union update - may 2013


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Union Update - May 2013


Page 1: Union Update - May 2013
Page 2: Union Update - May 2013
Page 3: Union Update - May 2013

!"#$%&'($%()*+#$,-.#/Over the past two years we’ve been taking part in a process called the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative (SUEi). The SUEi process of re!ection, planning, action and evaluation makes sure that we are focused on making a positive impact on the life of students at the University and we are really pleased to say we are an award winning Union. "

We achieved the SUEi award at silver level in July 2102 and received our award at a reception in the House of Commons in February 2013.!

For the "rst time this year students completing the National Student Survey (NSS) were asked about the Union. The key "nding for us is that the Union is the best performing in the North West with a satisfaction score of 75%.

‘Only 10 Unions have received a silver award and this puts us firmly in the

premier league of Union’s nationally.’


‘On behalf of the Students’ Union we want to welcome you to this mini booklet we have produced to tell you all that we’ve been doing recently. Many of the things you will read about are either on-going projects or will be repeated next year so there’s plenty of ways you can get involved if you feel inspired enough to do so.

It has been a trying year for the Union as there have been many issues that we’ve needed to fight for nationally as a result of what is happening to the Higher Education sector. However, we have not lost our focus and you, our membership, always come first. We hope you feel that we have done that whilst also taking the fight to Government on your behalf.

Remember that this is your Union, you elect us and we lead on your behalf to do what you want us to do. If you have any questions, would like to know more or may just want a chat, never hesitate to get in touch.’



Page 4: Union Update - May 2013

')+:1(34?$H+?")1?A big thank you to the 2,760

students who voted and elected the following student o#cers to lead UCLan Students’ Union for the 2013/14 academic year.

At 8.8%, this was the highest proportional voting turnout we

have ever had.







Page 5: Union Update - May 2013

L.1(34.)$%1"/+41$%"#*+K$AL%%BThe Students’ Union with the help of Foundation Business Course Rep, Jade Cannon, have been working to improve the response rates of the NSS. We have had tremendous success so far, and are on course to beating last year’s response rate.

NSS has been promoted in a variety of ways using stands in various buildings around campus run by student volunteers and School Representatives. Dedicated lecture drop in’s to courses with low response rates, with sweets and goodie bags for students who complete NSS on the iPads provided. As well as promotion via Course Leaders and Course Reps and a promotional video.

‘The surge in the response rate for my course is directly down to the NSS drop in sessions. In particular, mobile devices provided by yourselves allowed students to complete the survey instantly and not ‘do it later’. As this class doesn’t take place in a computer room this approach was especially beneficial.’



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Page 6: Union Update - May 2013


%1"/+41M)+/$O+.:2(4I$,-.#/?This year marks the 4th year UCLan Students’ Union has held an annual

awards evening to pay tribute to teaching and professional services sta$ across the institution. This year the Union has received 722

nominations (up on last year’s 571 nominations) which if taken into account with the 671 nominations received for the Union’s ‘We Heart U’ awards sees a record breaking 1393 nominations (up 144% on last

year) in recognition of UCLan sta$. These awards are entirely student-led from nomination to presentation.

H.(?(4I$.4/$5(*(4I$AH,5B$RAG is all about raising lots of money for charity whilst having an

amazing time and meeting lots of new friends. So far this year RAG have raised approximately £15,000 for their nominated charities which include

The Harris Bursary Fund, Space Centre and Cash for Kids.Over £500 was raised during RAG Week in April which included events such as Laser Tag, a

Harry Potter themed ‘skoolies’ fancy dress and a T.V game show night.

RAG week wouldn’t happen without our dedicated crew of volunteers.

Page 7: Union Update - May 2013

73"#?+$H+>$,:./+@K$%"::+??Course Representatives are the vital link between students and sta$

ensuring that the student voice is heard and that the University is student driven. The Union has run the Course Rep Academy for a second year.

The academy is a year round training schedule for Course Reps to enhance their skills and employability, consisting of skills based training sessions, as

well as a re!ective journal on completion.

Due to the huge success of the programme, last year included being nominated for an award at the National Union of Students’ Higher Education

Awards. The Union has had another successful year with over 150 Course Reps attending the various sessions throughout the year, enhancing and

developing core employability skills.

,/*(:+$7+41#+From September 2012 to date, money gained for students by the

Union Advice Centre has totalled over £420,000.

Don’t forget to make your claim for student %nance as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the sooner your claim is likely to be sorted out. Changes

to Council Tax Bene%t and Housing Bene%t for people living in Social Housing have come into force from April. If you have any questions on how you will be

a$ected, get in touch with the Advice Centre.

Hate crime incidents can now be reported 24 hours a day in con%dence to [email protected]

Page 8: Union Update - May 2013

53 Degrees rocked to the sound of table drumming as the year’s Students’ Union Awards drew to a close, celebrating the successes and achievements of all the Unions volunteers. Over 160 volunteers %lled the venue, providing impromptu singing and rapturous applause for all the volunteers who won awards. It all made for a great, celebratory atmosphere.

Special thanks go to the student volunteers for everything they do, the award organisers, award presenters and award sponsor, Endsleigh Insurance.

Some of the top awards from the evening included:

For further information about the awards and a full list of winners log onto:www.uclansu.co.uk


Page 9: Union Update - May 2013

UCLan Students’ Union is pleased to announce that it has retained its Green Impact Bronze accreditation. Green Impact is a national initiative which works with Student Unions, Universities and other organisations to improve environmental practices.

Green Impact Bronze Accreditation Retained

‘Getting the accreditation is brilliant, not only does it show how involved we are with Green Impact it also shows our

hopes and aspirations with the environment.’


The Union has also worked alongside the University to introduce Green Week to students. This event was kindly sponsored by Sodastream who donated freebies including a £150 soda stream.




