understanding and using quantitative genetic variation

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  • 8/3/2019 Understanding and Using Quantitative Genetic Variation



    Understanding and using quantitative

    genetic variation

    William G. Hill*

    Institute of Evolutionary Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh,

    West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK

    Quantitative genetics, or the genetics of complex traits, is the study of those characters which are notaffected by the action of just a few major genes. Its basis is in statistical models and methodology,albeit based on many strong assumptions. While these are formally unrealistic, methods work. Ana-lyses using dense molecular markers are greatly increasing information about the architecture of

    these traits, but while some genes of large effect are found, even many dozens of genes do notexplain all the variation. Hence, new methods of prediction of merit in breeding programmes

    are again based on essentially numerical methods, but incorporating genomic information.Long-term selection responses are revealed in laboratory selection experiments, and prospects forcontinued genetic improvement are high. There is extensive genetic variation in natural populations,but better estimates of covariances among multiple traits and their relation to fitness are needed.Methods based on summary statistics and predictions rather than at the individual gene levelseem likely to prevail for some time yet.

    Keywords: genetics; animal breeding; quantitative genetics; heritability


    Traits such as size, obesity or longevity vary greatlyamong individuals, and have continuously distributedphenotypes that do not show simple Mendelianinheritance.

    Quantitative genetics, also referred to as the genetics of

    complex traits, is the study of such characters and is

    based on a model in which many genes influence thetrait and in which non-genetic factors may also beimportant. The framework can also be used for theanalysis of traits such as litter size that take a few dis-crete values, and of binary characters such as survivalto adulthood that have a polygenic basis. The quanti-tative genetics approach has diverse applications: it isfundamental to an understanding of variation and cov-

    ariation among relatives in natural and managed

    populations, of the dynamics of evolutionary change,and of methods for animal and plant improvementand alleviation of complex disease.

    On the premise that many genes and the environ-ment act and interact to determine the trait,founders recognized that it would be difficult if not

    impossible to determine the action of individual traitgenes. Statistical methods were invented by Fisher(1918) and Wright (1921), the analysis of varianceand path coefficients, respectively, to partition thevariation and describe the resemblance betweenrelatives, and such tools and methods developed in

    quantitative genetics have had widespread applicationin disciplines way outwith their original targets.

    The models and summary quantities defined byFisher and Wright have remained at the heart of thesubject not least because they provide ways to makepredictions of quantities such as the response to artifi-cial and natural selection. Useful parameters include,

    for example, breeding value (A), which is the expectedperformance of offspring, and heritability (h

    2 VA/VP,

    the ratio of additive genetic variance or variance ofbreeding value VA to the overall or phenotypic varianceVP, but widely misunderstood). In view of theassumed complexity of the underlying gene action,involving many loci with unknown effects and inter-actions, much quantitative genetic analysis has,

    unashamedly, been at a level of the black box.

    Basic questions range widely: what do the genes do;how do they interact; on what traits does natural selec-tion act; why is there so much genetic variation; andcan we expect continued genetic improvement inselection programmes? Ultimately, we want to knowat the molecular level not just which genes are

    involved, whether structural or regulatory, but whatspecific nucleotide change in each gene or alternativelycopy number variant is responsible for the quantitativetrait effect, and how the genes are controlled. Muchprogress is being made in addressing these problems,but many questions remain.

    For many decades claims have been made that

    quantitative genetics was dead or dying but, condes-cendingly, perhaps still useful until the contents ofthe black box were revealed, a feat which would be

    just round the corner. We are indeed becomingincreasingly able to peer inside the box and can ask

    *[email protected]

    One contribution of 19 to a Theme Issue Personal perspectives inthe life sciences for the Royal Societys 350th anniversary.

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010) 365, 7385


    73 This journal is q 2010 The Royal Society

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    whether our statistical models of genetic variation intraits are so unrealistic that the edifice may topple.

    Studies have, however, already revealed almost 50quantitative trait loci (QTL), many identified togenes, segregating for human height (see later); butthese QTL, likely to be individually among the mostimportant, contribute only about 5 per cent of the gen-etic variation. In view of its complexity, it thereforeseems likely that the black box will remain cloudy for

    a while, even though fed information on, inter alia,myriads of genetic markers, levels of gene expressionsand trait phenotypes. Statistical methodology whichworks and is continually developed to incorporateextensive marker and other new data seems likely toremain important for some time yet: better to workwith the whole beast rather than try to assemble itsparts from inadequate instructions.

    I will address some of the background and some ofthese questions in this personal perspective, which isinevitably uneven in coverage and references, andreflects my interests, biases, knowledge and lacunae.It will focus particularly on animal improvement, anarea which has both stimulated many developmentsin quantitative genetics, and is relevant to the welfare

    of man. Other recent perspectives and summariesfrom different viewpoints can be found in, for

    example, papers by Roff (2007), from the Third Inter-national Conference on Quantitative Genetics (2009,Genetica 136, 211386), and in a Nature Insightseries (2009, Nature 456, 719744).



    Let us review the standard assumptions in quantitativegenetic analysis, address whether they stand up, and ifnot how much it matters.

    (a) Partition of variance components

    In the model proposed by Fisher (1918) and devel-oped by Cockerham (1954) and by Kempthorne(1954), variances and covariances among relativesare described in terms of the variances in additive gen-etic effects or breeding values, VA, interactions ofeffects between alleles within loci (dominance, VD)

    and among loci (epistasis, VAA, VAD, . . .) (Falconer &Mackay 1996; Lynch & Walsh 1998). These partitionsare not dependent on numbers of genes or how theyinteract, but in practice the model is manageableonly when the effects are orthogonal, requiring manyimportant assumptions. These include randommating, and hence Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (i.e.no inbred individuals), linkage equilibrium (which

    requires many generations to achieve for tightlylinked genes) and no selection. Gianola & de losCampos (2008) emphasize these, also providing anelegant formalization for the variance covariancematrix V of phenotypic values of a group of individuals

    for a single trait:


    IVE; 2:1

    where A is the numerator relation matrix, or twice kin-ship (co-ancestry) of individuals, D defines dominance

    relationships and VE the environmental variance. Forthe epistatic terms, # denotes element-by-elementmultiplication, but applies only for unlinked loci.Many more terms may be included, such as maternalgenetic effects, and genotype environment inter-action. The model has unlimited opportunities forcomplexity. This is a strength, in that it is all-

    accommodating, and a weakness, in that datasetsmay be adequate to allow partitioning into only veryfew components.

