university of groningen the multi-omics promise in context ... · actual examples of attempts to...

University of Groningen The multi-omics promise in context Gutleben, Johanna; Chaib De Mares, Maryam; van Elsas, Jan Dirk; Smidt, Hauke; Overmann, Joerg; Sipkema, Detmer Published in: Critical Reviews in Microbiology DOI: 10.1080/1040841X.2017.1332003 IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2018 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Gutleben, J., Chaib De Mares, M., van Elsas, J. D., Smidt, H., Overmann, J., & Sipkema, D. (2018). The multi-omics promise in context: From sequence to microbial isolate. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 44(2), 212-229. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 27-03-2020

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University of Groningen

The multi-omics promise in contextGutleben, Johanna; Chaib De Mares, Maryam; van Elsas, Jan Dirk; Smidt, Hauke;Overmann, Joerg; Sipkema, DetmerPublished in:Critical Reviews in Microbiology


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The multi-omics promise in context: fromsequence to microbial isolate

Johanna Gutleben, Maryam Chaib De Mares, Jan Dirk van Elsas, HaukeSmidt, Jörg Overmann & Detmer Sipkema

To cite this article: Johanna Gutleben, Maryam Chaib De Mares, Jan Dirk van Elsas,Hauke Smidt, Jörg Overmann & Detmer Sipkema (2018) The multi-omics promise in context:from sequence to microbial isolate, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 44:2, 212-229, DOI:10.1080/1040841X.2017.1332003

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Page 3: University of Groningen The multi-omics promise in context ... · actual examples of attempts to link multi-omics informa-tion with cultivation technology have remained scarce. In


The multi-omics promise in context: from sequence to microbial isolate

Johanna Gutlebena, Maryam Chaib De Maresb, Jan Dirk van Elsasb, Hauke Smidta, J€org Overmannc andDetmer Sipkemaa

aLaboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands; bDepartment of Microbial Ecology,Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands; cLeibniz-InstitutDSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen, Braunschweig, Germany

ABSTRACTThe numbers and diversity of microbes in ecosystems within and around us is unmatched, yetmost of these microorganisms remain recalcitrant to in vitro cultivation. Various high-throughputmolecular techniques, collectively termed multi-omics, provide insights into the genomic struc-ture and metabolic potential as well as activity of complex microbial communities. Nonetheless,pure or defined cultures are needed to (1) decipher microbial physiology and thus test multi-omics-based ecological hypotheses, (2) curate and improve database annotations and (3) realizenovel applications in biotechnology. Cultivation thus provides context. In turn, we here arguethat multi-omics information awaits integration into the development of novel cultivation strat-egies. This can build the foundation for a new era of omics information-guided microbial cultiva-tion technology and reduce the inherent trial-and-error search space. This review discusses howinformation that can be extracted from multi-omics data can be applied for the cultivation ofhitherto uncultured microorganisms. Furthermore, we summarize groundbreaking studies thatsuccessfully translated information derived from multi-omics into specific media formulations,screening techniques and selective enrichments in order to obtain novel targeted microbial iso-lates. By integrating these examples, we conclude with a proposed workflow to facilitate futureomics-aided cultivation strategies that are inspired by the microbial complexity of theenvironment.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 20 January 2017Revised 15 May 2017Accepted 16 May 2017

KEYWORDSBacterial cultivation;metagenomics; metatran-scriptomics; multi-omics

Introduction: the importance of cultivation inthe age of multi-omics

The diversity and ubiquity of the microbial world that isobserved in environmental samples through recentadvances in high-throughput sequencing technologiesis astounding. The multi-omics revolution dramaticallyreshaped the field of microbial ecology and led to therealization that in most ecosystems, the existing micro-organisms outnumber those that are accessible throughcultivation by orders of magnitude. Only a minor part ofthe microorganisms observed in an environmental sam-ple can be grown and maintained axenically or indefined communities under laboratory conditions. Thisphenomenon, termed “the great plate count anomaly”(Staley 1985; Nichols 2007) has resulted in the develop-ment of numerous innovative cultivation techniquesusing advanced technologies like microfluidics (Maet al. 2014; Boitard et al. 2015), cultivation chips(Ingham et al. 2007; Hesselman et al. 2012; Gao et al.

2013), manipulation of single cells (Ben-Dov et al. 2009;Park et al. 2011) and high-throughput cultivationtermed “culturomics” (Lagier et al. 2012). These techni-ques immensely expanded the number of novel speciesbrought into culture, as reviewed in several recent pub-lications (Alain & Querellou 2009; Zengler 2009;Overmann 2010; Dewi Puspita et al. 2012; Dini-Andreote et al. 2012; Stewart 2012; Pham & Kim 2012;Allen-Vercoe 2013; Harwani 2013; Narihiro & Kamagata2013). To date, we count approximately 11,000 isolatedspecies distributed over 30 bacterial and five archaealphyla that have been validly classified (List ofProkaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature(LPSN;, cited 2016 Aug 3)). Inspite of the tremendous progress in cultivation technol-ogy, the “great plate count anomaly” remains in place,as the rate of discovery of microbes that are as yetuncultivable outpaces the rate of isolating novel spe-cies. During the past decades, microbiologists have

CONTACT Johanna Gutleben [email protected]; Detmer Sipkema [email protected] Laboratory of Microbiology, WageningenUniversity & Research, Stippeneng 4, 6708 WE, Wageningen, The Netherlands� 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,or built upon in any way.


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extensively characterized microbial community compos-ition based on the sequencing of universal markergenes, in most cases PCR-amplified regions of the smallsubunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene (Lane et al. 1985).This led to an estimated rate of approximately 40,000novel prokaryotic species being discovered per year,and a total of 400,000 species of bacteria and archaeaare predicted to be discovered by 2017 (Yarza et al.2014). To put this in perspective, the number of namedbacterial phyla increased from 12 to 92 in the last fourdecades. Additionally, archaea were discovered as aseparate domain in 1977 and since then expanded to26 recognized phyla to date (Woese & Fox 1977; Baker& Dick 2013; Youssef et al. 2014; Hug et al. 2016). Instark contrast, less than 6% of the total number of bac-terial and archaeal species included in the SILVA REF114 database has been validly classified by physio-logical tests of isolates, listed in LPSN (Parte 2014).

