unique solutions for spinning of synthetic fibres and …€¦ ·  · 2016-10-12unique solutions...

Edda Walraf Rieter Machines & Systems August 2016 Unique Solutions for Spinning of Synthetic Fibres and Blends

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Edda WalrafRieter Machines & Systems August 2016

Unique Solutions for Spinning of Synthetic Fibres and Blends

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions


Increasing Fibre Consumption 4

Challenges with the Processing of Synthetic Fibres in the Short-staple Spinning Mill 8

Solutions for the Blow Room 14

Carding – Also Important for Synthetic Fibres 20

The New RSB-D 50 - High Performance for Man-made Fibres 26

Man-made Fibre Package for Ring Spinning 30

Compact Spinning with Two Di� erent Solutions 33

Processing Synthetic Fibres with the Rotor Spinning Technology 38

Air-jet Spinning – Now Also for 100 % Polyester 46

A System Range for Various Fibres 52

Sources 54

Authoring Team of Rieter 55

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

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1 Increasing Fibre Consumption

Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Experts agree that with growing prosper-ity the � bre consumption per head will also increase. Forecasts assume that up to 2030 the worldwide � bre consumption will rise to approximately 115 million tons (Source: PCI, 2015) (Figure 1).

All raw materials will contribute to this growth, however � laments more than sta-ple � bres. The proportion of � laments will increase from 39 % in 2010 to 49 % in 2030.

New applications, particularly in the � ner yarn count range, will contribute to this. Filaments have good functional proper-ties for textile as well as for technical applications. The development is also driven by the growing share of knitted fabric applications with increasingly � ner gauge. Notably with � ne yarn counts, � la-ments are particularly economic. Despite this development, the consumption of short-staple � bres will increase to around 58 million tons (Figure 2).

In the short-staple spinning mill, the share of cotton will decrease from 54 % in 2010 to 48 % in 2030. The absolute consumption will grow from 25 million tons in 2010 to 28 million tons in 2030 (Figure 3).

Fig. 1: The worldwide � bre consumption will continue to grow. (Source: PCI 2015)

Fig. 2: Despite a large growth in short-staple � bres from 46 million tons in 2010 to 58 million tons in 2030, their share of the whole � bre consumption decreases from 61 % to 51 %. (Source: PCI 2015)

1 00

0 to

ns �






2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

120 000

100 000

80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000


CottonOther staple Cellulosic staple

Other � lament

PES & Nylon staple

PES & Nylon � lament

% short staple in total � bre mill consumption

% sh

ort s


e in


l mill







t sta






2010 2015 2020 2025 2030



















Mio tons short staple

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Estimates assume that 40 % of the � -bres will be processed in their pure state. 60 % will be spun to blended yarns. The mix of cotton with polyester domi-nates the blended yarn range with almost 50 %.

The blending of � bres is made for two im-portant reasons. One is that polyester is an inexpensive � bre and the raw material price is an important parameter for the complete yarn costs. The other is that by mixing, the yarn properties can be spe-ci� cally in� uenced (See also Th. Weide, 2014, Chapter 4).

These two reasons, costs and function, as well as the limited growth potential of cotton, mean that the share of blends will continue to increase.

If yarn usage is examined, then cotton dominates the underwear sector. Viscose is also used as 100 % raw material in all applications.

With technical textiles, 100 % polyes-ter or its blends dominate. With outer-wear, polyester is dominant especially in blends with cotton and viscose and a similar situation exists with home tex-tiles (Figure 4).

Fig. 3: Cotton consumption will continue to increase from 25 to 28 million tons. The share of cotton in short-staple � bre mill consumption will decrease from 54 % to 48 %. (Source: PCI 2015)

Fig. 4: Typical applications of synthetic � bres and their blends. (Source: Rieter)

% cotton in short staple

% co


in sh

ort s


e m

ill co






of c


n m

ill co




2010 2015 2020 2025 2030



















Mio tons cotton

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Technical textiles


Home textiles


Cellulosic/ CO

Cellulosic/ PES




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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions


RieterRieter . . Man-made Fibre SolutionsMan-made Fibre Solutions

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions


RieterRieter . . Man-made Fibre SolutionsMan-made Fibre Solutions

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

There are many varieties of synthetic � -bres. All present some challenges. The most important for processing in the short-staple spinning mill are: the � bre � nish, material faults, the electrostatic charge and the risk of heat-induced damage.

The � bre � nish is applied to the � bres to enable them to even be spun at all. In the process, it can lead to stubborn deposits, to excessive wear or, if unevenly applied, to problems in the process.

Imperfect material in the form of � bre packages or over-long � bres can disrupt the process and cause faults in sliver, rov-ing and yarn or increases the number of ends down in spinning.

The electrostatic charge can lead to depos-its, lap formation or prevention of proper sliver formation. Details are given in the Rieter Manual of Spinning Volume 7 (Th. Weide, 2014, Chapter 5).


Mixing is an important process in the spin-ning mill. Mixing regulates and homogenis-es. That also applies for the processing of pure � bre types – for instance, 100 % pol-yester or viscose, in order to even out � bre production di� erences.

To produce a yarn from di� erent � bre types, the spinning mill must ful� l two tasks: produce the right blend ratio and mix the � bre types well. A good and even blend is important for a uniform distribu-tion of the � bres in the yarn diameter and on the running length of the thread. It is important to achieve that at every point in the yarn the blended � bre types appear in the same ratio. The yarn has therefore the same characteristics at every point, such as e.g. tenacity and dyeing capability.

2 Challenges with the Processing of Synthetic Fibres in the Short-staple Spinning Mill

Fig. 5: The image shows an ideal blow room installation for the processing of a synthetic � bre with cotton up to 900 kg/h

Fig. 6: It is clearly visible that the metering principle of the UNIblend builds up the layers of the di� erent � bre types very uniformly. That ensures the blend evenness better than other principles

Target value

Target value

Actual value

Actual value

UNIblend system

Weighing hopper system

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Fig. 7: O.N.Spinning Mills recommend UNIblend A 81 for homogenous blending

Fig. 8: The A 81 UNIblend in a trial set up to evaluate its e� ect with di� erent spinning technologies

In a single word “Perfect blending.” We are using A 81 having 3 modules. With these facilities we can run 2 assortments at a time. It‘s a great option to satisfy our customer requirements. Maintenance is easy.

I am recommending my friends and some other entrepreneur to buy Rieter blow room machine with UNIblend A 81 for blended yarn project. It will get you a stable position in yarn market for continuously homogeneous blend-ing in the � eld of polyester/cotton blends, cotton/viscose blends and mel-ange yarn. It will save operation cost by reducing mixing labor as well.

RgdsMd. Enamul Huq

General Manager (Planning and Operation)O.N Spinning Mills Ltd.

In this respect, Rieter o� ers two possibili-ties: mixing of the tu� s with exact meter-ing and mixing on the draw frame. This competence allows a system recommen-dation for the customer which takes into account all aspects that are decisive for a process decision:• Final application of the yarn and its

quality requirements• Necessary � exibility of the spinning mill• Cost target of the customer

Exact metering for greatest possible � exibility

The greater the di� erence between the proportions of the mixing components, the � ner the yarn count, the more sensi-tive the colour, the greater the require-ments in the spinning mill relating to � ex-ibility, the better it is not only to carry out tu� mixing but also to select exact meter-ing of the � bre components.

Rieter o� ers all components for a highly � exible blow room line (Figure 5). Core piece is the A 81 UNIblend. It meters to 1 % accuracy (according to weight). That means, in the same line blends of 99/1 % to 1/99 % can be metered. Unbeatable for the production of fashionable melange yarns. This accuracy is achieved not only through the precise metering but also through the layered � lling and ensures an even blend (Figure 6).

For the � exible spinning mill, there is a special function. The required pro-duction output can be set on the dis-play. When the UNIblend reach-es this, it automatically stops and noti� es that it is ready for a changeo-ver. Figure 8 illustrates the trial pro-cess run for a tu� blend with the A 81 UNIblend (results in Figure 10).


Bale Opener UNI� oc Mixing Bale Opener



SB-Draw frame

RSB-Draw frameRSB-Draw frame

Rotor Ring RingRotor


Roving frame

Pre Cleaner UNIclean

Mixing UNImix

Post Cleaner UNIstore


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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

The draw frame blend – the traditional method

The draw frame blend is particularly suit-able for uncritical mixtures (Figure 9 set up of the trial – results in Figure 10). The proportional di� erences are not so great, for instance 50/50 %, 67/33 % or 70/30 %, and the demand concerning the even blend not critical, i.e. when the we� is inserted alternately on the weav-ing machine.

