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#profitaccelerator Unleashed The 5-week Blueprint To Turning Your Business Into A Cash Machine with Allyson Byrd, Profit Accelerator© Allyson Byrd 2012

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Unleashed The 5-week Blueprint To

Turning Your Business Into A Cash Machine with

Allyson Byrd, Profit Accelerator™

© Allyson Byrd 2012

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The 5-week Web Training Experience

Join #MoneyMovement Founder, Allyson Byrd as she reveals her

unique profit acceleration methods for dominating your market,

creating a money movement and making it rain…


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The 5-week Web Training Experience  

You’ll learn how she used these exact approaches to turn a negative -$40 bank account into a $500,000 brand and revolutionary personal

income transformation in under 18 months + leverage her skills and influence as a sales superstar to

work with top industry leaders and co-create exponential growth to the

tune of 1000% increase in profits and millions of dollars in sales.


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The 5-week Web Training Experience  

If you’re looking to:

•  Find Your Now Money Now, GROW Your Income with Consistent Cash Flow and Laser-focus on the Ideal Client for YOU

•  Design Step-By-Step Rinse-And-Repeat Revenue Model That Allows You To (Nearly) Set Your Profits On Autopilot

•  Build Your Direct Sales and/or Network Marketing Team and Dominate in Your Industry

•  Master Your Core Message and Monetize It

•  Build Your Selling Scripts and a Sponsorship or Robust Corporate Selling Plan

•  Develop and Price a Product, Program or Service the Market is Hungry For

…then this is the perfect training for YOU.


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Your Official Online Event Guidebook  

6 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Training Series: 1.  Print out this Online Event Jumpstart NOW. 2.  DO THE WORK. 3.  Save the Dates. Make sure you set aside private

time for each training session so you’ll be able to focus and fully receive the benefits of this engaging session.

4.  During the sessions, write down ALL the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening – that way you won’t lose the most relevant information for you.

5.  Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in these sessions to transform your personal, business and financial reality.

6.  Be willing to be UNCOMFORTABLE. This is your season to stretch, grow, become more and rise.


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Goals of This Training Program:  

•  Find Your Inner Profit Accelerator™ so you can… –  Improve Confidence –  Improve Skills and Abilities –  Improve Professionalism and Market

Perception –  Increase Sales and Profits –  Define success in selling on your

own terms so you can generate the revenue you expect On-Demand.

•  Engage BEASTMODE •  STOP Winning and Start



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Let’s Get Clarity – NOW.

Knowing who you are as a leader is imperative. In this course, knowing who you are as the sales leader aka Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of your company is critical to advance your financial success.

Take a few moments and answer these questions…

1.  What is your vision of being a business leader?

2.  What is your vision as a CRO?

3.  What is your ultimate goal for this 5-week training series?

4.  What is the #1 thing you believe you need to learn about generating revenue in your business?

5.  What does your business stand for?

6.  In three words, describe the brand of your business…

7.  In three words, describe the brand of you – the leader…


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Notes I won’t beg anyone to be successful. I will lead you to a place of mastering

your influence and unapologetically impacting society. - Allyson Byrd



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Notes Average is for sissies. I can’t shoulder anyone justifying playing small. If you’re going to come into the market, make a bold splash, make a lot of

noise and make a massive difference. We’ve been waiting on you and you want to whisper you’re here? Go BIG or stay hidden. - Allyson Byrd



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Products, Programs + Services

During this program, we’re going to focus on ONE product, program or service that you’re offering. A critical breakdown to ensuring success is having too many offerings on the plate and being confused with what to position in front of the client. Think of the difference between a Walmart and a specialty store that has exactly what you need, when you need and it’s customized to fit YOU. That’s the experience you want to design for your client. This doesn’t mean you won’t offer multiple things in your business; this is simply a focus for this training series so that we can create maximum impact as the CRO of our business.

1.  What product, program or service will you be focused on during this series? I suggest choosing the highest revenue producing product for YOU. NOTE: If you’re still having a hard time choosing, write no more than (3) here and during our first training, you’ll surely gain the insight you need to narrow your focus.

2.  What value does the services, program and/or product provide?

3.  As a result of your product/service, what are the pain points of your client that you’re solving?

4.  As a result of your product/service, what are the pleasure principles that your client is seeking?

5.  Who are the leading competitors in the market that offer something similar? (List 5 and yes, there are at least 5)

6.  Have you analyzed what makes you different and YOUnique? If so, list the details here. If not, jump online NOW for the next 90-minutes and list here when done.


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Notes I know for sure that a by-product of doing good is living well. Abundance is your birthright. Riseup and own it. - Allyson Byrd



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Breakthrough! We humans sure have learned how to tolerate a lot. We put up with, accept, take on and are dragged down by people’s behavior, situations, unmet needs, crossed boundaries, incompleteness, frustrations, problems and even our own behavior.  You are tolerating more than you think. Please take a couple of minutes to write down stuff you sense that you are tolerating when you do not create the revenue you expect. As you think of more items, add them to your list.    Do you have to do anything about them? No, not really. Right now, I simply want you aware of, and articulating them to bring them to the forefront of your soul and you’ll naturally start handling, eliminating, fixing, growing through and resolving these tolerations.  

Document at least 25 things here. Oh! If you think you’re done at 8, try again. There’s more. When 2/3 of our world lives on less than $2 a day… believe me, you not having more money to make a bigger difference truly matters. those here. So, what are you tolerating?



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Training isn’t always about learning something NEW, often it’s about being reminded of something we know and haven’t practiced in our lives and businesses to cultivate success. What were you reminded of today? What have these simple questions and exercises triggered, if anything for you? Remember, think both positive and areas where you need to improve. What does accountability look like for you during these 5 weeks? Once you outline it here, connect with the person or people you need to ensure you’re accountable to the success you expect and set yourself up to DOMINATE.


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Thank you for joining

UNLEASHED with Allyson Byrd, this is only your beginning.

Got Questions? Our team is

happy to support you.

Email Jennifer Shealey, Program Concierge

at [email protected]

AND to email Allyson directly, send to [email protected].