unit 5: reconstruction through the gilded age

Unit 5: Reconstruction through the Gilded Age Post-Civil War

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Unit 5: Reconstruction through the Gilded Age. Post-Civil War. The Defeated South. Main Idea : Northern leaders had different ideas for dealing with the many issues and challenges of restoring the southern states to the Union. After the Civil War. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Reconstruction, Segregation, Discrimination

Unit 5: Reconstruction through the Gilded AgePost-Civil WarThe Defeated SouthMain Idea: Northern leaders had different ideas for dealing with the many issues and challenges of restoring the southern states to the Union.

After the Civil WarThe Civil War was the most costly war in American history in terms of total devastation.At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000.These casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam.AMAZING WAR LOSSES

Destroyed buildings in Richmond, VA.Atlanta After the civil war

PROBLEMS FACING THE SOUTH1. Millions of freed slaves needed housing, clothing, food, and jobs.2. Banks were closed.3. Confederate money had no value.4. Railroads, bridges, plantations, and crops had been destroyedRECONSTRUCTION 1865-1877Main Idea Radical Republicans in Congress opposed Abraham Lincolns and Andrew Johnsons plans for Reconstruction and its own plan to rebuild the South after the Civil War.PLANS FOR RECONSTRUCTIONLINCOLN AND JOHNSONRADICAL REPUBLICANSLincolns Ten-Percent Plan argued that the southern states had never left the Union because secession was illegal one nation indivisible when 10% of voters pledged allegiance to the U.S. state could be readmitted to U.S. very lenient goal was to re-admit southern states as quick as possible, not to punish the South with malice towards none, with charityfor allto bind up the nations wounds Nothing included about African Americans

Johnsons Presidential Reconstruction also very lenient towards the SouthRadical Republicans northern members of Congress, led by Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, who opposed Lincolns Ten Percent plan and Johnsons plan Wanted to punish the southern slave owners Wanted to give African-Americans the right to voteCONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTIONRadical Republicans took control of Reconstruction policy in 1866

14th Amendment states were prohibited from denying equal rights under the law to any American- granted citizenship rights to AfricanAmericansReconstruction Act of 1867 divided former Confederacy into 5 military districts (military occupation), set up new requirements to gain re-admission to the Union

Johnsons impeachment Radical Republicans impeached Johnson, but he was not removed from office15th Amendment voting rights were guaranteed regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitudeSignificance - gave African American men the right to vote


POLITICS IN POST WAR SOUTHRepublican Party in the South relied on 3 groups:1. African Americans right to vote guaranteed by 15th Amendment Sharecropping many African Americans rented land from plantation owners in return for a share or percentage of the total crop produced2. Scalawags Southerners who became Republicans3. Carpetbaggers Northern Republicans who moved to the South

THE COLLAPSE OF RECONSTRUCTIONAnti-Black violence goal was to prevent African Americans from voting

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) violent terrorist organization devoted to white supremacyFounded as a social club for Confederate veteransStarted in Tennessee in 1866, membership spread rapidly through the South

ActivityAnalyze the political cartoon and complete the questions for a daily grade.

Election of 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) vs. Samuel Tilden (Democrat) Tilden won the popular vote, Hayes won the electoral college South upset and disputed the electionCompromise of 1877 agreement to settle the disputed election Hayes (Republican) = president Republicans would end military occupation of the South White Democrats took control of southern state governments = Redemption Significance Reconstruction is ended

White southern Democrats passed Jim Crow Laws called for segregation of the races throughout the South

African Americans denied their constitutional rightsCultures Clash on the Prairie & Settling on the Great PlainsCultures ClashMain Idea The cattle industry boomed in the late 1800s, as the culture of the Plains Indians declined. Settlers on the Great Plains transformed the land despite great hardships.

Settlers Push WestwardBackground: Following the Civil War, the westward movement of settlers increased in the region between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean.

