unit 15 lo3

Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 15: Sophie Angus Candidate Number: 1006 Print Based Advertising

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Page 1: Unit 15 LO3

– Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 15: Sophie Angus

Candidate Number: 1006

Print Based Advertising

Page 2: Unit 15 LO3
Page 3: Unit 15 LO3

Contents for LO3Titles Slides

Final Idea 4-5

Mood Board 6-9

House Style 10

Main Headliners 11

Photography Plan 12

Own Photos 13

Hand Drawn Draft Layout 14

Graphic Draft Layout 15

Proof-reading and sub-editing 16

Risk Assessment 17

Location Recce 18

Production Plan 19-23

Budget Summary 24-25

Step by Step 25-32

Final Poster and Flyer 33

Conclusion 34

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Final IdeaFor my final ideas I am creating a poster and flyer to advertise the EXCLUSIVE festival. The reason why I have chosen to use the name EXCLUSIVE festival because my my magazine will sponsors my festival. The target audience who will pay and go to my festival will be ‘explorers’ (Maslow) as they will be to explore new music as my festival will provide that need for people as it will be popular event and therefore they want to go for a good experience. In addition , they will want to go to my festival because of ‘diversion’ (Katz) because they will want to escape their reality and go for to my festival for a 1-5 days to have a good time and forget about their trouble in the everyday life. The average age of people who will go to my festival are people between the age of 17-54 because all age are welcome to come to my festival because their will be music that everyone will like and want to listen to. This is important on the socio-economic need lots of people who are in E (students) will want to go and have a good experience however, they will but be able to afford it however older people who are higher in the socio-economic will be able to afford to go to my festival because they will have extra money to spend. Moreover, relating to psychographic people who go to my festival will be ‘aspirers’ as will be go to my festival because other image and to show off their festival's fashion at the festival.The spending power of my festival will increase because people want to see their favourite artist and band performing live for them. This is important as more people will likely buy tickets for my festival if singers and bands who they know are performing live. This will target people wh are over 23 becuase they will be able to afford to buy the tickets as they will be in the categories of C2, C1 and B.The colour scheme for my m will increase poster mist be eye catching and also bold so that it will stand out for the audience and therefore they will more likely see the poster. This is important as I will want to use a range of colour such as red, blue, green pink and orange of they will represent lots of different meaning and therefore the music festival will be energetic and fun . Finally, the layout for my poster and flyer will be simple and easy to read. At the top will be the design of the moon as this will add more personality to the festival. Then, there will important information about the festival will be included such as the date and the location of where the festival will be. Afterward, there will be some the the singers and bands that will be performing at the festival so that it will add ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) as more people will want to go to the festival just by who is performing. Finally, at the bottom there will be information about who is supporting the festival.

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Final IdeaThe slogan for my festival is ‘LIVE FOR THE MUSIC’ as my festival is all about the music and people will want to know what kind of, music that my festival will play. In addition, the festival will turn into a yearly festival as people will live for the festival and therefore go to the festival yearly. Moreover, the campaign message for my festival is to have fun by the colour scheme that I have use on both of my poster and flyer. On the poster will have put the best known artists and band such as Adele and Coldplay in a larger front. This will add ‘star appeal’ ( Richard Dyer) as more people will want to see their favourite artists or band live at the festival. On the poster and flyer will feature the moon on it as it will represent the night life of the festival of the festival and how much fun they will be having at the festival. The frequency of release will be released one year to seven months before the festival will happen because the target audience will he fully aware of all of the important that they will need to know such as the date, the location and the main headliner so that they can decide of they want to go or if the dates doesn’t fit in with their life because they could be busy that day. The different type of marketing that my festival will be using a poster and also advertisement in music magazine such as Q . This is important if anyone walk past the poster or read the magazine they will be able to read about my festival. In addition, it will be making an audio-visual so that people will be able to see the advert on TV as it will connect to more people across the UK.

