unit 2 poems do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Unit 2 Poems

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Page 1: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Unit 2 Poems

Page 2: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Page 3: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?
Page 4: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!

Find out something special at the end of the linesrhyme ( 押韵 )

Page 5: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Do you like poems?

Have you ever read


Page 6: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Those who are gone I can not see;

Those who are to come will not see


Page 7: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

If winter comes,

Will spring be far behind?


Ode to the west wind ( 西风颂 )

Page 8: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Very quietly I take my leave

As quietly as I came here;

Quietly I wave good-bye

To the rosy clouds in the western

sky.Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again

Page 9: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

If you would ask me how my sorrow

has increased,

Just see the over-brimming river flowing

east!问君能有几多愁 , 恰似一江春水向东流。

—— 李煜


Page 10: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

To be or not to be, this is a question.



Page 11: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

I look for her in vain.

When all at once I turn my head,

I find her there where lantern light

is dimly shed.众里寻他千百度 , 蓦然回首 , 那人却在灯火阑珊处。

---poet ( 辛弃疾 )

Page 12: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

How long will the bright moon


Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky.

I do not know what time of


It would be tonight in the

palace on high.

水调歌头明月几时有 ? 把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙 , 今夕是

何年 ?---poet ( 苏

轼 )

Page 13: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

BrainstormingWhy people write poems?

to create images in the readers

to tell a story

to express feelings

to make others laugh

to play with words

to create a mood

to express a point of view

to encourage people

to describe something


Page 14: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

诗歌诗人诗歌(总称)韵 , 压韵的词 (n.)压韵 (v.)节奏 (n.)有节奏的 (adj.)




rhyming words

Page 15: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?
Page 16: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets broke,Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another today.

Nursery rhyme( 童谣 )

Page 17: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets broke,Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another today.

[ :d]ə

[ɪŋ ]


[ u]ə


Page 18: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke,Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away,Papa’s going to buy you another today.

Poem A: a nursery rhyme that shows a

father’s ______ for his baby


Page 19: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

A Student's Prayer

Now I lie down to _____

I pray I pass tomorrow's ______rest


Page 20: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

People meet and people pass by;

Some laugh while some_______;

Some give up while some


Some say hi while some say _______;

Others may forget you but never




Page 21: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Sum up

Features of nursery rhyme:

1. have a lot of __________;

2. have________ at the end of each line;

3. easy to understand and easy to learn.



Page 22: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

I saw a fish-pond all on fireI saw a fish-pond all on fire

I saw a house bow to a squire,

I saw a person twelve-feet high,

I saw a cottage in the sky,

I saw a balloon made of lead,

I saw coffin drop down dead,

I saw two sparrows run a race,

I saw two horses making lace,

I saw a girl just like a cat,

I saw a kitten wear a hat,

I saw a man who saw these too,

And said though strange they all were true.

Poem B: an amusing poem which

describes images of some


List poem ( 清单诗 )


Page 23: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

We would have won…If Jack had scored that goal,If we’d had just a few more minutes,If we had trained harder,If Ben had passed the ball to Joe,If we’d had thousands of fans screaming,If I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball,If we hadn’t stayed up so late the night

before,If we hadn’t take it easy,If we hadn’t run out of energy.We would have won…If we’d been better!

Our first football match

Poem C: About _______ a football match and the

writer lists a lot of __________ for their


Poem C


Page 24: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Sum up

Features of list poems:

1. have a ____________ line


2. have __________ phrases.

flexible( 灵活的 )


Page 25: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?


Beautiful, athletic

Teasing, shouting, laughing

Friend and enemy too


Cinquain( 五行诗 )

---one word (topic)

---two adjs

---three verbs with –ing ---four words

---one word

Five lines

Page 26: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Brother Beautiful, athleticTeasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine

兄弟爱美 , 又爱运动爱闹 , 爱叫 , 又爱笑是我的朋友也是我的敌人

Poem D

What’re Poems D about? Does the authors like the subjects?

