updated mvc web security updated presentation

Web Security By John Staveley DDDNorth 01/10/2016 https://uk.linkedin.com/in/johnstaveley/ @johnstaveley

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Web Security

By John StaveleyDDDNorth 01/10/2016


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Why Security?– (case studies)

Who are the hackers?How?

– (with solutions)SecurityEssentials.sln

(https://github.com/johnstaveley/SecurityEssentials)...and then on the serverFurther resourcesSummaryQuestions

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Who am I?

John StaveleyMvc.net developerNot a security expert!

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Why Security? - Some headlines

ZdNet 2014, “Hundreds of millions of records have been stolen this year through hacks and data breaches as a result of poor, or flawed security.”

Davos 2015, “Every time we talked to a top 500 company about cyber-security, they'd say to us: 'talk to my technology guy', now the board of directors and the CEOs of the companies pay attention. There is a new sense of urgency" – Head of a security company

FSB 2013, 41% of small businesses are a victim of cyber crime.

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Why Security? - Some example breaches

Sony – films, confidential email, payrollTarget – 110 million records lost including credit card details.

Current cost $110mHome Depot – 56m credit card, 53m email addressesJPMorgan – 10s of millions of customers data lostBadUSBICloud celebrity picturesSnapchat – 13Gb of dataEbay – 145 million user records lost. $220m lossHeartbleedetc

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Why Security? - and the rest...

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Why Security?

Loss of reputationBlacklistingLitigation Fines e.g. Data protection act, PCI complianceSuicides (Ashley Madison)

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Who are the hackers?

Script kiddies Hacktivists Insiders Organised Crime – Russian Business Network Advanced Persistent Threat

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Who are they? - hackers for hire

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What we will/won't cover

WILL: Web application security (MVC) DDOS Social Engineering

WON'T: Physical security Network security Trojans, Worms, Viruses IDS, Firewalls, Honey pots Internal threats Advanced persistent threats

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Presentation Approach

OWASP Top 10 Not for profit Cover all technologies Reviewed every 3 years Helps you prioritise

Chapter outline What is the hack? Who has been affected by it? What are the mitigations/countermeasures? Questions

DEMO SecurityEssentials.sln

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1 – SQL Injection

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SQL Injection – What is it?

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SQL Injection – What is it?

string strQry = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName='" + txtUser.Text + "' AND Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'";

EXEC strQry

Put in username field: Admin' And 1=1 –SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName='Admin'

And 1=1 --' AND Password=''

Put in password field: '; DROP TABLE Users --SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName='' AND

Password=''; DROP TABLE Users –'



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SQL Injection - Examples

Sony Playstation 2011 - “Worst gaming community data breach of all-time.” 77 million accounts affected 12 million had unencrypted credit card numbers Site was down for a month

CyberVor, Aug 2014 – Used botnet to steal billion passwords from 400,000 sites

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SQL Injection - Countermeasures

Assume all input is evil – validate everything Use an ORM like EF/NHibernate Use stored procedures Don't use EXEC sp_executesql @strQuery Reduce SQL account permissions Concept: Least Privilege

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2 - Broken authentication and session management

Password security Session Hijacking Weak Account Management

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Password Security

What is it? - Storage, Policy and entry Password storage

Plain text = No security (http://plaintextoffenders.com/) Base64 encoding = No security Avoid Encryption – can be broken Use hashing (password = 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99) Common hashes can be googled Use a salt Don't use RC4, MD4, MD5 and SHA-1 HashCat Use PBKDF2, SCrypt, Bcrypt, (Argon2)

Passwords Policy: Enforce minimum complexity Do not reject special characters Validate passwords against a list of known bad passwords Do not allow personal information in the password

Password Entry: Don't disallow paste on a web page

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Password Security - Examples

Case Study: Richard Pryce Case Study: Ebay May 2014

Up to 145 million users affected $200m loss Poor password encryption blamed

Case Study: LinkedIn 2012 6.5 million user accounts stolen by Russian criminals

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Password Security - Examples

SecurityEssentials.sln pwd: Hash, checking, strength

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Session hijacking – The What

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Session Hijacking – The how

Concept – Man In The Middle (MITM) Opening up the browser CSRF Sensitive data exposure DEMO: Session stealing using document.cookie=""

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Session Hijacking - Countermeasures

Counter client code access of cookies (Anti-XSS): HttpOnly Counter auth token 'Sniffing' – Use HttpsOnly (MITM) <forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="60" requireSSL="true"

slidingExpiration="false"/> Private error logging/trace Reducing session timeout reduces exposure Track sessions - session invalidated during logoff? SecurityEssentials.sln web.config with transforms

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Weak account management – What is it?

Account enumeration, Owning the account Why?