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Mood Board

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Mood BoardThese are the two Glastonbury of inspiration, which I will use for my festival poster. Both of these poster will reveal Glastonbury’s creativity as both of these posters will have unique selling point that will appeal people to go to Glastonbury. Both of these posters are colourful and therefore the lineup of artists that will be performing will standout on the poster as this will add ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer). If the target audience are able to see what artists will be performing, they will more likely go to the festival.

For the poster for Glastonbury 2015 I will like to use the moon to be included in my festival poster because it will represent the night life of my festival and the colours will represent all of the happy emotion that my festival will bring to people.

For the poster for Glastonbury 2016 I will want to copy the for festival because the layout is clearly shown and therefore the target audience will able to understand the information fully.

For the poster for Glastonbury 2016 I will want to us the pointing finger because I think it is a nice detail that is added to poster.

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Mood Board

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Mood BoardThese are two of festival flyer that festivals will have in order to promote their festivals. This is important as a flyer are smaller than a poster and also it will contain less information on it. Both of these flyers are colourful and therefore it will stand out and appeal to the target audience of the festival. In addition, the flyers will need to have important information such as the date of the festival, the location and maybe some of the main and the most famous artist or bands who will be performing such as in Glastonbury 2016 the main artists and bands who were performing are Adele and Coldplay.

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House StyleThe house style of the festival is important as it will reflect my festival mood and also it is a way to grab the viewers attention. The colours that will be used will be bright multi colours such as red, blue, green and pink as it will stand out for people to see and also it will represent what type of people that will be going to the festival. The festival will have a black background and use different colours on the background as it is a way to stand out and also they will be able to see the the artists or bands that will be performing. This will be similar to my logo for the festival as their are lots of different colours that will be included on the logo as it will stand out to the indented target market. The front that I have used is from defront.com and then created the logo design on Photoshop as it was able to change the colours logo and stretch the lettering of the logo.

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Main HeadlinersEXCLUSIVE magazine will be sponsoring my music festival as my music festival will have mix genre, which will relate to the magazine’s genre. The type of artists will be performing at my festival will be Adele, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake, Kayne West, Coldplay, Madness, Cyndi Luper, Lady Leshurr, Years & Years and more bands/artists. This is important as these artists/bands are well known and therefore this will add ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) fort he festival as it will cater for people who have a different age range.

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Photography Plan

This is the photography plan for my festival’s poster and flyer. This reveal the planning of what I need when taking the image of the night sky and also the moon.

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Own Photos

These are my own images that could be included for my festival’s poster and flyer. this give my a range of images that I will be able to chose for print based advertisement. I will most likely use is the photo on the bottom middle of the moon as I will be able to use the image of the moon as a star instead of the moon because in the image you are unable to see the moon’s craters. In addition, I used a better camera so that I am able to take a clear image of the moon so that I can use the image on my festival as my main image. Therefore, I will need to find another way to find a moon with their crust on it. In addition, I might use the image of the tree to be included in the poster as I can change the colour of the tree from a colour tree to a black tree by photoshop.

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Hand Drawn Draft Layout

This is the hand drawn drafts layout for the poster and for the flyer. The design of my poster will not be complex but simple however the design with the moon will be the only complex design for my design for my poster and flyer.

Poster Flyer

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Graphic Draft Layout

The graphic draft layout is the same as the hand drawn draft layout as the it have the same format. This mean I will know where to place all of the important detail that will need to be mention on the poster and flyer.


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Proof-reading and sub-editingAfter making my poster and flyer for my print based product, I will read through everything so that it will make sense. This will be one of the last stages that I will have to do before finalising the product to be release to the public. This will mean that I will be able to check if I have put the correct information on the poster and flyer about the festival for my audience to know. Some of the potential mistake that I could make on the poster are spelling mistake, date or the location of the festival. This will reflect badly on the company because this could lead to big confusion about the festival and therefore it will make them look unprofessional

This is an example of one mistake I have made as I miss spelt the word EXCLUSIVE as I forgotten to add a C in the first draft of my poster.

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Risk Assessment

You will be able to see that I have completed the risk assessment form for the photoshoot as I will need to know the surroundings of the photoshoot and also what risk will it bring.

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Location RecceLocationTimeDateWhy?

