umbel semantic web services

April 2008 Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer UMBEL’s Eleven: Initial Semantic Web Services

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UMBEL\'s first 11 semantic Web services and online demos show how a lightweight structure of 21000 subject concepts can provide context for inter-linking external data and ontologies. Additional value through the network effect of inherited relationships and properties is also gained as more structure and data is added. UMBEL is an excellent upper mapping and binding layer for integrating Linked Data and rich sources of named entities such as Wikipedia. The UMBEL subject concepts are derived from the OpenCyc version of the proven Cyc knowledge base.


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April 2008

Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL’s Eleven:

Initial Semantic Web Services

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL is . . .

. . . a lightweight reference structure for placing Web content and data in context with other data.

. . . is comprised of about 21,000 subject concepts and their relationships — with one another and with external

vocabularies and named entities.

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Subject Concepts

21,000 defined reference points in information space

Means to assert what a given chunk of content is about

Enable similar content to be aggregated

Place content in context with other content

Aggregation points for tying in named entities

Totally derived and a subset of OpenCyc, the open source version of the Cyc knowledge base

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Deriving from OpenCyc

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Named Entities

The places, events, people, objects, and specific things of the real world

Literally millions of notable instances

Each belongs to one or more subject concept(s)

Currently, the predominate basis for Linked Data

Important sources include Wikipedia (Yago) and other public sources

Can be readily mixed-and-matched with private entities

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL is Middleware

UMBEL ontology is based on RDF RDF Schema vocabulary of SKOS (Simple Knowledge

Organization System) OWL Full to aid class, domain and range relationships with

external ontologies Provides excellent interoperability


(inferencing, structure and other tools)


Any external content

(ontologies + named entities)

Any external content

(ontologies + named entities)

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL is a Roadmap

A set of roadsigns to help find related content

A contextual way to get from one concept space to another

More detailed maps used for specific domains

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL is a Backbone

The backbone to UMBEL is the relationships amongst its subject concepts

The backbone provides the contextual graph for inter-relating content

The backbone is a reference structure for more specific domains or ontologies

The backbone is contextual, and relatively stable and constant

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Exploding the Domain

Each subject concept is an individual of the skos:Concept class, which are themselves OWL classes

Since subject concepts are classes, can relate to external ontology classes using rdfs:subClassOf and owl:equivalentClass

Under right circumstances, can also inherit properties

Through inferencing, silo data now can inherit open world understanding, therefore:

exploding the domain

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

A Deep Dive into the Backbone . . .

. . . all 21,000 nodes

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

A Deep Dive into the Backbone . . .

. . . top 750 nodes

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

A Deep Dive into the Backbone . . .

. . . top 350 nodes

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

A Deep Dive into the Backbone . . .

. . . zeroing in on ‘automobiles’

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

A Deep Dive into the Backbone . . .

. . . zeroing in on ‘Saabs’

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The First Eleven Web Services

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL’s Eleven

Find Subject Concepts

Subject Concept Report

Subject Concept Detailed Report

List Sub-Concepts & Sub-Classes

List Super-Concepts & Super-Classes

List Equivalent External Classes

Verify Sub-Class Relationship

Verify Super-Class Relationship

Verify Equivalent Class Relationship

Subject Concepts Explorer

Yago Ontology

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Demos, Docs & APIs

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Find Subject Concept

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Subject Concept Detailed Report

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Subject Concept Explorer

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

YAGO Ontology

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Why Important to the Semantic Web?

Context, Context, CONTEXT

For Linked Data Context !

For Web Search: Infinite facets Disambiguation Cleaner navigation

For Legacy Data Stovepipes: Making the connections Closed World schemas become Open World information Context !

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Upper Mapping and

Binding Exchange Layer

Play for Yourself

Access the UMBEL Web services at:

Thanks to for hosting us !