Not surprisingly, sequencing instead of culturingbecame the trend in the field of microbial ecologyafter the revolution in sequencing technology. In thepresent review, we subsume the terms metagenomics,metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics under theterm “multi-omics” (Zhang et al. 2010). Metabolomicsis not discussed in this review because exampleswhere this technology has successfully beenembedded in novel cultivation strategies remain veryscarce to date. Metagenomics is defined as the com-prehensive sequence analysis of total DNA isolatedfrom environmental samples (Handelsman et al. 1998;Marchesi & Ravel 2015). Metatranscriptomics is theanalysis of total environmental RNA. It providesinsights into the local and taxon-specific expressionlevels of genes (Frias-Lopez et al. 2008) at the commu-nity or even the single-cell level (Shi et al. 2014).Lastly, metaproteomics enables linking genotypes tophenotypes by detecting functional catalytic compo-nents of microbial communities (Wilmes et al. 2015).Multi-omics studies have been readily applied to char-acterize the diversity and metabolic potential of micro-bial communities in a wide range of differentenvironments. These include soils (Dini-Andreote et al.2012; Fierer et al. 2012), wastewater treatment bioreac-tors (Speth et al. 2016), marine sediments (Plewniaket al. 2013; Urich et al. 2014) and eukaryotic host-asso-ciated microbiomes (Erickson et al. 2012; Radax et al.2012; Sessitsch et al. 2012; Segata et al. 2013; Fuerst2014), thereby rapidly increasing our knowledge andunderstanding of microorganisms and their key rolesin biogeochemical cycling processes and eukaryotichost functioning and health. In addition, with metage-nomics, whole genomes of newly discovered uncul-tured species can be resolved, allowing to predict the

metabolic capabilities of these microorganisms in nat-ural or man-made ecosystems (Tyson et al. 2004;Siegl et al. 2011; Hug et al. 2012; Albertsen et al. 2013;Wilson & Piel 2013; McLean et al. 2013; Narihiro et al.2014; Nielsen et al. 2014; Urich et al. 2014; Walkeret al. 2014; Afshinnekoo et al. 2015; Brown et al. 2015).

Facing these data sets with reconstructed genomesof hundreds of microbial species and the hypothesesthey give rise to, cultivation of microorganisms is morevaluable than ever. Cultivation of microorganisms cur-rently is the most reliable way to validate ecologicalhypotheses raised from multi-omics data. In addition,cultivation is important for the annotation and func-tional characterization of novel genes (Muller et al.2013). With available cultures, bacterial metabolism canbe studied at the biochemical level, revealing as-yet-unknown physiological traits under varying incubationconditions. Furthermore, multi-species interactions, evo-lutionary principles, population dynamics and patho-genicity can only be experimentally validated whenisolates are available (Figure 1). Lastly, stable culturespave the way towards applications in biotechnology, forinstance regarding the quest for novel bioactive com-pound discovery and production, bioremediation andecosystem engineering. In fact, multi-omics and micro-bial cultivation studies should be acknowledged as twosides of the same coin (Leadbetter 2003; Overmann2010). It has been suggested that – in many instances –multi-omics information can provide valuable insightsfor culturing additional environmental microbes (Allen-Vercoe 2013; Narihiro & Kamagata 2013); however,actual examples of attempts to link multi-omics informa-tion with cultivation technology have remained scarce.

In this review, we discuss the available strategies thatallow bridging the gap between current microbial culti-vation and multi-omics approaches. In particular, wefocus on the progress and pitfalls in the quest to inte-grate specific multi-omics-derived information withrespect to enhancing microbial cultivation success.Secondly, we provide a literature survey, summarizingpioneering multi-omics-based cultivation experiments.Finally, we examine the current developments, extract-ing the experimental milestones that were achievedand propose a generalized workflow for future multi-omics inspired cultivation approaches.

Information associated with and extractedfrom multi-omics data

Genomes from metagenomes

Metagenomics provides information about the collect-ive set of genes in a given community. For many


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purposes, it is required that these gene pools are sepa-rated and assigned to particular taxa. Depending on thecomplexity of the community and the depth of theanalyses, sometimes even whole genomes can beassembled (Tyson et al. 2004; Brown et al. 2015).Taxonomy assignment to reads or (assembled) contigsfrom metagenomes can be done either basedon phylogenetic affiliation (Darling et al. 2014) orthrough a process called binning. Binning can be per-formed using sequence composition-dependent orcomposition-independent methods or a combination ofboth (Albertsen et al. 2013). Composition-dependent methods use information such as GC con-tent and tetranucleotide frequency patterns to sortreads within a metagenome into “bins” containingsequences with similar characteristics (Parks et al. 2011),but these can be limited by local sequence deviationswithin genomes. On the other hand, composition-inde-pendent methods use the assumption that reads/con-tigs with similar coverage profiles originate from thesame microbial population and represent a proxy for its

abundance. Generally, combining information on differ-ential coverage profiles with composition-basedapproaches has been shown to improve binning fidelity(Imelfort et al. 2014).

On the basis of assembled genomes or genome frag-ments, predictions regarding the ecology, physiologyand genetic potential of individual community mem-bers are feasible. For example, inferences concerningthe metabolic pathways for nitrogen and carboncycling, respiration mechanisms and the degradation ofparticular toxic compounds can be based on the rela-tive abundance or even the presence and absence ofthe relevant genes (Barone et al. 2014; Narihiro et al.2014). With the constantly improved methods forsequence generation and bioinformatic analysis, nearcomplete genome assembly is slowly becoming astandard method (Hug et al. 2016). This allows insightsinto the metabolic potential of environmental commun-ities with the potential to unravel the factors preventingcultivation to date, especially in combination withmetabolic reconstruction.

