unit 3rd processor design

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  • 8/2/2019 Unit 3rd Processor Design



    Processor Design

    Text Books: (1) Computer Systems Architecture

    by M. Morris Mano

    Processor Design

  • 8/2/2019 Unit 3rd Processor Design


    Central Processing Unit

    The Part of computer that performs the bulk data-

    processing operations is called the central processing

    unit (CPU)

    The CPU is made up of three major parts.

    Register Set


    Control Unit

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    Central Processing Unit Register Set: Stores the intermediate data used during the

    execution of the instruction.

    Arithmetic Logic Unit: Performs the required micro operationfor executing the instructions.

    Control Unit: The Control unit supervises the transfer of

    information among the register and instruct the ALU as towhich operation to perform

    Computer Architecture is sometimes defined as the computer

    structure and behavior as seen by the programmer that usesmachine language instruction.

    This includes the instruction formats , addressing modes, theinstruction set , and the general organization of the CPU


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    General Register Organization

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    General Register Organization The Control unit that operates the CPU bus system directs the

    information flow through the registers and ALU by selecting

    the various components in the system. For example , to perform the operation

    Thecontrol must provide binary selection variables to the

    following selection inputs1. MUX A selector (SEL A): To place the content of R2 into bus A.

    2. MUX B selector (SEL B): To place the content of R3 into bus B.

    3. ALU operation selector (OPR): To provide the arithmetic

    addition A+B4. Decoder destination selector (SEL D): To transfer the content

    of the output bus into R1.

    R1 R2 +R3

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    General Register Organization Control Word: There are 14 binary selection inputs in the

    unit, and their combined value specifies a control word.

    The 14-bit control word is defined or consists of four


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    General Register Organization The encoding of the register selection is specified in Table

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    General Register Organization The encoding of the ALU operations for the CPU is

    specified in table. The OPR fields has 5 bits and each

    operation is designated with a symbolic name.

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    General Register Organization For example, The subtract micro-operations given by the


    Control word for this micro-operation

    R1 R2 +R1

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    General Register Organization

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    Stack Organization A useful feature that is included in the CPU of most

    computers is a stack or last-in, first-out(LIFO) list.

    A stack is a storage device that stores information insuch a manner that the item stored last is the first item

    retrieved. The operation of a stack can be compared to a

    stack of trays.

    The stack in digital computer is essentially a memory

    unit with an address register that can count only(after an

    initial value is loaded into it). The register that holds the

    address for the stack is called a stack pointer(SP)because its value always points at the top item in the


    Two operation of a stack are the insertion and


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    Stack Organization Insertion: The operation of insertion is called push because

    it can be thought of as the result ofpushing a new item on


    Deletion: Theoperation of deletion is called pop because it

    can be thought of as the result of removing one item so

    that the stack pops up.

    Register Stack: A stack can be placed in a portion of a large

    memory or it can be organized as a collection of an finite

    number of memory words or registers.

    The SP register contains a binary number whose value

    equal to the address of the words that is currently on the

    top of the stack.

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    Stack Organization Three items are placed in the stack A,B, & C. Item C is on

    the top of the stack so that the content of SP = 3. To

    remove the top item, the stack is popped by reading thememory word at address 3 and decrementing the

    content of SP.

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    tac rgan zat on Now, item B on top SP = 2 . To insert a new item , the

    item is pushed by incrementing SP and writing a word in

    the next - higher location in the stack. In a 64 word stack, the SP contains 6 bits (26 = 64). It

    cannot exceed 63(111111 in binary). When 63 is

    incremented by 1 , the result is 0 since 111111 + 1

    =(1000000) . Similarly when 000000 is decremented by 1,the result is ( ? ).

    The one - bit register FULL = 1 , when the stack is full

    The one bit register EMTY = 1 , When the stack is emptyof items.

    DR is the data register that holds the binary data to be

    written into or read out of the stack.

    S k O i i

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    Stack Organization Push: Initially, SP is cleared to 0 , EMTY = 1 and FULL = 0 ,

    so that SP points to the word at address 0 and stack is

    marked empty and not full. If stack is not full (if FULL = 0) ,new item is inserted with push operation.