The date of the photography will be taken on 16th October between the time of 10pm and afterward. This is important as their will be a full moon on that date and therefore I can only take the image at night. https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/uk/london

Picture Needed/RequiredShot TypeProps/EquipmentLightingCostumePerson/PeopleWhy?

For instead, there will be lots of long shots and try to make short shot (if it possible). The sky will be clear and must be able to see the moon. The outside will be low key as it will reveal the darkness of the sky however, in the inside of the room it will be high key as it will make the image to better. the props that I will need for this photo-shoot is a good camera to take the image of the sky and moon with. I will need no costumes and person(s) as they won’t be included in the poster or flyer.

Permission NeededContact needed to be madeEvidence of this?

I don’t need any permission need when taking a picture of the night sky and the moon as it is outside and doesn’t belong to anyone.

Potential Hazards/RisksLocation specificWhy?

The potential hazard or risk that could happen when taking the photos of the night sky and the moon. I will be taking the photoshoot of the flat roof of my house as I will be able to get a good image of the night sky and the moon. Some of the potential risk that could happen is to fall of the roof as it will be dark. To prevent this of happening the light will be on in a room so I will be able to see where I am going.

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Production PlanWeek beginning: 27th Monday February 2017- 5th March 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Plan the main headliner that will be feature on the poster and also the main headliners

Then, to design the layout of the poster and also the colour scheme of the poster as well to appeal to the target audience

Then to design and create the poster for the festival as it will be released on Saturdays.

The poster will be sent to the printing company after it has been check for any mistake and keep within the guideline.

The posters are being printed.

The posters have been released revealing the headliners of the festival will be.

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

27th Monday February 2017

28th Monday February 2017

1st March 2017 2nd March 2017 3rd March 2017 4th March 2017 5th March 2017

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Production PlanWeek beginning: 6th March 2017-12th March 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Plan the main headliner that will be feature on the flyer and think about what information should be included.

Then, to design the layout of the flyer and also the colour scheme of the flyer as well to appeal to the target audience

Then to design and create the flyer for the festival as it will be released on Saturdays.

The flyer will be sent to the printing company after it has been check for any mistake and keep within the guideline.

The flyers are being printed.

The flyers have be released revealing the headliners of the festival will be.

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

6th March 2017 7th March 2017 8th March 2017 9th March 2017 10th March 2017

11th March 2017

12th March 2017

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Production PlanWeek beginning: 13th March 2017-19th March 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Start to discuss what the audiovisual advertisement should be about.

The finalized on the final two ideas for the audiovisual advertisement.

Afterward make two storyboards for the audiovisual advertisement and the present them to the people in charge of the festival. After, they have chose one, the team will focus to make that storyboards into an advert.

The audiovisual advertisement are looking at the correct place to be filmed and also looking for actors to be part of the video. They also will need to find a good location for the advert as well.

Once the actors ad the location have been found, they will start to film the audiovisual advertisement, as this should take two days.

They will be filming for the audiovisual advertisement.

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

13th March 2017

14th March 2017

15th March 2017

16th March 2017

17th March 2017

18th March 2017

19th March 2017

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Production PlanWeek beginning: 20th March 2017-27th March 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Once all of the filming has been done, the editing team will edit the films into an advert, as they will have to take the best pieces for the advert.

They will have another day of editing for the audiovisual advertisement.

The final check for the official audiovisual advertisement will be done.

The official audio visual advertisement will be released to the public

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

20th March 2017

22th March 2017

23th March 2017

24th March 2017

25th March 2017

26th March 2017

27th March 2017

This is the production plan for my festival poster, flyer and audiovisual advertisement as everyday for 3 weeks and 4 days there as all of the tasks will need to be completed by 24th March 2017. The poster and flyers will take a week to design and create as it is an easy task to do. This I decided to created the poster, flyer and audiovisual advertisement during March as it will keep the target audience aware that they will have 3 months to go until the festival will start. This mean that they won’t have to buy their tickets last minute and have a chance to buy the tickets because the festival have advertise themselves 3 months ago.


