unite the world w ith afric a

UNITE The World With Africa St Marks School March 28th, 2013

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UNITE The World W ith Afric a. St Marks School March 28th, 2013. UNITE : Building Bridges, Changing Lives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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UNITEThe World With Africa

St Marks SchoolMarch 28th, 2013

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UNITE: Building Bridges, Changing Lives

Our Vision: A world in which each person affirms the unity and interconnectedness of humankind and acknowledges and embraces his or her role in the fight to end extreme poverty.

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Our Mission:

• Connect Americans and Tanzanians in meaningful and impactful ways

• Uplift, inspire and transform lives both at home and overseas

• Advance women’s health, education and microfinance programs

• Develop and implement powerful cross-cultural educational programs

• Combat extreme poverty and alleviate suffering

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About Tanzaniaunitetnz.org

• Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest countries with the vast majority its people living on less than ~$1-2/day.

• Of the near 47 million people living in Tanzania, nearly ½ are age 14 or younger.

• There are only two doctors for every 100,000 people.• The average lifespan is ~52 years old.• ½ of all Tanzanians have stunted growth due to

malnutrition.• Only 7% of Tanzanians will ever complete secondary school

- of which a tiny fraction are girls. One in five girls has no education at all.

• Pregnancy is the world’s leading cause of death for girls 15 to 19 years old.

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Our Partners in Education…

The Sega Girls School * Tumaini Junior School * Enduputoo * The Red Sweater Project *Umoja Arts * Rift Valley Children’s Village * New Life Foundation * Jifundishe Library *

Future Stars * Matonyok Orphanage

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Our Partners in Microfinance & Small Business Development…

The Women’s Education & Economic Centre of Moshi, Maasai Honey, Tanzania Maasai Women’s Art, Shanga, Alilamu & Building Tanzania Family


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Our Partners in Health...

The Berega Hospital, FAME (The Foundation of Medicine & Education), Malagro Hadza Health,

The Arusha Lutheran Hospital & The Plaster House

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UNITE TOURSCombining traditional wildlife safari with …

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UNITE TOURS… field visits and unique and individualized

opportunities for volunteering, sharing, discovery & service

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The Ashe CollectionSupporting local artisans by creating international market demand

for their unique & traditional product lines.

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Global Girls & Guys Unite

Bake Sales * Walkathons * Speaker Series * Educational Campaigns * Movie events * Art Exhibits *

In-School Raffles * Auctions * Letter-writing campaigns * Gathering of supplies for second suitcases *

Sales of T-shirts & bracelets

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Microfinance: The VICOBA

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What can YOU do?Educate yourself.

Get involved. Intern. Volunteer.Start a club.Fundraise.

Become an ambassador.

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“Never doubt that a small

group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the

world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead


Unite The World With Africa: Unitetnz.org

The Ashe Collection: www.ashecollection.com

[email protected], [email protected]