    SP SP + 1 Increment stack pointer

    M[SP] DR Write item on top of the stack

    If (SP = 0) then (FULL 1) Check if stack is full

    EMTY 0 Mark the stack not empty

    Note that SP holds the address of the top of the stack and

    that M[SP] denotes the memory word specified by theaddress presently available in SP.

    The first item stored at address 1. And the last item is

    stored at address 0. If SP reaches 0, the stack is full. Sofull is set = 1 FULL = 1 and EMTY = 0

    St k O i ti

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    Stack Organization POP: A new item is deleted from the stack if the stack is

    not empty(if EMTY =0). The micro-operation for the POP

    are following: DRM[SP] Read item from the top of the stack

    SP SP-1 Decrement stack pointer

    If (SP = 0) then (EMTY

    1) Check the stack is empty FULL 0 Mark the stack not full.

    Note that if a POP operation reads the item form location

    0 and then SP is decremented , SP changes to 111111 (63).

    Note that erroneous operation will result if the stack is

    pushed when FULL =1 or popped when EMTY =1

    k i i

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    Stack Organization Memory Stack: A stack can exist as a stand - along unit

    can be implemented in a random access memory

    attached to a CPU. The implementation of a stack in theCPU is done by assigning a portion of memory to a stack

    operation and using a processor register as a stack pointer.

    A portion computer memory partitioned into three

    segments: program , data, and stack.

    The PC (program counter) points at the address of the

    next instruction in the program. PC is used during the

    fetch phase to read an instruction. The address register (AR) points at an array of data. AR is

    used during the execute phase to read an operand

    The stack pointer (SP) points at the top of the stack. SP is

    used to push or pop items into or form the stack .

    S k O i i

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    Stack Organization The initial value of SP is 4001 and the stack grows with

    decreasing address. Thus the first item stored in the stack

    is at address 4000, the 2nd item at 3999 and the lastaddress that can be use for the stack is 3000.

    A new item is inserted with the push operation as

    follows SP SP 1

    M[SP] DR

    A memory write operationinserts the word from DR into

    the top of the stack. A new item is deleted with a pop

    operation as follows:

    DRM [SP]

    SPSP + 1

    S k O i i

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    Stack Organization

    S k O i i

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    Stack Organization Stack Limits: The stack limits can be checked by using two

    processor register : one to hold the upper limit (3000 in

    this case) , and the other to hold the lower limit (4001 inthis case). After a push operation is compared with upper

    limit and after a pop operation , SP is compared with

    lower limit register .

    The two micro-operation needed for either the push or

    pop are

    1. An access to memory through SP

    2. Updating SP

    St k O i ti

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    Stack Organization Reverse polish Notation:

    A Stack organization is very effective for evaluating

    arithmetic expression.

    (A + B) Infix notation

    (+AB) Prefix or Polish notation

    (AB+) Postfix or reverse Polish notation

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    I t ti F t

  • 8/2/2019 Unit 3rd Processor Design


    Instruction Formats An instruction is a command given to a computer to perform a

    specified operation on some given data and the format in which

    the instruction is specified is known as instruction format.

    The bits of the instruction are divided into groups called fields.

    The most common fields founds in instruction formats are:

    An operation code field that specifies the operation to be

    performed. (such as add, subtract, complement shift etc.)

    An address fields that designate a memory address or a

    processor register

    A mode field that specifies the way the operand or the

    effective address is determined. (bits specify a variety of

    alternative for choosing the operands form the given address)

    t t t

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    nstruct on ormats A register address is a binary number of k bits that defines

    one of 2K register in the CPU. A CPU with 16 processor

    register R0 through R15. Thus the binary number 0101(means R5).

    Computer may have instruction of several different

    lengths containing varying number of address. Most

    computer fall into one of three types of CPU organizations:

    1. Single accumulator organization

    2. General register organization

    3. Stack organization

    Accumulator: All operations are performed with an implied

    accumulator register. The instruction format in this type

    ofcom uter uses one address field.

    Instr ction Formats

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    Instruction Formats For ex: Assembly language instruction as

    ADD X where X is the address of the operand.