The blend components are prepared on separate, ideally adjusted blow room lines and cards and usually run through three dra� ing passages: a mixing draw frame without levelling, a pre-draw frame without levelling and a levelling � nisher draw frame. For very high yarn quality a pre-dra� of the polyester share is pref-erable.

Comparison of the mixing principles

A comprehensive trial compared the mix-ing in the tu� s (Figure 8) and with the draw frame (Figure 9). The trial included the following variables and examined the blend quality achieved (Schwippl, 2015):

• di� erent proportions of the compo-nents

• with one and two passages following the mixing draw frame

• ring and rotor spinning

The consistency of the blend was better with the tu� blend, both with ring yarn (Figure 10) and with rotor yarn (Figure 12).

A second dra� ing passage a� er the mix-ing draw frame only insigni� cantly im-proves the blend quality of the di� erent components with rotor yarn. The system-inherent mixing by means of redoubling

Fig. 9: For the draw frame blend, the � bre components were separately prepared up to the card and then fed to the draw frame for mixing.

Fig. 10: The consistency of the blend is better with the tu� blend than with the draw frame blend. A second draw frame passage a� er the mixing draw frame signi� cantly contributes to the mixing of the di� erent components.


Bale Opener UNI� oc Mixing Bale Opener

Blending – SB-Draw frame

SB-Draw frame

RSB-Draw frameRSB-Draw frame

Pre Cleaner UNIclean

Mixing UNImix

Post Cleaner UNIstore


Card Card

Rotor Ring RingRotor


Roving frame

Draw frame blend, 1. Pass. Tu� blend UNIblend A 81, 1. Pass.

Draw frame blend, 2. Pass. Tu� blend UNIblend A 81, 2. Pass.





n of


nd [%


PES - Content [%]

Blend constancy at ring yarnPES 1.7 dtex, 38 mm, CO 1 1/8”, Mic. 4.65, Ne 30

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70














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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Fig. 13: Comparison between tu� blend and draw frame blend

Fig. 14: Tu� blend process recommendation for mixing depending on the requirements

Fig. 11: Reedisha Blending Bangladesh answers why they are using the UNIblend A 81

We use the UNIblend because:

1. Automatic blending and mix-ing uniformity.

2. Quick process/ratio change3. Time saving and less produc-

tion loss during process/ra-tio change.

4. Less � oor space is required in aspect of manual mixing.

5. Huge manpower saving.Regards

Md. Mukter Hossain

General Manager(Operation)Reedisha Blended Yarn Ltd.

Fig. 12: The consistency of the blend is mostly better with the tu� blend than with the draw frame blend.

Tu� blend Draw frame blend

Ring Application Rotor Application

2 Draw Frame a� er Tu� Blend

High requirement to:Blend constancy over timeRealisation of � bre strengthYarn evenness

Same or � ner as Ne 30PES component 5 - 95 %

Very high requirement to:Blend constancy over time

Same or � ner as Ne 20PES component 5 - 95 %

1 Draw Frame a� er Tu� Blend

Normal - Medium requirement to:Blend constancy over timeRealisation of � bre strengthYarn evenness

Same or � ner as Ne 30PES component 5 - 95 %

High requirement to:Blend constancy over time

Same or � ner as Ne 20PES component 5 - 95 %

in the rotor can be better than a second passage. With ring yarn, the 2nd dra� ing passage is mostly necessary for the high-est requirements (Figure 14).

Summarising, it can be said that by al-ready mixing the tu� s in the UNIblend, a very high � exibility in mixing is achieved. In addition, depending on the number of the subsequent dra� ing pas-sages, very high requirements in the blending consistency, � bre tenacity ex-ploitation and yarn evenness can also be achieved.

Figure 13 shows a direct comparison of the roving a� er only one draw frame passage a� er the blending passage. The black polyester share shows visually that with only one draw frame passage a� er the mixing draw frame, the black polyes-ter � bres are clearly more uniformly dis-tributed with the tu� blend (le� ) than with the draw frame blend (right).

Draw frame blend, 1. Pass. Tu� blend UNIblend A 81, 1. Pass.

Draw frame blend, 2. Pass. Tu� blend UNIblend A 81, 2. Pass.





n of


nd [%


PES – Content [%]

Blend constancy at rotor yarnPES 1.7 dtex, 38 mm, CO 1 1/8”, Mic. 4.65, Ne 30

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70














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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

If synthetic � bres are purely processed, the blow room line is conceivably short and basically consists only of opening and possibly mixing. The optimal pro-cessing of synthetic � bres demands cor-rect opening and prevention of deposits.

Rieter has developed solutions here that can be optionally/alternatively used and thus allow individual installations for the user.

Correct and gentle opening of the � bres

Synthetic � bres need no cleaning. The production process of synthetic � bres can, however, also lead to problems that require especially careful opening. The Rieter opening line therefore o� ers so-called S-modules, which are particularly designed for the gentle opening of syn-thetic � bres. Various clothing permit adjustments on di� ering � bre material (Figure 15).

Fig. 15: With well-selected clothing the degree of opening is positively in� uenced

3 Solutions for the Blow Room

The number of opening positions

The optimal number of opening positions in the blow room depends on various fac-tors:

• system of bale opening• raw material and its � bre-� bre abrasion• � bre count• residual moisture in the bales• bale weight and bale density

At a trial (H. Schwippl, 2013) with 100 % Tencel micro� bres and di� erent card pro-ductions, a varying number of opening points in the line showed no di� erences, neither in the optically nor the capacitive measured yarn evenness (Figure 16).

Nonetheless, at a relatively high card pro-duction of 63 kg/h and a yarn count of 7 to 30 tex, a positive e� ect for the average

Yarn irregularity depending on amount of opening placesTencel® LF 0.9 dtex, 34 mm, card C 60, Com4®compact, ring 40 mm, αm 110

Fig. 16: Yarn irregularity depending on number of opening positions










ity C

Vm [%


5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35

Yarn count [tex]

1 Opening30 kg/h, CVm%

1 Opening63 kg/h, CVm%

2 Opening30 kg/h, CVm%

2 Opening63 kg/h, CVm%

Fig. 17: Yarn strength depending on number of opening positions







Yarn strength depending on amount of opening placesTencel® LF 0.9 dtex, 34 mm, card C 60, Com4®compact, ring 40 mm, αm 110

Yarn count [tex]

1 Opening30 kg/h

1 Opening63 kg/h

2 Opening30 kg/h

2 Opening63 kg/h









255 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Fig. 19: Thermax uses the combination of UNIblend and card C 70 for its successful blended yarn production

We are using the precision blending line from Rieter with the UNIblend A 81 followed by a group of C 70 Cards. The UNIblend A 81 provides a very accurate blending within a deviation of +/- 1 %. Flexible feeding to the cards and the high production of the C 70 card give us the necessary freedom to react to our customer’s requirements.

UNIblend is an excellent machine for producing any type of blended yarn. It gives accurate and consistent blended ratio of our melange yarn which we get in our yarn quality. If anyone will buy it , then they will get better quality blended yarn. The main strength of C 70 machine is the higher nep removal e� ciency with maximum production speed.


Md. Mukter HossainGeneral Manager(Operation)

Reedisha Blended Yarn Ltd.

yarn strength and elongation resulted. The strength could be improved by abso-lute 0.7 cN/tex (Figure 17).

Rieter has already spun many di� erent � bre types and can therefore recommend the right process sequence – or establish it through trials in one of its spin centres.

Ideal mixing in a minimum of space

For small lots, the B 34 mixing bale open-er is ideal. It can feed even small sized lots economically. For thorough mix-ing of the metered � bres, the B 72 and B 76 UNImix are ideal. The 3-point mix-ing in one machine (Figure 18) o� ers the best mixing in the minimum of space and therefore the assurance that the high quality expectations of the customers for blended yarn are ful� lled and stripes in the fabric are prevented.

Fig. 18 : UNImix for optimal blending in the smallest space by three-point mixing: 1 � bre de� ecting by 90°, 2 ascending feed lattice, 3 mixing room before the material exit

Special surface

As already mentioned, the � bre � nish can lead to deposits. Special surfaces are op-tionally available for the important ma-chines. Whether they are necessary for a mill will be jointly decided in each case by the customer with Rieter specialists.

