untying the knots of web dev with internet explorer


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Tips & tricks to make it easier to develop web pages that work in Internet Explorer - including references to Modern.IE and Compat Inspector


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Untying the Knots of Web Development with Internet Explorer

Sarah Dutkiewicz

[email protected]

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Agenda• Identify problems

• Come up with solutions or recommendations on how to move forward

• Additional Resources

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Oh, the Knots!

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Random Spacing Issues• Phantom whitespace

– spaces and lines (IE7 and IE8)

• Why this is bad: Not easily traceable. Usually impacted layout quite noticeably, but only in Internet Explorer.

• More on this problem: Commonly seen in Quirks mode.

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Whitespace Issues - Explained• The height attribute tells IE that the DIV has a layout.

• Because of the layout, the box gets a minimum height equal to the line-height.

• With line-height not explicitly set, it defaults to the font-size for the box.

• Internet Explorer gives HTML elements a layout flag that can be checked through the read-only hasLayout property.

• Related Reading: hasLayout property (Internet Explorer)

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Elements where hasLayout is true• Images

• Tables – including rows and cells

• Horizontal rule (hr)

• Input elements

• Marquee

• Framesets & frames

• Objects

• Applets

• Plugins

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CSS Properties that Trigger hasLayout• display: inline-block

• height & width

• float: left & right

• position: absolute

• zoom

• -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl

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Workarounds for the layout bug• Find a way to get hasLayout computed to false – hard to do though

because once IE sets this true, it can’t be changed back.

• Try to avoid using elements or CSS properties that trigger hasLayout.

• Set the line-height to 0.

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IE Margins & Padding Issues• Why this is bad: Nobody chose to implement the standard the same

way; Internet Explorer was the furthest away.

• Internet Explorer interpreted the box model in its own way, causing margins and padding to display much differently.

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Fixed: Internet Explorer Box Model Bug• Internet Explorer 6 introduced “standards-compliant” mode.

• Internet Explorer for the Mac was not affected by this bug.

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Quirks Mode Headaches• Allowed browsers to render HTML and CSS even if it didn’t conform to


• Introduced all sorts of bugs

• Allows us to recreate the IE box model bug

• Images and other inline content vertically aligns differently

• Font style inheritance in tables did not always happen

• Solved by: X-UA-Compatible Proper DOCTYPE declaration

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User Agent Sniffing

• Using JavaScript to sniff the User Agent as browser detection

• Why this is bad: Can easily be spoofed. Not always accurate.

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ToolsMaking it easier to develop for Internet Explorer

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Modern.IE• http://modern.ie

• Code with Standards - http://www.modern.ie/en-us/cross-browser-best-practices

• BrowserStack testing trial

• Scan a Site

• Virtualization – test versions of IE with pre-built VMs

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Modern.IE – Cross Browser Best Practices• 20 tips for building modern sites while supporting old versions of IE by

Dave Methvin (jQuery) and Rey Bango (Microsoft)

• Words of Wisdom include… Sites don’t need to render the same across all browsers. Test in multiple browsers while developing. Consider using a tool such as

BrowserStack. Understand the backward-compatibility limits of HTML5 tags. Fully prefix vendor-specific CSS properties to future-proof them. Solve compatibility problems with valid CSS rules, not CSS parser hacks. Delay-load non-essential JavaScript scripts.

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Use a solid template as a base• HTML5 Boilerplate is an example where rules have been added to

work across multiple browsers and downgrades gracefully for older browsers.

Target stable standards• Experimental standards are just that – subject to change.

• Stable standards = stable site = happier end users

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Avoid Quirks Mode• Use a standard DOCTYPE.

• When in doubt, use the simplest of

<!DOCTYPE html>

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Test in Multiple Browsers• Do this while developing to ensure cross-

browser experiences.

• BrowserStack can provide an environment for testing multiple browsers. See Modern.IE for the latest deals they may have with BrowserStack.

• Take advantage of modern tooling in the browsers when debugging issues.

• If working with older browsers, look for plugins for the modern tooling equivalent – such as Firebug for Firefox.

• Good rule of thumb: current version and the most recent prior version

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CSS on top, JavaScript on the bottom• CSS in the head of HTML to fetch as

early as possible

• JavaScript goes through the following browser cycle: Retrieve the JavaScript file Parse the JavaScript file Execute the JavaScript file

• Putting JavaScript at the bottom allows the page to be rendered and appear to be loaded before scripts are fully loaded.



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CSS Tips• Avoid !important

• Be familiar with the cascade rules More than just class and id selectors Understand relationship, tag, and attribute selectors

• Avoid CSS hacks (such as the _ or the *tag IE hacks) Use version-specific classes

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Feature Detection, instead of Browser Detection• Just say NO to User Agent sniffing

• Modernizr is recommended easiest way for feature detection.

