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UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO Quantum Oblivious Transfer João Paulo do Amaral de Jesus Rodrigues Advisor: Doctor Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Co-Advisor: Doctor Nikola Paunković Thesis specifically prepared to obtain the PhD Degree in Information Security Draft December 2015

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Quantum Oblivious Transfer

João Paulo do Amaral de Jesus Rodrigues

Advisor: Doctor Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus

Co-Advisor: Doctor Nikola Paunković

Thesis specifically prepared to obtain the PhD Degree in Information Security


December 2015

Quantum Oblivious Transfer


Distributed computation has been growing throughout recent years due to the ease of

communication between different devices and the growth of computational power.

On the other hand, there has always been the need for separate entities to share critical

information with some designated party in order to calculate the market price for goods,

voting, auctions, and so on.

Nowadays, all these functionalities are carried out entrusting critical data to a trusted

third party (TTP). By the nature of those data, any leakage could be harmful for some of

the entities.

Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) emerges in this context where multiple entities

wish to jointly process their data without entrusting critical data to TTP.

A well stablished result is that SMC can be implemented using oblivious transfer protocols

(see, for example, [50]). As a drawback, the security of these protocols, as well as of almost all

key exchange and asymmetric encryption schemes,rely on computational hardness of some

mathematical problem. Quantum computers, for now only in the theoretical level, are a

serious threat to all those cryptographic systems aforementioned.

Quantum systems are a threat to classical cryptographic systems, but they are also a

solution when it comes to key exchange protocols. Bennet and Brassard proposed the first

quantum key exchange protocol which was proven unconditionally secure at the theoreti-

cal level. Ever since then, more proposals began to appear and some were proven to be

unconditionally secure. Security of these protocols is based on the laws of physics.

This thesis is dedicated to the proposal and the study of oblivious transfer protocols

based on quantum mechanics. We will present a bit string oblivious transfer protocol based

on single-qubits rotations, a bit oblivious transfer with discrete-time quantum random walks


and two bit-string oblivious transfer protocols based on coherent quantum states and discuss

its security under practical assumptions.

Keywords: Oblivious Transfer, Perfect Secrecy, Quantum Walks, Qubits, Coherent



Quantum Oblivious Transfer

João Paulo do Amaral de Jesus Rodrigues

Doutoramento em Segurança de Informação

Orientador: Doutor Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus

Co-Orientador: Doutor Nikola Paunković


A computação distribuída tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais terreno devido à facilidade

de comunicação entre dispositivos que tem vindo a aumentar, e ao avanço na capacidade

de processamento de grandes quantidades de dados. A Computação Distribuída Segura (em

inglês, Secure multiparty Computation, SMC) emerge num contexto onde se quer processar

dados de múltiplas entidades, mas em que a privacidade destes dados têm que ser mantidas.

A SMC possibilita a mineração de dados privados, votação electrónica, leilões electrónicos,

entre outras funcionalidades seguras.

Actualmente, todas estas funcionalidades são feitas recorrendo a uma entidade de confi-

ança (trusted third party, TTP, em inglês) que idealmente permite a privacidade dos dados

de cada entidade. Mas a informação terá que ser acedida pela TTP. O SMC permite cumprir

a função do TTP sem essa partilha de dados.

Um resultado bem estabelecido é que o SMC pode ser concedido recorrendo ao protocolo

de transferência oblívia entre dois participantes (vide, por exemplo, [50]). No entanto, a

segurança destes protocolos, bem como as de distribuição de chaves e os sistemas de chave

públicas reduzem-se à resolução de problemas computacionais intratáveis em tempo útil. Os

computadores quânticos, ainda que só em teoria, constituem uma ameaça a estes problemas.

Por outro lado, a segurança perfeita de protocolos de distribuição de chaves pode ser

atingida recorrendo a tecnologias quânticas. A segurança baseia-se nas leis da física e actual-

mente existem várias propostas de distribuição de chaves a serem estudadas. Comercialmente

já existem soluções baseadas no protocolo BB84 proposto por Bennet e Brassard, o primeiro

protocolo demonstrado ser, teoricamente, incondicionalmente seguro.

Esta tese é dedicada ao estudo de propriedades quânticas para a implementação de pro-

tocolos de transferência oblívia. Apresentaremos um protocolo de transferência oblívia de

uma mensagem baseados em rotações em qubits, um de transferência oblívia de um bit com

passeio aleatório quântico discreto e dois protocolos de transferência oblívia de mensagens

recorrendo a estados quânticos coerentes, cujas seguranças se baseiam nas leis da física.

Palavras-chave: Transferência Oblívia, Segurança Perfeita, Passeio Aleatório Quântico,

Qubits, Estados Coerentes.



Firstly, I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Paulo Mateus and co-advisor Prof. Nikola

Paunković for the oportunity to work in such a multidisciplinary and stimulating area as

quantum cryptography. I would like to express my gratitude for their support and guidance.

I would also like to thank Dr. André Souto for his support and usefull discussions.

I would also like to thank Dr. Jeroen van de Graaf, who provided me an opportunity to

join his team and for his support.

I thank my office collegues for all the support and funny coffe brakes, and challenging

lunch times.

Also, my gratitude goes to Prof. Armando Pinto and Nuno Nuno Silva for the oportunity

to work in the laboratory of optics at Aveiro while finnishing the thesis.

I would like to thank my family: my father and my brothers for all the support they gave

me, specially through the dificult times.

A special thanks goes to my mother, who is no longer with us.

I have been partly supported by the institute Instituto de Telecomunicações with the

grants PDTC/EIA/67661/2006QSec, (P385) and UID/EEA/50008/2013 Refa615/2015.

I have also been partly supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) grant



List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1 Introduction 15

1.1 The need for Quantum Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Oblivious Transfer using Single Qubit Rotations 23

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.4 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.4.1 Soundness of the protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.4.2 Concealingness of the protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.4.3 Probabilistic transfer of the protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.4.4 Obliviousness of the protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3 Discrete-Time Quantum Walks 43

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.2 Discrete-time quantum walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.2.1 Quantum walks with specific boundary conditions and topologies . . 48

3.2.2 Noise and decoherence: broken links and different coins . . . . . . . . 50

3.3 Quantities computed by the simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


3.4 The simulator at work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.4.1 A particle on a square lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.4.2 Two particles on a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.4.3 A particle on a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.4.4 Example: Anderson localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.4.5 Example: Static Broken Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

3.5 Oblivious transfer with Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4 Oblivious Transfer with Continuous Variables 87

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

4.2 Quantum optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

4.2.1 Coherent states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.2.2 Squeezed state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

4.3 QKD with coherent light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

4.4 Basic results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

4.5 Semi-honest(


)-OT with coherent states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.5.1 Setting up two simultaneous binary noisy channels . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.5.2 The protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

4.6 Gaussian Sources and Gaussian Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4.6.1 Setting up two simultaneous Gaussian channels . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

4.6.2 CV−(


)−OT (m0,m1) with Gaussian modulation . . . . . . . . . . . 103

4.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

5 Future Work 106

Bibliography 106


List of Figures

1.1 Classical reductions between cryptographic primitives. The green arrows rep-

resent straightforward reductions; the orange ones are non-trivial reductions;

the red one is the impossible implication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.1 Schematic description of the transfering phase of our oblivious transfer pro-

tocol for messages of length k. The full arrows represent the actual states of

qubits, while the dashed arrows in the last two lines (encryption of a message)

represent |0i〉 states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.2 The optimal discrimination between the bit value 0, encoded in quantum state

ρ0(si) = 12(|0(si)〉+ 〈0(si)| + |0(si)〉− 〈0(si)|), and the bit value 1, ρ1(si) =

12(|1(si)〉+ 〈1(si)| + |1(si)〉− 〈1(si)|). The optimal observable is given by the

vectors from the computational basis, |0〉 for inferring the bit value 0, and |1〉

for inferring the bit value 1. Note that ϕi = siθn/2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.1 Relation between the representations of quantum walks of one particle on a

lattice and two particles on a line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.2 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.3 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

3.4 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


3.5 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.6 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.7 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.8 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

3.9 Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of

0.5 for 30 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.10 Evolution of one particle on a line of length 201, for 10000 steps with absorbing

boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

3.11 Evolution of one particle on a line of length 201, for 10000 steps with absorbing

boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

3.12 Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the par-

ticle position for one-particle quantum walk on a line with reflecting boundary

conditions at nodes ±4000 after 107 steps. The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0〉 |L〉,

and the random coin parameters are set within the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8]. 73

3.13 Position probability distribution of one particle on the lattice with dimension

61× 61× 61, for 100 steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.14 Position probability distribution of one particle on the lattice of dimension

61 × 61, for 100 steps with different random coin factors and random broken

link factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

3.15 Position probability distribution of particle on the lattice of dimension 61×61,

for 100 steps with same both broken link and random coin factors. . . . . . . 76


3.16 Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the

particle position for one-particle quantum walk on the open line after 4000

steps. The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0〉 |R〉, the probability that at each step a

link will be broken (index broken link) is 0.3 and the random coin parameters

are set within the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3.17 Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the

particles positions for two-particle quantum walk on open lines after 100 steps.

The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0, 0〉 |RR〉, for the first walker the random coin

parameters are set within the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8], while for the

second walker the fixed coin is given by the Hadamard operator and the index

broken link is 0.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

3.18 Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of parti-

cle position for one-particle quantum walk on a lattice with reflecting bound-

ary conditions at x, y = ±45 after 1000 steps. The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 =

12(|−30,−30〉 (|E〉 + i |N〉) + |30, 30〉 (|W 〉 + i |S〉)), with the fixed coin given

by the Hadamard operator.The static broken links are set between positions

(−15, y)&(−14, y) and (14, y)&(15, y), for y ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30, and

positions (x,−15)&(x,−14) and (x, 14)&(x, 15), for x ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30.

Note that the entire grid is divided into 9 equally-sized loosely connected

squares, and the initial state of the walker is a linear superposition of two dis-

tant positions (and the corresponding coin states) located in different squares. 80

3.19 Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ =

1.4228, ξ = 0.1995, line size equal to 50 and K = 500 steps. . . . . . . . . . . 83

3.20 Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ =

1.4228, ξ = 0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 750 steps. . . . . . . . . . . 84


3.21 Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ =

1.4228, ξ = 0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 1000 steps. . . . . . . . . . . 84

3.22 Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ =

1.4228, ξ = 0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 1500 steps. . . . . . . . . . . 85

4.1 Modulation of the signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95


Chapter 1


Cryptography begins as the art of covering messages from undesirable readers.

The first cryptographic primitive used in history belongs to a class called private key

encryption schemes. These schemes provide a mean for secret communication between two

parties. These parties must share a common information called the secret key. The sending

party uses the secret key to encrypt the original message, and the receiving party uses the

same key to decrypt the encrypted message. The main caveat of this cryptographic primitive

is that it assumes the two parties to share a secret key.

To overcome this problem, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman developed a key exchange

protocol [1]. This protocol provides the means for two parties to exchange a secret key without

prior common information. Latter on, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman devised

a protocol, named RSA [2]. In this protocol, a party (the receiver) creates two keys, a private

key known only by the sender, and a public-key, which is publicly revealed. In this way any

party can encrypt a message, but only the receiver can decrypt it. This protocol opened

the door to the so called public-key encryption schemes. Moreover, it was soon realized that

public-key protocols could be used for authentication purposes.

Needless to say, any cryptographic system must be secure by some defined criteria.

Intuitively, perfect secrecy means that, upon interception of a ciphertext, the chances an

intercepter retreive the original message is equal to that of guessing it. The Vernam cipher,

or one-time pad was proven by Shannon to be the only cryptographic system with perfect


secrecy [3]. Although this cipher system is perfectly secret, the key has to be of the same size

as the plaintext, and can be used only once. For these two reasons, a looser sense of security

is introduced.

Practical considerations like reusability of the key and the possibility of using shorter

keys, in comparison to the plain text, had paved the way for the definition of computational

security. A cryptographic system is computationally secure if an adversary is able to decipher

correctly the message in an efficient amount of time with negligible probability.

In practice,the security of cryptographic systems is usually reduced to cryptographic

assumptions. These assumptions are problems believed to be hard to be solved efficiently.

The most common ones are: integer factorization, RSA problem, Higher residuosity problem,

computational Diffie-Hellman assumption and Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption [4].

On the other hand, distributed computing was developed to cope with more and more

demanding services, such as cloud data storage, and so on. In some cases a paramount de-

mand is to ensure information privacy, while maintaining data processing capabilities. These

cases comprise business data, homeland security, to name just a few. In this context, Se-

cure Multiparty Computation, SMC, emerges to provide secure distributed computing tasks.

SMC is build upon oblivious transfer, coin-tossing, zero-knowledge and bit-commitment pro-

tocols. The most commonly referred uses of SMC are electronic voting, electronic auctions,

electronic cash schemes, contract signing, anonymous transactions and private information

retrieval schemes.

To illucidate how SMC can help build secure protocols for the above examples, let us

focus on auction market. In this type of auction, sellers must announce the lowest price

of their goods and buyers must anounce the highest price they are willing to pay. Each

party must send their bids to the auctioneer who, in turn, computes the market price, that

is, the balanced value between demand and supply. Bids must be sent in a secure way to

the auctioneer and the later must keep the data secret from any bider. Moreover, he must

compute a function which will yield the market price, and communicate it to all biders.

In SMC, a party that collects all the data from the users and computes a function,

maintaining the input data secret, is called an ideal Trusted Third Party (TTP). All the


above examples can be described recurring to a TTP. However, secrecy of input data are

kept solely through confidentiality contracts. In this context, a SMC protocol is secure if and

only if it behaves as the ideal TTP.

Motivation for studying Oblivious Transfer, OT, can be found in Yao’s work [5, 6], where

he showed that oblivious transfer is suficient for building SMC (for a detailed explanation

the reader should see [7]).

OT can be seen as a game played by two parties, Alice and Bob. Alice has many secrets

that wishes to share with Bob in such a way that at the end, on average, Bob learns half of

those secrets and Alice does not know which secrets Bob really knows. Each instance of this

protocol, used to reveal in half of the cases Alice’s secret, is the Oblivious Transfer Protocol.

OT consists of two distinct phases: (i) the transferring phase, during which Alice sends

an encoded secret information to Bob; (ii) the opening phase, during which Alice reveals

enough information so that Bob can decode the secret with probability 1/2. Note that Bob

knows if he got the message or not.

OT is said to be secure if the following properties hold: (i) the protocol is concealing, i.e.,

before the opening phase, Bob is not able to learn the message sent by Alice, while after the

opening phase Bob learns the message with probability 1/2; (ii) the protocol is oblivious, i.e.,

after the opening phase, Alice remains oblivious to whether or not Bob got the message.

Rabin was the first to formally present an oblivious transfer protocol in 1981 [8]. The

security of Rabin’s OT relies on the fact that factoring large integers is not known to be

possible to perform in polynomial time. Later, Even, Goldreich and Lempel presented a

variation of this scheme called 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer,(


)-OT [102]. The difference to

Rabin’s OT is that Alice sends two messages and Bob gets only one of the two with equal

probability (again, Alice does not know which message Bob decoded).(21

)-OT also consists of two phases: (i) the transferring phase, during which Alice sends

two encoded secret messages to Bob; (ii) the opening phase, during which Alice reveals

enough information so that Bob can decode the secret of one of the messages. In tis case,

Bob chooses which message to decode.(21

)-OT is said to be secure if the following properties hold: (i) the protocol is concealing,


i.e., before the opening phase, Bob is not able to learn any of the messages sent by Alice,

while after the opening phase Bob learns only one of them of his choosing; (ii) the protocol is

oblivious, i.e., after the opening phase, Alice remains oblivious to which message Bob chose.

Crépeau showed that when the messages are single bits, the two flavors of oblivious

transfer protocols are equivalent, in the sense that one can be built out of the other and vice

versa [10]. Furthermore, one can build an 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer protocol that transmits

bit-string messages from 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer protocol for single bits [11, 12, 13].

Another cryptographic primitive worth mentioning (but not detailed, as it is not within

the scope of this thesis) is bit-commitment [14], due to its intimate link to oblivious transfer

protocols throughout the literature. Although it is not possible to construct an OT protocol

out of a bit-commitment [15] it was shown that bit-commitment can be reduced to 1-out-of-2

single-bit oblivious transfer protocol [16]. In Figure 1.1 we schematically present the classical

reductions between the above discussed cryptographic primitives.

