Book

• pronunciation of the key words and phrases• translations of the key words and phrases• sample sentences showing the words and phrases in context• ummry of he Grammar  Extra Reference from New Inside Out Upper intermediate Student’s Book

(art) article

(v) vrb(v*) irregular verb

(j) jcv

() u

(phr v) phrasal verb

(r) ru(r) r

() rmr

(f) fm

(m) masculine

(pl n) plural noun(v) vrb

(cj) cjuc

 / ɪ / bi fih / bɪː fɪʃ / 

 / i ː/ ree bea / griːn biːnz /  / U / hould look / ʃʊd lʊk / 

 / u  ː/ blue moo / bluː muːn / 

 / e / e e / ten egz / 

 /  /  abu mher / baʊt mʌð / 

 / ɜ ː/ lear wor / lɜːn wɜːdz / 

 / ɔ ː/ hor alk / ʃɔːt tɔːk / 

 / æ / fa ca / fæt kæt / 

 / ʌ / mu com / mʌst kʌm / 

 / ɑ ː/ calm ar / kɑːm stɑːt / 

 / ɒ / ho o / hɒt spɒt / 

 / ɪ /  ear / ɪ /  / eɪ / fac / feɪs / 

 / ʊ / ure / pjʊɘ / 

 / ɔɪ / boy / bɔɪ / 

 / ʊ / o / nʊz / 

 / e / hair / he / 

 / aɪ /  eye / aɪ / 

 / aʊ / mouh / maʊ / 

 / p /  p / pen / 

 / b /  b / bæd / 

 / t /  t / ti ː/  / d /  d / dɒg / 

 / tʃ /  church / tʃɜːtʃ / 

 / dʒ /   jzz / dʒæz / 

 / k /  c / kɑst / 

 / g /  girl / gɜːl / 

 / f /  fr  / fɑːr / 

 / v /  vc / voɪs / 

 / ɵ /  th / ɵɪn / 

 / ð /  th / ðen / 

 / s /  snake / sneɪk / 

 / z / s / noɪz / 

 / ʃ /  sh / ʃɒp /  / ʒ / msur / meʒr / 

 / m /  make / meɪk / 

 / n /  nn / naɪn / 

 / ŋ / ng / aɪŋ / 

 / h /  hu / haʊs / 

 / l /  l / leg / 

 / r /  r / red / 

 / w /  w / wet / 

 / j /  y / jes / 

VoWels and dipHtHongs Consonants

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U 1 ( 4)

adopt a child / əˌdɒpt ə ˈʧaɪld / M hr hub adopted a child from Malawi, called David


y (v) / əˈnɔɪ / i annoys Belinda that some people think the royal family had

mh wh d’ h.

c () / əˈsent / sm’ ascent rm h wy whch hy rr

wr r chv fm.

rc crcm / əˌtrækt ˈkrɪtɪsɪz(ə)m / th attracted criticism from people who felt Madonna had

used her fame to fast-track it.

bleach (v) / bliːʧ / People who bleach their hair use a special product to make it blonde.

brh bu / əz ˌbraɪt əz ə ˈbʌt(ə)n / sm wh as bright as a button is very intelligent.

buckle down (phr v) / ̩bʌk(ə)l ˈdaʊn / Wh yu buckle down, you start to work hard to achieve something.

calm down (phr v) / ̩kɑːm ˈdaʊn / d’ ry – ju calm down!

crr-w (j) / kəˈrɪəwaɪz /  Career-wise, Madonna is as successful now as she’s ever been.celebrity (n) / səˈlebrəti / M ju celebrity – she’s a real pop icon.

chry () / ̍ʧærəti / Princess Diana raised a lot of money for charity.

chilly (adj) / ̍ʧɪli /  Chilly is a word that means “cold”.

collar (v) / ̍kɒlə / if yu collar someone, you find someone and force them to talk or

listen to you.

consolidator (n) / kənˈsɒlɪdeɪtə / Wh w y h M consolidator of trends, we mean she

makes them more popular and well known.

crvry () / kənˈtrɒvəsi; ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi / M rr controversy and has shocked many people

vr h yr.

cowgirl (n) / ̍kaʊˌgɜːl /  a cowgirl is a girl or woman whose job is to look after cows on a ranch.

crcm () / ̍krɪtɪsɪz(ə)m /  Criticism is a comment or comments that you think something is

wr r b.

/ ̩tə ˈdeɪt /  To date is an expression meaning “until now”.

h () / deθ / Belinda thinks that Diana’s death w rc cc.

K r



Kritik ernten



sich dahinter klemmen

ch bruh

karrieremäßigberühmte Persönlichkeit



kühl; frostig

f; ch

 jemand, der/die etwas festigt

r vr




b hu; b


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cv (j) / dɪˈstɪŋktɪv / smh h distinctive y rcz bcu ffr

frm hr h.

dreadful (adj) / ̍dredf(ə)l / I’m sorry we’re so late – the traffic was dreadful.

rh mhr () / ̍ɜːθ ˌmʌðə / a earth mother is someone who prefers natural methods of living

and likes to look after people.

ever-evolving (adj) / ̩evərɪˈvɒlvɪŋ / smh h ever-evolving changes all the time and stays


exceptionally (adv) / ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)nəli / M exceptionally talented singer.

an existing look / ən ɪgˌzɪstɪŋ ˈlʊk / Madonna picks up on an existing look and makes it her own.

explode (v) / ɪkˈspləʊd / At midnight, fireworks exploded across the sky – it was spectacular.

b u yur y h / biː ˌʌp tə jər ˈaɪz ɪn if yu are up to your eyes in work, you are extremely busy.

/ sʌmθɪŋ /  

fm () / feɪm / Some people felt Madonna had used her fame to fast-track the


feature film (n) / ̍fiːʧə ˌfɪlm / a feature film is a film that is made for the cinema.

f (hr v) / ̩fɪt ˈɪn / M w ffr ’ fit in with the popular group.

h () / ̍geɪʃə / a geisha is a Japanese woman, whose job is to entertain men.u () / ̍ʤiːniəs / a genius is someone who is extremely clever or talented.

global (adj) / ̍gləʊb(ə)l / smh h global is well known all over the world.

gracefully (adv) / ̍greɪsf(ə)li / if yu mh gracefully, you do it in a quiet way without

drawing attention to yourself.

highlight (n) / ̍haɪˌlaɪt / Seeing the Great Wall was the highlight f d’ r Ch.

hitchhike (v) / ̍hɪʧˌhaɪk / M hitchhiked to New York with $35 in her pocket.

hu (v) / haʊnd / If journalists hound a famous person, they do not leave them alone.

hu (j) / hjuːʤ / Watching the first man land on the Moon made a huge mr

on Alec.

c () / ̍aɪkɒn / Madonna is not just a celebrity – she’s a real pop icon.

cc (j) / aɪˈkɒnɪk / Hw M chv hr iconic u?

the key to sth / ðə ˈkiː tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ / She realised that marketing was the key to her success.

kid (n) / kɪd / a kid is an informal word meaning a “child”.

leotard (n) / ̍liːətɑːd / a leotard is a tight piece of clothing that people wear when they

dance or exercise.

aufällig; unverkennbar



ch mmr wr



bh im


b übr b ohr

etwas stecken








trampen; per Anhalter






der Schlüssel zu etwas


Trikot; Gymnastikanzug

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lingering (adj) / ̍lɪŋgərɪŋ / a lingering kiss is one that lasts for quite a long time.

look back (phr v) / ̩lʊk ˈbæk / sh h hr fr h wh Holiday  1984 h vr looked back.

mrm (j) / ̍meɪnˌstriːm /  somehn h mainstream is used, liked, or accepted by most people.

make an impression on sb / ̩meɪk ən ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n ɒn / Watching the first man land on the Moon made a hu impression on 

 / sʌmbədi / Alec.

market (v) / ̍mɑːkɪt / Madonna is brilliant at marketing hr m.

mrff () / ̍mɪdˌrɪf / Yur midriff h fr r f yur by bw yur w

yur ch.

millennium celebrations (n pl) / mɪˈleniəm th millennium celebrations took place on 31st December 1999.

  seləˌbreɪʃ(ə)nz / 

mmu (j) / məʊˈmentəs / a momentous event is extremely important.

moon landing (n) / ̍muːn ˌlændɪŋ / th fr moon landing w h cc whch h fr m

walked on the Moon.

mhrh () / ̍mʌðəˌhʊd / Madonna has three children and enjoys motherhood.

ff-h-cuff (j) / ̩ɒfðəˈkʌf / a off-the-cuff remark is one that you make without planning it or

thinking about it.

ff / ̩ɒf ˈsteɪʤ /  Off stage is an expression for describing what an actor or singer isreally like when they are not performing.

/ ̩ɒn ˈsteɪʤ / Madonna has known controversy both on stage ff .

h r () / ̩ðə ˈpres /  The press is an expression meaning newspapers and magazines, or the

people who work for them.

pick up on sth (phr v) / ̩pɪk ˈʌp ɒn sʌmθɪŋ / if yu pick up on something, you notice it and react to it.

pride yourself on sth / ̍praɪd jəself ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ / M prides herself on her ever-evolving look, style and sound.

ru (j) / praʊd / The fireworks were spectacular – I fel t proud to be Australian.

the queen of ... / ðə ˈkwiːn əv / A woman who is known as the queen of cvy vry

h cvy.

r my (fr h) / ̩reɪz ˈmʌni (fə sʌmθɪŋ) / prc d raised a lot of money fr chry.

recall (v) / rɪˈkɔːl / Yu recall M’ crr r f m.

rcr r () / rɪˈkɔːdɪŋ ̩ ɑːtɪst / a recording artist is a professional singer.

rr h ( h) (v) / ̍reʤɪstə sʌmθɪŋ (əz i 1979 h registered “Madonna” as a trademark.

/ sʌmθɪŋ) / 


  lange dauernd; innig



auf jmd einen Eindruck



Taille; Bauch





u m srf

hr r Büh

uf r Büh


w ufrf

ch r sch rühm


Kö v….; …


Geld auftreiben

ch rr

Musiker(-in); Plattensänger 


eintragen lassen als

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keine Ähnlichkeit mit jmd


die königliche Familie



ausverkauft sein

sein Image verkaufen


 jdm zum Verwechseln

ähnlich sein

still stehen



zurücktretench r



zurückdenken an

den Gürtel enger schnallen






Hrz uf r Zu


bear no resemblance to sb / beə nəʊ rɪˈzembləns tə / if m bears no resemblance to another person, they do not look

  sʌmbədi / like that person at all.

the royal family (n) / ðə ˌrɔɪəl ˈfæm(ə)li / Belinda doesn’t think the royal family h yh wh d’


self-esteem (n) (TS) / ̩selfɪsˈtiːm / Clothes that are clean and neat say that you care about yourself and

hv self-esteem.

self-image (n) (TS) / ̩selfˈˈɪmɪʤ / CHaps mz r urvy bu m’ self-image.

sell out (phr v) / ̩sel ˈaʊt / if ccr sells out, people buy all the tickets and there are none left.

sell your image / ̩sel jər ˈɪmɪʤ / She’s a talented business woman who’s brilliant at selling her image.

spectacular (adj) / spekˈtækjʊlə / At midnight, fireworks exploded across the sky – it was spectacular.

h m f b / ðə ˌspɪtɪŋ ˈɪmɪʤ əv sm wh the spitting image of another person looks exactly

 / sʌmbədi / like them.

stand still / ̩stænd ˈstɪl / a u h stands still stops developing.

rm () / ̍stɑːdəm /  Stardom h f b vry fmu.

u () / ̍steɪtəs / M chv hr cc status by constantly changing and

staying fashionable.

w (hr v) / ̩step ˈdaʊn / i ’ w step down – i w crry wh my crr. u (hr v) / ̩step ˈʌp / sh stepping up career-wise and has no exit plan.

struggle (n) / ̍strʌg(ə)l / a struggle is a difficult period of time during which you have to work

vry hr.

ur-br () / ̍suːpəˌbrænd / The name Madonna is a global super-brand.

think back (on) (phr v) / ̩θɪŋk ˈbæk (ɒn) /  Think back on her career – it’s not the songs you remember, it’s the


tighten your belt / ̩taɪt(ə)n jə ˈbelt / if yu tighten your belt, you spend less money.

trademark (n) / ̍treɪdˌmɑːk / In 1979 she registered “Madonna” as a trademark.

rc (j) / ̍træʤɪk / d’ h w tragic cc.

urm () / ̍ʌndəˌsteɪtmənt / a understatement is something that you say that makes something

seem less important than it is.

wealth (n) / welθ / sm’ wealth h mu f my hy hv.

wear your heart on your sleeve / weə jə ˌhɑːt ɒn jə ˈsliːv / if yu wear your heart on your sleeve, you show your feelings to other


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wr (j) (ts) / wɪəd / smh h weird is strange in an unexpected or slightly

frh wy.

w u (hr v) / ̩waɪnd ˈʌp / if m y wind up, it is easy to make them angry or upset.

Clothing and appearanCe

bangles (n) / ̍bæŋg(ə)lz / a bangle is a big circular bracelet that you wear around your wrist.

belt (n) / belt / a belt is a narrow piece of leather or cloth that you wear around your


buckle (n) / ̍bʌk(ə)l / a buckle is a metal object used for fastening a belt.

bu () / ̍bʌt(ə)n / a button is a small round object that you push through a hole to

fasten clothes.

casual (adj) / ̍kæʒuəl /  Casual clothes are comfortable and suitable for informal situations.

change your style / ̩ʧeɪnʤ jə ˈstaɪl / if yu change your style, you change the type of clothes you wear.

collar (n) / ̍kɒlə / a collar is the part of a shirt or coat that goes around your neck.

cool (adj) / kuːl / Clothes that are cool are fashionable and attractive.

cuff () / kʌf / a cuff is the part of a sleeve that goes around your wrist.hm () / hem / a hem is the bottom edge of a dress, skirt or coat.

m () / ̍ɪmɪʤ / th u f M h wy h m hr image.

m-ccu (j) / ̍ɪmɪʤˌkɒnʃəs / sm wh image-conscious cares about their clothes and


lacy gloves (n pl) / ̩leɪsi ˈglʌvz /  Lacy gloves are made of fine material and have small holes in them.

professional (adj) / prəˈfeʃ(ə)nəl / Someone who looks professional wears smart clothes that are suitable

for work.

() / ̍sætɪn /  Satin is a smooth, shiny expensive material.

sleeves (n pl) / sliːvz / th sleeves are the part of a piece of clothing that covers your arms.

ry (j) / ̍spɔːti /  Sporty clothes are designed for doing sport or for informal occasions.

ry (j) / ̍trendi / sm wh trendy wears fashionable and attractive clothes.

z () / zɪp / a zip is a long piece of metal or plastic used for opening or closing a

piece of clothing.


unheimlich; seltsam




Schnalle; Spange



den Stil ändern











schick; modebewusst


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designer/old-fashioned/scruffy /dɪˌzɪnə / ̩əʊldfæʃ(ə)nd /  Designer clothes are expensive and fashionable;

clothes / ̩skrʌfi ̍ kləʊðz /   old-fashioned clothes r mr; scruffy clothes r uy r


bright/close-set/staring eyes / ̩braɪt / ̩kləʊsset / ̩steərɪŋ  Bright eyes look lively and intelligent; close set y r vry r ch

 / ̍aɪz /   hr; staring eyes seem to look at you in a very fixed way.  

expressive/impassive/round fac / ɪkˌspresɪv / ɪmˌpæsɪv / a expressive face shows what you are feeling; an impassive face

  ˌraʊnd ˈfeɪs /   not show what you are feeling; a round face has the shape of a circle.

sleek/spiky/tousled hair / ̩sliːk / ̩spaɪki / ̩taʊz(ə)ld ˈheə /  Sleek hair mh hy; spiky hair sticks up; tousled hair looks


firm/hearty/limp handshake / ̩fɜːm / ̩hɑːti / ̩lɪmp ̍ hændʃeɪk / a firm r hearty handshake feels strong; a limp handshake feels weak. 

abrasive/charming/mild manner / əˌbreɪsɪv / ̩ʧɑːmɪŋ / ̩maɪld a abrasive manner m ru; charming manner is friendly and

  ˈmænə /   pleasant; a mild manner is kind and gentle. 

fake/forced/warm smile / ̩feɪk / ̩fɔːst / ̩wɔːm ˈsmaɪl / a fake r forced smile is not natural or genuine; a warm smile is kindand friendly.

deep/husky/shrill voice / ̩diːp / ̩hʌski / ̩ʃrɪl ˈvɔɪs / a deep r husky voice is low; a shrill voice is high and unpleasant.

Word formation

rrr (v) / ̩riːəˈreɪnʤ / if yu rearrange people or things, you put them in a different place.

rebuild (v) / ̩riːˈbɪld / if yu rebuild something, you build it again after it has been damaged

r ry.

rcr (v) / ̩riːkənˈsɪdə / if yu reconsider a decision, you think about it again in order to

decide whether you should change it.

rcruc (v) / ̩riːkənˈstrʌkt / if yu reconstruct something, you build it again.

rcvr (v) / ̩riːdɪsˈkʌvə / if yu rediscover something, you discover it again.

r (v) / ̩riːˈdu  ː/ if yu redo something, you do it again in a different way in order to

mrv .

rrf (v) / ̩riːˈdrɑːft / if yu redraft something, you write it again in order to make changes



Designer- / altmodische / 

schlampige Kleidung

strahlende / eng


Augen; starrer Blick

ausdrucksvolles / rundes

Gesicht; gelassener


glattes / hoch stehendes / 

zrzu Hr

fester / kräftiger / schlaffer


rv / chrm / 

f ar

falsches / gezwungenes / warmes Lächeln

tiefe / heisere / schrille


umstellen; neu ordnen

wr ufbu

noch mal überdenken

rekonstruieren; wieder


wieder entdecken

u mch

umchrb; u wrf

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re-examine (v) / ̩riːɪgˈzæmɪn / if yu re-examine something, you look at or think about it carefully


rv (v) / ̩riːɪnˈvent / if yu reinvent something, you change something that already exists

v ffr ur.

rv () / ̩riːɪnˈvenʃ(ə)n /  Madonna is known as the queen of reinvention!

relocate (v)  / ̩riːləʊˈkeɪt / if yu relocate, you move to a different place.

remake (v) / ̩riːˈmeɪk / if yu remake something, you make it again in a different way.

rr (v) / ̩riːˈɔːgənaɪz / if you reorganise something, you organise something in a different wy.

repackage (v) / ̩riːˈpækɪʤ / if yu repackage something, you present it in a different way to make

it look more attractive.

reschedule (v) / ̩riːˈʃedjuːl / if yu reschedule something, you, you change the time when it was

planned to happen.

rethink (v) / ̩riːˈθɪŋk /  if you rethink something, you think about it again in order to improve it.

ru (v) / ̩riːjuːˈnaɪt / if yu reunite people, you bring them together again.

rwr (v) / ̩riːˈwɜːd / if yu reword something, you express it using different words.

rwr (v) / ̩riːˈraɪt / if yu rewrite something, you write it using different words in order tomrv .

U 2 ( 14)

academic qualifications (n pl) / ækəˌdemɪk /   Yur academic qualifications are the exams you have passed at school,

 / ̩kwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)nz / college or university.

c () / ækt / a act is a short performance of singing, dancing etc.

adolescence (n) / ædəˈles(ə)/  Adolescence h r f m wh yu r r.

adulthood (n) / ̍ædʌlthʊd; æˈdʌlthʊd /  Adulthood is the period of life when you are an adult.

all-in-one (adj) / ̩ɔːlɪnˈwʌn / a all-in-one piece of clothing is made up of separate parts that look

like one part.

u () / ̍æptɪtjuːd / if yu hv aptitude for something, you are good at it.

backroad (n) / ̍bækˌrəʊd / th backroads are small, quiet roads with less traffic.

ball girl (n) / ̍bɔːl ˌgɜːl / a ball girl is a girl whose job is to throw a ball back to a player during



ru übrrüf

ru rf

ru erfu

umsiedeln; den Standort


u mch

u rr

neu verpacken

neu planen

erneut durchdenken

wr vr

neu formulieren

umchrb; u chrb

akademische Qualifikationen

Akt; Aufführung




Talent; Begabung

kleine Landstraße


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bu () / ̍bʌs ˌpɑːs / a bus pass is a special ticket that allows older people to travel by bus

whu y.

childhood (n) / ̍ʧaɪldˌhʊd /  Childhood is the period of time when you are a child.

clown around (phr v) / ̩klaʊn əˈraʊnd / if yu clown around, you act in a silly or stupid way.

comically (adv) / ̍kɒmɪk(ə)li /  Comically is an adverb that means “in a way that seems amusing”.

cm (v) / ̍kɒmpənseɪt /  if omehn compensates for something else, it makes it seem less bad.

cmc urry () / kɒzˌmetɪk ̍ sɜːʤəri /  Cosmetic surgery is a medical operation to improve someone’s


cuddle (v) / ̍kʌd(ə)l / if yu cuddle someone, you put your arms around them to show that

you love them.

b fvur / ̩duː sʌmbədi ə ˈfeɪvə / if yu do someone a favour, you do something in order to help them.

b (hr v) / ̍dəʊt ɒn ̩ sʌmbədi / if yu dote on someone, you love them very much.

r (v) / dred / if yu dread something, you are very frightened that it might happen.

r (v) (ts) / drɒp / As soon as we told Sarah we liked Jeremy, she dropped hm.

dull (adj) / dʌl /  Dull is an adjective that means “boring”.to good/excellent etc effect / tə ˌgʊd / ̩eksələnt ɪˈfekt / if yu u mh to good effect, you use it in a way that impresses


sb’s elders (n pl) / ̩sʌmbədiz ̍ eldəz /  Your elders are people who are older than you.

exchange (=a person) () / ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ / When she was 15, Viv went to stay with her German exchange, Frauke


(school) exchange (n) / (skuːl) ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ / Hv yu vr school exchange?

exoticism (n) / ɪgˈzɒtɪsɪzəm / Viv loved the exoticism of new friends such as Axelle and Amalia.

extended family (n) / ɪkˌstendəd ̍ fæm(ə)li / a extended family is a large family group that includes grandparents,

aunts, uncles, cousins etc.

fake ID (n) / ̩feɪk aɪˈdi  ː/  Fake ID is an identity card that has been made to look real in order to

trick people.

family background (n) / ̩fæm(ə)li ̍ bækgraʊnd / Yur family background is the type of family that you come from.

faultline (n) / ̍fɔːltˌlaɪn /  Faultlines are small problems that develop.







kosmetische Chirurgie;


kuscheln; schmusen; in den

arm hm

 jmd einen Gefallen tun

abgöttisch lieben

ch vr w fürch

fallen lassen; Schluss machen



Ältere; Leute, die älter sind

als …

Austauschschüler (-in)




gefälschter Ausweis





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fluency (n) / ̍fluːənsi /  Fluency in a language is the ability to speak it well.

fool around (phr v) / ̩fuːl əˈraʊnd / if yu fool around, you act in a silly or stupid way.

h fuy f h / ̩siː ðə ˈfʌni saɪd əv /   if yu see the funny side of something, you see the amusing part of a

  sʌmθɪŋ /   difficult or embarrassing situation.

hr bu h / ̩get tə ˈhɪər əbaʊt / sʌmθɪŋ /   all Alex’s friends got to hear about the fact that his father was a clown.

rw r (hr v) / ̩grəʊ əˈpɑːt / Viv and Axelle grew apart and eventually lost touch.

have a wild side / ̩hæv ə ˈwaɪld saɪd / Amalia was quiet but had a cr wild side.

h (j) / hɪp / sm wh hip is cool and trendy.

host family (n) / ̍həʊst ˌfæm(ə)li / Yur host family is the family that welcomes you into their home.

humiliation (n) / hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃn /  Humiliation is the state of feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

mmr () / ɪˈmɜːʃ(ə)n /  Immersion is a way of learning another language in which you only

use the foreign language in class.

fcy () / ̍ɪnfənsi /  Infancy is the period of time when you are a baby or very young child.

be on its last legs / biː ɒn ɪts ˌlɑːst ˈlegz / if mh is on its last legs, it is very old and no longer very useful.

sb’s loved ones (n pl) / sʌmbədiz ̍ lʌvd ̩ wʌnz / Yur loved ones are the people you love, especially members of your


(club) mascot (n) / (klʌb) ˈmæskɒt / Kayleigh’s mum is club mascot fr Crff Cy wr br

cum mch.

middle age (n) / ̩mɪd(ə)l ˈeɪʤ /  Middle age is the period of time when you are no longer young, but

are not yet old.

music decks (n pl) (TS) / ̍mjuːzɪk ̩ deks / It’s easy for Andy, as a DJ, to hide behind his music decks at work.

y () / ̍næpi / a nappy is a thick piece of cloth that a baby wears between its legs

before it has learned to use the toilet.

nickname (v) / ̍nɪkˌneɪm / Alex’s friends nicknamed him “Corky Junior”.

nightlife (n) / ̍naɪtˌlaɪf /  Nightlife is entertainment available in the evenings in clubs, bars,

rur c.

bjc (v) / ɒbˈʤekt / if yu object to something, you do not like it or approve of it.

old age (n) / ̩əʊld ˈeɪʤ /  Old age is the period of someone’s life when they are old.

uru (j) / aʊtˈreɪʤəs / smh h outrageous is slightly shocking.

rfrm (v) / pəˈfɔːm / g’ mum r u Chr performs at clubs.


fließendes Sprechen

Blödsinn machen;


lu w h

 jmd zu Ohren kommen

sich auseinander entwickeln

eine wilde Seite haben

ch sz


dmüu; erru


früh Kh

in den letzten Zügen liegen;

aus dem letzten Loch

ff lb


mittleres Lebensalter

Musikanlage; - geräte




ablehnen; protestieren

(hohes) Alter

urhör; uvrchäm


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poster-girl (n) / ̍pəʊstə ̩ gɜːl / a poster-girl is a girl or woman who is a good advertisement for


rc () / ̍prɒspekt / if yu hv jb prospects, you are likely to get a good job and

earn a lot of money.

ruy (j) / ̍rʌsti / If your knowledge of a language is rusty, you have forgotten a lot of

what you have learnt.

