unison accounting group: creating a platform for smsf...

Unison Accounting Group was established to work in partnership with accountants to provide... Licensing and related services solely to accountants impacted by the Future Of Financial Advice (FOFA) changes, removing the accountants exemption to advise clients on SMSF’s, A structured business programme designed to assist the accountant integrate the right systems and processes for their SMSF service, and An integrated Wealth and Advice offering to the accountants clients, which deals in direct assets on a completely transparent fee-for-service basis, delivered by salaried advisers, and one which creates additional capital value for their practice www.unisonaccountinggroup.com.au Unison Accounting Group: Creating a Platform for SMSF Excellence and Business Growth

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Page 1: Unison Accounting Group: Creating a Platform for SMSF ...unisonfgpartners.com.au/pdf-2015/39-Proposal-for-SMSF-Exellence.p… · clients on SMSF’s, A structured business programme

Unison Accounting Group was established to work in partnership with accountants to provide...

Licensing and related services solely to accountants impacted by the Future Of Financial Advice (FOFA) changes, removing the accountants exemption to advise clients on SMSF’s,

A structured business programme designed to assist the accountant integrate the right systems and processes for their SMSF service, and

An integrated Wealth and Advice offering to the accountants clients, which deals in direct assets on a completely transparent fee-for-service basis, delivered by salaried advisers, and one which creates additional capital value for their practice


Unison Accounting Group: Creating a Platform for SMSF Excellence and Business Growth

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Page 3 Unison Accounting Group

Page 4 Unison SMSF Matrix Programme

Page 5 SMSF Licensing Accreditation Course

Page 6-7 Comprehensive Licensing Services

Page 8 SMSF Licensing Options

Page 9 Compliance Programme

Page 10 SMSF Advice Documents

Page 11 Training and Professional Development

Page 12-13 Estate Planning, Trustee and Legal Services

Page 14 SMSF Matrix Diagnostics

Page 15 SMSF Business Services and Document Portal

Page 16 SMSF Administrative Services (if required)

Page 17 Business Coaching and Development

Page 18 Wealth and Advice Services

Page 19 Our Commitment to Our Partners

Page 20 Unison Financial Group

Page 21 George Haramis: Industry Credentials

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Unison Accounting Group (UAG)Unison Accounting Group (UAG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Unison Financial Group (www.unisonfg.com.au),

which is not obliged to any financial services organisation.

Its Executive Team has a successful history of working with professional services firms (legal and accounting), because they understand the needs of accounting firms in particular, and what is required to make any SMSF, Wealth and Advice offering work.

Why accountants should partner with UnisonUAG offers participating firms a value-added and complementary service to their mainstream business, which is completely focussed on supporting the accountants ability to continue to offer sound advice and related services, in the area of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.

How Unison supports your firmWhile you have always needed an AFSL to deal in a financial product or provide limited financial advice, the current accountant’s exemption allows accountants to give advice on SMSF’s.

However as part of FOFA, the Australian Government has announced changes to the accountant’s exemption from 2013, culminating in the removal of the exemption on 30th June 2016.

That means if you wish to continue providing advice on SMSF’s, you will need to either obtain your own Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) or become an Authorised Representative through an AFSL holder.

Unison Accounting Group


The SolutionThe good news is that Unison Accounting Group, has created an exclusive Accountant’s Offer to help ease the pressure of reforms and allow you to continue providing SMSF advice to your clients without the time constraints, pressure, costs, and responsibilities of applying for and managing your own AFSL.


* source: www.ato.gov.au/superfunds

Everything a firm needs to make this work is provided by Unison

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The Unison SMSF Matrix Programme provides you with the tools and strategies to become an SMSF specialist, deepen client engagement and increase your profits. This is supported by a team of experts, who are there to help you achieve SMSF business success. Membership provides you with all the following services. It is ideal for accountants seeking to grow their SMSF business.

Unison SMSF Matrix Programme

8. SMSF Business Services and Documentation Portal

2. Comprehensive Licensing Services

9. SMSF Administration(if required)

7. SMSF MatrixDiagnostics

6. Estate Planning, Trustee & Legal Services

11. Wealth and Advice Services

1. SMSF LicensingAccreditation Course

3. ComplianceProgramme - Advice

4. SMSF Advice Documentation

5. Training, ProfessionalDevelopment and SMSF

master classes

10. Business Coaching and Development

Don’t lose sight of the Real Opportunity....the “noise” of licensing isn’t the end objective, it’s how you leverage the licensing requirements to deliver a more robust and valuable SMSF Advice service to your clients.


