unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Unit 0. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND ITS DECLINE 2ND Graders ESO. Social Studies Department Almudena Corrales Marbán

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Page 1: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán


AND ITS DECLINE2ND Graders ESO. Social Studies Department

Page 2: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

1. THE ROMAN EMPIRE (27 B.C. -476 A.D.)

In the 27 BC Augustus becomes the first Roman emperor. The emperor commands the army and he is the chief priest. There is still a senate, but it is very weak.

Augustus brings stability to Rome. The first 200 years of Roman Empire are known as the Pax Romana-the Roman peace. During this period, the Empire is safe and prosperous. This is when the Romans build the Coliseum in Rome and many other great buildings like the Panteon.

The Roman Empire is at its biggest under emperor Trajan.

Page 3: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

Page 4: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán


In the 3rd century the Roman Empire has another crisis:

1. Lots of Roman generals want to be emperor, so there is a constant civil war.

2. Germanic tribes attack Roman towns, and the Roman people escape to the countryside.

3. It is dangerous to transport goods, so there is less trade. Prices therefore go up, and people become much poorer.

Finally the civil war end, and the Romans defeat their enemies. The emperors Diocletian (Diocleciano) and Constantine (Constantino) bring stability and the 4th century is quite peaceful again.

Page 5: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

3. The decline of the Roman Empire

Germanic tribes lived to the north of the Roman Empire. The Romans called them barbarians (foreigners). The empire’s wealth and military weakness led to a series of Germanic migrations across the frontier. Some of these were violent invasions.

Page 6: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

Roman control over its northen territories gradually declined after the third century. In 395, Emperor Theodosius divided the empire between his two sons to make it easier to defend. Actually, he divided the Roman Empire into two parts: west and east.The western and eastern provinces became the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire.

Page 7: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

4. The Germanic kingdoms

Germanic tribes invade the western part .

Romulus Augustus, the last Roman Emperor,

surrenders in 476 AD.

The eastern part of the Roman Empire

becomes the Byzantine Empire, which survives

for another 1. 000 years.

The centralized government of the Western

Empired was replaced by smaller kingdoms:

• The Franks, in France.

• The Visigoths, in Spain.

• The Ostrogoths, and later the Lombards,

in Italy.

• The Angles and the Saxons, in Britain.

Page 8: Unit 0 the roman empire and its decline

Almudena Corrales Marbán

Trade, cities, cultureIt as dangerous to travel. Consequently, there was very little long-distance trade, and many industries disappeared. Cities declined, and people moved to the countryside –origin of feudalism-. !!!

Cultural activity also declined. Some examples of Germanic art have surived, such as small churches and attractive jewellery.

At first, the Romans and the Germanic tribes had different laws, customs and religions. Then in some places, the Germanic peoples spoke Latin and became Chistians.

San Pedro de la Nave, Zamora. 680-711

Tesoro de Guarrazar, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid. 7th century.