-hruh (j) / ̍siːˌθru ː/  See-through is an adjective that means “transparent.”

sink or swim / ̩sɪŋk ɔː ˈswɪm / if yu r u whr yu mu sink or swim, you must deal

with problems on your own if you want to succeed.

ur (v) / saʊə / If a relationship between two people sours, the people stop liking

ch hr.

c’ () h / kɑːnt ˈstænd duːɪŋ / sʌmθɪŋ / g hy can’t stand being h cr f f .

y h / ̩steɪ ɪn ˈʃeɪp / if yu stay in shape, you stay fit and healthy.

sticky (adj) / ̍stɪki /  Sticky objects are covered with a substance that sticks to things.

uy r () / ̍stʌdi ˌtrɪp / a study trip r f m h yu wy frm hm

order to study or learn something.table manners (n pl) / ̍teɪb(ə)l ˌmænəz / Yur table manners are the way you behave when you are at a table


ultimate (adj) / ̍ʌltɪmət / Wh Vv y h h ultimate poster-girl for school exchanges, she

means she is a perfect example of someone who enjoys them.

urh (v) / ̩ʌndəˈniːθ / She wears a bird costume, but everyone knows it’s Mum underneath.

urb (j) / ̍ɜːbən / sm wh urban is used to life in cities.

w h ru u / ̩wɒnt ðə ˌgraʊnd tu  ː/ if yu want the ground to open up, you feel extremely embarrassed.

/ ̩əʊpən ̍ ʌp / 

wiggly (adj) / ̍wɪgli / a wiggly much rh yu c mv ru.

w () / ̍wɪtnəs / a witness at a wedding is someone who also signs the official

document that the married couple sign.


Birds of a feather flock / bɜːdz əv ə ˌfeðə flɒk  Birds of a feather flock together means that people of a similar type

hr. təˈgeðə /   m hr.






auf sich allein gestellt sein

sich verschlechtern

etwas nicht aushalten


fit, in Form bleiben




ultimativ; perfekt


äch; sbwhr

wollen, dass man in den

Boden versinkt




Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich


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Blood is thicker than water. / blʊd ɪz ˌθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə /  Blood is thicker than water means that family relationships are the

m mr.

Chry b hm. / ʧærəti bɪˌgɪnz ət ˈhəʊm /  Charity begins at home means that you should look after your family

fr fr.

Hm whr h hr . / ̩həʊm ɪz weə ðə ˈhɑːt ɪz /  Home is where the heart is m h yur hm whrvr yur

loved ones are.

o ur rv / wʌn gʊd ˌtɜːn dɪzɜːvz  One good turn deserves another means that if someone is kind and

hr. əˈnʌðə /   helpful to you, you should also be kind and helpful to them.

two’ compny. three’ crow. / tuːz ˌkʌmp(ə)ni θriːz ə Two’s company. Three’s a crowd means that two people can be happy

  ˈkraʊd /   together, but a third person causes problems.

shoWing someone aroUnd yoUr home

Welcome to our home! / ̩welkəm tuː ɑː ˈhəʊm / Hello, Marie. Welcome to our home!

Did you have a pleasant / ̩dɪd juː hæv ə plez(ə)nt “Did you have a pleasant journey?” “Yes, but I’m feeling a bit tired jury? ˈʤɜːni / now.”

l m ruc yu … ˌlet miː ɪntrəˈdjuːs juː tuː  Let me introduce you to the rest of the family.

Then I’ll show you around. / ̩ðen aɪl ʃəʊ juː əˈraʊnd / I’ll introduce you to the rest of the family, then I’ll show you around.

You must call me … / ̩juː mʌst ˈkɔːl mi  ː/  You must call me Jill.

Help yourself to … / ̩help jəˈself tu  ː/  Help yourself to cff.

Make yourself at home. / meɪk jəˌself ət ˈhəʊm / if yu make yourself at home somewhere, you feel relaxed and


if here’ nyhn you nee …  / ɪf ðeəz ˌənɪθɪŋ jʊ ˈniːd /  If there’s anything you need, just give me a shout.

gv m hu. / ̩gɪv miː ə ˈʃaʊt /  Give me a shout f hr’ yh yu .

soCial registeri

Hy! / ̍haɪjə /  Hiya! th r’ .

th r’ . / ðə ˌdɔːz ˈəʊpən /   The door’s open. Cm .


Blut ist dicker als Wasser.

M mu zur

eigene Familie/sein eigenes

Land etc. denken.

Trautes Heim, Glück allein.

e H wäch


d fürf Rm w


Willkommen bei uns zu


H s hmR?

Darf ich Sie …. vorstellen?

d z ch ih

z Hu.

n s mch …

B b s ch ….

Fühlen Sie sich wie zu Hause.

Sollten Sie etwas brauchen

Ruf s mch fch.


d tür h uf.

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Chr – h’ r! / ̩ʧɪəz ðæts ˈgreɪt /   “I remembered to bring you that CD.” “Cheers, that’s great!

”How’s it going? / ̩haʊz ɪt ˈgəʊɪŋ / “How’s it going?” “All right, but I’m shattered.”

chill out (phr v) / ̩ʧɪl ˈaʊt / i ju w chill out h v wch tV.

d yu w …? / duː jʊ ˈwɒnt tu  ː/  Do you want to wch dVd?

Whvr. / wɒtˈevə / “Do you want to watch TV or shall I get a DVD?” “Whatever.”

n . / nəʊ aɪˈdɪə / “What’s on TV?” “No idea – rubbish as usual, I expect.”


Welcome! / ̍welkəm /  Welcome! d cm !

d cm ! / ̩duː kʌm ˈɪn / Welcome! Do come in!

That’s very kind of you! / ̩ðæts veri ˈkaɪnd əv ju  ː/ Thank you, that’s very kind of you!

relax / rɪˈlæks / Yu mu w relax.

Would you prefer …? / ̩wʊd jʊ prɪˈfɜ  ː/  Would you prefer r cff?

i ’ m. / aɪ dəʊnt ˈmaɪnd / Would you prefer tea or coffee?” “I don’t mind.”

I’m afraid I don’t know. / aɪm əˌfreɪd aɪ dəʊnt ˈnəʊ / “How many miles is it exactly?” “I’m afraid I don’t know.” 

U 3 ( 24)

vurr () / ədˈvenʧərə /  an adventurer is someone who will take a risk in order to make money.

antique (n) (TS) / ænˈtiːk / a antique is an object that is old and valuable.

r cur / əˌpɪər ɪn ˈkɔːt /  if omeone appears in court, they go to a court of law so that people

can ask you questions about something illegal they think you have done.

b hr (hr v) / ̩bænd təˈgeðə / If people band together, they work together in order to achieve


breathtaking (adj) / ̍breθˌteɪkɪŋ / smh h breathtaking is very is extremely impressive orbeautiful.

capitalise on sth / ̍kæpɪtəlaɪz ɒn ̩ sʌmθɪŋ / if yu capitalise on something, you use it to get an advantage for


b chr wh h / bi ˈʧɑːʤd wɪð / sm wh is charged with a crime is officially accused of it.


Schön … großartig!

W h’?


Willst du …?

Ganz wie du willst.

K ahu.

Herzlich willkommen!

tr s b !

Das ist sehr freundlich von


Hätten Sie lieber …?

Mir ist es gleich.

Ich weiß es leider nicht.



vr grch rch

sich zusammenschließen


Kapital aus etwas schlagen

wegen etwas angeklagt


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collapse (v) / kəˈlæps / if mh collapses, it fails completely.

cmmuy rvc () / kəˌmjuːnəti ̍ sɜːvɪs /  Community service is work that someone does as a punishment

f r.

ccr () / kənˈsɜːn /  Concern is a feeling of worry or sympathy for someone who is in a bad


c-m () / ̍kɒnˌmæn / a con-man is a criminal who tricks other people in order to get their


corner the market (TS) / ̩kɔːnə ðə ˈmɑːkɪt / if yu corner the market, you get complete control of an area of


crc () (ts) / ̍kɔːnɪs / a cornice vrh r f w h f mu.

crops (n pl) / krɒps /  Crops are plants that farmers grow to produce food.

cyc () / ̍sɪnɪk / a cynic is a person who thinks that people are not sincere or honest.

declare (v) / dɪˈkleə / if yu declare something, you say officially that it is true.

cvry () / dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri / th discovery of gold attracted thousands of people to California.

disillusion (n) / ̩dɪsɪˈluːʒ(ə)n /  Disillusion is a feeling of great disappointment when something is not

yu huh.

disillusioned (adj) / ̩dɪsɪˈluːʒ(ə)nd / John Sutter eventually left California feeling disillusioned.rr () / ̍iːstənə /  Easterners are people who live in the east of a country or state.

wr (v) / ̍iːstwəd / If you travel eastward, you travel in a direction towards the east.

rrur () / ̩ɒntrəprəˈnɜ ː/ a entrepreneur m wh u my r bu.

c (j) / ̍epɪk / a epic journey is very long and exciting.

mc () / epɪˈdemɪk / a epidemic is a situation in which a feeling spreads very quickly.

follow sb’s tracks (TS) / ̩fɒləʊ sʌmbədɪz ̍ træks / if yu follow someone’s tracks, you follow where they are walking or


foolishness (n) / ̍fuːlɪʃnəs /  Foolishness is a word that means the same as “stupidity”.

fr () / fɔːt / a fort is a strong building that is used to defend a place.

a gap in the market / ə ˌgæp ɪn ðə ˈmɑːkɪt /  A gap in the market is an opportunity to sell something that is notavailable but that people would like to have.

glint (n) / glɪnt / a glint of something is a quick flash of light from something that is shiny.

hruh wh h (hr v) / gəʊ ˈθruː wɪð sʌmθɪŋ / if yu go through with something, you succeed in doing something


gold (n) / gəʊld / i 1848 gold was discovered in California.













desillusioniert jmd, der aus dem Osten




lang und abenteuerlich


die Spur von jmd verfolgen



eine Marktlücke


w urchzh


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gold fever (n) / ̍gəʊld ˌfiːvə /  Gold fever was the wish to find gold that a lot of people felt in the

19h cury.

gold rush (n) / ̍gəʊld ˌrʌʃ / th gold rush w h r h 19h century when a lot of people

went to a place where gold had been discovered.

gold strike (n) / ̍gəʊld ̩ straɪk / a gold strike is the act of discovering that gold exists in a place.

GPS (Global Positioning System) / ̩ʤiːpiːˈes /  GPS is a system you install in your car that tells you where you are and

() (ts) v yu rc.

hammock (n) / ̍hæmək / a hammock is a bed consisting of a piece of cloth tied to a tree.

a handful (of) / ə ̍ hændfʊl (əv) /  A handful of people or things is a very small number of them.

h- (j) (ts) / ̍hændˌpeɪntəd / Eric bought some beautiful hand-painted toy soldiers.

hr ur () (ts) / ə ˌhɑːd ˈtɜːn /  A hard turn is a sudden movement you make to the right or left.

a head of (cattle) / ə ˌhed əv ˈkæt(ə)l / “A head” is an expression used as a way of counting farm animals.

h u (hr v) / ̩hɒt ˈʌp / Wh cvy hots up, it becomes much more popular.

mmr () / ̍ɪmɪgrənt / sur w sw immigrant who came to California in 1848.

b / biː ɪnˈtent ɒn / sur was intent on building his own private empire. j (j) / ʤɔɪnt / a joint cmy w by mr h r.

keenly understand sth / ̩kiːnli ʌndəˈstænd sʌmθɪŋ / if yu keenly understand a situation, you have thought about it and

understand it well.

kingdom (n) / ̍kɪŋdəm / a kingdom is an area or activity that someone controls.

lead to sb’s downfall (TS) / ̩liːd tə sʌmbədɪz / / ̍daʊnfɔːl / Alcoholism led to his downfall and California’s first millionaire died an

uc h.

life-affirming (adj) / ̍laɪfəˌfɜːmɪŋ / smh h life-affirming makes you feel happier or more

positive about life.

lifetime (n) / ̍laɪfˌtaɪm / The adventurers were willing to spend a difficult year in return for a

lifetime f rch.

m () / ̍mædnəs / If people think that something is madness, they think it is extremelyu.

mid-life crisis (n) / ̩mɪdlaɪf ̍ kraɪsɪs / a mid-life crisis is when people who are middle-aged feel very anxious

about their life.

mr (v) / ̍mɔːgɪʤ / People mortgaged their farms in order to travel to California.

wcmr () / ̍njuːˌkʌmə / Sutter welcomed the newcomers as subjects for his new kingdom.







eine Handvoll


W; chrf

ch … bb


in Schwung kommen; richtig



f abch hbmm

w hr u vrh


zum Ru v jm führ





eine Hypothek aufnehmen


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ru () / ̩ɒpəˈtjuːnɪst / a opportunist is someone who always tries to get an advantage for


u () / ̍aʊtˌpəʊst / a outpost is a place that is far away from other places.

() / pæn / a pan is a large, flat bowl used for collecting gold.

pick (n) / pɪk / a pick is a tool used for breaking hard surfaces.

rv mr () / ̩praɪvət ̍ empaɪə / sm’ private empire bu h hy w.

rcu (v) / ̍prɒsɪkjuːt / if yu prosecute someone, you officially accuse them of a crime.

b rr b’ m / bi ˌreʤɪstəd ɪn / Christopher sold the car although it was registered in his mother’s

  sʌmbədɪz ̍ neɪm /   name. 

r () / ̍rezɪd(ə)nt /  Residents are the people who live in a particular place.

risk-taker (n) / ̍rɪskˌteɪkə / a risk-taker is someone who is not afraid of taking risks to get what

hy w.

h r f h / ət ðə ˈruːt əv sʌmθɪŋ / if mh at the root of a problem or situation, it is the thing

h h cu .

ru () / rʌg / a rug is a very small carpet that you put on a floor.

ru (j) / ̍ruːɪnd / In 1850 Sutter had lost all his wealth and was a ruined m.satellite navigation (n) (TS) / ̩sætəlaɪt nævɪˈgeɪʃ(ə)n /  Satellite navigation is a system that tells you where you are and gives

yu rc.

sawmill (n) / ̍sɔːmɪl / a sawmill is a building where wood is cut into pieces using a machine.

chm () / skiːm / a scheme is a plan that you make in order to get something.

shovel (n) / ̍ʃʌv(ə)l / a shovel is a tool that is used for lifting and moving earth or snow.

() / spɑ  ː/ a spa is a type of bath filled with water that you put your feet into in

order to relax.

special delivery (n) / ̩speʃ(ə)l dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri / a special delivery is a parcel that is delivered by a fast postal service.

spotlight (n) / ̍spɒtˌlaɪt / if yu r h spotlight, everyone is looking at you or is interested


r frh / ̩stɑːt əˈfreʃ / Ian Usher has sold his life because he wants to start afresh.

rv (j) / ̍stɑːvɪŋ / i hv’ c h mr – i’m starving.

m () / ̍steɪtmənt / a statement is something that you say or write publicly.

stock company (n) / ̍stɒk ̩ kʌmp(ə)ni / a stock company is one that is owned by several people.

ubjc () / ̍sʌbʤekt / a subject is a person who works for someone who is very powerful.






rv Rch

verklagen ; strafrechtlich


uf nm v jm

zugelassen sein


ein risikofreudiger Mensch

der eigentlicher Grund sein

Läufer; Vorleger



Plan; Idee; Strategie


Heilbad; Kurort



v vr u f

halb verhungert

Aussage; Erklärung



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supply and demand (n) / səˌplaɪ ən dɪˈmɑːnd / The laws of supply and demand relate to the amount of a product

that is available and how many people want to buy it.

ur chry / səˌpɔːt ə ˈʧærəti / if yu support a charity, you give money to it.

w b u (hr v) (ts) / ̩swiːp sʌmbədi ˈʌp / if wr r w sweeps someone up, it moves over them quickly.

sw (j) / swɪs / sm wh Swiss is from Switzerland.

r w (hr v) / ̩teə ˈdaʊn / if yu tear down a building, you destroy it.

telegraph (v) / ̍telɪgrɑːf / News of the discovery of gold was telegraphed to every village and


hum (v) / θʌmp / if yur hr thumps, it beats very fast.

trample (v) / ̍træmp(ə)l / If people trample something, they destroy it by walking all over it.

rvr (v) (ts) / trəˈvɜːs / if yu traverse an area, you move over or across it.

trickle (v) / ̍trɪk(ə)l /  By the mid-1840s more and more Americans were trickling into California.

undertake (v) / ̩ʌndəˈteɪk /  Other people have undertaken similar schemes to Ian Usher and profited.

vru (j) / ̍vɪg(ə)rəs / if yu vigorous exercise, you exercise very hard.

v () / ̍vɪʒ(ə)n / sur h vision of building his own private empire.

vry () / ̍vɪʒən(ə)ri / sm wh visionary has a clear idea of how things should be.

w () / ̍wægən / a wagon is an old-fashioned vehicle pulled by horses.

b h wy / biː ɪn ðə ˈweɪ / if yu are in the way, you are stopping people from doing what they

w .

wealthy (adj) / ̍welθi /  Wealthy is a word meaning the same as “rich”.

whr () / ̍wɪspə /  Whispers of a gold strike drifted eastward across the country.

Why rh? / ̩waɪ ɒn ˈɜːθ / “Why on earth?” is an expression that is used to emphasize the

question word “Why?”.

without sb’s knowledge / wɪðˌaʊt sʌmbədɪz / ˈnɒlɪʤ /  Without his mother’s knowledge, Christopher sold her car.


hv ch / ̩hæv ə ˈʧæt / if yu have a chat with someone, you talk to them for a short time.

have difficulty / ̩hæv ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti / W had difficulty finding somewhere to park.

hv uy / ̩hæv ə ˈdjuːti / We all have a duty to help each other.


ab u nchfr

einen Wohltätigsverein


 jmd mitreißen




pochen; heftig schlagen



langsam eintrudeln


kräftig; kraftvoll




m W h


Gerücht; Geflüster

Warum in aller Welt?

h jm W

mit jmd plaudern

Schwierigkeiten haben

die Pflicht haben

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hv / ̩hæv ə ˈgəʊ / if yu have a go at something, you try to do it.

hv u / ̩hæv ə ˈges / “How many people live in the UK?” “I don’t know.” “Have a guess.”

have a laugh / ̩hæv ə ˈlɑːf / I like meeting friends and having a laugh.

have a look / ̩hæv ə ˈlʊk / C i have a look yur w p?

hv rh / ̩hæv ə ˈraɪt / People over 18 have the right v.

have a think / ̩hæv ə ˈθɪŋk / We’ll have a think and let you know what we decide.

hv wr / ̩hæv ə ˈwɜːd / C i have a quick word with you, please?

make a fortune / ̩meɪk ə ˈfɔːʧuːn / Top football players can make a fortune.

make a fuss / ̩meɪk ə ˈfʌs / if yu make a fuss about something, you get too worried or excited

bu .

make a living / ̩meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ / i c b hr make a living cr.

make a loss / ̩meɪk ə ˈlɒs / Banks have made hu losses rc mh.

make a mess / ̩meɪk ə ˈmes / I always make a mess when I cook.

make money / ̩meɪk ˈmʌni / Businessmen such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson have made a lot of  money.

make a profit / ̩meɪk ə ˈprɒfɪt / if yu make a profit, you sell something for more money than it cost


make sense / ̩meɪk ˈsens / i ’ ur my rm. thy vr make sense.

make a start / ̩meɪk ə ˈstɑːt / We’ve a lot of work to do – we'd better make a start.

take action / teɪk ˈækʃ(ə)n / There’s a time for talking and a time for taking action.

take advice / ̩teɪk ədˈvaɪs / if yu take advice, you ask someone for their opinion about the best

h .

take a deep breath / ̩teɪk ə diːp ˈbreθ /  Take a deep breath and calm down.

take an exam / ̩teɪk ən ɪgˈzæm / sh’ taking hr exam mrrw.

take notes / ̩teɪk ˈnəʊts / Students listened to the teacher and took notes.

take office / ̩teɪk ˈɒfɪs / President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.

take place / ̩teɪk ˈpleɪs / The 2012 Olympics take place l.





h; ch chu

Rch hb

etwas überlegen

 jm rch

Vrmö vr

viel Wirbel um etwas machen

seinen Lebensunterhalt


einen Verlust machen

Uru mch

Geld verdienen

gw mch

s hb

sr mch


sich beraten lassen

f m

eine Prüfung ablegen

ch nz mch

am r


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take responsibility / ̩teɪk rɪspɒnsəˈbɪləti / She’s 16 and old enough to take responsibility for herself.

take a risk / ̩teɪk ə ˈrɪsk / Yu mm hv take risks ucc.

take sugar / ̩teɪk ˈʃʊgə / d yu take sugar cff?


t = m

b ru u f m / bi ˌrʌnɪŋ aʊt əv ˈtaɪm / Hurry u! W’re running out of time.

spare (sb) a couple of minutes / ̩speə (sʌmbədi) ə We need to talk. Can you spare a couple of minutes?

   / kʌp(ə)l əv ˈmɪnɪts /  

b’ m rcu / ̩sʌmbədiz taɪm ɪz ˈpreʃəs /  if someone’s time is precious, they are busy and do not have a lot of time.

use your time profitably / ̩juːz jə taɪm ˈprɒfɪtəbli / You should use your time mr profitably rr jb.

w yur m / ̩weɪst jə ˈtaɪm / Yu’r wasting your time if you think you can make money out of the


be worth sb’s while / bi ˌwɜːθ sʌmbədiz ˈwaɪl / Just five minutes of your time – I promise it will be worth your while!

i = fchw h vr / ̩ʧuː sʌmθɪŋ ˈəʊvə / Mrh h b chewing over the idea for the past few weeks.

frm / daɪˌʤest ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n / i m digest all this information.

f fr huh / ̩fuːd fə ˈθɔːt / That’s interesting. There’s certainly food for thought hr.

be a half-baked idea / biː ə ˌhɑːf beɪkt aɪˈdɪə / a half-baked idea is one that you have not thought about properly.


ffr (v) / əˈfɔːd / if yu c afford something, you have enough money to buy it.

b br (ts) / ̩biː ə ˈbɑːgɪn / if mh is a bargain it costs much less than normal.

blow it on sth / ̍bləʊ ɪt ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ /  He n’ ve he money – ne he blew it all on new muc yem.

brwr () / ̍bredˌwɪnə / a breadwinner is the person who earns the money to support a family.

broke (adj) / brəʊk / if yu r broke, you have spent all your money.

bu () / ̍bʌʤɪt / a budget mu f my h yu ffr


cheap and cheerful (TS) / ̩ʧiːp ən ˈʧɪəf(ə)l / smh h cheap and cheerful does not cost a lot of money but

is suitable for a particular purpose.


Vrwru übrhm

ein Risiko eingehen

Zucker nehmen

nicht mehr viel Zeit haben

r Mu Z hb

 jmds Zeit ist sehr kostbar

Ihre Zeit sinnvoll nutzen

ihr Z vrchw

sich für einen lohnen

ch w urch Kf

gehen lassen

ifrm vrrb

Stoff zum Nachdenken

uur sch

sich etwas leisten


verpulvernerährr; Brvrr


Budget; Haushaltsplan; Etat


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earn a living / ̩ɜːn ə ˈlɪvɪŋ / d yu r h ’ m’ jb earn a living? There’s no such

  thing as a free lunch m h yu c mh

there’ no uch hn free / ðeəz ˌnəʊ sʌʧ ˌθɪŋ əz ə whu y fr .

lunch. / friː ˈlʌnʧ / 

hr-u (j) / ̩hɑːdˈʌp / sm wh hard-up does not have a lot of money.

hr (v) / ɪnˈherɪt / He told his girlfriend he had inherited the money from his grandfather,

wh h .

v (v) / ɪnˈvest / if yu invest money, you use it in order to make more money.

loaded (adj) / ̍ləʊdəd /  Loaded is an informal word meaning “extremely rich”.

The love of money is the / ðə ˌlʌv əv ˌmʌni ɪz ðə  The love of money is the root of all evil means that money makes

root of of all evil. ˌruːt əv ɔːl ˈiːv(ə)l / people do bad things to other people.

b m f my / bi ˌmeɪd əv ˈmʌni / No, I can’t afford to buy you a new car – I ’m not made of money, you


Money makes the world. / ̩mʌni meɪks ðə ˈwɜːld  Money makes the world go round means that it is people’s desire to

ru gəʊ raʊnd /   make money that makes them do things.

vrrf () / ̍əʊvəˌdrɑːft /  if you py off n overdraft, you pay the bank money that you owe to it.

h fr u / ̩get sʌmθɪŋ fə ˈpiːnʌts /   Compuer re much cheper nowy – you cn get them for peanuts.

In for a penny, in for a pound. / ̩ɪn fər ə ˌpeni ˌɪn fər ə  In for a penny, in for a pound m h yu fh

  ˈpaʊnd /   mh yu hv r .

rcy (j) (ts) / ̍praɪsi /  Pricey is a word that means “expensive”.

uh h b u / ̩pʊʃ ðə ˈbəʊt aʊt /   if yu push the boat out, you decide to spend a lot of money on


pu yur my whr yur / ̩pʊt jə ˌmʌni weə jə if yu put your money where your mouth is, you give money to

muh . ˈmaʊθ ɪz / m r mh hw h yu m wh yu y.

v fr ry y / ̩seɪv ɪt fər ə ˌreɪni ˈdeɪ / if yu save money for a rainy day, you save it for a time when you


splash out (on) (phr v) / ̩splæʃ ˈaʊt (ɒn) / H splashed out on an extravagant champagne holiday for himself andhis girlfriend.

rch h (hr v) / ̍streʧ tə sʌmθɪŋ /  “How much can you afford to spend?” “I could stretch to bou £10,000.

um f my / ə ˌsʌm əv ˈmʌni /  Chropher he h nhere a sum of money from h rnfher.

tax (v) / tæks / th vrm taxes cigarettes and alcohol heavily.


seinen Lebensunterhalt


Man bekommt im Leben

nichts geschenkt.

knapp bei Kasse




Geldgier führt immer zu

bö t.


Geld bringt die Welt zum



w f umbekommen

Wenn schon, denn schon.

rch ur

viel Geld ausgeben

nicht nur reden, sondern

auch handeln

auf die hohe Kante legen

ch w r

ch w r ch


eine (größere) Geldsumme


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Watch the pennies, and the / ̩wɒʧ ðə ˌpenɪz ən ðə  Watch the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves m

pounds take care of ˌpaʊndz teɪk ˌkeə əv that if you save small amounts of money, you will eventually have a

themselves. ðəmˈselvz /   large amount.

be worth £100/$250 etc / bi ˌwɜːθ ə ˌhʌndrəd Win a holiday worth £6,000!

ˈpaʊndz / tuː ˌhʌndrəd ən

fɪfti ˈdɒləz / 

rw a ( 34)

vr / ədˈvaɪzə / Louise wanted to save the bookshop and asked a business advisor 

for help.

delighted / dɪˈlaɪtɪd / The bookshop is making a fortune and Louise is delighted.

f-u / ̩fedˈʌp / If you feel fed-up, you feel bored and annoyed or sad.

h c / ̩get sʌmθɪŋ ̍ nəʊtɪst /   i rr get the shop noticed, she painted it bright red.

r f h / ̩get ˈrɪd əv sʌmθɪŋ / i c get rid of the old car and buy a new one.

v u / ̩gɪv ˈʌp / if yu give up, you stop doing something.

pay sb back / ̩peɪ sʌmbədi ˈbæk / I don’t mind lending you the money, but I expect you to pay me back 


hv rw (wh b) / ̩hæv ə ˈraʊ (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ W had a row and now we’re not speaking.

ru bu / ̩rʌn ə ˈbɪznəs / lu runs hr w business – a bookshop.