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The Unison Specialist SMSF RG146 Accreditation Course The Unison Specialist SMSF RG146 Accreditation Course trains the participant in the essential skills required to read, understand and apply the law, in a financial services advice setting.

The curriculum includes knowledge across a number of financial products at RG146 Tier 1 level, ensuring that advisers completing the course can effectively apply the law to a particular client situation, and cover the twists and turns of family relationships, business structures and global mobility.

The Course provides the legal knowledge and compliance platform for an SMSF adviser. It meets the specialist adviser training standards for SMSF education in Australia, as well as meeting the industry guidelines for providing advice in superannuation and SMSFs.

Since its first offering in 2004 to its current format and delivery platform, this course has been continuously revised and updated to reflect the latest regulatory and legislative requirements that apply within the industry. Over 1,000 accountants, financial planners and mortgage brokers have been accredited through its various iterations to meet the RG146 training requirements.

Course Structure This 14 module online course is offered on a self-study basis with support and full resourcing. Module topics are as follows:

1. Introduction to SMSFs2. SMSF Strategies in Practice3. Corporations Act and SMSFs4. The Trust Deed - the Heart of the Fund5. SMSFs and Australian Super Funds6. Sole Purpose Test and Acquiring7. SMSF Borrowing8. SMSF Reserves

9. Investment Strategies, In-House Assets and Lending by SMSFs

10. Contribution Rules11. The Preservation Rules12. Taxation in the Fund13. Superannuation Benefits14. SMSF Estate Planning

Content is presented via a blend of video, webinars and study notes. The format and platform allows participants to dip into sections of the course to support current practice and / or specific review needs. Course participants can read, observe, listen and reflect on course materials at their own pace. Assessment is by way of multiple-choice questions at the end of each module, together with recognition of current workplace experience evidenced by peer and / or portfolio submission.

The ProvidersUnison has formed a close relationship with Grant Abbott and the Now Infinity business, including the introduction of this course to its Accounting Partner Firms, as they seek to become RG146 compliant. The NowInfinity specialist SMSF Adviser Course on-line course has been written and is continuously updated by Grant Abbott - the leader in the SMSF industry. Grant wrote the authoritative book on the subject “The Guide to SMSFs” and has trained and presented to more than 40,000 accountants, financial planners, lawyers and trustees of SMSFs since pioneering this unique specialisation in 1994.

terra cordis is the authorised assessor for this training and has been a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) since 1997. Acknowledged for its quality work in training implementation in the financial services industry, terra cordis supported the development of the national competency standards for providing advice in Self Managed Super Funds and worked closely with the advisory committee that developed the SPAA specialist education standards.


1. SMSF Licensing Accreditation Course

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The Options for all accountants........What do you want to do?

Accountants will need to select one of the four options as part of the new SMSF regime:

Four Main Options1. Establish a pure Referral Agreement with an external AFSL holder

2. Become an Authorised Representative of an AFSL with a “Limited Authority” to provide advice only on SMSF’s

3. Become an Authorised Representative of an AFSL with a “Full Authority” to advise on SMSF’s and other investment matters ie. essentially become a financial planner.

4. Obtain you own Limited AFSL


2. Comprehensive Licensing Services

Accountants Feedback to UnisonThe majority of accountants we have met, have advised they are clearly focussed on their mainstream business activities and just want to “keep doing what they have been doing” - ie. they don’t want to become financial planners and hold a “Full Authority”.

Instead, the most productive way forward may be to hold a “Limited Authority” - which allows the accountant to comply with the new licensing requirements, in the most practical, time efficient and cost-effective manner.

As an “Authorised Representative” (with Limited Authority) with Unison you can continue to provide recommendations to your clients on:

» Establishing or closing an SMSF

» Cash products

» Limited credit authority

* Unison can also accomodate accountants who wish to hold a Full Authority.

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In addition, the Limited Authority also offers a Class of Product advice extension allowing you to provide financial advice that does not make a recommendation (in form or substance) about a specific financial product: » Superannuation products

» Securities, Property

» General and life insurance, and

» Basic deposit products

As well as a range of simple, compliant advice documents and tools, we will provide you with specialised training to help you meet the legislative requirements, as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

This includes:

» Recognition of previous studies and relevant continuing professional development where appropriate to provide exemptions.