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Production Plan

Month Quantity Price

March 500 (A3) £94 (A4) £68

April 800 (A3) £172 (A4) £108

May 1,000 (A3) £177 (A4) £100

June 2,000 (A3) £354 (A4) £280

I have estimated dates that the poster, flyer and audiovisual advertisement will be released to the public as it will inform the target audience about the main headliner, the location and the date of my the festival. The audiovisual advertisement will be released to the public on 24th March 2017, as the target audience will physically see the main headliner perform as this will excited them about the festival and the people that will be performing. The poster will be released to the public on the 4th March 2017 and the flyers will be released to the public on the 11th March 2017. The poster will be place around London and also in Epsom as the festival will be hosted in the Epsom Downs because there is a big green area that isn’t used behind the horse races (Epsom Derby). Therefore, lots of people will look at the poster and know it is near by because it is easy to get to Epsom by train. In addition, the flyer will be placed inside different music magazine such as Q or Kerrang! As they will be able to keep the flyer and still know all of the detail of the festival without keep the music magazines.

Source: http://www.alocalprinter.co.uk/a4-and-a3-posters

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Budget Summary

Equipment CostApple MacBook Pro 15 inch screen with Retina display

(X6) £9,594

Office Space (1 year) £4,200Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection


Canon EOS 1300D Digital (X4) £1,479

Staff Salary

Editor £20,000

Photographer £12,000

Designer £19,000

Marketing £20,000

Finance £18,270

Human Resource £19,000

These are all the costs that my business will need to make in order for create my festival advertisement. The staffs’ salary will be on the low end as they will all in or just got out of University and therefore they will want the experience of working in the media industry. However, when the business is making more money, their salaries will be growing as well because they will be able to afford increase their salary as well for the business to be making profit. The equipment are very important of the creation of the advertisement as it will determine the quality of the advertisement and therefore it will ensure more people will come to the festival.

Source: http://www.apple.com/uk/macbook-pro/ http://www.flexioffices.co.uk/surrey/leatherhead/thorncroft-drive_kt22_id3758 http://www.johnlewis.com/canon-eos-1300d-digital-slr-camera-with-ef-18-55mm-f-3-5-5-6-iii-lens-ef-50-mm-f-1-8-lens-hd-1080p-18mp-wi-fi-nfc-3-lcd-screen/p2739525#media-overlay_show http://shop.adobe.com/store/adbehme/en_IE/pd/ThemeID.29250800/productID.249257200 https://adremgroup.com/guidance/graphic-design-salary-guide/http://www.indeed.co.uk/Junior-Marketing-Assistant-jobs https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Salaries/junior-financial-analyst-salary-SRCH_KO0,24. htm http://www.payscale.com/research/UK/Job=Human_Resources_(HR)_Coordinator/ Salary

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Budget SummaryMonth Quantity Price

March 500 (A3) £94 (A4) £68

April 800 (A3) £172 (A4) £108

May 1,000 (A3) £177 (A4) £100

June 2,000 (A3) £354 (A4) £280

The poster will be place around London and also in Epsom as the festival will be hosted in the Epsom Downs because there is a big green area that isn’t used behind the horse races (Epsom Derby). Therefore, lots of people will look at the poster and know it is near by because it is easy to get to Epsom by train. In addition, the flyer will be placed inside different music magazine such as Q or Kerrang! As they will be able to keep the flyer and still know all of the detail of the festival without keep the music magazines.

PosterMonth Quantity Price

March 250 £23

April 500 £32

May 1,000 £39 (originally £54)

June 2,000 £65


The poster will be place around London as around 8.674 million live in this city. There are more chance of people coming to my festival as more people see my flyer. They will be place in public transport such as at train station, bus stops and tube as people will use different public transport to go to work. Therefore, most people who go to will have jobs as they will be earning an income. This mean that they will be able to afford tickets to the festival.

Source: http://www.alocalprinter.co.uk/a4-and-a3-posters , https://www.instantprint.co.uk/flyers-leaflets/a4#!?lamination=no&size=a4&paper=150gsm-silk&sided=single&artworkq=0&rangesizeq=0&d=3f093d1b1e6546119fec0f05058f803a&quantity=500

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Step by Step- Main Moon 1) To add a image of the moon for

the design You will go on file and then place.