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RSB-D 50*Card

Pressure regulated chuteHigh evenness and performance

Special needle roller in chuteBest opening for good yarn quality

State of the art wireHigh nep removal and performance

Removable web bridgeEasy cleaning for high quality and performance

Sliver compressionHigh can � lling reduced handling

Quick and easy settingBest yarn quality

Exact sliver positioning, CLEANcoil PESHigh yarn qualityLong cleaning cycle

Big top rollers with cleaning lipsHigh speed and quality

Variety of roller cots Best yarn quality

Perfect dra� ing pressureHigh yarn quality

Quick pressure releaseLong roller lifetime

Secure sliver separationProcess security

* valid also for SB-D 50

Man-made Fibre Overview

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New drum separatorLow maintenance

Strengthened separator edgesLong lifetimeGood yarn quality

30 mm bottom rollerHigh performanceLow maintenance

SERVOgrip for synthetic � bresSecure yarn separationGood running performance

Optional increased delivery speedHigh performance

Special rings and travellersHigh performanceGood yarn quality


New drum separatorLow maintenance

Strengthened separator edgesLong lifetimeGood yarn quality

New coating of suction drumLife time equal to bottom roller

SERVOgrip for synthetic � bresSecure yarn separationGood running performance

Special rings and travellerHigh performanceGood yarn quality

Optional increased delivery speedHigh performance

RotorRotorModern spinning technologyHigh yarn strengthGood spinning stability

CHANNELpassUnique possibility to adopt to raw materialOptimisation for good yarn quality

SPEEDpassIncreased air� ow without high underpressureGood � bre � owExtraction of dust

Cool Nozzle TechnologyLow temperature at the critical pointLess � bre damage than with competitive systems

Mechanical rotor cleaning VARIOcleanActive before piecingSecured yarn quality

Pneumatic package dampingGood and uniform package qualityE� cient unwinding downstream

Air-jetAir-jetAir-jetAir-jetP 26 reduced hairiness increased tenacityHigher productivity

Pneumatic package dampingGood and uniform package qualityE� cient downstream performance

Traversing systemLong life time of technology componentsConstant yarn quality

P 26 option for PESLong production cyclesImproved yarn quality

Q 10A yarn clearerProcess security with polyester spinningHigh yarn quality

FFE with special surface treatmentReduced deposits and stable � bre � ow

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Signi� cance of the card

Also for the processing of synthetic � -bres, the card is an important machine for achieving the required yarn quality. As synthetic � bres react sensitively to processing that is too intensive, usually wider settings, coarser clothing and low-er speeds must be selected than with the processing of cotton. The selection of clothing needs special at-tention and here the Rieter consultants o� er di� erent solutions in cooperation with Graf & Cie. General recommenda-tions can also be found in the Rieter Man-ual of Spinning (Th. Weide, 2014).

The C 70 high-performance card achieves excellent quality values at highest pro-duction for all yarn applications. This is based on the well-proven 1.5 m working width and maximum active carding area. Precise � ats guiding and innovations in the pre- and post-carding area allow ex-cellent raw material yield and sliver qual-ity. With the integrated grinding system IGS, the sliver quality is maintained at a high level. By utilising draw frame mod-ules instead of the classical sliver coilers, the customer has the possibility to opti-mally layout the process.

The advantage of the C 70, as a modular designed card, is that it can be quickly adapted to new and familiar challenges of synthetic � bres (Figure 20), without high-performance carding having to be reinvented. The special solutions are:

• Fibre guiding components are made of specially coated sheet metal.

• Licker-in, cylinder, � ats and do� er cloth-ing are speci� cally designed for man-made � bres produced from natural or synthetic polymers.

• The pre- and post-carding zone is ac-cordingly equipped with carding ele-ments.

4 Carding – Also Important for Synthetic Fibres

Fig. 20: For the carding of synthetic � bres, the card is specially equipped

The following are quite special solutions which speci� cally support the processing of synthetic � bres on the Rieter C 70 card.

Patented pressure control

The patented pressure control in the card chute replaces the classical light barrier control. This function provides a precise batt weight at the card feed, taking into account the raw materials and their char-acteristics. The result is a minimal varia-tion [CV %] of the batt weight and a sta-ble card feed (Figure 21).

Fig. 21: The pressure-controlled chute improves the CV of the sliver and the running properties of the card

Last tu� opening with special needle roller in the chute

Especially with synthetic � bres, the op-timal opening degree of the tu� s in the card chute is important to achieve maxi-mum yarn quality. With the special open-ing roller, fully equipped with needles (Figure 22), the imperfections in the yarn are veri� ably reduced. The following ta-

ble shows the results of a trial at an In-donesian customer for the processing of viscose on the air-jet spinning machine. By increasing the number of tips on the needle roller in the chute, the IPI could be improved by 3 %. Even more clear-ly the number of clearer cuts on the air-jet spinning machine could be reduced (Figure 23).

Course of the batt weight over 24 hours

CV [%



Classical light barrier control

New pressure control (patent pending) in the card chute





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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Quick cleaning of deposits

Man-made � bres with strongly lubricating � bre � nish tend to contaminate � bre guide elements. Here the web bridge must be frequently cleaned to maintain the quality level. The solu-tion for this time-consuming undertaking is the laterally re-movable web bridge (Figure 24). In the shortest possible time, it can be removed, cleaned and reinstalled without tools be-ing necessary. Thanks to this patented solution, the downtime can be reduced to a few minutes. The new web bridge allows a perfect, uniform web and ensures continuous operation of the card. Thick places are substantially reduced.

This applies similarly to the delivery where the special-ly formed tongue for the web transfer can be just as easi-ly cleaned.

Fi g. 24: Easily removable web bridge for quick cleaning at delivery ensures an optimal web transfer with synthetic � bres, without interruptions due to deposits

The right clothing for synthetic � bres

Fig. 23: Use of the 5 000 needle roller in the card chute reduced clearly the clearer cuts at the air-jet spinning machine

Machine C 70 C 70

Number of needle tips / roller 1000 5000

Production [kg/h] 70 70

IPI 30 26.1

Cuts in air-jet machine 95 68For the correct wire selection an experienced partner like Graf is the right choice. Graf’s know-how is built on 100 years of experience in carding. Graf o� ers more than 205 di� erent cyl-inder wires, 124 do� er wires and 129 licker-in wires to cus-tomise for best performance and highest quality (Figure 25).

In particular for synthetic � bres with their wide range of qual-ity, although the physical description of the bale might be the same, ask for consultancy by professionals. Graf wire achieves considerable high customer bene� ts:

• high nep removal• reduction of thin and thick places in the yarn• high performance over the entire life time of the wire• extended wire life time to more than 120 % compared to the

best competitor.

Fig. 25: With the customised wire selection supported by Graf any Rieter card will achieve best yarn quality at high performance, in particular the latest model C 70

F ig. 22: A special needle roller in the chute supports the important opening of the synthetic material

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Higher can content due to sliver compression

A new feature is also the sliver compres-sion with stepped rollers on the card delivery. With bulky raw material, this additional compression leads to up to 20 % higher can content and to bet-ter running performance. With 10 cards this lowers the manufacturing costs by CHF 2 400 per year.

This resulted in better values being ob-tained at a customer with semi-dull poly-ester. The maximum can content is very dependent on the material, and the graph (Figure 27) shows conservative values. The stepped rollers on the C 70 allow at higher production the coiling of 36 kg in the 1 000 mm can (6 ktex, 6 000 m); in comparison, with the C 60 only coiling of 28 kg was possible, so this means an in-crease of 28 %.

Fully customised Graf con� guration Competitor con� guration

Cylinder R-20251X0,6--8

Recommended by competitor for C 60 cardFlat Clothings ILX M-40/0

Do� er L-4640-X1,0-R

Licker-in V.J25005V-12-8

Fi g. 27: With the stepped roller, high can contents are also achieved with bulky material

The following trial (Figure 26) was done with a demanding blend of 67 % black polyester and 33 % viscose at 45 kg/h on the Rieter C 60 card. A� er 100 tons the quality comparison showed the superior-ity of Graf wire.