    AC AC + M[X]. AC is the accumulator register and M[X]

    symbolizes the memory word located at address X.

    General Register: In this format computer needs 3 or 2

    register address fields.

    For ex:Assembly language instruction as

    ADD R1,R2,R3 to denote the operation R1 R2 + R3

    If the destination register is same as one of the source

    register . Thus the instruction

    ADD R1, R2 to denote the operation R1 R1 + R2

    Instruction Formats

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    Instruction Formats For ex: Register use the move instruction with a mnemonic

    MOV to symbolize a transfer instruction. Thus the

    instruction are

    MOV R1 R2 denotes the transfer R1 R2 transferinstruction need two address fields source & destination

    For ex:

    ADD R1 , X denotes R1 R1 + M[X] . It has 2addressfields one for R1 & other for memory address X

    Stack Organization: Stack oriented machine do not contain

    any accumulator or general purpose register. Stack have

    PUSH & POP instruction which require an address fields.

    Instruction Formats

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    Instruction Formats For ex:

    PUSH X

    push the word at address X to the top of stack. The SP isupdate automatically.

    Operationtype instruction do not need an address fieldin stack organized computers. Because operation is

    performed on two top most operands of the stack

    For ex: ADD

    The instruction consists of an operation code only with no

    address field. To perform this pops the two operands and

    add the numbers and then PUSH the result into stack.

    Instruction Formats

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    Instruction Formats Evaluate the arithmetic statement using zero, one,

    two or three address instructions.

    X = (A + B) * (C + D)

    We will use the symbols ADD,SUB,MUL and DIV for

    the four arithmetic operations, MOV for transfer

    type and LOAD and STORE for transfer to and

    from memory and AC register.

    We assume that the operands are in memory

    address A,B,C & D and the result must be stored in

    memory at address X.

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    Number of Addresses (a)

    3 addresses

    Operand 1, Operand 2, Result

    a = b + c;

    Not common

    Needs very long words to hold everything

    I t ti F t

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    Instruction Formats Three address Instruction

    Advantages: It result in short programs when evaluating

    arithmetic expression Disadvantage: The binary coded instructions require

    too many bits to specify 3-address

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    Number of Addresses (b)

    2 addresses

    One address doubles as operand and result

    a = a + b

    Reduces length of instruction

    Requires some extra work

    Temporary storage to hold some results

    I t ti F t

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    Instruction Formats Two Address Instruction:

    Most common in commercial computers

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    Number of Addresses (c)

    1 address

    Implicit second address

    Usually a register (accumulator)

    Common on early machines

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    Instruction Formats One Address Instruction:

    One address instruction use an accumulator (AC)register for all data manipulations

    T is the address of a temporary memory location required

    for storing the intermediate result

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    Number of Addresses (d)

    0 (zero) addresses

    All addresses implicit

    Uses a stack

    e.g. push a push b


    pop c

    c = a + b

    I t ti F t

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    Instruction Formats Zero Address Instructions: It is necessary to convert the

    expression into RPN .

    X = (A + B) * (C + D) = RPN = AB + CD + *

    Addressing Modes

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    Addressing Modes

    The technique for specifying the address of the operands

    are known as addressing modes. The address of an

    operand is known as effective address.

    Each instruction needs data on which it has to perform

    the specified operation. The operand may be inaccumulator, general purpose register or at some

    specified memory location. Thus , there are various ways

    of specifying the address of the data known as

    addressing modes.

    Addressing Modes

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    Addressing Modes Mode Field:The mode field is used to locate the

    operands needed for the operation. The instruction may

    have more than one address filed and each address fieldmay be associated with its own particular addressing


    Although most addressing modes modify the addressfield of the instruction, there are two modes that need

    no address field at all. These are the implied and

    immediate modes.

    Instruction format with mode field

    Opcode Mode Address

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    Stack/ Implied Addressing

    Operand is (implicitly) on top of stack


    ADD Pop top two items from stack

    and add

    Addressing Modes

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    Addressing Modes Implied Mode: In this mode the operands are

    specified implicitly in the definition of the

    instruction . For ex: The instruction "Complement

    accumulator is an implied mode instruction

    because the operand in the accumulator register isimplied in the definition of the instruction.

