updates licensee corrective actions following nrc 800707-11 ...eug28iasrig remssp sad che quality...

* TEF4NKK VALLay AuTmawIY 77AZ W. men V. Wof uy offim of Imerctie =o bfgmt gIS. escle awtos"a7Ci n Maine u IS Mrietts ftwoo, swima3 ftu 6za Com vo or. opsiur hbnmý is swmf po Istes" deft Jely so, Met, su AgetS Gv S, and ?We map -- ef bopsmob 2, 11009 all chms I vg tea cs ias~t~mof Twos ISvisins of ,~mi amio of July 7I-U 1, two. In thesufxt iacerisu m as - buim of CAW ftly 7-11initis V. f. kMrsles diamesod ýýof findings during ainp intiefd a lIA& of qulity tinw mumStiI fr~ 1 mebacity, a mem to summne. Is owds ft bea "M. PcoprIy istnvi of ow VOW in "so.lving you normc, I chnt it viud be helpful it t otined1 to yes Agn of a cint M "g cae an do_ so -iamhimL &@W s Mw isf. ft"Lls of -bm dws will toL~m in abs fiest Iiinini doan o and 1 wi ~ttfbs fil lo akwen hoksnwCNASt a 1~doe lowisatay aftr do exit 1Y1,vim as smiw *"taf of eb ft ottg of rimii ageip a" n*i _(C _ M) tf MMM of Me ivisio Of A"iri me "a efts ow wick" fU ta&f a" eft816 Swissi o qmuy *srmStaff. on doaLla of abs -. m ver discuse si.p~ at dno meetng. TmmoLsitoy fe111q~ bses umesiqas, pwum" iainvi m voic "I lb "ac "a snosf gsin to qwstty aso omie$"(f. As a resultz of them Natiessq, wo casign doet cm No widesowin Isrmpci by I - --- in dos Quality *iuýin ow~smaistin Meut frbs did set Iwos .ffieinc .,it I fro"Mseddo bs: mos t did so live aeuf e .t -t~. to 4welity evennes. we ~dwdo Cha p"Impe asties wes so"" to stasem doaemt of abs 9"Uaty mosn ftnim n to Siw gLuegroou"simphos" mi *"ft tos do ty Asusmin- opmistism isad Of fiew of bsiin-dq le&soip en Cowtustims. sm of dosactions si& as tok we daneribi boniw. 6le0114 Ot.IdIRQA twa. c"fooovtu~ cn~,. ,PkeiCIAL Cr$W

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Page 1: Updates licensee corrective actions following NRC 800707-11 ...Eug28iasrig Remssp sad che Quality heeeri Dremeb in Caeecrutias vrgeo administratively toa assistant - r. owavr, they


W. men V. Wof uy offim of Imerctie =o bfgmt gIS. escle awtos"a7Ci n Maine u IS Mrietts ftwoo, swima3

ftu 6za Com

vo or. opsiur

hbnmý is swmf po Istes" deft Jely so, Met, su AgetS Gv S, and ?We map -- ef bopsmob 2, 11009 all chms I vg tea cs

ias~t~mof Twos ISvisins of ,~mi amio of July 7I-U 1, two.

In thesufxt iacerisu m as - buim of CAW ftly 7-11initis V. f. kMrsles diamesod ýýof findings during ainp intiefd a lIA& of qulity tinw mumStiI fr~ 1 mebacity, a mem to summne. Is owds ft bea "M. PcoprIy istnvi of ow VOW in "so.lving you normc, I chnt it viud be helpful it t otined1 to

yes Agn of a cint M "g cae an do_ so -iamhimL &@W s Mw isf. ft"Lls of -bm dws will toL~m in abs fiest Iiinini doan o and 1 wi ~ttfbs fil lo akwen hoksnwCNASt a


lowisatay aftr do exit 1Y1,vim as smiw *"taf of eb ft ottg of rimii ageip a" n*i _(C _ M) tf MMM of Me ivisio

Of A"iri me "a efts ow wick" -ý fU ta&f a" eft816 Swissi o qmuy *srmStaff. on doaLla of abs

-.m ver discuse si.p~ at dno meetng. TmmoLsitoy fe111q~ bses umesiqas, pwum" iainvi m voic "I lb "ac "a snosf gsin to

qwstty aso omie$"(f.