Figure 1. A model depicting the positive feedback loop between multi-omics data generation and isolation of as yet unculturedmicroorganisms. The rise of multi-omics tools has led to a better understanding of microbial life in nature, the resource for novelbiotechnological applications needed by our society. The tedious cultivation of microorganisms often represents the first milestonein novel biotechnological process development and facilitates testing of ecological hypotheses. Multi-omics information, curatedby physiological characterization of already available microbial isolates, represents a huge pool of knowledge about the yet-uncul-tured microbial world. Hence, integrating multi-omics data directed at culturing novel environmental bacteria (dashed arrow)brings multi-omics data into context and has the potential to boost biotechnological innovation for the benefit of society andnature conservation.


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Genome-scale reconstruction of metaboliccapacities and pathways

Predicting metabolic capabilities and other phenotyp-ical features of microorganisms based on genomicdata is achieved by means of genome-scale metabolicmodels. These models are tools that are commonlyused for linking genomic data to biochemical reactionnetworks controlling cellular processes (Bordbar et al.2014). They can be utilized to understand therelationships between genotype and phenotype andcan provide a framework for the integration of tran-scriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data (Joyce &Palsson 2006). Such data integration thus offers anoverview of in silico predicted cellular physiologicaland genetic responses to environmental changes inthe microbial habitat. The process of genome-scalemetabolic model construction has been reviewedextensively (Oberhardt et al. 2009; Santos et al. 2011;Bordbar et al. 2014). Briefly, it requires an initial draftgenome-derived metabolic reconstruction based ongene annotation data that is coupled to informationon pathways such as found in the KEGG database(Kanehisa et al. 2006) where genes are linked to func-tional categories. Following this, a model can be pro-posed that generates predictions about thephenotypes conferred by the analysed genomes. Themodels can be conceptual, but their analysis can betaken further using a mathematical representation ofthe bio-transformations and metabolic processesencoded within the organism’s genome. The latter istypically achieved using constraint-based methods,which impose constraints that consider network stoi-chiometry, thermodynamics, flux capacity and some-times transcriptional regulation (Reed 2012). Multipletools are available that either aid in the metabolicreconstruction from an assembled genome directly(The SEED) (Henry et al. 2010) or combine the infor-mation of multiple existing, manually curated models(Notebaart et al. 2006; Santos et al. 2011). Potentiallyrelevant in the context of improving in vitro cultur-ability of microorganisms, Carr and Borenstein (2012)implemented NetSeed, a modelling tool, which pre-dicts the compounds an organism needs to obtainfrom its environment. Based on NetSeed data, theMinimal ENvironment TOol (MENTO), predicts minimalnutritional requirements for the microorganisms atstake (Zarecki et al. 2014), making this a potentiallyuseful tool in designing culture media. Currently, gen-ome-scale metabolic models exist almost exclusivelyfor targeted, single species and their respectivegenomes. However, methods for metabolic recon-struction of complex communities start to appear for

well-studied ecosystems like the human gut(Magn�usd�ottir et al. 2016), a development that isworth persuing since the input data for such analysesare accumulating rapidly in databases. Metabolicmodels based on genome-scale reconstructions canbe seen as collections of hypotheses, which can besystematically identified, tested and resolved to pro-vide feedback for model refinements (Oberhardt et al.2009). Therefore, for example, models of interactingspecies can be used to predict cross-feeding pheno-types, which would require simultaneous cultivationfor growth. An interactive and iterative approach,including experiments and further model develop-ment, is expected to improve the accuracy of the pre-dictions, in turn allowing to refine media for thecultivation of yet uncultured target microorganisms(Figure 1).

Active metabolic functions at community level:metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics

Metatranscriptomics provides a snapshot of geneexpression levels in a community. Application of meta-transcriptomics-derived information provides anotherpiece of the puzzle in the quest to establish robust cul-tivation conditions, as it allows to distinguish – undergiven environmental conditions – the active and passivecommunity members and their expressed metabolicpathways (Frias-Lopez et al. 2008). It can even point atgene categories that are apparently required for growthand have not (yet) been highlighted in concurrentmetagenomics-based studies (Radax et al. 2012).Furthermore, comparison of metatranscriptomesderived from samples subjected to different cultivationor environmental conditions can provide correlationsbetween gene expression and environmental variables(Bomar et al. 2011). Thus, metatranscriptomics, and alsometaproteomics, can assist us in understanding theabundance and function of the expressed genes andcorresponding proteins in microbial habitats of interest(Keller & Hettich 2009). Responses to certain stress lev-els, alternating metabolic strategies (e.g. aerobic oranaerobic respiration vs. fermentation), defence mecha-nisms like antimicrobial compound production patternsor metabolite export and uptake can be differentiated.For example, information about active growth versussole biomass maintenance can be obtained from agiven community (Belnap et al. 2010; Erickson et al.2012). This can provide detailed insights into the meta-bolic status of microbial communities and their adapta-tions towards differential conditions, representingvaluable information for improving the cultivability ofspecific community members.


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Cooperative and antagonistic interactions withinmicrobial communities

Within microbial communities, distinct microorganismsoften compete for limited resources. However, manyprocesses occur in a cooperative manner since individ-ual species often lack the ability to produce all essentialcomponents needed for survival. These needs are metby other microorganisms, enabling such interdependentmicrobes to live efficiently by clipping down therequired number of encoded and expressed geneswithin individual community members in nutrient-lim-ited environments (Morris et al. 2012). Consequently,microorganisms communicate by trading metabolitesand/or signalling molecules. Processes driven by signal-ling molecules include, for example, biofilm formation,virulence factor secretion, bioluminescence, antibioticproduction and exoenzyme production (West et al.2007). Bacteria perform these actions aided by a processof cell-to-cell communication, like quorum sensing,where bacteria synchronously control gene expressionin response to changes in cell density (Ng & Bassler2009). Typically, intra-species interactions among bac-teria include but are not limited to, signalling moleculessuch as N-acyl-homoserine lactones (N-AHLs), autoin-ducer-2 (AI-2) and antimicrobial compounds includingpeptides (Camilli & Bassler 2006; Yim et al. 2006).Through genomic information, it has become apparentthat quorum sensing-related mechanisms are wide-spread in the bacterial world. For instance, the generesponsible for the production of AI-2 (LuxS) is presentubiquitously across the bacterial domain and found inover half of all sequenced bacterial genomes (Federle2009; Pereira et al. 2013).

