unit i (homeostatis)

RATIFICATION PAGE Complete report of Basic Biology with the tittle “Homeostatic”. That arranged by: name : A.Nurfaizah ID : 1414440020 class : Biology ICP B group : IV ( Four ) After checked and approved by assistant and assistant coordinator. Makassar, June 19 th 2016 Assistant Coordinator Assistant Muhammad Richsan Yamin ID : 1314440006 Known by Responsibility , Lecture Mangngemba Dg.

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Page 1: Unit i (homeostatis)


Complete report of Basic Biology with the tittle “Homeostatic”. That

arranged by:

name : A.Nurfaizah

ID : 1414440020

class : Biology ICP B

group : IV ( Four )

After checked and approved by assistant and assistant coordinator.

Makassar, June 19th 2016

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Muhammad Richsan YaminID : 1314440006

Known byResponsibility , Lecture

Dr.Andi Mu’nisa, M.Si

Mangngemba Dg. Paropo,S.Pd

Page 2: Unit i (homeostatis)


A. Background

Homeostatis is derived from the greek, homeo meaning similar and static,

which means maintaining the state. Homeostatis is away how our bodies to

remain stable by maintaining a constant state to changes in enviroental

conditions both internal and external.

Changes to the internal environment conditions which include changes in the

activity of the body’s cells and the surface of the external environment of

continuous direct will also effect the activity of the body’s cells. Activity cells

also produce a variety of beneficial results- secreting cells and a variety of

waste materials, which will be issued to the internal environment is by ekstra

cellular (CES). No change in cell activity using substances from the external

environment, it will also issued a number of changes in substances from the

cells to the internal environment.

Mechanism and control homeostatis through a system that is system feedback,

system feedback is there are two kinds of system positive feedback and system

feedback is negative. But the system feedback function in controlling condition

homeostatis in the body is the feedback, namely:

a. Strabilizig fluid araound the cells of multicellular organisms or the

extracellular fluid (CES)

For shale for scale mama.

b. Allow the organism to adapt toa winder habitat,,, the external environment

that has a number a winder habitat

c. Provide internal state ( a dynamic environment within the body of the


d. Allows enzymes to function optimally

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e. The factors that can stabilize the internal environment is the concentration

of nutrient molecules, O2 and CO2 concentration residual substance, pH,

and the concentration of water, salt and other electrolytes

B. Purpose :

1. Activity I : To know the state of the cell when placed in a solution that is

isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic.

2. Activity II : To know the osmosys in the skin of frog

3. Activity III : To know osmosys in chicken intestine

Page 4: Unit i (homeostatis)


As one of the second messenger, intracellular Ca2 + plays an important role

in the regulation of cell function, where regulation is governed by a balance of

intracellular Ca2 +. Some of the components that play a role in the balance of

intracellular Ca2 + is a Ca2 + binding with EF-hand proteins and calmodulin.

When a cell is activated due to an external signal, the levels of intracellular free

Ca2 + will increase up to 100 times as Ca2 + influx of extracellular Ca2 + or

removal of storage. Increased free Ca2 + in the cytosol would result in signal

transduction variety of different cellular activities such as muscle contraction,

glycogen metabolism, fertilization, cell growth, division, apoptosis and others.

This cellular activity occur due to the interaction between Ca2 + with a specific

protein in sel.1,2 Changes in Ca2 + signal has been detected in a variety of

network isolation of animal induced diabetes as well as patients with diabetes.

Ca2 + homeostasis abnormalities have also been found in various tissues,

including bone, heart danotot plain, secretory cells, blood cells, kidney and

osteoblasts. This disorder usually manifests as an increase in the concentration of

intracellular rest of Ca2 + ([Ca2 +] i), a decrease in Ca2 + transporter activity

(though not always) and decreased stimulus that evokes Ca2 + signal. Ca2 +

signal interference is also found in sensory neurons of experimental animals with

diabetes.3,4 There are differences in the balance mechanism of intracellular Ca2 +

in various cell types, for example in skeletal muscle cells and T cells in skeletal

muscle cells Ca2 + signal components to deliver faster as needed for muscle

contraction, whereas in T cells is slower because Ca2 + signaling is required only

for stimulation and proliferasi.5. Receptors on the surface of cells can recognize a

variety of extracellular signals and reproduced as a cascade of intracellular,

extracellular signal is referred to as primary messenger. Intracellular signals that

result from changes in the signal from the surface requires a second messenger for

various intracellular activity. Most of the multiplication of intracellular signaling

Page 5: Unit i (homeostatis)

proteins and enzymes fosforilisasi wear or defosforilisasi by activating various

kinase or phosphatase. Until now, the intracellular messenger groups are: a.