» A specialised education program granting you authority to continue to provide advice.

» Streamlined pathways to meet education requirements, where there may be gaps.

UAG remains your primary contact and relationship point for all ongoing service and advice. Our accountant’s offer give you all the services you expect from a licensee with a strong, dedicated focus on greater efficiency and productivity – allowing you more time to concentrate on what counts, your clients.

Referral Only ServiceIn certain instances, some Accounting firm, may decide to undertake a “referral only” relationship with an external

AFSL holder.

Unison is fully supportive of this decision, particularly where the expense of undertaking the licensing success is

not a cost effective option based on the number of SMSF’s administrated internally.

Unison’s infrastructure and support services also provides a practical solution to the decision to seek a “referral only” relationship.

Professional Indemnity Insurances: Unison has negotiated to provide Authority Holders under its AFSL, with the required PI Cover at an extremely cost effective rate.

2. Comprehensive Licensing Services

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° Depending on the level of licensing that you apply for | 1. Class of Product only - ie. not product specific, refer to a qualified advisor (Unison) for full advice where required | 2. Delivered in conjunction with an external national licensee provider with a tailored offering for some services or in house service | 3. Full Authority or AFSL Holder | 4. AFSL Holder Requirement

Key Issues Services ProvidedLimited1 Authority




Licensee Authority: What you can do.

› Recommend SMSF’s

› Basic superannuation advice

› Review superannuation funds and recommend rollovers1

› Detailed SMSF strategic advice (ie. reserves, pensions, borrowing, asset classes, death benefits)

› Non-superannuation and product, strategic advice only (investing inside vs. outside of superannuation, insurance advice, gearing)1

› Product advice for basic deposit products

› Extensive product advice and recommendations

› Provide full advice - including product recommendations




Unison Licensee Services

› Customised advice templates - full suite of templates

› Access to training and professional development days

› SMSF technical support

› Access to modelling and planning software*

› One-on-one access to technical specialist

Representative Compliance Services

› Briefing on license regime and responsibilities

› Phone / email compliance support

› File review service

› Compliance manual

SMSF Advice Accreditation

› SMSF accreditation course - RG146

› Licensing training required - RG105

› Designated licensing courses (ie. Diploma of financial services etc.)




SMSF Licensing Options

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Unison Accounting Group will provide authority holders a comprehensive and practical Compliance Programme, structured to deliver all of the necessary services required to maintain their licensing accreditation and comply with the new SMSF Licensing Regime.

This programme is comprised of the following components:

1) A detailed group briefing on the limited licence regime (3 hour session)In this briefing, Unison will cover the following topics:

» The regulatory environment;

» The underlying purpose of the limited licence;

» The nature of the authorisation & the advice capabilities that it provides;

» The consequences of operating outside of the limited authorisation;

» A summary of the general financial planning advice process;

» Use of relevant advice related tools (i.e. fact find, risk profiling workbook, etc.);

» What constitutes a reasonable basis for advice (with a link to Best Interest duties);

» Engagement of a fully authorised financial adviser; and

» Tips & traps from the field.

2) Phone / Email Compliance SupportAuthority Holders will have compliance assistance via phone or email to assist with day to day compliance or advice process related questions.

3) File Review ServiceThe compliance half-day file review service is conducted by Unison and consists of a full assessment of 3 client files per adviser. The review will include a preliminary discussion to ascertain an understanding of the business. It also includes a debrief on the findings, a summary report and remediation recommendations. The process is designed to be consultative and endeavours to highlight industry best practice and assist with suggestions in relation to adoption of these where relevant.

4) Policy & Procedures Compliance ManualAll Authority Holders will be provided with a comprehensive Compliance Manual.

5) Kaplan Ontrack Tracker and TrainerOntrack Tracker monitors all training undertaken. A comprehensive training plan is provided to all Authority Holders. This includes your online training and can also include additional training you may complete. It will also generate reports to provide accurate information for training records.

Ontrack Trainer provides you with access to the CPD library provided by Kaplan.


3. Compliance Programme - Advice

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Unison will provide each participant a comprehensive range of advice documents and material to ensure that any advice requirements are thoroughly catered for. At this stage there are 5* documents you will need to use, however this may change in the future due to any new regulatory requirements.

Para planning Services: on the rare occasion where there is a requirement to provide for either simple or complex strategy work other than what is available within the standard SMSF SoA framework, our para-planning team will provide the finished document. In certain instances where we are requested to create a tailored SoA there will be an additional fee for this service.

