unit 6 counter-offers and acceptance 还盘和接受

Unit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance Unit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance 还还还还还 还还还还还

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Unit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance 还盘和接受. 6.1 Introduction (简介). 目的:掌握在接到发盘后,如何撰写还盘和接受的相关信函。 在接到发盘后,受盘人必须对报盘内容进行认真研究。如果发盘人认为发盘价格难以接受或对其他条件不满意,既可以拒绝接受,也可以向发盘人提出建议,要求对发盘内容进行修改。这种受盘人对发盘内容进行变更的表示被称为还盘( Counter-offer ),也被称为还价。事实上,还盘既是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,又是受盘人以发盘人的地位提出的新发盘。. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Unit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance 还盘和接受

Unit 6 Counter-offers and AcceptanceUnit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance还盘和接受还盘和接受

Page 2: Unit 6 Counter-offers and Acceptance 还盘和接受

6.1 Introduction6.1 Introduction (简介)(简介)


在接到发盘后,受盘人必须对报盘内容进行认真研究。如果发盘人认为发盘价格难以接受或对其他条件不满意,既可以拒绝接受,也可以向发盘人提出建议,要求对发盘内容进行修改。这种受盘人对发盘内容进行变更的表示被称为还盘( Counter-offer ),也被称为还价。事实上,还盘既是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,又是受盘人以发盘人的地位提出的新发盘。

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( 1 ) Open the letter by thanking the recipient for his offer.

对发盘人的发盘表示感谢。( 2 ) Decline the original offer by providing the recipient with

detailed and reasonable reasons.

对由于某种原因无法接受发盘表示遗憾,同时解释原因。( 3 ) Put forward the desired business conditions and try to

persuade the recipient to accept them.

对还盘的内容也就是己方所希望的交易条件提出建议。( 4 ) Close the letter by expressing expectations for a

favorable reply.


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如果受盘人认为能够接受发盘的全部内容和条件,那么就可向发盘人订购商品。这种买方或卖方同意对方在发盘中提出的各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些条件达成交易、订立合同的表示被称为接受( Acceptance ),即法律上所称的“承诺”。作为一项有效接受,必须具备以下四项条件:

( 1 )接受只能由受盘人做出。( 2 )接受必须是无条件的,完全同意发盘中提出的各项交易

条件。( 3 )接受的方式必须符合发盘的要求。( 4 )接受必须在发盘规定的有效期内做出。

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6.2 Writing Skills6.2 Writing Skills (写作技巧)(写作技巧) 还盘信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:

写作步骤 表达方式

( 1 )对发盘人的报价表示感谢

Thank you for your prompt reply and detailed quotation. (我们感谢您的及时答复和详细报价。)

Thank you for the samples you sent in response to our enquiry of 8 June. (感谢您对我方 6 月 8 日询价的答复并寄来样品。)

( 2 )表示无法接受发盘并说明原因

We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on the offer as the price you are asking is above the market level here for the quality in question. (很遗憾地通知你方,我方不能接受你方报价,因为你方所要求的价格高于本地同等质量产品的市场价格水平。)

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I should like to point out that your choice in color and pattern is very limited and that the shades that are now fashionable are missing. (我想指出,你方产品在颜色和样品方面选择性有限,并缺少目前流行的色调。)

( 3 )对所希望的交易条件提出建议

May we suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods on this market. (我们建议,如果你方在所报价格的基础上给予优惠,也许会有助于你方产品的市场推介。)

I regret that your terms are unsatisfactory and unless you can amend those terms we shall have to place our order elsewhere. (很抱歉,你方条件不能让人满意,如果不能改变条件的话,我方只好另转订单。)

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( 4 )希望对方能够接受你所提出的还盘的建议

It is hoped that you would seriously take it into consideration and let us have your reply very soon.(希望你方能认真考虑我方的建议并尽快回复。)

We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorable, and fax us acceptance at your early convenience. (希望你方考虑我方的还盘,并尽早发传真表示接受。)

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6.3 Specimen Letters6.3 Specimen Letters (样函)(样函)Letter 1 : OfferDear Sirs, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your

inquiry of Sep 5, and are pleased to make you an offer regarding our Changhong color TV sets in the size you required.

All sizes can be supplied by the beginning of next month subject to our receiving your order. The price for Changhong Brand color TV set inch 34 is USD450 each at CIF Copenhagen.

Our price is very competitive for other good quality TV sets. We look forward to receiving your large number of order.

Truly yours, Fred Jackson

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Letter 2 : Counter-offerDear Sirs,

We are glad to have received your letter of Sep18 offering us Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen USD450 per set.

In reply, we regret to inform you that your price is too high. Market information tells us that some Japanese color TV sets have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours.

We do not deny the quality of Changhong Brand color TV sets, but the difference in price is a wide gap. To step up the trade, we counter-offer you 10 thousand Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen USD300 per set.