Great Plains def. the grassy lands that extend through the western-central portion of the United StatesSettlers focused on settling and farming the Great Plains

Significance multiple conflicts with Native Americans resultedNative American groups were placed on reservations throughout the Great Plains

19Settlers Move Westward to FarmTranscontinental Railroad Background: Following the Civil War, railroads became very important in opening western lands to settlers and transporting crops to eastern marketsTranscontinental Railroad (est. 1869) linked eastern and western markets and led to increased settlement of western lands from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean


Homestead Act Homestead Act (1862) offered 160 acres of land in the West (for free) to any citizen who would settle and farm the land for 5 years600,000 families took advantage of this government offerMany homesteaders were southerners both White and African-American

Support for Farmers

New Technologysteel-tipped plow invented by John Deere, helped farmers slice through heavy soilmechanical reaper invented by Cyrus McCormick, increased speed of harvesting wheatSignificance made farming more efficient and prosperous

ResultsOverall By 1900, the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountain region of the American West was no longer a mostly unsettled frontier, but instead it became a region of farms, ranches and towns

The Expansion of Industry & Big Business and LaborThe Expansion of Industry & Big Business and LaborMain Idea At the end of the 19th century, natural resources, creative ideas, and growing markets fueled an industrial revolution. The expansion of industry resulted in the growth of big business and prompted laborers to form labor unions to better their lives.

Inventions Promote Change

Bessemer Steel Process Henry Bessemer developed a new manufacturing process to make steel, which removed the impurities fasterSignificance - new steel products used for building railroads and skyscrapers

Light Bulb Thomas Edison new development to serve as a source for lightSignificance made work and play less dependent on natural sunlight


ElectricityThomas Edison - new power source for businesses and homesSignificance electric power ran industrial machines that could be located anywhere

TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell revolutionized communications in businessSignificance saved time and created new clerical jobs for women in business

AirplaneWright Brothers allowed for movement of goods and eventually people by air travelFirst flight = Kitty Hawk, NC in 1903Significance led to the creation of a U.S. airmail system by 1920

Assembly-Line Manufacturing Henry Ford broke industrial tasks down into simpler parts and improved efficiency in production of carsSignificance allowed for increased efficiency in production for many industrial productshttp://www.history.com/topics/inventions/videos#henry-ford-and-the-model-t)

Leaders of Industry (aka Robber Barons)Andrew Carnegie Steel IndustryScottish immigrant who rose from rags to richesCarnegie Steel Company made more steel than any other company in USDeveloped a monopoly complete control over an industrys production, wages, and prices when all competitors are bought out(http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/videos#andrew-carnegie)

J.P. Morgan Banking and Finance Formed a holding company corporation that did nothing but buy out stock of other companiesBought out Carnegie Steel in 1903 to create U.S. Steel = worlds largest business

John D. Rockefeller Oil IndustryStandard Oil Company controlled 90% of all U.S. oil production Controlled other companies by forming a trust several corporations made an agreement to be run by one executive board that ran the trust like one big company

Cornelius Vanderbilt RailroadsDominated control of much of the nations railroad lines in the Northeast and Midwest

Reactions Against IndustrialistsCarnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt were called Robber Barons by criticsCritics said they were making money in a corrupt manner

Reactions Against IndustrialistsSherman Antitrust Act (1890) made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with or restrained free trade Significance - limited impact at first corporations were able to win court cases and continue consolidation tacticsUnsafe working conditions and low pay caused workers/laborers to form Labor Unions devoted to improving the lives of workers

Labor Unions EmergeKnights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) American Railway Union (ARU)

Knights of Labor Founded by Uriah Stephens in 1869Open to all workers regardless of skill level, race or genderSupported an 8 hour workday

American Federation of Labor (AFL) Founded by Samuel Gompers in 1886Open to skilled workers onlyFavored collective bargaining negotiation between management and representatives of labor to reach an agreement on wages, hours, and working conditionsUsed strikes when necessary

American Railway Union (ARU)Founded by Eugene V. Debs (Socialist)Open to all workers within a specific industry (railroads) regardless of skill levelUsed strikes when necessary involved in the Pullman Strike

Strikes Turn Violent

Haymarket Square Chicago 1886Bomb exploded in a crowd of policemen, police fired into strikersThe public started to turn against labor unions

Homestead StrikeNear Pittsburgh 1892Carnegie Steel plant went on strike when wages were cutViolence broke out - Pennsylvania National Guard called in to break up the strike

Pullman Strike Chicago 1894Pullman employees went on strike after wages were cutViolence broke out U.S. Army sent in by President Cleveland to break up the strike