Advice DocumentsTo ensure all participants have the right tools and advice documents, Unison provides the following to each authority holder:


4. SMSF Advice Documents


of Advice

Fact Find

(SMSF Establishment)

Financial Service


A guide to our relationship with you & others

» Fact Find* - Member and Trustee

» FSG*: Financial Services Guide

» Adviser Profile*

» Risk Profiling Process*

» Statement of Advice (SOA*) Template: (one template to cater for the majority of your requirements)

» Authorised Representative - Communication Guidelines and Templates

» Documented - Advice, Implementation and Review Process

» Online Portal Storage Facility for all Advice Documents

Unison will also provide all Authority Holders, with a practical and structured training process to ensure all aspects of the SMSF advice process and administration requirements are professionally integrated into the practice’s SMSF offering.

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Authority Holders are provided with a comprehensive and structured training offering which is comprised of:

5. Training and Professional Development

» Half-day Professional Development*1 Sessions x2 pa

» Full-day SMSF Master Classes*1 x2 pa

» Monthly webinars - principals / staff

» UAG in-house Training Services specifically focussed on SMSF strategies

» Macquaries - MASTech Team access via phone and webcast training services

» Ad-hoc Technical workshops

1. We encourage all firms to invite their key client facing / operational staff to attend any of our PD’s, Masterclasses, or other relevant training sessions.

Training Requirements: each Authority Holder must undertake a minimum of 30 hours relevant CPD hours each year. This can be achieved either via Unison’s technical / training sessions via a recognised training, e.g IPA / CPA / ICAA / SPAA - specific details are required for the training to be accepted as part of the required 30 hours.

Unison will also provide detailed CPD confirmation of all training undertaken which can be used to supply to other organisations such as IPA / CPA / ICAA.

* All training will deliver recognised CPD Points


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A Tripartite Business Partnership with Moores and Equity TrusteesThe Key contributors for client to achieve a successful Estate Planning Outcome: having access to professionals who can deliver expert and holistic advice.

Additional benefits Our proven tripartite relationship will:

» Give your client “peace of mind” and direction in dealing with their legacy in the event of their death or loss of capacity

» Deliver your client increased control & flexibility

» Provide a “value add” service to your client

» Introduce you to your next generation of clients i.e. building rapport with beneficiaries of your clients’ estate

» Allow you to build your referral network with like-minded professionals

Our respective roles as the trusted Accountant and Financial Advise will work as follows:

» Identify a client’s need to address Estate Planning

» Involve and liaise with accountant/financial adviser and solicitor

» Contribute to formulating a successful Estate Plan

6. Estate Planning, Trustee & Legal Services


Financial Adviser Attorney/s


Client Achieving a successful Estate

Planning Outcome


Accountant Executor/s

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As the accountant: your specific contribution to your clients’ needs:

» CGT analysis – may also include audit of CGT liabilities upon death

» Tax payable on Superannuation benefits

» Analyse and document business structures, including debts

» Analyse and document ownership of assets

» Assisting beneficiaries deal with the potential tax consequences and considerations of their inheritances

As the Financial Adviser – Unison’s specific contribution to your clients’ needs:

» Provide general overview and advice regarding estate planning

» Overviews and strategies on wills, POAs, buy/sell agreements, estate equalisation

» Manage process of liaising with accountant and solicitor e.g. assist client complete Estate Planning Needs Analysis, organising meetings, attend meetings with client, implement solicitor/accountants recommendations where appropriate and ensuring overall plan is implemented

Two key outcomes for You and Your Practice:

» You are able to provide an additional value add service to your clients

» You increase your ability to keep your clients within your preferred “family” of trusted business partners, and not risk outside influences attracting your clients’ business elsewhere

6. Estate Planning, Trustee & Legal Services


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The SMSF Matrix Diagnostics is a system designed to accurately review and analyse critical data about your clients SMSF.

The system also provides a comprehensive report designed to identify specific opportunities and needs for each of your clients funds.

The annual review programme for the diagnostics is maintained jointly by Unison and the Partner Firm.

The intent is to support your firm as a specialist SMSF adviser.

A step by step programme is jointly managed by the firm and implemented by Unison at no cost.

The process is designed to present clear written opportunities for clients as they relate to their needs and objectives.