F ig. 26: Graf wire ensure best yarn quality values also a� er 100 tons of use

100 tons Comp 100 tons Comp


1 1 1 1






24 67



%U Thin%30 (*100)



Thick %35

Thick %50

Thick %70

Neps %140

Neps %200

Neps %280

H Elong. CN/tex









kg �




1 000 1 050 1 100 1 150 1 200 1 250 1 300 1 350 1 400 1 450 1 500

mm can heigth


Dia mm can � lling depending on material

Cotton / CV PAN

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Results at customers

As an example for the satisfaction of our customers with the C 70 card, please re-fer to the boxes where statements of our customers PT Superbtex (Figure 28) and O.N Spinning Mills (Figure 29) are giv-en. The customers have great experience with Rieter cards for polyester applica-tions and con� rm that the innovations ful� l their purpose: high productivity with good yarn quality.

Dear Sir,We have used the Rieter C 60 carding machine around 10 years to process 100 % PES � bre and we have good experience with these machines.

We are very satis� ed with these C 60 cards as to keep the machines running smoothly, the machine need only to have a stable material supply (we use an old blow room machines to supply the material to these Rieter cards).

We never face any problem with the machine; electrical problem is very seldom happened. Our maintenance people can do the setting easily. So the quality is not an issue on this machine.

Since September 2015 we tried C 70 card, now we run this C 70 up to 135 kg/hour to process 100 % polyester � bre to make Ne 40 in the ring spinning. In this C 70 we have a better feeding control system with using air pressure sys-tem in the chute feed so the sliver output becomes more equal.

With more active on the top � at and the movement of the top � at has been driv-en by motor directly to the gearbox, therefore it makes the speed of the top � at more stable and the result of the sliver is better although the speed is higher.

The construction of web bridge in this C 70 makes it easier for maintenance as we don’t need to take out the take up roller. Additional data in the machine like spectrogram data also the data of the number of slubs are very help full to � nd the cause of the problem and also to evaluate the quality.

The performance of C 70 is much more better compared to the C 60 therefore we can rely the C 70 to produce 100 % polyester with high speed.

Best regardsPT Superbtex

Fig. 28: Superbtex have good experience with Rieter innovation

C 70 is a fantastic card. You can run at high speed with quality. Usually we are running 70 kg/h for melange. For PC, CVC you can eas-ily run 80 kg/h with quality.

Md. Enamul HuqGeneral Manager

(Planning and Operation)O.N Spinning Mills Ltd.

Fig. 29: O.N Spinning Mills Ltd is highly satis� ed with the C 70 card for melange yarns

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5 The New RSB-D 50 – High Performance for Man-made Fibres

Fig. 30: The new RSB-D 50 draw frame complements high quality at optimal performance with advantages for the processing of synthetic � bres

The new RSB-D 50 draw frame (Figure 30) was specially developed for higher productivity through higher delivery speed. The pro-ductivity with the processing of polyester could be increased by 33 % compared to the previous model RSB-D 45.

Fig. 31: The new draw frame generation RSB-D 50 achieves 33 % higher speed with polyester � bres, maintaining the high quality level of the RSB-D 45

Alongside the improved sliver guidance on the draw frame, further details are important for the processing of synthetic � bres: the perfect draw frame pressure, the right cot for the pressure roller, rapid release with lap formation, precise sliver coiling, reliable sliver separation and easy setting.

To achieve this increase in performance, the complete sliver run up to the coiler was constructed according to the latest technological advances. A further contribution is thermal improvement, which especially accommodate the processing of synthetic � bres. The per-fect sliver guidance is particularly important with bulky material. Although the previous model was already a benchmark in terms of yarn quality and production performance, the new model excels with further improvements (Figure 30).

The right cot for the pressure roller

Of course, the roller cots can be adapted to the processing requirements for synthetic � bres. In addition, the large top roller diam-eter keeps the formation of laps at a very low level.

Rapid release to prevent hard laps

When there is lap formation, an immedi-ate release of the top rollers – during the breaking function of the machine – pre-vents the formation of a large, hard lap. That permits an easy and quick lap removal without using a knife. This preserves the roller cover and ensures the quality and productivity of the machine, especially with synthetic � bres.

Precise sliver coiling with long clean-ing cycle thanks to CLEANcoil PES

During the processing of man-made � bres and blends, � nishing agent deposits oc-cur on parts of the underside of the coiler. The consequences are diminished quality values, displaced sliver or the necessity of frequent cleaning. The new polyester coil-er CLEANcoil PES solves the problem with a new surface coating. With polyester pro-cessing, depending on the type and amount of � nish applied, the cleaning cycle can be further extended by 100 % and more ac-cording to the polyester type compared to the excellent predecessor coiler. CLEANcoil PES ensures, even with critical man-made

Mill results with 100 % PESSame quality on RSB-D 50 with 33 % higher speed than RSB-D 45

Speed Sliver Quality Ring Yarn Ne 30900


























0m/min CVm% CVm%CV1m%


grav.Count CV%

cN/tex x 10

CV of cN/tex

IPI Class Top 12

RSB-D 45 RSB-D 50 Material: 100 % PES 38 mm / 1.5 dtex

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Cleaning cycle

Spinning mills with critical PES types Polyester type Standard coiler CLEANcoil PES

Mill 1 38 mm / 1.4 dtex 0.5 hrs. 4 hrs.

Mill 2 44 mm / 1.3 dtex 1.0 hrs. 8 hrs.

Mill 3 51 mm / 1.3 dtex 8 hrs. 16 hrs.

Mill 4 38 mm / 1.3 dtex 2 - 4 hrs. 8 hrs.

� bre types, high can content amounts, cleanly coiled sliver and thus trouble-free running of the sliver in the subsequent pro-cess.

Practical values are shown in (Figure 32). They clarify the great di� erences between various types of polyester.

Fig. 32: The new coiler CLEANcoil PES extends the cleaning cycle on the draw frame from 100 to 800 %, depend-ing on the polyester � bre used

The excellent cleanliness of the whole draw frame and the reduced deposits not only lessen the work required for cleaning the draw frame but also lead to improved Clas-simat values of the yarn.

Reliable sliver separation, even with synthetic � bres

When processing � bres with high � bre-� -bre abrasion, as is o� en the case with syn-thetic � bres, active sliver separation is nec-essary for a trouble-free can change. Here the RSB-D 50 excels with an innovative so-lution. A deliberately produced thin place in the main dra� ing area is conveyed to below the coiler plate and breaks at can change. The solution dispenses with ad-ditional mechanics as with conventional sliver separation devices and therefore re-quires no maintenance.

Correct setting more rapidly

Long-term experience shows that optimi-sation is made then when something is easy to set. For that reason, the coiler plate speed can be changed directly on the dis-play and the setting is reproducible at any time.

A trial with di� erent coiler speeds for the preparation of air-jet yarn from 100 % vis-cose shows clearly that the speed of the coiler does not in� uence the yarn quality with regard to yarn evenness, IPI and yarn tenacity. In contrast, the optimal speed of the coiler reduces the yarn clearer cuts on the J 26 by up to 18 % (Figure 33).

F ig. 33: The optimally set speed of the coiler on the draw frame could reduce the yarn clearer cuts on the air-jet spinning machine by 18 %

The new RSB-D 50 draw frame opens a huge potential for further improvements. The comprehensive new construction makes a big step towards performance in-crease with easier maintenance and operation, and it is the most suitable draw frame for the processing of synthetic � bres to quality yarns on the market, irrele-vant of the end spinning technology selected.

“With the RSB-D 50 we were for the � rst time able to process 100 % polyes-ter with 800 m/min. The feedbacks of our customer were solely positive con-cerning process ability of the yarns. Until now we could process this polyester � bre type on the draw frame just with 500 m/min.”

Head of a European spinning mill, specialised in processing of synthetic � bres.

J 26 - Yarn quality vs. coiler speed, 100 % CV cardedy yarn count Ne 40Quality cuts at J 26 machine







0+2 % 0 % -1 %


ity cu

ts /



Coiler speed

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6 Man-made Fibre Package for Ring Spinning

The ring spinning machine can be speci� -cally equipped for spinning synthetic � -bres. Ring spinning is very � exible and compared to other spinning processes, re-acts less sensitively to � bre � nish depos-its. Important is a correct setting of the dra� ing zone widths of the dra� ing sys-tem as well as to select the cradle nose bar combination appropriate for the � bre length and the dra� resistance of the raw material. Main topics are:

• Prevention of wear on the technology components resp. an extension of the service life – here Rieter, Bräcker and Novibra o� er good spinning compo-nents:

• Good process reliability • High productivity without damage to

the � bres• Good yarn quality

Elements for a high process reliability

Synthetic � bres can be produced with a staple similar to extra-long staple cot-ton, without high additional costs. If, in addition, the � bres are � ne and therefore have a high degree of slenderness, the tendency to form � bre laps on the bottom delivery roller is bigger. To counteract the build-up of � bre lap, Rieter o� ers an op-tional bottom roller with 30 mm diameter.