    (b) Linearity

    The regression of offspring phenotype on that ofparent for the same or different traits is usuallyassumed to be linear and, equivalently, so is theregression of response on selection differential. This

    important assumption holds under multivariate nor-mality of phenotypic and genotypic values and thus

    the central limit theorem assuming multifactorialinheritance. Some traits, such as litter size or lifespan,are clearly not normally distributed, but adequatetransformations can be invoked or departures ignored.

    (c) The infinitesimal model

    Response to the first generation of selection can be

    predicted from the breeders equation Response h2 selection differential. Selection changes gene fre-

    quencies and hence the genetic variance, sopredictions of response in subsequent generations for-mally require knowing individual gene effects andfrequencies. Fishers infinitesimal model, formalized

    by Bulmer (1980), provides a practical but biologicallyunrealistic resolution: infinitely many unlinked geneseach of infinitesimally small additive effect, so thatselection produces negligible changes in gene fre-quency and variance at each locus. The within-familyor Mendelian segregation variance changes only frominbreeding, and the change in between-family variance(the Bulmer effect) depends only on the intensity and

    accuracy of selection practised. Hence the selectionresponse in successive generations can be predictedfrom estimable base population parameters such

    as heritability and phenotypic variance, selectionpractised and inbreeding.



    (a) Parameter estimation

    Estimates of genetic parameters such as heritability areneeded as a basis for description and prediction. Tra-ditional methods such as analysis of variance orregression cannot cope adequately with unbalanceddata and the complex pedigrees found outside the lab-

    oratory. They have been superseded by moresophisticated methods, often in the context of livestockdata (Lynch & Walsh 1998; Sorensen & Gianola

    2002), which have been further developed as comput-ing power has increased. An important generalizationhas been the development of the animal model (akaindividual animal model or individual model) in

    which the phenotype of each individual is defined in

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    terms of effects, and the genetic structure is incorpor-ated in the variances and covariances of these effects.

    For example, a basic model is

    y Xb Za e; 3:1

    where X and Z are design matrices, b is a vector offixed effects (e.g. years), a is a vector of random effects(breeding values) and e is a vector of random errors;

    and var(y) ZAZVAIVE where A is the additiverelationship matrix (equation (2.1)). The model isgeneral and flexible: it can incorporate, albeit withincreasing computing needs, other covariance termssuch as common environment among full sibs, repeatobservations, maternal genetic effects (e.g. birthweight dependent also on dams genotype as amother) and multiple traits.

    In retrospect, a surprisingly recent development hasbeen in the modelling and analysis of longitudinaltraits such as body weight which changes over time.The variances and covariances can be described directlyby continuous covariance functions (Kirkpatrick &Heckman 1989) or, equivalently, as parameters ofrandom regression coefficients (Schaeffer & Dekkers

    1994).The generality of the animal model and the fact that

    most field data (whether humans, livestock or naturalpopulations) are highly unbalanced have created aneed for sophisticated and general analytical methods.These use restricted maximum likelihood (REML) orBayesian principles, facilitated by the availability of

    specialized computer packages (see reviews by thosemuch involved in their development: Thompson

    2008; Sorensen & Gianola 2002). Developmentscontinue, stimulated by the need to deal with non-standard data, e.g. on discrete-valued traits, and toincorporate information on multiple marker genes.

    The animal model lends itself to analyses of naturalpopulations, where data are on many traits on a limitednumber of individuals and the relationship structure iscomplex. Data are obtained from populations that

    have been studied long term, such as great tits or reddeer, and where births and parentage are recorded ordeduced to provide pedigrees (see Kruuk (2004) forexposition and papers in Proc. R. Soc. B 275, 593750, 2008 for examples). Indeed, as genotyping costs

    fall there are increasing opportunities to expand pedi-grees. While relatively simple objectives are to estimate

    genetic variances and covariances, a broader aim is touse data on breeding success to obtain estimates of thegenetic parameters of fitness per se (Kruuk et al. 2000)and of those characters which determine it, i.e.elements of the selection gradient or partial regressionof fitness on each trait. In a natural population, theselection has occurred or is currently taking place as

    a consequence of fitness differences, and a major aimis to infer these selective forces.

    The model and methods are flexible but reliableparameter estimation remains a problem and the lit-

    erature is awash with poor estimates. Few datasets,whether from livestock, laboratory or natural popu-lations, are of sufficient size to obtain usefulestimates of many genetic parameters, e.g. there are

    30 variances and covariances for four traits when

    fitting only additive genetic, sib environment and

    residual effects, let alone say, dominance, epistasisand maternal genetic effects. We all have our petideas as to what are important sources of variation orcovariation, and fit models accordingly, but typicallymany different models can fit almost as well (e.g. fullsib common environment and dominance). Theanimal model can cope with selection and assortativemating, but only if the data on which decisions are

    based is included (e.g. an analysis on a trait of adultsif selection is on any trait of juveniles). Animal bree-ders encounter many such problems, but they aretypically more serious for data from natural popu-lations where datasets may be small, poorlystructured and include multiple traits. Some traitsassociated with fitness, i.e. the selection criterion,

    may not be recorded, and some individuals may dieor leave the population before recording. Hadfield(2008), for example, reviews some of these problemsand suggests methods for dealing with them.

    (b) A new approach: use of high densitymolecular markers in the partition

    of genetic variance

    Very high density of mapping with multi-locus singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chips provides a

    different method to estimate genetic variances. Pairsof full sibs share 50 per cent of alleles on average,but because linked genomic regions are transmitted,the actual proportion shared varies about expectation,with a s.d. of approximately 4 per cent for humans(Visscher et al. 2006). Hence, the genetic variancecan be estimated within families from the regression

    of phenotypic similarity of sibs for a trait on theactual proportion of genome shared as determinedby SNP identity, and is free of confounding by

    environmental differences between families ormaternal genetic effects (Visscher et al. 2006, 2007).Estimates of heritability of human height from thismethod are about 80 per cent consistent with thosefrom traditional methods. The method can beextended to estimate genotype-sharing among mem-bers of non-pedigreed natural populations (including

    fish), if there is enough money to buy the chips, butrelatives providing the most information such as sibsmay also share environments.