Hence, in cultivation attempts, the absence ofmetabolites or signalling molecules that are usually pro-vided by other community members can have pro-nounced effects on the growth of target organisms andthus cultivation success (Camilli & Bassler 2006). Thiswill particularly affect host-associated bacteria, whichhave highly specialized genomes (McCutcheon & Moran2011). Such complex relationships are difficult to repro-duce in traditional microbial cultivation approacheswhere cells are physically separated from each otherand inter- and intra-species exchange of metabolitesand/or signalling compounds is disrupted during thefirst stage of isolation.

To this end, the aforementioned genome-basedmodel predictions of auxotrophies, that is, dependen-cies on external supply of specific compounds, mayindicate which metabolic pathways have to be comple-mented in order to allow for in vitro growth of the tar-geted organism. Moreover, the discovery of

phylogenetically and structurally novel signalling mole-cules, that provide the cues for metabolic activity, iscommon in microbial multi-omics data (Kimura 2014),potentially leading to success when integrated in culti-vation methods (Bruns et al. 2002; Nichols et al. 2008;Vartoukian et al. 2010; Sipkema et al. 2011).

Antimicrobial compounds play a major role in theenvironment, not only as defence mechanisms againstcompeting organisms, but also as intra-species signal-ling molecules (Goh et al. 2002; Yim et al. 2006; Yimet al. 2007; Voolaid et al. 2012). Therefore, antibioticresistance genes are also widespread; they can beextracted from multi-omics data (Medema & Fischbach2015) and have recently been shown to be expressed ina broad range of different natural environments(Versluis et al. 2015). Often, antibiotics show poor activ-ity against oligotrophic and slow-growing organisms(Lewis 2007), many of which are potential targets forcultivation studies. Thus, antibiotics and their produc-tion and resistance loci detectable in multi-omics datacan be used as selection criteria for the isolation of tar-get organisms. This may include the prevention of over-growth by fast-growing microorganisms (Sizova et al.2012; Hames-Kocabas & Uzel 2012; Rettedal et al. 2014;Keren et al. 2015) or selection for specific phenotypictraits such as those characteristic for Gram-positive bac-teria or production of antibiotic-resistant spores.

Habitat complexity and current multi-omics-based cultivation studies

Different habitats require different strategies to obtainmeaningful multi-omics data. Here, we categorizemicrobial habitats based on their complexity in order tointerpret available literature data on the use of multi-omics data leading to cultivation successes. The com-plexity of a microbial habitat may include aspects ofspecies diversity, fluctuations in environmental condi-tions and interactions among the community members.Temporal and spatial instability of environmentalparameters favour the evolution of large genomes in acommunity (Guieysse & Wuertz 2012; Bentkowski et al.2015). The presence of large genomes in a samplemake it more difficult to resolve individual genomesusing a given multi-omics strategy and reduce thestrength of resulting hypotheses that lay the foundationfor cultivation experiments. However, both environmen-tal instability and the intricacy of interactions amongstmicrobes in an environment have been scarcelyaddressed in the multi-omics literature. Therefore, weuse the parameter species diversity as a proxy for micro-bial habitat complexity (Figure 2). Low-diversity envi-ronments are characterized by the predominance of


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just one or a few microbial species. These microbes maybe host-associated or free-living in environments withconditions tolerated by only a handful of species, suchas in acid mine drainage biofilms or hot springs.Currently, the majority of the successful –omics infor-mation based cultivation examples are from such low-diversity environments, since according multi-omicsdata can be analysed more thoroughly with currentlyavailable bioinformatic tools. On the contrary, mostenvironments support the growth of a myriad of spe-cies resulting in a high microbial diversity, such as insoils, seawater or animal intestines (Torsvik 2002). In thefollowing section, we elaborate how multi-omics infor-mation can be used as a basis for cultivation of targetedmicroorganisms from an environment with a givencomplexity, supported with key examples fromliterature.

Low diversity microbial habitats

Host associated

This category contains examples of both intra- andextracellular host-dependent or host-favoured microbesthat share their habitat with only few or no other spe-cies. From intracellularly occurring microbes, genomicinformation can be readily obtained after purifying themicrobes from host cell material by, for example, celldisruption and differential centrifugation as was donefor the Q (query) fever-causing obligate intracellular

pathogen Coxiella burnetti (Cockrell et al. 2008). In gen-eral, evolution favours the reduction of genome sizes,and hence, these microbes often have only a limited setof specialized metabolic pathways that support the hostassociations (Dutta & Paul 2012). Media and cultivationconditions have to be carefully adapted to themicrobes’ demands, and multi-omics data can be instru-mental in identifying nutritional requirements.

An early example of genome-inspired mediumdesign was the development of a defined medium forXylella fastidiosa, a slow-growing plant pathogen inhab-iting the xylem of citrus plants (Lemos et al. 2003;Almeida et al. 2004; Janse & Obradovic 2010). Eventhough the organism had been isolated with empiricalmethods before (Wells et al. 1987), and its genome wassequenced in 2000 (Setubal et al. 2000), Lemos et al.(2003) revealed that a relatively simple medium com-position supported growth. They prepared five minimalmedia that differed in amino acid composition and con-centration based on the presence or absence of genesfor amino acid biosynthetic pathways in the X. fastidiosagenome. Some enzymes required for the biosynthesisof serine, cysteine and methionine were missing, andthe addition of these amino acids resulted in fastergrowth of X. fastidiosa. Furthermore, myo-inositol, aspecific precursor of plant cell wall polysaccharides, wasadded since it was hypothesized that X. fastidiosametabolizes this compound based on the presence ofthe enzyme inositol monophosphatase. However, not

Figure 2. Schematic depiction of selected environments discussed in this review according to the diversity of the residing micro-bial community.


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all metabolic reactions the organism was performingwere predicted from the genome. For example, despitea predicted serine auxotrophy, growth occurred in ser-ine-free media. Potential reasons for this incongruenceinclude incorrect gene annotation, multifunctionalenzymes, unknown metabolic pathways or enzymesencoded by analogous genes (Lemos et al. 2003). Thisexample shows how a variety of genome-tailored min-imal medium designs can result in improved growthrates, but advocates at the same time that currently notall metabolic capabilities of the target organisms can bepredicted correctly from genomic data.