Figure 1.1: Classical reductions between cryptographic primitives. The green arrows repre-

sent straightforward reductions; the orange ones are non-trivial reductions; the red one is the

impossible implication.


1.1 The need for Quantum Cryptography

Quantum computers, on a theoretical level, were shown to play a major role in cryp-

tography when Peter Shor, by exploring quantum superpositions, presented an algorithm to

solve large number factorization problem efficiently [17]. Peter Shor’s factoring algorithm

was further adapted to solve discrete logarithm problem as well [18]. The ability of quantum

algorithms to brake the security of cryptographic protocols based on computational hard-

ness assumptions has led researches to shift their attention to designing quantum-computing

resilient protocols. Moreover, quantum cryptography gained more attention as well.

The objective of quantum cryptography is to enable practical cryptographic primitives,

and to prove perfect security from the laws of physics. There are three features of quan-

tum mechanics explored in a variety of quantum cryptographic protocols. They are the

measurement, the no-cloning theorem and the entanglement between quantum systems:

• General quantum measurements disturb the state one wishes to measure in non-linear

and probabilistic fashion.

• No-cloning theorem : it is impossible to make perfect copies of an unknown quantum


• Using quantum entangled states, it is possible for two parties to obtain correlated classi-

cal values (after measurement) that were never pre-established, unparalleled to classical


Wiesner launched the field of quantum cryptography in 1969 by presenting notions such

as quantum money and quantum multiplexing (and only managed to publish his results in

1983 [19]), the latter being essentially a quantum counterpart of a 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer


The development of cryptographic applications resilient to quantum adversaries has been

extensively studied in the last decades. The best known application of quantum mechanics

in cryptography is the quantum key exchange. Bennett and Brassard presented the famous


BB84 quantum key distribution protocol [20], which was subsequently showed to be uncon-

ditionally secure [21, 22, 23, 24], while its classical counterparts are only computationally


Several quantum bit-commitment protocols were designed and claimed/believed to be

unconditionally secure until Lo and Chau [25], and Mayers [26], independently, showed that

unconditionally secure quantum bit-commitment protocol were impossible [27]. Subsequently,

Lo [28] proved similar no-go theorem for all “one-sided two-party computation” protocols. An

immediate consequence of this result is the impossibility of having unconditionally secure 1-

out-of-2 oblivious transfer.

Moreover, due to the equivalence between the two flavors of oblivious transfer [10], one

might conclude that impossibility of having unconditionally secure 1-out-of-2 oblivious trans-

fer would imply the same for oblivious transfer as well.

But the rules of quantum physics present a wider range of possibilities, thus compro-

mising classical reduction schemes. Namely, as to build the 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer

one has to run several oblivious transfer protocols as black boxes, the possibility of the

so-called coherent attacks – joint quantum measurements on several black boxes – arises.

Thus, having unconditionally secure quantum oblivious transfer protocol does not necessar-

ily mean that it is possible to construct unconditionally secure 1-out-of-2 oblivious trans-

fer. Indeed, He and Wang recently showed that in quantum domain the various types of

oblivious transfer are no longer equivalent [29] and constructed an unconditionally secure

quantum single-bit oblivious transfer [30] using entanglement. Consequently, classical reduc-

tions of bit-string to a single-bit protocols are also compromised in the quantum setting and

need to be re-examined. Recent example of constructing an unconditionally secure quantum

bit-string commitment protocol [31], despite the above mentioned no-go theorems for single-

bit-commitment [25, 26] is yet another example of invalidity of classical reductions (see also

a quantum bit-string generation protocol [32]). Therefore, a need to explicitly construct-

ing quantum bit-string oblivious transfer protocol which is not based on classical reductions

mentioned above, arises [10, 11, 12, 13].


Nonetheless, unconditionally secure protocols that use relativistic effects are possible [33,

39, 40]). Other alternative, ensuring practical security of such protocols, is to consider noisy

or bounded memories [33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42]. Recently, a (quantum) computationally secure

version of oblivious transfer protocol was presented in [52].

1.2 Contributions

The main focus of this thesis is the implementation of Oblivious Transfer protocols explor-

ing three conceptually different quantum systems without violating the Lo’s no-go theorem

that prevents the unconditional security of 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer.

In Chapter 2, we present a bit-string quantum oblivious transfer protocol based on single-

qubit rotations.

In Chapter 3, OT with discrete-time quantum walk, DTQW, is briefly presented. Due to

the complexity of the analysis of DTQW statistical propeties, a simulator, called qwsim, was

developed. After a description of DTQW and the simulator, an OT protocol construction

based on DTQW is proposed and an informal security analysis is presented.

In Chapter 4, coherent Gaussian States with continuous variables is examined in the

context of(


)−OT .



Chapter 2

Oblivious Transfer using Single Qubit


2.1 Introduction

In this Chapter we present a quantum oblivious transfer protocol for bit-strings, based on

the recently proposed public-key cryptosystem [53]. Each bit of the string to be transferred is

encoded in a quantum state of a qubit, in such a way that states corresponding to bit values

0 and 1 form an orthonormal basis. The key point of the protocol is that for each qubit, the

encoding basis is chosen at random, from some discrete set of bases.

Next section provides a brief survey of quantum information, including basic definitions

and important results necessary for understanding our proposal.

Section 2.3 describes our proposal for a bit-string oblivious transfer protocol. The analysis

of its correctness and security is presented in Section 2.4.

Finally, we summarize the results and discuss future directions of research.

2.2 Preliminaries

In this Section, we provide notation, necessary definitions and results for defining and

reasoning about the security of our proposal.


For a complete study of quantum information we suggest the reading of [62]. Here, we

present some relevant notions. According to the postulates of quantum mechanics, the state

of a closed quantum system is represented by a unit vector from a complex Hilbert space H,

and its evolution is described by a unitary transformation on H. In this chapter we work

only with finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces reflecting the realistic examples of systems with

finite number degrees of freedom (strings of quantum bits, i.e. qubits).

Contrary to the classical case where a bit can only have values 0 or 1, in the quantum case a

qubit can be in a unit superposition of 0 or 1, denoted by α |0〉+β |1〉, with complex coefficients

α and β, such that |α|2 + |β|2 = 1. The Dirac notation |0〉 and |1〉 denotes vectors forming an

orthonormal basis of a 2-dimensional complex vector space. Note that we can define many

orthonormal bases for that space, such as |+〉 =

1√2(|0〉+ |1〉), |−〉 = 1√

2(|0〉 − |1〉)

, but it

is common to distinguish the basis |0〉 , |1〉 from all the others, and call it the computational


The state of two qubits is from the tensor product of single-qubit spaces, that is,

|ψ〉 = α |00〉+ β |01〉+ γ |10〉+ δ |11〉 ,

with |α|2 + |β|2 + |γ|2 + |δ|2 = 1. The state |ψ〉 is said to be separable if

|ψ〉 = (α |0〉+ β |1〉)⊗ (α′ |0〉+ β′ |1〉) = αα′ |00〉+ αβ′ |01〉+ α′β |10〉+ ββ′ |11〉 .

Otherwise, it is called entangled. Although entangled states are particularly important in

quantum information, in this chapter we only work with separable states. Note that a

system with k qubits can be described by a unit vector over a space with dimension 2k.

One of the most important results of quantum information states that the maximal clas-

sical information that can be stored in a qubit is the same as that contained in a bit. This

means that we cannot extract more than a bit of classical information from a qubit, although

there is potentially an infinite number of states available to encode in a qubit. The reason

for this is that it is impossible to obtain coefficients α and β from a single qubit in a state

|ψ〉 = α |0〉 + β |1〉 (the no-cloning theorem [43]). Indeed, what is possible is to perform

a measurement given by an orthogonal decomposition of the Hilbert space H =⊕d



with Pi being the projectors onto Hi. Then, upon performing such a measurement on a

qubit in state |ψ〉 ∈ H, there are d possible outcomes 1, . . . , d, where the probability of

observing i ∈ 1, . . . , d is given by ‖Pi |ψ〉 ‖, and then the state evolves to Pi |ψ〉 /‖Pi |ψ〉 ‖.

For instance, the outcome of a measurement of a qubit can only take two possible values.

To understand the protocol we need to consider a function that is easy to compute, but,

without the help of a secret trapdoor, it is impossible to invert with non-negligible probability

according to the laws of quantum physics. One candidate for such a function was proposed

in [53], which uses sinlge-qubit rotations and is given by

f(s) = R(sθn) |0〉 = cos (sθn/2) |0〉+ sin (sθn/2) |1〉

where |0〉 , |1〉 is a fixed computational basis and for some fixed n, s ∈ 0, . . . , 2n − 1,

θn = π/2n−1. Moreover, f can be used to construct a quantum trapdoor function F (s, b),

where s is the trapdoor information for learning an unknown bit b [53]:

F (s, b) = R(bπ)f(s) = R(bπ)R(sθn) |0〉 = R(sθn + bπ) |0〉 .

Note that inverting F (learning both s and b) is at least as hard as inverting f . In [53] it

was shown that every binary measurement that could be used to infer unknown bit b would

outcome a completely random value. Nevertheless, if s is known, by applying the rotation

R(−sθn) to F (s, b), and measuring the result in the computational basis, one obtains b with


Using the properties of f and F , a secure public-key cryptographic protocol was proposed

in [53]: using the private key s, the public-key is generated by computing f(s); the encryp-

tion of a secret message corresponds to computing F (s, b); the decryption of the message

corresponds to inversion of F (s, b), using the trapdoor information s.

Finally, in order to guarantee that at the end of the OT protocol Bob knows if he got the

message m or not, Alice is required to send both m and h(m), where h is a universal hash

function. A hash function maps strings to other strings of smaller size . Bellow, we present

a definition of universal hash function and a an important basic result.

Definition 2.2.1. Consider two sets A and B of size a and b, respectively, such that a > b,


and consider a collection H of hash functions h : A→ B. If


[h(x) = h(y)] ≤ 1


then H is called a universal family of hash functions.

Theorem 2.2.1. Let H be a collection of hash functions h : A→ B, where A and B are sets

of size a and b, respectively, such that a > b. The size of a set Ax of strings x ∈ A mapped

to the same hash value h(x) is at most N/b.

In our particular case we consider A and B as the sets of strings of length ` and `/2,

respectively. Hence, there are 2`/2 different strings for each hash value (for an overview

see [64]).

2.3 Results

In this section we present the protocol that achieves oblivious transfer of a bit-string

message from Alice to Bob. The scheme uses hash functions which allow to certify if after

the opening phase Bob got the message or not. A hash function produces a digest of a message

– a string of smaller size – such that: (i) the probability of generating at random strings with

the same hash value is negligible; (ii) the hash values are almost uniformly distributed over

the set of all possible digests.

Our protocol is based on the public-key cryptosystem [53], and can be briefly summarized

as follows. Given a reference, so-called computational, basis β0 = |0〉 , |1〉, Alice first

encodes each bit mi of the message m = m1 . . .mk into the state |mi〉 of the corresponding

qubit. Then, she randomly chooses a bit value a, and for each mi a rotation angle ϕi (taken

from a given set of angles Φ), and rotates |mi〉 by (−1)aϕi. Finalizing the transferring phase,

she sends the qubits to Bob. Note that for each qubit i the encoding quantum states

|0(a)i 〉 = R((−1)aϕi) |0〉 (2.1)

|1(a)i 〉 = R((−1)aϕi) |1〉 = R(π) |0(a)

i 〉 , (2.2)


where rotations R are defined by R(ϕ) |0〉 = cos(ϕ/2) |0〉+i sin(ϕ/2) |1〉, are mutually orthog-

onal and hence fully distinguishable, provided one knows the direction a and the angle ϕi of

the rotation. Therefore, Bob cannot decipher the message m, unless given additional infor-

mation about the encoding bases βi = |0(a)i 〉 , |1

(a)i 〉. In Figure 2.1 we present a schematic

description when the length of the message to be transferred is k.

In the opening phase, Alice provides Bob with such (partial) information: she sends the

so-called secret key, a string ϕ = (ϕ1, . . . , ϕk) of rotation angles, but not the rotation direction

a. Oblivious to the rotation direction, Bob can only guess it, which he will get correctly in

50% of the cases.

Encrypted in quantum states of qubits, Alice sends the message m, together with its

digest d = h(m), given by a suitably chosen hash function h. Upon decrypting the states of

qubits sent by Alice, Bob recovers a string which is a pair (m′, d′). Note that m′ and d′ are

not necessarily the message m and its hash value d = h(m). Bob checks if d′ = h(m′). If so,

he is convinced that the received message m′ is indeed the intended message m (for technical

details, see Section 2.4).


Figure 2.1: Schematic description of the transfering phase of our oblivious transfer protocol

for messages of length k. The full arrows represent the actual states of qubits, while the

dashed arrows in the last two lines (encryption of a message) represent |0i〉 states.

Below, we present a rigorous description of our bit-string OT protocol, where ϕi = siθn.


Protocol 2.3.1 (Bit-string OT).

Message to transfer m = m1 . . .mk;

Security parameter n ∈ N, and the corresponding θn = π/2n−1;

Hash function h : 0, 1k → 0, 1ω, where ω = b√kc from a pre-agreed universal family

of hash functions;

Secret key s = (s1, . . . , sk+ω), where each si ∈ 0, . . . , 2n − 1.

Transfering phase:

1. Alice chooses uniformly at random the hash function h and a bit a ∈ 0, 1 and

prepares the following state:

|ψ〉 =k⊗i=1

R(miπ + (−1)a × siθn) |0〉


R(hi(m)π + (−1)a × si+kθn) |0〉 (2.3)

(Note that hi(m) represents the ith bit of the binary string h(m)).

2. Alice sends the state |ψ〉 to Bob.

Opening phase:

3. Alice sends to Bob the secret key s = (s1, . . . , sk+ω), the security parameter n and

the hash function h.

4. Bob checks if s is likely to be a possible output of a random process.

5. Bob chooses uniformly at random a bit a′ ∈ 0, 1 and applies R((−1)a′siθn) to

each qubit of |ψ〉.

6. Bob applies the measurement operator M⊗(k+ω) = (0× |0〉 〈0|+ 1× |1〉 〈1|)⊗(k+ω).


7. Let m′ · h′ be the message that Bob recovers (notice that here h′ is a bit-string, a

potential value of the hash, and not a function itself). He checks if h′ = h(m′). If

that is the case then Bob is almost sure that m′ = m, otherwise he knows that m′

is not the correct message.

Notice that knowing h(m) can potentially reveal the whole set Am of the strings mapped to

the same value of hash. Knowing Am decreases Bob’s uncertainty about the unknown string

m, thus effectively revealing ω = b√kc bits of information about string m. This information

may help Bob to increase the probability of finding m, thus compromising the security of the

protocol. Therefore we encrypt both the message m and h(m) into a quantum state sent by

Alice. Since, in order to confirm that he obtained the message m, Bob needs to learn the

value h(m) as well, one can consider the pair (m,h(m)) as a message to be transferred. For

simplicity, in the rest of the Chapter we will denote the pair (m,h(m)) as a single message

m to be transferred. Note though, that there are correlations between the message m and

the value h(m), which might become relevant for the Concealing property, and in particular

for achieving the Probabilistic transfer, after Bob learns the particular function h chosen by

Alice. We will address this issue when discussing the above mentioned cases.

In Step 4 Bob checks if the secret key s was indeed randomly chosen. By encoding si’s

into binary numbers Alice has to provide an n × (k + ω) long bit-string produced by a fair

coin. A number of possible tests of random-number generators exist in literature, such as

χ2, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Serial correlation, Two-level, K-distributivity, Serial and Spectral

tests (for more details, see [54], Chapter 27). Step 4 of the protocol is used to overcome the

hypothetical chance of Alice to cheat by sending particular elements si of the secret key s

which allow Bob to recover the message with probability close to 1. Notice that if si is such

that the angle of rotation is ϕi = siθn/2 = 0, or ϕi = siθn/2 = π/2, then Bob will with

certainty get the correct bit value mi. Therefore, if the elements si of the secret key were

close to 0 or π/2, Alice would know with probability significantly higher than 1/2 that Bob

received the message m (for a detailed analysis of possible cheating strategies of Alice, see

the proof of the obliviousness criterion in Section 2.4.4). If si’s were indeed chosen uniformly

at random, than significant portion of them would not be close to 0 nor π/2, preventing Alice


from cheating.