    All register reference instruction that anaccumulator are implied mode instruction.

    Zero address instruction are implied mode

    instruction since the operand to be on top of the stack

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    Immediate Addressing

    Operand is part of instruction

    Operand = address field

    e.g. ADD 5

    Add 5 to contents of accumulator

    5 is operand

    No memory reference to fetch data


    Limited range

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    Immediate Addressing Diagram



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    Direct Addressing

    Address field contains address of operand

    Effective address (EA) = address field [A]

    e.g. ADD A

    Add contents of cell A to accumulator

    Look in memory at address A for operand

    Single memory reference to access data

    No additional calculations to work out

    effective address

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    Direct Addressing Diagram

    Address of Operand AOpcode




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    Indirect Addressing (1)

    Memory cell pointed to by address field

    contains the address of (pointer to) the


    EA = [A]

    Look in A, find address [A] and look there for


    e.g. ADD [A]

    Add contents of cell pointed to by contents of A to


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    Indirect Addressing (2)

    May be nested, multilevel, cascaded

    e.g. EA = [[[A]]]

    E.A. = Address part of the instruction + Content of CPU

    Multiple memory accesses to find operand

    Hence slower

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    Indirect Addressing Diagram

    Address of Operand AOpcodeInstruction



    Pointer to operand

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    Register Direct Addressing (1)

    Operand is held in register named in address


    EA = R

    Limited number of registers

    Very small address field needed

    Shorter instructions

    Faster instruction fetch

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    Register Direct Addressing(2)

    No memory access

    Very fast execution

    Very limited address space

    Multiple registers helps performance

    Requires good assembly programming

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    Register Direct Addressing Diagram

    Register Address ROpcode




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    Register Indirect Addressing

    Similar to indirect addressing

    EA = [R]

    Operand is in memory cell pointed to by

    contents of register R

    R i I di Add i Di

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    Register Indirect Addressing Diagram

    Register Address ROpcode



    OperandPointer to Operand


    Indexed/Displacement /Based

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    Indexed/Displacement /Based


    EA = X + [R]

    Address field hold two values

    X = base value

    R = register that holds displacement

    or vice versa

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    Displacement Addressing Diagram

    Register ROpcode



    OperandPointer to Operand


    Address X


    Relative Addressing

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    Relative Addressing A version of displacement addressing

    R = Program counter, PC

    EA = A + [PC]

    i.e. get operand from A cells from current

    location pointed to by PC

    Ex: Assume that the program counter contains

    the number 825 and the address part of the

    instruction contains the number 24 .

    The instruction at 825 is read form memoryduring fetch phase & PC is then incremented(826)

    EA = 826 + 24 = 850

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    Base-Register Addressing

    A holds displacement

    R holds pointer to base address

    R may be explicit or implicit

    e.g. segment registers in 80x86

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    Indexed Addressing

    A = base

    R = displacement

    EA = A + R

    Good for accessing arrays

    EA = A + R


    E l f Add i M d

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    Example of Addressing Mode The two word instruction at address 200 and 201 is a

    load to AC instruction with an address field equal to500.The first word of the instruction specifies theoperation code and mode, and the second wordspecifies the address part. PC has the value 200 forfetching this instruction. The contents of processor

    register R1 is 400, and the content of an index registerXR is 100.AC receives the operand after the instructionis executed. The Mode field of the instruction canspecify any one of a number of modes. For eachpossible mode calculate the effective address and the

    operand that must be loaded into AC

    Example of Addressing Mode

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    Example of Addressing Mode

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    Data Transfer & Manipulation

  • 8/2/2019 Unit 3rd Processor Design


    Data Transfer & Manipulation The symbolic name given to the instruction in the

    assemblylanguage notation instruction is different for

    different computers, even for the same instruction. Thereis a set of basic operations that most , if not all computer

    include in their instruction collection. The basic set of

    operations available in a typical computer.