– Sensitive data– Admin privileges

Registration Logon Remember me Password reset Change account details Logoff Call Centre

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Weak account management – Case Study

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Weak account management – Case Study

News contained details Sarah Palin used Yahoo mail Security Information Birthday? 2 minutes on Wikipedia Zip Code? Wallisa only has 2 postcodes Where did you meet your spouse? High School => Password reset

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Weak account management – Case Studies

Case Study: Find my phone in iCloud/iBrute 2014

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Weak account management - Countermeasures (1)

Account enumeration - Can occur on registration, logon or password reset forms e.g. Password Reset:

Success - “An account reset key has been emailed to you” Failure - “That user account does not exist” Success or Failure - “An account reset key has been

emailed to you” Use Https ([RequireHttps]) to protect sensitive data (MITM)

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Weak account management - Countermeasures (2)

Brute force Logon - Do not lock out on incorrect logon – DOS

Brute force Registration/Password reset:– CAPTCHA and/or throttling to prevent brute force

Verify email address by sending an email Re-challenge user on key actions e.g. prompt for old

password when entering new password Log and send email when any account state changes

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Weak account management - Countermeasures (3)

Password reset Don't send new password out – DOS Send email with expiring token (1 hour) Security questions: Concise, Specific, has a large range of answers, low

discoverability, constant over time Never roll your own membership provider or session

management – use the default one in the framework Outsource the solution e.g. Azure Active Directory or

OpenId SecurityEssentials.sln – Account Management process,

anti-enumeration and brute force by throttling and CAPTCHA, logging, email verification, email on change, activity log, auto-complete off, increase logon time failure

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3 – Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

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Cross site scripting (XSS) – What is it?

www.mysite.com/index?name=GuestHello Guest!

www.mysite.com/index?name=<b>Guest<b>Hello Guest!

www.mysite.com/index?name=Guest<script>alert('Gotcha!')</script>Hello Guest!

www.mysite.com/index?name=<script>window.onload = function() {var link=document.getElementsByTagName("a");link[0].href="http://not-real-xssattackexamples.com/";}</script>

www.mysite.com/index?name=<script>Insert evil script here</script>

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Cross site scripting (XSS) – What is it?

Encoded data vs unencoded e.g. &lt;b&gt;Guest&lt;\b&gt; vs <b>Guest</b> Cookie theft!<script>alert(document.cookies)</script>Concept: Don't trust your users!Reflected vs Persisted XSSAttack Vector: Social Network, Email etc

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Cross site scripting (XSS) – Examples

Case Study: Legal Helpdesk Enabler:

Session stealing DOS Sensitive data exposure

Ebay, Sep 2014 About.com, Oct 2014 – 99.98% of links susceptible

– Mar 2015 – still unpatched

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Cross site scripting (XSS) - Countermeasures

Validate untrusted data – don't trust your users!Sources of data – html post, urls, excel/csv import, import of database

Mvc3 - “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client”, except:

What if you want to post HTML? [AllowHTML]Countermeasure: Encode reflected dataMvc3 encodes Html by defaultExcept @Html.Raw(Model.MyStuff)For 'safe' HTML fragments use WPL (AntiXSS) Library for HTML, CSS, URL, JavaScript, LDAP etc

Concept: Black vs White listingSecurityEssentials: Incorporation of AntiXSS LibraryComparison with ASP.Net web forms

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4 – Insecure Direct Object References

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Insecure direct object references – what is it?


// Insecurepublic ActionResult Edit(int id) { var user = UnitOfWork.UserRepository.Get(e => e.Id == id); return View("Details", new UserViewModel(user); }

// Securepublic ActionResult Edit(int id) {

var user = UnitOfWork.UserRepository.Get(e => e.Id == id); // Establish user has right to edit the details if (user.Id != UserIdentity.GetUserId()) { HandleErrorInfo error = new HandleErrorInfo(new Exception("INFO: You do not

have permission to edit these details")); return View("Error", error); } return View("Edit", new UserViewModel(user); }

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Insecure direct object references - Examples

Immobilise Jan 2015

Citigroup, 2011– 200,000 customer details exposed

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Insecure direct object references - Countermeasures

Check the user has permission to see a resource– Don't expose internal keys externally– Map keys to user specific temporary non-guessable ones to

prevent brute force Frequently overlooked:

– Ajax calls– Obfuscation of paths does not work– Passing sensitive data in urls

SecurityEssentials.sln User edit

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5 – Security Misconfiguration

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Security Misconfiguration – What is it?

Unnecessary features enabled e.g. FTP, SMTP on a web server, ports opened

Default accounts and passwords still enabled and unchanged

Errors reveal internal implementation e.g. Trace.axd

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Security Misconfiguration - Examples

Webcams, Nov 2014 Secure Elmah, Google inurl:elmah.axd “error log for”

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Security Misconfiguration - Countermeasures

Encrypt connection string Server retail mode Ensure application is set for production – automate using

MVC config transforms SecurityEssentials.sln web.config

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6 – Sensitive Data Exposure

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Sensitive Data exposure – What is it?