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Modern.IE - Virtualization• Virtual machines available with Internet Explorer on various operating

systems, targeting various hypervisors

• Hypervisor support includes: VirtualBox for Linux VirtualBox, VMWare Fusion, and Parallels for Mac Hyper-V, Virtual PC, VirtualBox, VMWare Player for Windows

• IE versions include: IE6 on Windows XP IE7 on Vista IE8 on Windows XP or Windows 77 IE9 on Windows 7 IE10 on Windows 7 & Windows 8 IE11 Developer Preview on Windows 7 & Windows 8.1

• Related Resource: Rey Bango – Making Internet Explorer Testing Easier with new IE VMs

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F12 Developer Tools• Internet Explorer’s built-in developer tools

• New look-n-feel in Internet Explorer 11 Preview Easier & faster workflow UI Responsiveness tool Screen & GPS emulation Meaningful memory analysis

Timeline of overall usage Orphaned elements where memory can be reclaimed

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Compat Inspector• http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/HTML5/CompatInspector/

• JavaScript-based testing tool that analyzes a website. Identifies problems, and makes suggestions on how to improve your site.

• Developed during IE9

• Designed to help migrate to IE9 and above

• User Guide: http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/HTML5/CompatInspector/help/post.htm

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Compat Inspector• Place the reference to its JavaScript file before any scripts you want to


<script src=http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/HTML5/CompatInspector/inspector.js>


• Can also use Fiddler to inject Compat Inspector through a snippet in Fiddler Script

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DemoCompat Inspector in Fiddler

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Compat Inspector with Fiddler

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Compat Inspector with Fiddler

Related Resource: Use feature detection

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Compat Inspector with Fiddler

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Verifying Issues in Compat Inspector• Verifiers can emulate legacy behavior

• Check the Verify box and then refresh the page.

• Multiple issues can be verified at once.

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Debugging Issues in Compat Inspector• Check the Debug checkbox.

• Start up the F12 Developer Tools.

• Switch to the Script tab.

• Click “Start debugging”.

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Out-of-date JavaScript Libraries• Detects the presence of common libraries and notes the versions in


• Provides the ability to verify functionality with the latest version of the detected library

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Compat Inspector with Fiddler

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Putting Tested Code Live• Remove Compat Inspector script reference before setting pages live.

• Use Fiddler to avoid using the script reference in the code in the first place.

• Compat Inspector is only meant for a dev environment.

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Compat Guides• http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ie/hh771831(vs.85)

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Testing on BrowserStack.com

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Testing on BrowserStack.com

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Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers• http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ie/hh673549.aspx

Compatibility CSS DOM F12 Developer Tools HTML5 IndexedDB JavaScript SVG Performance Windows 8 integration

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Internet Explorer 10 Developer Guide• Topics include:

Compatibility Modes Quirks Mode CSS3 Exclusions Debugging Web Workers in F12 Developer Tools AppCache Web Workers IndexedDB Filter effects for SVGs Windows 8 integration

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Internet Explorer 10 Developers Guide – Link Preview Example

• Extends Windows 8 share experience

• Requirements for a link preview: Title for the webpage – no longer than 160 characters Description – no longer than 160 characters Thumbnail – URL no longer than 2048 characters

<meta name=“title” content=“Cleveland Tech Events” /> or <title>Cleveland Tech Events</title><meta name=“description” content=“What’s Happening in Cleveland’s tech community” /><link rel=“image_src” href=“clevtechpreview.jpg” /> or<meta name=“image” content=“clevtechpreview.jpg” /><meta name=“thumbnail” content=“clevtechthumb.jpg” /> or<meta property=“og:image” content=“clevtechthumb.jpg” />

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WebPlatform.org• http://www.webplatform.org/

• Convened by W3C, community-driven site with the goal to be the authoritative source for web development documentation

• Supporters include: Adobe Facebook Google HP Intel Microsoft Nokia Mozilla Opera Software

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WebPlatform.org - Tutorials• Tutorials for implementing web technology

Essentials Testing HTML CSS JavaScript SVG

• Tutorials on specific topics Audio Connectivity Device access Graphics (2D & 3D) Mobile Multimedia Offline & Storage Tools

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WebPlatform.org - Documents• Documents include:

Beginners Guide General Web Concepts HTML CSS JavaScript DOM Accessibility SVG APIs

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Additional Resources

• Twitter: @IEDevChat

• Internet Explorer Developer Guides

• Internet Explorer Compatibility Cookbooks

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August 11th – 13th 2014Same Place, Same Time