unit 3 part 1- the first civilization- sumer

Part One: The First Civilization- Sumer Civilization music video- 3:54)

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Covers Sumer- the first civilization. Details early farming, government, societal hierarchy, technologies, arts, written language, embedded relevant YouTube videos. I used images from google search images.


Page 1: Unit 3  part 1- the first civilization- sumer

Part One:The First Civilization-


Civilization music video- 3:54)

Page 2: Unit 3  part 1- the first civilization- sumer

Big Ideas:The Sumerians developed the first civilization in Mesopotamia.

The Sumerians made many advances that helped their society develop.

1. The Sumerians created the world’s first advanced society

1. The Sumerians invented the world’s first writing system.

2. Religion played a major role in Sumerian society.

2. Advances and inventions changed Sumerian lives.

3. Many types of art developed in Sumer.

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Mesopotamia:The Fertile Crescent

Textbook pages 58-591. Why did the first civilizations all develop in river valleys?

2. Where were the four earliest river valley civilizations located?-color code your map.

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Sumer- “The Cradle of Civilization”3,000BC

• Migrated to the region around 5,000 years ago• Settled there to farm:• Built dams, dikes, & short

canals that brought water from the Euphrates River• Grew barley, dates, and raised

small domesticated animals such as sheep and goats

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The City-States of Sumer

Sumer City-States (1:59)

Each city-state had a large Urban center with rural countryside surrounding it.

Each had its own military that protected their rural lands.

Fought each other to gain more farmland

Kings (called lugal) ruled each city-state

Built large armies

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Characteristics of a City-StateRural farmland was divided into square or rectangle plots*plots were crisscrossed by early irrigation systems (canals & channels)*farmers used plows, seed-drills, and stone hoes to grow crops*Gardens and fruit orchards*Trade: Carts pulled by donkeys & boats in the canals moved goods into the urban center of the city-state.

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Characteristics of a City-StateThe Urban city was surrounded by walls• Soldiers stationed

by towers and gates• Wide paved boulevards

crossed main sections, lined by 2-story houses for wealthy, made of brick

• Narrow twisting alleys surrounded by small flat roofed huts for farmers & craftsmen

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Rise of the First Empire• Akkadians built north of Sumer & spoke a

different language• Lived peacefully next to Sumer until the Akkadian

king Sargon decided to extend his territory along the Euphrates River.

• Sargon- first ruler to have a permanent army• Conquered all of Mesopotamia resulting in the world’s first empire (Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea)**Textbook page 61: Sargon’s Story

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Sumerian City-State Ur

Ur regains control of its land and takes over all of Mesopotamia- Political stability is restored to the region *Textbook pages 62-63

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Sumerian Religion• Polytheism: the worship of many gods• Each city-state considered one god to be its


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Enlil: God of Air

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Enki: God of Wisdom

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Inanna: Goddess of Love & War

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Uta: God of the Sun

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Sin or Nanna: God of the Moon

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Sumerian Ziggurat• Assyrian word “zigguratu” means height• Largest structure in city-dedicated to a patron god

of the city (religious temples)• Resembled pyramid- made of brick• Built to look like a mountain because Sumerians

believed the gods preferred to live there

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Priests of the Ziggurat Temples• Preformed religious

ceremonies at the temple

• Helped people gain favor with the gods

• Interpreted wishes made by the gods

• Made offerings to the gods at the temples

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Sumerian Social OrderTitle Description

king Believed the gods gave them the right to rule

priests Gave up working & lived of the offerings of the people- given large tracts of land to rent out to farmers for financial support

Skilled craftspeople Crafters with specific skills that are in high need

merchants People who buy & sell goods to the public

Traders *huge impact on Sumer Travel to far away placed to trade gold, silver, cooper, lumber, & precious stones

Farmers Grow crops- working class

Laborers People who do manual labor-ex. Build bricks and structures- working class

Slaves People bought and sold to me laborers for the wealthy- lowest social class

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Men & Women in SumerMen• Held political

positions• Made laws• EducatedWomen

• Took care of the home & children

• Some wealthy women got an education

• Some educated women became priestesses in the temples

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Invention of Writing• Cuneiform-

world’s first system of writing• Pictographs-

picture symbols• Scribe- writer• Epics- long

poems that tell the stories of heroes

Video (7:20)

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The Legend of Gilgamesh• Textbook pages 70-71

• One of Uruk’s early Kings • known as Gilgamesh

• City-states of Ur and Uruk fought for a thousand years trying to dominate each other

• Gilgamesh became a Legendary in figure Sumerianliterature

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Technical AdvancesFirst civilization to develop:• The wheel• Vehicles with wheels- carts & wagons• Potter’s wheel• Plow-pulled by oxen (increased farm production)• Clock-used falling water to measure time• Sewers under streets• Bronze tools & weapons• “Bronze Age” • Makeup• Glass jewelry

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Sumerian Math• System based on

the number 60• Divided a circle into

360 degrees• Divided a year into

12 months (factor or 60)• Calculated the

areas of rectangles and triangles

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Sumerian Science

• Tablets with names of thousands of plants, animals, and minerals• Used ingredients from these to make healing

drugs• Ex: milk, turtle shells, figs, and salt

• Cataloged treatments according to symptoms and body parts

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Sumerian Art*Textbook page 68-69: The Arts

Cylinder Seal

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Sumerian Art

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Sumerian Art

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Sumerian Jewelry

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Sumerian Music

Oldest written melody c. 1400 BC (5:42)

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Organizer #1The Rise of Sumer

Government Religion Society• Originally

organized into city-states

• Large empire created by Sargon

• First permanent army

• Polytheistic• Each city had a

god as protector• Gods have

enormous power

• Priests interpret wishes of gods

• Everyone must serve and worship gods

• Kings• Priests• Skilled crafters• Merchants• Traders• Farmers• Laborers• slaves

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Advancement/ Effect Organizerwriting



• Improved record keeping• Allowed works on law, math, &

grammar to be written• Made literature possible

• Improved transportation• Improved pottery-making

• Increased efficiency and farm production

• Created new use for large animals

• Let to surplus of food