U 4 ( 36)

chvm () / əˈʧiːvmənt / Getting to the Pole was a tremendous achievement fr B.

m (v) / eɪm / Claire is aiming r my fr br ccr chry.

mmu () / æmjʊˈnɪʃ(ə)n /  Ammunition is bullets that can be fired from a gun.

h arcc () / ̩ðiː ænˈtɑːktɪk /  The Antarctic is the extremely cold region in the most southern part of

the world.


Spare im Kleinen, dann hast

du im Großen.

£100/$250 wert sein


hr rfru

die Nase voll haben

dafür sorgen, dass etwas

auffälltetwas loswerden



m jm Krch hb

gchäf führ

Erfolg; Errungenschaft



die Antarktis

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h arcc () / ̩ðiː ˈɑːktɪk /  The Arctic is the extremely cold region in the most northern part of

the world.

bear drill (n) / ̍beə ˌdrɪl / a bear drill r f c h yu mu v b

attacked by a bear.

bloke (n) / bləʊk /  Bloke is an informal word meaning a “man”.

blood sugar level (n) / blʌd ˈʃʊgə lev(ə)l / i’ mr m blood sugar levels fr ry.

bhr () / ̍bɒðə /  Bother is an informal word meaning “problems” or “difficulties”.br () / brɑ  ː/ a bra c f urwr h ur wm’ br.

carbohydrates (carbs) (n pl) / ̩kɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪts /  Carbohydrates r carbs r ubc f uch br


cr () / ̍kɑːdiəʊ / a cardio is an exercise to make the heart stronger.

crvr () / ̍kɑːnɪvɔ ː/  Carnivores are animals who eat meat.

crr () (ts) / ̍kɑːtrɪʤ / Pen reloaded the gun again with a fifth and sixth cartridge.

cu () / kɔːz / Completing the MoonWalk means I will have contributed money to a


challenge (n) / ̍ʧælɪnʤ / Doing a walk for charity and giving up smoking are different types of

challenge.clear sb’s head / ̩klɪə sʌmbədiz ˈhed /   if mh clears your head, it helps you to think more clearly.

cmfr (v) / ̍kʌmfət / if yu comfort someone, you make them feel better.

crucial (adj) / ̍kruːʃ(ə)l / Crbhyr r crucial for energy levels.

look like death warmed up / ̩lʊk laɪk ˌdeθ wɔːmd ˈʌp / sm wh looks like death warmed up looks extremely ill.

to sb’s delight / tə ˌsʌmbədiz dɪˈlaɪt /  To my delight, the twenty cigarettes were intact!

dial (v) / ̍daɪəl / I should dial Shubentsov whenever I feel the urge to smoke.

r (v) / dræg / if yu drag something heavy, you pull it with difficulty.

vur () / enˈdevə / Do you think that the achievements and endeavours of explorers have

fcc fr h r f u?

ry br () / ̍enəʤi ˌbɑ  ː/ a energy bar is a small piece of cake or biscuit that you eat to give

yu ry.

environmental scientist (n) / ɪnˌvaɪrənment(ə)l a environmental scientist specialises in studying the environment.

ˈsaɪəntɪst /  

expedition (n) / ̩ekspəˈdɪʃ(ə)n / B w expedition to the North Pole.


die Arktis









(u) sch


dafür sorgen, dass jmd

wieder klar denken kann


wie der Tod auf Urlaub


zu jmds Freude







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explorer (n) / ɪkˈsplɔːrə / Richard Branson, Ellen McArthur and Ben Saunders are all explorers.

fr () / ̍fɪŋgəˌtɪp / Yur fingertips r h r rh h f yur fr.

finishing line (n) / ̍fɪnɪʃɪŋ ˌlaɪn / th finishing line is a line on a track that marks the end of a race.

fr (v) / faɪə /  Fire is an informal word meaning to “make someone leave their job”.

fcu () / ̍fəʊkəs /  Focus h ffr ccr h yu v mh.

frb () / ̍frɒstˌbaɪt / Walking through snow and ice can give you frostbite.

fundamentally (adv) / ̩fʌndəˈment(ə)li /  Fundamentally means the same as “basically”.r () / gɪə / Ru gear is the type of clothes you wear for running.

healing energy (n) / ̩hiːlɪŋ ˈenəʤi /  Healing energy is energy that helps to cure people.

health freak (n) / ̍helθ ˌfriːk / a health freak is someone who is obsessed with keeping fit.

hbr (v) / ̍haɪbəneɪt / Do polar bears hibernate wr?

hooked (adj) / hʊkt / if yu r hooked on cigarettes, you cannot do without them.

hrz () / həˈraɪz(ə)n / People’s horizons r h h hy ry chv.

hyr (j) / haɪˈdreɪtəd / i’ mr y hydrated so I’ll be drinking a lot of water.

mm (j) / ̍ɪmɪnənt / smh h imminent h .

inquisitive (adj) / ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv /  Inquisitive means the same as “curious”.

c (j) / ɪnˈtækt / smh h intact is not damaged or broken.ru (v) / ɪnˈtriːg / The question : “How far can we go?” intrigues B.

 j () / ʤɔɪnt / Yur joints r h r f yur by h c b uch yur

knees and hips.

keep sb going / ̩kiːp sʌmbədi ̍ gəʊɪŋ /   th f v my cu keeps Claire going.

It’s killing me! / ɪts ˈkɪlɪŋ mi  ː/ My ankle’s hurting – in fact it’s killing me!

land-based (adj) / ̍lændˌbeɪst /  Land-based animals are animals that live on the land, not in the sea.

m r () / ̍miːdiə ˌɪntrəst /  Media interest is the interest shown by TV, newspapers in events.

mmbrh () / ̍membəʃɪp / gym membership can be quite expensive.

motivational speaker (n) / məʊtɪˌveɪʃ(ə)nl ˈspiːkə / a motivational speaker is someone who gives talks in public to try to

encourage people to do something.muy (j) / ̍mʌdi / a muddy accent is deep and not very clear.

v (v) / ̍nævɪgeɪt / sm wh navigates uses maps or other equipment to decide

whch wy .

obscenely (adv) / əbˈsiːnli /  someone who obscenely rich is so rich that you think it is unacceptable.








m gru mm

Zu; sch



Winterschlaf halten




h bvrh

ur; wbr

intakt; unversehrtur mch


 jm m lb/übr Wr


e u hr wh!

auf dem Land lebend

ir r M


rhetorisch geschickte(r)

Rr(-)schwer verständlich



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only have yourself to blame / ̩əʊnli hæv jəˌself tə ˈbleɪm /   if yu only have yourself to blame, you are completely responsible for

mh b.

outline (v) / ̍aʊtˌlaɪn / if yu outline something, you give a quick description of it.

uru (v) / ̩aʊtˈrʌn / if yu outrun a person or animal, you run faster than them.

pocket (v) / ̍pɒkɪt / I picked the cigarettes up and pocketed hm.

pointless (adj) / ̍pɔɪntləs / smh h pointless hv y m r u.

power-walk/power-walking (n) / ̍paʊəˌwɔːk / a power-walk r power-walking is a form of exercise in which you  ˈpaʊəˌwɔːkɪŋ /   walk very quickly.

quit (v) / kwɪt / Once you’ve started smoking, it’s very difficult to quit.

quitting technique (n) / ̍kwɪtɪŋ ̩ tekniːk / l f quitting techniques are available to help you give up smoking.

c rcr b / sɪns ˌrekɔːdz bɪˈgæn / C h arcc wr crb m f “h wr since

records began”.

relieved (adj) / rɪˈliːvd / I felt relieved wh wr h h.

reload (v) / riːˈləʊd / p reloaded the gun when he saw the bear walking towards them.

h rvr () / ̩ðə rɪˈvɜːs /  The reverse f mh .

risky (adj) / ̍rɪski / smh h risky is slightly dangerous.

seal (n) / siːl / Do polar bears eat seals?i rv yu rh. / ɪt ˌsɜːvz juː ˈraɪt / “My back stings – I didn’t put any sunblock on.” “It serves you right 

then, doesn’t it?”

shambolic (adj) / ʃæmˈbɒlɪk / smh h shambolic does not succeed because it is badly


fcc () / sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns / Do the achievements of explorers have significance fr h r f u?

not sleep a wink / nɒt ˌsliːp ə ˈwɪŋk / if yu don’t sleep a wink , you don’t sleep at all.

sledge (n) / sleʤ / Ben Saunders dragged a 180-kilogramme sledge over 1,420 miles.

slip into sth / ̩slɪp ˈɪntə sʌmθɪŋ / if yu slip into a particular way of behaving or speaking, you start

behaving or speaking in that way.

sole (n) / səʊl / th soles of your feet are the flat parts underneath your feet.

the South Pole (n) / ðə ˌsaʊθ ˈpəʊl / th South Pole h r f h rh h h furh uh.r (v) / ̍spɒnsə / if yu sponsor something, you provide the money that is necessary to


m () / ̍stæmɪnə / Yur stamina is the ability to do something without getting tired.

steadily (adv) / ̍stedəli / Slowly and steadily most smokers get hooked on cigarettes.


etwas nur sich selbst

vrzuwrf hb


schneller laufen als

in die Tasche stecken



ufhör m; ufb


m aufzchu

b h



das Gegenteil


shue chh r rch.



kein Auge zutun


w hruch


Südpolr; förr


ch u ch

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rm / ə ˌstriːmɪŋ ˈnəʊz / if yu hv a streaming nose, liquid flows from your nose because you

have a cold.

rh-r () / ̍streŋθˌtreɪnɪŋ / Claire does a combination of cardio, aerobics and strength-training

rr fr h rc.

stretch yourself (v refl) / ̍streʧ jəˌself / th mr yu stretch yourself, the stronger your self-belief gets.

supplies (n pl) / səˈplaɪz /  Supplies are things such as food or medical equipment that you need.

rm (v) / trænzˈmɪt / shubv transmits his healing energy through his fingertips.


b chr f / ̩biː ɪn ˈʧɑːʤ əv / if yu are in charge of something, you are responsible for it.

close the barrel / ̩kləʊz ðə ˈbærəl / if yu close the barrel of a gun, you close the part that the bullet is

fr hruh.

I couldn’t quite figure out / aɪ ˌkʊd(ə)nt kwaɪt ˌfɪgə Something was wrong, but I couldn’t quite figure out.

  ɪt ˈaʊt /  

The gun’s still jammed. / ðə ˌgʌnz stɪl ˈʤæmd /  The gun’s still jammed – w’ fr.

l h u / ̩ləʊd ðə ˈgʌn / if yu load a gun, you put bullets in it.

go into slow motion / gəʊ ɪntə ˌsləʊ / ̍məʊʃ(ə)n / if vryh goes into slow motion, it seems to be happening very


pull the trigger / ̩pʊl ðə ˈtrɪgə / if yu pull the trigger of a gun, you fire it.

thr’ wy ... / ðeəz ˈnəʊ ˌweɪ /  There’s no way w c uru br!

u h z / ʌnˌduː ðə ˈzɪp / My fingers were too cold to undo the zip.

phrasal verbs

call sb back / ̩kɔːl sʌmbədi ˈbæk / Leave a message and I’ll call you back.

ch b/h wy / ̩ʧeɪs sʌmbədi / sʌmθɪŋ Smoke chases away mosquitoes.

  əˈweɪ / cm u wh / ̩kʌm ˈʌp wɪð / I wish someone would come up with non-fattening chocolate!

cu w / ̩kʌt ˈdaʊn ɒn / H’ ry cut down on the number of cigarettes he smokes a day.

whu h / duː wɪˈðaʊt sʌmθɪŋ / Most smokers find it hard to do without cr.

rv b wy / ̩draɪv sʌmbədi əˈweɪ / Smoking can help drive away annoying people!

vr h / ̩get ˈəʊvə sʌmθɪŋ / if yu get over something difficult or upsetting, you recover from it.


rf n


ch r



Vrwru für w


den Gewehrlauf zumachen

ich wur ru ch z


d Wff h ch

lhmmu.die Waffe laden

in Zeitlupe laufen


Es gibt keine Möglichkeit

den Reißverschluss


 jmd zurückrufen




uf w vrzch


über etwas hinwegkommen

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v / ̩gɪv ˈɪn / if yu give in, you do something that you shouldn’t.

v h / ̩gɪv sʌmθɪŋ ˈɪn / d’ fr give your homework in.

h w / ̩hɒp ̍ daʊn / i hopped down from the doorstep and picked the cigarettes up from

h vm.

keep up with / ̩kiːp ˈʌp wɪð / i’ y keeping up with all the latest diets.

let sb down / ̩let sʌmbədi ˈdaʊn / if m lets you down, they disappoint you.

light up / ̩laɪt ˈʌp / Wh yu light up, you light a cigarette or cigar.look sth up / ̩lʊk sʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp /  Look h wr up cry.

pick sth up / ̩pɪk sʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp / (Sense 1) H picked h cr up frm h vm.

(Sense 2) Some people find it easier to pick up a new language than


u h h w / ̩pʊt ðə ˈfəʊn daʊn / Wh h puts the phone down, he feels relieved.

u h ff / ̩pʊt sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf / I need to lose weight but I keep putting it off.

ru u f / ̩rʌn ˈaʊt əv / During Ben’s first expedition they ran out of f.

take sth up / ̩teɪk sʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp / (Sense 1) Wh yu take up smoking?

(Sense 2) Work takes up a lot of most people’s lives.

Word formation-/-

accessible / əkˈsesəb(ə)l / prc h r accessible can be afforded by most people.

doable / ̍duːəbl /  My Arctic expedition is just about doable, and that’s what’s exciting to me.

edible / ̍edɪb(ə)l / if f edible, it is not good enough to be eaten.

enjoyable / ɪnˈʤɔɪəb(ə)l / W vry enjoyable v hr.

feasible / ̍fiːzəb(ə)l / My Arctic expedition is just about feasible, and that’s what’s exciting


reasonable /ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l / smh h m reasonable seems sensible.

unbearable / ʌnˈbeərəb(ə)l / i f vry h mrur unbearable.


self-belief (n) / ̩selfbɪˈliːf / Doing things that are risky or uncomfortable makes your self-belief 


self-conscious (adj) / ̩selfˈˈkɒnʃəs / I feel self-conscious when I speak English to a native speaker.





Schritt halten mit

 jmd im Stich lassen



lernen; sich aneignen



 jm uh


aruch hm










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self-discipline (n) / ̩selfˈˈdɪsəplɪn /  Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things that are difficult.

self-employed (adj) / ̩selfɪmˈplɔɪd / I don’t like working for other people – I’d rather be self-employed.

U 5 ( 46)

accidentally (adv) (TS) / ̩æksɪˈdent(ə)li / if yu mh accidentally, you do it without meaning to.

ffrm () / æfəˈmeɪʃn / a affirmation m h mh ru.

frhv () / ̍ɑːftəˌʃeɪv /  Aftershave is a liquid with a pleasant smell that men put on their face

fr hv.

um (v) / əˈsjuːm / if yu assume something, you think it is true even though you have no

rf h .

b ch h / biː əˈtæʧt tu  ː/ Some people are vry attached to hr ur.

back out (phr v) / ̩bæk ˈaʊt / Dad always backs out of the drive carefully.

buc (v) / baʊns / sr bounces the ball five times before the first serve.

break a jinx / ˌbreɪk ə ˈʤɪŋks

 / if yu break a jink, you stop something that is bringing you bad luck.at breakneck speed / ət ˌbreɪknek ˈspiːd / sm wh rv at breakneck speed drives extremely fast.

bruh (hr v) (ts) / ̩brʌʃ əˈgeɪnst / Nobody is allowed in the garage in case they accidentally brush

against h cr.

ch (v) / ʧɑːnt / if yu chant something, you sing a word or phrase many times.

choking (adj) (TS)   / ̍ʧəʊkɪŋ / if yu r choking you cannot breathe properly and are coughing

because of smoke or fumes.

cm cr (hr v) / ̩kʌm əˈkrɒs / if yu come across someone, you meet them by chance.

cr (j) / kənˈtrɑːstɪŋ /  Contrasting colours are colours such as black and white that are veryffr frm ch hr.

convertible (n) / kənˈvɜːtəb(ə)l / a convertible is a car with a roof that can be folded back or removed


cubicle (n) / ̍kjuːbɪk(ə)l / a hwr cubicle is a small, enclosed area where you can have a







afrhv; Rrwr


w hä

zurücksetzen; zurückfahren

aufspringen lassen

sich vom Unglück befreienmit halsbrecherischer



etwas wiederholt wie im



treffen auf; zufällig





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cur () / kɜːs / a curse b u r v cu by m wh

deliberately uses magic powers.

w (ts) / ̩diːp ˈdaʊn / If you feel something deep down, you feel it even though your

bhvur my hw .

rv frm (hr v) / dɪˈraɪv frɒm / sm f sr’ cfc derives from the knowledge that she’s a

super-talented player.

v (v) / dɪˈvəʊt / if yu devote your time to doing something, you spend a lot of time h h.

fall back on sth (phr v) / fɔːl ˈbæk ɒn sʌmθɪŋ / Ana Ivanovic explains that she likes having rituals to fall back on.

fr frm / ̩fɜːst ən ˈfɔːməʊst / A wedding, first and foremost, is a rite of passage to be shared with

family and close friends.

fcu (v) / ̍fəʊkəs / if yu focus obsessively on one thing, you only think about or do that


formula (n) / ̍fɔːmjələ / sur frm r f sr’ w formula.

() / gɪg / a gig is a performance of live music.

hruh (hr v) / ̩gəʊ ˈθru  ː/ if yu go through a routine, ritual or procedure, you do a series of

actions regularly.

idyllic (adj) / ɪˈdɪlɪk /  an idyllic situation is one that is perfect and makes you feel very happy.

mmu (j) / ɪˈmjuːn / if yu r immune to something, you are affected by it.

u (v) / ̩ɪnsaɪd ˈaʊt / smh h inside out h h r fc wr h


 jinx (n) / ʤɪŋks / a jinx is something that causes bad luck.

loopy (adj) / ̍luːpi / sm wh loopy is slightly crazy.

mch (v) / mæʧ / if h match, they look good or attractive together.

m m () / ̍maɪnd ̩ geɪm / a mind game r f c ffc hw m

thinks or feels.

national anthem (n) / ̩næʃ(ə)nəl ˈænθəm / a national anthem is the official national song of a country.

obsessive compulsive / əbˌsesɪv kəmˌpʌlsɪv  Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of mental illness which makesrr () dɪsˈɔːdə / yu r cr c.



m ir

beruhen auf; sich ableiten



zurückgreifen auf


sich konzentrieren


Kzr; g




verkehrt herum

Hexerei; Fluch



psychologisches Spiel



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obsessively (adv) / əbˈsesɪvli / if yu fcu obsessively on one thing, you only think about or do that


() / əˈpəʊnənt / a opponent in a game of sport is the person or team you are playing


(fr) (v) / ɒpt (fɔː)/ Some people don’t want the stress of a big wedding and opt for

low-key affair instead.

uf () / ̍aʊtfɪt / Some football fans wear the same clothing to a match if that outfit 

bruh vcry h rvu m.

w (hr v) (ts) / ̩pæt ˈdaʊn / if yu pat mh down, you press it gently with your fingers.

rfc (v) / pəˈfekt / if yu perfect a skill, you practise it until it is perfect.

rfcm () / pəˈfekʃ(ə)nɪzəm /  Perfectionism is the state of being perfect and without any mistakes.

ch () / pɪʧ / a pitch is a flat area of ground used for playing sports such as cricket

or football.

r (vr) (v) / prɪˈzaɪd ̩ əʊvə / if yu preside over something, you are responsible or in charge of it.

rcur () / prəˈsiːʤə / Dad always goes through exactly the same procedure bfr

ff h cr.

rational (adj) / ̍ræʃ(ə)nəl / sm wh rational is sensible and makes good decisions.

relentlessly (adv) / rɪˈlentləsli / if yu mh relentlessly, you do it again and again without


b rw fr h / bi rɪˈnaʊnd fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ / if yu are renowned for something, you are associated with it and well

known for it.

reportedly (adv) / rɪˈpɔːtɪdli / Beckham reportedly hur rh h furur hm.

repulsive (adj) (TS) / rɪˈpʌlsɪv / smh h repulsive is extremely unpleasant.

rf (j) / raɪf / smh b h rife vry wr cmm.

ritual (n) / ̍rɪʧuəl /  a ritual is something that you do regularly and always in the same way.

ritual-bound (adj) / ̍rɪʧuəlˌbaʊnd / sm wh ritual-bound must do something regularly in order to

feel happy.

ritualistic (adj) / ̩rɪʧuəlˈɪstɪk / Victoria Beckham has had to get used to David’s ritualistic wy.b h r / biː ˌɒn ðə ˈrəʊd / if yu are on the road a lot, you travel a lot.

ru hruh () / ̍rʌn ˌθru  ː/  afer he run through for the wedding, we were ready for the real thing.

ff (hr v) / ̩set ˈɒf / Wh yu set off, you start a journey.

shades (n pl) / ʃeɪdz /  Shades is an informal word that means “sunglasses”.

by (hr v) / ̍sɪt ˌbaɪ / If one building sits by another, it is situated next to that building.


w b


ch für w ch

Kleidung; Kluft





b w Vrz hb

Vrfhr; Ru



brühm für w


abstoßend; widerwärtig

w vrbr







b w h

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skill (n) / skɪl / a skill is the ability to do something, usually to do it well.

skinny (adj) / ̍skɪni / sm wh skinny vry h.

slam (v) / slæm / if yu slam a door, you shut it hard, usually because you are angry.

z (v) / sniːz / Strong aftershave makes me want to sneeze.

soloist (n) / ̍səʊləʊɪst /  “Elvis” is the most sought-after soloist n he l Ve wen nury.

uh-fr (j) / ̍sɔːtˌɑːftə / sm wh sought-after is very popular.

r r () / ə ˌspeə ˈpeə / Mum’s always losing her glasses – she should get a spare pair!

take sth a stage further / ̩teɪk sʌmθɪŋ ə steɪʤ ˈfɜːðə / Beckham takes his rituals a stage further vryh h b ju

right at home as well.

rh (v) / ̍streɪt(ə)n / if yu straighten something, you make it straight or put it in a straight


stick thin (adj) / ̩stɪk ˈθɪn / sm wh stick thin is extremely thin.

What strikes me is ... / wɒt ˈstraɪks miː ɪz /   What strikes me is that so many celebrity marriages are short-lived.

r (v) / straɪd / if yu stride somewhere, you walk there quickly and confidently.

ur () / ̩suːpəˈstɪʃ(ə)n / a superstition is the belief that things such as magic or luck have the

power to affect your life.

uru (j) / ̩suːpəˈstɪʃəs / A lot of sports people are very superstitious.

u (hr v) (ts) / ̩tæp ˈaʊt / if yu tap out tobacco, you put it in a pipe.

hrh (v) / θræʃ / if yu thrash an opponent at sport, you beat them very easily.

h f yur m / ət ðə ˌtɒp əv jɔː ˈgeɪm / sm wh at the top of their game is playing it better than

anyone else.

track (n) / træk / a track on a CD is a particular song.

tuck up (phr v) (TS) / ̩tʌk ˈʌp / Wh yu tuck a child up, you put him or her into bed and put a

duvet or blankets round them.

w-r (j) / ̩tuːˈprɒŋd / smh h two-pronged has two long, sharp points at the end

f .

uv (j) / ʌnˈiːv(ə)n / 2,4,6,8 are even numbers; 1,3,5,7. are uneven umbr.

hv h ur h / hæv ðiː ˌʌpə ˈhænd / if yu have the upper hand in a situation, you are in control of it.vandalise (v) / ̍vændəlaɪz / if yu vandalise something, you deliberately damage or destroy it.



hr ü




Ersatz(brille) suf wrführ

r mch/b/ 


ü w Bh

was mir auffällt

mit großen Schritten gehen




vernichtend schlagen

in absoluter Höchstform


 jmd zudecken



obrh hbmutwillig beschädigen

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UsefUl phrases

t u

i c’ wh ... / aɪ kɑːnt ˈstænd ɪt wen /  I can’t stand it when people say they haven’t done any work for an

exam and then get top marks!

i f rr wh ... / aɪ faɪnd ɪt ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ wen /  I find it irritating when people keep losing things.

i h wh ... / aɪ ˈheɪt ɪt wen /  I hate it when m wr much frhv.

It really annoys me when ... / ɪt ˌrɪəli əˈnɔɪz miː wen /  It really annoys me when my brother and his girlfriend kiss in front of


It really winds me up when ... / ɪt ˌrɪəli ˌwaɪndz miː ˈʌp  It really winds me up when people who are thin talk about how fat

  wen /   hy r.

th h h y m / ðə ˌθɪŋ ðət əˌnɔɪz mi  The thing that annoys me most is people who talk but never listen.

m ... ˈməʊst /  

hw u

It makes me mad. / ɪt ˌmeɪks mi ˈmæd /  It makes me mad when mum keeps losing her glasses!

It makes me sick. / ɪt ˌmeɪks mi ˈsɪk /  It makes me sick when my brother and his girlfriend hug and kiss in

fr f m!

i’ y. / ɪts ˌsəʊ əˈnɔːɪɪŋ / She talks all the way through films. It’s so annoying.

That really gets on my nerves. / ðæt ˌrɪəli gets ɒn maɪ She complains all the time about being fat, and she’s stick thin. That

  ˈnɜːvz /   really gets on my nerves.


aisle (n) / aɪl / th aisle is the long, narrow part of a church that you walk down

bfr yu mrr.

annul (v) / əˈnʌl / Wh mrr annulled, it is declared officially that it is no longer


b m () / ̩best ˈmæn / th best man is a male friend who helps the groom at a wedding.bouquet of flowers (n) / buːˌkeɪ əv ˈflaʊəz / In the UK, it’s a ritual for the bride to throw a bouquet of flowers

h crw f u.

br () / braɪd / It’s traditional for Muslim brides hv hr h f

cr h .

brm () / ̍braɪdzmeɪd / a bridesmaid is a girl or young woman who helps the bride at a


Ich halte es nicht aus, wenn …

Ich finde es ärgerlich, wenn

Ich hasse es, wenn …Ich ärgere mich maßlos,

w …

Es regt mich richtig auf,

w …

W mch m m ärr

e mch mch wü.

Es macht mich krank; Es wird

mir übel.

Es ist so ärgerlich.

