under the cover…

1 Under the Cover… 2. From your Director Officers & Road Captains 3. Assistant Director Ladies of Harley 4. From the Editor Historian’s Article 5. Yankee Run Stop Sheldon’s Corner Head Road Captain Report 6. Tail Pipes Chapter Meeting Information Worcester H.O.G. Chapter meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Auburn Elks Lodge. Come early and socialize! The typical agenda includes Officer reports, door prizes, 50-50 drawing, info on upcoming events, rides, guest speakers, and new member acknowledgments. Please join us and see why we have such a great following and have so much fun! Harley Owners Group Chapter 3811 Winter 2017 Ken presenting a gift from the riders of the Tim Jackson Memorial Poker Run on October 22, 2017 to Lisa Bousbouras, Director of Community Relations at Veterans Inc. of Worcester. Members rode in Westborough’s 300 th Celebration Parade on 9/10/2017 led by Ken. Check out our Photo Album for more great pics! Be a part of our newsletter! Email your stories and pictures to: [email protected] All submissions become the property of Worcester H.O.G. We reserve the right to edit submissions for length and content.

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Page 1: Under the Cover…


Under the Cover…

2. From your Director

Officers & Road Captains

3. Assistant Director

Ladies of Harley

4. From the Editor

Historian’s Article

5. Yankee Run Stop

Sheldon’s Corner

Head Road Captain Report

6. Tail Pipes

Chapter Meeting


Worcester H.O.G. Chapter meetings are held on the first

Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at

the Auburn Elks Lodge.

Come early and socialize! The

typical agenda includes Officer

reports, door prizes, 50-50 drawing,

info on upcoming events, rides,

guest speakers, and new member

acknowledgments. Please join us

and see why we have such a great

following and have so much fun!

Harley Owners Group Chapter 3811 Winter 2017

Ken presenting a gift from the riders of the Tim Jackson Memorial Poker

Run on October 22, 2017 to Lisa Bousbouras, Director of Community

Relations at Veterans Inc. of Worcester.

Members rode in Westborough’s 300th Celebration Parade on 9/10/2017

led by Ken. Check out our Photo Album for more great pics!

Be a part of our newsletter!

Email your stories and pictures to:

[email protected]

All submissions become the property of

Worcester H.O.G. We reserve the right to

edit submissions for length and content.

Page 2: Under the Cover…



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While I find myself wondering where the 2017 riding

season went, I’m not one to lament about the past. I like to

be grateful for the experiences I’ve had, live in the moment,

and look forward to what the future has to bring. I’m a glass

half-full kinda guy.

Some have already tucked their bikes in for a long New

England winter’s nap. Others (like me) are willing to don the

heated gear and brave the chilly air or hope for that

atypically warm day to squeeze in one more ride. While

many opt to ride all year long, each of us needs to decide

for ourselves based on comfort, safety, or even the ability

to store & maintain our bikes through the winter. For me,

it’s not about the cold but rather the salt and sand which

can corrode metal and act like slippery ball bearings on the

road. Whatever YOU choose, be careful and enjoy!

There’s no doubt that we’ll ride less in the coming months.

This fills my mind with the anticipation of projects and

taking full advantage of the down-time so that I’m fully

ready to hit the road when the spring thaw arrives. What

maintenance is necessary? Better yet, what accessories &

upgrades can I add? Hopefully Santa will bring Sheldon’s gift

cards, chrome, and other goodies that will motivate you to

grab a wrench or call Sheldon’s Service Department.

Let’s also use winter’s down-time to ask the question;

where will I/we go in 2018? Think of new destinations. Plan

that big bucket-list multi-state ride. Do a fly & ride to a

distant land. Go to a HOG Rally, or maybe the 115th National

HOG Anniversary Rally in Milwaukee?

In closing my last newsletter contribution as your Director,

I wanted to say THANK YOU! A chapter is nothing without

its members, and I’m very proud to be surrounded by truly

fantastic ones! I am particularly grateful for my fellow

officers who volunteered their time and energy to make our

chapter successful. We’ve enjoyed many wonderful rides &

parties, we’ve changed and evolved, we’ve supported

worthy causes, we’ve worked hard & played even harder,

we’ve had MANY laughs, and even shed a few tears this past

year. It has been my pleasure and honor to represent and

serve you. Having worked side-by-side with Jim Evans, I

could not be more confident in saying and taking great

comfort in knowing that I’m leaving you in capable hands.



Worcester HOG thanks Ken & Karin Karey for their service!

