understanding the online customer experience

Understanding The Online Customer Experience A SlideShare by Tealeaf, an IBM Company based on findings from Econsultancy’s 2012 Reducing Customer Struggle Survey

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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Our ‘Understanding the Customer Experience’ Whitepaper provides an insight into companies’ understanding of customer experience, from initial awareness to abandoned shopping carts. http://bit.ly/Pzl5JY


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Understanding  The  Online    Customer  Experience  

A SlideShare by Tealeaf, an IBM Company based on findings from Econsultancy’s 2012 Reducing Customer Struggle Survey

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© 2012 IBM Corporation 2

Good  customer  experience  is  cri&cal  to  posi&ve  brand  percep&on.      But  companies  are  struggling  to  understand  the  online  customer  experience.      And  while  a  number  of  technologies  are  being  deployed  to  be<er  the  understanding,  there  are  barriers.    


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Source: Econsultancy’s Reducing Customer Struggle 2012 report in association with Tealeaf

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Most  companies  have  a  good  understanding  of  how  people  become  aware  of  their  brand  or  website  (71%).    But  limited  or  no  understanding  of  behaviors    of  different  visitor  types  (57%)  or  why  they  leave  the  site  without  conver<ng  (70%).    


How  well  do  companies  understand  the  online  customer  experience?  

83% consider this very valuable information

... and yet

of companies have limited to no understanding why online customers don’t convert ...


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© 2012 IBM Corporation 5

Understanding  why  customers  abandon  shopping  carts  or  leave  without  conver<ng  are  considered  two  of  the  most  valuable  insights  into  online  behavior.    

of  companies  would  consider    the  behaviors  of  different  visitor  types  very  valuable  informa&on  62%

How  well  do  companies  understand  the  online  customer  experience?  

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So  why  do  companies  have  a  knowledge  gap  at  the  conversion  end  of  the  online  customer  journey?  

How  well  do  companies  understand  the  online  customer  experience?  

85% consider  why  customers  abandon  shopping  carts  quite  or  very  difficult  to  ascertain  

84% say  the  same  of  why  customers  leave  without  conver<ng  

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7 Source: Econsultancy’s Reducing Customer Struggle 2012 report in association with Tealeaf

How  well  do  companies  understand  the  online  customer  experience?  

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© 2012 IBM Corporation

The  3  most  widely  adopted  tools  used  to  understand  the  online  customer  experience  are:    


How  can  businesses  work  to  beBer  understand  the  online    customer  experience?  

Web analytics

Online surveys Online feedback forms

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91% of companies use web analytics to understand the online customer experience

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© 2012 IBM Corporation

But  companies  are  increasingly  valuing    the  integra&on  of  qualitaDve  methods    for  understanding.          The  uptake  of  digital  experience  (session)  replay  has  more  than  doubled  in  the  past  year.      


How  can  businesses  work  to  beBer  understand  the  online    customer  experience?  

consider  usability  /  heatmaps  an  effec&ve  way  visualizing  onsite  customer  experience    BUT  only  a  third  are  deploying  them  54%

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 There’s  value  in  understanding  the  online  user  journey  

 Qualita&ve  methods  help  to  be<er  understand  the  user  journey  and  reduce  customer  struggle  

   An  integrated  approach  is  needed  to  iden&fy  and  address  issues  with  the  customer  experience  



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© 2012 IBM Corporation 12

About  Tealeaf,  an  IBM  company    Tealeaf,  an  IBM  Company,  is  a  leading  provider  of  digital  customer  experience  management  and  customer  behavior  analysis  solu&ons.  Tealeaf  solu&ons  enable  companies  to  be<er  understand  the  “why”  of  a  customer’s  online  and  mobile  interac&ons  to  enhance  the  customer  experience.  The  acquisi&on  of  Tealeaf  extends  IBM’s  exis&ng  quan&ta&ve  web  and  digital  analy&c  capabili&es  in  Coremetrics  and  Unica  solu&ons  with  qualita&ve  analy&cs  capabili&es  to  record,  replay  and  analyze  a  customer’s  digital  interac&ons.  Tealeaf  was  acquired  by  IBM  in  June  2012.      For  more  informa&on,  please  visit  www.tealeaf.com.    

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About  Econsultancy    Econsultancy  is  a  global  independent  community-­‐based  publisher,  focused  on  best  prac&ce  digital  marke&ng  and  e-­‐commerce,  and  used  by  over  400,000  internet  professionals  every  month.  Our  hub  has  120,000+  members  worldwide  from  clients,  agencies  and  suppliers  alike  with  over  90%  member  reten&on  rate.  We  help  our  members  build  their  internal  capabili&es  via  a  combina&on  of  research  reports  and  how-­‐to  guides,  training  and  development,  consultancy,  face-­‐to-­‐face  conferences,  forums  and  professional  networking.              

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