Higher wear can be avoided by installa-tion of separators with reinforced edges. The strengthened edges prevent the � -bre ends damaging the separators in the event of an ends down which can lead to subsequent problems (Figure 34).

Alongside the stationary � lter specially developed for synthetic � bres, there is now a suitable drum � lter available which is appropriate for automatic suction.

Fi g. 34: The reinforcement of the separator ensures long lasting quality

Speci� c attention is required by the com-plete cop change procedure with synthet-ic yarns. High � bre respectively yarn te-nacity could prevent reliable detachment. Dragged thread and series of thread breaks are the consequence and thus af-fect the yarn quality and e� ciency with spinning.

With average tenacity, the patented short-term twist reduction of the Rieter ring spinning machine helps with do� -ing. In the rundown spinning, the twist is slightly reduced and consequently the yarn tenacity, which allows easier do� ng. The short yarn piece with reduced twist is sucked o� reliably by the winder. If the yarns are of high strength, a special, op-tional SERVOgrip with knife can be used (Figure 35) which reliably cuts o� the thread during the do� ng process.

Fig. 35: Closed SERVOgrip le� and open right for secure yarn separation by a cut

In the following test, the standard SERVOgrip was initially used. Neverthe-less, a� er 6 - 7 do� s so much yarn was wound up that regular spinning was no longer possible. With the new SERVOgrip for high strength yarns, all yarns were re-liably cut at every do� (Figure 36).

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Fig. 36: The SERVOgrip with its special design for high strength yarns reliably detaches the yarn in the do� ng process. Additional cleaning is unnecessary

Increase performance

As synthetic yarns need less twist be-cause of the higher tenacity, Rieter ring spinning machines have the possibility to optionally increase the delivery speed to 35 m/min. This achieves a high pro-ductivity.

Prerequisite for this is a ring traveller sys-tem that guarantees a good heat di� usion and reliably prevents the feared melting spots in the yarn (see below).

Improv e yarn quality

Generally, so� er roller cots give better � -bre guidance and thus yarn quality. With the processing of synthetic � bres and blends, the use of harder cots is better to reduce the tendency of � bre lap forma-tion and to achieve a longer service life. Treatment with UV light (Berkolisation) is especially recommended. (Recommenda-tions for setting can also be found in The Rieter Manual of Spinning Volume 7 (Th. Weide, 2014, Chapter 5.9)).

Yarn quality begins with the spinning ge-ometry. The geometry from Rieter per-mits high spinning speeds with simul-taneously good yarn quality. For the reduction of the IPI and good CV, it is advisable to use the newly developed stepped nose bar in combination with the speci� c cradle for further improvements (Figure 37).

Technology components from Bräcker

For the important ring traveller system, Rieter o� ers products from Bräcker. The ORBIT ring together with the STARLET-plus traveller (Figure 38), newly specially developed for the spinning of synthetic � bres, guarantee good gliding properties, which is important as synthetic � bres do

not have the self-lubrication of cotton. In addition, the ORBIT ring traveller system has good heat di� usion. That prevents melting spots with � bres which have a low melting point. The impact of this fault is frequently seen only a� er � nish-ing and this fault can cause great damage.

Fig. 37: The specially designed stepped nose bar in combination with the selected cradle increase the yarn quality of synthetic � bres

Thanks to the large contact area between ring and traveller, in the ORBIT ring/trav-eller system, the � bres which are spun are treated very gently. Due to the stable running condition, the reduced speci� c surface pressure and the optimal heat di� usion allow most attractive yarn val-ues in all spinning applications.

Daily shut down a� er 6 - 7 do� s for cleaning


ber o

f yar

ns w


t pro

per s




G 32 Ring spinning machine, 100 % polyester, Ne 20 core yarn

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20








SERVOgrip without knife SERVOgrip with knife

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Fig. 3 8: The system of ORBIT/redORBIT ring and STARLETplus traveller is ideal for the processing of synthetic � bres with high spinning performance

The right choice for the ring/traveller sys-tem opens new options for performance and yarn quality also for the application of synthetic � bres. Bräcker (Moser, 2015) conducted extensive comparisons in practice to give an indication of these ad-vantages (Figure 39). These trials showed clearly that ORBIT/redORBIT is well suit-able for sensitive raw materials and is recommended for 100 % polyester, poly-ester/cotton blends and combed cotton, core yarns, from Ne 10 to Ne 140.

Fig. 40: S ervice life comparison of the Bräcker ring/traveller system ORBIT/redORBIT with STARLETplus with competi-tor products show the advantage regarding service life expectation

All the measures to optimise the machine and its components to the � bres pro-cessed � nally lead to customer satisfac-tion.

Fig. 41: Pallavaagroup summarises positive experience with Rieter G 32

Fig. 39: Only the original ORBIT/ redORBIT shape ensures high performance, high quality and a long lifetime

In addition, the traveller STARLETplus considerably reduces the risk of early groove formation and therefore guaran-tees extended traveller service life of up to +50 % and optimal resistance against corrosion (Figure 40).

„We are very much satis� ed with the machine performance, yarn quality as well as productivity. Apart from these parameters, there is a signi-� cant saving on the power front as well.“ (The mill runs 20 G 32 with 1 440 spindles each since 2013 with Ne 30 viscose, max speed 20 500 rpm and achieves very low IPI)

Director Durai Pananisamy Pallavaagroup India

Customer, Shandong Province | Ne 40, Blend 50 % Viscose / 50 % Cotton, Siro Compact, Spindle speed increase: 17 000 to 19 000 rpm

Spindle speed



Neps200 %


Neps280 %

Neps140 %


Flange 1 (CN)




Viscose PES /dyed � bres Cotton / Blends








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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

As the � bre strength utilisation is less im-portant with spinning of synthetic � bres than with cotton, and because of the � bre length the hairiness is also less meaning-ful, synthetic � bres are less frequently processed with compacting equipment. Rieter o� ers two di� erent systems for compacting: the perforated suction drum for the K 42 and K 46 models and the EliTe®Compact System from Suessen.

While the perforated suction drum has the great advantage of the low energy consumption, the EliTe®Compact System has the possibility to adjust the tension dra� in the actual compacting zone. This allows synthetic � bres to relax slightly be-fore compacting, which can improve the compacting success of coarser yarns and crimped � bres. Furthermore, the parts that wear out more quickly, in particular with aggressive � bres, are easy to replace with the EliTe®Compact System.

Independent of the selected compact-ing system, important for the yarn qual-ity and durability are the right choice of components: roller cots, aprons, ring and traveller. Here is a wide spectrum of tech-nology elements available.

7 Compact Spinning with Two Di� erent Solutions

Fig. 42: The new surface treatment promises lifetime adapted to the one of the bottom roller

Fig. 43: The Suessen EliTe®Compact System for Rieter G 32 ring spinning machine

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Fig . 44: Suessen EliTe®Compact System ensures on the Rieter G 32 ring spinning machine high yarn quality compared to competitor values

Fig. 45: The Suessen HP-GX 3010 top weighting arms on G 32 achieve very good yarn values also in blended yarns, here polyester with cotton

Suction drum innovation for long service life

Rieter has developed a new coating (Figure 42) for the suction drum that ful-� ls the customer requirement for a long service life. The greatest challenge is to achieve a long service life without the yarn quality deteriorating. To assess the service life, a special test bench was de-veloped in collaboration with an external institute on which the new suction drum was tested with abrasive material, and at the same time, a thorough yarn qual-ity spinning test was carried out. Rieter made the results available to its custom-ers for the � rst time in 2016. Rieter prom-ises its customers that the new suction drum has the same life span as a normal bottom roller in the spinning mill.

Suessen solutions for compacting on Rieter G 32

EliTe®Compact System conversion for the Rieter G 32 ring spinning machine exists of a pneumatic compact spin-ning system and, for best yarn quality, in combination with the HP-GX 3010 top weighting arm. In particular for syn-thetic applications like 100 % polyes-ter, 100 % viscose (Figure 44) and their blends (Figure 45) for weaving and for knitting applications. The combination of compacting by EliTe®Compact System with the Suessen weighting arm allows to produce yarns with low hairiness by best embedding all � bres. This creates � -nal fabrics with high brilliance and good hand and improves the performance (Figure 46) not only in spinning but also in downstream processing.