Nevertheless, for the protocol to be secure, a much simpler criterion can be used, one

that is satisfied whenever a string is indeed produced uniformly at random. If Alice chooses

each si uniformly at random, then on average half of such choices satisfy ϕi = siθn/2 ∈

[π/8, 3π/8] ∪ [5π/8, 7π/8]. These si’s are already far enough from 0 and π/2 to secure the

protocol against cheating Alice. For a detailed discussion on the degree of Bob’s confidence

against cheating strategies of Alice, see Section 2.4.4.

Finally, we present a simple way of using our protocol to achieve oblivious transfer of a

single bit b by sending a bit-string message m with parity b.

Protocol 2.3.2 (Single-bit oblivious transfer).

Message to transfer b;

Security parameter k;

1. Alice chooses bit b.

2. Alice chooses a k-bit message m, such that⊕k

i=1mi = b.

3. Alice and Bob perform protocol 4.6.1.

4. If Bob had got the right message m, then he performs⊕k

i=1mi = b. Other-

wise, he cannot recover the bit.

2.4 Methods

In this Section we prove the security of our oblivious transfer protocol. Oblivious transfer

has to satisfy the following four properties (the first express the correctness, while the last

three assure the security of the protocol):

Soundness If both Alice and Bob are honest, then with probability 1/2 Bob will obtain

the right message. Bob knows if he got the right message or not;

Concealingness If Alice is honest Bob cannot learn the content of the message that Alice

meant to send before the opening phase (the protocol is concealing).


Probabilistic transfer After the opening phase, Bob cannot learn the message in more

than 50% of the cases (with probability higher than 1/2).

Obliviousness If Bob is honest then Alice does not know if Bob received the message –

she can only guess with probability 1/2 (the protocol is oblivious).

In case of bit-string protocols, the probability 1/2 that appears in the above definition is

relaxed to 1/2 + ε(k), where k is the length of the message and ε : N → R is a negligible

function, i.e., for every positive polynomial p there exists a k0 ∈ N such that for all k > k0,

ε(k) ≤ 1/p(k).

In general, both quantum and classical cryptographic security protocols for exchanging

messages depend on several parameters, one of them being the length of the message. As a

rule, such protocols are said to be secure if the cheating probability is negligible with respect

to the length of the message, provided that the other parameters are suitably chosen.

In our case, as well as in the case of the public-key scheme presented in [53] (on which

our protocol is based), one such parameter is n, and for both protocols the level of security

indeed depends on the choice of n. Nevertheless, as proven in [53], with a proper choice of n,

(for example k = n), the public-key scheme is secure against eavesdropping. Consequently,

with the same choice of a proper n, our protocol is Sound (correct) and Concealing (before

the opening phase Bob cannot learn the message sent by Alice). On the other hand, the

other two security criteria (Probabilistic Transfer and Obliviousness) do not depend on the

choice of n, as shown in the respective proofs presented below.

Note that in [53], in order to further reduce the probability of a successful attack, security

parameter n was treated as a part of the secret key (together with s). But it was noted that

the protocol would still be secure even if n were public. In a subsequent paper [55], in which

the robustness of the public-key cryptosystem introduced in [53] was further analyzed, n was

treated as a part of a public-key, i.e. the cryptosystem is secure even if (a properly chosen)

n were known. Note that in both cases, according to the above definition, the protocol is

secure, but with different negligible functions ε(k): when n is private, the corresponding

negligible function is smaller than when n is public.


2.4.1 Soundness of the protocol

In the following we prove the soundness of our protocol: if both parties are honest, then

with probability 1/2 + ε(k) Bob will get the right message, where ε(k) is negligible function

on the size of the message m = m1 . . .mk.

First assume that Alice and Bob had chosen to rotate the state in opposite directions,

i.e., a 6= a′. Without loss of generality assume that Alice chooses a = 0, to rotate clockwise

all the qubits. The qubits Alice sent to Bob are in the following state:

|ψ〉 =k⊗i=1

R(miπ + siθn) |0〉



(miπ + siθn


)|0〉+ sin

(miπ + siθn


)|1〉 . (2.4)

In the opening phase Bob receives from Alice the additional information, the secret key

s = (s1, . . . , sk).

By the assumption, Bob decides to rotate each qubit received from Alice counterclockwise

(a′ = 1) by −siθn. The states he gets are either |0〉 or |1〉:

R(−siθn)(R(miπ + siθn) |0〉) = R(miπ) |0〉

= cos(miπ


)|0〉+ sin




= |mi〉 . (2.5)

Bob measures M on the above state and the result ismi with probability 1. We conclude that

if Bob chooses to rotate in the direction contrarily to Alice’s choice, then with probability 1

Bob will recover the bit sent by Alice.

On the other hand, if Alice and Bob decide to rotate each qubit of the message in the

same direction (a = a′), say clockwise, the qubits’ states are transformed into (i = 1 . . . k):

R(siθn)(R(miπ + siθn) |0〉

= R(miπ + 2siθn) |0〉)

= cos

(2siθn +miπ


)|0〉+ sin

(2siθn +miπ



= |mi〉 . (2.6)


If mi = 0 then the above state becomes |mi〉 = cos (siθn) |0〉 + sin (siθn) |1〉 and by measur-

ing M Bob gets the correct answer with probability cos2(siθn); if mi = 1 then the above

state becomes |mi〉 = − sin (siθn) |0〉+ cos (siθn) |1〉 and again Bob gets the correct bit with

probability cos2(siθn). Hence

Pr(mi; M, |mi〉

)= cos2(siθn). (2.7)

Assuming that the key s is chosen at random, the probability of recovering the whole

message by rotating in the wrong direction becomes negligible, and the expected probability

of recovering message m when measuring M⊗k on the state |ψ′〉 =⊗k

i=1 R((−1)a′siθn) |ψ〉 is:

Pr(m; M⊗k, |ψ′〉) = Pr(a′ 6= a)× Pr(m|a′ 6= a)+

Pr(a′ = a)× Pr(m|a′ = a)






cos2(siθn). (2.8)

Clearly, when Alice chooses the values si at random, the expected probability of Bob

recovering the message m in case Alice and Bob perform equal rotations becomes negligible,

i.e., ε(k) = 12

∏ki=1 cos2(siθn) is negligible. To see that, notice that on average half of values

for the rotation angles siθn/2 fall in the region [π/8; 3π/8] ∪ [5π/8; 7π/8], giving the upper

bound ε(k) ≤ 2−k/2.

The information received by Bob consists of two parts: one corresponding to the actual

message sent by Alice, and the other corresponding to its hash value. At the end of the

protocol, Bob checks if he recovered the correct message by comparing its hash value with the

latter part of information received. Note that by the properties of universal hash functions,

the probability that the hash of the first part matches the second one is negligible in the case

Alice and Bob performed the same rotation.

2.4.2 Concealingness of the protocol

In this subsection we show that if Alice is honest, the probability of Bob recovering Alice’s

message before the opening phase is negligible. Furthermore, after the opening phase Bob

recovers the message with, up to a negligible value, probability 1/2.


The first part of the statement follows directly from the security of the public-key crypto

system [53], and is basically a consequence of the fact that, depending on the secret key

component si, the same state |ψi〉 of a single qubit can be encrypting either a 0 or a 1: for

each si there exists s′i such that |ψi〉 = R(siθn) |0〉 encrypts 0, while |ψi〉 = R(s′iθn + π) |0〉

encrypts 1. In fact, before the opening phase, our protocol is as secure as the cryptographic

system underlying our protocol.

We stress that the additional information provided by Alice, the hash function cannot

help Bob recovering the message m. In fact, below, we prove that even if Bob had access

directly to the hash value h(m) this would not help him (note that since the value h(m) is

encrypted makes Bob’s task even harder). In the following, we provide the reasoning for a

particular hash function of a universal family of hash functions.

Given a message m, consider its partition into ω = b√kc consecutive blocks of bits mi

(i = 1, . . . ω), each with length b√kc: m = m1 . . . mω. Each bit hi(m) of the hash value h(m)

is the parity of the i-th block of the message m: h1(m) = m1 ⊕ . . .⊕mω, etc. Hence, all the

bits of h(m) are mutually independent.

Suppose that h(m) allows to recover m with some non-negligible probability p. Then,

in particular, the bit h1(m) helps to recover the possible block m1 = m1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ mω, with

the same probability p. We claim that this is impossible, assuming that the cryptographic

system [53], used to design our protocol, is secure.

In fact, if a cryptographic system is secure for coding a message m of length k, then a

fortiori the encryption of a polynomially shorter message, say m1, is also secure. So, if h1(m)

would help to recover the first block with non-negligible probability p then, by randomly

guessing the value h1(m) (that will be correct with probability 1/2), it would be possible to

break the crypto system presented in [53] with non-negligible probability p/2.

One can easily describe a universal family of hash functions by considering all possible

forms of dividing k elements into groups of ω elements, i.e. by using the above hash function

h on the permuted message. Given a permutation π ∈ Sk of length k, one can define the hash

function hπ(m) = hidk(mπ(1) . . .mπ(k)), where hidk is the above h. Obviously, the concealing

property is valid for the whole family hπ|π ∈ Sk of universal hash functions.


2.4.3 Probabilistic transfer of the protocol

After receiving the secret key s, Bob’s description of the qubits sent by Alice is given by

the mixed state (for convenience, we consider a ∈ +,−, where “+” stands for clockwise

rotation and “−” otherwise):

ρB(s) =1





)k ∑m1∈0,1

. . .∑



|mi(si)〉a 〈mi(si)| , (2.9)

where |mi(si)〉± = cos(miπ

2± siθn


)|0〉 + sin


2± siθn


)|1〉. The single-qubit partial states

are completely mixed, and can be written in the following suitable form: ρB(si) = 12(ρ0(si) +

ρ1(si)), where ρmi(si) = 12(|mi(si)〉+ 〈mi(si)| + |mi(si)〉− 〈mi(si)|). Note though that the

overall state ρB(s) is not a tensor product of single-qubit states: the rotation direction a is

the same for all qubit thus correlating single-qubits. Nevertheless, if Bob is constrained to

perform only a few-qubit coherent measurements, these correlations, as well as the knowledge

of h(m), cannot help him to increase the probability of learning m.

First, we give the proof for the case of single-qubit measurements. As before, the hash

function h is determined by the parity of blocks mi of size ω. Since the parity of block mi

is completely uncorrelated to the value of each of its bits, unless we know the values of all

other ω − 1 remaining bits, the choice of the optimal single-qubit measurement of at least

ω − 1 qubits of a single block does not depend on the hash value hi(m).

The correlations between single-qubit states established by the same choice of the rota-

tion direction cannot help either. A possible cheating strategy would be to, as prescribed by

the protocol, randomly choose the rotation direction, and perform the corresponding mea-

surement on first few qubits only. With probability 1/2 the choice will be right, and the

bits would be correctly decrypted; with probability 1/2 though, the wrong choice would lead

to wrong decryption which, in case Bob can detect it, would result in measuring the right

observable on the remaining qubits. But Bob can detect the wrong choice only by comparing

the results with the hash value, the parity of blocks of length ω. Thus, only upon measuring

all qubits of at least one block of size ω Bob can spot the mistake. This however leaves

him uncertain which, among 2ω−1 possible messages, was the message sent by Alice, which is


exponentially many on the size k of the whole message m (note that ω =√k). Thus, since

for each si the states ρ0(si) and ρ1(si) are not fully distinguishable, what Bob can do is to

try to distinguish between the two states as best as possible.

The optimal probability of guessing bit’s value mi is then given by the Helstrom for-

mula [56]:

PH(ρ0(si), ρ1(si)) =1



4Tr|ρ0(si)− ρ1(si)| =


2(1 + | cos(siθn)|). (2.10)

Note that the optimal observable for such measurement is the same for each possible si, and

is given by the computational basis |0〉 , |1〉 (see Figure 2.2). Analogously as in the proof

of soundness of the protocol, since on average half of values si satisfy | cos(siθn)| ≤ 1/√

2, we

have ε(k) ≤ q−k/2, where q = 12(1 + 1/

√2) < 1.

Figure 2.2: The optimal discrimination between the bit value 0, encoded in quantum state

ρ0(si) = 12(|0(si)〉+ 〈0(si)|+ |0(si)〉− 〈0(si)|), and the bit value 1, ρ1(si) = 1

2(|1(si)〉+ 〈1(si)|+

|1(si)〉− 〈1(si)|). The optimal observable is given by the vectors from the computational basis,

|0〉 for inferring the bit value 0, and |1〉 for inferring the bit value 1. Note that ϕi = siθn/2.

Suppose now Bob is allowed to perform at most two-qubit coherent measurements. Then,

for each pair, say (s1, s2), the four quantum states

ρ00(s1s2) =1


00(s1s2) + ρ−00(s1s2))


2(|0(s1)0(s2)〉+ 〈0(s1)0(s2)|+ |0(s1)0(s2)〉− 〈0(s1)0(s2)|), (2.11)

(and analogously for ρ01(s1s2), ρ10(s1s2) and ρ11(s1s2)), would also not be fully distinguish-

able. Therefore, the optimal strategy that Bob can adopt will produce wrong decryption,


with finite error probability q > 0. As in the case of single-qubit measurements, this leads to

negligible advantage over the 1/2 probability of recovering m, given sufficiently large k (and

thus the block length ω =√k).

Given the maximal length ` of the multi-qubit measurement, each block m of length

` is from Bob’s point of view described by the mixed state ρm(s) = 12(ρ+m(s) + ρ−m(s)) =

12(|m(s)〉+ 〈m(s)|+ |m(s)〉− 〈m(s)|), where s is the part of the secret key s corresponding to

the block m. As ` increases, the states |m(s)〉± and |m′(s)〉±, corresponding to two different

messages m and m′, become increasingly distinguishable. The precise relation between the

maximal length ` of the allowed coherent measurements and the size k of the message m is

to be addressed in a separate study.

2.4.4 Obliviousness of the protocol

To finish the security discussion we prove that the protocol is unconditionally oblivious:

at the end of the protocol Alice does not know whether Bob received the right message of


At the end of the protocol, since Bob performs local operations and measurements, Alice

has no way of knowing if Bob had chosen the right rotation, or not. Therefore, if being

honest and sending the state prescribed by the Protocol, Alice cannot know if an honest Bob

received the message or not.

To increase her probability of knowing if Bob received the message or not, while main-

taining the 50% of Bob’s success, a cheating Alice can only use the following strategy: in

50% of the cases she sends a cheating state |ψch〉 that would reveal m independently of Bob’s

choice of rotation (i.e. with probability 1 Alice knows that Bob received the message), and

in the remaining cases she sends a completely random state, such that the probability of

Bob receiving m is negligible in the length of the message (i.e. with probability 1, up to a

negligible value, Alice knows that Bob did not receive the message). Here, for simplicity we

assumed that the cheating permits Alice to know with certainty if Bob received the message

or not. Nevertheless, if Alice is dishonest and wants to ensure that an honest Bob would

get the message by sending |ψch〉, her probability to do so without being noticed will be


exponentially close, with respect to the message length k, to 1/2. Below, we give an upper

bound to the mentioned probability, showing the security of the protocol against cheating


Let l be the number of si’s for which ϕi = siθn/2 ∈ [π/8; 3π/8] ∪ [5π/8; 7π/8]. For such

cases we can consider the rearranged secret key s = s1 . . . sl and the corresponding message

m = m1 . . .ml. Depending on his choice of rotation direction a′ Bob will measure one of the

two observables ˆC±(s) =

∑2l−1m=0m · P±(m; s), where one-dimensional projectors are given by

P±(m; s) =⊗l

i=0 P±(mi; si) =⊗l

i=0 |mi(si)〉± 〈mi(si)|.