Das geht mir wirklich auf die




truzu BräumBlumenstrauß



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crmy () / ̍serəməni / th w ceremony was presided over by Ron DeCar, also known

as “Elvis”.

cuc crmy/rvc / kənˌdʌkt ə ̍ serəməni / Rebecca said she’s only marry Mat if Elvis conducted the service.

  ˈsɜːvɪs / 

cf () / kənˈfeti /  Confetti is small pieces of coloured paper that people throw in the air


drive-through chapel (n) / ̩draɪvθruː ̍ ʧæp(ə)l / a drive-through chapel is one that you can travel through in your car.elaborate (adj) (TS) / ɪˈlæb(ə)rət / Mrcc w r elaborate affairs and preparations take weeks.

exchange vows / ɪkˌsʧeɪnʤ ̍ vaʊz / When a couple exchange vows, they make promises to each other

ur w crmy.

mrr / ̩get ˈmærɪd / One in six couples now prefer to get married br.

u f fh / gəʊ ˌaʊt əv ˈfæʃ(ə)n / In Britain, the traditional white wedding is going out of fashion.

rm () / gruːm / th groom h m wh mrr.

h () / ̍henə /  Henna is a red-brown substance used for colouring hair or skin.

hym () / ̍hʌnimuːn / a honeymoon is a holiday that a couple have after their wedding.

in-laws (n pl) / ̍ɪnlɔːz / Yur in-laws r h r f yur hub r wf.

lavish (adj) / ̍lævɪʃ / a lavish wedding is one that is extremely expensive.

limousine (n) / ̍lɪməziːn / a limousine is a large, expensive, comfortable car.

low-key (adj) / ̩ləʊˈki ː/ a low-key wedding is one that does not cost a lot of money and to

whch my u r v.

make a speech / ̩meɪk ə ˈspiːʧ / It’s traditional for the groom and best man to make a speech.

matrimonial (adj) / ̩mætrɪˈməʊniəl /  Matrimonial is a word that means “relating to a wedding or marriage”.

m (j) / ̍mɒdɪst / a modest wedding is one that does not cost a lot of money and to

whch my u r v.

yur r r / jɔː ˌnɪərəst ən ˈdɪərəst / Yur “nearest and dearest” is an expression meaning your family.

n wr hr /r ... / nəʊ ˈwʌndə ðeər ɪz / ɑ  ː/ Millions of people get married in Vegas – no wonder there are 

wedding chapels round every corner.

once-in-a-lifetime / ̩wʌnsɪnəˈlaɪftaɪm / Hym r once-in-a-lifetime holiday.

package (n) / ̍pækɪʤ / th w package in Las Vegas included limo, video, three songs

wy-fur h.

hrhr () / fəˈtɒgrəfə / W photographers are people who are paid to take photographs








ch Jwr



aus der Mode kommen





üppig; großzügig


einfach gehalten

eine Rede halten



/ihr lb

Kein Wunder, dass …

einmalig; nur einmal imlb



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my h / pɪn ˈmʌni ɒn sʌmθɪŋ / At Muslim weddings, guests pin money on h brrm’ u.

() / pəʊz / a pose is another word for a “photograph”.

r () / priːst /  a priest is a person who conducts the service during a religious wedding.

ruc yu m wf / prəˌnaʊns juː ˌmæn ən “i w pronounce you man and wife” are the words that are said at

  ˈwaɪf /   h f w crmy.

r / prəˌpəʊz ə ˈtəʊst / Wh h b m proposes a toast, he says that the guests at a

wedding reception should drink together to send best wishes to thebr rm.

urfy (v) (ts) / ̍pjʊərɪfaɪ / In Morocco, the bride has a milk bath, which is supposed to purify hr.

rc () / rɪˈsepʃ(ə)n / a w reception is a formal party after a wedding.

r () / rɪŋ / a w ring is a piece of jewellery that someone who is married

wr hr fr.

r f () / ̩raɪt əv ˈpæsɪʤ / a rite of passage is a ceremony that marks an important stage in

someone’s life.

r (v) / ̍sepəreɪt / Renée Zellwegger and her husband separated fr fur mh f


short-lived (adj) / ̩ʃɔːtˈlɪvd / Celebrities are renowned for their short-lived mrr.

superstretch limo (n) / ̩suːpəstreʧ ̍ lɪməʊ / a superstretch limo is a large, expensive car that is very long.

hrw rc / ̩θrəʊ ˈraɪs / smm u throw rice over the bride and groom as they leave

h church.

tie the knot / ̩taɪ ðə ˈnɒt / “Tie the knot” is an informal expression meaning to get married.

veil (n) / veɪl / a veil is a thin piece of material worn over a woman’s face.

vw () / vaʊ / a vow is a promise that you make to someone when you marry them.

walk (sb) down the aisle / ̩wɔːk daʊn ðiː ˈaɪl / Fathers are often very proud to walk hr uhr down the aisle.

wedding cake (n) / ̍wedɪŋ ˌkeɪk / a wedding cake is a special cake that is eaten during a wedding


w r () / ̍wedɪŋ ˌprez(ə)nt / The crystal vase was a wedding present frm fr.wh w () / ̩waɪt ˈwedɪŋ / a white wedding is a traditional wedding where the bride is dressed


worldly goods (n pl) (TS) / ̩wɜːldli ˈgʊdz /  Worldly goods r yur .


Geldscheine anheften

Pose; Haltung

Priester(-in); Geistliche(-r)

zu (eh)m u (eh)fru


t uf jm



Hchzf; - mf


Übergangsritus; -ritual

ch r

kurzlebig ; von kurzer Dauer


R wrf

Bu für lb




die Braut zum Altar führen


HochzeitsgeschenkHochzeit in Weiß

Hab und Gut; weltlicher


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U 6 ( 56)

b (v) / əˈbændən / if yu abandon someone or something, you leave it and no longer care

bu .

alarming (adj) / əˈlɑːmɪŋ /  Alarming means “very frightening”.alert (v) / əˈlɜːt / if yu alert someone to something, you do something to make them

realise what is happening.

approximate (adj) / əˈprɒksɪmət / a approximate figure or size is one that is close to a particular figure

or size, but not exact.

rchc (j) / ɑːˈkeɪɪk /  Archaic means “very old or old-fashioned”.

avoidable (adj) / əˈvɔɪdəb(ə)l / smh h avoidable could be stopped and should not happen.

backlash (n) / ̍bækˌlæʃ / a backlash mh r rc mh

you do not like.

b () / bi  ː/ a bee is a yellow and black insect that produces honey.

bird flu (n) / ̍bɜːd ˌflu  ː/  Bird flu is a dangerous disease that affects both birds and people.

bulge (v) / bʌlʤ / if yur y bulge, they stick out and look bigger than usual.

ccr () / ̍kænsə /  Cancer ru h ffc ffr r f h by

and can kill you.

chilled (adj) / ʧɪld /  Chilled wine is very cold.

clean up (phr v) / ̩kliːn ˈʌp / Wall-E is a robot who cleans up the polluted planet.

climate change (n) / ̍klaɪmət ̩ ʧeɪnʤ /  Climate change is the changes that people think are making the

weather in the world warmer.

cff () / ̍kɒfɪn / a coffin is a box in which you put the body of a dead person.

cmb (j) / kəmˈbaɪnd / The meat industry produces more greenhouse gases than all the cars,

trains and planes in the world combined.cm u (hr v) / ̩kʌm ˈaʊt / If something you cook comes out well, it is very well cooked and good


Compliments to the chef. / ̩kɒmplɪmənts tə ðə ˈʃef /   “Compliments to the chef” is an expression you use to say how much

you have enjoyed someone’s cooking.

cmrm (v) / ̍kɒmprəmaɪz / Vegetarians believe that eating meat compromises their beliefs.










anschwellen; aus …









Kompliment dem Koch/der



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cuc uy / kənˌdʌkt ə ̍ stʌdi / th study f w w conducted by h W & Rurc

ac prrmm.

cf c () / kənˌfaɪnd ̍ speɪs /  Confined spaces are places where there is not enough room to move.

cum (v) / kənˈsjuːm / if yu consume food or drink, you eat or drink it.

cum () / kənˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n / th consumption of bottled water has increased.

crbur () / kənˈtrɪbjʊtə / Water bottles are a major contributor to global warming.

cvc (j) / kənˈvɪnsɪŋ / smh h convincing m ru r .corked (adj) / kɔːkt /  Corked wine tastes unpleasant because the cork in the bottle is damaged.

crm (v) / kræm / Animals are treated badly and crammed cf c.

cruelty (n) / ̍kruːəlti / i’v m bcu i’m cruelty to animals.

rv b f h (hr v) / dɪˈpraɪv sʌmbədi əʌ if yu r deprived of something, you do not get enough of it.

  ˌsʌmθɪŋ /  

developing countries (n pl) / dɪˌveləpɪŋ ̍ kʌntriz /  Developing countries r cur h r r.

b () / ̩daɪəˈbiːtiːz /  Diabetes is a medical condition in which your body cannot reduce the

amount of sugar in your blood.

cr (v) / dɪsˈkɑːd / Wh yu discard something, you throw it away.

cr (j) / dɪsˈkɑːdəd /  Discarded water bottles release dangerous substances into the air.

disguise yourself (v refl) / dɪzˈgaɪz jəself / if yu disguise yourself, you wear something that hides your real


f h (hr v) / dɪsˈpəʊz əv ̩ sʌmθɪŋ / Wh yu dispose of something, you throw it away.

yur b / ̩duː jə ˈbɪt / if yu do your bit, you make an effort to help.

um (v) / dʌmp / (Sense 1) if yu dump something, you get rid of something that is no

longer wanted or needed.

(Sense 2) if yu dump someone, you end a romantic relationship with

them in an unkind way.

electric shock (n) / ɪˌlektrɪk ˈʃɒk / a electric shock is a sudden pain that you feel if your body comes

into contact with electricity.

eliminate (v) / ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt / if yu eliminate meat from your diet, you’re less likely to get heart.

emissions (n pl) / ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)nz / Car, train and plane emissions r f h b cu f

rhu .

m (v) / ɪˈmɪt / Cars, trains and planes all emit polluting gases.

cur (v) / ɪnˈkaʊntə / C yu rmmbr h wr wr yu’v vr encountered?




beschränkter Raum




übrzuschmeckt nach Kork



 jmd etwas vorenthalten





sich verkleiden

etwas loswerden

einen Beitrag leisten








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ry-v (j) / ̍enəʤiˌseɪvɪŋ /  Energy-saving light bulbs use less electricity.

m (v) / ̍estɪmeɪt / th uy estimated that the average UK household throws away 18%

of all food purchased.

expire (v) / ɪkˈspaɪə / I prefer not to eat food once the “best before” date has expired.

f u (hr v) / ̩fæt(ə)n ˈʌp / if yu fatten an animal up, you feed it so it gets fatter.

f () / fɪn / a fin is the flat, thin part of a fish.

findings (n pl) / ̍faɪndɪŋz / th findings of a study are its results or the things it discovers.flirt (with) (v) / ̍flɜːt wɪð / sh w furu wh hr byfr r flirting with h wr.

f--muh () / ̩fʊtənˈmaʊθ /  Foot-and-mouth is a very infectious disease that affects sheep, cows


fuel-efficient (adj) / ̍fjuːəlɪˌfɪʃ(ə)nt / a fuel-efficient car does not use much petrol.

fuel-intensive (adj) / ̍fjuːəlɪnˌtensɪv /  Fuel-intensive machines or activities use large amounts of gas, petrol etc.

fuy (j) / ̍fʌsi / Friends treat me as an eccentric animal-lover with a fussy u


genetically altered (adj) / ʤəˌnetɪkli ̍ ɔːltəd / a genetically altered animal has had substances in its body changed to

achieve a particular purpose.

ur () / ̍ʤesʧə / People sometimes use hand gestures cmmuc.

global warming (n) / ̩gləʊb(ə)l ˈwɔːmɪŋ /  Global warming h cr h erh’ mrur.

greenhouse gases (n pl) / ̩griːnhaʊs ̍ gæsɪz / Car, train and plane emissions are one of the biggest causes of

greenhouse gases.

r r / ̩graɪnd ̍ pepə / Wh yu grind pepper, you break it into smaller pieces.

hzru (j) / ̍hæzədəs /  Hazardous ubc r ru.

be in the headlines / biː ɪn ðə ˈhedlaɪnz / Wh mh is in the headlines, it is talked about a lot in

wr r tV.

hr () / ̩hɑːt dɪˈziːz / If you eliminate meat from your diet, you’re less likely to get heart


mry (j) / ɪˈmæʤɪnəri / smh h imaginary is made to look real although it is not. / ̩ɪn ˈdeɪt / Food that is “ in date” is fresh enough to be eaten.

crr () / ɪnˈsɪnəreɪtə / Plastic water bottles are burned in industrial incinerators.

ruv (j) (ts) / ɪnˈtruːsɪv / sm wh intrusive asks too many questions or becomes too

involved in something.






Bfu; erbflirten mit

Maul- und Klauenseuche


m hhm Vrbruch




erwärmu r



Pfeffer mahlen


in den Schlagzeilen stehen


märvor Ablauf der




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landfill (n) / ̍lændˌfɪl / a landfill is a large hole in the ground where rubbish is buried.

lapse (v) / læps /  if you lapse, you stop doing something that you should do or want to do.

launch (v) / lɔːnʧ / if yu launch something, you officially start or introduce it.

ligature (n) / ̍lɪgəʧə / a ligature is a piece of material that you tie round something.

light bulb (n) / ̍laɪt ˌbʌlb / ery-v light bulbs use less electricity.

loosely (adv) / ̍luːsli / If you hold something loosely, you do not hold it very tight.mufcur () / ̩mænjʊˈfækʧərɪŋ / th manufacturing of plastic bottles requires large amounts of


maximise (v) / ̍mæksɪmaɪz / All companies want to maximise rf.

make mental notes / ̩mɪk ment(ə)l ˈnəʊts  if you make mental notes about something, you try hard to remember it.

bu h (ts) əbaʊt sʌmθɪŋ / 

mm () / maɪm / a mime r f c h m mh.

mmc (v) / ̍mɪmɪk / People used to mimic signing a cheque when they wanted the bill in a


mm (v) / ̍mɪnɪmaɪz / Companies are always trying to minimise hr c.

the moral high ground / ðə ˌmɒrəl ˈhaɪ graʊnd / If someone takes the moral high ground, they think they are a better

r h yu.

needlessly (adv) / ̍niːdləsli / 3.6m tonnes of food is needlessly thrown away in England and Wales

ch yr.

be off sick / biː ˌɒf ˈsɪk / When people are off sick, they do not go to work because they are ill.

overbooked (adj) / ̩əʊvəˈbʊkt / th rur’ overbooked and there are two waiters off sick!

overcook (v) / ̩əʊvəˈkʊk / i’ vry y overcook rc.

vr-crw (j) / ̩əʊvəˈkraʊdɪd / Keeping animals in overcrowded conditions is cruel.

vr (j) / ̩əʊvəˈdʌn / If a steak is overdone, it has been cooked for too long.

the overwhelming majority / ðiː əʊvəˌwelmɪŋ məˈʤɒrəti /  The overwhelming majority of plastic water bottles aren’t recycled. 

pepper mill (n) / ̍pepə ˌmɪl / a pepper mill is a piece of equipment used for adding pepper to food.

pin umbr () / ̍pɪn ̩ nʌmbə / a PIN number is a personal number that you put into a cash machinewh yu w my.

thr’ h. / ðeəz ˌnəʊ ˈpɔɪnt ɪn  There’s no point driving a fuel-efficient car if you eat meat every day

duːɪŋ sʌmθɪŋ / of your life.

r () / ̍pɔːʃn / a portion f f uh fr r.

h (j) / pɒʃ /  Posh means “expensive and fashionable”.




starten; einführen; anlaufen






sich etwas merken




moralische Überlegenheit


krankgeschrieben sein





die überwältigende Mehrheit



Es hat keinen Sinn, etwas zu




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rrmm (v) / ̍prəʊgræm / Wall-E is a robot who has been programmed to clean up the planet.

b r / bi ˈprəʊn tu  ː/ People who eat a lot of meat are mr prone to serious illnesses.

uch (hr v) / ̩pʌnʧ ˈɪn / By stabbing the palm of your hand with your fingers, you are miming

h c f punching in yur pin umbr.

urch (v) / ̍pɜːʧəs /  Purchase is a slightly formal word meaning “buy”.

ready meal (n) / ̍redi ˌmiːl / a ready meal is one that you buy that is already cooked and can be

u rh h v.rcrc (v) / rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt / if yu reciprocate someone’s feelings, you have the same feelings for

hm hy hv fr yu.

regulations (n pl) / ̩regjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)nz /  Regulations are official rules.

release (v) / rɪˈliːs / Factories create toxic waste and release h vrm.

request (v) / rɪˈkwest /  Holding your hands a small distance apart is a way of requesting the bill.

reveal (v) / rɪˈviːl / th uy revealed that £9 billion of avoidable food waste was

f ch yr.

roll-over (adj) / ̍rəʊləʊvə / If you make a roll-over gesture with your hand, you move one hand

over the other in a circular movement.

r (v) / rəʊˈteɪt / if yu rotate something, you move it in a circle.

() / ̍siːz(ə)nɪŋ / Salt and pepper are both types of seasoning.

see the light of day / siː ðə ˌlaɪt əv ˈdeɪ / Animals who don’t see the light of day live in dark conditions.

h (v) / ʃɪp / if ruc r shipped somewhere, they travel to a place by ship.

hr () / ̍ʃɔːtɪʤ / When you think of food shortages in some countries, wasting food is

very shocking.

hu (v) / ʃʌn / if yu shun something, you avoid it.

simulate (v) / ̍sɪmjʊleɪt / if yu simulate something, you pretend to do something.

simultaneously (adv) / ̩sɪmlˈteɪniəsli / tw h h h simultaneously h h m m.

skip (v) / skɪp / if yu skip a meal, you do not have it.

slaughter (v) / ̍slɔːtə / Animals are slaughtered fr hr m.

y (j) / ̍sɒgi / smh h soggy is wet in an unpleasant way.

r () / spred / Animals are kept in conditions ideal for the spread f uch

bird flu.

squash (v) / skwɒʃ / if yu squash something, you press it hard.



zu w






b um

zum Vrch br

rollend; drehend

drehen; rotieren lassen


das Tageslicht erblicken

vrchff; vrfrch

Mangel; Knappheit

m; chu



überspringen; auslassen


urchä; urchwch;mch

Vrbru; aubru


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squat down (phr v) (TS) / ̩skwɒt ̍ daʊn / if yu squat down, you bend your knees towards the ground so you

are balancing on your feet.

squeeze (v) / skwiːz / if yu squeeze two things together, you press them together hard.

b (v) / stæb /  Stab the palm of your hand to mimic punching in your PIN number.

r (j) / ̍stægərɪŋ / a staggering fc r mu h vry urr.

b rv / bi ˈstɑːvɪŋ / People who are starving hv uh f .

y ff (hr v) / ̩steɪ ˈɒf / if yu stay off something, you do not consume it.stroke (n) / strəʊk /  a stroke is a medical condition in which blood does not reach the brain.

ubu (v) / ̍sʌbstɪtjuːt / if yu substitute one thing for another, you use it instead of the other


uburb (j) / səˈbɜːbən / a suburban rur wy frm h cr f w r cy.

uffr () / ̍sʌfərɪŋ / She became a vegetarian because she hated animal suffering.

swell (v) / swel / if h swells another, it makes it bigger.

hrw wy (hr v) / ̩θrəʊ əˈweɪ / The British public throw away an alarming amount of food.

(v) / tɪp / if yu tip someone, you give them a small amount of extra money.

h cy () / ̍tuːθ dɪˌkeɪ /  Tooth decay is the gradual destruction of your teeth.

toxic waste (n) / ̩tɒksɪk ̍ weɪst / Factories produce toxic waste h hrm h vrm.

toxin (n) / ̍tɒksɪn /  Toxins r u ubc.

tremble (v) / ̍trembl / if r f yur by trembles, it shakes slightly.

sb’s true love / sʌmbədɪz truː ˈlʌv /  Someone’s true love is the person they love the most.

uuch (j) / ʌnˈtʌʧt / 60% of all food waste is untouched.

urh (j) / ̍ʌpraɪt /  somehn h n n upright position is in a tall and straight position.

u by/b bfr () / ̍juːz baɪ / best bɪˈfɔː ˌdeɪt / th use-by r best before date is the date before which food should

b .

v (j) / vɑːst /  Vast means “extremely large”.

virtually (adv) / ̍vɜːʧʊəli / Discarded water bottles are causing problems in virtually vry cury

in the world.

wastefulness (n) / ̍weɪstf(ə)lnəs / Food wastefulness is shocking.wr w (hr v) / ̩weə ˈdaʊn / if yu wear mh down, you use it so much it becomes damaged.

welfare (n) / ̍welfeə / People who are interested in animal welfare care about animals.

w () / wɪg / a wig is artificial hair that you wear on your head.

sich hinhocken





ch rührSchlaganfall

uuch; rz


l; l



ein Trinkgeld geben

Zahnverfall; Karies


Giftstoff; Toxin







nahezu; praktisch


Wohlergehen; Fürsorge



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parts of the body

bend your elbows/legs/knees / ̩bend jə ˈelbəʊz / ̍legz / ˈniːz / if yu bend your elbows, legs r knees, you stretch them into a curved


clench your fist/hands / ̩klenʧ jə ˈfɪst / ̍hændz / if yu clench your fist r hands, you press it/them closely together.

hold your hand up / ̩həʊld jə ˈhænd ʌp / if yu hold your hand up, you put it in the air.

hold your head up / ̩həʊld jə ˈhed ʌp / if yu hold your head up, you look straight ahead and do not look

w.hold your thumb up / ̩həʊld jə ˈθʌm ʌp / if yu hold your thumb up, you put it in the air, often to show that

yu rv f mh.

clench your teeth / ̩klenʧ jə ˈtiːθ / if yu clench your teeth, you press them together because you are

ry r u.

index finger / ̩ɪndeks ̍ fɪŋgə / Yur index finger is the finger next to your thumb.

palm of your hand / ̩pɑːm əv jə ˈhænd / th palm of your hand is the flat part on the inside of your hand.

shake your finger / ̩ʃeɪk jə ˈfɪŋgə / if yu shake your finger, you move it about.

shake your fist / ̩ʃeɪk jə ˈfɪst /  if you shake your fist, you move your hand, often because you are angry.

shake your head / ̩ʃeɪk jə ˈhed / if yu shake your head, you move it from side to side, often as a way

of saying “no”.

stick your chest out / stɪk jə ˈʧest aʊt / if yu stick your chest out, you walk in a way that pushes it out at the

fr f yur by.

stick your leg out / ̩stɪk jə ˈleg aʊt / if yu stick your leg out, you stretch it in front of you.

stick your tongue out / ̩stɪk jə ˈtʌŋ aʊt / if yu stick your tongue out, you push it out of your mouth, usually as

wy f b ru m.

r yur rm/h / ̩reɪz jər ˈɑːm / ̍hænd / if yu raise your arm r hand, you put it in the air.

r yur ybrw / ̩reɪz jər ˈaɪbraʊz / if yu raise your eyebrows, you move them upwards, often to show

yu r urr.


f f () / ̩fɑːst ˈfuːd /  Fast food is food that is made and served very quickly.

rc f () / ɔːˌgænɪk ̍ fuːd /  Organic food is produced without artificial chemicals.

plain food (n) / ̩pleɪn ˈfuːd /  Plain food is simple and not exotic.

rch f () / ̩rɪʧ ˈfuːd /  Rich food is contains a lot of butter, cream or eggs.

Ellbogen, Beine, Kniee



die Hand hochhalten

den Kopf hochhalten

den Daumen hochhalten

die Zähne zusammenbeißen



mit dem Finger wackeln

mit der Faust drohen

den Kopf schütteln

Bru vrchb

das Bein vorstrecken

die Zunge rausstrecken

arm/ H




Fast Food


gutbürgerliches Essen

chwr e


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y f () / ̩stɒʤi ˈfuːd /  Stodgy food is solid and not pleasant to eat.

vr f () / veʤəˌteəriən ̍ fuːd /  Vegetarian food f h c m r fh.

gourmet meal (n) / ̩gʊəmeɪ ˈmiːl / a gourmet meal consists of food of a very high quality.

heavy/light meal (n) / ̩hv/ ̩laɪt ˈmiːl / a heavy meal makes your stomach feel very full; a light meal

make your stomach feel full.

ready-made meal (n) / ̩redimeɪd ˈmiːl / a ready-made meal is one that you buy that is already cooked and canb u rh h v.

square meal (n) / ̩skweə ˈmiːl / a square meal is a large meal that satisfies you when you feel hungry.

three-course meal (n) / ̩θriːkɔːs ˈmiːl / a three-course meal consists of a starter, main course and dessert.

vegetarian meal (n) / veʤəˌteəriən ̍ miːl / a vegetarian meal c m r fh.

cold dish (n) / ̍kəʊld ˌdɪʃ / a cold dish has been cooked but is not eaten hot.

fh h () / ̍fɪʃ ˌdɪʃ / a fish dish consists mainly of fish.

local dish (n) / ̍ləʊk(ə)l ˌdɪʃ /  a local dish is one that is eaten a lot in the region or area where you are.

m h () / ̍meɪn ˌdɪʃ / a main dish h yu fr rr bfr r.

regional dish (n) / ̍riːʤ(ə)nəl ˌdɪʃ / a regional dish is one that is eaten a lot in a particular region.

rv h () / ̍sɜːvɪŋ ˌdɪʃ / a serving dish is a large plate or dish that you serve food from.

vr h () / veʤəˈteəriən ̩ dɪʃ / a vegetarian dish c m r fh.

dessert plate (n) / dɪˈzɜːt ˌpleɪt / a dessert plate h yu r .

dinner plate (n) / ̍dɪnə ˌpleɪt / a dinner plate is a large plate that you eat a main course on.

side plate (n) / ̍saɪd ˌpleɪt / a side plate is a small plate that you put a piece of bread on.

bland flavour / ̩blænd ˈfleɪvə / Food that has a bland flavour hv much .

distinctive flavour / dɪsˌtɪŋktɪv ̍ fleɪvə / Food that has a distinctive flavour tastes unusual.

subtle flavour / ̩sʌt(ə)l ˈfleɪvə / Food that has a subtle flavour has a delicate, pleasant flavour.

unmistakable flavour / ʌnmɪˌsteɪkəb(ə)l ˈfleɪvə / Food that has an unmistakable flavour has a flavour that is easy to


à la carte menu (n) / æ læ ˌkɑːt ˈmenju  ː/ a à la carte menu has dishes that are priced separately.

extensive menu / ɪkˌstenɪv ̍ menju  ː/ a extensive menu has a large choice of dishes. mu () / ̩set ̍ menju  ː/ a set menu offers a limited choice of dishes for a fixed price.


h b h c / ðə ˌbest θɪŋ sɪns ˌslaɪst If you think that someone or something is the best thing since sliced

sliced bread  ˈbred /   bread, you think they are very good.

m e

vrch e

Feinschmeckermahlzeit ;


schweres/leichtes Essen


ordentliche Mahlzeit

e m r gä

vrch grch

kalte Platte


grch u r g



Servierteller; - schüssel

vrch grch




fader Geschmack

auffälliger Geschmack

zarter, feiner Geschmack

unverkennbarer Geschmack

à la carte Speisekarte

umfangreiche SpeisekarteTageskarte

So etwas hat die Welt schon

lange nicht mehr gesehen.


