university of phoenix dbm 380 assignments

University of Phoenix DBM 380 Assignments Get help for University of Phoenix DBM 380 for all week assignments. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject University of Phoenix for Session 2015-2016. DBM 380 Week 1 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Environment Proposal As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and develop a database using professional principles and standards. Write a 1- to 2-page memo in which you complete the following: Choose a database application from the following: o An appropriate database environment within your workplace. o An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum. o A similar environment that you have has some experience with in the past. o Analyze the database environment. o Describe the problems and constraints. o Describe the objectives of the database environment. o Describe the scope and boundaries. o List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes). Include 2 or 3 references. Format your memo using the attached Memo Template.

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University of Phoenix DBM 380 Assignments

Get help for University of Phoenix DBM 380 for all week assignments. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject University of Phoenix for Session 2015-2016.

DBM 380 Week 1 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Environment Proposal

As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.

Write a 1- to 2-page memo in which you complete the following:

• Choose a database application from the following:

o An appropriate database environment within your workplace.

o An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum.

o A similar environment that you have has some experience with in the past.

o Analyze the database environment.

o Describe the problems and constraints.

o Describe the objectives of the database environment.

o Describe the scope and boundaries.

o List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes).

Include 2 or 3 references.

Format your memo using the attached Memo Template.

Format citations using APA format.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Note: The database chosen will be used in the Week Two through Five Individual Assignments.

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DBM 380 Week 2 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Design and ERD Creation

The following assignment is based on the database environment proposed in the Week One Individual Assignment.

Perform a logical design on the proposed database environment without going through the full normalization process. Include the identification of all entities and attributes associated with the environment.

Use a 2-page memo to document your logical design including the process you went through.

Discuss the process you went through to select the appropriate data types, primary and foreign keys, and other constraints that are necessary to maintain the integrity of the database.

Create a detailed ERD using the data specifications from the logical design. Use Microsoft® Visio® or another tool to create this diagram.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

DBM 380 Week 2 TEAM ASSIGNMENT Learning Team: Status Update

Start working on your Learning Team Database and Presentation outlined in Week One with delivery in Week Four and Five. Begin by analyzing the requirements provided in the Learning Team Database and Presentation Overview from the first week.

Submit a Status Update for your Learning Team using the Memo Format to the Assignment Files tab. Include two or three paragraphs that describe the work you have completed this week.

DBM 380 Week 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT Learning Team: Status Update

Continue working on your Learning Team Database and Presentation due in Week Four. Design your database including the creation of an ERD, identifying primary and foreign keys, determining the

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appropriate types for database attributes, determining necessary constraints, and normalizing the database to at least the 3rd Normal Form. Use the logical database design to create the physical database. Populate the database with test data using the requirements outlined in Week One.

Begin the creation of the presentation that will be delivered to the CEO of SmallMart that is due in Week Five.

Submit a Status Update for your Learning Team using the Memo Format. Include two or three paragraphs that describe the work you have completed this week.

DBM 380 Week 3 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Normalization

The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Two Individual Assignment.

Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:

• Design a database using professional principles and standards.

• Provide a logical design of the database. As a part of the design, normalize the database to the 3NF

• Use Microsoft Visio or another tool to create this diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF).

Submit the ERD to the appropriate Assignment Files tab.

DBM 380 Week 4 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Creation

The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Three Individual Assignment.

Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:

• Create a database using professional principles and standards.

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• Use a relational database software application to develop a database implementing the logical design into a physical design.

• Use an Oracle® database to create the normalized physical database including tables, columns with data types, primary keys, constraints, etc.

• Create a minimum of ten rows of test data in each table.

Submit an .sql file with the scripts needed to create tables with keys and to insert test rows, etc., into the tables and submit to the Assignment Files tab.

DBM 380 Week 4 TEAM ASSIGNMENT Learning Team: Week Four Deliverable

Complete work on your Learning Team Database and Presentation based on the requirements from Week One.

Submit a .sql file that includes all of the scripts to create the database tables, establish keys and constraints, populate data within the database, and queries to the Assignment Files tab.

Submit the presentation including recorded audio speaker notes to the Assignment Files tab.

DBM 380 Week 5 TEAM ASSIGNMENT Learning Team: Week Five Deliverable

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation in which you explain the principles of database management and make recommendations for continued management of the database you created in your learning team project.

Include at least three external sources as a part of your research.

Submit your presentation using the appropriate Assignment Files tab.

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DBM 380 Week 5 ASSIGNMENT Individual: SQL Queries

The following assignment is based on the database environment created in the Week Four Individual Assignment.

Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards:

• A set of SQL Statements that returns all rows and all data for each table in your database.

• Two SQL Statements that return a subset of columns and a subset of rows using the WHERE clause.

• Two SQL Statements that join two or more tables in one query. Look for primary and foreign keys to help you determine join points. Use the JOIN clause as a part of your queries.

Submit an .sql file with the scripts needed to create the required queries and submit the file using the Assignment Files tab.