Yankee Run Committee George Gilligan, Ray Remillard,

Janice Fiske, & Sue DiPilato

Alan Berthiaume

Alan Froslie

Alan Shea

Arthur Pond

Bruce Smyth

Chet Chludenski

Chet McDonald

Ed McDonald

Jack Grzyb

Jim Evans

Jim Perry

Ken Corey

Ken Karey

Kevin Colbath

Mark Zibel

Paul Gunnerson

Peter Bogren

Ray Robidoux

Roy Mikkelsen

Richie Smith

Tammy Lee

Worcester H.O.G Officers

Director.............................. Ken Karey

Assistant Director...............Jim Evans

Treasurer............................Scott Johnson, Sr.

Secretary/Membership......Mark Zibel

Activities Officer................Kevin Colbath

Ladies of Harley Officer...Karin Karey

Head Road Captain...........Richie Smith

Assistant Head R/C............Ray Robidoux

Editor..................................Andy Foster

Safety Officer.....................Ken Corey

Photographer.....................Bruce Smyth

Photographer.....................Cathie Barilla

Historian............................Paul Gunnerson

Worcester H.O.G. Road Captains

From your Director

Page 3: Under the Cover…



Are you still riding? I think everyone is finding it hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the 2017 riding season. I know some have already put their bikes away for the year, but if you’re like me, you’re still hoping for that mild, very late fall with dry roads to extend the riding season till at least the Winter Solstice (just before Christmas). I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the roads seem a bit harder when the weather gets cold. Don’t know if it is because the tire rubber isn’t as pliable, the air shocks work different in the cold, or the bumps get a bit higher with the beginning of frost heaves. Whatever it is, it’s noticeable and seems that tire grip is affected as well. In any event, let’s all be just a bit more cautious in the coming month(s). As this year comes to a close, we seem to be extraordinarily busy with the holidays and HOG events. We had a very successful Yankee Run Party and in the 1st full week of December the Polar Bear Run, HOG meeting and Holiday Party. Hey, but that’s not the end, Friday Night Dinners (FND) will soon begin so we’ll be able to continue the camaraderie through-out the winter months. “Who let the HOGs out?! HOO, HOO! HOO!” Most of us won’t be riding much, if any, once the 1st snow flies and they start treating the roads, but the bike and next year’s riding plans never seem too far from our minds. Maybe take the time to reminisce about some aspect of your riding skill and how to improve it. Or how to brighten up the front or rear of the bike with some LEDs so it will catch the attention of a less than attentive driver. Or maybe it’s planning that road trip that’s been on your mind for some time. So to wrap this up, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for being a member of the Worcester HOG. As Assistant Director this past year, I got to experience the behind the scenes activities that make this Chapter run so well. It really is something to see all the officers and volunteers give their time (and sometimes $$) to ensure our events run so smoothly. A special thanks to Ken Karey for directing the Chapter so well in 2017. I hope to see you all next week! Jim

Worcester HOG decorating team with Executive Director Liz

Hamilton of the Boys and Girls club of Worcester. The tree

was adorned with ornaments, $300+ in gift cards, and will be

donated to a family who cannot afford one of their own.

I’m hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family

and friends. It is a blessing to count you all in the many things

that I am grateful for this year.

As my position as LOH officer comes to an end, I want to

thank you all for the support and generosity you have shown

me. Over the course of this year, we’ve been able to support

many charities and show our love to Chapter members

who’ve been sick, are going through hard times, or who have

lost loved ones. It has been so rewarding to be able to give

so much from our Chapter to those in need and those we

love. I’m so happy that I’ve been able to get to know so many

Chapter members and hear more about your lives outside of

motorcycling. I love hearing about your grand babies, fur

babies, and about your passions and hobbies.

As the Chapter moves forward, I hope you will continue to

support the new officers. Officers put in many hours

planning events, writing emails and newsletters, updating

information, planning rides and stirring up energy in the

Chapter. The Chapter is only successful if we all work

together and support each other. If you have ideas or

suggestions, please let the officers know.

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Assistant Director

Ladies of Harley

Page 4: Under the Cover…



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I have planted the seeds for the possibility of having an

ongoing relationship with the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester.

This Worcester club serves over 300 youth in our area daily.

There are many ways we can help the youth in the

Worcester area by spending time with them. I hope to see

our involvement continue.

Thank you for all the ways we did our part to reach out and

help others. I wish you all health and happiness in the New

Year. Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah!


You may recall a fall email from our Assistant Director Jim

Evans (now our new Director, congrats!) regarding open

officer positions within the chapter for 2018. We would

sincerely like to thank Ken & Karin Karey, Mark Zibel, Ken

Corey, and Ray Millard (8 years?!) for their service. Best

wishes in your future endeavors. Please note; Karin is still

the active LOH Officer but the position is open. Please

consider joining our team for a rewarding experience!