For given m and s Alice wants to maximize the probability Prch of Bob obtaining m

measuring ˆC±(s) on |ψch〉 (and thus her probability of knowing if he got the message or not),

which is given by

Prch =1


(||P+(s) |ψch〉 ||2 + ||P−(s) |ψch〉 ||2

). (2.12)

From triangle inequality of the trace distance D(|φ〉 , |ψ〉) =√

1− | 〈φ|ψ〉 |2, we have (|±〉 =⊗li=0 |mi(si)〉±):

Prch ≤1


(1 + | 〈+|−〉 |2

)≤ 1


(1 + cos2l(π/8)

). (2.13)

If the values si were produced uniformly at random, then the probability that ϕi =

siθn/2 ∈ [π/8; 3π/8]∪ [5π/8; 7π/8] is 1/2. As a consequence, the random variable that counts

the number l of such ϕi’s follow the binomial distribution B(k, 1/2), with k being the number

of trials (the total number of rotation angles ϕi, equal to the length of the messagem) and 1/2

being the success probability of each trial (where by “success” we mean that the rotation angle

falls within the above mentioned intervals). For sufficiently large k, the binomial distribution

can be approximated by the normal distribution N (µ, σ2) with the mean µ = k/2 and the

variance σ2 = k/4. This allows Bob to set the degree of confidence of Alice’s obliviousness.

For example, choosing the 3σ criterion, if (k− 3√k)/2 ≤ l ≤ (k+ 3

√k)/2 Alice’s probability

to learn if Bob got the message or not will be Prch = 1/2 + ε(k), where ε(k) is negligible

(which happens in 99.8% of the cases if si were chosen uniformly at random).


2.5 Discussion

In this Chapter we proposed a novel scheme for obliviously transferring a bit-string

message from Alice to Bob. The scheme presented does not violate the Lo’s no-go theorem

[28] and its security is based on the laws of quantum physics.

We proved that the protocol is unconditionally secure against any cheating strategy of

Alice (it is unconditionally oblivious). Furthermore, we proved that it is unconditionally

concealing, provided Bob performs only single-qubit measurements. Although intuitively

our protocol should, at least for sufficiently large n, be secure against multi-qubit measure-

ments, a detailed analysis of its security against Bob’s coherent attacks remains to be done

(similarly as for the case of recently proposed and performed quantum signature protocols

[57, 58]). Finally, we note that, according to the security criterion adopted in this paper, our

all-or-nothing OT protocol is secure against violating only one out of the three requirements

(concealingness, probabilistic transfer and obliviousness), while keeping the other two satis-

fied. Nevertheless, having a protocol such as ours, together with a bit-commitment protocol

(such as those presented in [39, 40, 41, 42]), using the reduction presented in [65] one can

achieve an all-or-nothing OT secure against a wider range of cheating strategies, such as the

one in which, by never sending the intended message, a cheating Alice violates the oblivi-

ousness criterion while at the same time decreasing to zero Bob’s probability to receive the

message (see [66] for a detailed discussion on the example of the computationally secure OT

presented in [52]).

Our protocol does not use entanglement and its optical implementation could be per-

formed using today’s technology.

Finally we discuss the need for the use of hash functions. Recall that at the end of the

protocol Bob must be sure if he got the intended message or not. This property is guaranteed

by comparing the computed hash value of the received message m with the presumed hash

value sent by Alice together with m. Such acknowledgment of the validity of the message

decoded by Bob could be done differently. Suppose that out of all possible messages (PM),

Alice is constrained to send m from a smaller set of messages (VM), such that verifying that


m is in VM can be easily done, but only Alice knows the elements of VM. Note that in order

to keep the probability of receiving a message from Alice to 1/2, up to a negligible term, the

size of VM must be exponentially smaller than the size of PM. For example, VM could be

the set of solutions to a hard mathematical problem, say 3-SAT problem. Alternatively, the

message sent might be written in an existing human language, say English, making it easily

recognizable by any English-language speaker.

Future lines of research include formulating other quantum security protocols that use

single-qubit rotations to encode bit values into quantum states taken from a number of differ-

ent bases. One such immediate application is in designing a quantum bit-string commitment

protocol and compare it with the existing proposals. Furthermore, similarly when gener-

ating (randomized) secret keys, single-qubit rotations could be used in creating undeniable




Chapter 3

Discrete-Time Quantum Walks

3.1 Introduction

This Chapter is dedicated to the quantum walk simulator, qwsim, and the OT protocol

based on DTQW on a line. A bit is encoded by initial position of a DTQW state. Initially,

bit-1 state and bit-0 state ar mutuallye orthogonal. After performing a random choice of a

quantum walk, the mixed states corresponding to initial bit-1 and bit-0 states will no longer

be orthogonal. This is the fundamental point of our proposal.

In order to study the statistics of the states mentioned above, a simulator for two-particle

quantum walks on the line and one particle on a two-dimensional square lattice was developed.

This simulator can be used to investigate the equivalence between the two cases (one- and

two- particle walks) for various boundary conditions (open, circular, reflecting, absorbing and

their combinations). For the case of a single walker on a two-dimensional lattice, the simulator

can also implement the Möbius strip. Furthermore, other topologies for the walker are also

simulated by the proposed tool, like certain types of planar graphs with degree up to 4, by

considering missing links over the lattice.

After this Introduction, in Section 2 we present a mathematical description of a discrete-

time quantum walk on a line with one and two particles, and show the equivalence of the

latter with a one-particle quantum walk on a square lattice. We discuss different boundary

conditions (circular, reflecting, absorbing, etc.) and for the case of a one-particle walk on


a lattice, different topologies (Möbius trip, Klein bottle, etc.). Finally, we describe two

models of a noise in a quantum walk: dynamic breaking of links between certain nodes, and

varying coins for random nodes. In Section 3 we describe the quantities that our simulator

is calculating and analyze their relevance, with the emphasis on a two-particle quantum

walk picture, where joint properties depending on correlation and entanglement can exhibit

specific non-classical quantum features. In Section 4 we present some illustrative examples.

Finally, Section 5 is dedicated to OT based on DTQW on a line and a brief examination of

its security. Finally, conclusions on qwsim and on the OT protocol are in Section 6.

3.2 Discrete-time quantum walks

In a discrete-time quantum walk on a line, we consider the movement of a walker along

discrete positions, labeled on a line x ∈ Z. At each step this particle can move to the left or to

the right of the line. The direction is controlled by an internal degree of freedom, commonly

called the coin degree of freedom. Both position and coin states of a given particle can be

modeled using Hilbert spaces HP = span|x〉 : x ∈ Z and HC = span|R〉 , |L〉, for the

position space and the coin space respectively. The total Hilbert space of a particle doing a

discrete-time quantum walk on a line is given by H = HP ⊗HC . The one-step time evolution

of the system is described by the unitary operator

U = S(IP ⊗ UC

), (3.1)

where S is the shift operator given by

S =


|x+ 1〉 〈x|

)⊗ |R〉 〈R|+


|x− 1〉 〈x|

)⊗ |L〉 〈L| , (3.2)

Ip is the identity operator on HP , and UC ∈ U(2) acts on HC .

Now, consider two non-interacting particles on a line. The joint Hilbert space of the

composite system, consisting of two distinguishable particles 1 and 2 doing a quantum walk

over the same1 line, is

H12 ≡ H1 ⊗H2

1From mathematical point of view, it is irrelevant whether two particles are performing the walk over the


where H1 = HP,1⊗HC,1 and H2 = HP,2⊗HC,2 represent the Hilbert spaces of particles 1 and

2, respectively. The joint one-step time evolution of this system is simply the tensor product

between the unitary operators for time evolutions of each particle

U12 = U1 ⊗ U2 =[S1

(IP,1 ⊗ UC,1


(IP,2 ⊗ UC,2


= S12

([IP,1 ⊗ IP,2

]⊗ UC,12

), (3.4)

where S12 = S1 ⊗ S2 has the form

S12 =∑x1,x2

|x1 + 1, x2 + 1〉12 〈x1, x2| ⊗ |RR〉12 〈RR|

+ |x1 + 1, x2 − 1〉12 〈x1, x2| ⊗ |RL〉12 〈RL|

+ |x1 − 1, x2 + 1〉12 〈x1, x2| ⊗ |LR〉12 〈LR|

+ |x1 − 1, x2 − 1〉12 〈x1, x2| ⊗ |LL〉12 〈LL| , (3.5)

and the joint coin operator is

UC,12 = UC,1 ⊗ UC,2.

Note that the labels of ket states denote the joint and single-particle Hilbert spaces H12, H1

and H2, such that |x1, x2〉12 ≡ |x1〉1 |x2〉2, etc.

It is easy to see that a quantum walk of two particles on a line, in which initial positions

of both walkers are equal, say 0, is equivalent to a quantum walk of one particle along a

two-dimensional square lattice xOy, whose nodes are labeled by their coordinates (x, y) :

x, y ∈ Z along two perpendicular axes x and y. Indeed, if the positions of the two particles

on a line represent the two orthogonal coordinates, along the axes 1 and 2, of a node in the

square lattice, then the two-particle configuration (1, 1) corresponds to a position (1, 0) of a

same or different lines: both descriptions are identical. Yet, it is crucial for the applications. For example,

in the study of the effects of entanglement between the two walkers on the features of quantum walk-based

search algorithms, in which the two walkers are performing a search over the same data-base. For the same

reason, we assume that the walks are performed simultaneously, which is the reason for requiring particle

distinguishability: otherwise, the states of two identical particles would be subject to bosonic and fermionic

symmetrization and anti-symmetrization rules. On the other hand, such states are possible to study in the

case of distinguishable particles as well.












Figure 3.1: Relation between the representations of quantum walks of one particle on a lattice

and two particles on a line.

particle on the xOy lattice whose axes x and y are rotated by π/4 with respect to the axes

1 and 2, see Figure 3.1.

In general, the correspondence between a two-particle configuration (x1, x2) and a position

(x, y) of a node in a rotated xOy lattice is given by:

x =1

2(x2 + x1)

y =1

2(x2 − x1), (3.6)

which establishes the correspondence between the states from a two-particle position Hilbert

space (HP,12 ≡ HP,1 ⊗ HP,2) and a position Hilbert space HP,xy = span|x, y〉 : x, y ∈ Z

of a single particle on a square lattice xOy. According to this, moving both particles to

the right along a line is equivalent to a particle on a lattice moving East (to the right

with respect to the x-axis). This induces the following correspondence between the states

from a two-particle coin Hilbert space HC,12 ≡ HC,1 ⊗HC,2 and the one-particle coin space

HC,xy = span|E〉 , |S〉 , |N〉 , |W 〉:


|E〉 = |RR〉12 , |S〉 = |RL〉12

|N〉 = |LR〉12 , |W 〉 = |LL〉12 . (3.7)

Therefore, the overall Hilbert space of a single particle doing a quantum walk along the xOy

square lattice is Hxy ≡ HP,xy ⊗HC,xy (note that, for reasons of simplicity, we drop the labels

of the ket states form Hxy). The above correspondences (3.6) and (3.7) give the shift operator

equivalent to S12

Sxy =∑xy

|x+ 1, y〉 〈x, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈E|

+ |x, y − 1〉 〈x, y| ⊗ |S〉 〈S|

+ |x, y + 1〉 〈x, y| ⊗ |N〉 〈N |

+ |x− 1, y〉 〈x, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈W | , (3.8)

while the coin operator for a quantum walk of a particle on the lattice, equivalent to a given

two-particle walk on a line, is unchanged: UC,xy = UC,12. Note that in general UC,xy ∈

U(4) ⊃ U(2)⊗U(2), which in the case of two particles on a line would correspond to a global

coin operation that could increase the entanglement between the coins of two particles. The

unitary time evolution of each step of the quantum walk is given by:

Uxy = Sxy ⊗(IP,xy ⊗ UC,xy


where IP,xy is the identity operator on HP,xy.

Note that the above correspondence between a two-particle walk on a line and a single-

particle walk on a square lattice is valid as long as initial positions of two particles on a line

are of the same parity. Otherwise, using (3.6) we see that the two-particle walk is equivalent

to a walk on a different square lattice whose node positions are half-integers. This way, we can

use our simulator for two particles on a line to simulate quantum walks of two distinguishable

particles on the same lattice, as long as their joint state is a product between one-particle



3.2.1 Quantum walks with specific boundary conditions and topolo-


Quantum walks with certain boundary conditions are quite interesting. Firstly, from the

theoretical point, it is essential to understand how these boundaries affect the features of

quantum walks, in particular the entanglement between the particles as well as the other

mentioned quantities that we study. Moreover, from a practical point of view, these bound-

aries might reduce significantly the state space, which leads to a numerically feasible analysis.

Finally, quantum walks with particular boundaries can be used to simulate various (finite-

size) physical systems.

First, we will consider boundary conditions for particles on a line. Then, we turn to the

case of the square lattice. The correspondence between the two cases is given by (3.6) and


For a particle on a line, two simplest cases are circular and the reflecting boundary

conditions. In the case of circular boundary conditions, we connect two points M and −M .

Our system is finite (a circle with 2M+1 points), which affects the shift operator: the sum in

(3.2) goes from −(M−1) to (M−1), while the connected points −M andM are represented

by adding the term

C = |−M〉 〈M | ⊗ |R〉 〈R|+ |M〉 〈−M | ⊗ |L〉 〈L|

+ |M − 1〉 〈M | ⊗ |L〉 〈L|+ |−(M − 1)〉 〈−M | ⊗ |R〉 〈R| . (3.9)

For reflecting boundary conditions at positions M and −M , a coin operator that describes

the reflection of particle’s direction of movement (i.e. coin state) is changed at the points of


(IP ⊗ UC)→


|x1〉 〈x1| ⊗ UC

+ (|−M〉 〈−M |+ |M〉 〈M |)⊗ (|L〉 〈R|+ |R〉 〈L|). (3.10)

Note that a general case of different two positions is equivalent to moving the initial position.

One can also consider reflection in a single position M as well.


Combining the above two circular and reflecting (finite) together with open (infinite)

boundary conditions, one can in the case of two particles on a line obtain different topologies:

torus (two circles), finite and infinite cylinder (circular and reflection/open), square (both

particles reflect on both sides of 0), etc. The corresponding corrected shift operators are

obtained as a tensor product between the two single-particle corrected operators.

Analogously, one can study the circular and reflecting boundary conditions for the case

of one particle on a two-dimensional lattice as well. For example, the correction of the shift

operator for the case of circular conditions connecting points with different positions on the

x-axis (M and −M), resulting in the (infinite) cylinder geometry, is given by

Cx =∑y

|−M, y〉 〈M, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈E|+ |M, y〉 〈−M, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈W |

|−(M − 1), y〉 〈−M, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈E|+ |M − 1, y〉 〈M, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈W | , (3.11)

while the reflection over the lines x = ±M results in the correction of the coin operator given


Rx =∑y

|M, y〉 〈M, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈E|+ |−M, y〉 〈−M, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈W |+




|x, y〉 〈x, y| ⊗ UC . (3.12)

In addition to the above two cases, for a two-dimensional lattice one more option of a

boundary along one axis occur, presenting us with the Möbius strip. Connecting the points

(M, y) of the line x = M , and (−M,−y) of the line x = −M , results in the shift operator

for which the sum for the x component is again going as above (from −M + 1 to M − 1),

while the correction term is

Mx =∑y

|−M,−y〉 〈M, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈E|+ |M,−y〉 〈−M, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈W |

|M − 1, y〉 〈M, y| ⊗ |W 〉 〈W |+ |−(M − 1), y〉 〈−M, y| ⊗ |E〉 〈E| , (3.13)

and analogously for connecting the y = M and y = −M axes according to Möbius topology.

Combining the two results in the topology of Klein bottle.


Note that the Möbius boundary conditions for the case of two particles on a line would

require a non-local shift operation, connecting distant sites x2 and −x2 of a second particle,

whenever the first one is in the position x1 = M or x1 = −M . Clearly, the shift operation

is not a simple product of two one-particle operations. It is rather a controlled operation:

conditioned to a position of the first particle, the second one is moving either locally (x2 →

j ± 1), if x1 6= ±M , or non-locally, otherwise. This can bring interesting consequences for

the properties of a quantum walk, as it may introduce entanglement between the walkers.

