updates points of interest - ksij melbourne newsletter 7.pdfpoints of interest religious dates ......

Updates AGM Update….……………………………...…….1 Yearly Calendar 1439AH……………………….2 Summer Holiday Madressa…………………..3 Vision 2050 Paper & 2017/2018 Plan ..…4 Points of Interest Religious Dates During the Month……..10 Expected Islamic Date………………………..10 Quiz ……………………………………………………10 Page 1 AGM UPDATES Management committee appreciates all members who attend the Annual General Meeting. We also appreciate the show of support and thank them for attending the AGM. Annual General Meeting was held on held on Sunday 17 September 2017 at 4:15pm at KemizO Entertainment Centre - Caroline Springs, 10 Eucumbene Dr, Ravenhall. Member’s questions were answered and meeting concluded due to maghribain prayer time. Meeting will continue at a later date. Muharram 1439 A.H Oct 2017 Newsleer #7 Mourning in the Houses: For those unable to go for the ziarat of Imam Husayn (A.S.) on the day of A'ashura, Imam Baqir (A.S.) menons the manner of performing A'zadari as follows: He should mourn over Hu- sayn (A.S.), weep for him and instruct the members of the house to weep for him. He should establish the mourning cer- emony in the house by exhibing lamentaons and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and consolaon to each other over the ca- lamies which befell him.Kaamil al Ziyaraat pg. 175

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AGM Update….……………………………...…….1

Yearly Calendar 1439AH……………………….2

Summer Holiday Madressa…………………..3

Vision 2050 Paper & 2017/2018 Plan ..…4

Points of Interest

Religious Dates During the Month……..10

Expected Islamic Date………………………..10

Quiz ……………………………………………………10

Page 1

AGM UPDATES Management committee appreciates all members who attend the Annual General Meeting. We also appreciate the show of support and thank them for attending the AGM.

Annual General Meeting was held on held on Sunday 17 September 2017 at 4:15pm at KemizO Entertainment Centre - Caroline Springs, 10 Eucumbene Dr, Ravenhall.

Member’s questions were answered and meeting concluded due to maghribain prayer time. Meeting will continue at a later date.

Muharram 1439 A.H Oct 2017

Newsletter #7

Mourning in the Houses: For those unable to go for the ziarat of Imam Husayn (A.S.) on the day of A'ashura, Imam Baqir (A.S.) mentions the manner of

performing A'zadari as follows: “He should mourn over Hu-sayn (A.S.), weep for him and instruct the members of the

house to weep for him. He should establish the mourning cer-emony in the house by exhibiting lamentations and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and consolation to each other over the ca-

lamities which befell him.” Kaamil al Ziyaraat pg. 175

Vice President Br. Raza Gulani with Premier

of Victoria Hon. Daniel Andrews and Minis-

ter of Finance Hon. Robin Scott.

Page 2

Click here for printable version

Vice President Br. Raza Gulani with Premier

of Victoria Hon. Daniel Andrews and Minis-

ter of Finance Hon. Robin Scott.

Page 3

Summer School Holiday Madressa Program


"The right of the people of creed (milla) is harbouring safety for them, compassion toward them, kindness toward their evildoer, treating them with friendliness, seeking their well-being, thanking their good-doer, and keeping

harm away from them. You should love for them what you love for yourself and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself. Their old men stand in the place of

your father, their youths in the place of your brothers, their old women in the place of your mother, and their youngsters in the place of your children."

- Imam Zain-al-Abideen (AS)


Imam Ali (as) said,‘Planning before action will preserve you from regret.’

[`Uyoun Akhbar al-Ridha (AS), v. 2, p. 54, no. 204]

In order to establish a vibrant and progressive community, that is serving to cater the needs of the people, the community needs to collectively establish its vision. In order to make these visions a reality, the community needs to define short and long term goals. This will ensure leadership have clear direction and are accountable to meet the goals.

KSIJ Melbourne Australia aims to provide services from cradle to the grave for the different ages and stages of life. With this in mind, jamaat organised a VISION 2050 CONFERENCE. It was an opportunity for moineen to participate in making a major contribution for the future generations of Melbourne.

Conference PurposeIn order to collect ideas for the 2050 Vision paper, KSIJ Melbourne Australia opened the invitation to all Momineen (members and non-members) interested in establishing its vision by outlining short term 2020, medium term 2030 and long term 2050 goals focusing on 4 key areas;

· Islamic & Secular Education/Guidance,· Fund/Asset Generation,· Community Affairs (Funeral, Matrimonial, Tabligh, etc) and· Capacity Building (Leadership Development, Volunteers, Sport & Health, etc).

A key observation from this exercise is that our Community should continue to consult its members and work in a more structured manner if we wish to get the most out of the efforts everyone puts into this organisation.

This document is only a foundation and will be continuously updated in the future.

Committee sets out the following statement as a mission statement:“Creating a spiritual and vibrant Community based on the values and practices of the Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri faith by developing the potential of its members, engaging with the wider society and serving the

needs of humanity worldwide”

Why think so far as 2050?• Ensure entire community have a clear direction and purpose• Ensure change of leadership has no impact on progress• Give volunteers confidence that their work will continue in future• Preserve Islamic teachings & practices to protect future generations• Makes leaders accountable

Outcome of the Conference

A key reason to engage the members through an open session is to allow management committee to consult its members and work in a structured and integrated manner to get the most benefit out of the efforts everyone puts into this jamaat.

In addition, there needs to be an overall sense off commitment to serve Ahlul Bait (as), practice their teachings and spread their message.

There is also a need for the community to be in touch with its heritage, be aware of the sacrifices off our elders and recognising and learning from the achievements off our past historic leaders..