100 % Viscose – EliTe® vs. CompetitorNe 40/2, T/m 870, 15 800 rpm

50/50 % PES/Co – EliTe® vs. competitor, Ne 45



CVm %

CVm %



Neps200 %







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Fig. 46: The Suessen weighting arm on G 32 does not only produce better yarn values but much lower ends-down rates

HP-GX 3010 vs. competitor top arm on EliTe®Compact System100 % PES, Ne 30

cN/tex U% Thin-50%


Neps200 %



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Rotor spinning has its undisputed advan-tages with the processing of short � bres. For this reason, it is ideal for cotton with a high short � bre content, the addition of noil and waste � bres and also for recy-cled � bre materials.

It is also used for the processing of vis-cose and for polyester, the latter particu-larly in blends with cotton. What should be observed are possible deposits in the rotor from � bre abrasion, � bre fragments, � bre � nish and dust as well as the risk of wear from aggressive � bres (Th. Weide, 2014).

8 Processing Synthetic Fibres with the Rotor Spinning Technology

Fig. 47: The S 66 rotor box of the R 66 rotor spinning machine supports the spinning of synthetic � bres and their blends with cotton

Technology of the spin box is decisive

The new S 66 spin box (Figure 47) en-sures the best spinning stability. It is a further development of the S 60 spin box renowned for its high spinning sta-bility and therefore fewer ends down. Further important elements of the S 66 technology are the COOLnozzle technology, the unique CHANNELpass and the SPEEDpass, which are bene� cial for the processing of synthetic � bres.

COOLnozzle technology

For the processing of synthetic � bres, a lowest possible temperature of the noz-zle surface is decisive. The COOLnozzle technology prevents the � bres being damaged by heat at this abrasion spot, with the highest temperature in the yarn path.

This is possible by means of a complete-ly new design and optimal material se-lection. The extra-long neck of the take-o� nozzle is secured by a mechanical bayonet-type � xture in the largest chan-nel insert. The complete design of this TWISTunit discharges the heat well to

Fig. 4 8: The Rieter COOLnozzle technology prevents � -bre damage in the processing of synthetic � bres, resp. it allows higher speeds with sensitive material

The heat in the rotor that is generated by spinning is e� ciently discharged into the main channel by the process air. Fur-thermore, the most important sources for heat generation, the drives and the pow-er electronics, are centralised in the end section. This design makes heat di� usion cost-e� ective and e� cient. There is no impact on the climate of the spinning po-sition. The wax block and the yarn pack-age are not a� ected by heat develop-ment. That means, the wax application remains consistent and there is hardly any loss of moisture in the yarn packages (Figure 49).

the outside without being obstructed by covers. Therefore the temperature on the surface of the take-o� nozzle is approxi-mately 10° C (10 K) cooler than with oth-er manufacturers under the same spin-ning conditions.

That allows higher speeds in comparison to other constructions. This advantage of the S 66 box could be measured when compared to the SC-R box (Figure 48).

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Fig. 49: The well-functioning temperature management of the R 66 prevents too high temperatures in the area of the spinning unit, the wax block and the packages, even at high spinning speeds

New material-speci� c spinning element – CHANNELpass

With the new technology element, the CHANNELpass (Figure 50), the box can be adjusted to di� erent materials. The transition between opening zone and � bre guide chan-nel can be adjusted to the � bres, their space requirement, vol-umes and sti� ness with di� erent forms (Figure 51) and thus gives an optimal � bre � ow. Better IPI values are the result (Figure 52).

Fig. 50: CHANNELpass allows the optimal transition from the opening roller in the � bre guide channel. In this way, better IPI values are achieved

Fig. 51: D i� erent CHANNELpass for cotton, polyester and viscose adapt the box ideally to the � bre material

Fig. 52: The advantage of the S 66 with speci� c CHANNELpass is visible in this example for the processing of viscose

Advantage of speci� c CHANNELpass for Ne 30 100 % CV

Box S 60

Strength [cN/tex]

Ends-down-rate [1/1 000 Rh]


Box S 66 with CHANNELpass

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SPEEDpass – Additional air � ow for � bre transport

The SPEEDpass (Figure 53) supports the � bre � ow. The optional opening in the channel insert connects the spinning vacuum in the rotor housing directly to the � bre channel. This intensi� es and accelerates the transport air for the � bres. That generally supports the processing of greater � bre masses and especially also the synthetic � bres. The strong transport air supports the detachment of the � -bres from the opening roller. SPEEDpass guides particles from spin � nish directly from the � bre channel into the exhaust air. Deposits are thereby signi� cantly reduced. For the improved � bre � ow no additional vacuum is necessary.

Fig . 53: The SPEEDpass directly connects to the exhaust air duct, accelerates and cleans the � bre � ow

A trial with 100 % Tencel micro� bres and di� erent card production rates from 30 to 63 kg/h (H. Schwippl, 2013) shows that the yarn evenness and cleanliness are only minimally in� uenced (Figure 54). Only the number of neps signi� cantly increases by 10 - 25 % - here the use of SPEEDpass is recommended.

Fig. 54: With a high rotor speed of 130 000 rpm and a low twist factor of αm 110, the micro � bres themselves can be spun out to a yarn � neness of 10tex without any problem

Fig . 53: The SPEEDpass directly connects to the exhaust air duct, accelerates and cleans the � bre � ow

3 0002 7002 4002 1001 8001 5001 200




ts -3

0 %

, +35

%, +



er 1


m y


Yarn faults of rotor yarn depending on yarn countTENCEL® LF 0.9 dtex, 34 mm, 1 opening place, card C 60, rotor 130 000 rpm, αm 110

10 12.5 15 17.5 20

Yarn count [tex]

Neps, Card 30 kg/h

Thick, Card 30 kg/h

Thin, Card 30 kg/h

Neps, Card 38 kg/h

Thick, Card 38 kg/h

Thin, Card 38 kg/h

Neps, Card 53 kg/h

Thick, Card 53 kg/h

Thin, Card 53 kg/h

Neps, Card 63 kg/h

Thick, Card 63 kg/h

Thin, Card 63 kg/h

VARIOclean rotor cleaning

The VARIOclean unit for e� cient clean-ing of the rotor and the rotor groove is located in the robot of the R 66. Before every single spinning start-up process, cleaning takes place automatically. The combination of mechanical scrapers and compressed air (Figure 55) reliably en-sure the piecing quality and consequent-ly good yarn quality from a cleaned ro-tor groove. In particular with synthetic � bres with more abrasion from � bre � n-ish or oligomers, there is a risk of quality deterioration without this process-deter-mined cleaning.

The success of the VARIOclean rotor cleaning is evident. In particular when synthetic � bres are processed the Rieter Q 10A yarn clearer will detect only a very small number of moiré defects.

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The right technology parts

The selection of technology components decisively in� uences running properties and yarn quality in rotor spinning.

Rieter sets conscious accents here and supports customers in the selection of components and with the setting of the machine. With a Turkish customer, a di-rect comparison with competitor showed that with the right choice of rotor, signi� -cantly better results could be obtained (Figure 56).

Fig. 55: The combined mechanical and pneumatic rotor cleaning VARIOclean prevents deposits in the rotor groove be-fore each piecing

It is especially noticeable, that with the R 60 less than half the ends down and practically 90 % fewer clearer cuts were counted, despite higher rotor and delivery speeds. There, the high spinning stability of the S 60 spin box is apparent. The low-er number of piecing in the yarn which resulted is a quality attribute – even then when these are well executed: too many piecing entail a risk in further processing.

Considering that these results were achieved with the S 60 box, it can be ex-pected that the improved S 66 box with the CHANNELpass will deliver at least comparable results. 

Fig. 56: The direct comparison with competitors showed the superiority of the Rieter technology components for yarn quality and running characteristics

Air nozzlesScrapers

R 60 – Advantages with Ne 28 Noil/PES Up to 17 % higher productivity and better quality with better technologyNe 28.5; 60 / 40 %, Noil/ PES, αe 3.6; 760 T/m


Rotor speed[1 000 min-1]


Delivery speed[m/min]

CVm %

Machinee� ciency [%]

Thin [-50 %]

Yarn breaks[1/1 000 Rh]

Thick [+ 50 %]

Clearer cuts[1/1 000 Rh]

Neps [+ 280 %]

R 60 (33 XT-BD)

Direct comparison at customer in Turkey

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Fig. 59: neXt generation rotors, with optimized outside shape

Fig. 60: The next Generation rotor XT with a relatively narrow groove is suitable for synthetic � bres

Fibre material Knitting yarn Weaving yarn standard Denim yarn



ViscoseXTXT5 and XK5 XG

XTXT5 and XK5 XK



Technology components for the Rieter rotor technology

Rieter customers can select a number of technology components using the technology of Suessen with remarkable bene� ts for yarn quality and spinning performance. The well known SOLIDRING (Figure 57) grounded tooth for tooth and in hardened chromium steel is available in various designs and coatings for di� erent � bres and applications (Figure 58). With the selection customers achieve a long service life, good opening, uniform � bre transportation and � bre delivery into the � bre channel which leads to good and constant yarn quality.