Another type of boundary conditions are absorbing ones. They are modeled by mea-

surements at certain points (of a line or a lattice) at each step of the walk. For example,

an absorption at point x1 on a line of a particle, coming from the left or right, is mod-

eled by performing a measurement given by the projector P (x1) = |x1〉 〈x1| ⊗ IC . If a

particle is found at position i, it is absorbed and a walk stopped. Otherwise, a particle is

for sure not in a position x1, its state |ψ(n)〉, after n steps of the walk, is collapsed onto

IPC − P (x1) = (IP − |x1〉 〈x1|) ⊗ IC |ψ(n)〉, renormalized to unity, and evolved by the one

step evolution operator described above. Such walks, known as measured walks, were studied

before [69, 91] in relation to various hitting times (see our discussion in the next Section).

Partial measurements modeling absorption of a particle can be also used to model noise

and decoherence effects. The other two ways to model noise and decoherence effects are

breaking the links between certain nodes, or using different coins for different nodes and/or


3.2.2 Noise and decoherence: broken links and different coins

Studying decoherence effects by breaking the links between two nodes was first introduced in

[92] for the case of a walk on a line, and later generalized to a two-dimensional case [93]. In

a one-dimensional case, breaking the link between two neighboring nodes x0 and x0 + 1, at a

step n of a walk, is equivalent to imposing the reflecting boundary conditions in between the

two nodes, for particle coming from both directions. In other words, a particle coming from

the node x0 to the right will, instead of arriving to node x0 + 1, change its direction (coin

state, from |R〉 to |L〉) and return back to x0, and analogously for the particle coming from


the node x0 + 1 to the left. Therefore, breaking the link between the nodes x0 and x0 + 1, at

a step n of the walk, changes the shift operator S at that step from (3.2) to:

S =

(∑x1 6=x0

|x1 + 1〉 〈x1|

)⊗ |R〉 〈R|+ |x0〉 〈x0| ⊗ |L〉 〈R| (3.14)


( ∑x1 6=x0+1

|x1 − 1〉 〈x1|

)⊗ |L〉 〈L|+ |x0 + 1〉 〈x0 + 1| ⊗ |R〉 〈L| .

Analogously, the shift operator (3.8) for the case of a single walker in two-dimensions is

changed as well. For example, breaking the link between the nodes (x0, y0) and (x0 + 1, y0)

changes |x0 + 1, y0〉 〈x0, y0| ⊗ |E〉 〈E| to |x0, y0〉 〈x0, y0| ⊗ |W 〉 〈E|, and |x0, y0〉 〈x0 + 1, y0| ⊗

|W 〉 〈W | changes as well to |x0 + 1, y〉0 〈x0 + 1, y0| ⊗ |E〉 〈W |.

Note that in the case of two walkers on a line, breaking of the links has to be identical

for both walkers, if we want them to walk over the same line. Also, note that breaking of

one link of only one of the two lines correspond to breaking of infinitely many links in the

corresponding two-dimensional walk on the xOy plane.

If in every step different (possibly randomly chosen) links are broken, the shift operation

changes from step to step and the breaking is dynamic. Breaking of the links can be either

static or dynamic. If links (given by the pairs of nodes that are supposed to be connected

by them) that are broken are fixed throughout the whole walk, the shift operator is changed

according to the above description and fixed as well: in every step of the walk the same

shift operation is applied (breaking is static). Otherwise, if in every step different (possibly

randomly chosen) links are broken, the shift operation changes from step to step and the

breaking is dynamic. Note that static breaking of the links allow to study walks over planar

graphs with nodes having at most degree four.

The other possibility of studying noise and decoherence effects is by introducing different

coin operation for different nodes. In the one-dimensional case (analogously for two dimen-

sions and higher), changing the unique coin operation UC to UCi , for each node i, changes


the one-step evolution (3.1), from U = S(IP ⊗ UC


U = S


|x1〉 〈x1| ⊗ UCx1




|x1 + 1〉 〈x1| ⊗ |R〉 〈R| UCx1 + |x1 − 1〉 〈x1| ⊗ |L〉 〈L| UCx1

), (3.16)

and analogously for one particle on the lattice.

Again, altering coin operations can be either static or dynamic. Quantum-to classical

transition driven by many coins was studied in [94]. The particle localization due to varying

coin in time was also studied in [88, 89, 90]. The physical explanation of the particle local-

ization can be explained as follows: a quantum walk, say on a lattice, can be seen as a model

for a scattering process of a particle (say, electron) over the ions of a crystal lattice, such that

a coin operators model the transition amplitudes between the neighboring ions. Introducing

for some nodes coins different from the common one corresponds to introducing impurities

(ions different from the one of a crystal lattice), which in the static case (impurities fixed in

time) leads to Anderson-type particle localization [95].

3.3 Quantities computed by the simulator

In this Section, we describe the quantities that characterize quantum walk that our

simulator is computing. Since the emphasis of the program is to study the joint properties of

a multi-particle quantum walk, we will use notation compatible with the case of two walkers

on a line. Using (3.6) and (3.7), one can easily obtain the corresponding quantities for the

case of a single walker in two dimensions.

A pure state of two walkers is a unit vector in a two-particle Hilbert space H12 ≡ H1⊗H2,

where one-particle mutually isomorphic spaces Hi = HP,i⊗HC,i, with i ∈ 1, 2, have each a

position and a coin factor space. WritingH12 = (HP,1⊗HP,2)⊗(HC,2⊗HC,2) = HP,12⊗HC,12,

one can talk of a two-particle position and coin (generally mixed) states.

If the initial state is |ψ(0)〉12 ∈ H12, then after n steps the state is

|ψ(n)〉12 = Un12 |ψ(0)〉12 .


Partial one-particle mixed states, after n steps of a walk, are given by density operators

obtained by performing partial trace, ρ1(n) = Tr2 |ψ(n)〉 〈ψ(n)|12, and analogously for the

second particle. The joint position state is evaluated by performing partial trace over the

joint coin space HC,12, ρP,12(n) = TrC,12 |ψ(n)〉 〈ψ(n)|12, while to obtain the coin state, we

do a partial trace over the joint position space HP,12, ρC,12(n) = TrP,12 |ψ(n)〉 〈ψ(n)|12. The

one-particle position and coin states are obtained analogously, from one-particle states ρi(n),

with i ∈ 1, 2.

The main quantity from which we compute relevant joint properties is a joint two-particle

probability distribution p12(i, j;n), a probability that the position x1 of the first particle is

i, and the position x2 of the second is j. It is easily computed from the overall position state

ρP,12(n) as

p12(i, j;n) =12 〈i, j| ρP,12(n) |i, j〉12 . (3.17)

Often, for reasons of simplicity, we assume the time dependence (i.e. step n) as implicit, and

write p12(i, j), ρP,12, etc. Also, sometimes we will drop the labels 12, 1 and 2 that denote

whether a given quantity is a two-particle or a single-particle quantity: for example p(i, j)

instead of p12(i, j;n), or ρP instead of ρP,12(n).

Marginal probability, p1(i;n) =∑

j p12(i, j;n) can also be obtained from partial one-

particle state, p1(i;n) =1 〈i| ρ1(n) |i〉1, and analogously for particle 2.

As the evolution of quantum walks is unitary, there exist no stationary state of the

system, a fixed point of the evolution, as in the case of classical random walks. There-

fore, there exist no stationary probability distribution (for detailed discussion, see for ex-

ample [82] or [83]). Yet, the time (or rather, step) average of the probability distribution,

p12(i, j;n) = 1n

∑nk=1 p12(i, j; k), does converge to a limiting distribution (analogously for

one-particle distribution):

π12(i, j) = limn→∞

p12(i, j;n).

One can thus study how fast (in steps n) an average distribution p12(i, j;n) approaches the

limiting one π12(i, j), globally (mixing time), point-wise (sampling time), etc. (for definitions

of the mixing, sampling, filling and dispersion time, see for example [83]).


The first global quantity of the two walker to consider is the average distance between

the two:

〈d〉 = 〈|x1 − x2|〉 =∑i,j

p12(i, j;n)|i− j|.

Note that the n-dependence is implicit as the average is an expectation value of an opera-

tor d = |x1 − x2| taken for the state |ψ(n)〉12. This is clearly a global quantity that is not

dependent only on marginal probability distributions p1(i;n) and p2(i;n), but on the corre-

lations between the two random variables x1 and x2, which can in this case have particular

entanglement-induced quantum features different from any classical-like correlations, like it

was first shown in [79].

Next, we discuss various types of the so-called mixing times. First, we describe the one-

particle case, then we move to the case of two walkers.

In algorithmic applications of quantum walks, like in search problems, a solution to the

problem is given by a particular node i0 (or more than one node, but the generalization is

straightforward) and one is interested in the probability of finding this solution. In other

words, we are interested in the probability of finding the walker in the position i0.

Let us define two (one-particle) orthogonal projectors, P0 = |i0〉 〈i0|⊗ Ic and P1 = I− P0,

where Ic is the identity in the coin space. Then, the one-shot hitting time for a given

probability p is the number of steps N (1)o (i0, p) for which the probability of the walker to

be found in position i0 is bigger or equal than p [69]. It is determined by the (one-particle)

one-shot probability to hit:

P(1)o (i0;n) = ‖P0 |ψ(n)〉 ‖2 = ‖〈i0|ψ(n)〉‖2. (3.18)

The above definition of hitting time is useful in cases one can estimate step n around which

the one-shot probability to hit P1o (i0;n) is relatively high, like it was the case of Shor’s

algorithm [17].

If we check after each step whether the particle is in position i0, we effectively perform

the above measurement M(i0) = 0 · P0 + 1 · P1 after each step. Such a walk, in which after

each step the measurement given by M(i0) is performed, is called the |i0〉-measured walk [69]:

if the particle is collapsed (absorbed) onto the ray |i0〉 〈i0| (result 0 obtained), the solution


to the problem (data-base search, etc.) is found and the walk terminated; otherwise, if the

result is 1, the walk is evolved one more step by U .

For |i0〉-measured walk, let P(1)f (i0;n) be the probability to detect (for the first time) the

particle at position i0, at step n (first-time probability to hit):

P(1)f (i0;n) = ‖P0U [P1U ]n−1 |ψ(0)〉 ‖2. (3.19)

Then, the average hitting time of the |i0〉-measured walk is [91]:

N (1)a (i0) =


nP(1)f (i0;n). (3.20)

The above hitting time corresponds to a typical (average, expected) running time for the

quantum-walk based algorithm [91].

Finally, one might be interested in a number of steps N (1)c (i0, p) after which a |i0〉-

measured walk has probability to stop greater or equal than certain given p. Such N (1)c (i0, p)

is called the concurrent hitting time [69], and is given by the concurrent probability to hit

P(1)c (i0;n) for the walk to stop at any of the steps n′ ≤ n:

P(1)c (i0;n) =


‖P0U [P1U ]n′−1 |ψ(0)〉 ‖2. (3.21)

As noted in [91], the concurrent hitting time corresponds to the number of steps after which

the probability to find the solution is greater or equal than p.

The above hitting times were defined for one-particle quantum walks and are given by

the probabilities (3.18) – (3.21). For two particles, the corresponding hitting times are given

by the analogous two-particle probabilities P(2)o (i0;n), P(2)

f (i0;n) and P(2)c (i0;n) that at least

one of the two particles is detected in position i0. Indeed, if the solution to the problem is

given by the marked position i0, it is enough if only one of the two walkers finds it. The

two-particle probabilities and hitting times are obtained as in the case of one-particle walks,

by substituting one-particle P0 (and its complement P1) by it’s two-particle equivalent

P0 =(|i0〉 〈i0|P,1 ⊗ IP,2 + IP,1 ⊗ |i0〉 〈i0|P,2 − |i0〉 〈i0|P,1 ⊗ |i0〉 〈i0|P,2

)⊗ IC,12


in equations (3.18) – (3.21). Note the subtraction of the term |i0〉 〈i0|P,1 ⊗ |i0〉 〈i0|P,2 which

is twice counted in the sum of the first two terms of the expression. Formally, without the

subtraction this would not be an idempotent projector for which P 20 = P0.

In finding solutions by searching certain data base, for example, we would prefer if the two

particles search different regions at each given moment: if the two walkers are following each

other, than there is little help of such "parallel processing”. In other words, the probability

that both walkers are found in the same position should be as small as possible; their average

distance as big as possible. In [79] it was shown that the maximal one-shot probability

P2o (i0;n) to find at least one particle in position i0 corresponds to the case of maximal average

distance, when the initial coin state is the fermionic one, i.e. maximally anti-symmetric Bell

state (|RL〉 − |LR〉)/√

2, while the initial position state2 is |00〉.

Global quantities do not depend on marginal probability distributions, but on the cor-

relations between the random variables, in our case the positions of the two walkers. They

are given by the covariance. For the case of the positions x1 and x2 of the two walkers, the

covariance is given by:

Cov(x1, x2) = 〈(x1 − 〈x1〉)(x2 − 〈x2〉)〉 = 〈x1x2〉 − 〈x1〉〈x2〉, (3.22)

The other way to quantify correlations between two walkers is by classical (Shannon)

and quantum (von Neumann) mutual information. Classical (Shannon) mutual information

between the two random variables, say positions x1 and x2, is (note the implicit dependence

on the step n):

I(x1 : x2) = H(x1) +H(x2)−H(x1, x2), (3.23)

where H(xp) = −∑

i p1(i) log p1(i), with p = 1, 2, is the Shannon entropy of the random

variable xp taking the values i ∈ Z, and

H(x1, x2) = −∑i,j

p12(i, j) log p12(i, j) (3.24)

is the joint (Shannon) entropy of x1 and x2.2Note that in all of the above quantities the dependence on the initial state of the walker(s) is, for reasons

of simplicity, left implicit.


The corresponding quantum (von Neumann) mutual information between the position

degrees of freedom of two walkers is given in terms of their global and partial position states

ρP,12, ρP,1 and ρP,2:

I(ρP,12) = S(ρP,1) + S(ρP,2)− S(ρP,12), (3.25)

where S(ρP,1) = −Tr(ρP,1 log ρP,1), and analogously for other two mixed states.

As it was shown in [79], the initial entanglement in the joint two-particle coin state can,

starting from the initially product position state |0, 0〉12, bring about correlations between

the positions of the two, the correlations beyond those achievable by any classical (i.e. mixed,

but separable) initial state. In other words, a two-particle quantum walk can, in the course

of steps, transfer the entanglement, and thus correlations, from the coin to the position

degree of freedom. Therefore, one might be interested in analyzing the dynamics of mutual

information (Shannon and von Neumann) between the (joint) coin and position degrees of

freedom, or between the coins of the two walkers, or finally between the two walkers. They

are given by expressions analogous to (3.23) and (3.25).

Finally, one can directly study entanglement between the two degrees of freedom. This

is, being purely quantum feature, the most interesting quantity to study since it brings, in

some settings, features of quantum walks classically impossible to achieve [79]. Nevertheless,

unlike the correlations or (classical and quantum) mutual information, entanglement is more

complex to characterize and quantify. In the case of pure bipartite states, entanglement

between the two degrees of freedom is well defined and easy to evaluate: it is nothing but

the von Neumann entropy of either of the two partial mixed states. Thus, if the initial state

is pure, entanglement between the coin and position degree of freedom is given by:

EC,P = S(ρC,12) = S(ρP,12). (3.26)

Obviously, from the numerical point of view, it is much easier, and more accurate, to use the

first equality and deal with much smaller 4 × 4 matrix representation of ρC,12. Writing the

joint two-particle state |ψ〉 in the Schmidt bi-orthogonal expansion between the joint position

and coin degrees of freedom

|ψ〉 =4∑


√rk |ϕk〉P |k〉C ,


the partial coin and position mixed states are given as ρC =∑4

k=1 rk |k〉 〈k|C and ρP =∑4k=1 rk |ϕk〉 〈ϕk|P (note that, for reasons of simplicity, we dropped the step n dependence,

and subscripts 12).

Calculating the coin state is computationally easy, its complexity is only quadratic in

the number of steps n, as one has to evaluate |ψ(n)〉 and then a simple trace ρC(n) =

TrP |ψ(n)〉 〈ψ(n)|. Solving the characteristic equation and finding eigenvalues rk and eigen-

vectors |k〉c of a four-dimensional system given by ρC is easy task as well. Finally, the eigen-

vectors |ϕk〉P are easily calculated by obtaining the partial scalar product, |ϕk〉P = 1√rk〈k|ψ〉.