    (c) Prediction of breeding value (or geneticmerit) from phenotypic data

    Prediction of breeding values is a fundamental com-ponent of modern breeding programmes, as thosewith the highest values should be selected. Themajor unifying development, Best Linear UnbiasedPrediction (BLUP), is due to Henderson (1950,1984) and incorporates both fixed (environmental)

    effects and random (genetic) effects in a mixedmodel (see e.g. Lynch & Walsh 1998; Sorensen &Gianola 2002). As computing power has increased,

    the animal model (equation (3.1)) is now used,enabling simultaneous prediction of breeding valuesfor all traits of individuals differing in age, location,numbers of records and numbers of relatives. As all

    selection candidates can be compared at frequent

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    intervals, with overlapping generations it is possible tocull and select continuously.

    BLUP is best in the sense of minimum varianceamong linear predictors, but only if population par-ameters are well estimated. It is unbiased in that, asmore data are accumulated, the predicted breedingvalues approach the true values; and while it allowsfor selection, requires the important but often unac-hievable proviso that all information on all traits on

    which selection is practised is included in the data.Further, if any selection is practised, the infinitesimalmodel assumption is implicit (but often forgotten) inthe use of the relationship matrix A to quantifyvariances and covariances across generations.




    Many major assumptions are made in the applicationsof quantitative genetics, but the issue is not the formalcorrectness of models used, rather the extent to whichthey work reasonably well. There is not space for a fullreview, but more discussion and examples are given

    elsewhere (e.g. Falconer & Mackay 1996; Lynch &Walsh 1998; Walsh & Lynch 2009). We firstconsider quantitative data at the whole trait levelbefore considering information from studies of QTLand genes.

    A major problem is to obtain data of adequatestructure and quantity. For example, in the infinitesi-

    mal model all genetic variation is assumed to beadditive. In random mating populations it is, however,

    usually impossible to estimate epistatic variances withany precision because the coefficients are very smalland highly correlated with those of non-epistatic com-ponents (e.g. A and A#A matrices in equation (2.1)).These in turn may be confounded with other par-ameters, such as genetic maternal effects to explainwhy, say, a daughter-dam correlation exceeds twicethat of half sibs in the absence of epistasis. Linkage dis-

    equilibrium (LD) is patently present, but that owing toclose linkage is assumed absent in the infinitesimalmodel. The orthogonality assumptions in equation(2.1) may not hold, but how should that be tested?Hence, much of the evidence based on quantitative

    information is unsatisfactory in being so inconclusive,for example in failing to reject even the infinitesimal

    model as the following examples show.In a classical study Clayton et al. (1957) found good

    agreement between heritability estimates from differ-ent sources and with predictions of selectionresponse. Sheridan (1988), however, showed thatthere are frequently wide differences between selectionresponses predicted from base population parameters

    and those actually realized, but his analysis failed totake into sufficient account the sampling errors ofthe predictions or the responses (Walsh & Lynch2009, ch. 14). It is a common observation that

    regressions of progeny on parent phenotype areroughly linear, but in detailed studies failures can befound (e.g. Gimelfarb & Willis 1994). Frankham(1990) has shown that selection responses for fitness-

    associated traits are generally asymmetric, faster

    down than up, as might be anticipated with a previous

    selection plateau. We have tried direct application ofthe infinitesimal model predictions using REML/BLUP to mouse selection experiments, but withinconsistent results: for example a rather poor fit forfeed intake in one line (Meyer & Hill 1991), but anexcellent fit despite a four-fold change in body fatnessin another (Martinez et al. 2000). Under the infinitesi-mal model, the pattern of response in finite

    populations is predictable from base population par-ameters. Using data summarized by Weber (2004)on responses at generation 50 relative to those in thefirst generation, we showed that realistic modelsbased on distributions of gene effects, includingsome of the large effects, provided a good fit to thedata; but an infinitesimal model (including mutation)

    fitted almost as well (Zhang & Hill 2005a). Perhaps,this robustness is unsurprising: Barton & de Vladar(2009) show that the population dynamics can bemodelled well using approaches from statistical mech-anics, where the population is described solely in termsof stationary distributions of gene frequencies andcontinued response is insensitive to the details of the

    genetic architecture.I am not aware of any experiment in which a com-

    bination of say REML and subsequent BLUPpredictions has been formally tested in vivo. Hence,let us take a pragmatic view: if something works inpractice is that not sufficient even if the theoreticalfoundations are generally unsubstantiated? For over30 years BLUP and related methodology have domi-

    nated genetic evaluation of dairy cattle, and modelshave become increasingly complex. The spectacular

    genetic improvement achieved is illustrated infigure 1 and is in accord with the infinitesimal modeland BLUP prediction.

    So while the genetic models adopted may be verycrude, their generally satisfactory behaviour explainswhy many scientists and practitioners applying quanti-tative genetic principles do not lose much sleep over

    model assumptions. We are, however, getting newkinds of information from studies at the individualQTL or gene level which should inform, improve, orin due course may replace the classical models andmethods. The path from primary gene effect to pheno-type may be complex, however; increasingly so as more

    genes are involved. Even when the genetic lesion isknown, using that information to effect a cure maybe far from straightforward, as the work with cysticfibrosis shows (Pearson 2009).



    Since the time molecular markers became available,extensive studies have been undertaken on analyses

    to identify QTL and, on occasion, the actual gene ornucleotide (QTN). Indeed, this has been the big quan-titative genetics industry of the last two decades. The

    basic methods are to use associations generated bylinkage or LD between marker genes and the trait tolocate QTL or to identify and locate mutationshaving a phenotypic effect and a molecular signal,

    such as transposable elements. Linkage studies

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    (Lander & Botstein 1989; Haley & Knott 1992) havebeen conducted in designed studies using crosses ofinbred lines or, for example, breeds, and family studiesin humans. In view of the few recombinants generated

    in any region of the genome, the linkage studies areusually unable to provide precise location of QTL inthe genome even when many markers are available,

    and in many cases have not been conducted on asufficient scale. The availability now of dense SNPmaps enables and requires data for analysis in whichmany generations of recombination between markersand QTL may have occurred to enable fine-scale map-ping. In the laboratory, recombinant-inbred lines(RIL) have been developed from crosses of multiple

    inbred lines to introduce much initial diversity(Chesler et al. 2008) and multi-line segregating popu-lations established from inbred crosses have beengenerated (Valdar et al. 2006). As for inbred linecrosses, the RIL have the further benefit that animalsof identical genotype can be generated and manytraits studied in relevant specialized laboratories to

    make the best use of development time and costs.Association mapping using LD enables high-precisionmapping in humans, livestock and natural popu-lations, but requires large datasets and high-densitySNP marker panels to be effective. Further, it enablesinferences to be drawn about frequencies and effects of

    genes actually segregating in populations. In view ofthe large resources needed, it is not surprising thatmost of the information so far generated from associ-ation mapping is on human disease; but these andother traits recorded in such studies, for exampleheight, are already providing an important source ofinformation for all quantitative geneticists.

