unit 5 history

sciences 3 social

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Page 1: Unit 5 History

sciences 3 social

Page 2: Unit 5 History

How do we count time?

We talk about the past in numbers of years. A year is 365 days, or 12 months. Every year has a number. The year 1 is the year Jesus Christ was born.

In history we count years in hundreds. We call 100 years a century.

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How do we count time?

Years and centuries after the birth of Jesus Christ are called A.D. Years and centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ are called B.C.

History is everything that happened in the past .History is importan because we can learn from the past .

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What are periods of history?

We divide history into periods. There are five periods of history.

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What was Prehistory?

Prehistory started about 5 million years ago. This was when the first humans appeared. Prehistoric people discovered important things.

There were two main periods the paleoithic period and the neolithic period.

Paleolithic period people were nomads this means that they move from place to place to look for food and shelter.They use stones ,wood and bones to make simple tools.

Neolithic period ,people started to live in one place and form comunities.They use stones and metal to make complex tools

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What was Ancient History?

Ancient History started when people invented writing. This was in about 3500 A.D. In Ancient History the first civilisations appeared, such as the Greeks and the Romans. In Ancient History the first cities also appeared.

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What did the Romans do?

The Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula in 218 B.C. They conquered many lands and established a big empire. Hispania was part of this empire.

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What were the Middle Ages?

The Middle Ages started in 476 A.D. In the 8th century, Muslims came to the Iberian Peninsula from North Africa. They conquered the south and called it Al-Andalus. In the north there were small Christian kingdoms.

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What was the Reconquista?

The Christian kingdoms slowly conquered al-Andalus. This is called the Reconquista. The Reconquista ended in 1492. That was the end of the Middle Ages too.

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What was the Early Modern Age?

The Early Modern Age started in 1492. In that year Columbus discovered America. After that, other explorers discovered many new places.This period in Spain is called the Golden Age. It was an important time for art and literature.

An important invention of the modern age was Gutemberg´s printing press .This invention meant that it was quicker cheaper to produce books an maps

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What was the Spanish Empire?

Spain conquered many lands in America, Asia and Africa. It established a big empire.

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What’s the Modern Age?

The Modern Age started in 1789. In the 19th century there were many important changes and inventions. This was called the Industrial Revolution. Steam trains were invented. Rich people owned the factories and they used machines to make lots of products.

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What’s the Modern Age?

In the 20th century people lives were better. There were many new machines and forms of transport. Ordinary people could see a doctor and go to school.

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What have we learnt?


History is divided into different periods…

Ancient History

the Middle Ages

the Early Modern


the Modern


5 million years ago

3500 B.C. to 476 A.D.

476 A.D. to 1492

1492 to 1789

1789 to now