Finally, the partial position state is ρP =∑4

k=1 rk |ϕk〉 〈ϕk|P and the entanglement between

the position and the coin degree of freedom is:

EC,P = S(ρC,12) = S(ρP,12) = −4∑


rk log(rk).

But, finding the entanglement between the positions of two walkers, or the two coins,

is much more difficult problem. The partial position and coin states, ρP,12 and ρC,12, are

mixed, and mixed-state entanglement is neither unique, nor easy to evaluate. One possible

mixed-state entanglement measure is the entanglement of formation [96]. For the case of

two-particle position state, one possible upper bound to the entanglement of formation could

be given as:

EF (ρP,12) =4∑



with E(|ϕk〉P,12) = S(TrP,2 |ϕk〉 〈ϕk|P,12).

A relevant measure for the quantumness of correlations is the quantum discord [98]. In

classical information theory, we have that the mutual information between random variables

X and Y is given by I(X : Y ) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(X, Y ) or, equivalently, J (X : Y ) =

H(Y )−H(Y |X).

For the general joint state ρXY a subsystem’s partial state after a measurement performed

on the other sub-system is determined by the choice of the measurement and its outcome. Let

Mx =∑

i iΠXi be a sub-system’s X observable, where ΠX

i = |i〉 〈i| represent one-dimensional


orthogonal projectors corresponding to the measurement outcome i. Upon measuring MX ⊗

IY onto the joint state ρXY , and obtaining the result i, the partial state of the subsystem Y


ρY |ΠXi= TrX

(ΠX ⊗ IY )ρXY (ΠX ⊗ IY )


where pi = TrXY (ρXY (ΠXi ⊗ IY )).The expected entropy of the sub-system Y , conditioned by

the measurement MX performed on the sub-system X is:

S(Y |MXi ) =


piS(ρY |πXi ).

The difference between the uncertainty of the state of the sub-system Y (measured by the von-

Neumann entropy) before the sub-system measurement Mx was performed, and the expected

uncertainty after it has been performed is

J (X : Y )Mx= S(ρY )− S(Y |MX),

where ρY = ρXY .

The quantum discord, with respect to the measurement MX , is given by

δ(X : Y )ΠXi = I(X : Y )− J (X : Y )Mx

= S(ρY )− S(ρXY ) + S(Y |MX). (3.27)

In the case of two particles on the line, X denotes the position of particle 1 and Y the

position of particle 2. For one particle on the lattice, X and Y denote the positions of the

particle along the x and y axes, respectively.

3.4 The simulator at work

Here we illustrate the simulator at work. The simulator is constituted by three main

programs: one for simulating one particle on a square lattice; another for simulating two

particles on a line; and, finally, one to simulate a single particle on a line. All the quantities

described in Section 3.3 can be outputted by the simulator, and are chosen in a configuration

file. The configuration file is parsed by the simulator and contains the following information:


dimension of the grid, number of steps to simulate, initial state for the particles, broken links

in the grid, boundary conditions of the grid, measurement points, distribution of random

quantum coins over the grid, quantities to simulate.

Next, we present several examples of usage of the simulator, one for each main program.

For the program simulating one particle on a square lattice we consider a quantum walk with

broken links. For two walkers on the line, we study a case of entangled states. Finally, for

one particle in the line, we illustrate the simulator with a circular boundary condition.

3.4.1 A particle on a square lattice

For this case we illustrate the simulator by computing several relevant quantities for a quan-

tum walk over a square lattices with several broken links. The idea is to get a picture of

the effect of broken links (or impurities) in the simulated quantities. In particular we verify

Anderson-like localization by noticing that the average probability distribution is concen-

trated around the initial position. For this particular simulation we consider:

• a grid of size 61× 61;

• a number of steps 30;

• broken link probability of 0.5;

• initial state |ψ(0)〉 = |0, 0〉 |E〉.

The results of the quantities are depicted in Figures 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
















(a) Probability on plane after 30 steps.













(b) Average probability distribution.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300








Upper Bound for Ef

(c) Upper bound of Ef .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(d) Shannon entropy for positions X.

Figure 3.2: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(a) Shannon entropy for positions Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300










(b) Shannon entropy for variables X and Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300










(c) Shannon mutual information for position

variables X and Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300







(d) von Neumann entropy of ρC,XY .

Figure 3.3: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(a) von Neumann entropy of ρP,X .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(b) von Neumann entropy of ρP,Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300









(c) von Neumann mutual information of ρP,XY .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300










(d) Quantum discord of Y given measurements

ΠXi on X.

Figure 3.4: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(a) Mean distance of variables X and Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5








(b) Mean value of variable X.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−0.6








(c) Mean value of variable Y .

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−1.2











(d) Covariance of variables X and Y .

Figure 3.5: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.

3.4.2 Two particles on a line

The effect of entanglement on quantum walks is a relevant problem which is hard to tackle

analytically. For this reason the simulator is designed to determine various information

theoretical quantities, such as entropy, mutual information, (upper-bound) entanglement of


formation, which quantify the effect of entanglement between the coins on the joint position

probability distribution of two walkers. Indeed, one can check that entangled particles evolve

differently than non entangled ones [79].

For this particular simulation we consider:

• a grid of size 61× 61;

• a number of steps 30;

• initial state |ψ(0)〉12 = |0, 0〉12 (|RR〉 − |LL〉).

The results of the quantities are depicted in Figures 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.
















(a) Probability on plane after 30 steps.















(b) Average probability distribution.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300










Upper Bound for Ef

(c) Upper bound of Ef .

0 5 10 15 20 25 300








(d) Shannon entropy for positions x1.

Figure 3.6: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300








(a) Shannon entropy for positions x2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300









(b) Shannon entropy for variables x1 and x2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300









(c) Shannon mutual information for position

variables x1 and x2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300










(d) von Neumann entropy of ρC,12.

Figure 3.7: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(a) von Neumann entropy of ρP,1.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(b) von Neumann entropy of ρP,2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300












(c) von Neumann mutual information of ρP,12.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300











(d) Quantum Discord

Figure 3.8: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.


0 5 10 15 20 25 300










(a) Mean distance of variables x1 and x2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−1







(b) Mean value of variable x1.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−1







(c) Mean value of variable x2.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30−150







(d) Covariance of variables x1 and x2.

Figure 3.9: Evolution of one particle on a square lattice with broken link probability of 0.5

for 30 steps.

3.4.3 A particle on a line

Although the case of a particle on a line is quite well studied, we also included it in the

simulator. To take profit of the features of the simulator we considered an absorbing boundary

condition. For this particular simulation we consider:


• a line of length 100;

• a number of steps 10000;

• absorbing boundary condition;

• initial state |φ0〉 = |0〉 |R〉.

The results of the quantities are depicted in Figures 3.10 and 3.11.


(a) Probability distribution for position. (b) Average probability distribution for position.

0 2 4 6 8 10

x 104










(c) Mean value of variable x.

0 2 4 6 8 10

x 104











(d) Shannon entropy of coin state density ma-


Figure 3.10: Evolution of one particle on a line of length 201, for 10000 steps with absorbing



0 2 4 6 8 10

x 104











(a) Standard deviation of x.

0 2 4 6 8 10

x 104












(b) von Neumann entropy of coin state density


Figure 3.11: Evolution of one particle on a line of length 201, for 10000 steps with absorbing


Recently, a so called feed-forward DTQW was introduced in [99], where the authors

analysed the results of a 1D walk on an open line for up to n = 108 steps. Our program can

perform simulations of a walk on an open line (without boundaries) for up to n ∼ 106 steps

(taking over 17, 4 days to complete the simulation), which might seem as a disadvantage when

compared to the simulator used in [99]. Nevertheless, the two types of quantum walks differ

significantly in their long-time behaviour, as the cited paper thoroughly analyses: while the

standard DTQW has a ballistic behaviour, i.e. its diffusion scales as σ ∼ n, the feed-forward

DTQW diffusion scales as σ ∼ n0.4. Consequently, the memory needed to encode the relevant

part of a state of a 1D feed-forward DTQW on an open line after 108 steps is just a fraction

of the memory needed to encode the relevant part of a state of a standard 1D DTQW after

the same number of steps on an open line (see figure 2.A of [99], where the x-axis goes from

−4500 to +4500). Indeed, the memory needed to encode the relevant part of a quantum state

of a standard 1D DTQW on an open line after n = 108 steps would be about 38.4 Gbits3,3For the case of a 1D DTQW on an open line, at each step n only half of the nodes between −n and n


which exceeds the limits of any conceivable computer RAM memory that can be found on

the market.

Nevertheless, when posing similar constraints to a standard 1D DTQW, for example

reflecting boundary conditions, thus effectively limiting the area of a walk, our simulator

can perform many more steps. In particular, for a line that goes from node −4000 to node

+4000, our program was able to finish the simulation for 106 steps in roughly 3 hours, while

to simulate 107 steps took roughly 30 hours. Consequently, running time for 108 steps would

take roughly about two weeks, which is reasonable for a well defined scientific research. Below

we present probability distribution and average probability distribution of particle position

for the mentioned simulation of 107 steps.

(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle position.

(b) Average probability distribution for


Figure 3.12: Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the

particle position for one-particle quantum walk on a line with reflecting boundary conditions

at nodes ±4000 after 107 steps. The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0〉 |L〉, and the random coin

parameters are set within the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π


have non-zero amplitude. Thus, after 108 steps we need to encode complex amplitudes for 108 nodes. For

each node there are two complex amplitudes assigned: one for the left, and the other for the right coin state.

Therefore, we need to encode 2 ∗ 108 complex numbers, or 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 108 real numbers. Each real number is

encoded as double format, which takes 64 bits per number. Therefore, one needs about 38.4 Gbits of memory

to encode a quantum state.


3.4.4 Example: Anderson localization

Here we simulate the effect of two types of decoherence due to random broken links and

random coins, in order to see if Anderson localization will occur, as well as to find some

difference between the two models. In the case of random broken link, the broken link factor

gives the probability of each link to be broken. For random coins, the random coin factor is

the probability of the coin operator, at each position, to be randomly chosen.

For this particular simulation we consider:

• a 2D lattice of size 61× 61;

• a number of steps 100;

• Klein Bottle boundary condition;

• initial state |φ0〉 = |0〉 (|E〉+ |S〉).

• Simulations ran for 10 cases: normal, random coin factors of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.9, random

broken link factors of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.9 and random coin and broken link factors of 0.2,

0.5 and 0.9.

The results of the quantities are depicted in Figures 3.13 through 3.15.














Figure 3.13: Position probability distribution of one particle on the lattice with dimension

61× 61× 61, for 100 steps.










x 10−3





(a) Probability distribution for position

with random coin factor 0.2.













(b) Probability distribution for position

with random broken link factor 0.2.











x 10−3





(c) Probability distribution for position

with random coin factor 0.5.













(d) Probability distribution for position

with random broken link factor 0.5.














(e) Probability distribution for position

with random coin factor 0.9.













(f) Probability distribution for position

with random broken link factor 0.9.

Figure 3.14: Position probability distribution of one particle on the lattice of dimension

61× 61, for 100 steps with different random coin factors and random broken link factors.











x 10−3





(a) Position probability distribution with

broken link and random coin factors 0.2.













(b) Position probability distribution with

broken link and random coin factors 0.5.















(c) Position probability distribution with bro-

ken link and random coin factors 0.9.

Figure 3.15: Position probability distribution of particle on the lattice of dimension 61× 61,

for 100 steps with same both broken link and random coin factors.

Figures 3.13 , 3.14 and 3.15 suggest that both random broken link and random coin can

lead to Anderson localization. Moreover, based on figure 3.14 one can conclude that for

the same factors, the localization is sharper for random broken links compared to random

coins. figure 3.15 shows the Anderson localization due to both random broken links and


coins. Further analysis/simulation is needed to to characterize Anderson localization.

Anderson Localization for quantum walk on the line can be achieved by defining static

random coins of parameters θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8], illustrated in figure 3.16 with the following


• a line of size 8001;

• a number of steps 4000;

• reflecting boundary condition;

• initial state |0〉 |R〉;

• static random coin with parameters θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π


(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle position.

(b) Average probability distribution of

the particle position.

Figure 3.16: Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the

particle position for one-particle quantum walk on the open line after 4000 steps. The initial

state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0〉 |R〉, the probability that at each step a link will be broken (index broken

link) is 0.3 and the random coin parameters are set within the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π


In the case of two particles on separate lines we can simulate two different types of

decoherences leading to localization. In figure 3.17 one particle is under the influence of

static random coins, the other is other the influence of random coins at random positions.


• two lines of size 201;

• a number of steps 100;

• reflecting boundary conditions;

• initial state√

2 |0, 0〉 |RR〉;

• static random coin with parameters θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8] for the first walker;

• broken link index of 0.3 for the second walker, with Hadamard coin.

(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cles positions.

(b) Average probability distribution of

the particles positions.

Figure 3.17: Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of the

particles positions for two-particle quantum walk on open lines after 100 steps. The initial

state is |ψ(0)〉 = |0, 0〉 |RR〉, for the first walker the random coin parameters are set within

the interval θ, ζ, ξ ∈ [π4− π

8, π

4+ π

8], while for the second walker the fixed coin is given by the

Hadamard operator and the index broken link is 0.3.

3.4.5 Example: Static Broken Links

To illustrate the usage of static broken links, we consider a 2D lattice with nine boxes of

equal dimensions and slits between them, as indicated bellow:


• 2D lattice of size 91× 91;

• a number of steps 1000;

• reflecting boundary conditions;

• initial state 12(|−30,−30〉 (|E〉+ i |N〉) + |30, 30〉 (|W 〉+ i |S〉));

• Hadamard coin;

• The static broken links are set between positions (−15, y)&(−14, y) and (14, y)&(15, y),

for y ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30, and positions (x,−15)&(x,−14) and (x, 14)&(x, 15),

for x ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30;


(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle position.

(b) Average probability distribution of

the particle position.

Figure 3.18: Probability distribution (a) and average probability distribution (b) of par-

ticle position for one-particle quantum walk on a lattice with reflecting boundary condi-

tions at x, y = ±45 after 1000 steps. The initial state is |ψ(0)〉 = 12(|−30,−30〉 (|E〉 +

i |N〉) + |30, 30〉 (|W 〉 + i |S〉)), with the fixed coin given by the Hadamard operator.The

static broken links are set between positions (−15, y)&(−14, y) and (14, y)&(15, y), for

y ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30, and positions (x,−15)&(x,−14) and (x, 14)&(x, 15), for

x ∈ −45, . . . , 45\−30, 0, 30. Note that the entire grid is divided into 9 equally-sized

loosely connected squares, and the initial state of the walker is a linear superposition of two

distant positions (and the corresponding coin states) located in different squares.


3.5 Oblivious transfer with Quantum Walks

In this Section, we sketch the oblivious transfer protocol based on discrete-time quantum

walk, and highlight the analysis of the protocol.

Protocol 3.5.1 (Oblivious Transfer).

Message to transfer m ∈ 0, 1;

Security parameter k;

Secret key k ∈ 1, . . . , n, UR, θ;

Transferring Phase:

1. Alice wishes to send the bit m ∈ 0, 1.

2. Alice chooses randomly a unitary coin operator UR, an integer

k ∈ 1, . . . , n, an integer a ∈R −1, 1 and the position x for

m = 0. m = 1 will be located at x+ n/2 + 1.

3. Alice generates the state

|ψ(m)〉 = [S ⊗ (UR)a]k |x− 1 + (n/2 + 2)m〉P |ψ(θ)〉c

and sends it to Bob.

Revealing Phase:

4. Alice sends x, k, UR and θ to Bob.

5. Bob guesses the value of −a, a′, and determines

|ϕ〉 = [S ⊗ (UR)a′]k |ψ(m)〉 .

If a′ = −a then Bob recovers the bit m. Otherwise, Bob will get

a value different from x and x+ n/2 + 1 with high probability.


Before the opening phase, Bob would have to guess the private key and a as well. From

Bob’s perspective, the state he receives is the completely mixed state

ρ = Uakk





|l〉 〈l| ⊗ |s〉 〈s|



= Uakk


2n+1IP ⊗ IC





2n+1IP ⊗ IC





2n+1IP ⊗ IC . (3.31)

Thus the protocol is conceiling.