    There is an extensive literature on the basic meth-odology of QTL mapping (e.g. Lynch & Walsh 1998;

    Weller 2009) and, for example, Mackay et al. (2009)summarize both methodology and achievements.There are many statistical problems involved, even inthe most basic QTL mapping studies. Not least is

    the problem of trade off between power of detectionand type-I error, with very extreme significancethresholds having to be set when searching over all

    the many possible sites in the genome. Hence, theQTL most likely to be found are those of largest

    effect; very many are likely to be missed; and the esti-

    mated effects of those detected are likely to be biasedupwards and their position poorly located.

    (a) Some examplesRather than attempt to review or even summarize thefield, I shall just give some examples of the resultsfrom the use of different techniques, roughly in des-

    cending order of precision, that both provideinformation and generate questions.

    In a summary of the analysis of around 600P-element insert lines in Drosophila melanogaster, amethod permitting precise location, Mackay (2009)found that about 17 per cent of the insertions affectedsensitivity to the inebriating effects of alcohol (evenDrosophila have an excuse) and 34 per cent affectedlocomotor behaviour to a stimulus; and she notedthat similar screens have found 22 per cent of inser-tions affecting abdominal and 23 per cent affectingsternopleural bristle number. Some have large effects,however. In view of the fact that such a high pro-portion of sites are targets, it is not surprising that

    there is extensive pleiotropy. Mackay also notes thatmany show epistatic effects. Similarly, for a range ofbehavioural traits in mice, in a study of over 200gene knockout lines, 19 per cent showed abnormalopen-field activity (Flint & Mott 2008).

    Heterogeneous stocks established by crossinginbred mouse lines can allow fine-scale mapping. Inan analysis of 97 traits, including body weight and

    many biochemical variants, of 843 QTL detectedand mapped to within 3 Mb, only 10 individually con-

    tributed more than 10 per cent of the variance for anytrait and none over 3.5 per cent for body weight orlength (Valdar et al. 2006). A plot of the distributionof QTL contributions to variance shows a peak atabout 2 per cent, though it is likely this is, in effect,

    a truncated exponential-shaped distribution, as smal-ler ones are non-significant and missed. In principle,

    such distributions (obtained also in other studies)can be extended to smaller effects, but some priordistribution must be assumed.

    The association studies undertaken with combinedsamples of 10 000 or more humans are revealing a sub-

    stantial number of QTL that have been cross-validated

    and in many cases identified to specific genes. Visscher(2008) and Weedon & Frayling (2008) provide sum-maries. Some 44 independent variants that affectstature, none of which are rare in the population,have been mapped; but none individually explainover 0.5 per cent of the phenotypic variance. The her-itability of the trait is about 80 per cent, and overallonly about 5 per cent of the variance has so far beenaccounted for. None of the variants show evidence of

    departure from additive gene action, i.e. dominanceor epistasis, and the difference between homozygotesis about 0.8 cm (or a little over 0.1 phenotypic s.d.).Although the causal genes have not yet been proven,

    there is a strong candidate in over half the cases. Ofthese, many are components of signalling pathwaysknown to be important in skeletal growth and develop-

    ment, demonstrated for example by gene knock-outsin mice (Weedon & Frayling 2008).


    1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010













    Figure 1. Changes in milk yields of US Holstein cows: phe-

    notypic mean yields (P), mean breeding values (A) and

    environmental effects (E A2 P) derived from USDA

    data. Results are given relative to 1957, when the mean

    yield was 5859 kg. (Adapted from http://aipl.arsusda.gov/


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    For cattle, in July 2009 there were 1375 QTLcurated into the database (the cattleQTLdb, http://

    www.animalgenome.org/), and likely others were dis-covered by companies but not entered. These werefrom 83 publications and represented 109 differenttraits (but many have pleiotropic effect), representinga major effort and expenditure. The number of ani-mals involved in each analysis are far smaller than inthe association studies in humans, although data are

    used from segregation within individual sires whohave progeny-tested sons with accurate estimates ofbreeding value. As only few of the QTL have beenfinely mapped, there is uncertainty about which ofthose mapped in different studies to similar genomicregions are the same or different genetic lesions, andhow many are false-positives. In a few cases in livestockthe actual genes, all having large effect, have been

    identified and sequenced. Some were already knownas major genes, such as double muscling in cattle,for which the myostatin gene has been identified ascausative, and others were initially discovered in map-ping studies, for example DGAT, which influencesmilk composition of dairy cattle (see for example Huet al. 2009 for more examples and references). It is

    not clear yet if there is any general pattern aboutwhat genes will be found to act, but clearly some of

    the large effects are segregating.



    The different kinds of analysis are revealing that many

    loci contribute to quantitative genetic variation. Thisfinding is no surprise to quantitative geneticistsbecause the polygenic and specifically infinitesimalmodels of quantitative genetics have been shown towork so well in prediction, in distributions and indescribing long-term selection response, and themore optimistic expectations in early days of QTLmapping of finding a few regions contributing most

    of the variation was unrealistic. Indeed predictionsmade by, for example, Robertson (1967) of contri-butions of increasingly many genes of increasingsmall effect have generally been borne out.