Another example is provided by the first axenic cul-ture of Tropheryma whipplei, the causative agent ofWhipple’s disease. This obligate intracellular pathogenhad resisted axenic cultivation for almost a century andwas growing only in association with eukaryotic cellsuntil its 0.9Mb genome, obtained by differential centri-fugation, was published in 2003 (Bentley et al. 2003).Analysing metabolic models based on the genomerevealed the (partial or complete) absence of biosyn-thetic pathways for 16 amino acids, which suggestedthat T. whipplei obtains these from its host. As a follow-up, Renesto et al. (2003) designed a medium providingthe 16 amino acids, inoculated it with supernatant of T.whipplei-infected fibroblasts and established an axenicculture of T. whipplei.

The Q (query) fever-causing obligate intracellularpathogen Coxiella burnetti was recently liberated fromits host into axenic culture (Omsland et al. 2009). In thiscase, information derived from multiple sources wasused to optimize the medium that supported growth:Replicating niche characteristics (low pH, salt concentra-tions) and incorporating the genome-predicted meta-bolic capacities (amino acid uptake and metabolism)resulted in the formulation of the initial growthmedium. A subsequent comparison of the transcrip-tomes from C. burnetti incubated in suboptimal mediumand C. burnetti growing in Vero cells suggested a defi-ciency in amino acids for the bacteria growing in thedesigned medium. The addition of casamino acids andL-cysteine to the initial medium yielded an approxi-mately 13-fold increase in protein synthesis, but notsubstantial growth. Further genome inspectionsrevealed that terminal oxidases associated with bothaerobic and microaerobic respiration was encoded, sug-gesting that C. burnetti could respire in low-oxygenenvironments. Incubations under different oxygen ten-sions showed an increased ability of C. burnetti to oxi-dize essential substrates under microaerophilicconditions. Finally, C. burnetti was incubated in aminoacid-supplemented growth medium under 2.5% oxygentension conditions, where three logs of growth were

observed after 6 days of incubation. Thus, fine tuninggrowth conditions concurrently with designing mediabased on predicted metabolic capabilities led to thesuccessful axenic cultivation of C. burnetti.

Bomar et al. (2011) analysed the metatranscriptomesof two extracellular bacterial symbionts that make upthe entire gut microbiota of the leech Hirudo verbana.The high expression levels of genes encoding mucin(and glycan) degrading enzymes suggested that mucinsconstitute the main carbon and energy source for theone as-yet-uncultured Rikenella-like leech symbiont.Replacement of glucose by mucin in the culturemedium resulted in an isolate that was identical to thetarget bacterium from the leech gut. Hence, by identify-ing genes that are highly expressed in their originalenvironment, key physiological properties of the targetorganisms can be predicted and used in targeted isola-tion approaches.

Extreme environments

Slightly more complex but still considered low-diversityenvironments are habitats that are characterized byextreme conditions. Hot springs, acid mine drainagebiofilms or hypersaline lakes allow only a few highlyadapted species to thrive. Such extremophilic organ-isms harbour a high potential for industrial processesand compounds. Furthermore, fundamental researchinterests in evolution, abiotic to biotic element cyclingand possibilities for extraterrestrial life have made suchextreme habitats popular study sites for decades. Therelatively simple communities have led to manyground-breaking results, also in the field of molecularmicrobial ecology.

Tyson et al. (2005) established one of the first break-throughs in a metagenome-derived cultivationapproach by reconstructing the genome of an as-yet-uncultured member of the Nitrospirae from a metage-nome of an acid mine drainage biofilm. The recon-structed genome revealed a single nitrogen fixationoperon. Based on this information, the authors devel-oped a nitrogen-free medium. The cultivation condi-tions were further set up to match prevailingenvironmental conditions, that is, high metal concentra-tions, pH 0.8 and 37 �C. They successfully obtainedaxenic cultures of a Leptospirillum group III member bymeans of repeated sequential batch dilution series. Thisiron-oxidizing Nitrospirae isolate was described asLeptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum sp. nov. (Tyson et al.2005). In a follow-up study, the entire acid mine drain-age biofilm was targeted, including its complete meta-bolic functions (Belnap et al. 2010). Hence, a cultivationsystem was designed that maintained and propagated


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the biofilm in vitro. Metabolic labelling-based proteomicanalysis after 12 days of growth confirmed also the pres-ence and activity of low-abundance community mem-bers. Additionally, autotrophic primary production andstress responses were monitored. Modifying the cultiva-tion conditions led to enhanced growth and decreasedthe abundance of stress response proteins as monitoredby metaproteomics (Belnap et al. 2010). Thus, metapro-teomics data as monitoring tool enabled the customiza-tion of cultivation conditions towards the metabolicdemands of the targeted communities. To our know-ledge, this is the only example of the use of metapro-teomics for improving culturability, which might be dueto the inherent complexity of community metapro-teomes and the current analytical limitations of thistechnology (Wilmes et al. 2015).

Nanoarchaeota have first been described as obligateextracellular symbionts of Crenarchaeota from submar-ine hydrothermal vents (Huber et al. 2002). Using spe-cific primers, Nanoarchaeota have since then beendetected in many environments including terrestrial hotsprings and hypersaline lakes with culture-independentmethods (Casanueva et al. 2008). Single-cell sorting andwhole-genome amplification of antibody-labelledarchaea from the Obsidian Pool in Yellow StoneNational park revealed 16 S rRNA gene sequences of anovel nanoarchaeal organism and sequences from itsputative crenarchaeal host, an uncultured member ofthe Sulfolobales (Podar et al. 2013). Both nanoarchaealand crenarchaeal whole-genome amplification productswere assembled into near-complete genomes and theirmetabolic capacities were reconstructed. The nano-archaeon’s fragmented, extremely small genome lackedmany essential biosynthetic pathways which indicatedthat the nanoarchaeon cannot live autonomously andhence depends on the presence of a crenarchaeal asso-ciate. Potential glycolysis and gluconeogenesis path-ways, however, are retained in the nanoarchaeon,suggesting the use of peptides or complex sugars asenergy source (Podar et al. 2013; Wurch et al. 2016). Onthis basis, Wurch et al. (2016) established enrichmentcultures containing yeast extract, casamino acids andsucrose or glycogen in anoxic Brock medium with lowpH and 80–85 �C and obtained stable communities withincreasing relative abundance of nanoarchaeota, asmonitored by qPCR. After two rounds of dilution toextinction, they transferred a single crenarchaeal cellcarrying a nanoarchaeon into liquid medium usingoptical tweezers, thereby obtaining a pure co-culture ofthe crenarchaeon host (Acidilobus sp. 7 A) and its associ-ated nanoarchaeon (strain N7A). This first isolated geo-thermal nanoarchaeon, proposed as “CandidatusNanopusillus acidilobi” represents the smallest cultured