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b ch / ə ˌbɪg ˈʧiːz /  A big cheese m wh vry mr.

bur b u / ̩bʌtə sʌmbədi ˈʌp / if yu butter someone up, you are very nice to them.

r br / gəʊ əz ˌred əz ə ˈbiːtruːt / if yu go as red as a beetroot, your face goes very red because you

r mbrr r hm.

feel a real lemon / ̩fiːl ə ˌrɪəl ˈlemən / if yu feel a real lemon, you feel very stupid.

c / əz ˌnaɪs əz ˈpaɪ / if m as nice as pie, they are very polite or charming.y u / ̩peɪ ˈpiːnʌts / if yu pay peanuts for something, you pay a very small amount of

my fr mh.

r-h / ̍peəʃeɪpt / if mh pear-shaped, it goes wrong.

rc fr r / ə ˌresəpi fə dɪˈzɑːstə / a u h a recipe for disaster is one in which things will go

vry wr.

take sth with a pinch of salt / ̩teɪk sʌmθɪŋ wɪð ə if yu take something with a pinch of salt, you only believe part of

  pɪnʧ əv ˈsɔːlt /   wh yu hr.

a smart cookie / ə ˌsmɑːt ˈkʊki /  A smart cookie is someone who is very intelligent.

spill the beans / ̩spɪl ðə ˈbiːnz / if yu spill the beans, you tell someone something that is secret.

walk on eggshells / ̩wɔːk ɒn ˈegʃelz / If you feel you have to walk on eggshells, you feel you have to be very


although / ɔːlˈðəʊ /  Although h’ rch h m uhy.

(weak) / ən /  (weak) / ənd / B vr ’ y and I’m in danger of lapsing.

( strong) / ænd /  

bu / bʌt / B vr ’ y but I’m glad I did it.

consequently / ̍kɒnsɪkwəntli / Animals are kept in overcrowded conditions. Consequently

spreads quickly.

v huh / ̩iːv(ə)n ˈðəʊ /  Even though there is enough food for everyone, people are still starving.

finally / ̍faɪn(ə)li /  Finally, I became a vegetarian for health reasons.furhrmr / ̩fɜːðəˈmɔ ː/ If you don’t eat meat you’re less likely to have heart disease.

Furthermore, vegetarians are less likely to develop cancer.

hwvr / haʊˈevə / Cars, trains and planes produce a lot of greenhouse gases. However,

the meat industry is worse than all of them put together.

hh tr

 jm um Br h

einen knallroten Kopf


sich wie ein echter Dussel


superfreundlicheine lächerlich kleine Summe


chr; m w b


d führ m schrh


w ch z für br

Müz hm

ein cleveres Köpfchen

alles ausplaudern

whr erz





deswegen; folglich





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hr wr / ɪn ˌʌðə ˈwɜːdz / You use the expression “in other words” to introduce another way of

expressing something.

On balance ... / ̩ɒn ˈbæləns /  On balance, I’m very happy to be a vegetarian.

r / ɔ  ː/ i’m vr or, as a friend put it, I no longer eat anything with a

fc r f.

as a result / ̩æz ə rɪˈzʌlt / C r vrcrw. As a result disease spreads quickly.

secondly / ̍sekən(d)li / “Secondly” is a word you use to introduce the second point in acu r rum.

/ səʊ / th f ury fcu rf so hy ’ cr bu

animal welfare.

t um u ... / tə ˌsʌm ˈʌp /  To sum up, if you can’t be a vegetarian, cutting down on meat and fish


Wh mr ... / ̩wɒt ɪz ˈmɔ  ː/ “What is more” is an expression that you use to introduce another

cu r rum.

rw b( 66)

fr / ̩fər ˈeɪʤəz / if yu hv mh for ages, you have done it for a long time.

ru (j) / dɪˈzɑːstrəs / smh h disastrous has very bad results.

r (j) / ɪnˈtrepɪd / sm wh intrepid is brave and not afraid to take risks.

mrch (v) / mɑːʧ / if yu march somewhere, you walk there quickly and in a determined


purposefully (adv) / ̍pɜːpəsf(ə)li / if yu mh purposefully, you do it in a determined way.

crm (v) / skriːm / if yu scream, you suddenly shout or make a loud noise because you

r frh.

r Wr

alles in allem




daher; also


Und außerdem …

seit Ewigkeiten


kühn; unerschrocken





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U 7 ( 68)

b y (ts) / ̩biː ɪn ˈægəni / After the first day’s cycling my bottom was in agony!

ry (j) / ̍ɑːti /  Arty people are interested in things such as painting, music and theatre.

chm () / əˈtæʧmənt / i ju ’ ur h Brh attachment h .by h rch f ... / bɪˌjɒnd ðə ˈriːʧ əv / if m is beyond the reach of reason, they are not sensible or


b (v) / bəʊst / If a city or place boasts a well-known landmark or area, that landmark

or area is admired by other people.

bookish (adj) / ̍bʊkɪʃ / sm wh bookish enjoys studying and reading books.

b bu h / bi ˌbaʊnd tə ˈduː sʌmθɪŋ / A jokey card is bound to raise a smile.

cable car (n) / ̍keɪb(ə)l ˌkɑ  ː/  a cable car is a small vehicle that takes people up and down mountains.

cr (j) / ̍keərɪŋ / a caring person is kind and helpful towards other people.

city dweller (n) / ̍sɪti ˌdwelə /  City dwellers are people who live in cities.

click (n) / klɪk / The man was sleeping but the click of the camera woke him up.

compulsory (adj) (TS) / kəmˈpʌlsəri / if mh compulsory, the rules say you have to do it.

cr (j) / krɪsp /  Crisp air is cool and refreshing in a pleasant way.

b f h crw / bi ˌwʌn əv ðə ˈkraʊd / if yu ’ w be one of the crowd, you want people to realise

that you are different from or better than other people.

culture vulture (n) / ̍kʌlʧə ̩ vʌlʧə / a culture vulture r wh r h

learning about things.

cycling shorts (n pl) / ̍saɪklɪŋ ˌʃɔːts /  Cycling shorts are tight shorts that go down to your knee worn for

riding a bike.

m (j) / dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ / a demanding person always wants your attention.

devilish (adj) / ̍dev(ə)lɪʃ /  Devilish behaviour is difficult or causes problems.

urb (j) / dɪˈstɜːbɪŋ / smh h disturbing shocks people.double-check (v) / ̩dʌblˈʧek / if yu double-check something, you check it a second time to make

ur rh.

wrh (v) / ̍daʊnˌraɪt / That wasn’t just foolish – it was downright irresponsible!

z (v) / dəʊz / if m dozes, they sleep for a short time.

mr (v) / ɪˈmɜːʤ / Wh yu emerge from a place, you finally leave it.

Qualen leiden

Künstlerisch veranlagt

Zuu j v

ch rühm


zwangsläufig sein/geschehen







einer unter vielen sein



anspruchsvoll; anstrengend


buruhnoch einmal überprüfen


vr ch hö


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endless (adj) / ̍endləs / The children have endless cm wh c bhv h

most devilish way!

exhibit (n) / ɪgˈzɪbɪt / I was so sunburned a dermatologist invited me to a convention as an


the final straw / ðə ˌfaɪn(ə)l ˈstrɔ  ː/  The final straw is the last of a series of events that makes someone

feel very angry or upset.

a fleet of boats / ə ˌfliːt əv ˈbəʊts /  A fleet of boats ru f b w by h m r rrz.

flowery (adj) / ̍flaʊəri /  Flowery language contains a lot of complicated words.

frankly (adv) / ̍fræŋkli /  Frankly, I have never understood the British attachment to the seaside.

w (hr v) / ̩gəʊ ̍ daʊn / If a drink goes down well, you swallow it and enjoy it.

u f yur wy / gəʊ ˌaʊt əv jə ˈweɪ / Arty people go out of their way to find unusual postcards.

wr / ̩gəʊ ˈrɒŋ / Yu c’ go wrong wh f gu!

be a handful / biː ə ˈhændfʊl / Children who are a handful are difficult to control.

h (fr) (v) / hed (fɔː)/ In summer a lot of people head for h c.

heartbreaking (adj) / ̍hɑːtˌbreɪkɪŋ / smh h heartbreaking is extremely sad.

hellish (adj) / ̍helɪʃ / a hellish experience is very difficult or unpleasant.

humourless (adj) / ̍hjuːmələs / sm wh humourless ru.

m-ccu (j) / ̍ɪmɪʤˌkɒnʃəs / a image-conscious person cares about what people think of them

hr rc.

cv (j) / ̩ɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv / sm wh indecisive cannot make decisions.

inseparable (adj) / ɪnˈsepər(ə)bl / Gill and Ash spent the rest of the holiday together and became


irresistible (adj) / ̩ɪrɪˈzɪstəbl / sm wh irresistible vry rcv.

irresponsible (adj) / ̩ɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl / That wasn’t just foolish – it was downright irresponsible!

 joker (n) / ̍ʤəʊkə / a joker is someone who enjoys jokes and having fun.

 jokey (adj) / ̍ʤəʊki / smh h  jokey mu. jucy (j) / ̍ʤuːsi / a juicy steak is tasty and contains a lot of juice.

legacy (n) / ̍legəsi / a legacy is something that you leave to someone or something after

yu hv .

long-winded (adj) / ̩lɒŋˈwɪndəd / a long-winded description contains too much complicated language.

love the sound of your / ̩lʌv ðə ˌsaʊnd əv jər  someone who loves the sound of their own voice, enjoys talking rather

w vc əʊn ˈvɔɪs /   than listening.




der letzte Tropfen





ch br r

falsch liegen; schief gehen

z chö trb


fhr Rchu









Witzbold; Spaßvogel




ch r r hör

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hv / ̩hæv ə ˈnæp / i’m r – i’m have a nap.

nibble (at) / ̍nɪbl (æt) / if yu nibble something, you take small bites out of it.

(v) / nɪp / th nipped m h h fr h wch.

- (j) / nəʊˈnɒnsəns / a no-nonsense person does things quickly and effectively without


brv () / ̩ɒbzəˈveɪʃn /  Observations are comments that someone makes about something.

(j) (ts) / ̍pædəd /  Padded cycling shorts have thick material at the back that protectsyur bm.

parking permit (n) / ̍pɑːkɪŋ ̩ pɜːmɪt / a parking permit is a document that allows you to park in a particular


parking restrictions (n pl) / ̍pɑːkɪŋ rɪˌstrɪkʃ(ə)nz /  Parking restrictions are official rules that say where you are allowed to

park and for how long.

playful (adj) / ̍pleɪfl / a playful gesture is friendly and funny.

h rc f / ðə ˈprɒspekt əv / th uhr h the prospect of y h bch.

u yur f w / ̩pʊt jə ˈfʊt daʊn / if yu put your foot down, you refuse to do something.

raise a smile / ̩reɪz ə ˈsmaɪl / A jokey card is bound to raise a smile.

r / ̩reɪnʤ ɪn ˈeɪʤ / My children range in age from 6 months to 5 years old.

relentless (adj) / rɪˈlentləs / a relentless activity is one that never stops, especially in a way that is


hv rh f wy / hæv ˌraɪt əv ˈweɪ / Cyclists and pedestrians have right of way vr cr rvr.

y () / ̍seɪɪŋ / a saying is a well-known phrase or expression.

fr () / ̍siːˌfrʌnt / th seafront is the part of a town or city that looks out over the sea.

serenely (adv) / səˈriːnli / if yu y mh serenely, you say it quietly and calmly.

h () / ʃeɪd / It’s too hot here. Let’s find a place in the shade.

hr (j) / ʃɑːp / a sharp bjc .

soak up (phr v) / ̩səʊk ˈʌp / if yu soak up culture or a lifestyle, you enjoy learning about it.

soothingly (adv) / ̍suːðɪŋli / “Don’t worry,” my wife said soothingly.

r u (hr v) / ̩sɔːt ˈaʊt / if yu sort out a problem, you solve it.

stick (v) / stɪk / The children spent the journey sticking hr bjc ch hr.

ummr (v) / ̍sʌməraɪz / if yu summarise something, you describe it in a few words.


ein Nickerchen machen

knabbern an


kühl und sachlich





neckisch; scherzhaft

auch uf

Mchwr rch;

etwas strikt verweigern/ 


ein Lächeln hervorrufen

das Alter liegt zwischen


Vrfhrrch hb





chrf; z

ufu; chhu





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urrr (v) / səˈrendə / if m surrenders, they agree to do something that you ask or

ru hm .

urvy h c / səˌveɪ ðə ˈsiːn / Wh yu survey the scene, you look at or think about a situation.

tacky (adj) / ̍tæki /  Tacky means the same as “tasteless”.

take a drive / ̩teɪk ə ˈdraɪv / Last weekend my wife suggested that we take a drive h .

take sth seriously / ̩teɪk sʌmθɪŋ ˈsɪəriəsli / Bookish people take life rhr seriously.tasteful (adj) / ̍teɪs(t)f(ə)l / a tasteful postcard is one that is attractive and elegant.

tasteless (adj) / ̍teɪs(t) ləs / a tasteless cr ch rcv.

tearful (adj) / ̍tɪəf(ə)l / If you feel tearful, you want to cry.

r (j) / ̍tendə / a tender steak is soft and easy to cut and eat.

hr h (ts) / ̩ðeər ən ˈðen / If you do something there and then, you do it immediately.

thoughtful (adj) / ̍θɔːtf(ə)l / a thoughtful person cares about other people’s feelings.

m-ccu (j) / ̍taɪmˌkɒnʃəs / if yu r time-conscious, you are aware that you must do things

quickly without taking too much time.

uvuru (j) / ̩ʌnədˈvenʧərəs / sm wh unadventurous does not like doing new things.

uv () / ̩ʌndɪˌvaɪdɪd əˈtenʃn / Children like to have your undivided attention.

unseasonably (adj) (TS) / ʌnˈsiːznəbli / if mrur r unseasonably warm, they are warmer than usual

at a particular time of year.

unwilling (adj) / ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ / if yu r unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it.

watch the world go by / ̩wɒʧ ðə ˈwɜːld gəʊ baɪ / if yu watch the world go by, you sit and relax, for example at a café,

and watch people walk past.

water-colour (n) / ̍wɔːtəˌkʌlə / a water-colour is a painting that has been done with paint mixed with


well-informed (adj) / ̩welɪnˈfɔːmd / sm wh well-informed knows a lot about things.

w (j) / ̍waɪndɪŋ / It’s not easy driving in the city centre because of the narrow, winding 


the seaside

bucket and spade (n) / ̩bʌkɪt ən ˈspeɪd / Children enjoy playing with a bucket and spade h .

candy floss (n) / ̍kændi ˌflɒs /  Candy floss is a sweet food for children that looks like cotton wool on

a stick.

kapitulieren; sich ergeben

l brch


fahren; eine Fahrt


w r hmgeschmackvoll


trä h


auf der Stelle



wenig unternehmungslustig

volle Aufmerksamkeit

für Jhrz


ch br

Mch bbch


u frmr

gewunden; kurvenreich

Eimer und Schaufel


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h () / ̍hɒt ˌdɒg / a hot dog is a sausage in a bread roll.

inflatable dinghy (n) / ɪnˌfleɪtəbl ̍ dɪŋi / a inflatable dinghy is a small rubber boat that you fill with air.

l-l () / ̍laɪˌləʊ / a Li-Lo is a type of bed made of rubber that you use to float on water.

have a paddle / ̩hæv ə ˈpædl / thy had a paddle h f h wr.

saltwater (n) / ̍sɔːltˌwɔːtə /  Saltwater h y f wr h h .

() / sænd / th uhr h sand h hr h.

scuba equipment (n) / ̍skuːbə ɪˌkwɪpmənt /  Scuba equipment is all the things that you need for diving underwater. () / ̍siːˌsaɪd / th uhr ’ ur h Brh chm h seaside.

u h () / ̍sʌn ˌhæt / Yu u sun hat rc yur h frm h u.

ubur () / ̍sʌnˌbɜːn /  Sunburn is the red, painful areas on your skin when you have been in

the sun for too long.

ubur (j) / ̍sʌnˌbɜːnd / i w sunburned a dermatologist invited me to a convention as an


urf () / sɜːf /  Surf is the waves that are falling on a beach.

waterslide(n) / ̍wɔːtəˌslaɪd / a waterslide is a long thin piece of equipment that children slide

w wr.

wbur (j) / ̍wɪndˌbɜːnd / if yu r windburned, your skin has been burnt by the wind.

spoken disCoUrse markers

Actually / ̍ækʧuəli / She doesn’t seem very friendly but, actually, she’s shy.

aywy / ̍enɪˌweɪ / It was an awful experience but, anyway, it’s over now.

Basically / ̍beɪsɪkli /  Basically, Gill had two weeks to impress Ash.

Come to think of it ... ˌkʌm tə ˈθɪŋk əv ɪt /  Come to think of it, he does look a bit like Tom Cruise!

Do you know what I mean? / də jə ˌnəʊ wɒt aɪ ˈmiːn / When I saw her, I thought she’s the one for me. Do you know what I


h / ̩ɪn ðiː ˈend / Everything worked out well in the end.

fc / ̩ɪn ˈfækt /  We spent the rest of the holiday together – in fact, we were inseparable.

b h / ̩tə biː ˈɒnɪst /  To be honest, I don’t think he’s very happy.

“tell” verbs

v / ədˈvaɪz / tur wr advised not to swim in the sea because of sharks.

ur / əˈʃɔ  ː/ My wf assured me that we’d have a good time, but we didn’t!

cvc / kənˈvɪns / She always tries to convince me we’ll have a good time.





urch Wr w












m gru mm

Wenn ich es mir überlege …

Wissen Sie, was ich meine?

letzten Endes


um ehrlich zu sein




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cur / ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ / W’r ry encourage hr cm v.

frm / ɪnˈfɔːm / My uhr h informed m i w h wch h h


ru / pəˈsweɪd / evry yr my wf m persuade m rv h .

rur / ̩riːəˈʃɔ  ː/ She always reassures me that we’ll have a good time, but I don’t!

“say” verbsm / ədˈmɪt / th uhr admits h h h h !

uc / əˈnaʊns / My wife woke me up and announced h h h .

claim / kleɪm / H claims he eats six hamburgers a day!

cfrm / kənˈfɜːm / Could you confirm that the tickets have arrived?

explain / ɪkˈspleɪn / Just listen, and I’ll explain.

/ ɪnˈsɪst / My wf insists h vry yr.

m / ̍menʃ(ə)n / My daughter casually mentioned that the dog had eaten half the


u / səˈʤest / th uhr h wh h wf suggests h !

U 8 ( 78)

() / ̍ædɪʤ / a adage is a well-known phrase about life.

blind date (n) / ̩blaɪnd ̍ deɪt / a blind date is an arrangement in which two people who have never

m bfr m rr c whhr hy w r


by and large / ̩baɪ ən ˈlɑːʤ /  By and large, we all seem to be attracted to the same things.

Be careful what you wish for.   / bi ˌkeəf(ə)l ˌwɒt juː ˈwɪʃ fɔ  ː/   “Be careful what you wish for” means that you wish for may not be asgood as you hoped for, and may even be harmful.

challenge a theory / ̩ʧælənʤ ə ˈθɪəri / if m challenges a theory, they say that it is not true.

chr () / ̍ʃæpərəʊn / a chaperone is someone who looks after someone or makes sure they

behave well, especially at a social event.

come to the conclusion that / ̩kʌm tə ðə kənˈkluːʒn ðæt / scfc vc h come to the conclusion that buy bjcv

and quantifiable.





zub; h




bh uf




Rzvu m r/m


im Großen und Ganzen

Sei vorsichtig mit allenWüch

eine Theorie in Frage stellen


zum Schluss kommen, dass


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cm (j) / ̍kɒmpəzɪt / a composite cur m u f w r mr r r.

cultural boundary (n) / ̩kʌlʧ(ə)rəl ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri /  Cultural boundaries are the differences that exist between different


be in daily contact with sb (TS) / biː ɪn ˌdeɪli ˈkɒntækt if yu are in daily contact with someone, you see them every day.

  wɪð sʌmbədi /  

b h (ts) biː ˌded əˈgeɪnst sʌmθɪŋ / if yu are dead against something, you disagree with it completely.

m (j) / dɪm / R dim light can damage your eyes.b mb / biː ɪmˈbɒdɪd ɪn /  The feminine ideal of beauty is embodied in dolls like Barbie and Sindy.

evolutionary (adj) / ̩iːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)ri a evolutionary r h cc wh h rc f

human change and development.

excruciating (adj) / ɪkˈskruːʃieɪtɪŋ  an excruciating experience is one that is extremely unpleasant or painful.

You can’t get blood / jʊ ˌkɑːnt get ˌblʊd aʊt əv “You can’t get blood out of a stone” means that it is extremely difficult

u f . ə ˈstəʊn /   to persuade someone to give you something or tell you something.

b mwhr/ / ̩get sʌmbədi ̍ sʌmweə / Despite the fact Cindy had a genius IQ it never got her anywhere.

b ywhr ˌnɒt get sʌmbədi ˈenɪweə / 

at first glance / ət ˌfɜːst ˈglɑːns / The picture look similar at first glance, but in fact they’re different.

what all the fuss is about (TS) / wɒt ˌɔːl ðə ˈfʌs ɪz  The Secret has sold 1.5million copies. Could you tell us what all the

  əbaʊt /   fuss is about?

All that glitters is not gold. / ɔːl ðət ˌglɪtəz ɪz nɒt “All that glitters is not gold” means that what looks attractive or

  ˈgəʊld /   pleasant may not be so.

What goes around, /wɒt ˌgəʊz əraʊnd  “What goes around comes around” means that if you treat people badly,

cm ru. ˈkʌmz əˌraʊnd /   you will eventually suffer yourself.

r yur wh (ts) / ̩grɑːnt jɔː ˈwɪʃəz / if m grants your wishes, they give you what you ask them for.

hrm () / ̍hɔːməʊn / a hormone is a substance produced by your body that makes it

develop and grow.

imply (v) / ɪmˈplaɪ / The film implies that for centuries people in power have kept the “law

of attraction” secret.

the law of attraction / ðə ˌlɔː əv əˈtrækʃn / “The law of attraction” is a principle that says our thoughts andfeelings influence events in our lives.

A leopard can’t / ə ˌlepəd kɑːnt ˌʧeɪnʤ “A leopard can’t change its spots” means that someone cannot really

ch . ɪts ˈspɒts /   ch hr chrcr.

like attracts like / ̩laɪk ətrækts ˈlaɪk / “Like attracts like” means that people are attracted to other people

who are similar to themselves.


kulturelle Grenze

in täglichem Kontakt mit

 jm h

absolut gegen etwas sein

chwchverkörpert in



Das ist verlorene Liebesmüh.

 jm w uz/ 

 jm ch uz

auf den ersten Blick

was das ganze Getue soll

Es ist nicht alles Gold, was


M b ch mmr

zweimal im Leben.

Wüch währ



gz rAnziehungskraft

Die Katze lässt das Mausen


Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich



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materialise (v) / məˈtɪəriəlaɪz /  Kevin has had a few serious relationships, but nothing has materialised .

negative thinking (n) / ̩negətɪv ̍ θɪŋkɪŋ /  Negative thinking rc b h.

bjcv (j) / ɒbˈʤektɪv / a objective conclusion is based on facts, not personal feelings.

hm () / fəˈnɒmɪnən / a phenomenon v r u whch w r urr.

positive thinking (n) / ̩pɒzətɪv ̍ θɪŋkɪŋ /  Positive thinking rc h.

b wr / biː ɪn ˈpaʊə / th wh are in power are the people who control things.

pull (v) / pʊl / if yu pull someone, that person is attracted to you in a sexual orrmc wy.

quantifiable (adj) / kwɒntɪˈfaɪəb(ə)l / smh h quantifiable is able to be measured.

ramble (on) (v) / ̍ræmb(ə)l (ɒn) / if m rambles on about something, they talk about it in a boring

way for too long.

rank (v) / ræŋk / phrh f wm wr ranked fr hr rcv by

number of volunteers.

cfc vc () / saɪənˌtɪfɪk ̍ evɪdəns /  Scientific evidence has come to the conclusion h buy bjcv

and quantifiable.

self-help book/film (n) / selfˈˈhelp ̩ bʊk / ̩fɪlm / a self-help book r film helps you to solve your own problems.

() / ̍seʃ(ə)n / a h f h session the couple can swap telephone numbers if

hy wh.

u fr h (hr v) / ̩saɪn ˈʌp fɔː sʌmθɪŋ / Five women and five men signed up for h h.