At the end of the protocol, since Bob performs local operations and measurements, Alice

has no way of knowing if Bob had chosen the right bit, or not. Hence, the protocol is


We will need a notion of distance of random variables and states to shed some light on

to the probabilistic transfer and soudness properties of the protocol. Given two random

variables Z1 and Z2 over the same finite set Ω, statistical difference is defined as

∆(Z1, Z2) =1



|Pr[Z1 = α]− Pr[Z2 = α]| , (3.32)

and if we define Zi =∑

α∈Ω Pr[Z1 = α] |α〉 〈α|, where |α〉 is an orthonormal set of vectors,

we get the relation between statistical diference and trace distance as follows

∆(Z1, Z2) =1

2||Z1 − Z2||1. (3.33)

For general density operators σi, the trace distance is defined in the same manner,


2||σ1 − σ2||1. (3.34)

After Alice reveils the secret, one might think that Bob must only distinguish between

the states ρ0 and ρ1 sent by Alice, where ρm = |ψ(m)〉 〈ψ(m)|. But in reality, Bob must

distinguish between four possible states, ρ(−1)0 , ρ(−1)

1 , ρ(1)0 and ρ

(1)1 where the superscript

indicates Alice’s choice a ∈ −1, 1.


(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle with initial position −10.

(b) Probability distribution of the par-

ticle with initial position 10.

Figure 3.19: Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ = 1.4228, ξ =

0.1995, line size equal to 50 and K = 500 steps.

One can use the simulator to compare the statistical difference between particle’s position

for m = 0 and m = 1 for a variety of matrices UR, states |ψ(θ)〉c and k. Depicted in Figures

3.19, 3.20, 3.21 and 3.22 are the probability distributions of a particle, with coin parameters

set as θ = 1.2798, ζ = 1.4228, ξ = 0.1995, line of size 50 and k equal to 500, 750, 1000 and


Figures 3.21 and 3.22 have twice the number of steps compared to figures 3.19 and 3.20

respectively. This enables one to analise Bob’s chance of getting the right message when he

guesses wrong.

Nontheless, there is no hint on the optimal strategy for Bob. Further scenarios for simu-

lations should be explored in order to further develop intuitions and strategies for a formal

proof of soundness.


(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle with initial position −10.

(b) Probability distribution of the par-

ticle with initial position 10.

Figure 3.20: Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ = 1.4228, ξ =

0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 750 steps.

(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle with initial position −10.

(b) Probability distribution of the par-

ticle with initial position 10.

Figure 3.21: Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ = 1.4228, ξ =

0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 1000 steps.


(a) Probability distribution of the parti-

cle with initial position −10.

(b) Probability distribution of the par-

ticle with initial position 10.

Figure 3.22: Position probability distributions of a particle with initial states (a) |ψ(0)〉 =

|−10〉 |R〉 and (b) |ψ(0)〉 = |10〉 |R〉, with coin parameters set as θ = 1.2798, ζ = 1.4228, ξ =

0.1995, line size equal to 50 and k = 1500 steps.

3.6 Conclusions

We developed a simulator for a two-particle quantum walk on a line and one particle on

a two-dimensional square lattice. The simulator can be used to investigate the equivalence

between the two cases (one- and two- particle walks) for various boundary conditions (open,

circular, reflecting, absorbing and their combinations). For the case of a single walker on

a two-dimensional lattice, the simulator can implement the Möbius strip and other similar

boundary conditions. Furthermore, other topologies for the walker are also simulated by the

proposed tool, like planar graphs with degree up to four, by considering missing links over

the lattice. The simulator is able to compute a vast number of relevant quantities, namely:

average position probability distribution, standard deviation/covariances, Shannon and von

Neumann entropy and mutual information, upper bounds for the entanglement formation

and quantum discord. The simulator is available at http://qwsim.weebly.com/ and allows

for computational experiments for quantum walks covering new aspects and quantities that

were not available before.


The simulator is useful for studying and gaining intuition for specific problems of quantum

computation/cryptography. Here, although briefly, we showed how our simulator can help

channel the ideas towards a formal proof of probabilistic transfer and soundness of the OT

protocol. Due to the generality of the simulator, it might be of interest to study the possibility

of using two-particle quantum walk and one particle quantum walk on a lattice to implement

OT and other cryptographic primitives.


Chapter 4

Oblivious Transfer with Continuous


4.1 Introduction

In this Chapter, Gaussian states are studied and two(


)-OT protocols are proposed. Here

we explore how the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation (HRU) for non-commuting observables

can allow Alice to send two messages to Bob, such that he can decode only one of the two.

In Section 4.2 we present an introduction to quantum optics and coherent states. In

Section 4.3 a brief description of continuous variable QKD is given. Section 4.4 is dedicated

to the secret capacity theorem. The characterization of coherent state channels is given

in Section 4.5 and finally, in Section 4.6, our(


)-OT protocol is described along with the

security analysis. In Section 4.6 we study Gaussian sources of information, their emission

through coherent states and a(


)-OT with Gaussian modulation. Conclusions can be found

in Section 4.7.


4.2 Quantum optics

The Hamiltonian of a harmonic oscillator has the following form

H =1

2(p2 + ω2x2), (4.1)

with the commutation relation

[x, p] = i~ (4.2)

for the position and momentum operators, x and p. As is common, to ease the notation, one

usually works with dimensionless operators

X =


~x (4.3)

P =1√~ω

p (4.4)

and we can write the commutation relation as

[X, P ] = i. (4.5)

In this cotext, the Hamiltonian is usually written in terms of the annihilation and creation

operators, a and a†, as

H = a†a+1

2, (4.6)


a =1√2~ω

(ωx+ ip) (4.7)

a† =1√2~ω

(ωx− ip) . (4.8)

The quantisation of the electromagnetic field settles the electric field amplitude operator of

an electromagnetic wave with frequency ω and the wave vector k to be

E = E0

[aeiφ + a†e−iφ



with φ = k · r− ωt. If we expand the complex exponential terms, we will get

E = 2E0[X cos(ωt− k · r) + P sin(ωkt− k · r)], (4.10)

where X and P are

X =1

2(a+ a†) (4.11)

P =1

2i(a+ a†), (4.12)

which is in perfect analogy to the harmonic oscillator, with the same commutation relation


The variance of an operator F is

〈∆F 2〉 = 〈F 2〉 − 〈F 〉2


and by the HUR for two observables G and F , we get

〈∆F 2〉 〈∆G2〉 ≥ 1

4| 〈[F , G]〉 |2. (4.14)

In the case of position and momentum operators, we have from equation (4.5)

〈∆X2〉 〈∆P 2〉 ≥ 1

4. (4.15)

Important classes of states that we will consider are coherent and squeezed states of light

which are both Gaussian in position and momentum space. For Gaussian states we define

σ2X = 〈∆X2〉 and σ2

P = 〈∆P 2〉 and express (4.15) as


2P ≥


4. (4.16)

Further,both coherent and squeezed states saturate the limit (4.16) [101, 100].

4.2.1 Coherent states

In position space the eigenfunction equation of the annihilation operator, aψ(x) = αψ(x),

takes the form of a differential equation

aψ(x) =1√2



)ψ(x) = αψ(x), (4.17)


where α = x0 + ip0. The solution of (4.17) in position space is

ψ(x)α =1


−(x− x0)2

2+ ip0x−





and by performing a Fourier transform on ψ(x)α one gets the wave equation for momentum


ψ(p)α =1


−(p− p0)2

2+ ix0p−



. (4.20)

The probability density functions for measuring X and P are

P (x) = ψ(x)αψ(x)∗α =1


−(x− x0)2


P (p) = ψ(p)αψ(p)∗α =1


−(p− p0)2

, (4.22)

respectively, which are Gaussians with mean values x0 and p0, and variance σ2X = σ2

P = 1/2.

4.2.2 Squeezed state

Squeezed states are created from coherent states, |α〉 = |x+ ip〉, by applying the squeezing

operator S(ζ) = exp(ζ∗

2a2 − ζ

2a†2), where ζ = −r exp(iΘ). The phase components will be

transformed into

x(r) = erx (4.23)

p(r) = e−rp. (4.24)

Consequently, the probability density functions for measuring X and P are

P (x) = ψ(x)αψ(x)∗α =1

π1/2eζ exp

−2e2ζ(x− x0)2


P (p) = ψ(p)αψ(p)∗α =1

π1/2e−ζ exp

−2e−2ζ(p− p0)2

, (4.26)

rewspectively, which are Gaussians with mean values x0 and p0 and corresponding variances

σ2x = e−2r/2 and σ2

P = e2r/2.


4.3 QKD with coherent light

The use of coherent states for (QKD) has been extensively explored throughout the last

years [113, 119, 120, 121]. Compared to single particle states, coherent states of light are

easily produced and manipulated with current technology, by using existing lasers, optical

fibers, beam splitters, photodetectors, amplifiers, and so on.

In the context of quantum cryptography, up until now, continuous variables (i.e.,coherent

states) have been explored mainly to establish a secret key between two parties Alice and

Bob. They are called Continuous Variables Quantum Key Distribution, CV-QKD.

Denoting by (X,P ) the quadrature components of the coherent state |X + iP 〉, each com-

ponent can be seen as a classical one-way channel with Gaussian noise [139, 140]. But, unlike

classical channels, due to anticomutiativity of X and P the more precise the measurement of

X is, the worst will be the precision upon measuring P , and vice versa [113, 115, 116, 119,

131, 139, 140].

In classical information theory, a channel capacity is proportional to the signal-to-noise-

ratio (SNR) which, in turn, is proportional to the variance of the input signal divided by the

variance of the noise [107, 108]. Depending on the precision (amount of squeezing) of the

measurements on one of the quadrature ”channel”, the SNR of the other ”channel” will suffer a

change by an amount related to the Heisenberg uncertainty relation ([113, 115, 116, 119, 131]).

Let Ix be the classical information carried that Bob obtains by measuring X and anal-

ogously for Ip and P . If Bob measures X, then ideally (no loss scenario) the amount of

information he gains will be Ix and similarly for P . The mutual information between Alice

and Bob is denoted by IAB, and is maximal in the ideal case of a losless channel and without

eavesdropping [107, 108].

In the case of quantum key distribution with coherent light, Alice prepares n pairs of

random variables XjA and P j

A, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and sends the coherent states |XjA + iP j

A〉 to Bob.

In the most common setup, Bob will select what operator X, P to measure.

When Eve is in the middle, she will deteriorate the signal received by Bob. This is

accounted with the mutual information shared by Bob and Eve (IAE), as well as with that


between Alice and Bob (IAB). According to Csizár-Körner theorem, the raw key Alice and

Bob can extract is Kraw = IAB − IBE [133].

Key reconciliation is a technique that enables two parties to extract the same secret key

whenever each of them is in possession of correlated random variables exchanging the least

possible information. A well known algorithm for key reconciliation is called Cascade [134].

Another algorithm designed specifically for the quantum distributed Gaussian keys is pre-

sented in [136]. Studies of the efficiency of key reconciliation (measured by the number of

bits extracted and the bits exchanged) were made [135]. When Eve guesses Bob’s measure-

ment correctly, she will get the same information as him. To overcome this problem, privacy

amplification with universal classes of hash functions [124] is used [122, 123].

The proof of security is established in three results: (1) first, general attacks are as-

symptotically close to Collective attacks; (2) second, Gaussian attacks are the best attacks

amongst collective attacks; (3) the CV-QKD is secure against Gaussian attacks.

The first result is accomplished either recuring to the quantum de Finetti theorem [153],

or the postselection technique [149]. The second and third results are proven in [154] and


Furthure, it was proven in [155] that CV-QKD is secure against general attacks in the

finite-size regime. Here, a bound on the number of photons is imposed.

4.4 Basic results

The proposed OT protocol is useful thanks to the following established results [5, 6] that

shows that all SMC reduces to performing(


)oblivious transfer (for a detailed explanation

the reader should see [7]). In these seminal papers, it is assumed that the agents (or their

majority) are semi-honest, that is, they follow the protocol, but are able to perform extra

computation in order to extract private information from the exchanged messages.

Theorem 4.4.1. (Yao’s Garbled Circuits) All secure multiparty computation, in the semi-

honest model, can be performed using(


)-OT together with a symmetric encryption scheme.


Recall that a(


)-OT protocol is a protocol where Alice prepares two messages, m0 and

m1, while Bob inputs a bit b, receiving only the message mb. Two privacy criteria must

be fulfilled: Alice cannot know b, and Bob cannot learn both messages. Here, the(



protocol requires only to be secure against semi-honest Alice, as the full Garbled circuit

method assumes this criteria.

Extensions to these seminal works have been proposed recently in order to cope with

malicious agents, that is, agents that do not necessarily follow correctly the protocol, and

may change their inputs. Indeed, in order to perform secure multiparty computation robust

against malicious agents, one needs to consider more secure version of(


)-OT, where agents

are not allowed to change their inputs and must be enforced to follow the protocol [157]. One

way to address this issue is to consider a(


)-OT protocol secure against semi-honest agents,

and use the result by [158] to compile this protocol into a(


)-OT secure against malicious

agents. To this end, one needs a secure bit commitment protocol [31, 39, 40, 41, 42]. In

this chapter we propose a(


)-OT protocol perfectly secure against semi-honest agents that

can be incorporated into the previously mentioned compiler, in order to attain an(



protocol perfectly secure against malicious agents.

To derive the security of the proposed(


)-OT protocol in the semi-honest model we

consider that the channel for Bob to read each or both X and P , with different accuracy, is

Gaussian. In fact, Pauli proved that all minimum uncertainty states are displaced Gaussian

States [100, 101]. Both coherent and squeezed states are Gaussian in X and P and are known

to saturate HUR [103]. If Bob performs homodyne detection on X or P , the variance will

be 1/2. On the other hand, if he performs heterodyne measurement of both observables, the

variance on each component will be doubled [144, 101, 140]. We will consider the worst case

to be the one where Bob can perform squeezing of the incoming states and the variances only

vary according to expression (4.16).

The main idea is to show that given a very simple bit modulation of the Gaussian channels

X and P allows for an honest Bob to retrieve only one of the bits encoded either in X or

P . Moreover, Heisenberg uncertainty guarantees that Bob has no resolution to read both

channels simultaneously, and so the mutual information between what Alice prepared and


Bob retrieves decreases. To this end we need first to state the result by Csizár-Körner

[133], that characterizes the secret capacity of a channel where the attacker can extract less

information than an honest party. In the next result we use the notation I(X;Y ) for mutual


Theorem 4.4.2. (Csizár-Körner secret capacity) Let Alice communicate via a noisy binary

broadcast channel with both Bob and Eve, such that when Alice places a message A (with

uniform distribution) in the channel, Bob receives (random) message B and Eve receives

(random) message E. If r = I(A;B)− I(A;E) > 0, then for all ε > 0 there is N ∈ N, such

that for all n > N , there is an encoder-decoder pair (e, d), with e : 0, 1rn → 0, 1n and

d : 0, 1n → 0, 1rn, such that

• P (d(Bn) = m|An = e(m)) < ε,

• I(En;An) < ε, whenever An = e(m) and m is uniformly distributed.

We shall use this result, together with the fact that from a coherent state Bob cannot

read both X and P with a resolution above some threshold (induced by HUR), to show that

it is possible to perform a perfectly secure OT protocol.

4.5 Semi-honest(


)-OT with coherent states

We start by presenting the oblivious transfer protocol in detail and then proceed to

analyze its security. First, we must set up two binary channels for Alice to communicate

with Bob in such a way that Bob cannot read both channels with very high resolution.

4.5.1 Setting up two simultaneous binary noisy channels

Alice and Bob start by agreeing a constant γ ∈ R+, and use it to encode a bit b ∈ 0, 1 by

c(b) =(−1)1−b

2+ γ. (4.27)


We shall consider a different γ for each phase component, say γ1 for P and γ2 for X. To

depict this scenario, if Alice wants to send b0 through one channel and b1 through the other

channel, she prepares a coherent light pulse |c(b0) + ic(b1)〉 to be sent to Bob. This leads to

the modulation presented in Figure 4.1.


γ2 X


Figure 4.1: Modulation of the signal.