This report will help your clients as trustees of their own Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) achieve these key objectives: » Maximise every opportunity to create wealth in a SMSF by working with their professional advisers

» Take advantage of all available strategies that may help reduce tax payable.

» Ensure an SMSF can protect, grow and transition members wealth in the way they want, with professional advice to help avoid the hidden traps.

The SMSF Matrix Diagnostics will review: » Trustee structure

» Trust deed currency

» Insurance levels and costs

» Property Investment overview

» Tax health check

» Estate planning suitability

» A number of contribution maximisation strategies

» Estate Planning and Tax

» Tax Planning

» Investment and Strategic Advice

* SMSF Matrix Report


7. SMSF Matrix Diagnostics

Superannuation Matrix Solutions Report

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Our unique SMSF Business ServicesA and Document PortalA provides you with:

›› Unlimited access to documentation created by a specialist legal team and technical experts1

›› Over 40 SMSF and tax documents regularly updated as law changes

›› Online forum to address technical, sales, marketing and business issues2,3

›› Support from legal and technical experts2,3

›› Access to legislative checklists and flowcharts on how to implement strategies with your client base2,3

›› Legal and strategic advice2,3

›› Quarterly technical / marketing webinars (inc CPD)2,3

›› Monthly technical webinars (inc CPD)2,3


8. SMSF Business Services and Document Portal


- Discretionary Trust- Discretionary Trust Variation- Change of Trustee of Discretionary Trust- Change of Trust Name- Unit Trust- Unit Trust Variation- Regulation 13.22C Trust- Superannuation Unrelated Investment Trust

Company Formations:

- Standard Company- SMSF Special Purpose Company- Constitutional Upgrade

Self Managed Superannuation Fund:

- SMSF Deed Establishment- SMSF Deed of Variation- SMSF Variation for SA- SMSF Holding Trust- Limited Recourse Loan- Investment Strategy- Consent to act as trustee and member application


- Creation of a Reserve- Allocation from a Reserve- Allocation to a Reserve- Contribution to a Contribution Reserve


- Account Based Pension- Annual Pension Payment- Market linked Pension- Transition to Retirement Pension- Commutation of Pension- Rollback of Pension

Contributions & Withdrawals:

- Lump Sum Cash Withdrawal- Lump Sum In-Specie Withdrawal- In-Specie Contribution


- Purchase Asset & Sale Asset

Create a Document

Document Portal Access via 3 Programmes

Comprehensive2 Strategic3 Business4

Access to unlimited use of all documents at $Nill (ex. ASIC Fee)

Access via Unison at discounted fees for all documents (ex. ASIC Fee)

Access via Unison at retail fees on needs basis (ex. ASIC Fee)

A. Note: Refer to SMSF Matrix Programme Fee Schedule

4. Note: “Business” service directs all enquires to Unison advisors and technical support team.

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In certain cases, firms may decide to also use an external SMSF compliance provider to increase business efficiency and to access high tech services, if the number of SMSF funds administered internally is not of a sufficient scale to justify the cost of continuing in-house administration.

Unison can assist in the process of introducing a provider for this service - if required.

Competitive SMSF platforms should contain:

» Complete service from sign up to audited returns and ATO lodgement

» Fully online, cloud based

» Easy setup or transfer

» Any asset managed - including direct property

» All administration, client service calls and data in Australia

» Cost competitive

Audit Compliance & Tax Management:

» In built compliance manager tracks every transaction with alerts for any breach

» Live tax calculator and optimisation on every transaction

- year round tax savings FIFO, LIFO, Min, Max


9. SMSF Administration Services (if required)

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Engage Unison as your business coaching partner to help grow your SMSF, Wealth & Advice business

The Unison Vision Programme - 3 Steps to SuccessThe Unison Vision Programme provides our partner firms with a structured and proven method of establishing a successful Wealth and Advice offering.

The Programme is implemented with the use of the Partner Firm Vision Document, the “How To” guide that details the “3 Steps” process in creating a successful and customised solution.

The programme is typically implemented over a 4 week period.

Programme BenefitsThe Unison Vision Programme, not only delivers a proven business template to ensure success for the creation of a SMSF, Wealth & Advice offering, but access to a range of services introduced to assist each Partner Firm in their mainstream business.