Cyclic nucleotides (AMP, GMP, ADP-ribose) b. Phosphatidylinositol (IP3, IP4,

PIP2, DAG) c. Ca2 + free d. Gases such as NO and CO. e. NAADP1Ca2 +

SIGNAL BASIC PRINCIPLES. The basic concept of a cell signaling pathway is

cell receives extracellular stimulus then goes through intracellular signal to

activate the sensor and effector mechanisms that lead to cellular responses. Cell

signaling events that are dynamic, because it is related to the mechanism ON

(live) where there is a series of signal lines down due to an external stimulus.

While opponents of the mechanism is a mechanism ON OFF (off) the opposite

occurs with multiple circuit ON (figure 1). Ca2 + signaling system is one of the

main signal in the cell. Ca2 + signal serves to regulate many cellular processes.

Ca2 + signal can trigger a new life at fertilization, also controls many processes

during growth, so the cells divide / differentiate, the signal will arrange almost

any activity of cellular processes, which determine how metabolism, secretion,

move and think. There is also an adverse effect on the signal Ca2 +, the increasing

concentration of air can cause cell death, either in a controlled way or

programmed cell (apoptosis) or processes that produce necrotic such as ischemia

in stroke or jantung.5 basic mechanism darisinyal Ca2 + is relatively simple, in

this depends on an increase in intracellular ion concentration. Low Ca2 +

concentration when the cell is at rest, but when a strong stimulus arrives, there is

elevation of Ca2 + concentration sudden, it is responsible for changes in cellular

activity. The variety and flexibility of the Ca2 + signal is achieved by many

toolkitCa2 + where mostly Ca2 + entry or exit. This toolkit contains many

different components that can be joined and match the Ca2 + signal other. There

is a Ca2 + channels that control Ca2 + influx from the outside and there is a Ca2 +

channels that control the release of Ca2 + from storage. Buffer Ca2 + Ca2 +

concentration remains make the fixed thresholds andnot rise to levels that can

induce cell death. One removing Ca2 + from the cytoplasm is with pump and Ca2

+ exchanger by extruding from the cell or returned to storage. Ca2 + signal setting

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is done by a variety of sensors and effectors Ca2 + is responsible for Ca2 + signals

translate into a change of activity in selular.5 (Shahdevi : 2015 ).

While describing each of these properties, the interactions of the components

of this kind of system, as well as the overall coordination of these components

will become evident (also see arp, 2005b, 2008a). however, before investigating

internal-hierarchical data exchange in an organism, it is necessary to explicate

further the words component and homeostasis utilized in the above definition of

an organism. the word component is a term that can be used analogously to refer

to either a part of a process, a part of a subsystem, or a part of a system. in the

most general of terms, an organism is a unified system made up of subsystems. in

turn, these subsystems are made up of processes, and these processes are the

activities in which the components are engaged. the components of an organism

range from the organelles performing processes in a cell, to cells performing

processes in an organ, to organs performing processes in a subsystem, to

subsystems performing processes in the whole system the organism so for

example, the respiratory subsystem works with other subsystems in an organism

like a dog to maintain its life: the respiratory subsystem would be considered as

one component of the entire dog, envisioned as one whole system; the lung would

be considered as one component of the respiratory subsystem of the dog; lung

cellular tissue comprising one of the lobes of its lung would be considered as one

component of the lung; and the particular kind of cell that comprises lung tissue is

made up of organelles, the basic components of cells. homeostasis refers to: the

relatively constant or stable coordination of functioning among the components in

the organismic hierarchy, given the interaction of these components with

environmental pressures internal to and external to the organism. there are

environments exerting pressures upon the subsystems and processes internal to an

organism, as well as environments exerting pressures upon the organism as a

whole that are external to it. the components that make up an organism, as well as

the organism itself, are able to respond effectively to the ever-changing

environmental pressures by adjusting and re-adjusting their activities so as to

continue their respective operations with a degree of stability when a subsystem or