Poem D: a ___________of a lovely brother


Page 27: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Summer Sleepy, saltyDrying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out. Endless

Poem E

What’re Poems E about? Does the authors like the subjects?

Poem E: a description of _____________ summer

hot and boring

Page 28: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Features of cinquain:

1. _______ to write

2. convey a _________ picture



Page 29: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

A fallen blossom

is coming back to the branch.

look, a butterfly!

(by Moritake)



瞧啊 , 是个蝴蝶! 

Haiku ( 俳句诗 )17 syllables

Poem F: describes how a

__________ rests on a



Page 30: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Snow having melted,

The whole village is brimful

of happy children

(by Issa)

雪儿融化了 ,


欢乐的儿童。Poem G: describes that the weather is _______ and the village is full of happy __________



Page 31: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Features of Haiku:

1.Made up of ____ syllables;

2.Give a _______ picture and create

a special ________ in just a few words.




Page 32: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Tang poem

Where she awaits her husband,On and on the river flowsNever looking back,Transformed into stone.Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.Should the journey return,this stone would utter speech. (by Wang Jian)

望夫石 --- 王健望夫处 , 江悠悠。化为石 , 不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。      

Page 33: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Choose the words to show the woman’s feelings.

loneliness joy love anger hate sorrow

Page 34: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Features of Tang Poem:

When translated into

English , the Tang poems

have a ______form, (that

is ,without rhymes and a

regular rhythm)


Page 35: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

There are different kinds of

rules for poems, so the

forms of poems are quite

different from country to


Page 36: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Forms of Poems


Nursery RhymesStrong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to recite

List Poems Repeated phrases and some rhyme

CinquainMade up of five lines, convey a strong picture in just a few words.

HaikuMade up of 17 syllables; Give a clear picture and create a special feeling in just a few words.

Tang Poems The translations have a free form.

What kinds of poem are mentioned?

What are their characteristics?

Page 37: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

•本文概述人们写诗的原因,并概括出 5 种英语简体诗歌的特点,包括这些诗歌的例子。

•The passage talks about the reasons why people write poetry and outlines the characteristics of five simple forms of English poems, including examples of these forms.

Page 38: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

poem 诗歌 [C]

poet 诗人 [C]

poetry ( 总称 ) 诗 , 诗歌 [U]

★ Tom has written many __________.

★ He was very fond of writing and reciti



★ Shakespeare is a famous _______.


poetry po


Page 39: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

convey (v.)to make (feelings, ideas, thoughts,ect.) known 传达 , 表达 ( 思想 ,感受等 )言语不能表达我的感情 .

Words cannot _________________.convey my feelings

文字能表达意义 .Words convey meaning.

Page 40: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

We conveyed our goods to market in an old car.(to carry sb/ sth from one

place to another 运送 , 输送 )

The ship ______________ ( 运送石油 )from the Middle East to the US.Ants ________________ ( 传递信息 ) by touching each other with their feelers.

conveys oil

convey messages

Page 41: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

请向你的父母表达我的歉意。Please convey my apologies to your parents.我说不出有多愤怒。I can’t convey how angry I feel.

Page 42: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

混凝土地面 /墙 /建筑物a concrete floor/wall/building确凿的证据 (based on facts) concrete evidence实实在在的物体 (one that you can see and

feel)concrete objects

concrete (adj.)

Page 43: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

flexible (adj.): able to change to suit new conditions or situations 灵活的,可变动的a more flexible design更灵活的设计flexible working hours弹性工作时间我们的计划必须能够变通,以满足每个人的需要。Our plans __________________________to satisfy the needs of everyone.

need to be flexible enough

n.) flexibility 灵活,灵活性

Page 44: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

taken it easy1)relax and avoid working too hard 松散 , 松懈2) used to tell a person not to worry. 放心,别着急今天你做的工作足够了 , 现在休息一小时。

You have done quite enough work for

today; _________________________.