It is hoped that you would seriously take it into consideration and let us have your reply very soon.

Sincerely yours,

Xianjin Peng

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Letter 3 : AcceptanceDear Sirs,

We have received your letter of October 2. It is regretful for us to see that you cut down the price of our Changhong Brand color TV sets too sharp, but regarding our long term of business relationship, we decide to accept your counter-offer on condition that cash must be paid within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5% discount if paid within one month.

Sincerely yours,

Ping Wang

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Letter 4 : A firm offerDear Sirs, We thank you for your letter dated June 25 covering our

Jinling Brand automatic washing machine inquiry. Jinling Brand is one of the best known trade marks in

China. It can run 15 000 times continuously without any breakdown. It first passed through the recognition of America’s UL and the qualities have kept the first for 5 years in succession.

Complying with your request, we take a pleasure to make you a firm offer Jinling Brand automatic washing machine USD120 per machine FOB Guangzhou, inclusive of your 5% commission. Your reply must reach us before 12 a.m. July 25 our time and subject to our final confirmation.

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For detailed specification, please refer to the catalogue enclosed. We hope that you will be glad to place a trial order with us.

We anticipate your early reply.

Truly yours,

John Smith

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Letter 5 : A counter-offerDear Sirs,

We are in possession of your letter July 5 offering us Jinling Brand automatic washing machine USD120 per machine FOB Guangzhou inclusive of our 5% commission.

While appreciating the quality of your lines, we made a careful study of your offer. We find your prices are too high to be acceptable. In fact, the cost of raw materials has not soared in the past three months.

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In order to make your products more competitive in our market, we suggest that you reduce prices by 10%. If you will agree to our counter-suggestion, regular orders for large numbers will be placed. Otherwise, we will conduct our business elsewhere.

Please let us have your E-mail confirmation at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Leon Allen

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6.4 Focal Words6.4 Focal Words (焦点词汇)(焦点词汇)

acceptvt. 接受(邀请、报价等);承认,同意;承兑(票据)We cannot accept your price.

We accept that we have no alternative but to replace the damaged parts.

We request you to accept the draft drawn on you.

acceptable: adj. 可接受的,合意的The quality is acceptable, but the time of shipment is not.

We shall place a large order for men’s shirts with you, if the time of delivery is acceptable to us.

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acceptance: n. 接受; ( 票据等的 ) 承兑,经承兑的汇票This time we allow you a big discount, and recommend your

immediate acceptance.We shall present the draft for acceptance.

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counter-offer 还盘 外贸业务用语,指受盘人对收到的报盘提出修改

条件。该词可作动词或名词。 If our offer is not acceptable, please fax your

best counter-offer. 如果不能接受我方报盘,请发传真告知你方最好

的还盘。 The price you counter-offered is unreasonable. 你方还盘价格不合理。

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conclude v. 达成,缔结 (条约等 ) ;决定 Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。 Once the price had been agreed, a deal was

quickly concluded. 价格一经商定,交易很快就达成了。 We have concluded a transaction with ABC

Company on a wide variety of light industrial products.

我们与 ABC公司就多种轻工业品达成了交易。

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conclusion n. 结束,议定,结论 They decided to bring the negotiation to a

speedy conclusion. 他们决定尽快结束谈判。 We have come to the conclusion that it would

be unnecessary to import a machine at such a high price.


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contributevi. 有助于,促进You know that the appearance of the package contributes

greatly to the sale of consumer goods.

These measures contributed greatly to raising the quality and output of our products.

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executevt. 执行;签署 ( 单证,契约等 )

We always do our best to execute our contracts to the full.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives.

execution: n. 执行;签署We hope that you will promptly accept our order and make

your usual careful execution.

Party A shall, within 30 days of the execution of this agreement, provide Party B with the list mentioned below.

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ordern. 订单,订货,定购;命令;汇票;定购 ( 货物 )

We hope you can give us an order soon.

We shall immediately give orders to the factory for the consignment to be prepared.

We suggest that for this trial order, you let us have a demand draft or a postal money order.

vt. 贮存,备货We have a large tailoring department and would like to stock a

new type of material.

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stockvi. 备货We advise you to stock up while supplies are available.

adj. 库存的Stock offers are a touch-and-go kind of things.

n. 现货,存货in stock 库存中out of stock 缺货 无货These are the only stocks available.