() / ̍spiːd ˌdeɪtɪŋ /  Speed dating is an event in which people looking for a partner spend

5 minutes with different people to decide who they like best.

think big (TS) / ̩θɪŋk ˈbɪg /  if you think big, you think in a positive way that is likely to bring success.

top-ranking (adj) / ̍tɒpˌræŋkɪŋ / th top-ranking r r h h h m mr r


rfrm (v) / trænsˈfɔːm / The film says that the “law of attraction” has the power to transform 

our lives.

vibes (n pl) (TS) / vaɪbz /  Vibes are the general impressions you get about a person from the

wy hy bhv.volunteer (n) / vɒlənˈtɪə / a volunteer m wh mh whu b .

w wr

eine negative Denkweise



positives Denken

r Mch





wissenschaftliche Beweise

Selbsthilfebuch; -film


sich melden

Partnersuche auf schnelle Art

im großen Maßstab denken

v höchm R





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appealing (adj) / əˈpiːlɪŋ / a appealing face is one that you think is attractive.

arched eyebrows (n pl) / ̩ɑːʧt ̍ aɪbraʊz /  Arched eyebrows hv hh curv.

rcv () / əˈtræktɪvnəs / phrh f wm wr ranked fr hr rcv by

number of volunteers.

bby-fc (j) / ̍beɪbi ˌfeɪst /  Many women like baby-faced stars like LeonardoDiCaprio and Jude Law.

be in line with / ̩biː ɪn ˈlaɪn wɪð / Her chin was moved back so it was in line with her upper lip.buy cm frm wh / ̩bjuːti kʌmz frəm wɪðˈɪn / “Beauty comes from within” means that it is someone’s personality

  that makes them attractive, not their appearance.

buy h y f / ̩bjuːti ɪz ɪn ðiː ˌaɪ əv ði  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” means that people have different

the beholder bɪˈhəʊldə /   opinions about what is beautiful.

b rucur / ̍bəʊn ̩ strʌkʧə / Yur bone structure h h f yur fc h frm by h

b urh.

botox (n) / ̍bəʊˌtɒks /  Botox is a substance that makes your skin look younger.

bru () / bruːˈnet / a brunette is a girl or woman with dark-brown hair.

collagen (n) / ̍kɒləʤ(ə)n / Cy h collagen put in her lips.

cmc urry () / kɒzˌmetɪk ̍ sɜːʤəri / Do you think having cosmetic surgery is selfish?

cu (j) / kjuːt / sm wh cute looks young and attractive.

dimples (n pl) / ̍dɪmp(ə)lz /  Dimples are small areas on your cheeks that go inwards.

exaggerated features (n pl) / ɪgˌzæʤəreɪtɪd ̍ fiːʧəz /  Exaggerated features are larger or more prominent than usual.

f () / fæt / They took fat from Cindy’s thighs and injected it into her lips.

fur () / ̍fiːʧə / Wh features do you think make a face look attractive?

full lips (n pl) / ̩fʊl ˈlɪps /  Full lips look large and round.

good looks (n pl) / ̩gʊd ˈlʊks / My ideal date is someone with both intelligence and good looks.

high cheekbones (n pl) / ̩haɪ ̍ ʧiːkbəʊnz /  High cheekbones are usually considered attractive.

implant (n) / ̍ɪmplɑːnt / a implant mh h u m’ by ur

medical operation.jc (v) / ɪnˈʤekt / They took fat from Cindy’s thighs and injected it into her lips.

b’ r buy h / sʌmbədɪz ̩ ɪnə bjuːti Not everybody has the confidence to let their inner beauty shine out.

u (ts)  ˌʃaɪnz ˈaʊt /  

jb () / ̍nəʊz ̩ ʤɒb / a nose job y f cmc urry ch h h f yur



hchz aubru



uf r l m w Echte Schönheit kommt von


Schön ist, was einem gefällt.





kosmetische Chirurgie;




auffällige Gesichtszüge


Gesichtszug; Merkmal

volle Lippen

u auh

hohe Wangenknochen


jzr; rz

Die innere Schönheit strahlt

nach außen.


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nostril (n) / ̍nɒstrəl / Yur nostrils are the two holes at the end of your nose.

r (j) / pɜːt / a pert nose is small and considered to be attractive.

rc () / ̍pɪəsɪŋ / a piercing is a hole in someone’s skin for jewellery to fit through.

prominent cheekbones (n pl) / ̩prɒmɪnənt ̍ ʧiːkbəʊnz /  Prominent cheekbones r y r c m’ fc

r cr rcv.

sexiness (n) / ̍seksɪnəs /  Karen’s ideal date is someone with intelligence, good looks and sexiness.

z zr () / ̩saɪz ˈzɪərəʊ / a size zero model is extremely thin.smooth skin (n) / ̩smuːð ˈskɪn /  Smooth skin h ruh r r .

sparkling eyes (n pl) / ̩spɑːklɪŋ ˈaɪz /  Sparkling eyes look bright and lively.

a square jaw (n) / ə ˌskweə ˈʤɔ  ː/ M wh a square jaw are traditionally considered to be attractive.

() / tæˈtu  ː/ a tattoo cur h rw yur by.

ur-u () / ə ˌtɜːnd ʌp ˈnəʊz /  A turned-up nose curves slightly at the end.

white teeth (n pl) / ̩waɪt ˈtiːθ /  White teeth look bright, healthy and attractive.

w (v) / ̍waɪd(ə)n / if yu widen something, you make it wider.


bubbly (adj) / ̍bʌbli / sy w bubbly and lively – I’d like to see her again.

conventional (adj) / kənˈvenʃ(ə)nəl / People who are conventional are very traditional and not modern.

dependable (adj) / dɪˈpendəb(ə)l / sm wh dependable h c b ru.

zzy (j) / ̍dɪzi / sm wh dizzy is not practical or down-to-earth.

w--rh (j) / ̩daʊntuːˈɜːθ / sm wh down-to-earth ru.

ry (j) / ̍drɪpi / sm wh drippy may be kind but is not very interesting.

mc (j) / ̩enɪgˈmætɪk /  someone who enigmatic neren becue hey eem myerou.

experienced (adj) / ɪkˈspɪəriənst / I prefer the company of people who are experienced rw-u.

be full of yourself / bi ˈfʊl əv jəˌself / Erica seemed selfish and full of herself.

rw-u (j) / ̩grəʊnˈʌp / I prefer the company of people who are experienced and grown-up.

indulgent (adj) (TS) / ɪnˈdʌlʤ(ə)nt / People who are indulgent do what they want without thinking of

other people.

(j) / ɪnˈtens / H c b vry intense b bv.

laddish (adj) / ̍lædɪʃ / a laddish m yu hc.








Größe Nullglatte Haut

funkelnde Augen

ein kantiges Kinn



weiße Zähne






steht mit beiden Füßen auf

r er




nur sich selbst im Kopf




machohaft; ungehobelt

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laid-back (adj) / ̩leɪdˈbæk / She doesn’t let things worry her – she’s very laid-back.

level-headed (adj) / ̩levlˈhedɪd / sm wh level-headed is calm and sensible.

lively (adj) / ̍laɪvli / Sindy was bubbly and lively – I’d like to see her again.

materialistic (adj) / məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk / sm wh materialistic r my .

mur (j) / məˈtjʊə / Girls are often more sensible and mature h by.

myru (j) / mɪˈstɪəriəs / a mysterious r m r bcu hy r y

ur.bv (j) / əbˈsesɪv /  Obsessive people are only interested in one person or thing.

-m (j) / ̩əʊpnˈmaɪndəd / sm wh open-minded is tolerant and willing to listen to other

people’s opinions.

u (j) / ̩aʊtˈgəʊɪŋ / People who are outgoing are friendly and sociable.

self-centred (adj) / ̩selfˈˈsentəd / Stop thinking of yourself and being so self-centred!

selfish (adj) / ̍selfɪʃ / a selfish person thinks about themselves and is not interested in other


sensible (adj) / ̍sensəb(ə)l / a sensible r ’ u r crzy h.

v (j) / ̍sensətɪv / a sensitive person cares about other people.

c-u (j) / ̩speɪstˈaʊt / sm wh spaced-out seems not very sensible and slightly crazy.

-ffh (j) / ̩stændˈɒfɪʃ / Claire seemed stand-offish r m.

rh (j) / streɪt / Lara thought Jim was polite, but a bit too straight.

tolerant (adj) / ̍tɒlərənt / My r r rhr traditional – I wish they’d be more tolerant.

ruwrhy (j) / ̍trʌs(t)wɜːði /  Trustworthy n jecve ue o ecrbe omeone who you cn ru.

umbu (j) / ̩ʌnæmˈbɪʃəs / erc huh Kv w yu unambitious.

unfriendly (adj) / ʌnˈfrendli / H’ unfriendly, he’s just shy.

uru (j) / ̩ʌnprɪˈtenʃəs / sm wh unpretentious does not try to impress people with

their money or intelligence.

body idioms

ff my ch / ̩get ɪt ɒf maɪ ˈʧest / if yu get something off your chest, you talk about something that iswrry yu.

play it by ear / ̩pleɪ ɪt baɪ ˈɪə / if yu play something by ear, you see how you deal with a situation

without having a plan.

be up to your eyes in work / biː ˌʌp tə jər ˌaɪz ɪn ˈwɜːk / if yu are up to your eyes in work, you have a lot of work to do.


gelassen; cool






zwhf; w b



chbz; zrch









ch hrz



etwas von der Seele reden


in Arbeit versinken

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hv yur fr / hæv jə ˌfɪŋgəz ɪn ˌlɒts if yu have your fingers in a lot of pies , you are involved in a lot of

a lot of pies əv ˈpaɪz /   ffr h.

u yur f / əv pʊt jə ˈfʊt ɪn ɪt / if yu put your foot in something, you say something stupid or


b h’ m u hr m / sʌmbədi ̩ hæzənt meɪd if you haven’t made up your mind, you haven’t decided about

  ʌp ðeə ˈmaɪnd /   mh y.

this neck of the woods / ðɪs ˌnek əv ðə ˈwʊdz /  This neck of the woods is an expression that means the place whereyou are or where you live.

a shoulder to cry on / ə ˌʃəʊldə tə ˈkraɪ ɒn / if yu a shoulder to cry on, you need someone to listen to your


U 9 ( 88)

ffc (j) / əˈfekʃ(ə)nət /  Affectionate laughter shows that you love or care about something.

ailment (n) / ̍eɪlmənt / a ailment is an illness or disability.

be aligned with sth (TS) / biː əˈlaɪnd wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ / smh h is aligned with something else h crrc

position in relation to that thing.

alluring (adj) / əˈlʊərɪŋ / a alluring place is attractive and interesting.

uh (j) (ts) / ̍æŋgwɪʃt / sm wh anguished is extremely upset.

rch (v) / əˈprəʊʧ / if yu approach a person or organization, you make contact with them

rr cu mh.

rv (v) / əˈpruːv / The site for the Bilbao Guggenheim was approved in a week.

backer (n) / ̍bækə / if yu f backer for a project, you find a person or company who

will provide money for it.

backside (n) (TS) / ̍bæksaɪd / Yur backside is an informal word meaning your bottom.

bakelite (n) (TS) / ̍beɪkəlaɪt /  Bakelite is a type of hard plastic used in the 1940s and 1950s formaking radios and telephones.

brr (j) (ts) / ̍bærən /  Barren land is dry and plants cannot grow there.

brainchild (n) / ̍breɪnʧaɪld /  The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was the brainchild of thom Kren.

buch f / ə ˈbʌnʧ əv / Frank Gehry affectionately describes the site as “a dirty river and a

bunch of run-down buildings”.

überall die Finger drin haben

ins Fettnäpfchen treten

Jmd hat sich noch keine

Meinung gebildet


 jm b m m ch

ausweinen kann



mit etwas eine Linie bilden








unfruchtbar; karg



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cv (j) / ̍kæptɪveɪtɪŋ / A place that is captivating rcv r.

chr () / kwaɪə / a choir is a group of people who sing together.

city council (n) / ̩sɪti ˈkaʊns(ə)l / Krens didn’t like the original site chosen by the city council fr w

r muum.

cmm (v) / kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n / The Basque regional government commissioned h b rchc

r h cy.

cm () / kəmˈpəʊnənt / A key component f mh mr r f mh.conceal (v) / kənˈsiːl / The clothes Frida Kahlo wore were worn partly to conceal her physical


confidentiality ˌkɒnfɪdenʃiæləti a confidentiality agreement is an official document that says that

rm () (ts) əˈgriːmənt /   important information must be kept secret.

contract polio / kənˌtrækt ̍ pəʊliəʊ / Frida contracted polio, which made her walk in a strange way.

cf / kənˈfaɪnd tu  ː/  At the age of 6, she spent nine months confined to her room with polio.

crfm () (ts) / ̍krɑːftsmən / a craftsman is someone who makes beautiful or practical objects.

v (j) / ̍devəsteɪtɪd / Frida was devastated by h vrc rc.

divorce proceedings (n pl) / dɪˈvɔːs prəˌsiːdɪŋz / In April 1939 Frida and Diego began divorce proceedings.

m (v) / ̍dɒmɪneɪt / The Bilbao Guggenheim dominates h cy vry ur.

v () / dʌv / Her father described Diego and Frida’s marriage as “like an elephantmrry dove”.

drastically (adv) / ̍dræstɪkli / My h hv ruc h rc f drastically.

drizzling (adj) / ̍drɪzlɪŋ / Wh drizzling, it is raining slightly.

ch (j) / ɪnˈʧɑːntɪŋ / A place that is enchanting is extremely attractive and interesting.

ur (v) / ɪnˈdjʊə / Stonehenge has been standing for 5,000 years and still endures.

equinox (n) (TS) / ̍iːkwɪˌnɒks / a equinox f h w y h yr wh h y h

night are the same length.

ru () / ɪˈrʌpʃ(ə)n / th eruption of a volcano is the period when it explodes and flames

and rocks come out of it.

establish (v) / ɪˈstæblɪʃ / The museum’s director, Thomas Krens, wanted to establish eurb fr h guhm.

extramarital (adj) / ̩ekstrəˈmærɪt(ə)l / Frida and Diego both had extramarital ffr.

fc (v) / feɪs / Bilbao faces u h By f Bcy.

frc (j) / ̍fræntɪk / As the hymn was about to start, Fry would have a frantic rch fr

h rh .





Bestandteil; Komponentevrbr


an Kinderlähmung erkranken

nicht verlassen dürfen

Kunstwerker; Künstler

f rchür


mr; bhrrch





wr bh




liegen zu


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ff h ru (ts) / ̩get ɒf ðə ˈgraʊnd / if mh gets off the ground, it starts to develop or grow.

glimpse (v) / glɪmps / As you leave the airport, the Guggenheim Museum can be glimpsed

h c.

handrail (n) / ̍hændˌreɪl / a handrail is the thing you hold onto with your hand when you are

travelling in a bus or tram.

hrh () (ts) / ̍hɔːsˌʃu ː/ if mh h h h f horseshoe, it has a curved shape that

is not quite complete.hym () / hɪm / a hymn is a religious song.

cv () / ɪnˈsentɪv / a incentive mh r fr .

ru (j) / ɪnˈtriːgɪŋ / a intriguing place is one that is attractive in a mysterious way.

ironically (adv) / aɪˈrɒnɪkli /  Ironically she painted some of her most powerful works during her

r frm d.

lever (n) / ̍liːvə / th fr sh wr mv by ym f levers.

marvel (at) (v) (TS) / ̍mɑːvl (æt) / if yu marvel at something, you admire it very much.

mr (v) / miːˈændə / if yu meander somewhere, you move there slowly and in an indirect


melted (adj) / ̍meltəd / A solid substance that is melted has become like a liquid.

a mere 4 tonnes/50 years etc / ə mɪə ˌfɔː ˈʌz/ ̩fɪfti ˈjɪəz / th wh a mere four tonnes ch.

newly-appointed (adj) / ̩njuːli əˈpɔɪntəd / sm wh newly-appointed jb h ju r .

chr-brw (j) / əʊkəˈbraʊn /  Ochre-brown is a colour between brown and yellow.

ur c () / ̩aʊtə ˈspeɪs /  Outer space is the area that contains the stars and the planets.

vrc (j) / ̩əʊvəˈkɑːst / When the sky i s overcast it is grey and full of rain.

overlook (v) / ̩əʊvəˈlʊk / th Ju Uvry overlooks h Rvr nrv.

z ruc () / ̩əʊzəʊn dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n /  Ozone destruction is caused by chemical reactions.

rc (v) / pɪəs / Frida Kahlo was injured in an accident when a handrail pierced hr


p- () / ̍pəʊstɪt /  Post-its are small pieces of coloured paper that you can stick on things.rr-b (j) / ̍reɪdɑːˌbeɪst / Dr Percy LeBaron Spencer was working on a radar-based rjc wh

he made the discovery that led to the first microwave.

ruchy umbr () (ts) / ə ˌrɔːnʧi ˈnʌmbə /  A raunchy number is a song that is sung in a sexy way.

redevelopment programme (n)  / ̩riːdɪˌveləpm(ə)nt In the 1980s the Basque regional government began a redevelopment

  ˈprəʊgræm /   programme for Bilbao.

sich realisieren

kurz sehen








bu; bwur



bloß; lediglich 4 Tonnen/50Jhr c.

vor kurzem eingestellt







p-uf Rrb

rch nummr


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remote control (n) / rɪˌməʊt kənˈtrəʊl / a remote control is a small piece of equipment that you press to use a

TV, Hi-Fi etc.

b/m r / ̩bi / ̩siːm ruːtəd tə ðə if mh seems rooted to the ground, it seems to be fixed there

h ru (ts) ˈgraʊnd /   and unable to move.

rm () / ̍sɜːmən / a sermon is a religious speech made in church.

settle out of court / ̩set(ə)l aʊt əv ˈkɔːt / if yu settle rum out of court, you solve it without asking a

cur c.shawl (n) / ʃɔːl / a shawl is a large piece of material worn by a woman around her


shipbuilding community (n) / ̩ʃɪpbɪldɪŋ kəˈmjuːnəti /  Bilbao is Spain’s fourth largest city and a former shipbuilding community.

() / saɪt / Krens didn’t like the site chosen by the city council for the new art


so-called (adj) (TS) / ̍səʊˌkɔːld / the bluestones are so-called because they turn blue when they get wet.

social-networking site (n) / ̩səʊʃ(ə)l ˌnetwɜːkɪŋ ˈsaɪt / Facebook is a popular social-networking site.

solstice (n) (TS) / ̍sɒlstɪs / th ummr solstice is the longest day of the year; the winter solstice 

h hr y f h yr.

speculate (v) (TS) / ̍spekjʊleɪt / if yu speculate about something, you wonder why it has happened,r wh h r fr mh .

(j) / ̍spɪtɪŋ / Wh spitting, it is raining slightly.

u () / spaʊt / a spout h r f - r cff- whr h r cff

cm u.

r () (ts) / sprɪŋ / a spring is a long, thin piece of metal twisted into circles that is often

u mchry.

sticky (adj) / ̍stɪki / th sticky object turned out to be a melted peanut bar.

rmy (j) / ̍stɔːmi / a stormy relationship is one in which people argue a lot.

rcr () / ̍striːtˌkɑ ː/ a “streetcar” is the American word for a “tram”.

ubrc (v) / səbˈtrækt / Wh yu subtract one number from another, you take it away fromh umbr.

(v) / tiːz /  When Frida returned to school, other children teased her about her leg.

vry ur / ət ˌevri ˈtɜːn / The Bilbao Guggenheim dominates the city at every turn.

ur (v) / ̩ʌndəˈgəʊ / Over the years Frida Kahlo underwent hry-w mjr r.


wie angewurzelt dastehen


außergerichtlich klären

Umh; Umhäuch



Website für soziales











hänseln; necken

w m ur hchu

ch urzh

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urban sprawl (n) / ̩ɜːbən ̍ sprɔːl /  Urban sprawl is ugly, unplanned development in a city.

b’ m b wr / sʌmbədɪz ̩ maɪnd bɪgɪnz Fry was listening to the sermon when his mind began to wander.

  tə ˈwɒndə /  

water supplies (n pl) / ̍wɔːtə səˌplaɪz / th nzc l pru wr m f urru water supplies.

wrfr z () / ̍wɔːtəfrʌnt ̩ zəʊn / a waterfront zone r f w r cy h r rvr.

w f m / ̩wepənz əv ˌmæs Weapons of mass destruction are very powerful that can destroy largedestruction (n pl) dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n /   areas and kill large numbers of people.

w (hruh) (v) / ̍waɪnd (θruː)/ To get to Bilbao, you leave the airport and wind through h r

hills of Northern Spain.

wine-bottling warehouse (n) / ̍waɪnbɒtlɪŋ ̩ weəhaʊs / a wine bottling-warehouse is a large building, like a factory, where

wine is put into bottles.

bUildings and plaCes

19h /20h c-cury (j) / ̩naɪntiːnθ / ̩twentiəθ a 19th/20th etc-century building was built in the 1800s/1900s etc.

ˈsenʧəri /  

cmrry (j) / kənˈtemp(ə)rəri / The Bilbao Guggenheim is a contemporary art museum like no other.ccrc (j) / ɪkˈsentrɪk / a eccentric building or design is one that is very unusual.

hu (j) / ̍hɪdiəs /  Hideous is a word that means “very ugly”.

metallic (adj) / məˈtælɪk / smh h metallic is made of metal.

post-industrial (adj) / ̩pəʊstɪnˈdʌstriəl / The architect, Frank Gehry, revelled in the chaos and dirt of the post-

industrial vrm.

-mr (j) / ̩pəʊstˈmɒd(ə)n / The Bilbao Guggenheim is a metallic, post-modern, space-age museum.

ru-w (j) / ̍rʌndaʊn /  Run-down buildings are in bad condition.

semi-derelict (adj) / ̩semiˈderəlɪkt / a semi-derelict area is in bad condition and almost too bad to be

rr r rr.

c- (j) / ̍speɪsˌeɪʤ / The Bilbao Guggenheim is a metallic, post-modern, space-age muum.sprawling (adj) / ̍sprɔːlɪŋ / a sprawling town or city covers an area in an untidy, ugly way.

uh (j) / tʌf / Bilbao is a tough, sprawling former shipbuilding community.

urb (v) / ̍ɜːbən /  Urban is an adjective meaning “relating to towns or cities”.


wild wuchernde Ausbreitung


die Gedanken fangen an zu





sich schlängeln durch


aus dem 19./20. Jahrhundert









des Raumzeitalterswildwuchernd



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design/develop a prototype / dɪˌzaɪn / dɪˌveləp ə It took Trevor Baylis two to three months to design/develop a

  ˈprəʊtətaɪp /  prototype for the clockwork radio.

do/carry out experiments / ̩du  ː/ kæri ˌaʊt / sc mm do/carry out experiments on animals.

ɪkˈsperɪmənts /  

/cuc rch / ̩du  ː/ kənˌdʌkt ə ˈsɜːʧ / We’re currently doing/conducting a search to find talented musicians

h r.file for/apply for a patent / ̩faɪl fɔ  ː/ əˌplaɪ fər ə Once Bayliss had developed a prototype, he filed for/applied for

   / ̍peɪt(ə)nt /   a patent. 

frm/ u cmy / ̩fɔːm / set ˌʌp ə ˈkʌmp(ə)ni / My w fu form/set up a company C tw.

hv/cm u wh / ̩hæv/ kʌm ˌʌp wɪð ən aɪˈdiə / Trevor Baylis had/came up with an idea for a clockwork radio. 

r/b ruc / ̩stɑːt / bɪˌgɪn ə prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n /   How easy was it to find a backer and start/begin production? 

time expressions

barely / ̍beəli / Frida died barely two weeks after taking part in a Communist


bfr / bɪˈfɔ  ː/ d Rvr w 42 h b mrr wc before.

ur (hr/h c r) / ̍djʊərɪŋ (hɜ  ː/ hɪz / She painted some of her most powerful works during her separation

/ sepəreɪʃ(ə)n) / frm d.

ch mh/yr c / iːʧ ˈmʌnθ / ̍ jɪə /  Each Sunday he sang with his local church choir.

fw y/mh / ə fjuː ˌdeɪz / ̩mʌnθs H rmmbr h a few months previously a colleague had made a

etc previously ˈpriːviəsli /   glue which had been discarded.

the following day / ðə ˌfɒləʊɪŋ ˈdeɪ / Baylis had a dream and the following day started work on his concept

of the clockwork radio.

frm h / frəm ˈðen ɒn / Children at school teased her about her leg and from then on h

always concealed it. b’ rur / ɒn ˌsʌmbədɪz rɪˈtɜːn /  On their return to Mexico, Frida and Diego started divorce proceedings.

suy/fr c / ̩wʌn ̍ sʌndeɪ / ɑːftəˈnuːn /  One Sunday he was listening to the sermon when his mind began to


vr h yr / ̩əʊvə ðə ˈjɪəz /  Over the years Frida Kahlo underwent thirty-two major operations.

pry wrf/ 


Experimente durchführen

uf such h

ein Patent anmelden

eine Firma gründen

eine Idee bekommen

mit der Produktion anfangen



währ (r tru)

 j M/j Jhr/j


r t/M frühr

der folgende Tag

ab dem Zeitpunkt

bei der Rückkehr


übr Jhr

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Wh h/h c w / ̩wen ʃi  ː/ hiː wəz ˈsɪks /  When Frida was 6 she contracted polio.

6/37/70 etc θɜːti ˈsev(ə)n / ̍sev(ə)nti / 

while he/she etc was sitting/ / ̩waɪl hi  ː/ ʃiː wəz ˈsɪtɪŋ /  While she was convalescing she took up painting.

wch c ˈwɒʧɪŋ / 

rw C ( 98)

break out (phr v) / ̩breɪk ˈaʊt / Wr broke out in 1939.

uh (j) / dɪˈstɪŋwɪʃt / sh jy distinguished crr w ocr.

hvr () / ̍hæŋəʊvə / a hangover is the feeling of being tired and ill because you have

drunk too much alcohol.

b m fr / bi ˈnɒmɪneɪtəd fɔ  ː/ aury Hbur was nominated for w ocr.

oil reserves (n pl) / ̍ɔɪl rɪˌzɜːvz / V oil reserves are thought to exist under the Arctic ice cap.

rate of inflation (n) / ̩reɪt əv ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n / We expect the rate of inflation will rise sharply.

U 10 ( 100)

b c / biː əˈdɪktɪd tu  ː/ Do you think it’s healthy to be addicted to designer labels?

h () / ænˈtɪθəsɪs / The old man in the straw hat is the antithesis f vryh h lv


circulation (n) (TS) / ̩sɜːkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n / th circulation of a newspaper is how many copies it sells.

clue (n) / klu  ː/ a clue to something gives you an idea what it is really about.

cjur u (hr v) / ̩kʌnʤə ̍ ʌp / smh h conjures up an image or scene makes you think of that

m r c.

cv () / kənˈvenʃ(ə)n / Rebels do not care about conventions.

couldn’t care less / ̩kʊd(ə)nt keə ˈles / if yu couldn’t care less about something, it doesn’t concern or worry

you at all.

by default / ̩baɪ dɪˈfɔːlt / If there is too much product placement, the producer is the loser and,

by default, the brand.