Email addresses Contents of emails Passwords Auth token Credit card details Private pictures

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Sensitive Data exposure - Examples

Snapchat Jan 2014– Phone number upload feature brute forced

Tunisian ISP– Login pages for Gmail, Yahoo, and Facebook– Pulls the username and password, and encodes it with a weak

cryptographic algorithm Wifi Pineapple

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Sensitive Data exposure - Countermeasures

Use and enforce SSL/TLS – [RequireSSL] Google: “SSL/TLS accounts for less than 1% of the CPU

load, less than 10KB of memory per connection and less than 2% of network overhead.”

StartSSL.com or letsencrypt.org HSTS header and HSTS preload Encrypt sensitive data in storage Disclosure via URL Browser auto-complete Don't store it! e.g. CVV code SecurityEssentials forcing SSL/TLS, HSTS header, prevent

server information disclosure, web.config

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7 – Missing Function Level Access Control

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Missing Function Level Access Control – What is it?

Checking the user has permission to be there www.mysite.com/admin (Requires admin role!)

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Missing Function Level Access Control - Countermeasures

Path level in web.config Method level attribute e.g. [Authorize(Roles=”Admin”)] Controller level Authorize attribute Any point in code using identity features in .net

(System.Web.Security.Roles.IsUserInRole(userName, roleName)

Use [NonAction] Don't show links on UI to unauthorised functions Don't make server side checks depend solely on

information provided by the attacker Obfuscating links is no protection Least Privilege SecurityEssentials.sln unit tests

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8 – Cross Site Request Forgery

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Cross-Site request forgery - What is it?

Attacker sends malicious link <img src=”www.mysite.com/logoff” /> Requires to be logged on

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Cross-Site request forgery - Examples

TP-Link Routers, Mar 2014 300,000 routers reprogrammed DNS Servers changed Exploit known for over a year

Brazil 2011, 4.5m DSL routers reprogrammed

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Cross-Site request forgery - Countermeasures

Exploits predictable patterns, tokens add randomness to request

@Html.AntiForgeryToken()<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden"

value="NVGfno5qe...... .......yYCzLBc1" /> Anti-forgery token [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] NB: Ajax calls ASP.Net web forms SecurityEssentials (controller and ajax)

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9 - Using components with known vulnerabilities

Case Study: WordPress, 2013 3 Year old admin module 10s of thousands of sites affected No Brute force protection

Possible effects: Circumvent access controls SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF Vulnerable to brute force login

NuGet – keep updated Apply Windows Update OWASP Dependency Checker SecurityEssentials.sln NuGet

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10 - Unvalidated redirects and forwards – What is it?

Attacker presents victim with an (obfuscated) url e.g.https://www.trustedsite.com/signin?ReturnUrl=http://www.nastysite.com/ User logs into safe, trusted site Redirects to nasty site, malicious content returned Any redirecting url is vulnerable MVC3 vulnerable

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Unvalidated redirects and forwards - Countermeasures

MVC4 problem solved (for login):

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Form Overposting – What is it?

[HttpPost]public ViewResult Edit(User user){ TryUpdateModel( … }

[HttpPost]public ViewResult Edit([Bind(Include = "FirstName")] User user){ TryUpdateModel( … ,propertiesToUpdate, … }

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DDOS – What is it?

Account lock out Site running slow in browser Server unable to fulfil a request

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DDOS - Examples

Case Study: Meetup, Mar 2014– $300– Site down for days

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DDOS - Examples

ZdNet, 2015: Global DDOS attacks increase 90% on last year

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DDOS – How and countermeasures

Protocol exploits such as ICMP, SYN, SSDP floodXSSBeing popularSystem exploits - covered by fixes from MS generallyBotnetsAmbiguous regexNot closing connectionsFilling up error logLong running pageOutsource the solution - Cloudfare

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Social Engineering – What is it?

You are the weakest link in the security terrain. e.g phishing, spear phishing (12 emails sent => 90% success rate).

People want to help Nobody thinks they are a target Virtually no trace of the attack

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Social Engineering - Examples

Spam Shoulder surfing Found treasure (e.g. USB drive) Case study: Email password reset Denial of service and social engineering

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Social Engineering - Countermeasures

Less than 1% of security budget is spent on people Notifications Principle of least privilege Logging and two factor authentication

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Securing your site – Code Cheat sheet (1)

Don't trust your users! Use an ORM Use a strong account management process Captcha/throttling Defeat account enumeration Hash passwords, encrypt data Least Privilege Use and enforce SSL Encode all output Secure direct object references [Authorize]/[Authorize(Roles=””)] users Conceal errors and trace Use antiforgery tokens

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Securing your site – Code Cheat sheet (2)

Keep components up to date Validate redirects Form overposting DDOS Headers Train staff in social engineering

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...and once on the server

Apply a good SSL policy on the server: http://www.ssllabs.com/projects/best-practises/

Poodle, Freak, Drown Encrypt the connection string on the production server Enable retail mode on the production server Patch the server Run on your site to check security standards are enforcedhttps://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

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Further Resources

OWASP Top 10 Pluralsight courses CEH Certification ZdNet SecurityNow podcast

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Hacks have been increasing in number and sophistication OWASP Top 10 Specific solutions in Mvc (SecurityEssentials.sln)

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Any Questions?