As a resultz of them Natiessq, wo casign doet cm No widesowin Isrmpci by I - --- in dos Quality *iuýin ow~smaistin Meut frbs did set Iwos .ffieinc .,it I fro"Mseddo bs: mos t did so live aeuf e .t -t~. to 4welity evennes. we ~dwdo Cha p"Impe asties wes so"" to stasem doaemt of abs 9"Uaty mosn ftnim n to Siw gLuegroou"simphos" mi *"ft tos do ty Asusmin- opmistism isad Of fiew of bsiin-dq le&soip en Cowtustims. sm of dosactions si& as tok we daneribi boniw.

6le0114 Ot.IdIRQA twa. c"fooovtu~ cn~,. ,PkeiCIAL Cr$W

Page 2: Updates licensee corrective actions following NRC 800707-11 ...Eug28iasrig Remssp sad che Quality heeeri Dremeb in Caeecrutias vrgeo administratively toa assistant - r. owavr, they


Mr. Jasmes ?. O'Rilly October 1, IM6

Um OUC Quality *.mcwa staff Me. bass elevated to the SAMI cormistimial lglas the bcomhes an projects is EmaerU4 eSign an Cmeretim.Os

A mw N S- of CZC Quality *ASSICe00 08 appolateds *bias am ge hMNI as emefflymagawd hay pee itiame is nelom e mri cod omcl*m safety

is TWA.. Ue fr aegr of quality Asegrag is getJanud j. a rtuff poeitiAS is the 0U Q&rinstis

tsquality "aseuca twotis ia do ivision of binrigDinsigs was mjjjjt at fr tesQlt bgiameris mo sd oI.,atad to a separate

I~ w smpoctiqg to an &""trit sm~r. A person having. At6"100 mclmS ]PIN ~ hI A a a f bans 1 0 1rated outstandin unn.t capehility -es selected as bIn AChief. noe hee of the foint quality aSOMamC I Roup he. a staff pee itiot is the -o Quality hAeurInS Ureecb. Oine OPervim is the fine qwlity naasmec gup me transferred at the sae grade to a position, set boring qmlity afeinrc responsibilities.

All of the abaft tinsfar mmn at CM gMracde and level *xcpt thet the Chicf of tin -gs quality Aehureg ftec mo the asprio of the 1111lity &qien~ Sectis. receied prometioms.

noe fivisise of Cmutzwim quaity Mseareac Staff y elevated to the som level ase bis I s sad enjor praject. in the division. The bead of the fome Comertntio Quality Assurance Staff sus promoted to Chief Of the -o Cowetm-tim Quality hesMnMEes Irmek.

there wa eme Othr .r-iztimfl adjWU~Mm directed at prou~ida ac4es6 to enmoemt. Us Cief of the -ws Qulity Amouromes Draw* in Eug28iasrig Remssp sad che Quality heeeri Dremeb in Caeecrutias vrgeo administratively toa assistant - r. owavr, they w eapemdt teport directly to the binqsr Of 2 giasna tesign or the amager of Cmauuctiong as appropriates, an simmifiames gee.Pwar related to vuslity. Siuilmlyr the Meado Of ORC 44 is expecte" to report directly to the moamor of our m significat inrters felated to quality. The nmapr of quality Ageuranm an che Chiefs of the tnQuality Assuranem Dramehe vwk together as a town. 1L. mw wr of IN out, Commstructmasd 0~ we corporte-Law I positiose. Th quality assurance ongaisatift is iinepedent o~f coet and Schedling.

in additio to the a-oreizatimealdju.stmnat the O0C qulity Aeaenince trapi ha. hinm reinforced to iuP~row USa quality achiaviag futmetos as sell as dhe quality "owuing octims. a P.prori stresss dot line argaisatimn we responeible ed will be bold accountable for ths quality of their rkt. The Qual.ty A&cssum 095100 im haw responsibility ead inrhority for emaeriag that quality requirumgats are defimd, we being natf, ad that corrective actices are poperly inplomated Am pvvbI4M wem ideatifed.

Page 3: Updates licensee corrective actions following NRC 800707-11 ...Eug28iasrig Remssp sad che Quality heeeri Dremeb in Caeecrutias vrgeo administratively toa assistant - r. owavr, they

r. James P. O'eRilly October 8, 1980

I reiterate that we are coitted to have a cop Quality Assurance orgnisatism ia the Office of fagieer ig Desig mad Cr .uitrctio. The masaers of the cmw Qmality Assuraace orgnisation aSe charged with fulfilliang that commiment.

fe are cotfident that the chaqc we hb.e made aem the first step toward fully resltiang Te problem IhereL' Q& persoasel perceiv chat they lack sufficient orgaiiatioa freao, authority, and access to amBsmnat to do their job.


gMaser of Eagineering Design sad Constructioi

cc: B. C. Parris TWA, mager of Power