Page 7: Unit i (homeostatis)

process in an organism is operating with a degree of stability, despite

environmental pressures – e.g., when the cell wall actually performs the activity of

allowing nutrients into the cell, or when a heart actually performs the activity of

pumping blood, or when the body of an animal actually cools itself through

perspiration because its temperature has been raised above a certain degree – it is

said to be functioning properly. a distinction can be drawn between particularized

homeostasis and generalized homeostasis. Particularized homeostasis refers to the

end product of the proper functioning of the particular processes and subsystems

in an organism being the relatively constant coordination among the components

that make up the processes and subsystems, given environmental pressures that

are internal to the organism. generalized homeostasis refers to the overall

maintenance of an organism being the result of the proper functioning of the

processes and subsystems, given environmental pressures that are external to the

organism. the overall homeostasis of the organism is maintained because

homeostasis is maintained at the levels of the subsystems and processes

comprising the organism. if the various processes and subsystems of an organism

are functioning properly in their internal environments – thereby producing

particularized homeostasis – the organism is able to function effectively in some

environment external to it. this proper functioning that yields internal homeostasis

takes place at levels in the hierarchy of the organism ranging from the coordinated

activities of organelles in the cell, to cells performing coordinated processes in an

organ, to organs performing coordinated processes in a subsystem, to subsystems

performing coordinated activities in an organism. so, taking the previous example

of the dog: the dog is able to live its life in some external environment precisely

because of the overall relatively constant coordination of the subsystems in its

body; in turn a particular subsystem, like the respiratory subsystem, functions

properly because of the relatively constant coordination of cellular processes; and

the cells themselves function properly because of the relatively constant

coordination among the various organelles ( Robert arp : 2008 ).

Developing neuronal networks display spontaneous bursts of action potentials

that are necessary for circuit organization and tuning. While spontaneous activity

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has been shown to instruct map formation in sensory circuits, it is unknown

whether it plays a role in the organization of motor networks that produce

rhythmic output. Using computational modeling, we investigate how recurrent

networks of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal populations assemble to produce

robust patterns of unidirectional and precisely timed propagating activity during

organism locomotion. One example is provided by the motor network in

Drosophila larvae, which generates propagating peristaltic waves of muscle

contractions during crawling. We examine two activity-dependent models, which

tune weak network connectivity based on spontaneous activity patterns: a Hebbian

model, where coincident activity in neighboring populations strengthens

connections between them; and a homeostatic model, where connections are

homeostatically regulated to maintain a constant level of excitatory activity based

on spontaneous input. The homeostatic model successfully tunes network

connectivity to generate robust activity patterns with appropriate timing

relationships between neighboring populations. These timing relationships can be

modulated by the properties of spontaneous activity, suggesting its instructive role

for generating functional variability in network output. In contrast, the Hebbian

model fails to produce the tight timing relationships between neighboring

populations required for unidirectional activity propagation, even when additional

assumptions are imposed to constrain synaptic growth. These results argue that

homeostatic mechanisms are more likely than Hebbian mechanisms to tune weak

connectivity based on spontaneous input in a recurrent network for rhythm

generation and robust activity propagation ( Julijana : 2016 ).

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A. Time and Place

Day / date : Thursday / June 20th 2016

Time : 16.00-17.30 WITA

Place : The third floor biologi laboratory Department of

Biology,State University of Makassar. .

B. Equipments and Materials

Activity 1st

1. Equipments

a. Aqua glass

b. Transparant straws

c. Candle

d. Matches

e. Ruler

f. Rubber bracelet

2. Materials

a. Frog

b. Aquadest

c. NACl solution of 0,2 % ; 0,4 % ; 0,8 %; 1 %; 2% ; 4 %

Activity 2nd

1. Equipments

a. Breaker

b. Test tube

c. Test tube rack

d. Tes tube damp

e. Ruler

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f. Section tools and material

2. Materials

a. Frog

b. Aquadest

c. NACl solution of 2% ; 4 % ; 6% ; 8%

Activity 3rd

1. Equipments

a. Test tube

b. String of raffia

c. Test tube rack

d. Ruler

e. Syringe

2. Materials

a. Chicken

b. Distilled water

c. NACl solution of 6% ; 8%

C. Work Procedure

1. Activity 1st

a. aqua glass filled with distilled water up to three quarters

b. knocking eggshells rounded end is the heart - the heart

c. release the egg shells in the heart - the heart of the size of a finger

d. knocking pointy end of the egg. create suction hole

e. laid eggs in an upright position with a blunt below the mouth of the

glass filled with water

f. insert the tip of the straw into the tube shell penetrates the membrane


g. lit candles dripping wax around the straw until the space between the

shell and sealed straws

h. observing the movement of the water in the straw every 5 minutes.

measuring the liquid level in a straw by using a ruler.