    While the most reasonable hypothesis to explain

    why most of the genetic variation in human height isnot accounted for by the 50 or so loci contributing

    most is that there are many more, perhaps thousands,of small effect and more extreme frequency, concernhas been expressed about the missing heritabilityand various hypotheses proposed (Maher 2008). Oneis that previous estimates of the heritability arebiased by environmental correlations, another that var-ious interactions are responsible. But both are refuted

    by the within-family analysis of Visscher et al. (2007,see above) which gives similar estimates of heritability,shows no evidence of interactions across chromo-somes, and a distribution of variance contributed

    roughly proportional to chromosome length. Rare var-iants including rare copy-number variants couldexplain some of the variation, as these would contrib-ute to the estimates of within-family variance, but their

    effects would be hard to detect with the current

    resolution of SNP chips. Transient epigenetic effects

    could contribute to heritability estimates from closerelatives (Slatkin 2009), but cannot be a predominantfeature as they would not contribute to long-termselection responses.

    Perhaps human height is exceptional, for it has avery high heritability and near additivity of variance.Recent association studies on other traits are, however,also revealing many regions of the genome associated

    with disease risk: almost 20 for type II diabetes(Donnelly 2008), and for schizophrenia, also highlyheritable, as significance thresholds attached to indi-vidual markers detected in one subset of data werereduced, increasingly more risk could be accountedfor in independent sets of cases (Purcell et al. 2009).Therefore, the current sample sizes available for

    genome-wide associated studies are not sufficientlypowered to detect the majority of the associatedvariants.

    Neutral genes have an expected U-shaped fre-quency distribution, f(p)/[p(1 2 p)]2

    1, under rare

    mutation drift balance (Wright 1931), such that ifthey are additive the variance is contributed uniformlyacross gene frequencies. Mutant genes under natural

    selection, either because they have pleiotropic effectson fitness or are subject to stabilizing selection, show

    a distribution more heavily weighted to extreme fre-quencies (Wright 1931; Zhang & Hill 2005a),such that the variance contributed may also beU-shaped. Such loci are hard to detect in associationstudies even if they have large effect, partly because

    they contribute little variance and partly becauseSNP markers that have intermediate frequencies

    cannot have high correlation in frequency (r


    ) with arare QTL. The hypothesis that most of the missingvariation is associated with extreme frequencies isnot, however, supported by the schizophrenia study(Purcell et al. 2009).

    Another important property to be revealed fromsuch studies is the magnitude of pleiotropic effects ofgenes on other traits. In view of the large number

    of height genes already revealed but counting for5 per cent or less of the variance overall, there mustbe so many genes affecting it overall that pleiotropyfor other traits must be widespread. This accordswith the findings of Mackay (2009, see above) from

    mutagenesis studies. In contrast, in an extensivelinkage-based line analysis of mouse skeletal measure-

    ments, Wagner et al. (2008) concluded that pleiotropiceffects were rare. But they set significance thresholds atthe same high values for detecting pleiotropic effects asfor initial detection, such that even a QTL with exactlythe same large effect on each trait would be significantfor only a few.

    A quite different source of evidence on the role ofmultiple genes comes from the analysis by Laurieet al. (2004) of the Illinois maize experiment (seefigure 2, discussed further later) with selection forhigh and low oil content in the kernel. From a line

    cross made at generation 70 and maintained byrandom mating for 10 generations to reduce LD,they estimated that about 50 QTL contributed to theresponse, none exceeding about 0.3 per cent oil to

    the line divergence of 17 per cent oil. Furthermore,

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    the QTL acted essentially additively with each otherand similarly in pure lines and crosses.

    Some of the data provide puzzles about how genesact on quantitative traits which no doubt will takesome unravelling. In contrast to the extensive QTLassociation-based mapping studies in humans showingadditive gene action and the useful properties of theinfinitesimal model, some studies in livestock, plantsand laboratory animals have revealed dominance and

    epistatic interactions (e.g. Carlborg & Haley 2004;Mackay 2009). Can these data be squared?

    Interactions, which are second-order effects, arelikely to be tiny and very hard to detect if the maineffects are already small. Further, unless all the inter-acting genes are at intermediate frequencies, they areexpected to contribute mostly additive variancesimply on statistical grounds (Crow 2008; Hill et al.

    2008). In inbred line cross or mutagenesis exper-iments, those loci of large effect that can generatemost interactions are more likely to be observed thanin outbred natural populations, where their heterozyg-osity is low if they have any deleterious effect onfitness. So we should not necessarily infer whollyadditive effects from additive variance.

    In view of geneticists success in unravelling thecontrol of developmental pattern, it would seem

    straightforward to figure out how the overall size ofthe organism is controlled. But we now know thatmany more than 50 genes affect stature, and arguablyall 20 000 genes affect all quantitative traits, togetherwith other controlling factors in the genome. So how

    in the body is the phenotype determined? One cansee a role for systems biology, but I am pessimistic

    about the rate at which the systems will be disen-tangled: understanding models for connecting tens ofinteracting genes may be feasible, but not for 1000.So while we will get a lot more information, I do notbelieve the essentially statistical approach, enhancedby the use of genomic information to mark genomicregions, is on its last legs.



    Let us turn now from considerations of how quantitat-ive traits are determined to trying to explain why they

    are so variable in natural and derived populations.The magnitude of variances and heritability is a

    property of that population and environment, as itdepends on the frequency and effects of the segregat-ing genes, but for the same trait or type of trait theytend to be roughly similar, not just across populationsbut even across species. Heritabilities (h

    2) tend to be

    highest for conformation traits and mature size,typically 50 per cent or more, and lowest for fitness-associated traits such as fertility (e.g. Mousseau &

    Roff 1987; Falconer & Mackay 1996; Lynch &Walsh 1998). Conversely, the evolvability or geneticcoefficient of variation (CVA h CV), is typically

    higher for fitness-associated than conformation traits(Houle 1992). Estimates of variance for fitness itselfare hard to obtain, but the laboratory-based estimateof VG for log fitness is 17 per cent (Fowler et al.

    1997) and although life-history traits in natural

    populations show clear evidence of genetic variance,their heritabilities are low (e.g. Kruuk et al. 2000).

    We still seek adequate explanation of what determineslevels of quantitative genetic variation, why there issome consistency across populations and species, andwhy there is so much for fitness-associated traitsdespite the inference from Fishers fundamentaltheorem of its loss by natural selection.