坐下 , 放松。now take it easy for an hour

Sit down and take it easy.

Page 45: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

I have run out of my money.My money has run out.

run out (of)

run out of 是及物短语 , 后接宾语 , 表示“用完……” , 而 run out 是不及物短语 , 表示“……被用完”。

被困矿工的时间不多了。Time ________________ for the trapped miners.He ____________________(钱用完了 ) so he will ask his parents for more.

is running outhas run out of money

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use up 设法利用 , 用尽 , 耗尽She used up the chicken bones to make soup.她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。用尽力气use up one’s strength

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be made up of 由……构成★ 人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。 Life is made up of little things.★ 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。 Society is made up of people of widely different abilities. 该委员会由七个成员组成。The committee is made up of seven members. consists of

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be made for sb 专为某人制作的

be made from 用……制成的 (看不出材

料 )

be made of 用……制成的 (看得出材

料 )

be made into 制成 , 加工成

Page 49: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

They quarreled (with each other) but

soon made up. She took over 30 minutes to make

up (her face). Is she telling the truth or making it all up.We need one more player to make

up a team.I must make up the loss somehow.






Page 50: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

tease (vt.)=to make fun of 取笑;开玩笑地嘲弄逗弄 <人、动物 > 1). 那个顽皮的男孩逗弄那只狗。 The naughty boy teased the dog. 2).其他的男孩取笑约翰卷曲的头发 The other boys teased John about this curly

hair. 3)别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。Don’t get upset --- I was only teasing.

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translation (n.)1) 翻译 【 U】 translation from sth into sth 2) 译文、译作 【 C】 字字对应的翻译 a word-for-word translation 直译;意译 a literal translation/ a free translation

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translate【 vt./vi.】翻译translate sth from sth into sth ★ 他把文章从英文翻译成汉语。 He translated the article from English into Chinese.★ 这篇论文译得好。 The essay translates well.

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transform vi.&vt. 转化 ; 转换 ; 改造 ; 变换He have transformed their rooms into a hotel.他把他们的房间改成了旅馆。The situation ___________________________.形势已经大大好转。A generator ___________ mechanical energy ________electricity.发电机将机械能转变成电能。

has been greatly transformed


transformation (n)改革 ; 转变 ; 变化transformer (n) 变压器

Page 54: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Reading 2

Page 55: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

Read “I’ve saved the summer” . Circle the words that rhyme. What is unusual about the rhyming words in the last four lines?

you, new; need, feed; nineteen, mean;way, day; own, own.The rhyming words in the last four lines are unusual because they are the same Word although they each have a different meaning.

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exchange (v.)

1) to give sth to sb and then receive the sa

me type of thing 交换、互换

2) to give sth that you have and get sth dif



exchange A for B

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★ 交流思想;互通消息;交流信息

exchange ideas/ exchange news/

exchange information

★ 你可以在银行把钱兑换成美元。

You can exchange your currency for do


in the bank.

Page 58: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

exchange (n.) [C, U]

★ promote an exchange of sth 促进


★ do/ make an exchange 交换……

★ in exchange 作为交换

★ in exchange for sth 作为对……的


Page 59: Unit 2 Poems Do you still remember any little poems or songs you learnt when you were a child?

1) Would you like my old TV ________________

this camera?2) I’ll type your report if you will clean th

e room ____________.3) 我们要促进思想和信息的公开交流。 We need to promote an open exchange o

f ideas and information.4) 我们学校和美国的一所学校进行交流。 Our school does an exchange with a scho

ol in America.

in exchange for

in exchange

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行为模式patterns of behaviorThe murders all seem to follow a similar pattern.这些凶杀案似乎同出一辙 .

pattern(n.) 模式 ;样式 ;图案

a pattern of diamonds and squares菱形和正方形的图案

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the last four lines 最后四行最后几天the last few days一开始那 3 页the first three pages