Fig. 58: A wide selection of high quality opening rollers allow to achieve uniform quality parameters at high spinning performance

The rotor itself is the heart of the rotor spinning machine and in� uences positively yarn quality, ends-down rates, ability for piec-ing, acceleration and breaking time and of course the energy consumption. For the processing of synthetic � bres Rieter o� ers a wide range of rotors.

Fig. 5 7: The SOLIDRING ensures high and constant yarn quality and a long service life

Fibre material Knitting yarn Weaving yarn standard Denim yarn

PES/cotton S 21 / OS 21 S 21 / OS 21 S 21 / OS 21

Viscose B 174 / OB 20 B B 174 / OB 20 B

PES/PAC S 21 / OS 21S 43-3.6

S 21 / OS 21S 43-3.6 S 21 / OS 21

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F ig. 62: With the R 60 technology, Rieter customers achieve far better yarn values at higher productivity than with competitor machines

Fibre material Spinning speed Knitting yarn Weaving yarn

standard Denim yarn

PES/cottonHigh nano6 MIMA 2-4K nano4

Normal nano4 MIMA 1-4K K4K

ViscoseHigh nano4 nano4


Normal nano4 nano4KSF-NX


High nano6 MIMA 2-4K MIMA 2-4K

Normal nano4 MIMA 1-4K MIMA 1-4K

In particular the rotor XT (Figure 59 and 60) is very much suitable to process syn-thetic � bres to so� yarns with good val-ues and yarn strength. It reduces the ten-dency for deposits and therefore moiré faults.

Numerous designs of nozzles (Figure 61) o� er adaptation to the raw material and end use of the yarn. In particular the MIMA ceramic nozzles allow best yarn values for polyester � bres in weaving applications.

Uniform packages, even with viscose

The well thought-out system of package formation of the R 66 makes it possible to produce very well built-up and uni-formly dense packages. The load can be centrally set and with growing package diameter the load is automatically o� set by its own increasing weight. An adjusta-ble pneumatic damping function simulta-neously ensures an even winding tension with winding from the package start to package end, even at high delivery speed and package density as, for instance, with the spinning of viscose.

Results at customers

Why do customers decide in favour of Rieter technology? Comparative tests in practice con� rm that Rieter customers achieve better quality at higher produc-tivity under otherwise equal conditions (Figure 62). This quality is subsequently con� rmed by the customers’ buyers, who experience better running performance as well as good woven and knitted fabric quality and better running performance in the further processing. This assurance of being able to satisfy their own custom-ers makes Rieter technology so attractive for Rieter customers.

Fig. 61: MIMA ceramic nozzles are most suitable for polyester � bre yarns for weaving

R 60 – Advantages with Ne 28 Noil/PES Better technology proven with the same rotor diameter:higher productivity and better quality; Ne 28.5; 60/40 %, Noil/PES αe 3.6; 760 T/m


Rotor speed[1 000 min-1]


Delivery speed[m/min]

CVm %

Machinee� ciency [%]

Thin [-50 %]

Yarn breaks[1/1 000 Rh]

Thick [+ 50 %]

Clearer cuts[1/1 000 Rh]

Neps [+ 280 %]

R 60 (33 XTC-BD)

Direct comparison at customer in Turkey

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The air-jet spinning (Figure 63) has al-ready captured a solid position for the processing of cellulose � bres and their blends with cotton. Alongside the eco-nomic production, downstream proces-

9 Air-jet Spinning – Now Also for 100 % Polyester

sors and users particularly appreciate the very good pilling behaviour and washing resistance of the � nished applications.

Fig . 63: With the air-jet technology, yarns are spun which make a good pilling behaviour and high washing resistance possible

Fig. 64: The patented equipment for the traversing of technology elements (orange part) distributes the wear across a greater area, increases the service life of the important components and ensures consistent quality

Uniform packages, even with viscose

The well-considered system of winding on the J 26 makes it possible to produce very well built-up and uniformly dense packages. The load can be centrally set and with growing package diameter the load is automatically o� set by its own in-creasing weight. An adjustable pneumatic damping function simultaneously ensures an even winding tension with winding from the package start to package end, even at high delivery speed and package density as, for instance, with the spinning of viscose.

Measurements under mill condition show that in particular the service life of the top delivery roller could be up to 300 % of that of competitor and with even or longer life time of aprons.

Of general importance with high delivery speeds of up to 500 m/min and resulting high material throughput is high process reliability and an answer to the wear of technology components.

Inbuilt process reliability

The spinning unit is equipped with the unique, patented traversing system (Figure 64). The individual technology components (condenser, spinning noz-zle, APP nozzle and yarn clearer) traverse slowly from side to side and continuously guide sliver and yarn. This has a recog-nisable impact on the service life of the top rollers and aprons. Maintenance work and spare parts costs are thus considera-bly reduced and the constant yarn quality is assured over a longer period of time.

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Fig. 65: The use of the P 26 not only shortens the cleaning cycle but also improves the yarn values

Incidentally, this rise in yarn strength and the reduction of hairiness are also evident with spinning of viscose. In a in house trial in our Rieter textile spin cen-tre the e� ect of P 26 was tested with dif-ferent blend ratios between polyester and Tencel® at di� erent delivery speeds.

It is clearly visible that P 26 improves the yarn values and allows therefore increas-ing productivity.

The Rieter Q 10A yarn clearer has been improved for air-jet spinning

The air-jet spinning process itself is a challenge for quality monitoring. With this spinning process, the risk exists that with changes in spinning conditions for applying the twist, weak yarn will be pro-duced. These are yarn ranges with lower tenacity. The structure of the yarn has changed, the yarn strength reduced and the mass remains constant. The remain-ing tenacity is su� cient for the spinning and winding process. In the following downstream processing, such yarn areas cause problems.

With spinning of synthetic � bres, this can also occur. Polyester yarns have a very high strength and such weak places can survive further process-ing. Disturbing here is the change in the yarn hairiness – a side e� ect of in-su� ciently twisted yarn. Consequent-ly, this change in the yarn hairiness has disruptive faults, for instance, vis-ible stripes in the fabric appearance. For this reason, it is important that the yarn clearer reliably detects these faults.

Polyester type 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8

Delivery speed m/min 440 400 440 480 420 480 450 480 450 380 400 420 440 360 390 420

Hairiness decrease by P 26 in % -24 -10 -9 -11 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -14 -20 -17

Strength increase by P 26 in % 6 6 9 14 7 29 0 56 7 4 7 15 17 17 23 39

Minimum strength increase by P 26 in % 18 32 4 197 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 55 181 382

Now also available for 100 % polyester

At the ITMA 2015 in Milan, Rieter pre-sented the P 26 additional device for the � rst time. It allows also the spinning of 100 % polyester. The system ensures that technology components are contami-nated less from � bre � nishing deposits or polymer abrasion and thus enables a longer production period before clean-ing is necessary. This naturally also ap-plies to processing of blends.

The technical solution of the P 26 is based on a measured supply of water in small amounts directly before the point at which the � bres are twisted and enlaced around the yarn core of parallel � bres by the air � ows. That has several advantag-es: water is cheap to obtain and does not interfere in downstream processing. The water not only has a cleaning e� ect on the technology components, but it also increases the suppleness of the � bres and thus improves the yarn strength.

There are two di� erent cleaning strate-gies. Either a team cleans the spinning components of a small group of spinning units, or it is postponed until the cleaning of the spinning units can be coordinated with the basic cleaning of the machines. In both cases, it is important that the ten-dency of deposits can be reduced. That is

always the case with the P 26, even when a di� erent extension for di� erent polyester is detected.

Rieter has tested 15 di� erent polyes-ter types with and without the P 26. The results without the P 26 range from 16 hours to 150 hours – the extension of the running time to the necessary cleaning from 200 % to 500 %.

