unit 2: internal energy and landforms


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Page 1: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms



1 The Deformation of Rocks2 The Rock Cycle3 The Formation of Mountain Ranges4 Isostasy5 Risks associated with geological activity6 Landforms



Shear stress



FAULT = Fracture in the rocks on the Earthrsquos surface where blocks have been displaced

(labio levantado)

(labio hundido)

Structure of a fault

Types of faults

Normal fault

Reverse fault

Vertical fault

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 2: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms


1 The Deformation of Rocks2 The Rock Cycle3 The Formation of Mountain Ranges4 Isostasy5 Risks associated with geological activity6 Landforms



Shear stress



FAULT = Fracture in the rocks on the Earthrsquos surface where blocks have been displaced

(labio levantado)

(labio hundido)

Structure of a fault

Types of faults

Normal fault

Reverse fault

Vertical fault

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 3: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms



Shear stress



FAULT = Fracture in the rocks on the Earthrsquos surface where blocks have been displaced

(labio levantado)

(labio hundido)

Structure of a fault

Types of faults

Normal fault

Reverse fault

Vertical fault

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 4: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

FAULT = Fracture in the rocks on the Earthrsquos surface where blocks have been displaced

(labio levantado)

(labio hundido)

Structure of a fault

Types of faults

Normal fault

Reverse fault

Vertical fault

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 5: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Types of faults

Normal fault

Reverse fault

Vertical fault

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 6: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Normal fault

The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe lower block


Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 7: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Reverse fault


The arrow (from top to bottom) is pointing tothe upper block

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 8: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Reverse fault

Some example of faults

Normal fault


Lower block

Lower block

Upper block

Upper block

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 9: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Normal fault Reverse fault

Normal faultReverse fault





FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 10: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

FOLD = deformation in rocks created by stresses which produce bends or curves

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 11: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Types of folds

According to thedirection of curvature



According to theangle of theaxial plane





Overturned fold

Recumbent fold

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 12: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

After erosion happens in an anticline fold the oldest layers appear in the middle

In a syncline fold the most modern layers appear in the middle

1 2





ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 13: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms


ldquoDrdquo is the oldest one


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 14: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms


ldquo8rdquo is the most modern one

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 15: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

What type of deformations are the following ones

Recumbent fold

Syncline fold

Reverse fault

Reverse fault

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 16: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Overturned fold

Activity 1 page 29 Activities 5 7 and 9 page 31

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 17: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Rocks are always formed form pre-existing rocks that undergo processes of transformation

Types of rocks

Exogenous rocks(external


Endogenous rocks




caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 18: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

caused by solar energy

Weathering rocks break up due to the action of the atmosphere water living thingshellip

Mechanical weathering Chemical weathering Weathering caused byliving beings

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 19: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Erosion loosened pieces of rock start moving

Transportation eroded material is transported

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 20: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Sedimentation deposition of materials

Diagenesis sediments are transformed into sedimentary rocks

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 21: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

caused by heat and pressure inside the Earth

GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT = the internal temperature of the Earth increases with dephtabout 30ordmC every kilometre

It causes




Santa Ana Volcano El Salvador

Geyser in Iceland

ThermalSpring Yellowstone


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 22: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms


Rise in temperature

produced by



Contactwith heat

Drop in pressurewhich produces a decrease in themelting point

Presence of liquids

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 23: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Types of magma

From deepmantle (Mg + Fe)



Hot spots

From moltencrust (Si + Al +


In subductionzones

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 24: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Types of metamorphism

Contact orthermal

increase in temperature

Regionalincrease in

temperature and pressure

Dynamicincrease in pressure


Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 25: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Common locations formetamorphism

Next to a trench Pressure

In a volcanic arc Temperature

Continental collision zone

Hightemperature and

high pressure

Page 31 activities 6 11 12 14 15 and 17

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 26: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

OROGEN = Mountain range also called ldquocordillerardquo

Andean type orogen

An accretionary prism is formed

Accumulated marine sediment on the edge of a continental platethat has been scraped off a subducting oceanic plate

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 27: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Alps Himalayas Pyrenees

The process of formation is faster thanthe Andean type

The deformation and metamorphism of rocksis greater

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 28: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Rocky Mountains

Fragments of rocks from the lithosphere are added to the appearing mountain

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 29: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

OROGENY = Geological period in the past when the crust was deformed and foldedtherefore mountain ranges appeared

There has been three important orogenies in the past

1 Caledonian Orogeny 2 HercynianOrogeny

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 30: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

3 Alpine Orogeny

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 31: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

ISOSTASY is the state of equilibrium between the lithosphere and the mantle

If the weight of the lithosphere

increasesIt sinks

If the weight of the lithosphere

decreasesIt rises

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 32: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

What happens whenhellip

hellip a thick layer of sediment is deposited

hellip a thick covering of ice is formed

hellip a mountain range is eroded

hellip the ice of an ice cup melts

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

The lithosphere sinks The lithosphere rises

Activity 19 page 35




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 33: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms




Subduction zones with high risk of


(Chile Japan Indonesia)

Continental collision zones

(Himalayas Pyrenees)

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 34: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

The danger depends on

The viscosity of the magma

The contents in gases

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 35: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Types of eruptions

HawaiianLow viscosity magma flows very quickly


Intermediate viscosity

Lava flows and pyroclasts


High viscosity and high gas


Big explosions

Anak Krakatau



The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 36: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula has a moderate seismic risk

The Canary Islands are Spainrsquos only active volcanic areas

Activities 22 23 27 page 37

Earthquakes distribution

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 37: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Factors which control the shaping

of landforms



composition and texture of rocks

Actions of humans

MORPHOCLIMATIC ZONE = area characterised by distinctive types of landforms thatcoincide with a major climatic zone

(accidentes geograacuteficos)

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 38: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Weather very low temperaturesAgent Snow accumulates and is transformed into ICENo vegetation

Moraines = sediments


Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 39: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Rocks eroded by a glacier

Most important parts

bull moraines (lateral central and subglacial)

bull cirque

bull horn

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 40: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Shaping agent = ICE which causes FROST WEATHERING

Landforms= Rocks have typical polygonal shapesVegetation mosses and lichens

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 41: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Weather low rainfall extreme temperature changesAgent Wind and mechanical weathering by temperature changesVegetation little amount and types (low biodiversity)

Typical landforms

bull Reg stony desert

bull Erg sandy desert

bull dunes

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 42: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Weather torrential rainfallsVegetation herbs bushes


bull Ravines channels produced by torrential rain

bull Alluvial fans accumulated sediments moved by water streams

(Abanico aluvial)

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 43: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Weather moderate temperatures liquid waterChemical weathering

1 uppercourseerosion and


2 middle coursetrasportation

and sedimentation

3mouth of the


Structure of a river

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 44: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Weather is not importantAgents currents waves and tides

Most important parts

bull Cliffs

bull Beach

bull Arch

bull tombolo

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 45: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

The rock is limestone

Limestone is solved and

produces the following typical structures

bull caves

bull stalactites

bull stalagmites

bull columns

bull subterranean lakesStalactites



(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 46: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

(Granite produces a different type of landscape jumble of balls)(Berrocal)

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 47: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

Horst Elevated


Grabens Depressions

Created by association of faults

Page 43 activities 29 32 33 37 and 38Development of basic competences ALL of them

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part

Page 48: Unit 2: Internal Energy and Landforms

geothermal gradient hot spot accretionary prismmorphoclimatic zone geyser isostasy

Ampliation (not compulsory) page 198 Another mark in the laboratory part