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Adam Amendolito English 2010 Report Draft The European Union What is the European Union? Which countries are part of it? Why did they create it? I think these are important questions many Americans do not know the answers to. This report will focus in on the history and motivations of the member countries of the European Union and it’s place in the world today. As Britain’s prime minister David Cameron stated on the formation of the EU, “The biggest danger to the European Union comes not from those who advocate change, but from those who denounce new thinking as heresy. In its long history Europe has experience of heretics who turned out to have a point.”

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Page 1: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

Adam AmendolitoEnglish 2010Report Draft

The European Union

What is the European Union? Which countries are part of it? Why did they

create it? I think these are important questions many Americans do not know the

answers to. This report will focus in on the history and motivations of the member

countries of the European Union and it’s place in the world today. As Britain’s prime

minister David Cameron stated on the formation of the EU, “The biggest danger to

the European Union comes not from those who advocate change, but from those

who denounce new thinking as heresy. In its long history Europe has experience of

heretics who turned out to have a point.”

Page 2: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

A brief History

The European Union or EU, was founded in 1948 after the end of World War

Two to foster stability and economic cooperation between member states. This

Union is comprised of 28 European countries. There are three main common

institutions the EU has created: the Council (which represents national

governments), the European Parliament (which represents the people), and the

European Commission (an independent body that represents the collective

European interest). The United States, who is not an EU member, has maintained a

Mission to the EU since 1961. The European Parliament is elected every five years

by EU citizens. The EU's stated capital is in Brussels. The motto of the European

Union is “United in Diversity,” reflecting the many cultures and languages that

compose this union. The European Union states, “Any European country can join,

provided it has a stable democracy that guarantees the rule of law, human rights

and the protection of minorities. It must also have a functioning market economy

and a civil service capable of applying EU laws”.

The European Union was set up with the aim of creating peace and avoiding

the frequent, costly and bloody wars between neighboring countries. European

integration was seen by many as an escape from the extreme forms of nationalism

that had devastated the continent. During the 1948 Hague Congress was a turning

point in European federal history, as it led to the creation of the European

Movement International and also of the College of Europe, a place where Europe's

students and future leaders would study together. Around 1950 the European Coal

and Steel Community began to unite European countries economically and

Page 3: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

politically in hopes of creating that peace. This community, which was declared to

be "a first step in the federation of Europe", starting with the aim of eliminating the

possibility of further wars between its member states by means of pooling the

national heavy industries. There were six founding member countries: Belgium,

France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In nineteen fifty-seven,

the ECSC signed two additional treaties that would establish the European Atomic

Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Economic Community (EEC). The

EEC created the first European “Common Market" by eliminating most trade

barriers, getting rid of policies that inhibit market competition, and developing

common agricultural and external trade policies.

The success of this European integration project during a period of steady

economic growth in the nineteen-sixties provided the chance for the first expansion,

which included the addition of the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark. Between

1965 and 1987, these European Communities experienced many large structural

changes and transitions. During these formative years the three main institutions

mentioned above were put into place. Membership to the EEC also admitted Greece,

Portugal, and Spain. Member country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the

first time in 1979.

There were concerns all along about bringing in new members and their

ability to meet the financial requirements set. World recession and internal disputes

over individual Member States’ financial burdens applied pressure to renew efforts

for economic integration. Efforts were reinforced by the 1985 “Single European Act”

(SEA) and marked by the nineteen ninety-two “Single Market Project”. The Single

Page 4: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

European Act enlarged coordination for foreign policy issues as well as funding for

economic and social programs by sorting out the problems with the stream of trade

across EU borders. The ‘Single Market’, brought about extending the practice of

majority voting rather than unanimous voting in the EU Council, gave Community

institutions the means of adopting the more than three hundred Directives required

to abolish the remaining barriers to intra-Community trade. The SEA also mandated

heightened environmental protection measures in economic policy development, as

well as funding for common technological research efforts, along with providing a

time table for completion of the transition towards a totally common market.

Page 5: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

The collapse of the Berlin Wall and German unification was a major change in

Europe. The Member States negotiated the nineteen ninety-two Treaty dubbed the

"Maastricht Treaty." This treaty laid much of the groundwork for today’s EU. This

treaty helped increase coordination between European countries on economic

liberalism, domestic affairs, and security and defense. In addition, the Single Market

was completed with the newly established 'four freedoms', which are: movement of

goods, services, people, and money. The Maastricht Treaty also outlined the steps

needed to begin the shift from individual national currencies to a single common

currency. This would eventually result in the creation of the Euro. New reforms to

make EU commissioners more accountable, including changes to term limits and

fine systems to punish violators of commission policies, were also outlined in this


The Birth of the Euro

EU membership continued to increase throughout the mid nineties with the

inclusion of Sweden, Austria, and Finland in nineteen ninety-five. In May of 1998, EU

heads of government officially chose eleven Member States to adopt a single

currency. Greece initially did not qualify, and Sweden, the United Kingdom and

Denmark decided to"opt out." On the first of January nineteen ninety-nine the euro

became the official currency of the EU. This would be followed by the European

Central Bank (ECB) putting euro notes and coins into circulation on the first of

January two thousand two. Today, twenty countries use the euro: Austria, Belgium,

Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,

Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and

Page 6: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

the Vatican City. These member states make up the monetary union known as the

eurozone, which uses the Euro as a single currency. In two thousand twelve the EU

had a combined GDP of over sixteen trillion international dollars, which is a twenty

percent share of the global gross domestic product in terms of purchasing power.

