unit 6 – finance

Unit 6 – Finance I. Currency

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Unit 6 – Finance

I. Currency

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A. Money

1. Three Uses of Money

a) Medium of exchange (Barter) - Exchanging goods & services without use of set values.

b) Unit of Account.

c) Store of Value.

2. Currency.

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B. Six Characteristics of Money

1. Durability – withstands wear & tear.2. Portability – Easily transported from place to

place.3. Divisibility – Easily divided into smaller

denominations. 4. Uniformity – Every unit must be the same for

counting & measuring. 5. Limited Supply – The lower amount available,

the value is more. 6. Acceptability – Everyone must be willing to

accept the goods.

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C. Sources of Money’s Value

1. Commodity Money.

2. Representative Money.

3. Fiat Money.

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D. Bank

1. Early Republic 2. Federalists: Alexander Hamilton

supported a centralized gov’t & national bank.

a) Issues a single currency for the entire nationb) Manages government’s fundsc) Monitors other banks.

3. Anti-federalists: Thomas Jefferson wanted a decentralized system.

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E. First Bank of the United States

1. 1791 – Bank given 20 year charter

2. Great success in bringing order to banking

3. Anti-federalists argued it was unconstitutional & let charter run out in 1811.

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F. Chaos Ensues

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G. Jacksonian Era

1. Second Bank of the United States

2. 1816 – 20 year charter

3. Jackson opposed re-chartering of bank.

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H. Free Banking1. Bank runs2. Wildcat Banks – established on the

frontier & were unreliable.3. Fraud – Banks issued notes, collected

gold & silver, then vanished.4. Currency – Different states, cities,

banks, businesses, & other organizations issued currency-creating chaos.

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I. Civil War & Reconstruction 1. North attempted stability.

a. Greenbacks – national currency

b. Nation Banking Acts of 1864 & 1865

c. Power to charter banks.

d. Power to require banks to hold gold & silver to back notes

2. South issued its own currency based on cotton, but became worthless.

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J. Gold Standard .

1. Definite value for the dollar.

2. Government issued currency only if it had gold to back it.

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K. Progressive Era

1. Bank chaos

2. Centralized system for currency, but not banking.

3. Panic of 1907 – Banks did not have enough reserves to back up $, banks failed, businesses stopped expanding.

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L. Federal Reserve System

1. Central Bank.2. Member Banks.3. Federal Reserve Board – Appointed by

President of the USA to supervise banks.

4. Loans – Fed banks loaned money for short term needs to prevent bank failures.

5. Federal Reserve Notes.

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6. The Federal Open Market Committee

a. Regulates banks to ensure they follow federal laws

b. Banker’s bank

c. Conducts monetary policy = controlling supply of money.

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M. Great Depression

1. Economic decline starts 1929. 2. Banks loaned large sums of $ in the 20’s that

businesses could not pay back.3. Crop failures & dropping prices mean farmers

unable to pay debts. 4. Stock market crash -1929 created panics in

market & banks across nation.5. FDR established bank holiday so banks would

close & give time for people to calm down & the industry to regain footing.

6. FDIC established.

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N. Deregulation and the Reagan Era

1. Deregulation was sought by banks & was given by Republicans and Democrats.

2. Several industries were deregulated.

3. Savings & Loans also deregulated.

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O. Conflicting Progress

1. S& L’s failed after risky loans.

2. Congress passed legislation to restrict S&L’s.

3. Glass-Steagall Act passed that allows banks to sell stocks and bonds.

4. Bank mergers became extremely popular.

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II. Modern Banking

A. Money Supply – all $ USA.

1. M1- Liquidity - money that people can gain access to easily and immediately

2. M2 = assets that cannot be used as cash within a short period of time. (Deposits in savings accounts).

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B. Managing Money

1. Storing – fireproof vaults and protected by the FDIC

2. Saving accounts3. Checking accounts4. Money market accounts- Save, write a

limited number of checks. Interest high, but variable.

5. Certificates of Deposit – Guaranteed of interest over time, withdrawal = fee.

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C. Loans

1. Banks let borrowers take money, as longs as they pay it back with interest.

2. Mortgages. 3. Credit Cards. 4. Simple interest – $ made off of original

borrowed sum.5. Compound interest – $ made of original sum

and previous interest. 6. Profit- banks make more $ off interest from $

they loaned out than the interest they pay to accounts.

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D. Financial Institutions

1. Credit Unions- Organized for specific groups of people, with low interest rates

2. Finance Companies – People are more likely to fail paying these back and so interest rates are high.

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III. Investments

A. Financial System1. Flow of Savings – from savers to financial

institutions to investors.

2. Intermediariesa. Bank

b. Life Insurance Companies –Company collects premiums and lends to investors.

c. Pension Funds – receives income after working a certain number of years or age.

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B. Financial Assets

1. Bonds a. Coupon Rate.

b. Maturity.

c. Par Value (face value or principal).

d. Yield.

e. Discounts – occur when bonds are sold at less than par value.

f. Ratings – Similar to academic grading, rates go from AAA/Aaa to D.

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2. Stock Market

a. Stock or equities are shares of ownership in a corporation.

b. Dividends – pay stockholders from profits of corporation. Usually paid quarterly.

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C. Stock Exchange – Markets for buying and selling stock.

1. NYSE – New York Stock Exchange (1792)a. represents largest/most respected companies in nation.

b. Big companies are blue chips which profit over the long run.

2. NASDAQ –Mostly trading technology, energy stocks, exchange deals with smaller, riskier companies

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D. History

1. Investors panicked,16.4 million shares sold on 10/29/29 (Black Tuesday) compared to normal 4 to 8 million.

2. Fed limited money supply to discourage lending.

3. Americans cautious about stock until 1990’s.

4. Half of households now own mutual funds.