Improvement of yarn values with P 26

The use of the P 26 can also improve the yarn values. In mill spinning trials of 8 di� erent types of polyester (all 38 mm 1.3 dtex) to produce a Ne 30 at varying spinning speeds, it emerged that the hairi-ness was reduced and the strength was increased. Nevertheless, the various � -bres reacted di� erently. The rise in tenac-ity ranges from 0 to 50 % and with certain types, increases disproportionately with the delivery speed. The reduction of hairi-ness is, according to � bre type, 10 to 25 % (Figure 65).

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

The Rieter Q 10A yarn clearer (Figure 67) has specially adapted monitoring – the te-nacity factor. This clearing channel moni-tors the structure of the yarn. The small-est changes are quickly detected, even at production speeds of up to 500 m/min. The weak place in the yarn is detected at the latest 10 metres a� er it occurs and the spinning process is stopped. The ro-bot can remove the disturbing fault from the package in the shortest possible time and restart the spinning process.

Fig. 66: The use of P 26 not only extends the necessary cleaning interval of the air-jet spinning machine, it also improves yarn values – here tenacity

Tenacity of air-jet yarn vs delivery speed with respect to water injection by P 26Ne 40; [38mm, 1.3 dtex PES] [38 mm, 1.3 dtex Tencel]

360 380 400 360 380 400 360 380 400 360 380 400 360 380 400

Tencel 80 %PES 20 %

Tencel 67 %PES 33 %

Tencel 50 %PES 50 %

Tencel 33 %PES 67 %

Tencel 20 %PES 80 %

Air-jet spinning delivery speed [m/min]






With P 26 Without P 26


Tensojet 1 000 breaks

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Fig. 67: The Q 10A yarn clearer from Rieter has a yarn tenacity channel that reliably detects insu� ciently twisted places in the yarn. This avoids in particular problems in processing a� er winding.

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Rieter o� ers over and above the innova-tive systems, machines and components, also broad expertise on the topic of short-staple spinning. Exchange of experience with customers and partners is part of the Rieter philosophy for constant im-provement and innovation for yarn qual-ity at high productivity and low manu-facturing costs. Examples of this is “The Rieter Manual of Spinning”, the world-wide unique team of textile experts and the spin centres in China and Switzerland, which cover the entire process from the � bre to the yarn for all four spinning sys-tems, to which well-equipped laborato-ries are attached.

The Rieter Manual of Spinning Volume 7

The general textile technological basic knowledge for the processing of syn-thetic � bres was summarised and clearly explained in the “The Rieter Manual of Spinning Volume 7” (Th. Weide, 2014) (Figure 68). This compendium can be freely downloaded from the Rieter web-site. It illustratively describes the pecu-liarities during processing and gives tips for good setting of the machines and what is to be especially observed. Cross-references in the Volumes 1 - 6, which deal with the basics of spinning and the individual process stages, simplify refer-encing.

10 A System Range for Various Fibres

Fig. 68: The Rieter Manual of Spinning, a comprehensive compendium on the topic of technology in short-staple spinning

Rieter Textile Technology

Rieter’s textile technology department has for years been in active contact with customers and manufacturers of synthet-ic � bres, in order to test the spinning ca-pability of raw materials and to develop joint solutions which increase the produc-tivity of the Rieter process, to guarantee the process reliability and to improve the yarn quality.

Customers, � bre producers and Rieter know that the � bre properties very strongly in� uence the productivity and yarn quality. Alongside raw material, � -bre length and � bre � neness, with syn-thetic � bres properties that usually are not measured in a spinning mill also be-long to the � bre characteristics such as type of � bre � nish and the quality of their

Fig. 69: Rieter uses a broad spectrum of laboratory equipment for � bre testing, also of synthetic � bres. Correlations can therefore be recognised and used for future solutions

application, crimping and adhesion prop-erties of the � bre as well as tendency to electrostatic charging. These character-istics can strongly promote or limit the spinning capability. From experience, Rieter knows that even � bres from the same manufacturer, from the same mill but di� erent production lines, can be-have di� erently during spinning.

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Spinner’s Guide

Whether for woven sheets or knitted un-derwear – the requirements of the yarn, in terms of processing and wearing com-fort, are various – and therefore the nec-essary machine settings too. The Rieter Spinners’ Guide provides the right cook-ery recipe to start with the respective tex-tile application.

Optimal basic settings and technology parts for di� erent yarn counts, � bre ma-terials and end use are quickly and eas-ily found. The practice-oriented recom-mendations, developed from the view of the spinning mill, are based on extensive technological know-how. Thanks to the Rieter Spinners’ Guide, the spinning mills are near to the optimal setting from the beginning, and save valuable time in the daily spinning routine. Numerous illus-

Therefore, all spinning trials from Rieter employees are meticulously adminis-tered in a database so that it is possible to refer to this knowledge at any time. Alone for the trials with 100 % synthet-ic � bres, that is, without blends, a to-tal of 5 100 tests with 136 � bre types were carried out and evaluated. Aramid, carbon � bres, Lyocell, modal, polyester (also in� ammable), viscose, modacryl and acryl were used. The � bre length ranged from 30 to 60 mm, the � bre � ne-ness from 0.9 to 5 dtex and the spun yarn count from 4 to 207 tex.

Additionally, spinning tests for all four im-portant spinning processes were carried out: 372 ring spinning tests, 274 tests according to the compact spinning pro-cess, 3 246 tests with rotor spinning and 1 208 tests with the air-jet technology. This pooled experience is the basis to fa-cilitate the e� cient processing of new � -bre materials.

trations and little text convey the infor-mation in the Spinners’ Guide. For each yarn application, there is one page so it is easy to use.

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H. Schwippl, P. Krüger, H. Leitner, 2013. Processing characterisics of Tencel LF micro� bres on Rieter high performance spinning machinery. CH-8406 Winterthur: Rieter Machine Works Ltd., Lenzing AG, 2013.

B. Moser, 2015. ORBIT Ring/Traveler System - New range of application. CH-8330 Pfae� kon: Braecker AG, Spinnovation Volume 30, 2015, page 11.

PCI. 2015. World Fibres Supply and Demand Report. DE-61440 Oberursel: PCI Research GmbH, 2015.

H. Schwippl, 2015. In� uence of tu� & draw frame blending on intermediate and end products. CH-8406 Wintethur: Rieter Machine Works Ltd., Conference Presentation, 2015.

Prof. Dr. Th. Weide, 2014. The Rieter Manual of Spinning Volume 7.CH-8406 Winterthur: Rieter Machine Works Ltd., 2014. ISBN 13 978-3-9523173-7-2.

11 Sources

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Rieter . Man-made Fibre Solutions

Edda Walraf Head Marketing Winterthur

Simon Urrutia Head Product Management Blow room and Card Winterthur

Uwe Nick Product Management Blow room Card Winterthur

Jürgen Müller Head Product Management Draw frame Ingolstadt

Yvan Schwartz Head Product Management Combing Winterthur

Andreas Hellwig Head Product Management Ring Winterthur

Roland Fraas Product Management Ring Winterthur

Marc Schnell Head Product Management Air Jet Winterthur

Stephan Weidner-Bohnenberger Head Product Management Rotor Ingolstadt

Thomas Martin Product Management Rotor Ingolstadt

Martin Werder Marketing Winterthur

Harald Schwippl Head Textile Technology Winterthur

Jürg Grest Textile Technology Winterthur

Premkumar Govindarajulu Textile Technology Winterthur

Silvano Rufo Head Marketing Business Group Components Winterthur

Mylène Albizatti Head Marketing Business Group A� er Sales Winterthur

12 Authoring Team of Rieter

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The data and illustrations in this brochure and on thecorresponding data carrier refer to the date of printing. Rieter reserves the right to make any necessary changes at any time and without special notice. Rieter systems and Rieter innovations are protected by patents.

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Rieter Machine Works Ltd.Klosterstrasse 20CH-8406 WinterthurT +41 52 208 7171F +41 52 208 [email protected][email protected]

Rieter India Private Ltd.Gat No. 768/2, Village WingShindewadi-Bhor RoadTaluka Khandala, District SataraIN-Maharashtra 412 801T +91 2169 304 141F +91 2169 304 226

Rieter (China)Textile Instruments Co., Ltd.Shanghai BranchUnit B-1, 6F, Building A,Synnex International Park1068 West Tianshan RoadCN-Shanghai 200335T +86 21 6037 3333F +86 21 6037 3399