unit 5 policies and regulations

ROXANN M. GROVER MIRIAM P. RODRÍGUEZ GWENDOLYN J. SIMMONS Distance Learning and Evaluation: An Online Exam Policy Case Study at UTMB Health SON

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Distance Learning and Evaluation: An Online Exam Policy Case Study

at UTMB Health SON

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Policies and Regulations

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Policies Regulations

Policies are the principles, rules and guidelines that an organization employs to meet their long term and short term goals.

Regulations are the official rules that have to be followed by the individuals in an organization.

Policies and Regulations

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Policies and Regulations

The purpose of policies and regulations for IDT is in concern for performance.

Policies and regulations help to define what is expected of professionals and provide standards for development of quality products within an organization.

In education “these standards are concerned with candidate performances, curriculum, faculty, specialized support services, and evaluation procedures required for the accreditation of advanced programs for the preparation of school media and educational technology specialists (SMETS)” (Earle & Persichitte, 2000, p.44).



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UTMB Health School of Nursing

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UTMB Health School of Nursing (SON) is located at 1100 Mechanic, Galveston, Texas 77555-1029. The school recently celebrated its 120th anniversary as a provider of nursing education.

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Mission Vision

“UTMB’s mission is to improve health for the people of Texas and around the world.”

“We work together to work wonders as we define the future of health care and strive to be the best in all of our endeavors.”


Vision and Mission Statement. (2011). UTMB Health School of Nursing. Retrieved from http://www.son.utmb.edu/about/mission.cfm

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Current Alternatives

Currently, UTMB Health SON has policy and regulation guidelines for administering proctored computer based exams for student evaluation purposes.

Many educators at the university level are looking for ways to incorporate unproctored online computer based exams that students can access from a variety of locations.

Testing Procedures

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History and Types of Computer Tests


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The field of computer based testing (CBT) saw tremendous growth in the 1990s because of the wide availability of computers in educational settings.

“In 1992, for example, the Graduate Record Examinations became available in a computer-based form, and in computer-adaptive form in 1993” (Bugbee, 1996, p. 282).  

As computer based testing grew it quickly became apparent that guidelines and standards had to be developed to ensure the quality and integrity of computer based tests.

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Development of Guidelines and Standards

“In 1986, The American Psychological Association (APA) published guidelines for the development, use, and interpretation of computerized testing (APA, 1986). These guidelines supplement the Standard for Educational and Psychological Testing (APA, 1985) for issues unique to testing by computer. Although the guidleines’ authority affects only the memberships of the APA, AERA, and NCME, they also set de facto standards for test and software developers and publishers and have been cited in Supreme Court decisions (National Standards, 1993)” (Bugbee, 1996, p. 286).

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Advantages of Computer Based Testing

“Reduce testing time (Bunderson, Inouye, & Olsen, 1989; English, Reckase, & Patience, 1977; Green, 1988; Olsen, Maynes, Slawson, & Ho, 1986; Wise & Plake, 1989);

Obtain more information about test takers (Wise & Plake, 1989);

Increase test security (Grist, Rudner, & Wise, 1989); Provide instant scoring (Bugbee, 1992; Bugbee &

Bernt, 1990; Kyllonen, 1991; Mazzeo & Harvey, 1988); Scheduled more easily than paper-and-pencil

administered tests (Bugbee, 1992; Hambleton, Zaal, & Pieters, 1991; Wise & Plake, 1989)”

(Bugbee, 1996, p. 282-283)

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Computer Based Testing (CBT)

Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)

“Computer-based testing uses a computer to give exactly the same test as one in a paper-and-pencil format” (Bugbee, 1996, p. 283)

Currently, most courses at UTMB Health SON require students to take PROCTORED computer based tests for assessment purposes.

“Computer Adaptive Testing is a unique type of CBT which enables greater precision and efficiency in some forms of assessment by first estimating an examinee's proficiency level ... and then adapting to it, presenting only those items that are expected to give the most information about that individual” (Norris, 2001, p. 23).

Types of Computer Testing

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Proctored Computer-Based Testing

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UTMB Health SON Policies and Regulations for Proctored Computer Based Exams

The UTMB SON Perception Online Exam Policy states that the exams are secure and that each page of questions is saved before moving on so that the exam can be retrieved during a time out or technical problem.

Guidelines are given that encourage the student to read all exam documentation, check syllabus for relative dates, attempt to take the exam during regular business hours so that technical support is available, and to communicate with the instructor in the event of extenuating circumstances that interfere with the student’s completion of the exam.

The policy explains that the student must sign up the proctor and be sure the individual is available for all scheduled exams.

A backup proctor can also be assigned a minimum of two weeks before testing.

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Alternative to Proctored Exams

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Unproctored Computer Based Tests

In order to implement unproctored exams modifications will have to be made to policies and regulations governing exam administrations.

To prevent problems in online testing, it is suggested that professors describe the testing protocol in the syllabus and discuss it in class.

This informs students as to the expectations of utilizing online exams at home or in school.

Additionally, specific software is available to help safeguard against unethical test taking.

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Software Solutions for Unproctored Exams

Questionmark™ Perception™ assessment management system “enables trainers, educators and testing professionals to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams” (Blended Delivery, 2011, para. 1).


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Policies and regulations are an important part of any organization.

At UTMB Health SON, educators are aware of the changing trends in education and are seeking different ways to administer computer based tests to meet the needs of all learners.

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Blended Delivery. (2011). Questionmark™ Perception™ Retrieved from http://www.questionmark.com/us/perception/delivery.aspx

Bugbee, A. C. (1996, Spring). The equivalence of paper-and-pencil and computer-based testing. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 28(3), 282-299. Retrieved from http://www.cib.espol.edu.ec/Digipath/D_Papers/36176.pdf

Earle, R. S. & Persichitte, K. L. (2000). Standards for accreditation of school media specialistand educational technology specialist programs. Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Retrieved from http://edtech.boisestate.edu/snelsonc/portfolio/AECTstandardsREV2005.pdf

Norris, J. M. (2001, May). Review of computerized adaptive testing: A primer (2nd ed.) [Review of the book Computerized adaptive testing: A primer (2nd ed), by Howard Wainer (Ed.)]. Language Learning & Technology, 5(2), 23-27. Retrieved from http://llt.msu.edu/vol5num2/pdf/review2.pdf

Vision and Mission Statement. (2011). UTMB Health School of Nursing. Retrieved from http://www.son.utmb.edu/about/mission.cfm