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limit n. & v. 限价 limit a price; give a limit 限价 buy (sell) at limit 限价买进(卖出) buy below limit 低于限价买进 sell above limit 高于限价卖出 exceed a limit 超过限价

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reduce v. 减少,降低reduce a price by… 将价格降低多少reduce a price to… 将价格降低到多少To meet your request, we are prepared to reduce our freight by 3%.为满足你方要求,我方准备将运费降低百分之三。To be more competitive, you should try to reduce your price to the bottom without sacrificing the quality. 为了更有竞争力,你方应尽量在不影响质量的前提下将价格降至最低。

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reduction n. 减少,降低make a reduction of …% in price 把价格降低多少You are requested to make a reduction of 10% in your price to attract more customers. 为了吸引更多客户,请你们降价百分之十。The shop sold some items at a huge reduction. 该商店大幅度降价出售一些商品。

substantial reduction 大幅度削价

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out of line 不合理的,不相符的Should your price be found out of line, they may turn to others for their requirements. 如果你方的价格不合理,他们也许会向别人购买。out of line with 与…不相符,与…脱节What you asked is quite out of line with the present market here. 你方的要求与此地的现行市场行情不符。

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Your price is too high. 你方价格太高。类似的表达方式还有:Your price is a bit high. 你方价格有点高。Your price is excessive. 你方价格过高。Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。Your price is prohibitive. 你方价格令人望而却步。

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6.5 Useful Sentences6.5 Useful Sentences (实用语句)(实用语句)

1. We would very much like to place orders with you if you could bring down your price at least by 20%. Otherwise we shall switch our requirements to other suppliers.

2. You will be interested to hear that we can offer a further supply of the best quality products at the lowest price.

3. We regret being unable to make use of these goods as the price you offer is above the market level here.

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4. Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come, and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.

5. If a substantial reduction can be expected, we could reconsider your revised quotation.

6. We would remind you that the firm offer made by us last week is valid for one month from the date of our last letter.

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7. This is a firm offer, subject to the receipt of reply by us before 5th April.

8. We have here cabled to you a firm offer until May 31.

9. We offer you best CIF Paris price, subject to our confirmation upon receipt of your reply here by Friday morning our time.

10. We have none of this particular make in stock at the moment, and, owing to the great pressure at the mills, we are afraid we cannot guarantee delivery within less than three months of receipt of orders.

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market survey


prevailing market price

come to terms

给予某人 6%折扣谢绝还盘价格偏高惯例

市场调查最终用户现行市价达成交易grant sb. 6% discountdecline a counter-offeron the high sideusual terms

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1._____ of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction.

A. In view B. With a view

C. With view D. In a view

2. Much __ our regret, as your price is ____ with the market level, it’s difficult for us to accept it.

A. to, in line B. in, out of line

C. to, out of line D. in, in line

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3. Your offer lacks specifications ___ the type of shopping. We are looking forward __ your clarification.

A. about, to B. of, to

C. on, to D. to, to

4. ______ to your fax of March 11, we are pleased to confirm having sold you 5,000 tons of soybeans on the terms and conditions agreed ____.

A. Refer, on B. Referring, upon

C. Referring, with D. Refer, upon

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5. To step up the trade, we suggest you make some concession, ____ 6%, ____ your quoted prices.

A. say, from B. like, on

C. like, to D. say, on

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1. We are not in a position to make any reduction ______ price.A. in B. of C. at D. on

2. We believe that there is a ready market ______ the goods in your place.

A. of B. about C. for D. with 3. With a view ______ the market at your end we have

offered you our bottom price. A. to promoting B. to promote

C. of promote D. into promoting4. Our suggestion is that you ______ the similar article

_____what you request at a lower price than quoted owing to similarity in function.

A. recommend, as B. replace, by C. take, into D. substitute, for

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5. We agree to reduce your price ______ USD 160 per pair FOB Shanghai.

A. at B. to C. of D. for 6. We have decided to make a further concession

______ 5% per box in order to help you to increase the business with us.

A. to B. of C. on D. about7. We regret that our low prices ______ narrow

margin of profit. A. leave us with B. include C. earn D. give

8. We feel regretful that you ask us to allow you a commission ______ 10% on each sale.

A. of B. to C. on D. /

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a. I think that the price of your products is on high side.

我认为你方价格偏高。 b. With your price I’m afraid you’ll stand very little

chance of obtaining the business. 按你这个价格,恐怕你获得这笔交易的机会甚小。 c. To have this business concluded, you need to

lower your price at least by 10 percent, I believe. 我认为要达成这笔交易,你至少要降价 10% 。

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d. Our price is reasonable, compared with that in the international market.

我们的价格与国际市场上的价格相比还是合理的。 e. The price of ..is acceptable, provided you

increase the quantity of your order to .. …… 价我方可以接受,但条件是你方应奖订货数

量增至…… f. Let’s meet each other halfway. 我们各让一半吧!

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Dear Sir or Madam,

We thank you for your email of September 11 for 30,000 metric tons of walnuts. We appreciate the good quality of your goods, but unfortunately we are not in a p_____ to accept the offer on your t____. Your prices are on rather h____ side.

To make a deal, we suggest you give us more d____, say 6% on your q____ price, and we feel confident that it would help to p____ the sales of your goods in our m_____. If you can do so, we will p____ our order with you immediately. We hope you will not lose this c____ so that you will b____ from this expanding market.

We hope you will consider our counter-offer most f____ and fax us your acceptance at your earliest c____.

Yours faithfully,