organism to date (100–300 nm cell size), and availablecultures now allow experimentation to reveal its par-ticular metabolism and adaptation features. Many moreultra-small bacteria and archaea with similar ectosymbi-otic or ectoparasitic lifestyles might await discovery andidentification of their hosts, something that – apartfrom single cell genomics – is only feasible by directcultivation (Delafont et al. 2015; He et al. 2015; Wurchet al. 2016).

We conclude that genomic information of microbesderived from low diversity environments can often beobtained relatively easily and that individual genomereconstructions are often feasible (Figure 3). Analysingmetabolic networks for the presence or absence ofessential biosynthetic pathways, the presence/absenceof specific catabolic pathways and uptake systems canreveal, which pathways have to be complemented bythe culture medium, as well as help to choose specificcarbon sources, electron donors and electron acceptors.Genome-inspired medium design in combination withfine-tuning cultivation conditions can assist in isolatingas-yet-uncultivated, even host-associated microorgan-isms with reduced genomes. In cases where genomicinformation is inconclusive, metatranscriptomics ormetaproteomics can be applied, indicating which bac-teria are active in selected conditions. This will revealthe active metabolic functions and hint towards sub-strates that are preferably catabolized by the organismsunder study.

High diversity microbial habitats

This category contains examples of microorganismssharing their habitat with a large variety of co-occurringspecies. Hence, interpreting multi-omics data representsa true challenge. Monitoring the efficiency of cultivationmedia through molecular and multi-omics methods forthe growth of targeted species or specific microbialconsortia is a common denominator for the examples inthis category.

Host-associated high diversity habitats

Tian et al. (2010) used DGGE (denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis, a molecular community diversity esti-mation method) of PCR-amplified 16 S rRNA gene frag-ments to compare cultivated communities to microbialprofiles of the human oral cavity. They developed a cul-tivation medium that propagated a diverse community,which resembled the composition of the oral commu-nity the most. This in vitro grown community also con-tained phylotypes of the -until then- uncultivatedcandidate phylum TM7 (He et al. 2015). Some of the


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phylotypes contained a mutation in their 16 S rRNAgene sequence that had been previously linked tostreptomycin resistance (Hugenholtz et al. 2001).Indeed, addition of streptomycin to the culture medium

led to an enrichment of a specific TM7 phylotype(named TM7x), which was physically associated with apreviously uncultured Actinomyces species. This stablecoculture enabled the complete sequencing of TM7’shighly reduced genome, providing insights into thegrowth conditions and lifestyle of this human-associ-ated epibiotic organism.

In addition to oral microbial communities, gut eco-systems provide a broad range of metabolic niches thatare inhabited by diverse microbial communities (Vieira-Silva & Rocha 2010; Fodor et al. 2012). Especially, thehuman intestinal tract has been studied intensively, andmany species have been cultured (Lagier et al. 2012;Rajilic-Stojanovic & de Vos 2014). The challenges ofassembling genomes from such high-diversity environ-ments are currently being overcome (Nielsen et al.2014; White et al. 2016), allowing metabolic networks tobe established for target species as well as for wholecommunities (Abubucker et al. 2012; Magn�usd�ottir et al.2016). Based on metabolic network information of tar-get species, enrichment strategies can be designed thatexclusively support the metabolism of the selectedbacteria.

For example, nucleotide composition-basedsequence binning enabled Pope and colleagues (Popeet al. 2011) to assemble approximately 2Mb (�90%) ofthe genome of an as-yet-uncultured member of theSuccinivibrionaceae from a wallaby foregut metage-nome that comprised sequences of more than 500 dif-ferent species. The assembled genome was used topartially reconstruct the metabolic pathways of the bac-terium as well as to search for putative antibiotic resis-tances. This predicted the utilization of starch as a solecarbon source and urea as a non-protein nitrogensource. A defined medium containing starch, urea andbacitracin was then developed, which led to highlyenriched and (later) axenic cultures of the targeted phy-lotype. Further physiological characterization was con-sistent with the genome-based predictions, confirmingthat this bacterium is dependent on CO2 to support itssuccinate biosynthesis and produces succinate as majorfermentation end product, further explaining the basisof the low methane emissions from herbivorousmarsupials.

The inclusion of selection criteria such as antibioticsor other bactericidal compounds in the isolation strat-egy can increase the success of isolation manifold andselect for specific phenotypic traits such as sporulation.Following up on the metagenomics-derived observationthat many members of the human intestinal microbiotaunexpectedly possess extensive genomic sporulationcapacity, a pre-treatment using ethanol enriched forspores from the faecal samples and enabled the

Figure 3. Proposed workflow for integrating multi-omics datainto microbial cultivation. Arrows indicate the flow of informa-tion, blue for multi-omics strategies and green for microbialcultivation (in correspondence to Figure 1). �The samplingstrategy prior to metagenomic or single-cell genomics differsfor low- and high-diversity environments, the latter requiringa larger number of samples for enhanced genome recovery.


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subsequent isolation of 45 novel candidate species(Browne et al. 2016). Overall, their isolates representedapproximately 90% of the overall relative abundance atthe species level in the individuals from which theywere obtained and revealed novel insights into thetransmission mode of human-associated strict anae-robes (Browne et al. 2016).