Als sie 6/37/70 war …

während sie saß/ 

zuchu; währ r





mr wr für



 jm zur such wr

genaues Gegenteil


Anhaltspunkt; Hinweis



einem völlig egal sein

rückwirkend; folglich

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jc (j) / dɪˈʤektɪd / sm wh dejected vry u.

disapproval (n) / dɪsəˈpruːv(ə)l /  Disapproval is the feeling that you do not like or approve of something.

m (v) / ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz / The Levis 501s ad epitomises everything that is cool.

extract (n) / ̍ekstrækt / a extract from a book is a short piece of writing that is taken from it.

fiercely male-dominated (adj) / ̩fɪəsli ̍ meɪldɒmɪneɪtəd / a bu r ury h fiercely male-dominated is controlled

aggressively by men.

flattering (adj) (TS) / ̍flæt(ə)rɪŋ / a flattering photo is one that makes you look good.ur r () (ts) / ̍gʌtə ˌpres / th gutter press are newspapers that print a lot of shocking stories.

hu (j) / ̍hɔːntɪŋ / a haunting piece of music is sad in a beautiful way.

hr-hrb () / ̍hɑːtˌθrɒb / Nick Kamen was considered a heart-throb m wm.

h h cr / ̩hɪt ðə ˈskriːnz / th w mv ucc h mu hit Brh tV screens.

holdall (n) / ̍həʊldɔːl / a holdall is a large bag used for carrying sports equipment.

ccurcy () (ts) / ɪnˈækjʊrəsi /  Inaccuracies r h h r wr h r ru r


 junior school (n) / ̍ʤuːniə ̩ skuːl / In the UK,  junior school is for children aged between 7 and 11.

lasting effect (n) / ̩lɑːstɪŋ ɪˈfekt / if mh h lasting effect, it changes or influences things for a

long time afterwards.look back (phr v) / ̩lʊk ˈbæk /  Every period in history likes to look back nostalgically to a mythical past.

motion sickness (n) (TS) / ̍məʊʃn ̩ sɪknəs /  Motion sickness is an unpleasant feeling in your stomach when you

are travelling.

mythical (adj) / ̍mɪθɪk(ə)l /  Every period in history likes to look back nostalgically to a mythical p.

nostalgically (adv) nɒˈstælʤɪkli /  Every period in history likes to look back nostalgically to a mythical past.

vr-hy (j) (ts) / ̩əʊvəˈhaɪpt / smh h over-hyped vr b.

rm (j) / ̍prɒmɪsɪŋ / Something that looks promising m rcv r r.

rebel (n) / ̍reb(ə)l / a rebel is someone who opposes people in authority or traditional

wy f h.

resolve to do sth / rɪˌzɒlv tə ˈduː sʌmθɪŋ / After his experience in the playground, Neil resolved to be more like

h hr by.

ru (j) / ̍rʌgɪd / “Rugged” is an adjective used to describe a man who is attractive in a

strong, athletic way.





von der Männerwelt stark





auf dem Bildschirm










um etwas zu viel Rummel




beschließen, etwas zu tun

markig; rau

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scandalous (adj) (TS) / skænd(ə)ləs / th ur r r scandalous r mbrr r bu

famous people.

b cr ff (ts) / bi ˌskeəd ˈstɪf / if yu are scared stiff, you are extremely frightened.

soundtrack (n) / ̍saʊndˌtræk / a soundtrack is the music that accompanies a film.

No smoke without fire. (TS) / nəʊ ̩ sməʊk wɪðaʊt  No smoke without fire is an expression meaning if something bad is

  ˈfaɪə /   said about a person or situation, there is usually a good reason for it.

storyline (n) / ̍stɔːriˌlaɪn / a storyline is the events in a book, film etc.r ff (hr v) / ̩strɪp ˈɒf / Wh m strips off, they take their clothes off.

r (v) / treɪd /  Trading football cards is a popular activity amongst boys.

sales and marketing

() / æd / “Ad” is an informal word meaning “advertisement”.

vr () / ̍ædvətaɪzɪŋ /  Advertising b r f h B mv.

vr rr () / ̍ædvətaɪzɪŋ ̩ pɑːtnə / The film’s advertising partners are the companies who finance the film

wh ruc r vr .

box office hit (n) / ̩bɒks ɒfɪs ˈhɪt / a box office hit is a film that is extremely successful.

brwh (j) / ̍breɪnˌwɒʃt / Do you think children are brainwashed by vr?

brand loyalty (n) / ̩brænd ˈlɔɪəlti /  Brand loyalty is the tendency of customers to buy a particular brand

rhr h ry hr br.

branded goods (n pl) / ̩brændəd ̍ gʊdz /  Branded goods are expensive goods that are made by a well-known


commercial (n) / kəˈmɜːʃ(ə)l / th lv commercial cjur u uhc amrc c.

credibility (n) (TS) / ̩kredəˈbɪləti / Children want what their friends have – playground credibility vry


deal (n) / diːl / th deals between companies and the makers of the Bond movies

were worth millions of dollars.

designer brand/label (n) / dɪˌzaɪnə ̍ brænd /  Designer brands/labels are very important to a lot of young people.

ˈleɪb(ə)l /  

r h () / dɪˌzaɪnə ̍ ʃɒp / I love looking at the handbags and shoes in the windows of designer


mwr (j) / ɪmˈpaʊərɪŋ / smh h empowering makes you feel powerful or attractive.


fürchterliche Angst haben


Wo Rauch ist, da ist auch


Handlungch uzh


az; Wrb

Werbung; Reklame



r ghrwäch






Deal; Handel



stärkend; ermächtigend

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fake (adj) / feɪk / i c’ fake r !

fake (n) / feɪk / If you show me two handbags, one a designer and one a fake, I can

usually spot the fake.

frrc () / ̍freɪgrəns /  Fragrance is a word used in advertising to mean “perfume”.

cc (j) / aɪˈkɒnɪk /  someone or omehn h iconic is extremely famous and well-known.

 jingle (n) (TS) / ̍ʤɪŋgl / a vr jingle h muc wr c wh ruc

h vr.a leaping puma / ə ˌliːpɪŋ ˈpjuːmə / th leaping puma is a famous designer logo – it shows an animal

called a puma jumping in mid-air.

logo (n) / ̍ləʊgəʊ / Hw my f h logos on the first page of Unit 10 do you recognise?

(v) (ts) / næg / if yu nag someone, you ask them again and again for something.

r ru () / ̍pɪə ˌgruːp / Brands can help children fit in with a peer group, but they can also

exclude them.

r (v) (ts) / ̍pestə / if yu pester someone, you ask them again and again for something.

r wr () (ts) / ̍pestə ̩ paʊə / “Pester power” is the marketing potential of children who ask their

r buy hm h.

playground pound (n) (TS) / ̩pleɪgraʊnd ̍ paʊnd / th “playground pound” is a key concept for advertisers.

f br / pəˌzɪʃ(ə)nɪŋ əv ə ˈbrænd /  Positioning of a brand in the market refers to the type of people aparticular product is aimed at.

product placement clutter / ̩prɒdʌkt ̩ pleɪsmənt ̍ klʌtə /  Product placement clutter wh hr r my br

ruc mv.

rm (v) / prəˈməʊt / twy ffr cm promoted their products in the film

Die Another Day .

radical chic (n) / ̩rædɪkl ˈʃiːk /  Radical chic is stylishness or fashion that is new and original.

rvu () / ̍revənju ː/  The Bond franchise rakes in a huge amount of revenue from verer.

f y () / ə ˌsens əv aɪˈdentəti / Do you agree that brands give children a sense of identity?

sex appeal (n) / ̍seks əˌpiːl / The Levis 501s advert represented youthful rebellion and sex appeal.

strategically placed / strəˌtiːʤɪkli ̍ pleɪst / pruc h r strategically placed appear during a film in ways that

are designed to make people notice them.

r () / straɪp / a stripe is a line of colour on a plain surface.






rr pum

Logo; Emblem

herumnörgeln an



etwa: Belästigungsfaktor

etwa: Spielplatzfaktor

pr r


etwa: Ein Durcheinander

b bwrb


wrb für

radikaler Schick

ehm; Umz

Bwu r


r rch

günstigen Stelle gesetzt


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tick (n) / tɪk / a tick is the symbol that a teacher writes against an answer to show

h crrc.

youthful rebellion (n) / ̩juːθf(ə)l rɪˈbeljən / The Levis 501s advert represented youthful rebellion and sex appeal.

spoken disCoUrse markers

Anyway, to get back to / ̩enɪweɪ tə get bæk tə  Anyway, to get back to what I was saying ... th i’m ry wh i w y ... ˌwɒt aɪ wəz ˈseɪɪŋ / make is that famous people have families with feelings.

Bu h h ... / bʌt ðə ˈθɪŋ ɪz /  But the thing is, I rarely seem to read anything true about myself these


H ... / ̩hæŋ ˈɒn /  Hang on, I haven’t finished.

If I could just come in here ... / ɪf aɪ kʊd ˌʤʌst kʌm ˈɪn hɪə /   If I could just come in here, I think we need to address the root of the


If you would just let me / ɪf juː wʊd ˌʤʌst let miː  If you would just let me finish – of coure he pre hve been mporn.

fh ... ˈfɪnɪʃ / 

If you would let me answer / ɪf juː wʊd ˌlet miː ɑːnsə  If you would let me answer the question, I think we need to look at

the question ... ðə ˈkwesʧ(ə)n / relationship between fame and the press.th i’m ry / ðə ˌpɔɪnt aɪm traɪɪŋ tə The point I’m trying to make here is that famous people have families

make here is ... ˈmeɪk hɪə / with feelings.

The problem is ... / ðə ˈprɒbləm ɪz /  The problem is, it’s not always clear what’s true and what isn’t.

i’m rry rru / aɪm ˌsɒri tuː ɪntəˈrʌpt ju  ː/ Well, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’ve run out of time.

yu bu ...

Sorry, but ... / ̍sɒri ˌbʌt /  Sorry, but I can’t believe that you’re actually complaining about free


Wh yu ’ y w ... / wɒt juː ˈdɪd(ə)nt seɪ wɒz /  What you didn’t say was wh h ccurc wr.

verb phrases – “look at”y u / ̩aɪ ˈʌp / I can’t walk past a designer shop without eyeing up h hb

h ww.

z / ̍geɪz ˌæt / sh hur gazing at h fh mz.


Rebellion der Jugend

Also, um daraufzurückzukommen, was ich

vrhr …

Aber die Sache ist folgende

Einen Augenblick mal …

Wenn ich da kurz

urbrch rf …

l s mch b zu e

rch …

l s mch b

Frage beantworten …Was ich hier sagen möchte,

ist folgendes …

Das Problem ist …

Darf ich Sie da kurz

urbrch …

Es tut mir Leid, aber …

Was Sie nicht gesagt haben,

wr …

chu; buch


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glance at / ̍glɑːns ˌæt / I always glance at my reflection in shop windows.

r / ̍steər ˌæt / People stare at me because I look different.

verb phrases – “see”

cch h f / ̩kæʧ ˈsaɪt əv / Wh h caught sight of my designer mobile phone, I could see she

was jealous.make out / ̩meɪk ˈaʊt / I could just make out a building in the distance.

c / ̍nəʊtɪs / A lot of people like to be noticed.

/ spɒt / Could you spot a fake handbag from a designer one?

U 11 ( 110)

the accounts (n pl) / ̩ðiː əˈkaʊnts /  The accounts re he recor of he money compny receve n pen.

mbc yry () / əˌmiːbɪk ˈdɪs(ə)ntri /  Amoebic dysentery is a tropical illness which makes you go to the

toilet very often and become weak. () / ænt / a ant is an insect that lives under the ground in large, organised

ru c b.

bh (v) / bæʃ / if yu bash something, you hit it very hard.

go berserk / ̩gəʊ bəˈzɜːk / if yu go berserk, you start behaving in a very angry or busy way.

brh r () / ̍bɜːθ ˌreɪt / th birth rate is the number of babies who are born in a particular

year or place.

black out (phr v) / ̩blæk ˈaʊt / if yu black out, you suddenly become unconscious.

bunk (n) / bʌŋk / a bunk is one of two small beds that are joined together, one above

h hr.

buzz () / bʌz / a buzz is a feeling of excitement among a group of people.

cr cmy () / ̍keɪtərɪŋ ̩ kʌmp(ə)ni / a catering company is one that prepares food and drinks for an event

r rz.

cm yur / ̩kʌm tə jɔː ˈsensəz /  When you come to your senses, you finally start behaving sensibly again.

(v) / dent / if mh dents something else, it pushes the surface inwards.

kurz anschauen





ausmachen; erkennen





zu b f


in Ohnmacht fallen


aufgeregtes Gemurmel

die Firma, die die Speisen

und Getränke liefert

zur Besinnung kommen

einbeulen; eine Delle


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ufr / ̩dɒʤ ̍ gʌnfaɪə / if yu dodge gunfire, you run away to avoid being shot.

embellish (v) / ɪmˈbelɪʃ / People love to embellish stories to make them sound more dramatic.

f (v) / feɪnt / if yu faint, you suddenly lose consciousness.

h u f yur ym / ̩get sʌmθɪŋ aʊt əv jɔː if yu get something out of your system, you get rid of strong feelings

  ˈsɪstəm /   bu m r mh.

 ju by / ̍ʤʌʤɪŋ ̩ baɪ /  Judging by her low marks, she is bound to fail the exam.

latrine (n) / ləˈtriːn / a latrine is a toilet that is outside.lower your expectations / ̩ləʊə jər if yu lower your expectations, you do not try to achieve something

  ekspekˈteɪʃ(ə)nz /   because you think it will be too difficult.

premises (n pl) / ̍premisɪz / th premises are the buildings that a business or organization uses.

r fvr () / ̩reɪʤɪŋ ˈfiːvə / if yu hv raging fever, you are very hot and have a very high


skull (n) / skʌl / Yur skull h b f h h.

stinking (adj) / ̍stɪŋkɪŋ / a stinking place or object smells extremely unpleasant.

ch () / stɪʧ / a stitch is a short piece of thread that is used for joining your skin

together when you have cut yourself badly.

b wrm wh h / bi ˈswɔːmɪŋ wɪð / th rm was swarming with hu .

/ ̩sʌmθɪŋ / swell up (phr v) / ̩swell ˈʌp / One ant had bitten my thigh, which had swollen up like a balloon.

women’s liberation / ̩wɪmɪnz lɪbəˌreɪʃn th women’s liberation movement is an organisation that makes

mvm () ˈmuːvmənt /   ur wm hv h m ru m.

be wracked with pain / bi ˌrækt wɪð ˈpeɪn / if m is wracked with pain, their body, or part of their body,

hurts a lot.


A-level (n) / ̍eɪlev(ə)l /  A-levels are exams that students take in England and Wales before


apply for a place (at) / əˌplaɪ fər ə ˈpleɪs / Henry’s teacher told him he shouldn’t apply for a place at uvry.

boarding school (n) / ̍bɔːdɪŋ ̩ skuːl / a boarding school is a school where the students can live.

v cur () / ̍iːvnɪŋ ˌklɑːs / Romy took an evening course mh ccu.

fail an exam / ̩feɪl ən ɪgˈzæm / My parents will kill me if I fail the exam!

schü uwch


hmäch wr

sich etwas von der Seele


nach etwas zu urteilen

lr erwru



hohes Fieber


übel riechend; stinkend

Faden; Naht

wimmeln von



von Schmerz gequält


sich um einen Studienplatz





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fees (n pl) / fiːz / I had to get a bank loan to pay my university fees.

gCse () / ̩ʤiːsiːesˈi ː/  GCSEs are exams that students take in England and Wales when they

are 15 or 16.

get a loan / ̩get ə ˈləʊn / i get a loan y h uvry f.

get good/low marks / get ˌgʊd / ̩ləʊ ˈmɑːks / Romy wasn’t very good at maths at school and always use to get low


furhr uc / gəʊ ɒn tə ˌfɜːðə Nowadays more and more people go on to further education. edjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n /  

learn by heart / ̩lɜːn baɪ ˈhɑːt / A lot of vocabulary has to be learnt by heart.

secondary school (n) / ̍sekənd(ə)ri ˌskuːl /  Secondary school is a school for students between the ages of 11 and

16 r 18.

take a course / ̩teɪk ə ˈkɔːs / sh c take a course mh ccu.

ColloqUial expressions

It took my breath away. / ɪt ˌtʊk maɪ ˈbreθ əweɪ / The view from the top of the mountain was spectacular – it took my

breath away.

bur r / ̩bɜːst ɪntə ˈtɪəz / sh burst into tears when she heard she’d failed the exam.b h’ r / biː ət ˌdeθs ˈdɔ  ː/ i was at death’s door until I got the antibiotics.

I was dying for a drink. / aɪ wəz ˌdaɪɪŋ fər ə ˈdrɪŋk / We’d been walking for hours and it was hot and sticky – I was dying

for a drink.

i w h f my hr. / aɪ wəz ət ðiː ˌend əv When they still hadn’t come home by midnight, I was at the end

  maɪ ˈteðə /   of my tether.

I was on my last legs. / aɪ wəz ˌɒn maɪ ˌlɑːst ˈlegz / I’d been working for 12 hours and was on my last legs. 

i w u f my m. / aɪ wəz ˌgəʊɪŋ aʊt əv I’d been waiting all evening for him to call and was

  maɪ ˈmaɪnd /   going out of my mind. 

It was mind-blowing. / ɪt wəz ˈmaɪnd ˌbləʊɪŋ / “What did you think of the concert?” “It was mind-blowing.”

b vr h m / biː ˌəʊvə ðə ˈmuːn / i was over the moon when I heard I’d passed the exam.


Mittlere Reife

ein Darlehen bekommen

gute/schlechte Noten


sich weiterbilden; weiterur

auswendig lernen


einen Kurs belegen

e h mr am


trä ubrchan der Schwelle des Todes


ich wr f m Vrur.

ich wr m e.

Ich pfiff auf dem letzten


Ich verlor langsam den


e wr umwrf.

überglücklich sein

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 Job intervieWs

concisely (adv) / kənˈsaɪsli / If you speak concisely, you use enough words, but not too many, to

explain what you mean.

ccu (j) / ̩kɒnʃiˈenʃəs / sm wh conscientious works hard.

embark on a career / ɪmˌbɑːk ɒn ə kəˈrɪə / He’d like to embark on a career in the legal profession.

gain experience / ̩geɪn ɪkˈspɪəriəns / i’ mr gain much experience yu c.

highly motivated / ˌhaɪli ̍ məʊtɪveɪtɪd

 / sm wh highly motivated works hard and is determined toucc.

interpersonal skills (n pl) / ̩ɪntəˌpɜːs(ə)nəl ˈskɪlz / g interpersonal skills are necessary when you’re working with

other people.

keenness (n) / ̍kiːnnəs /  Keenness is a word that means the same as “enthusiasm”.

lack of experience / ̩læk əv ɪkˈspɪəriəns / su cf bu m yur lack of experience cr r.

proper planning (n) / ̩prɒpə ̍ plænɪŋ /  Proper planning is an expression meaning “good organisation”.

u cf / ̩saʊnd ̍ kɒnfɪd(ə)nt /  Sound confident but admit your lack of experience in certain areas.

stick to the point / ̩stɪk tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt / Answer questions concisely and stick to the point.

strengths and weaknesses (n pl) / ̩streŋθs ən ̍ wiːknəsəz / Yur strengths r h h yu r ; yur weaknesses r

h h yu r .team-player (n) / ̍tiːmˌpleɪə / a team-player is someone who is good at working with other people.

training opportunities (n pl) / ̍treɪnɪŋ ɒpəˌtjuːnətɪz /  Training opportunities are opportunities to get new skills and learn more.

waffle (v) / ̍wɒf(ə)l / sm wh waffles talks a lot but doesn’t say anything important.

be well-suited to sth / bi welˌsuːtəd tə ˈsmθɪŋ /  i’m well-suited to this kind of work because I work well under pressure.

U 12 ( 118)

aesthetics (n pl) (TS) / əsˈθetɪks /   th wr “aesthetics” relates to the appearance of things rather than

their practical use.

chunk (n) / ʧʌŋk / a chunk is a large piece of something.

ruh () / drɑːft / a draught is cold air that comes into a building or room.



Krrr f

Erfahrung sammeln

hch mvr




Mangel an Erfahrung

ordentliche Planung

sich selbstsicher anhören

bei der Sache bleiben; nicht


Stärken und Schwächen

sehr kollegiale(r)




u für w


Batzen; Brocken; großes



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the elements (n pl) / ̩ðiː ˈelɪmənts / “The elements” is an expression used to talk about the weather,

especially the wind and rain.

ury () / ̍estjuəri / a estuary is the part of a large river where it becomes wide and

flows into the sea.

fossil fuels (n pl) / ̍fɒs(ə)l ˌfjuːəlz /  Fossil fuels are fuels such as coal or oil; they are bad for the environment.

hrbur (v) / ̍hɑːbə / if mh harbours an unpleasant or harmful substance or thing, it

c .

vy () / ̍aɪvi /  Ivy is a plant with dark green leaves that grows up walls or spreads

over a large area.

pitch dark (adj) / ̩pɪʧ ˈdɑːk / If a place is pitch dark, it is totally black with no light.

poker (n) / ̍pəʊkə /  a poker is a metal stick used for moving coal or wood around on a fire.

pop next door / ̩pɒp nekst ˈdɔ  ː/ if yu pop next door, you go to see your neighbours.

raker (n) / ̍reɪkə / a raker is a tool used for separating pieces of burning coal on a fire.

reliance on sb/sth / rɪˈlaɪəns ɒn sʌmbədi The earth shelter demonstrates that you can have a comfortable life

  ʌθɪŋ / whu reliance on fossil fuels.

r ( past tense r) (v) / raɪz ( past tense rəʊz) / Wh yu rise in the morning, you get out of bed.

sandbank (n) / ̍sændˌbæŋk / a sandbank r f h f rvr r h .ry () / səˈrenəti /  Serenity is a feeling of calm and peace.

hr c / ət ˌʃɔːt ˈnəʊtɪs / if yu mh at short notice, you do it without having much

m rr fr .

socialise (v) (TS) / ̍səʊʃəlaɪz /   Wh yu socialise with other people, you spend time with them in a

relaxed way.


apartment block (n) / əˈpɑːtmənt ̩ blɒk / a apartment block is a tall building containing apartments on

different levels.

bed and breakfast (n) / ̩bed ən ˈbrekfəst / a bed and breakfast is a small hotel or private house that provides a

room for the night and breakfast in the morning.

bungalow (n) / ̍bʌŋgələʊ / a bungalow is a house on one level.

central heating (n) / ̩sentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ /  Central heating is a system that heats a whole house or building.

rh () / ɜːθ /  Earth is the substance in which plants grow that covers most of the land.

eco-dwelling (n) / ̍ekəʊˌdwelɪŋ / a eco-dwelling is a house that is built in a way that is not harmful to

h vrm.

die Elemente


fossile Brennstoffe





schnell mal nach nebenan



Abhängigkeit von




mit Leuten gesellschaftlich



Übernachtung mit Frühstück;






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eco-friendly (adj) / ̍ekəʊˌfrendli /  an eco-friendly house is designed not to be harmful to the environment.

u () / ̩ɒn ˈswiːt / a en suite bhrm h j brm.

fc rh/uh c / ̩feɪs ˈnɔːθ / ̍saʊθ / One side of the earth shelter faces south with a lot of glass, so we

have a lot of daylight.

uhu () / ̍gestˌhaʊs / a guesthouse is a small hotel or private house where people pay to

y fr h h.

heat loss (n) / ̍hiːt ˌlɒs /  Heat loss is the process by which warm air leaves a house or building

so that it becomes colder.

layout (n) / ̍leɪˌaʊt / th layout f rm r hu h h wy whch


lighthouse (n) / ̍laɪtˌhaʊs / a lighthouse is a tall, thin building next to the sea with a light that

flashes to warn ships of danger.

be in the middle of nowhere / biː ɪn ðə ˌmɪdl əv ˈnəʊweə /   if yu are in the middle of nowhere, you are in a lonely place that is a

long way from towns and cities.

plasterboard (n) / ̍plɑːstəˌbɔːd /  Plasterboard is plaster that is put between layers of strong paper and

used for covering walls.

shelter (n) / ̍ʃeltə / a shelter is a place to live.

rucur () / ̍strʌkʧə / lv ru structure, you feel protected.uffy (j) / ̍stʌfi / a stuffy room or building does not have enough air.

rrc () / ̍terəs / a terrace is a flat area outside a building where you can sit and have


vinyl (n) / ̍vaɪn(ə)l /  Vinyl is a type of light, strong plastic, often used for kitchen floors.


bell (n) / bel / a bell is a piece of equipment on a door that you ring to let someone

know you are there.

blinds (n) / blaɪndz /  Blinds are window covers that you pull down from the top to the


bolt (n) / bəʊlt / a bolt is a metal bar that you slide across a door to lock it.

candlestick (n) / ̍kænd(ə)lˌstɪk / a candlestick is an object for holding a candle.

chrm () (ts) / krəʊm /  Chrome is a hard metal substance used for covering other materials to

make them shiny.


mi eienem (Bad)

nach Norden/Süden liegen



Anordnung; Anlage


am Ende der Welt sein






Klingel; Glocke





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coat hook (n) / ̍kəʊt ˌhʊk / a coat hook is a curved piece of metal used for hanging a coat on.

curtains (n pl) / ̍kɜːtənz /  Curtains are long pieces of material that hang down to cover a window.

cuh () / ̍kʌʃ(ə)n /  a cushion is a small square bag used for making a seat more comfortable.

rm () / ̍dɔːˌmæt / a doormat is a piece of material that you clean the bottom of your

h bfr r hu.

double-glazing (n) / ̩dʌblˈgleɪzɪŋ /  Double-glazing is windows made of two layers of glass to make a

room warmer and quieter.

u bruh () / ̩dʌs(t)pæn ən ˈbrʌʃ / a dustpan and brush is a small, flat container and brush used for

brushing dirt from the floor into.

fireplace (n) / ̍faɪəˌpleɪs / a fireplace is a place in a room where the fire burns.

f cr () / ̩fɪtɪd ˈkɑːpɪt / a fitted carpet is a carpet that has been made especially to fit a

particular room.

floor covering (n) / ̍flɔː ˌkʌv(ə)rɪŋ /  Floor coverings are materials that are used to cover floors that you

walk on.

r br () / ̍aɪ(ə)nɪŋ ˌbɔːd / a ironing board is a tall, narrow table that you use to do the ironing.

knocker (n) / ̍nɒkə / a knocker is a piece of metal on a front door that you use to let

someone know you are there.

latch (n) / læʧ / a latch is a thin, metal bar used for keeping a door shut.letterbox (n) / ̍letəˌbɒks / a letterbox is a small hole in a door for pushing letters through.

light switch (n) / ̍laɪt ˌswɪʧ / a light switch is a piece of plastic like a button that you use for

switching a light on and off.

mantelpiece (n) / ̍mænt(ə)lˌpiːs / a mantelpiece is a shelf above a fireplace that you can put ornaments

r h .

rm () / ̍ɔːnəmənt / a ornament is a small attractive object used for decoration.

parquet (n) / ̍pɑːkeɪ /  Parquet is a floor made of blocks of wood that form a pattern.

patterned wallpaper (n) / ̩pæt(ə)nd ̍ wɔːlpeɪpə /  Patterned wallpaper is paper that covers the walls of a room with a


wr () / ̍paʊə ̩ pɔɪnt / a power point is a place on a wall where you can connect equipment

to the electricity supply.

rr () / ̍reɪdieɪtə / a radiator is a large metal object on a wall used for heating a room.

ru () / rʌg / a rug is a small carpet that covers part of a floor.

shaving socket (n) / ̍ʃeɪvɪŋ ̩ sɒkɪt / a shaving socket is a place on a wall in a bathroom where men can

connect their shaver to the electricity supply.