    Most computer instruction can be classified into three


    1. Data transfer instructions

    2. Data manipulation instructions

    3. Program control instructions

    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    Data Transfer & Manipulation Data Transfer Instruction: Data transfer instruction cause

    transfer of data form one location to another without

    changing the binary information content.

    Data manipulation Instruction: Data manipulation

    instruction are those that perform arithmetic, logic, andshift operations.

    Program Control instruction: Program control instructions

    provide decisions making capabilities and change the pathtaken by the program when executed in the computer.

    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    Data Transfer & Manipulation Data transfer Instruction: Data transfer instruction move

    data form one place in the computer to another without

    changing the data content. The most common transfer arebetween memory and processor register, between

    processor register and input or output , and between the

    processor register themselves.

    Below gives the list of eight data transfer instruction usedin many computers.

    Mnemonic (Designed to help the memory)

    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    ata a s e & a pu at o Load: It is used to transfer from memory to a processor

    register (usually an accumulator).

    Store: It designates a transfer from a processor registerinto memory .

    Move: Itdesignates a transfer from one register to

    another. Exchange: These instruction swaps information between

    two register or a register and a memory word.

    I/P & O/P: These instruction transfer data among

    processor register and input or output terminals.

    Push & Pop: These instruction transfer data between

    processor register and a memory stack.

    Data Transfer & ManipulationT bl h th bl l ti d th

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    p Table shows the assembly language convention and the

    actual transfer in each case.(load to accumulator instr.)

    ADR stands for an address , NBR is number or operand , X isan index register , R1 is processor register , AC is

    accumulator register.

    @ symbolized an indirect address , $ character before an

    address makes the address relative to the PC. # character precedes the operand in an immediate-mode


    Data Transfer & Manipulation

  • 8/2/2019 Unit 3rd Processor Design


    p Data Manipulation Instructions: Data manipulation

    instructions perform operation on data and provide the

    computation capabilities for the computer. The datamanipulation instructions in a typical computer are usually

    divided into three into three basic types:

    1. Arithmetic instruction

    2. Logical and bit manipulation instruction

    3. Shift instructions

    Data Transfer & ManipulationA ith ti I t ti

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    p Arithmetic Instructions:

    Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions

    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    p Shift Instructions

    Program Control

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    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    Data Transfer & Manipulation

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    How Many Addresses

    More addresses

    More complex (powerful?) instructions

    More registers

    Inter-register operations are quicker

    Fewer instructions per program

    Fewer addresses

    Less complex (powerful?) instructions More instructions per program

    Faster fetch/execution of instructions

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    Design Decisions (1)

    Operation repertoire

    How many ops?

    What can they do?

    How complex are they?

    Data types

    Instruction formats

    Length of op code field

    Number of addresses

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    Design Decisions (2)


    Number of CPU registers available

    Which operations can be performed on which


    Addressing modes (later)

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    Types of Operand



    Integer/floating point


    ASCII etc.

    Logical Data

    Bits or flags


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    Types of Operation

    Data Transfer





    System Control Transfer of Control


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    Data Transfer




    Amount of data


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    Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

    Signed Integer

    Floating point ?

    May include

    Increment (a++)

    Decrement (a--)

    Negate (-a)

    Shif d O i

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    Shift and Rotate Operations

    L i l

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    Bitwise operations

    AND, OR, NOT

    C i

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    E.g. Binary to Decimal

    I /O

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    May be specific instructions

    May be done using data movement

    instructions (memory mapped)

    May be done by a separate controller (DMA)

    T f f C t l

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    Transfer of Control


    e.g. branch to x if result is zero


    e.g. increment and skip if zero

    ISZ Register1

    Branch xxxx

    ADD A

    Subroutine call

    c.f. interrupt call

    B h I t ti

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    Branch Instruction

    N t d P d C ll

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    Nested Procedure Calls

    U f St k

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    Use of Stack

    Addressing Modes The basic operation cycle of the computer to go through

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    The basic operation cycle of the computer to go through

    an instruction cycle that is divided into three major


    1. Fetch the instruction from memory

    2. Decode the instruction

    3. Execute the instruction

    Program Counter(PC) : PC holds the address of

    instructions to be executed next and is incremented each

    time an instruction is fetched from memory.