Free-living, highly complex communities

Highly diverse environments, such as water columns orsoils and sediments pose particular challenges for cur-rent multi-omics approaches for multiple reasons.Firstly, such environments support the growth of micro-bial species with expanded genomic repertoires allow-ing them to adjust to oligotrophy and varying abioticconditions (Konstantinidis & Tiedje 2005). Secondly,these environments are exposed to fluctuations in tem-perature, light, water content or salinity in daily or sea-sonal cycles, creating niches for a myriad of closelyrelated species, making it difficult to separate genomesat strain or species level. As a consequence, the amountof sequencing needed to cover genomes substantiallyis astronomical and existing computational powerneeded to resolve such complex datasets exceeds cur-rent capacities (White et al. 2016).

Based on rRNA gene cloning, the SAR11 clade wasfound to be the most ubiquitous bacterium in oceanwaters, yet recalcitrant to isolation. Hence, Rapp�e andcolleagues (Rapp�e et al. 2002) employed a high-throughput dilution-to-extinction method to naturalmarine communities and inoculated a series of low-nutrient media with around 20 cells per well in micro-titre plates. After 23 days of incubation, they obtainedaxenic cultures of 11 SAR11 strains, including the pro-posed “Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique”, allowing for invitro studies with an organism of global biogeochemicalsignificance. Further applications of this cultivationmethod led to the successful propagation of up to 14%of the cells of coastal waters (Connon & Giovannoni2002). This empirical approach constituted a milestonein our quest to isolate the abundant bacteria in a givenhabitat. The analysis of two “Candidatus Pelagibacterubique” genomes revealed an incomplete set of genesfor assimilatory sulphate reduction, suggesting that theorganism requires reduced sulphur compounds (e.g.methionine) for growth (Tripp et al. 2008). Furthermore,a fragmented glycolysis pathway and the absence ofglycine and serine biosynthesis pathways suggested ametabolic dependency on low-molecular-weightorganic acids as carbon sources. This information wasused for the design of a defined medium, and it wasshown that the addition of glycine and pyruvate as well

as inorganic micro- and macronutrients and vitaminswere required for robust growth of SAR11 isolates(Carini et al. 2012).

To our knowledge, multi-omics information-assistedcultivation approaches from highly diverse habitatssuch as soils and sediments remain scarce to date. Thecurrent pitfalls of multi-omics data generation and ana-lysis are especially noticeable when it comes to multi-omics guided microbial isolation from such highly com-plex environments where extremely intricate commu-nity member interactions are expected (Traxler & Kolter2015). However, recent breakthroughs are promising,and with the constantly improving methods forsequence generation and bioinformatics analysis, rea-sonably complete genome reconstruction is slowlybecoming a standard method (Hug et al. 2016).

Pitfalls to current multi-omics methods andways around the limitations

First, one classical problem of metagenomics and meta-transcriptomics-based gene targeting is the difficulty ofassigning observed functions to specific taxa (Dutilhet al. 2007). However, recent increases in obtainablesequence read length and assembled fragments haveresulted in major improvements. Besides, computationaldevelopments are paving the way to make better useof currently available short reads. One recently devel-oped pre-assembly method, coined latent strain analysis(LSA) (Cleary et al. 2015), separates the reads into“biologically informed” partitions, enabling the assem-bly of individual genomes from metagenomes. This ispromising, since a large number of samples from high-complexity environments could enable a resolutionhigh enough to assemble genomes of bacterial taxapresent even at low abundances.

Second, a direct translation of genomics-based datato cultivation conditions and cultivation media is stilldifficult. For example, Lavy et al. (2014) designed amedium based on genomic data of “CandidatusPoribacteria sp”. WGA-4E obtained through single-cellgenomics of cells retrieved from the Red Sea spongeTheonella swinhoei (Siegl et al. 2011). However, the bac-terium could not be brought into culture. Challengingin such endeavors is to decide on the concentrations ofmedium components and the combination thereof,since the (bio-) chemical composition of natural envi-ronments is often unknown despite carefully collectedmetadata. High concentrations of substrates can betoxic or inhibiting for environmental bacteria derivedfrom nutrient-limited environments (Connon &Giovannoni 2002), or favour less-abundant, fast-growingorganisms. Two different issues can be identified here:


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one is the isolation of community members, andanother one deciphering optimal growth conditions.For the former, the concentration ranges of mediumcomponents are likely quite large, and inspiration frommedia that work for related microbes can be used as aproxy, although also potential competition by other,faster growing community members has to be takeninto account. For the latter, further refinement of themedia by factorial trial and error may be required. Infact, supplying cultivation media with ingredients thatare not predicted as required according to an organ-ism’s biosynthetic pathways can still be growth promot-ing (Lemos et al. 2003).

Third, information about the active contribution ofcommunity members to the overall nutrient cycling inan ecosystem is less frequently available as comparedto their genomic potential. Bacteria can exist in a meta-bolically inactive dormant state, especially in nutrient-scarce environments that are subjected to regular dis-turbances, such as influx of toxic compounds (Epstein2009; Buerger et al. 2012). This is gradually overcomeby comparing gene expression or protein data with(meta)genomic data, which may reveal discrepanciesbetween the most abundant and the most active organ-isms in a community.

Lastly, functional traits and metabolic pathways areinferred from the annotated portion of the metage-nome. This fraction is a proportion of the total due to avariety of factors. First, metagenomic library construc-tion relies on the accuracy of DNA extraction methods,which are prone to problems, such as incomplete cellextraction, cell lysis or DNA degradation (Wesolowska-Andersen et al. 2014). In addition, depending on themicrobial diversity of the environment, approximately30–50% of the genes found are of undetermined func-tion altogether (Ellrott et al. 2010). Finally, many annota-tions present in databases are not accurate (Schnoeset al. 2009). Microbial cultivation itself is one way thatcan positively impact experimental validation of geneannotations, through an “ecologically validated” posi-tive feedback loop. As a consequence, predictions ofmetabolic capabilities from multi-omics data can beexpected to further improve. This in turn has the poten-tial to bring a larger number of uncultured species intocultivation (Figure 1).