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2. Activity 2nd

a. inject the lymph sacs in frogs to the frog anesthetized

b. using a scalpel and release the skin attached to the body of the frog

c. cleaning the skin of frogs, and use to cover one's mouth plastic hose.

tying the frog skin using a rubber band

d. fill the plastic tube with 8% NaCl solution. inserting a plastic tube into

a beaker

e. containing distilled water vertically. use tongs to hold the test tube

plastic tube to stand upright

f. observations every 30 minutes selanma 24 hours.

g. High observe the surface of NaCl solution in a plastic hose

3. Activity 3rd

1. chicken intestinal cleanse from dirt, cutting length of 15 cm

2. tie one end with a rubber chicken intestine

3. enter 8% NaCl solution on each - each chicken intestine as much as 4


4. enter each chicken intestines into a test tube menususk end portion of

chicken intestine open with a stick as a hanger at the mouth of the test


5. fill a test tube with distilled water using a syringe to 3 / 4. Marking

the water level in the test tube

6. observations every 30 minutes for 24 hours. mengamatii water level in

the test tube

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A. Result

1st Activity

Observation table

Minutes Aquadest


0,2 % 0,4% 0,8% 1 % 2 % 4%

5 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

10 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

15 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

20 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

25 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

30 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

35 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

40 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

45 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

50 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

55 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

60 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm

2nd Activity

Observation table

Minutes1% 2% 4% 6%


1 0,4 0,5 2,0 2,0 3,2 3,1 2,5 2,5

2 0,4 0,5 2,0 2,0 3,2 3,1 2,6 2,6

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3 0,4 0,5 2,0 2,0 3,2 3,1 2,9 2,8

4 0,4 0,6 2,3 2,0 3,2 3,1 2,8 3,0

5 0,5 0,6 2,3 2,0 3,2 3,1 3,0 3,0

6 0,5 0,6 2,5 2,1 3,3 3,1 3,2 3,0

7 0,5 0,6 2,5 2,1 3,3 3,1 3,2 3,0

8 0,5 0,6 2,7 2,2 3,3 3,1 3,1 3,0

9 0,5 0,6 3,0 2,2 3,3 3,1 3,2 2,9

10 0,5 0,6 3,2 2,3 3,3 3,1 3,2 2,9

11 0,5 0,6 3,5 2,3 3,3 3,1 3,2 2,9

12 0,5 0,6 3,7 2,4 3,3 3,1 3,3 2,7

13 0,5 0,6 3,9 2,4 3,3 3,1 3,2 2,7

14 0,5 0,6 4,1 2,4 3,3 3,1 3,4 2,6

15 0,5 0,6 4,3 2,5 3,4 3,1 3,3 2,7

16 0,5 0,6 4,4 2,6 3,4 3,1 3,5 2,5

17 0,5 0,6 4,6 2,8 3,4 3,1 3,4 2,7

18 0,5 0,6 4,7 2,9 3,4 3,2 3,3 2,6

19 0,5 0,6 4,7 3,1 3,4 3,2 3,2 2,5

20 0,5 0,6 4,8 3,1 3,5 3,2 3,3 2,5

21 0,5 0,6 4,8 3,2 3,5 3,2 3,3 2,6

22 0,5 0,6 4,8 3,3 3,5 3,2 3,3 2,6

23 0,5 0,6 4,9 3,3 3,5 3,2 3,4 2,6

24 0,5 0,6 5,0 3,3 3,5 3,2 3,3 2,6

25 0,5 0,6 5,1 3,4 3,5 3,2 3,2 2,7

26 0,5 0,6 5,1 3,4 3,5 3,2 3,2 2,7

27 0,5 0,6 5,2 3,4 3,6 3,2 3,2 2,8

28 0,5 0,6 5,3 3,5 3,6 3,2 3,3 2,8

29 0,5 0,6 5,3 3,5 3,6 3,2 3,3 2,8

30 0,5 0,6 5,3 3,5 3,6 3,2 3,3 2,8

31 0,5 0,6 5,4 3,5 3,6 3,2 3,3 2,8

32 0,5 0,6 5,4 3,6 3,6 3,2 3,4 2,9

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33 0,5 0,6 5,4 3,6 3,6 3,2 3,4 2,9