    (a) Mutation and genetic variation

    Estimates of the amount of genetic variance contribu-ted by mutation, generally expressed as the mutationalheritability, Vm/VE, show a surprisingly narrow rangeover many traits and species, centred about 0.1 percent (Keightley & Halligan 2009), and equivalent toan increment in CVA of ca 0.3 per cent for a trait

    with a CV of 10 per cent. If all genes were neutralwith respect to fitness, Ne 250 would maintain aheritability of one-third at the equilibrium VA 2NeVm, but unsurprisingly this close relationshipbetween heritability and population size is not foundas many mutations are deleterious.

    The most studied model for natural selection acting

    on the trait directly is stabilizing selection, i.e. inter-mediates fittest. Under this model, genes of largeeffect contribute more variance when segregating,but have lower expected heterozygosity, and so the pre-dicted variance maintained is proportional to the totalmutation rate to trait genes and inverse of the strengthof selection (i.e. curvature of fitness surface). If few

    loci are assumed to affect the trait and typical esti-mates of the strength of selection are assumed, the

    predicted variance is much lower than that observed(Turelli 1984). But even if hundreds of genes affectany single trait, the model is not rescued becausemutants are likely to have pleiotropic effects on manytraits and overall be under stronger selection than onthe target trait alone. The finding of segregatinggenes at intermediate frequencies affecting humanheight, for example, indicates that selection pressures

    are weak, and so both population size and selectionset upper bounds to the variance maintained (Burger2000). Disentangling selection on multiple traits is dif-ficult or impossible; indeed, there is little evidence forstabilizing selection and as much for its converse, dis-

    ruptive selection, in the summary of published resultsby Kingsolver et al. (2001).

    An alternative model is to assume that the selectiondoes not act on the target trait directly but is throughpleiotropic effects of the mutant (Keightley & Hill1990). This does not, however, resolve the depen-dency of VG on population size, nor explain theconstancy of trait means. Various aspects of the fit tothe data are enhanced both by assuming that themutants are (nearly) additive for the trait but (par-

    tially) recessive for fitness, and worsened byassuming that there are substantial pleiotropic effectson other traits and overall fitness (Zhang & Hill

    2005b).There are a plethora of other models, invokingspatial and/or temporal variation in the environment,competition for resources and (even) heterozygote

    superiority, but none are clear winners. Johnson &

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    Barton (2005, p. 1419) put it well: We are in the

    somewhat embarrassing position of observing someremarkably robust patterns, that are consistent acrosstraits and species, and yet seeing no compelling expla-

    nation for them. It is not yet clear how the newgenomic data will help, in view of the many genesidentified for height, for example. Indeed, the theoryrequires some rethink to account for the large

    number of small effects and pleiotropy, and put tobest use the new genomic, proteomic and other datathat become available.

    Further, how the level of phenotypic or environ-mental variance and hence h

    2are determined has

    been less studied and is even less well-understoodthan that ofVG. Evolution of VE requires genetic vari-ation of phenotype given genotype, for which there isstrong evidence in Drosophila (Mackay & Lyman

    2005) and in livestock populations (e.g. Sorensen &Waagepetersen 2003). Under stabilizing selectiongenotypes expressing less variable phenotypes arefitter, leading to evolution to reduce VE. We havesuggested two models that would lead to a balance:an engineering cost in resources to obtain and main-tain homogeneity; and/or most mutations disrupt thephenotype and tend to increase VE (Zhang & Hill2008), for which there is some evidence (Baer 2008).


    RESPONSE AND GENETIC IMPROVEMENTLet us consider how genomic and individual QTL orgene information can be used in improvement pro-grammes, and what are the opportunities for

    continued response using straightforward selection

    on the quantitative trait and incorporating other


    (a) Using individual quantitative trait lociThere has been extensive theoretical analysis andsimulation to develop methods for using individualQTL in plant and livestock breeding programmes bymarker-assisted introgression of a QTL from anotherpopulation or by marker-assisted selection to increasefrequency of a segregating gene in the population(e.g. Weller 2009). Clearly, its effectiveness depends

    on the real effect of the QTL, the relation betweenthe predicted and the real effect, the closeness of avail-able markers to the QTL (obviously best if the actualgene is known), and on its frequency in the popu-lation; and its impact will be the greatest when

    phenotypes are absent (e.g. sex-limited traits) or oflow heritability.

    Much effort has been expended on QTL detectionand on theoretical analysis of how best to incorporatethem in improvement programmes. We have muchless information on actual effectiveness becausemuch is within commercial companies and conven-tional selection on continuous traits has continuedalongside. In two recent reviews on applications inplant breeding, Collard & Mackill (2008) and Hospital

    (2008) suggest that the great opportunities have notyet been fully realized. In a comprehensive review onwork in livestock, Dekkers (2004) concluded guard-

    edly that The current attitude to marker assistedselection is one of cautious optimism. I considerthat the returns from the extensive R&D on QTLidentification in livestock have been low, both because

    selection responses have been high from conventional

    oil means









    5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

    Figure 2. Responses to selection for oil content in maize in the Illinois selection lines. Line designations: IHO (light yellow

    square), continued selection for high oil, ILO (dark yellow square), for low oil; RHO (green triangle), RLO (white circle),

    reverse selection; SHO (black square), re-reversed selection. (Adapted from Dudley & Lambert 2004).

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    selection (e.g. figures 1 and 2) and because estimatesof QTL effects and genome location are poor for the

    lowly heritable traits that are hardest to improve byselection.

    (b) Using genomic selectionThe availability of marker panels of thousands of SNPsdoes, in contrast, appear to be bringing in a real para-

    digm shift following the pioneering study ofMeuwissen et al. (2001), and seems likely to be lessof a false dawn than the use of individual QTL (orindeed of transgenics). The objective is to predict thebreeding values of candidates for selection not by iden-tifying just a few QTL of large effect but, by denselymarking the whole genome, to incorporate most var-iants using historical LD in the population. This

    information is used to assess sharing of genomes ofrelatives and to weigh the marker genotypes accordingto the phenotypic effects associated with each regionand the imprecision of estimation of these effects. Inview of the close linkage, the LD between markersand genes is unlikely to change rapidly over gener-ations, such that it may be possible to use much less

    dense marker panels after the initial evaluation(Habier et al. 2009).