In order to avoid some of the pitfalls mentionedabove, we want to stress the importance of collectingbio- and physicochemical metadata at an appropriatetemporal and spatial resolution in order to link multi-omics data to environmental cues. Microorganismsinhabit microenvironments strongly influenced by thestructure of the environment, and they respond toconditions and resources at scales ranging from

micrometres to a few meters (Franklin & Mills 2003;Cardon & Gage 2006). In the case of metagenomicsand metatranscriptomics data, the standard of min-imum information about any sequence is called MIMS(Minimum Information about a MetagenomeSequence) (Yilmaz et al. 2011), developed by theGenomics Standards Consortium (GSC, The metadata that describes the sampled envir-onment usually includes collection date, specificationof the environment (biome) and the location wheresamples were collected. We here advocate that add-itional parameters such as temperature, pH, oxygenconcentration and biochemical data on nutrient orsalt concentrations should be included as much aspossible as they provide important environmentaldescriptors that can assist in interpreting multi-omicsresults and setting the appropriate cultivationconditions.

Envisioned strategies for omics-aidedcultivation approaches

Even though each microbial habitat requires tailoredstudy designs and challenges the creativity and invent-iveness of individual researchers, we propose a moregeneric workflow based on the examples summarizedin this review (Table 1) as a guidance for future multi-omics based cultivation experiments.

This workflow starts with sampling the environmentof interest and collecting metadata at appropriate tem-poral and spatial resolution in order to link multi-omicsdata to environmental cues (Figure 3). Estimating thespecies diversity of a given sample based on 16 S rRNAgene analysis, even though not a multi-omics approachsensu strictu, is helpful to determine, which of the com-plementary techniques of single-cell genomics andmetagenomics to follow. For low diversity samples,metagenomics might enable the recovery of completegenomes of dominant species due to high copy num-bers of those genomes in the samples. Applying meta-genomics to high-diversity habitats may require a pre-treatment step such as cell size or cell density sorting,resulting in an enrichment of the microorganisms ofinterest. At the same time, the pre-treated samples canbe used as pre-enriched inocula for cultivation. In add-ition, sequencing a large number of samples might alsoimprove the odds for full genome recovery, given thatavailability of metagenomes from samples with differ-ent relative abundances aid in binning and genomereconstruction. Single-cell genomics is an alternativeoption to reconstruct draft genomes of the (target)microorganisms from highly complex microbialhabitats.


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The recovered genomes constitute a firm basis forthe construction of metabolic models; however, the nat-ural environment of the target organism and the qualityof the draft genomes should be kept in considerationwhen examining resulting metabolic models, that is,mind the gaps! Metabolic models illustrate the targets’genomic signatures of aerobic or anaerobic respiration,fermentation pathways, possible electron donor oracceptor molecules, carbohydrate metabolism and bio-synthetic pathway deficiencies, which constitute usefulinformation for medium design. Media formulationsthat were used to isolate phylogenetically relatedorganisms represent a valuable source of inspiration forthe compositional details of trace metal, salts and vita-min concentrations. We propose to aim for selectivemedia compositions for initial isolation of the target.Identifying genetic traits that distinguish the targetfrom other organisms such as antibiotic resistancemarkers or auxotrophies can represent valuable selec-tion criteria, inhibiting undesired, fast growing organ-isms from the sampled community. Designing optimalgrowth media should only be considered after initialdiversity reduction or isolation of the target since opti-mal growing conditions can be similar for many untar-geted microbes from the environment, which mayovergrow the organism of interest.

To summarize, the predicted metabolic substratesand the resulting products, in conjunction with theenvironmental metadata, can be translated intomedium designs that can be subjected to the cur-rently available multitude of novel cultivation strat-egies such as microfluidics, cultivation chips,manipulation of single cells and high throughput cul-tivation, mentioned in the introduction. Lastly, 16 SrRNA gene-based techniques such as fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH) or qPCR screening enabletracking and quantification of the target organismsthroughout the process of sampling and subsequentenrichment, cultivation and recovery. We surmise that,on the basis of such highly rational cultivationapproaches (Figure 3), a plethora of novel target spe-cies will be brought into culture.

Conclusions: the era of multi-omics-basedmicrobial cultivation

In this decade, the huge increase in sequence data fromgenomes, metagenomes, metatranscriptomes andmetaproteomes continues to unveil the enormous var-iety of as-yet-unexplored metabolic potential in nature.The massive amount of publicly available multi-omicsdata sets transits many environmental bacteriafrom the unknown-unknown to the known-unknown

search space. Now, the decadal challenge is to furtherscrutinize such data sets and use them to serve our eco-logical and exploratory questions about members ofmicrobiomes and their roles in the natural habitats weare studying. But, multi-omics methods have muchmore potential than just serving as explanatory tools.They provide hypotheses that await testing usingadvanced cultivation technologies to bring a range ofpreviously recalcitrant extant microbes into cultivation.From targeted isolation (Huber et al. 1995; Davis et al.2014) via multi-omics inspired medium development(Bomar et al. 2011; Pope et al. 2011) to high-throughputscreening of a myriad of colonies or enriched liquid cul-tures (Lagier et al. 2012; Ma et al. 2014), the possibilitiesfor data integration are plentiful. Given the fact thatbacterial cultivation is time-consuming and tedious, theadditional sources of information derived from high-end molecular tools provide highly practical advantagesthat may lead to important breakthroughs and shouldnot be ignored. The integration of multi-omics know-ledge in cultivation studies increases the chances ofsuccess and decreases the search space in the quest fornew microbial isolates.


We thank Toni Clariana and A. A. Kampfraath for help andcritical comments on designing and drawing. This researchwas supported by the People Programme (Marie CurieActions) of the European Union Seventh FrameworkProgramme FP7/2007–2013/ under REA grant agreement n�

607786, BluePharmTrain.

Disclosure statement

We state that this is an original research, which has not beenpreviously published and has not been submitted for publi-cation elsewhere while under consideration. We declare noconflict of interest.


This research was supported by the People Programme(Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union SeventhFramework Programme FP7/2007–2013/ under REA grantagreement n� 607786, BluePharmTrain.


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