2) After place you will go on your files so you can find the image of the moon .

3) After finding the moon, click place and then use the magic wand tool to get rid of the background.

4) Then use the eraser tool to get rid of some of the background near the moon

5) Finally, resize the image so that it will be suitable for the design.

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Step by Step- Main Moon 1) File and then place then click on the

image for the moon craters.2) Then place you will go on your files so

you can find the image of the moon craters.

3) After finding the moon, click place and click on opacity so the moon craters will be faded.

4) Then use marquee select tool to get rid of most of the image of moon craters and then use the eraser tool to make the moon craters the same size than the moon.

5) Then use the eraser tool to create mountain and a person looking up to the moon.

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Step by Step- Other Moon 1) Firstly, duplicate layer of the main moon by right

clicking on the the main moon layer and then click duplicate layer.

2) Then resize the image of the other moon to be smaller and place the image somewhere else on the design.

3) Once the image of the moon have been place, create a new layer be

4) By clicking on a button next to the character section and then click on new layer.

5) With the paintbrush tool make it the same size as the moon on the new layer. Then paint over the moon.

6) Then click place and click on opacity so the colour of moon will be faded.

7) Use the eraser tool to make the moon the same size than the moon colour.

8) Do this stage lots of time in different sizes and in different colour as well.

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Step by Step- Moon Background1) To add a image of the stars

background for the design You will go on file and then place.

2) After place you will go on your files so you can find the image of the stars background.

3) Then size the star background to make it suitable.

4) Then duplicate layer by right clicking on the the star background layer and then click duplicate layer.

5) Afterward, drag the copy of star background layer and put it somewhere else.

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Step by Step- Title 1) To get a different text for the title, you first have

to go on http://www.dafont.com/ and pick out the best suited font.

2) When found the font, you should download the font of you chose.

3) On you download area, you should find the font name, click and then install it.

4) Then go on photoshoot, and on the font drop down, you should find the font from the website.

5) After finding the font, you click on the text tool and then write out the word EXCLUSIVE in different text box. Then change the colour of the letters in different colour by highlighting the letter and use the background colour tools to change the letter.

6) Afterward go on Window and then character so that the width and the height of the each letter are able to be changed. Then double click on the layer so that you can add affect to the title

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Step by Step- Lineup1) Firstly, use the ruler tool to line up three

different column so that the width of the can be equal. Also with the the ruler tool make two squares at the bottom of the column.

2) Then use the text to drag the text box from one of the middle column to another end and then write the artists’ name.

3) Then chose the front that you want to be used by selection of front that Photoshop have to offer.

4) Afterward, change the colour of the letters in different colour by highlighting the letter and use the background colour tools to change the letter.

5) Then double click on the text box layer so that it will be able to add effect the letters such as strokes.

6) Afterward go on Window and then character so that the width and the height of the each letter are able to be changed

7) Do this process again until all of the columns are filled up and also use different front as well.

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Step by Step- Star1) File and then place for the

image of the star.2) Then resize the image of

the star so that it will fit into the squares that the bottom left and right column that haven’t been filled. Then use the bucket tool to change the image from back to white.

3) Then, duplicate layer of the main moon by right clicking on the the main moon layer and then click duplicate layer onto the other side of the column.

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Final Poster and Flyer

Final Poster Design Final Flyer Design

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Conclusion Overall, I have looked at different way I am able to advertise my festival by poster and flyer and the design that I could use in order to make it appeal to my target audience. This is why I though up the name, slogan and colour scheme that will be well suited for my festival and appeal to the target audience to spend their money and go. This is why I have created a mood board of inspiration so that I will know what a good poster and flyer look like so that I can make professional look design for my festival. Also, I will be able to use similar feature on the poster and use them for my poster and flyer so that it ill look like a professional music festival. In addition, I have created a production plan so that will be able to keep to deadline and also know what tasks that will need to do in order to advertise my festival on time.