KSIJ Melbourne Australia is committees to provide services from cradle to grave in order to be the best followers of Ahlul Bait (as)

Islamic & Secular Education/Guidance“Learning something during one’s youth is like engraving in stone” & “The best of people is he who longs for worship and embraces it, loves it with his heart, throws himself into it with his whole body, and devotes himself exclusively to it...” Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Fund/Asset Generation“The best of goodness is giving financial assistance to one’s brothers.” Imam Ali (AS)

Community Affairs “My nation will thrive as long as they love each other, deliver the trust, refrain from the forbiden, respect the guests and maintain the prayers” Prophet Muhammad (AS)

Capacity Building “The one who strives for the sake of Allah to fulfil the need of his Muslim brother, Allah has written for him a million good deeds.” Imam Jaffer Sadiq (AS)

Typewritten Text

List of ideas from Vision 2050

Islamic & Secular Education/Guidance

Fund/Asset Generation

Community Affairs > Regular Community Engagement through

conferences to share ideas> Empowering stay home mothers.> Expecting mothers support network.> Playgroups and Nurseries> Volunteering Opportunities> Senior Social Programs / Networks> Funeral Arrangements> Majlis & Isale Sawab Projects> Family Bereavement & Support> Regular Family gathering events> Community matchmaking, matrimonial

services and support> Community sports and boys/girls gym> Pre-marriage and marriage counselling

Capacity Building > Volunteer Development Program> Committee Leadership Program> Experiences Sharing Opportunities> Opportunity to network with worldwide

jamaat members

> Disciplined Madressa with higher IslamicEducation for university students

> School Selection Advisory> Short courses from Howza> Debating Activities (yearly competition)> Further & Specialist Education Evening

Classes> Finance and Investment Advisory> Career Advisory & Mentoring Program> Lady scholars> Fund to assist local youths to go study in


> Swap & Sell platform for jamaatmembers with jamaat fees

> Platform to allow collaboration ofprofessionals and networking

> Student Loans> Construction on Jamaat land to be able

to generate funds when not in use

The term ‘Jamaat’ means a group of people gather together for a common purpose. Islam requires us to work together with Ta’awun (co-operation in Goodness). Holy Qurans says “And help one other in BIRR (Goodness) and

Taqwa (Godwariness) and do not help one another in ITHM (Vice) and ‘UDWAAN (Aggression)” (5:2)

2017 - 2018 Jamaat Plan

o Disciplined Madressa (Jafari Education subcommittee formed)• Short school holiday course in Dec 17 to Jan 18• Madressa from April 18 for Prep to 2• Increase a class each year• Quarterly teacher training mandatory

o Settlement & Employment Services (subcommittee formed)• Establishment stage• Announce services world wide• Establish job seeking forums

o Youth Activities• Organise debating competition• Organise sports games• Make arrangement with local pools for private female only and male only sessions.

o Lady scholars• Invite a lady scholar• Jamaat hold female only majlis Ashra

o Funeral Arrangements• Aim to provide FREE funeral services• Form subcommittee• Establish a funeral team of men and women• Organise training• Setup checklist and arrangements

o Quarterly Family gathering events• Establish subcommittee to manage events

o Opportunity to network with worldwide jamaat members• Consult other jamaats and hold Skype meetings• Share resources and support each other

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: “There is none who recites poetry about Husayn (A.S.) and weeps and makes others weep by means of it, except that Allah makes Paradise incumbent upon him and

forgives his sins.” Rijal al Shaikh al Tusi pg. 189.

Date Day

1st Safar 1439 Sunday 22nd October 2017

Arbaeen Friday 10th November 2017

10 Muharram - Roz e Ashura

22 Muharram - Tenth Shuhada e Karbala

25 Muharram - Shahadat 4th Imam Zainul Abedin a.s.

30 Muharram - Twentieth Shuhada e Karbala

Religious date during the month of Muharram

Expected Islamic Date (subject to moonsighting)

Choose the correct answer to test your knowledge. Answers will be publish in the next month’s edition.

Newsletter 6 Answers

Question 1: Who is the first Imam (as)? A. Imam Ali (A.S.)

Question 2: Which angel will blow the horn on Day of Judgement? C. Angel Israfeel (A.S.)

Question 3: The first masjid built by RasoolAllah (saw)? D. Masjid ul Quba

Question 4: How many ayahs does the longest Surah in Quran have? C. 286

Rattle your brain

Page 10

Q 1: When did Imam Hussain (as) start his journey to-

wards Karbala ?

A. 28 Ramadhan 60 A.H

B. 28 Rajab 60 A.H

C. 28 Shabaan 60 A.H

Q 2: When was Imam Hussain(a.s.) born ?

A. 3 Shabaan 4 A.H.

B. 4 Shabaan 4 A.H.

C. 5 Shabaan 4 A.H.

Q 3: How old was Imam Hussain (as) when he was

appointed the 3rd Imam(a.s.) ?

A. 36 years

B. 46 years

C. 56 years

Q 4: How many years did Imam Hussain (as) remain the Imam

(a.s.) before being martyred ?

A. 10 years

B. 11 years

C. 12 years

Birth News

Baby Girl: Sakina Zehra Bhayani Date: 01 October 2017

Father: Shehzad Raza Bhayani Mother: Sabika Zahra Bhayani Dada: Sarfaraz Bhayani Dadi: Rizwana Bhayani Nana: Molana Asghar Hussain Shaheedi Nani: Sajida Shaheedi

Baby Girl: Fizza Batul Nayani Date of Birth: 13 October 2017

Father Name: Muhammad Raza Nayani Mother Name: Tayyibah Fatima Nayani Dada: Altaf Hussain Nayani Dadi: Tahira Banu Nana: Murtaza Ali Khushal Nani: Nusrat Banu