According to Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report from two thousand twelve the EU

owns the largest net wealth in the world. It is estimated to equal thirty percent of

the two hundred twenty three trillion global wealth.

The euro was designed to help build a single market in Europe by, for

example: easing travel of citizens and goods, eliminating exchange rate problems,

Page 7: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

providing price transparency, creating a single financial market, price stability and

low interest rates, and providing a currency used internationally and protected

against fluctuations by the large amount of internal trade within the eurozone. It is

also used as a political symbol of integration and growing the Union. Since its launch

the euro has become the second reserve currency in the world with a quarter of all

foreign exchange reserves being in euro. This has happened very quickly. The euro,

and the financial policies of those who have adopted it in agreement with the EU, are

under the control of the European Central Bank.

The Modern European Union

Page 8: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

In two thousand four, the EU allowed the inclusion of ten additional

members including Cyprus, Malta, Poland, and several other Eastern European

countries (most of which were former Eastern Bloc or communist countries).

Bulgaria and Romania joined in two thousand seven. Current candidates for

membership include Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Turkey. Today

EU membership stands at twenty seven countries.

Each EU country is unique. This means that each countries gross domestic

product (GDP) and population growth can be very different from one country to the

next. Each country also varying approaches to key policy areas such as education,

size and population. The EU covers over four million kilometers of land and has five

hundred and three million inhabitants, which is the world’s third largest population

after China and India. In terms of surface area, France is the biggest EU country and

Malta the smallest.

Europe’s population is increasing through a combination of natural growth,

which means more people are born each year than die, and net migration which is

due to more people settling in the EU than leaving it. At the same time, the

population of Europe is growing older collectively as life expectancy increases and

fewer children are born.

According to the EU’ official website “The Quality of life living standards can

be compared by measuring the price of a range of goods and services in each

country relative to income, using a common notional currency called the purchasing

power standard (PPS). Comparing GDP per inhabitant in PPS provides an overview

of living standards across the EU.” The GDP of these individual countries vary

Page 9: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

heavily from the top to bottom. The richest countries include Luxembourg,

Denmark, and Sweden. The poorest are Bulgaria, Romania, and Latvia. These poorer

nations are some of the newest members who have been introduced to the Union.

These countries are very much tied to one another. The recent financial

turmoil in Greece following their bankruptcy brought up questions on just how

much these countries are dependent on one another. Greek banks, which already on

the brink went bankrupt. These losses threaten the solvency of other European

banks, particularly in Germany and France. This in turn affects the EU's central bank

which holds a lot of Greek and other sovereign debt. How much of the financial

Page 10: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

burden should some of the other member countries have to take on? This is still a

hotly discussed topic within the EU.

Other quick facts about the EU

The European Union does not have one unified military. The predecessors of

the European Union were not devised as a strong military alliance because NATO

was largely seen as appropriate and suited for defense purposes. There are twenty-

two EU members of NATO, while the remaining member states follow policies of


Health care within the EU is provided through a large range of different

systems run at the national level. The systems are mostly publicly funded through

taxation which provides universal health care. Private funding for health care may

represent personal contributions towards meeting the non-taxpayer refunded

portion of health care or may reflect totally private, which isn’t subsidized, health

care either paid out of pocket or met by some form of personal or employer funded


The EU has twenty-four official and working languages: Bulgarian, Croatian,

Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian,

Italian, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak,

Slovene, Spanish, and Swedish. Important documents, such as political legislation,

are translated into every official language.

The EU is a secular body with no formal connection to any religion. Article 17

of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union recognizes the "status under

national law of churches and religious associations" as well as that of "philosophical

Page 11: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were

and non-confessional organizations". This allows countless religions to be practiced

within the EU.


The European Union is a vast, massive world power that represents the unity

of twenty seven separate member states. This conglomeration of countries was a

grand undertaking with worldwide repercussions and effects. This overview is

really just scraping the surface of this giant organization. With the third highest

population, the second largest financial traded currency, and the wealthiest of union

in the world, this is a very powerful section of the world that many Americans know

very little about. Here is a place to start.

Page 12: Union.docx · Web viewMember country citizens voted for EEC representatives for the first time in 1979. There were


Delors, J. (2013), Economic Governance in the European Union: Past, Present and

Future. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 51: 169–178. doi:


Ellicott, Karen. "European Union." Countries of the World and Their Leaders

Yearbook 2007. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, 2006. 2077-082.

Fuchs, D. (2013) Post-identity?: Culture and European Integration, Routledge Press,

New York, NY, 2013