understanding real world mer

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  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Technical Leader

    Understanding Real-World MERMeasurements

    Ron Hranac Bruce Currivan

    Technical Director

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    MER can be confusing!

    •  Just what is MER?

    •  Do different instruments report different values on the same

    signal under identical conditions, and if so, why?


    When developing requirements for MER at various pointsin the network, should one specify whether the

    measurement is equalized or unequalized, the make/model

    of test equipment used, and basic measurementconditions?


    What can be done to ensure more consistent andmeaningful MER measurements?

    •  How can the MER in a plant be improved?

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    What is MER?

    MER is an abbreviation for modulation error ratio 

    MER is the ratio of average signal constellation power to averageconstellation error power — that is, digital complex baseband signal-

    to-noise ratio (SNR). Indeed, MER is often called SNR.

    MER = 10log10(average symbol power/average error power )


    In effect, MER isa measure of how

    “fuzzy” the symbolpoints in a

    constellation are.

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    !"#$% #$$,$ .,/#$


  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Major factors that affect

    reported MER valuesQAM receiver MER measurement



    Statistical variation

    •  Unequal occurrence of symbols


    Linkage of carrier loop bandwidth to

    capture length

    •  Implementation loss MER ceiling


    Symbol error MER floor

    •   Analog front-end noise


     Adaptive-equalizer type and length


    •  TX and RX phase noise

    •  CNR, CNIR, CCN


    Nonlinear distortions such as CTB,

    CSO, XMOD, and CPD

    •  Linear distortions such as micro-

    reflections, amplitude ripple and tilt, and

    group delay

    •  In-channel ingress


    Laser clipping


    Burst noise•


    Data collisions


    Suboptimal modulation profile settings

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Lab and field test summary A QAM signal was measured on

    8 different MER test sets, atseveral different points in the lab

    and in the field.

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    /0123 .

    /0123 4

    /0123 5

    /0123 6

    /0123 ,

    /0123 -

    /0123 7

       0   1   2    7    8   9    :

    0#%(6$#*#45 ;,48

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Lab test configurations #1-5


    Test configuration #1: QAM modulator

    direct output, single channel (>60 dB


    •  Test configuration #2/3: 

    Headend combiner output, 154

    active QAM channels (lower

    and upper adjacent channelsturned off for config #3)

    •  Test configuration #4/5 : Optical receiver

    output, 154 active QAM channels (lower

    and upper adjacent channels turned offfor config #5)

    MER range (dB)

    Config -10 dBmV 0 dBmV +10 dBmV

    1 30.2 ~ 39.4  33.5 ~ 45.0  34.4 ~ 46.3 

    2 29.6 ~ 38.4  33.3 ~ 44.3  33.2 ~ 45.6 

    3 29.5 ~ 39.3  32.4 ~ 44.5  33.0 ~ 45.8 

    4 29.7 ~ 37.6  31.9 ~ 41.1  32.5 ~ 41.6 

    5 29.6 ~ 38.1 32.2 ~ 41.1 32.6 ~ 41.6

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER



    Test configuration #6 : Optical receiver + 3 amplifiers, 154active QAM channels

    •  Test configuration #7 : Optical receiver + 3 amplifiers, 152 active QAM

    channels (lower and upper adjacent channels turned off), injected AWGN for

    nominal 35 dB CNR (measured ACP with R&S EFA: -35.2 dBc)

    Lab test configurations #6-7

    Config #6 -10 dBmV 0 dBmV +10 dBmV

    Range of reported

    MER values (dB)

    28.5 ~ 37.2  30.7 ~ 40.6  31.0 ~ 41.1 

    Config #7 Equalized MER

    at 0 dBmV

    Unequalized MER

    at 0 dBmV

    Range of reported

    MER values (dB)

    30.1 ~ 35.1  28.8 ~ 32.6 

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    •  Optical receiver + 3 amplifiers, micro-reflection, measured on Ch. 2

    (57 MHz center frequency), approx. 35.7 dB CNR

    Config #8 Equalized MER

    at 0 dBmV

    Range of reported

    MER values (dB)

    33.2 ~ 35.4

    Lab test configuration #8

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Field measurement points #1-3

    •  Measurements performed on Ch. 71 (256-QAM) at downstream

    laser test point, node downstream output, end-of-line (N + 6)


  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Lab and field test results:

    Limitations of real-world MER



    Different makes/models of test equipment report different equalized

    and unequalized MER values on the same signal under identical

    conditions. The variations from instrument to instrument when

    measuring a given signal under identical conditions ranged from as

    little as a few tenths of a dB to more than 12 dB.


    The vintage of the equipment also was important, with the first-

    generation QAM analyzer consistently providing lower MER than all

    of the newer analyzers.

    •  Measurement conditions clearly affect the reported MER value. Low

    RF input level (e.g., -10 dBmV) in every case produced lowerreported MER than higher RF input levels (0 dBmV and +10 dBmV).

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Lab and field test results:

    Limitations of real-world MER

    measurements (cont’d)•


    Some instruments reported slightly different MER when adjacent

    channels were present, likely related to receiver selectivity.

    •  With nominal CNR = 35 dB (ACP = -35.2 dBc) and the same

    impairments from the signal source, combiner, optical link, andamplifier cascade, the reported equalized MER ranged from 30.1 -

    35.3 dB. This illustrates variations in receiver implementation loss,

    adaptive equalizer performance, etc.

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Guidelines to ensure more

    consistent and meaningful MER

    measurements!  The type of MER measurement—equalized, unequalized, or both—must be

    stated when defining MER performance metrics.

    !  The same make/model of test equipment should be used when comparing


     Apply approximately the same signal level at the test equipment input when

    comparing measurements.

    !  Ensure that the total signal power at the equipment or device input does not

    exceed manufacturer’s recommended value.

    !  If reverse tilt is a concern, a subscriber drop equalizer may be used to

    flatten the signal amplitudes across the spectrum.

    Ensure that the CNR or CNIR at the point of measurement meets or

    exceeds the SCTE-40 and/or DOCSIS minimum values.

  • 8/17/2019 Understanding Real World MER


    Wrapping Up:

    Tips to improve MER•


    Maximizing downstream and upstream MER is fairly

    straightforward, and often involves little more than “Cable



    The most common causes of low reported MER aretypically the things that should be done correctly in the

    first place.


    Ensure proper headend, forward path, and return path

    alignment; identify and troubleshoot problems such aslinear distortions; and adhere to top-notch installation

    and maintenance practices (sweep, leakage/ingress,