34 0,5 0,6 5,5 3,7 3,6 3,2 3,4 2,9

35 0,5 0,6 5,5 3,7 3,6 3,2 3,5 2,9

36 0,5 0,6 5,5 3,7 3,6 3,2 3,5 3,0

37 0,5 0,6 5,5 3,8 3,7 3,2 3,5 3,0

38 0,5 0,6 5,5 3,8 3,7 3,2 3,5 3,0

39 0,5 0,6 5,6 3,8 3,7 3,2 3,5 3,0

40 0,5 0,6 5,6 3,9 3,7 3,2 3,4 2,9

41 0,5 0,6 5,7 3,9 3,7 3,2 3,4 2,9

42 0,5 0,6 5,7 4,0 3,7 3,2 3,4 2,9

43 0,5 0,6 5,7 4,1 3,8 3,2 3,5 3,1

44 0,5 0,6 5,7 4,1 3,8 3,2 3,5 3,1

45 0,5 0,6 5,7 4,1 3,8 3,2 3,6 3,1

Note : DRL = Dorsal

VTL = Vental

3nd Activity

Observation table

Minutes NaCL 6% NaCl

1 12,0 11,3

2 12,2 11,3

3 12,2 11,4

4 12,1 11,4

5 12,1 11,4

6 12,2 11,5

7 12,3 11,5

8 12,3 11,5

9 12,4 11,5

10 12,3 11,5

11 12,3 11,4

12 12,4 11,4

Page 15: Unit i (homeostatis)

13 12,4 11,3

14 12,3 11,4

15 12,4 11,4

16 12,4 11,5

17 12,3 11,5

18 12,3 11,6

19 12,4 11,6

20 12,3 11,6

21 12,4 11,5

22 12,4 11,5

23 12,4 11,4

24 12,3 11,5

25 12,4 11,5

26 12,4 11,6

27 12,4 11,6

28 12,5 11,6

29 12,5 11,6

30 12,5 11,7

31 12,6 11,7

32 12,6 11,7

33 12,6 11,6

34 12,6 11,6

35 12,5 11,7

36 12,5 11,7

37 12,5 11,8

38 12,5 11,8

39 12,6 11,8

40 12,5 11,8

41 12,5 11,8

42 12,5 11,8

43 12,6 11,8

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44 12,6 11,8

45 12,6 11,8

B. Discussion

After doing practical homeostatic where there are three activities undertaken

which measures osmosis in chicken eggs, which measure osmosis on the skin of

frogs and the third measure osmosis on chicken intestines. Data obtained as


Activities 1

After doing these activities and observed in a few minutes, no changes or

osmosis in chicken eggs this occurs because of an error in the lab where the lack

of explanation given by the assistant of the steps the application of the first

activities that should be at the bottom of the eggs should be given a hole for the

air incoming and suppress the movement of eggs to rise to the top. So do not get

results in accordance with the theory.

This is certainly different from the theories according wulangi (1993),

distilled water that has a potential value of water is highest or the ability of water

to move greater than saline containing solute which means the potential value of

the water is lower than that of distilled water, in addition to the increase most

water should accor in eggs laid in distilled water ompared with eggs laid in Nacl

solution but rather the opposite. This accor because of erros in its working


Activities 2

In this activitas conducted experiments using frog skin ventral and dorsal to

measure the displacement of osmosis occur. Canisters are using frog skin of the

dorsal part of the successful experience osmosis where water moves into the tube

and the water volume increase led to this case in accordance with the theory that

water will move from high concentration to low concentration. While in the

second tube which is used frog skin ventral part of the water that is inside the tube

volume decreased due to the leakage that occurs during practicum causing

activitas the second tube does not fit with the theory.

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According with the theory that if an animal is placed in water in a hypotonic

solution where in the concentration of the solution is lower than the concentration

inside the water from the solution moves into the cell ( Adnan, 2011). It was only

in the ventral part of the experiment was not succesful.

Activities 3

In the activity 3 by osmosis experiment in chiken intestine. Date were

obtained, water out of the chicken intestine more in Nacl solution with

concentration 6 % compared to the Nacl solution with concentrations of 8 % but

the observation in the first few minutes the liquid in a test tube shows the changes

6% Nacl solution reachesa height of up to 12,6 cm and 8% Nacl solution reaches a

height of 11,8 cm.

Date obtained said that Nacl solution with higher concentrations (6%-8%) has

the ability to diffuse higher. However, when viewed from the whole, then there is

no striking differences too between Nacl concentrations of 6%and 8% Nacl in

terims of ability to diffuse because all show the same sympatoms that

amendments fluctuate ( up and down).

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A. Conclusion

Based on observation, we conclude that:

1. If the cell was placed in a solution that is hypertonic compared to the

liquid in the cell solution was then a solution will diffuse iinto the cell,

whrereas if placed in a solutio hypotonis then thefe are events osmosys.

2. Osmosys occurs because of differences in water potential in which the

diplacement of water from the potentially high water to low water


3. Events osmosys from chicken intestines, it can be seen that the osmosys,

it can be seen that the osmosys occurs from the solution of high to low

water potential in this respect is in experience movement to got tube

containing a solution

B. Suggestion

I hope that further practical observers really focus observe and use the

microscope in order to produce a good observation and should also compact

between fellow members of the group in order to complete the practical work

with the time efficient as possible.

Page 19: Unit i (homeostatis)


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