Bob can choose to read either X or P or try to read both simultaneously.

In the above setting Alice and Bob have two Gaussian channels, X and P , with probability

density functions respectively:

fσX (B = y|A = z) =1√2π


(−(y − z)2



fσP (B = y|A = z) =1√2π


(−(y − z)2



where, by the HUR, the two functions are correlated, since σ2Xσ

2P = 1/4.

Under these conditions, and given our bit encoding in the Gaussian channels, we can

compute the joint probability distribution of Alice sending a bit a and Bob receiving a bit b

for a component with standard deviation σ as:

Pσ(B = b|A = a) =

∫ b


fσ(z|c(a))dz (4.30)

where 0 = −∞, 0 = 1 = γ and 1 = +∞. Assuming that Alice sends with equal probability

0 and 1 through the channels, the marginal probabilities are given by

P (A = a) =1

2and Pσ(B = b) =


Pσ(A = a,B = b),


where Pσ(A = a,B = b) = P (A = a)Pσ(B = b|A = a).

To ease the notation, and whenever it is clear from the context, we drop the random

variables from the probabilities, and write Pσ(a, b) instead of Pσ(A = a,B = b). The mutual

information between the random variable representing Alice ’s bits and Bob’s bits received

in a Gaussian channel with standard deviation σ is

Iσ(A;B) = 1 +1∑b=0

(−Pσ(b) log(Pσ(b)) +


Pσ(a, b) log(Pσ(a, b))

). (4.31)

We next show that Iσ(A;B) decreases with σ.

Theorem 4.5.1. The mutual information Iσ(A;B) is a decreasing function of σ.

Proof. The analysis is straightforward, we compute analytically the derivative:










(− 1


)− 2)

Erfc(− 1





)− 2) ,


Erfc(x) =2√π

∫ ∞x



Since Erfc(x) is a decreasing function, upper bounded by 2 and lower bounded by 0, taking

the value 1 at 0, it is easy to conclude that

0 <




(− 1


)− 2)

Erfc(− 1





)− 2) < 1.

Therefore the partial derivative is negative, and consequently the mutual information de-

creases with σ.

In a quantum scenario, the adversaries can perform a wider variety of attacks. In fact,

they can perform joint POVM against a block of signals in order to potentially extract more

information than just by performing a separable joint Gaussian measurement for each signal.

There is a plethora of results for discrete QKD case [150, 151, 149] and further extentions for

CV-QKD case [131, 148, 152], where it is shown that the measurement extracting the most

information will be, up to a small neighborhood, the same as performing a separable joint


measurement. However, it is not clear if such results can be directly applied to the present

scenario. For this reason, we consider a different approach and use bit-string commitment

in order to enforce separable measurements from Bob’s side, that is Bob has to commit

the output of each measurement over the coherent state. Then a standard cut-and-choose

technique is used for Alice to check the honesty of Bob, and for Bob to keep his input private.

As we shall see, in this way it is possible to check that the quantum channel is behaving as

a memoryless noisy channel and apply Theorem 4.4.2.

We argue that if Bob has a set of uncorrelated coherent states, then he cannot gain more

information of the quadrature components by performing any other sort of measurements.

Lets say he can, by performing coherent measurements, extract more information of the

quadrature components of a coherent state |α〉. Then he will be able to violate HUR and

even violate the no-cloning theorem.

Coherent measurements are important in the QKD scenario, since Alice and Bob must

exchange classical information regarding the information they extracted from the quantum

states. In the scenario, when Eve was undetected during the quantum communication phase,

she could use the classical information to refine her measurements on the eavesdropped states.

But it was recently shown that coherent attacks are not substantially better than colective

attacks [152, 153, 155].

4.5.2 The protocol

Consider the practical achievable scenario where Bob can attain either σX = 1/2 or σP = 1/2,

i.e., Bob can prepare the so called homodyne detection. In this setting the mutual information

between Alice and Bob’s random variables I 12(A;B) satisfies, r = I 1

2(A;B)− I 3

4(A;B) > 0.

According to the Csizár-Körner secret capacity Theorem 4.4.2, for any given ε > 0, and

for large enough n, there is an encoder-decoder pair (e, d), such that if Alice prepares the

message e(m) in a channel, Bob can only retrieve m if the mutual information between A

and B in that channel is above I 34(A;B). Given that σXσP ≥ 1, if Alice prepares the state

|e(m0) + ie(m1)〉, then if Bob can recover m0 and m1 both with probability above ε, it means

that both IσX (A;B) ≥ I 34(A;B) and IσP (A;B) ≥ I 3

4(A;B), and so σX ≤ 3

4and σX ≤ 3



which would violate the HUR. Thus, we have established the following result:

Proposition 4.5.1. Let r = I 12(A;B) − I 3

4(A;B). For all ε > 0, and sufficiently large n,

consider the encoder guaranteed to exist by Csizár-Körner secret capacity theorem. Given the

state |e(m0) + ie(m1)〉, where m0 and m1 are independent and uniformly generated, then Bob

performing separable Gaussian measurements cannot extract both m0 and m1 with probability

greater than ε.

Proof. Assume Bob performs separable Gaussian measurements (however, each measurement

may be dishonest). In this way, both channels behave as memoryless channels and we can

apply CK secrecy capacity theorem (Theorem 4.4.2). According to this theorem, if Bob

extracts both m0 and m1 then IσX (A;B) ≥ I 34(A;B) and IσP (A;B) ≥ I 3

4(A;B). Since this

fact violates the HUR, it follows that Bob cannot extract both m0 and m1.

It remains to impose that Bob performs separable Gaussian measurements. As we shall

see, this will be achieved using a bit commitment scheme.

Protocol 4.5.2 (CV(


)oblivious transfer of bit strings protocol).

Bit string to transfer m0 and m1 where mi ∈ 0, 1`;

Randomness Sharing phase

1. Alice prepares two random bitstrings w0 and w1 with each consisting of 2k blocks

of size `.

2. Alice computes the strings

z0 = e(w0 1) . . . e(w0 2k) and z1 = e(w1 1) . . . e(w1 2k)

where |z0| = |z1| = 2n` encoded with the CZ code (e, d) from Theorem 4.5.1.

3. For each j = 1 to 2n

(a) Bob chooses random bit rj determining whether for block j he will measure

the position or the momentum.


(b) For each i = 1 to `

i. Alice sends the state |c(z0ji) + ic(z1ji)〉 to Bob.

ii. Bob performs a Gaussian measurement according to rj and extracts zrjji.

iii. Bob commits to the pair (rj, zrjji).

(c) Bob decodes wrjj from zrjj1 . . . zrjj` = e(wrjj).


1. Alice prepares a random set IA ⊆ 1, . . . , 2n with n elements. Alice sends IA to


2. Bob reveals (rj, zrjji) to Alice for all j ∈ IA and i ∈ 1 . . . `.

3. Alice checks the values with the commitment Bob did in the randomness sharing

phase. If all the values are correct, the protocol continues, else Alice aborts.

Reconciliation phase

1. Alice and Bob employ a direct reconciliation protocol,For example, Alice and Bob

could use Error Correcting Codes.

Opening phase:

1. Bob chooses a bit c and sets Ic = (rj, j)|j 6∈ IA and Ic = (rj, j)|j 6∈ IA.

2. Bob sends Ic and Ic to Alice.

3. Alice chooses a hash function h. Let wI0 be the string of bits indexed by I0, and

wI1 for I1.

4. Alice computes

m′0 = m0 ⊕ h(wI0) and m′1 = m1 ⊕ h(wI1)

and sends it to Bob.

5. Bob determines mc = m′c ⊕ h(wIc).

Finally, the security of the above protocol follows.


Lemma 4.5.3. If Bob tries to perform a joint measurement, Alice will abort the protocol up

to exponentially negligible probability.

Proof. In this proof we will only consider perfect bit commitments. In order for Bob to per-

form the collective measurement, he must go undetected through the cut-and-choose phase.

Lets assume that Bob is able to get throught the cut-and-choose phase undetected.

First, we address two extremal cases when Bob can succeed: 1) for a set IA chosen

randomly by Alice, Bob had the right commitment value for all the values asked by Alice, or

2) Bob was lucky guessing the values of the coherent state information he commited too;

In the first case, Alice can choose a set from(


)≥ 2n sets. The probability that Bob

guesses correctly is lower or equal to 2−n.

In the second case, Bob was lucky to guess correctly the values of the coherent states.

For each state, Bob would have to guess 2l bits acording to the encoding. His probability of

success is of the order of 2−2ln, which is substaincially lower then guessing IA.

Now we consider the case where Bob guesses k indexes of IA and measure the correspond-

ing coherent states.

In this case, the number of sets IA with k fixed elements are(



). The probability

that Bob guesses correcly k elements is 1

(2nk )( 2n

n−k)≤ 2−n. Now, guessing the values contained

in n − k coherent states is given by 2−(2n−k)l. The overall probability of success is bounded

from above by 2−(2n−k)l2−n, which is exponencially low with respect to n, k and l.

We conclude that in both the above cases Bob’s chance of success is expenoencially low.

Now, lets consider the scenario where Bob slipts the beam he receives, or even perform a

quantum cloning attack or even perform heterodyne detection.

Due to the HUR, there must be degradation of the coherent states upon such procedures

and the best Bob could do in the commiting phase would be the heterodyne detection, as

this is the best technique to obtain both quadrature components with the minimum error.

This case is allready covered by Theorem 4.5.3. We conclude that Bob will succeed with up

to a negligible exponential probability.


Theorem 4.5.2. If Bob can obtain both messages then the Heisenberg uncertainty relation

is violated.

Proof. Due to Lemma 4.5.3 the most effective attack Bob can perform is the joint measure-

ment on non-commuting components of each state. By Proposition 4.5.1, Bob is unable to

obtain both messages of each cooherent state, otherwise the HUR will be violated.

4.6 Gaussian Sources and Gaussian Noise

Shannon, in his seminal paper [107], showed that the continuous source that maximizes

the differencial entropy is a Gaussian one. The entropy of such a source, X ∼ N (0, σ2), is

given by

h(X) = log(2πeσ2). (4.32)

Additive white Gaussian noise is a widespread model used in telecommunications. In the

additive Gaussian noise model, one wants to estimate a random variable A, but only have

access to the random variable B = A + N where N ∼ N (0, σ2N) is the Gaussian noise. The

mutual information is given by

I(A,B) = H(B)−H(B|A) = H(B)− log(2πeσ2N). (4.33)

The variance of B will be

E[B2] = E[(A+N)2] = E[A2] + 2E[AN ] + E[N2] (4.34)

= E[A2] + 2E[A]E[N ] + E[N2] (4.35)

= E[A2] + σ2N . (4.36)

If A is a Gaussian with variance σ2A, then B will be a Gaussian random variable with variance

σ2B = σ2

A + σ2N . The mutual information will be

I(A,B) = log

(1 +





and one defines the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) as

SNR =σ2A


. (4.38)

4.6.1 Setting up two simultaneous Gaussian channels

We have already seen that a coherent state is a Gaussian state, where upon measurement,

the quadrature components behave as Gaussian variables. In order to achieve maximum

information capacity Alice prepares two random variables X and P , drawn from Gaussian

distributed sources, X ∼ N (0, V 14) and P ∼ N (0, (V 1

4)), where V is a predetermined integer.

Then, Alice creates the coherent state |X + iP 〉 and sends it to Bob. Upon the reception of

the state, Bob measures and obtains XB = X +Nx and PB = P +Np, where Nx and Np are

additive Gaussian noise with variances σx and σp, respectively. The variance must satisfy

the HUR σ2xσ

2p ≥ 1/4.

Given the above characterization, we can use standard techniques employed in the classical

channels. Namely, it is possible to characterize the channel capacity of both channels and to

relate the precision of one of the channels relative to the other.

The mutual information between X and XB is

IX(A,B) = H(XB)−H(XB|XA) = H(XB)− log(2πeσ2X) (4.39)


H(XB) = log(2πe(σ2X + V


4)) (4.40)


IX(A,B) = log

(1 + V



)). (4.41)

and similarly we get for mutual information between P and PB

IP (A,B) = log

(1 + V




The signal-to-noise-ratio is given by SNRX = V 1/4σ2xand SNRP = V 1/4



In [145] the problem of Gaussian variables reconciliation was written as a channel coding

problem. Further, it was experimentally demonstrated that the approach from [146] was

effective over a distance of 80 km.

Moreover, these codes are available for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios on an additive

white Gaussian noise Channel [147] and they are very close to the channel capacity limit.

The efficiency of the code can be obtained in function of the signal-to-noise-ratio.

The advantage of using Gaussian modulation is that Csiszár-Körner’s secret capacity

increases with V . For instance, choosing V = 2, r = I 12− I 3

2= log



)≈ 1, 29 bits.

4.6.2 CV−(


)−OT (m0,m1) with Gaussian modulation

The protocol presented here differs from the previous protocol 4.5.2 simply by using Gaussian

modulation. There are two main reasons for doing so: first, Gaussian modulation enables

the transmition of more classical information, and second the proofs of security for Gaussian

modulated QKD is already established.

Protocol 4.6.1 (CV−(


)−OT (m0,m1)(c)).

Message to transfer b1 and b2;

Security parameter n and m.

Randomness Sharing Phase

1. Alice prepares 2n pairs of real numbers XjA ∼ N (0, V/2) and P j

A ∼ N (0, V/2).

2. For all 1 ≤ j ≤ n Alice sends the state |e(XA)j + ie(PA)j〉 to Bob, where e is an

error correcting code studied in [145, 146, 147].

3. Bob chooses random bit rj determining whether for block j he will measure the

position or the momentum.

4. For each i = 1 to `

(a) Alice sends the state |c(z0ji) + ic(z1ji)〉 to Bob.

(b) Bob performs a Gaussian measurement according to rj and extracts zrjji.


(c) Bob commits to the pair (rj, zrjji).

5. Bob decodes wrjj from zrjj1 . . . zrjj` = e(wrjj).


1. Alice prepares a random set IA ⊆ 1, . . . , 2n with n elements. Alice sends IA to


2. Bob reveals (rj, zrjji) to Alice, for all j ∈ IA and i ∈ 1 . . . `.

3. Alice checks the values with the commitment Bob did in the randomness sharing

phase. If all the values are correct, the protocol continues, else Alice aborts.

Reconciliation Phase

1. Alice and Bob employ the direct reconciliation protocol described in [145, 146, 147].

Opening phase:

1. Alice chooses a hash function h. Let wI0 be the string of bits indexed by I0, and

wI1 for I1.

2. Alice computes

m′0 = m0 ⊕ h(wI0) and m′1 = m1 ⊕ h(wI1)

and sends it to Bob.

3. Bob determines mc = m′c ⊕ h(wIc).

The proof of the security is essencially the same as for the former protocol.

A study of this protocol without the cut-and-choose and the commitment phases will be

presented elsewhere.

4.7 Conclusions

Using a bit commitment protocol, we showed that CV-OT secure against malitious Bob is

possible. String commitment protocols appears as a means to achieve Markovian behavior of


the separatetly generated coherent states. We argue that, in the case bit commitment protocol

is not used (hence, nor the cut and choose), the best Bob could do are Gaussian operations

and then homodyne and/or heterodyne detection, allways having loss of information due

to the HUR. If this isn’t the case, then Bob could create more coherent states and make a

joint measurement on the overall state obtaining the necessary information to extract both

messages, violating the HUR and, acordingly, the no-cloning theorem. Further study on this

topic will be presented elsewhere. Moreover, the quantum de Finetti theorem for Gaussian

states might be used here to prove that Coherent attacks could do no better than Collective

attacks [152].

Appart from that, due to the experimental implementation successes of CV-QKD schemes,

and due to recent improvements on the enconding of Gaussian variables permiting key ex-

change close to the theoretical limit, we affirm that our OT protocol is implementable using

today’s commertially available and cheaper technology compared to single state quantum

technology, which is an advantage.



Chapter 5

Future Work

A further study onto the unconditional security of the(


)-OT with Gaussian states against

coherent attacks is an ongoing research.

Moreover, the use of Gaussian states for other cryptographic primitives, such as zero-

knowledges, authentication and so on, as well as the experimental implementation of some

algorithms with those states are matters I would like to engage on.



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