10. Business Coaching and Development

Client Communications, Seminars, Workshops, Newsletter & Events Programme, Leading Edge Client Portal - Interactive / Customised Partner Page






Create the right strategy, business programme, and value proposition – tailored to each firm

Successfully introduce the Value Proposition to clients (partners and staff)

Introduce Unison’s client referral process, and commence the programme of activities

Continuous refinement by holding regular meetings with key stakeholders – JV Partner and Unison





After Care

(Review & Refine)

The right business modelA structured end-to-end business and communications programme has been created to ensure success for all stakeholders

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Unison’s services are designed to provide the accounting firm with a proven and structured business programme, designed to ensure the firm achieves success in the delivery of tailored and relevant Wealth and Advice services to their clients.

Service Offering » Structured engagement programme which is underpinned by a tailored strategic business plan

» Focus on direct investments vs. using expensive managed funds and platforms

» Offer a full service and “real” client value proposition covering

- Direct shares (Australian and International) - Personal and Business Insurances

- Direct Property Investments - Lending and Finance (residential/commercial)

- Cost Effective SMSF Services - Legal Services

» Formal business agreement, which protects and acknowledges the firm’s ownership to all recurring revenue

» Competitive revenue sharing arrangements

The way we work with You and Your Clients is Different » We are not owned by, or associated with, any provider of financial products

» Clients engage our services on a fee-for-service basis – no hidden fees and commissions

» All of our advisers are salaried employees and successful investors in their own right

» We do not engage in any work unless first authorised by the client

» Our focus remains exclusively on meeting clients’ personal, family and business wealth planning objectives.

www.unisonfg.com.au - We invite you to view our services to clients



11. Wealth and Advice Services

Advice DistributionInvestments SMSF LicensingSuperannuation Insurance Property Finance Legal

» Strategic advice

» Wealth Creation

» Cash-flow, tax & debt structuring

» Retirement Planning

» SMSE’s

» Professionals

» Aged Cover

» Business Coaching

» Sales & Marketing

» Professional Development

» Client & Business Diagnosis

» Strategic Planning

» Advisory Services

» Direct shares

» Actively managed portfolios

» Industry leading investment research

» Domestic & international investments

» Leading Investment Technology

» RG146 Qualification/Accreditation

» Professional Development

» Technical Success

» Strategic Planning

» Compliance Services

» Advice Services

» Self Managed • Establishment • Administration • Investment • Compliance

» Group Superannuation

» Personal super

» Life and TPD

» Income Replacement

» Trauma

» Business

» Group Schemes

» General

» Professional Indemnity

» Residential

» Investment

» Off the Plan

» Commercial

» Buyer’s advocacy

» Property Management

» Development Syndication

» Residential

» Commercial

» SMSF /Investment

» Development

» Plant & Equipment

» Vehicle

» Estate Planning

» Property & Conveyancing

» Wills & Estates

» Matrimonial

» SMSF Advisory

» Commercial

Client Services Business Services

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Unison is your like-minded business partner and delivers a seamless, practical and profitable way to provide SMSF, Wealth and Advice services to your clients.

Expertise and experience working with accounting businesses

Compliant, comprehensive and practical licensing infrastructure

Programme designed to build your business from the inside out

Integrity, Service and Accountability are core values

Proven way to build the bridge between the SMSF and Wealth offering for your business

Easy, seamless option to allow you to get on with business

Protect and grow your client base

Your business and clients receive an exceptional experience


Our Commitment to Our Partners

A team approach to delivering professional and unbiased SMSF, Wealth and Advice servicesAt Unison, we work in partnership with our clients’ accountants to provide comprehensive financial solutions that are tailored to the needs of our clients, their families and their business.

It’s a team approach to prudent financial advice.

Unison Provides You:

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Introducing George Haramis

“Our commitment to our clients and other stakeholders is that we will always be faithful to our advice, our business philosophy and our value proposition - all of which have at their core, a desire to help our clients reach their financial objectives and enjoy the process of doing so”

George Haramis has worked in a diverse range of executive roles within the wealth management industry for 27 years successfully leading some of Australia’s premier domestic and international financial institutions. George has personally developed an extensive range of financial service offerings during his career, specifically for the accounting profession. He is a passionate advocate when it comes to ensuring that any service he provides not only meets the requirements for the accounting firm and their clients, but also exceeds those expectations. Along with his team at Unison, George has developed an integrated SMSF, Wealth and Advice offering, and is actively working with many firms to help them assist their clients. Unison’s structured offering is aimed at accountants who are serious in offering their clients access to these professional service, in order to help them achieve their financial objectives. Having successfully provided financial services to accountants over a number of years, George and the team at Unison understand the complexities and challenges faced by the modern accounting firm. As a result, they are able to deliver significant benefits to participating firms, through their structured programmes. These programmes have been designed specifically for the accounting profession, and underpin the ultimate success of their SMSF, Wealth and Advice offering.