    Development of methodology continues, particu-larly of the statistical methods required to undertakethe BLUP predictions. One approach is to replacethe expected relationship matrix A (equation (2.1))by the realized relationship matrix as assessed using

    high-density markers (Hayes et al. 2009). Another isto more overtly make use of possible differences

    among genomic regions in contribution of variationin the trait, but if it is assumed that the variance inthe trait associated with each SNP is sampled fromthe same normal distribution, the methods are equiv-alent (Goddard 2009; Hayes et al. in press) and canbe used by extension of BLUP methodology,genome-wide BLUP (GWBLUP). Under theassumption that a limited proportion of the genome

    contributes most of the variation, selective procedureshave been developed, initially by Meuwissen et al.(2001), to identify these regions using a Bayesiananalysis with some assumed prior distribution of theof number and effects of QTL; but choice of the

    prior remains controversial.The methods have widespread potential appli-

    cations in breeding programmes and can incorporateany number of traits and availability of phenotypicrecords. Benefits are most obvious in the improvementof sex-limited traits, such as milk or egg production,where young sires have to be selected on the basis oftheir ancestors and female sibs records, and all fullbrothers have the same predicted breeding value.

    With the genomic information, the Mendeliansampling contribution to each individual son can bepredicted. While more research is clearly needed tooptimize methodology, genomic selection is now

    being introduced in widespread commercial practice,a rapid uptake of ideas first published less than 8years ago (Meuwissen et al. 2001).

    The USDA provided the first set of genomic breed-

    ing values predicted by GWBLUP for bulls in the USA

    in January 2009. By making BV predictions for bulls

    using only data available on their sires, comparisonsbetween predictions with and without the use of geno-mic information could be made using these bullsactual progeny performance. For milk yield, forexample, the predicted and observed accuracies usingjust ancestral phenotypic data were 0.35 and 0.32,and by incorporating the genotypic data, the respectivefigures increased to 0.69 and 0.56 or 0.58 according to

    whether differential weights were given to differentgenomic regions (van Raden et al. 2009). In the con-text of dairy cattle improvement, such near doublingin the accuracy of selection is spectacular. Otherstudies have shown increases in accuracy, but not allas high as expected, for example on a pedigreed popu-lation of mice (Legarra et al. 2008). Although these

    need to be understood, for example in terms of num-bers of SNPs, the prospects are high, but we awaitoutcomes.

    The ideas of genomic selection can be applied topredict disease risk in humans or among selectioncandidates in livestock, using information ongenome sharing with close or more distant relatives

    (Wray et al. 2007). The basic assumption is thatmany loci contribute to risk, as borne out by analysisat least for schizophrenia (Purcell et al. 2009). Perhapsthis way, personal genotyping will yield benefits ifanalysis is put in the hands of those understandingthe statistical methodology and its limitations.

    Genomics is not the only omics that may provide

    important information on quantitative traits, and thereare alternative ways to use genomic data, such as non-parametric methods (Gianola & de los Campos 2008)

    that do not use all the Mendelian information. Majordevelopments in the technologies and their use willsurely be made. For example, gene expression arraysyield data on thousands more traits, each individuallysusceptible to quantitative genetic analysis, and somemay well be relevant to particular objective traits.Again some caution is required: physiological predictorsof performance, e.g. use of hormone levels, have been

    much mooted but produced little of practical benefitin livestock improvement. So, overall, it is a questionof watch this space: the extensive new data shouldbe of value for incorporation as markers and alsonew understanding of the biology will be important in

    its own right and should lead to more effective breedingprogrammes.

    (c) Maintaining selection response, geneticimprovement and evolutionary opportunities

    We see the striking changes that have been produced inquantitative traits by selection, for example amongbreeds of dogs in body weight and behaviour, and inthe productivity of modern livestock and crops. Can

    we expect continued change?The Illinois maize selection for high and low con-

    tent of oil in the kernel has been continued since

    1896. The low lines have reached a plateau (almost0% in the low oil line, and presumably at the minimumfor seed viability in the low protein line), but theupward lines have continued responding for 100 gen-

    erations (i.e. years, figure 2). Large and continuing

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    responses have been seen in other laboratory exper-iments spanning 100 or more generations (Hill &Bunger 2004). Genetic change in crop plants can beestimated by comparing varieties released in differentyears grown contemporaneously from stored seed.Trials show that there was a steady increase of approxi-

    mately 1 per cent in the yield of maize in the USA peryear of introduction over a 70-year period since 1930(Duvick et al. 2004).

    Results for a limited number of generations areshown for cattle in figure 1, but the most intensive con-tinuous selection in livestock has been practised inbroiler chickens since the 1950s when specialist meat

    and egg lines were developed. Responses from selec-tion based primarily on individual phenotype havebeen enormous (table 1), showing an approximatelyfive-fold increase in 56-day body weight between1957 and 2001 (Havenstein et al. 1994, 2003). Com-parisons using modern and old diet formulationsshowed that at least 80 per cent of these differenceswere genetic. Responses were continuing at similarrates during the decade since 1991, other than infatness, where selection to reduce fat had been effec-

    tive (table 1). Intensive selection on specific traits hasled to unfavourable changes in other characters, typi-cally those that are associated with fitness, such asfertility in dairy cattle and leg strength and viabilityin poultry. Selection pressure has increasingly beenput on such traits, such that in broilers viability andleg quality has improved in recent years (McKay

    et al. 2000; Havenstein et al. 2003; Hill & Zhang2009). What these showis that the breeder has to be cog-nizant of all important traits; but if appropriate selectionpressure can then be exerted, a change in direction canbe effective, as the Illinois maize lines illustrate (figure 2).

    It is not surprising that such continued responsesare found, as in many other experiments (Hill &

    Bunger 2004). If many genes affect a trait, changesin gene frequency under selection are small, so var-iance is expected to change only slowly (Falconer &Mackay 1996); reductions in variance from thoseinitially at high frequency may be largely compensatedby increases in those initially rare; the influence of

    epistasis on response appears to be small (Crow2008); and new models provide rationale (Barton &

    de Vladar 2009). Under the infinitesimal model, thetotal response deriving from the initial variation isexpected to total 2Ne times the response in each

    early generation (Robertson 1960). The new variationarising from continuous mutation, an increment inheritability of the order of 0.1 per cent per generation,implies that substantial continued responses can alsobe achieved from mutations. This has been demon-strated in selection experiments from inbred bases

    (Hill 1982; Keightley & Halligan 2009), althoughmany mutations revealed in selection experiments areretained only because their effects on the selectedtrait outweigh those on viability or fertility (Lopez &Lopez-Fanjul 1993). Taken together, Walsh (2004)showed that the response in the Illinois lines wasmainly contributed by variation in the founder lines,

    but must have been due partly to mutations arisingsubsequently.