Here are your 2018 Officers:

Director - Jim Evans

Assistant Director - Dave Fiske

Treasurer - Scott Johnson

Secretary - Arthur Pond

Membership Officer & Photographer - Bruce Smyth

Activities Officer - Kevin Colbath

LOH - Open

Head Road Captain - Rich Smith

Editor & Social Media - Andy Foster

Safety Officer & Assistant HRC - Ray Robidoux

Assistant Photographer - Cathie Barilla

Chapter Historian - Paul Gunnerson

Yankee Run Committee - George Gilligan, Janice Fiske,

& Sue DiPilato

A chapter is a team of officers and members. We hope you

are pumped-up for more good times ahead! Keep an eye on

www.worcesterhog.com for information and memories.


Greetings fellow HOG members...

It’s December and our riding season for this year comes to a close, ending our 31st year as a chapter. We will pick it up again in April and begin our 32nd year. Each year brings about new changes and adventures we can all look forward to. 2018 will also be a big year as Harley-Davidson celebrates its 115th Anniversary. Some of you have already started making your plans and reservations for this very special celebration. Harley riders from all over the world will be converging on Milwaukee, WI from Wednesday August 29th until Sunday September 2nd, 2018. This will be a grand celebration for sure! If you have questions about anything, like the schedule of events, places to stay, or the popular parade which will be held on Sunday September 2nd, you can find all this and more information at:


Something for you to think about and start planning for as we rest our beloved Harley’s over the winter months. Both your Chapter and Sheldon’s can help you to coordinate this trip if you plan to attend. As we enter winter think spring, riding, and more adventures ahead for next year!


From the Editor

Historian's Article

Page 5: Under the Cover…



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The season-ending ride was Sunday, December 3, “The

Polar Bear”. Ah... a hearty bunch we are. And by the way,

what a great party this year with many cash prizes, we hope

you all had fun!

This was a great riding year and The Book had 96 stops to

visit. All this was made possible with a great team effort by

the Road Captains, the committee (Janice, Sue, Ray and

their spouses Dave, John and Joanne), and of course our

sponsor Sheldon’s allowing the parts counter personnel to

sell our books. So a BIG THANK YOU to everybody that

supported the New England Yankee Run program. Including

YOU, the book buyers, of which 49 are new customers.

Next year’s planning is under way and let’s hope it is as

successful as this year was. The Ice Breaker date will be April

8th due to Easter being on April 1st. See you then!


SHELDON’s 2017 is almost in the books. Another great year

for riding. Bryan and I would like to thank everyone for

choosing Sheldon’s Harley-Davidson to be your dealership.

We are proud and honored to have the opportunity to earn

your business.

January will mark the 5 year anniversary that Bryan and I

took over operations from Orville. Five years isn’t a long

time in the big scheme of things, but for two regular guys

who took the opportunity to quit our jobs and take a chance

on turning around a dealership, it is a big deal. We couldn’t

have done it without you and we are forever thankful for

choosing us to be your dealership and strong connection to

the great brand of Harley-Davidson.

I remember one of my first days working at Sheldon’s when

Richie Smith looked down on me and said; “What are you

going to do here to make this place better?” We all know

Richie as a great guy, but all I saw at that moment in time

was a biker who was concerned about the brand he was so

passionate about. We try every day to make Sheldon’s

Harley-Davidson a better place to shop and spend your

time. We are excited to be entering the 115th Anniversary

year as a gatekeeper of the brand.

Harley-Davidson was here long before we were here and

will be here long after us. We are just gatekeepers in time

and it certainly is our pleasure to serve you. We look

forward to many more years of fun and enjoyment.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Chad & Bryan

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I was not able to attend the last official ride

of our chapter’s season, the Polar Bear Run, but we had a

great turn out just as we did for the Tim Jackson ride. We

had a darn good riding season!

We would like your input on how to get more members

involved, not just at our monthly meetings, but at our rides

as well. We as the R/Cs use the Yankee Run Book as a guide,

and many of us use it like a bible. The Yankee Run Book is a

good tool, but we need to think outside the box at times.

Want to get more out of your dealership and your chapter?

Join us on some rides, perhaps volunteer at an event, and

see who you can meet. Maybe, just maybe, a really good

friendship will develop.

Well enough said. I hope you have a great winter and a safe

one. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I hope to see a

lot more of you in 2018! WHO LET THE HOGS OUT??!!!


Santa was at the Polar Bear Run!

Yankee Run Stop

Sheldon's Corner

Head Road Captain Report

Page 6: Under the Cover…


7 Tail Pipes Thank you Jim Taylor for this pic of the bike Sheldon's loaned to the H-D Museum's TROG display (The Race of Gentlemen).

See next page and HOG Magazine Issue 041, 2017, Page 31 for write-ups on this bike. Jim also sent us the candid pics below.

Cindy Taylor with Santa - Polar Bear Run 12/3

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R/C Jim Taylor led John & Jeff (Pioneer Valley Chapter Super Riders) and Roy to the

Rhinebeck Aerodrome. They found the 'fork in the road' on Rt 199, Red Hook, NY. 9/17

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