Fußmatte; Fußabtreter


Kehrschaufel und Besen






KlinkeBriefkasten; Briefschlitz





mur t



Läufer; Vorleger

Steckdose für Rasierapparate

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shelf (n) / ʃelf / a shelf is a flat piece of wood, metal, or glass used for putting things

such as books on.

hwr cur () / ̍ʃaʊə ˌkɜːt(ə)n / a shower curtain is a long piece of plastic that you pull across a

hwr rv h w.

shutters (n pl) / ̍ʃʌtəz /  Shutters r w cvr u fr cvr h u f ww

h r wh h.

sill (n) / sɪl / a sill is a narrow shelf at the bottom of a window.

sink (n) / sɪŋk / a sink is a large, open container for water in a bathroom or kitchen.

tea towel (n) / ̍tiː ˌtaʊəl / a tea towel is a small, cotton towel used for drying dishes, knives,

forks, etc in a kitchen.

tiles (n pl) / taɪlz /  Tiles are square, flat pieces of stone or other material used for

covering walls or floors.

towel rail (n) / ̍taʊəl ˌreɪl / a towel rail is a long, thin piece of metal used for putting towels on.

tumble dryer (n) / ̍tʌmb(ə)l ˌdraɪə / a tumble dryer is a piece of equipment used for drying clothes.

whb () / ̍wɒʃˌbeɪs(ə)n / a washbasin h cr bhrm u fr wh yur

fc h .

rw d ( 126)

binoculars (n pl) / bɪˈnɒkjʊləz / We could see the island in the distance through the binoculars.

r () / grɑːnt / Adam got a full grant y fr h u.

vc () / ̍ɪnvɔɪs / Could you take these invoices h ccu rm?

rh () / ̍ɔːf(ə)nɪʤ / a orphanage is a place where children without parents live.

troubled (adj) / ̍trʌb(ə)ld / am h troubled childhood and was brought up in an orphanage.





Wasch-; Spülbecken

Spültuch; Geschirrtuch






sum; Bfö



chwr; ör

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Grammar Extra  Unit 1 Verbformen. Hilfsverben

Teil 1: Verbformen


d present   simple wird verwendet, um über Gewohnheiten und Routinen zu sprechen, oderum Dinge zu beschreiben, die immer wahr sind.

I usually go to bed around midnight. / The sun rises in the east.

d present continuous wird verwendet, um über Handlungen zu sprechen, die gerade in

diesem Moment stattfinden, oder um Situationen zu beschreiben, die sich gerade ändern.

I ’m learning Japanese as well as English. / The Earth is getting warmer.

d present perfect wird verwendet, um über Situationen in der Gegenwart zu sprechen, die

hr Urru r Vrh h u mmr ch ur.

Es wird auch für gegenwärtige Situationen verwendet, die aufgrund einer Handlung

zustande gekommen sind, die bereits in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossenen wurde, oder die

zu einem unbestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit geschehen ist.

I ’ve been taking English classes since last year. / Look, she’s changed her 

hairstyle. / We’ve seen Madonna in concert nine times!

Vergangenheitsformend past continuous wr m past simple gegenübergestellt, um über Handlungen zu

sprechen, die gerade abliefen, als etwas anderes geschah.

He was living in London when he met her.

d past perfect wird verwendet, um zeigen zu können, dass ein Ereignis in der Vergangenheit

vr m r er fu h.

The film had started when I arrived.

Sowohl would als auch used to können verwendet werden, um regelmäßige oder

wiederholte Handlungen in der Vergangenheit zu beschreiben.

When she lived with us, she used to get up at six o’clock and would always have coffee for 

breakfast .

auch used to – br ch would – wird verwendet, um Zustände oder Situationen in der

Vrh zu bchrb.

I used to have a motorbike, but I sold it.

Teil 2: Hilfsverben so / neither (nor )

Die Hilfsverben be, have u do werden verwendet, um verschiedene Strukturen zu bilden.

Zumm m so u neither (nor) werden sie auch in Frageanhängseln und Kurzantworten


In der Struktur so + auxiliary + subject h so die gleiche Bedeutung wie ‘also’.

‘I’m American.’ ‘So am I .’

neither r nor werden in der gleichen Struktur mit der Bedeutung ‘also not’ verwendet.

‘I can’t swim.’ ‘Nor can my brother.’ 

Sowohl so als auch neither werden verwendet, um Übereinstimmung zwischen Sprechern


Achtung: wenn es keine Übereinstimmung gibt:

‘I’m Irish.’ ‘I’m not.’ (ch ‘I’m not Irish.’ )

 / ‘He hasn’t got a car.’ ‘She has.’ (ch ‘She’s.’ )

Frageanhängsel (Question tags)

Nach einer positiven Aussage folgt normalerweise ein negativer Frageanhängsel. Nach einer

negativen Aussage folgt ein positiver Frageanhängsel.

You’re Irish (+), aren’t you (–)? / You’re not Irish (–), are you (+)?

W somebody , anybody/everybody  r nobody im Aussagesatz steht, wird they m

Frageanhängsel verwendet.

Somebody must have seen her, mustn’t they ? 

nch never , hardly , little. wird ein positiver Frageanhängselvrw.

He never gives up, does he? 

Nach einem Imperativ können will/would r can/can’t/could vrw wr.

Get me some milk from the shops, would  you? 

Weitere Beispiele: Let’s go out for dinner, shall we? / There’s no

time left, is there? / Nothing can go wrong, can it ? 

Unit 2 vuu (1)Verb + to-Infinitiv

Folgende Verben haben normalerwise kein Objekt vor dem to-Infinitiv:

aim, arrange, attempt , can’t afford , decide, hope, intend , manage, offer , plan, refuse, seem,

tend , try .

She manages to stay in shape.

Verb + Objekt + to-Infinitiv

a)Folgende Verben haben manchmal ein Objekt vor dem to-Infinitiv: expect , help, want.

I wanted her to go out with me, but she said she was busy.

b) Folgende Verben haben normalerweise immer ein Objekt vor dem to-Infinitiv:

allow , encourage, force, remind , teach, urge, warned (not).

My father taught me to swim when I was five.

Verb + Gerundium

Das Gerundium wird nach folgenden Verben verwendet:

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avoid, can’t stand ,don’t mind , enjoy , fancy , finish, keep, miss, spend/waste time.

I can’t stand being the centre of attention.

Verb + Objekt + Gerundium

Folgende Verben haben manchmal ein Objekt vor dem Gerundium:

avoid, don’t mind, dread.

I dreaded my parents finding out.

Verb + Objekt + Infinitiv ohne to

Make u let haben ein Objekt vor dem Infinitiv ohne to.They let me have my own beliefs.

Unit 3 i r. i buäz (k 3)

Teil 1: Indirekte RedeIndirekte Rede wird verwendet, um zu berichten, was jemand gesagt hat. Sie wird

normalerweise mit folgenden Verben eingeleitet:

 say (that) r tell (someone that) u ask (someone if / whether) bei Fragen.


In der indirekten Rede wird normalerweise die Zeitform der direkten Rede zurückgestuft

(back shift). Present simple, continuous u perfect ch wr zu  past simple,

continuous u past perfect . Past simple u past continuous wr zu past perfect simple 

u past perfect continuous. Modalverben can u will wr zu could u would . eFormen ändern sich nicht: past perfect bleiben unverändert; ebenso Modalverben could ,

might u would .

Satzbau bei indirekten Fragen

Die Reihenfolge ist die gleiche wie in Aussagesätzen

(subject + verb). Do/does/did . wr ch vrw. B  yes/no Fragen werden if oder

whhr z.

‘Do you have enough money?’ ➔ She asked me if / whether 

i h uh my.


Pronomina und Possessivformen können sich ändern.

Direkte Rede: ‘I like your ideas.’

Bericht 1: My boss told me that  she liked my ideas.Bericht 2: His boss told him that  she liked his ideas.


Einige häufig vorkommende Ausdrücke, die sich ändern, sind:

a few weeks ago ➔ a few weeks previously; now ➔ h; y ➔ h y; mrrw ➔ h

following day; this week ➔ that week;

next week ➔ the following week. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow ’ ➔ He said he’d see me the

following day .

Teil 2: Irreale Bedingungen (Konditional 3)d säz bh u m if -nbz u m Huz. s bzh ch uf

unwirkliche oder irreale Situationen in der Gegenwart oder in der Vergangenheit.


dr if -Nebensatz drückt die Bedingung aus. Um zeigen zu können, dass die Situation

imaginär ist, wird die Zeitform „zurückgestuft“ :( present  ➔ past; past  ➔  past perfect ).

Reale Situation Imaginäre Situation

I’ m not rich.

I  spent too much money.

➔ If I was/were rich, …

➔ If I hadn’t spent  so much money, …


Im Hauptsatz steht das Ergebnis der Bedingung. Es kann sich entweder auf die Gegenwart

oder die Vergangenheit beziehen:

(1) Gegenwart: would/n’t + Infinitiv ohne to,

(2) Vergangenheit: would/n’t + have + past participle.

if -Nebensatz HauptsatzIf I hadn’t wasted all my money, ➔ I wouldn’t be poor now. (1)

I wouldn’t have lost my house. (2)

U 4 n Z. vu Zuu ( futurecontinuous) u Zuu ( future perfect )

Teil 1: Narrative Zeitformen

Past simple und continuous

Das past simple wird normalerweise verwendet, um Ereignisse in der Vergangenheit

festzuhalten, z.B. um die Hauptereignisse in einer Geschichte oder Erzählung zu beschreiben.

Die meisten Verben sind regelmäßig und enden mit -d/-ed/-ied , obwohl die am häufigsten

verwendeten Verben oft unregelmäßig sind.Das past continuous wird oft in Verbindung mit dem past simple als Gegensatz verwendet,

um eine Handlung zu beschreiben, die gerade ablief, als die Hauptereignisse der Geschichte


When they looked back, the polar bear was running after them.

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Past perfect simple und continuous

d past perfect kann verwendet werden, um ein einmaliges Ereignis (simple) oder eine

länger andauernde Handlung (continuous) zu beschreiben, das oder die offensichtlich bereits

vr Hur r gchch fu h.

When they made their first stop, they had been travelling for 12 hours. / He was just twenty-

three and had never been on a polar expedition.

Part 2: Verlaufsform der Zukunft und vollendete Zukunft

Das future continuous wird verwendet, um eine Handlung zu beschreiben, die zu einembestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft geschehen und länger andauern wird.

Don’t phone at 8.00 – we’ ll be having dinner.

Das future perfect wird verwendet, um eine Handlung zu beschreiben, die vor einem

bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft vollendet sein wird.

I’ ll have finished work by 5.30.

Unit 5 gw gw u v-. vuu (2)

Teil 1: Gewohnheiten in der Gegenwart u vwill / would 

Gewohnheiten, die typisch und leicht vorhersehbar sind, können mit will für die Gegenwart

und would für die Vergangenheit beschrieben werdenHe’ll get up at seven o’clock and he won’t talk to anyone until he’s finished his breakfast. / 

I ’d walk home every day unless it was raining.

Will u would werden fast immer abgekürzt (’ll , ’d ).

Wird die volle Form verwendet, kann es oft ärgerlich klingen.

She will insist on opening all the windows.

used to

used to kann verwendet werden, um Gewohnheiten, Zustände oder Situationen, die in der

Vergangenheit zurückliegen, zu beschreiben.

I used to have a pet rabbit called ‘Dingbat’. / I used to come home from school every day at 

five o’clock.

I didn’t use to enjoy  sports lessons.

Teil 2: Verbstrukturen (2)Eine kleine Gruppe von Verben kann sowohl mit to-Infinitiv als auch mit Gerundium

vrw wr. d Buu br r.

1 try 

d Vrwu to-Infinitiv deutet darauf hin, dass die Handlung nicht erfolgreich

abgeschlossen werden konnte.

I tried to make her understand my feelings, but she wouldn’t listen.

Das Gerundium dagegen zeigt an, dass die Handlung zwar mit Erfolg beendet wurde, aber

ohne die gewünschte Wirkung.

I tried leaving her messages, but she never replied .

2 stop

d to-Infinitiv nach stop gibt den Grund oder den Zweck an.

She stopped to tell me about her boyfriend when I saw her in town.

Das Gerundium dagegen, zeigt an, das seine Handlung unterbrochen wurde.

She stopped talking to him after they split up.

3 remember , (never/not ) forget d to-Infinitiv deutet auf Handlungen, die jemand ausführen soll oder hätte ausführen sollen.

I remembered to buy her a birthday card. But I forgot to post it.

Das Gerundium dagegen bezieht sich auf tatsächliche Ereignisse – Dinge, die Leute

tatsächlich getan haben.

I remember meeting her in a bar.

( = Ich lernte sie kennen und jetzt erinnere ich mich daran)

 / I’ll never forget kissing her for the first time.


d Vrwu v forget + Gerundium (He forgot meeting Bob.) als positive Aussage ist


‘Don’t remember ’ ist üblicher (He didn’t remember meeting Bob.).

Unit 6 d p: c f u vu (pc cuu). d p: Zuu

Teil 1: Einfache Form und Verlaufsform des Perfektd present perfect ze mmer ene Verbnun zwchen Vernenhe un geenwr n.

Es beschreibt Handlungen oder Prozesse, die stattgefunden haben und abgeschlossen sind, oder

auch stattgefunden haben und bis zum jetzigen Augenblick immer noch andauern.

Die einfache Form ( present perfect simple) beschreibt normalerweise abgeschlossene

Handlungen. Wann sie stattgefunden haben, wird dabei nicht erwähnt.I’ ve been to Rome.

Die Verlaufsform ( present perfect continuous) dagegen beschreibt noch nicht abgeschlossene

Handlungen oder Prozesse. Normalerweise wird auch die Zeitdauer dabei erwähnt

( how long for ).

I’ ve been going to Rome since I was a child .Die Verlaufsform kann auch eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit beschreiben, die gerade

abgeschlossen wurde und zu einem jetzt vorliegenden Ergebnis geführt hat.

My hair’s wet because I’ ve been swimming.

! Verben, die nur eine Einzelaktion beschreiben, haben normalerweise keine Verlaufsform.

She’  s lost her keys.

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(niCHt sh’ s been losing her keys).

! Verben, die Zustände beschreiben, haben normalerweise auch keine Verlaufsform.

 I’ ve known her for years.

 (niCHt I’ ve been knowing her for years).

Teil 2: Das Passiv: ZusammenfassungIn passive Sätzen wird das Objekt des aktiven Verbs zum Subjekt des passiven Verbs.

suj v oj

smby ’ my wch!

suj v

My wch h b !

suj v oj

The police are holding w m.

suj v

tw m are being held

In passive Sätzen wird der “Täter” – oder Agens genannt – entweder gar nicht erwähnt, oderr m e sz ch m Wr by .

U 7 v m. a

Teil 1: Vergangenheitsformen der ModalverbenÜber die “klassischen” Modalverben (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must )

hinaus, gibt es einige Wendungen, die ähnliche Funktion haben. Diese werden „semi-modale

Verben“ genannt: be allowed to, have to, need to ought to.

Funktion Positiv Negativ Struktur



was/were allowed to



allowed to couldn’t  + Infinitiv (ohne to)

(go / do c.)Notwendigkeitausdrücken

had toneeded to

didn’t have todidn’t need to




 should have

ought to have

 shouldn’t have

ought not to have+ past participle

(gone / done c.)

Teil 2: ArtikelKein Artikel

Bei Eigennamen (Orte, Personen und Firmen) werden keine Artikel verwendet.

Ian Smith is from Leeds. He works at IBM .

Ausnahmen: wenn der Artikel einen Teil des Eigennamens darstellt.

(The USA, The BBC , The Beatles).

Da der unbestimmte Artikel lediglich “eins” bedeutet, wird er bei Pluralformen oder

unzählbaren Substantiven nicht verwendet.

He had lots of ideas , but not much money.

Unbestimmter Artikel a/an: erste Erwähnung

a / an wird verwendet, wenn neue Personen, Orte oder Objekte zum ersten Mal erwähnt werden.

There was a tourist from the USA.

Bestimmter Artikel the: Verweis oder Bestimmung

The wird bei Personen oder Gegenständen verwendet, wenn sie bereits vorher erwähnt

wr .

The tourist took a photo of a fisherman. (Wir kennen ihn schon.)

The wird auch dann verwendet, wenn die Person oder der Gegenstand zum Allgemeinwissen


T he sun shone brightly as he looked out at the ocean.

(Es ist offenkundig, um welche Sonne und um welchen Ozean es sich handelt.)Rückverweis und Allgemeinwissen können manchmal kombiniert werden.

He took a photograph. The click of the camera woke the man up. (Wir wissen, dass, um einFoto zu schießen, eine Kamera benötigt wird, und dass die meisten Kameras einen Klick


Achtung: Bei Pluralformen oder unzählbaren Substantiven wird

normalerweise kein bestimmter Artikel verwendet.

Tigers are endangered. / Time is money.

Unit 8 have / get something done. i buäz

Teil 1: have / get something donehave something done wird verwendet, wenn ein Auftrag für jemanden ausgeführt wird.

Vergleichen Sie diese beiden Sätze:Mandy cut her hair last week. (= Sie hat es selbst gemacht.)

Mandy had her hair cut last week. (= Sie ließ es von jemand anderem machen.)

Achtung: get something done ist der etwas informellere Ausdruck.

by +

by the police

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Teil 2: Irreale BedingungssätzeWenn Fragen gestellt werden sollen, fängt man normalerweise mit einem irrealen

Buz m if an. Hier sind einige Beispiele.


Imagine (that)

Supposing (that)

Suppose (that) Assuming (that)


past simplep connuou

were to + inf.

might  rfc








Subjekt ifv?

be + present 


have + past  participle? 

Imagine you were meeting someone for the first time, how would  you introduce yourself? 

 Assuming that  you were to go on another date, where might  you be planning to meet? 

Unit 9 Modalverben, die eine Schlussfolgerung ausdrücken: Ver- gangenheitsformen. look , seem, appear 

Part 1: Modalverben, die eine Schlussfolgerung ausdrücken:VergangenheitsformenEs gibt viele Möglichkeiten, das Maß der Sicherheit oder den Grad der Überzeugung über

Dinge auszudrücken, die in der Vergangenheit passiert sind.Grad der Sicherheit Vergangenheitsform des Modalverbs Andere Wendungen

99% certain it WAS. ✓

99% certain it WASN’T. ✗



(i) could + have + participle



I’m almost certain it was …

i’m ucr …

i’m ur w’ …

Stonehenge might have been a kind of temple. It must have taken a long time to move the

huge stones.

Achtung: das Gegenteil von must have been can’t have been: It can’t have been easy 

trying to move stones without wheels. They must have been really heavy.

Teil 2: look, seem, appear look / seem + Adjektivd Vrb look bzh ch uf auh. dch h

Adjektiv. He looks great for his age.

Verben, die die anderen Sinne ausdrücken, folgen dem gleichen Muster.

(She sounds nice. It tastes great. It feels cold. That  smells good.)

look like + Substantiv

Dieser Ausdruck bedeutet “ähneln” oder “aussehen wie”. Danach folgt normalerweise ein


He looks like Brad Pitt. (= er h u w Br p.)

look / seem as if / though + Verbalphrase

Dieser Ausdruck beschreibt, wie etwas zu sein scheint. Alle Zeitformen sind möglich.

It looks as if it’s fallen over. / She always seems as though she’s going to cry.

 seem / appear + to be

Diese Verben können eingesetzt werden, wenn man jemandem helfen möchte,eine bestimmte Situation zu verstehen. Danach folgt ein

Adjektiv oder eine Nominalphrase.

 She seems sad. / He appears to be in trouble.

Unit 10 räz. bu (c c)Teil 1: RelativsätzeNicht-einschränkende Relativsätze

Nicht-einschränkende Relativsätze werden hauptsächlich aus folgenden zwei Gründen

verwendet. Entweder möchte man einen Kommentar zum ganzen Hauptsatz hinzufügen,

oder über die Person oder den Gegenstand im Hauptsatz zusätzliche, aber unwesentliche

ifrm b.

Zum Beispiel:

He’s going out with Julie, which I can’t stand. (= Kmmr zum z Huz)

He’s going out with Julie, who I can’t stand. (= Bemerkung oder zusätzliche Information über


Ein nicht-einschränkender Relativsatz wird immer mit einem Relativpronomen eingeleitet

u vm Huz urch Kmm r.

Das Relativpronomen that wird in nicht-einschränkenden Relativsätzen nicht verwendet.

Um einen Kommentar zum ganzen Hauptsatz einzuleiten, wird immer das Relativpronomen

which vrw.

Einschränkende Relativsätze

Einschränkende Relativsätze werden verwendet, um die Person oder den Gegenstand imHauptsatz genau zu bestimmen oder kennzeichnen. Wenn das Relativpronomen (who, that  

r which) das Subjekt des Relativsatzes darstellt, darf es nicht weggelassen werden.

I like friends who never let me down.

Wenn jedoch das Relativpronomen das Objekt des Relativstzes darstellt, kann es weggelassen


He’s got a job that he’s really interested in.

r He’s got a job he’s really interested in.

NB Man braucht kein weiteres Pronomen hinzuzufügen.

… he’s really interested in. (NOT … he’s really interested in it.)

Bedingungssatz  Hauptsatz

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! whose darf man niemals weglassen. 

That’s the man whose dog bit my son.

Teil 2: Emphasis: “gespaltene” Sätze (cleft sentences)Structuren mit What (= The thing(s) that )

What … is/was … kann verwendet werden, um entweder das Subjekt oder das Objekt eines

sz br zu b.

 I don’t understand why it’s so cold. ➔ What I don’t understand is why it’s so cold.

What kann durch All ersetzt werden, wenn man The only thing that ... betonen möchte.

 I only want to play tennis. ➔  All I really want to do is play tennis.

It is / was … + Relativsatz

Mit dieser Struktur kann fast jeder Satzteil betont werden.

Carla Bruni married Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris in 2008. It was Carla Bruni who married … /  It 

was Paris where Carla Bruni married … / It was in 2008 that Carla Bruni married …

Diese Struktur wird oft verwendet, wenn man jemanden korrigieren möchte.

It wasn’t Juliette Binoche who married Nicolas Sarkozy, it was Carla Bruni.

Unit 11 d Zuu: f u täzWill (’ll ), (be) going to, and the present continuous

Diese drei Formen der Zukunft werden am häufigsten verwendet.

1 Will (’ll ) wird für Vorhersagen verwendet, oder für spontane Entscheidungen, die aufgrund

von Umständen wie z:B. Angeboten, Versprechungen und Bitten getroffen werden. It ’ll be worth a fortune in a few years’ time. / I ’ll give you my photograph now.

2 (be) going to wird für feste Absichten verwendet, oder für Vorhersagen, die auf

vorliegenden Beweismitteln basieren.

I ’m going to concentrate on my musical career. / Look at those clouds. It ’s going to pour 

down in a minute.

3 Das present continuous wird für Vereinbarungen verwendet.

I ’m moving to London next month.

Das present simple

Diese Zeitform wird verwendet, um über feststehende Ereignisse in der Zukunft zu sprechen:

Zeitpläne, Routinen, Fahrpläne.

My exams start next week.

might und may 

might r may können verwendet werden, wenn man über künftige Möglichkeitenspekulieren möchte.

He might have to get a part-time job.

Die Verlaufsform der Zukunft (future continuous)

Diese Zeitform wird verwendet, um über ein Ereignis zu sprechen, das über einen gewissen

Zeitraum in der Zukunft geschehen wird.

This time next week I ’ll be trekking in Nepal.

Das future perfect

Diese Form wird verwendet, um über ein Ereignis zu sprechen, das bis zu einem gewissen

Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft abgeschlossen sein wird.

The builder will have finished the kitchen walls by the end of the week.

Temporalsätze mit Zukunftsformen (if , when, as soon as …)

Wenn es aus dem Hauptsatz klar wird, dass es um

eine Zukunftshandlung geht, wird im Nebensatz keine Zukunftsform verwendet.When I leave school, I’m going to concentrate on my music career. (ch When I will leave

 school, …) / It’ll be a miracle if she’s passed the exam.

(ch … if she will have passed the exam.)

Andere Konkunktionen, die Nebensätze einleiten:

after , as soon as, before, once, the moment , the minute, unless, until.

Unit 12 partiziialätze. subtantive und mengenbezeichnungen

Teil1: PartizipialsätzeWenn ein present oder past participle Teil eines Relativsatzes bildet, kann das

Relativpronomen weggelassen werde.

(who, which, etc.) und Hilfsverb be.

We live in a hous located in the centre of town. (= We live in a house which is located in the

cr f w.)Diese werden Partizipialsätze oder “reduzierte” Relativsätze genannt. Wie bei anderen

Relativsätzen gibt es sowohl bestimmende als auch nichtbestimmende Partizipialsätze:

The man walking down the street 

is my neighbour. (= The man who is walking down the street is my neighbour.)

Nichtbestimmende Partizipialsätze enthalten zusätzliche, nicht wesentliche Information, die

vm Huz urch Kmm r wr.

His house, built in the 1930s, needs redecorating.

 (= His house, which was built in the 1930s, needs redecorating.)

Teil 2: Substantive und MengenbezeichnungenBmmuwörr (every, most, no) u Bzchu w all of, most of , none of  

werden verwendet, um Mengen zu beschreiben.

1 Mengenbezeichnungen, die sowohl mit mit zählbaren als auch mit unzählbaren

Substantiven verwendet werden können: none, not any, hardly any, some, a lot, loads, plenty.

2 Mengenbezeichnungen, die nur mit zählbaren Substantiven verwendet werden können:

(very ) few , a few , several , (too/not ) many .

3 Mengenbezeichnungen, die nur mit unzählbaren Substantiven verwendet werden können:

(very ) little, a little, a bit , (too/not ) much.

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4 Wenn der bestimmte Artikel (the), ein Possessivpronomen (my , your , etc.) oder

dmrvrm (that , these, etc.) vor dem Substantiv steht, wird eine

Mbzchu m m Wr of verwendet: Several of my friends live in small 

villages. (ch Several my friends …)

5 Wenn über kleinere Zahlen oder Mengen gesprochen wird, können a few / a little

verwendet werden, um das Positive zu betonen ( some), oder few / little, um nv

hrvrzuhb (not many/much): We did it because we wanted to have a little fun.

Please hurry up! There’s very little time.

VerbformenDas Verb steht in der Singularform, wenn das Substantiv nach of unzählbar (U) oder singular

ist. Eine Pluralform wird verwendet, wenn das Substantiv zählbar (C)ist.

There’s lots of traffic (U) in the centre; There are lots of tourists (C) in summer.