    Modern breeding programmes inevitably involve a

    concentration of improvement in populations of lim-ited size so that effective multi-trait recording can beundertaken and intense selection practised. There isa multiplication pyramid from nucleus populations inpoultry and pigs, and in dairy cattle a concentrationthrough use of sires through artificial inseminationworldwide. Breeding programmes can be designed to

    optimize the trade-off between high selection intensitywith the use of relatives information to increase short-term gain and the decrease in Ne and likely long-termprogress (Villanueva et al . 2006). But are thereproblems?

    For cattle there is evidence that population sizeswere large following domestication, of the order of

    tens of thousands or more, but those in somemodern breeds are of the order of 100. Even so thelevels of molecular genetic diversity within breeds areat least as great as in human populations (Gibbset al. 2009). Nucleus populations of chickens likelyhave similar effective sizes. An analysis by Muir et al.(2008) of a large collection of lines of broilers, layersand those maintained by fanciers indicated that

    about one-half of the alleles present in Red JungleFowl, regarded as the progenitor native population,had been lost, with most of it occurring in earlyyears of domestication. Yet, heritability remains high,indeed that for body weight seems to maintain its tra-

    ditional value of about 25 per cent regardless. Further,each year over 40 109 chickens are raised so, with amutation rate of 1.8 1029, there are over 50 mutantsat each DNA site. The problem is not that there is nonew variation, but to identify the useful new variants.

    Table 1. Comparison of weight at eight weeks and body composition in two trials, the first of 1957 control and 1991

    commercial and the second of 1957 control and 2001 commercial broilers reared on a diet using typical specifications of that

    year. (The difference D1 denotes changes between 1957 and 1991 and D2 between 1957 and 2001, and D22D1 is the

    estimated change between 1991 and 2001. (Adapted from Havenstein et al. 1994, 2003; G. A. Havenstein 2008, personal


    year of population

    1991 trial 2001 trialdifference

    1991 1957 D1 2001 1957 D2 D22


    body weight (kg) 3.11 0.79 2.32 3.95 0.81 3.14 0.82

    carcass weight (kg) 2.07 0.50 1.51 2.81 0.48 2.33 0.82

    carcass yield (%) 69.7 61.2 8.5 74.4 60.8 13.6 5.1

    breast yield (%) 15.7 11.8 3.9 21.3 11.4 9.9 6.0

    carcass fat (%) 15.3 9.4 5.9 15.9 10.6 5.3 20.6

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    Although it would be impossible to identify a mutantfor a quantitative trait such as body weight in birds

    down the multiplication pyramid, it might be possiblefor a disease-resistant mutant.

    We can be optimistic about the prospects for futureimprovement, not least because the input of molecularand high-throughput technologies to livestockimprovement has so far been tiny. Clearly, there arelimits imposed by the laws of thermodynamics, but

    by simply increasing the rate of live-weight gain of abird, the efficiency of feed use is increased and also,a new consideration, greenhouse gas emissions perunit product is reduced. There are undoubtedly chal-lenges, for example in the availability of water andclimate change influences more generally, but newopportunities will come from new technology. Some,for example genomic selection, are really just exten-

    sions of classical quantitative genetic methods ofincreasing accuracy of selection. Others, for examplechanging or inserting new genes, provide radicalways of introducing new variation, but only if thepublic accepts them. Although conserved animalgerm plasm far behind the commercial norm may har-bour useful variants, I expect their contribution to

    genetic improvement to be small.Similarly, the large amounts of genetic variation

    found in natural populations show that traits can bechanged rapidly and substantially as a consequenceof natural selection. With fitness defined as somesimple measure, like bristle number in Drosophila, theeffectiveness is illustrated by the results of many selec-

    tion experiments (e.g. Weber 2004). There are alsocases where fitness profiles and subsequently traits

    have changed greatly as a consequence of environ-mental change; for example, size of guppiesincreased substantially after transfer from a high tolow predation environment, at rates similar to thosefound in laboratory selection experiments (Reznicket al. 1997). Although additive genetic variation anddirectional selection for particular traits have beenshown, rarely have direct observations of natural popu-

    lations revealed evolutionary changes, and those whereresponses were as expected were restricted to changesover one generation (Merila et al. 2001).

    The ability to evolve depends on the additive gen-etic covariance structure of all the relevant traits, and

    whether the relevant combination actually expressesgenetic variation. Recent analyses on genetic covari-

    ance matrices typically find that many of theireigenvalues are zero, such that the correspondingeigenvectors indicate directions of no variance (e.g.Blows & Walsh 2009; Kirkpatrick 2009; Walsh &Lynch 2009, ch. 30), which if these coincide with fit-ness objectives, implies adaptive evolution is notpossible. Although these analyses indicate there are,

    indeed, trajectories that cannot be followed, samplingerrors alone can lead to such inferences. To under-stand and predict changes or lack thereof, we greatlyneed more reliable information on the genetic covari-

    ances among multiple traits and on fitness profiles onmany environments, but this is a massive task. In thepresence of a major change of environment where fit-

    ness profiles change, the risk to a species seems morelikely to come from other species-filling niches or

    evolving more rapidly rather than from its total

    inability to adapt.


    Our level of understanding of many features of quanti-tative traits is quite rudimentary: what the genes do

    and how they interact, how their effects are distribu-ted, the extent and magnitude of pleiotropic effects,the relations to overall fitness, and how and why is somuch variation maintained? At this stage, however,we find that the many classical genes of small effectmodel explains many of the phenomena we observeand provides a basis for predictions of change. Wecan and are using the new information we get, how-

    ever. But we should bear in mind that, as Darwinperceived, evolution succeeds through simpleselection.

    I am grateful to Loeske Kruuk, Ian McMillan, PeterVisscher, Anna Wolc, Naomi Wray and Xu-Sheng Zhang

    for helpful comments on drafts of the paper.

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