George Haramis - Executive Positions

›› Perpetual Private Clients - General Manager

›› ANZ Private Bank - Head of Advice / Chair of Investment Committee

›› RetireInvest - Managing Director / Chair of Investment Committee

›› Mercer Human Resource Consulting - Principal

›› Asgard Group Employee Services - General Manager

›› Securitor Financial Group - National Manager

›› Lend Lease Corporate Services - Associate Director

Level 4, 863 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143 (PO Box 8094, Armadale VIC 3143)t: 1300 UNISON (1300 864 766) | www.unisonfg.com.au | www.unisonaccountinggroup.com.au

George Haramis Managing Director, Unison Financial Group


Page 21: Unison Accounting Group: Creating a Platform for SMSF ...unisonfgpartners.com.au/pdf-2015/39-Proposal-for-SMSF-Exellence.p… · clients on SMSF’s, A structured business programme

Unison’s Industry PositionUnison is not owned by any financial institution, and is not obligated to any fund manager or investment house. This means that any advice offered by our professionally qualified salaried advisers, is done so on a completely unbiased basis. Unison’s financial advisers form part of the client’s “trusted advisor team”.

Unison’s unique point of difference is our partnership approach in bringing together the client’s financial advisor, accountant, and other industry experts. It gives clients peace of mind knowing that their financial wellbeing is considered at every point by their “trusted adviser team”.

AccountantsBy offering access to a structured and comprehensive SMSF Licensing, Wealth and Advice services, accounting firms will be able to forge an even stronger partnership with their clients.

Unison’s Financial AdvisersWorking with Unison, clients are assured they receive the right advice from a professional and impartial team of financial experts.



Unison Financial Group

Other Advisors

Unison’s Integrated Services OfferingUnison provides an integrated financial services offering, to clients of accounting firms on a fee-for-service basis, delivered by salaried advisers. Unison’s operates under it’s own Australian Financial Services Licence - Unison Wealth Management Pty Ltd (AFSL 289621). Our wide range of services cater for the varying needs of clients at every stage of their lives.

Advice DistributionInvestments SMSF LicensingSuperannuation Insurance Property Finance Legal

» Strategic advice

» Wealth Creation

» Cash-flow, tax & debt structuring

» Retirement Planning

» SMSE’s

» Professionals

» Aged Cover

» Business Coaching

» Sales & Marketing

» Professional Development

» Client & Business Diagnosis

» Strategic Planning

» Advisory Services

» Direct shares

» Actively managed portfolios

» Industry leading investment research

» Domestic & international investments

» Leading Investment Technology

» RG146 Qualification/Accreditation

» Professional Development

» Technical Success

» Strategic Planning

» Compliance Services

» Advice Services

» Self Managed • Establishment • Administration • Investment • Compliance

» Group Superannuation

» Personal super

» Life and TPD

» Income Replacement

» Trauma

» Business

» Group Schemes

» General

» Professional Indemnity

» Residential

» Investment

» Off the Plan

» Commercial

» Buyer’s advocacy

» Property Management

» Development Syndication

» Residential

» Commercial

» SMSF /Investment

» Development

» Plant & Equipment

» Vehicle

» Estate Planning

» Property & Conveyancing

» Wills & Estates

» Matrimonial

» SMSF Advisory

» Commercial

Client Services Business Services

SUPPORT TEAMSWealth Advisory | Wealth Strategy | Administration | Operational | Sales & Marketing | Compliance

Australian Financial Services License: 2009621 | Australian Credit License: 426 273 | Estate Agents License: 074045L

HEAD OFFICE VICTORIA: Level 4, 863 High Street, Armadale VIC 3143POSTAL: PO Box 8094, Armadale VIC 3143 Australia

t: 1300 UNISON (1300 864 766)www.unisonfg.com.au | www.unisonaccountinggroup.com.auUnison Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 78 143 491 605

Unison Wealth Management Pty Ltd AFSL 289621 Unison Finance Services Pty Ltd ACL 426 273

Unison Property Pty Ltd - Estate Agents License 074045L(member of REIV) Copyright © Unison Financial Group 2014 February 2015