uk-rosituoxea boozl law violators let off easy court · monday, jan. 29, 1917. the tacoma time&...

Monday, Jan. 29, 1917. THE TACOMA TIME& PAGE SEVEii. »«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TELL YOUR WANTS IN THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TIMES WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATFS 1 cent a n onl wh Inso. 11 on—3 times for the price of X I month, p«r line per mouth 1100 5 months, per line per month ','.'.'. *5 6 months, per line per month \u0084 go j:' months, per line per raoa th !!!!!! 71 Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents PHONE MAIN 12 THIO TIMICB IS TACOMA'B _^O>D WK RPCEIVH Aliq 11T BLSINESS AND PROFIuSSIONAL DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OV TITLE TACU.UA TITL.K CO—Ground floor Fid' tity Bldg. Main 11*4 ABBTRACTB Cotumonwetlth Title Trust (Jo. MAIN 101. Bank\u25a0 \u25a0r« Tr'uat l)ljIs "^AMmjLANCES AUTuMUBILh; anibulunce. Only one In cit). Main 43. •^"^carpkt^cleanTno^ ii. 1* UOL'CK—Carpet beating, re- flttlnK and laying; feather reno- vating and upholstering. 2812 Otli ay. Main 125. COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIES WE make conaeetiona to new heat- Ing compuny. Cotton Plumbing Co. Main 670. Comnurclal Truck A storage Co. * Vumlture moved, packed and •tor«d. Team and auto vans. Fire- proof warehouse. Bust corps of trained men In city. Main 706. IMSECTICIDEH AND SPRAYS CAH HOLINEUM and Cre-Sol for chicken lice. Caroo Vegetable •pmy, water glnss. Standard _ Chemical Co. Main 6486. 'r^WEY""ToToAN"""'"""'" r ''"' MONEY TO LOAN On mortgage security Iniiuoved city or fin in property. I!. K. Anflerunn * Co. Bcanilin.'ivlun-Am. i!,-.i:i Bank Bids;. Kleventh am! r'nciflc. LOTS Hl' MONRV. I'iii-.-ip riite. I. B. ti.Miilley, 72!' T; Hhl«. HonI•: \" on linnd for Improved pr^p- Tty lomiN. 101 Itiiiik or Cal. Bids;, 6 AND 1 PER"CKXT money. J. C. J.l\n.\HL, 205 Kriuitable MKig. Main 217 C. »• to 7% ON IMi'HOVCD propertr- Loans (or hulldluK a specialty. Also mule loans payat'ie In small iHonthly ln»tftl!::iccts. L. 11. MANNIN'J * CO. . T«l. Main J6. Knuitablf^Blds;. JjO\y KHT rates an.' reaioaabl* •«• per-. Van Va.en. 1221 Fidelity BMg. _ SEA t. KSTATK LOANS, term or mrnthly payments Mareti-Mc- Cnndlpss. Iloom 200. National Renlty Bldg. OL'i: nvn money to loan. W. N. . I) \u25a0 <\u25a0 A Co.. Inc.. »04 Cal. Blda; Main 2181. PRIX'ATI': money to loaD. $60 to lIOOOi no runiinlMulon. Payments to null. Call 6318 rio. Flfa. KelU Dutiols. f PKlt CENT money, H commission. till So. 54th, So Taooma, Wn. ItOOO to loan at 7 and 8 p'-f r.nt. Other money at 6 per cent. In- quire of J I. Bnnpp, 1221 I i ' \u25a0 i 'v Bldjrj Main 4uai ISa.vs Short or lon« term, any amount. 418 California BI.Ih MOlt'l'dAOK LOAN.S. Amounts from 1200 up; city or fnrm; lowest rates. NORTON 4k CO.. 210 Bsrlln. LOANS for home huinling or to pay off old moriiiiai x. Lowest ! rates, special privilege* to bor- rowers—3 to 8 years. Money al- ways on hand- no delay. 11. J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc. 210-19 Tacoma; t^A^rr^NrTcTrvTTiirr loa>cs ; *LOA\S TBOMPTL,V HADK ON BAI.MUKS " FURNITURE PIANOS AND BTOU,UiB rtKCIOII'TfI; 'jLt mtes you can afford to i>n> Hmny buys eheap«i ihan cnl-t. Our service lias pleaded many others and will pleaM you. Let us tell you all about It. COAST FINANCE COMPANY k 210 Bankers Truat HI '«; ~ PHIIICtANS DR. W'ARItKN BHOWN - Dlseucl of women and genii>>-urlnary anj I \u25a0kin diseases 1103 Commeroe ;t. | SK'il'. 11. ICHItOKiiBR SKIN AND OKNI'IU IMSINARY 1>I J- EAS':s. KKKNCII lILDO.. 1153 PACIFIC. MAIN J7II. »R. LA (JABA Surgeon, X li-iy. dlsea.'is of women, gcnlto-urln- »ry. Realty Bldg. I «. DR. "JONBZ—SURr.rcON jPlsesnes of women. Fidelity Bids. ©5Tb7 ELIZABKTH DRAKE. Phys- ician and Surgeon. 1016 Fidelity BlilK Main J34; Proctor 148. Mad- Ison 117 R-l. PR. PKTERSEN-DANaT 210 Berlin Hi. Bcandinavlan Am. Bank). Office, Main 3.178, rns., Main KT7. t)R. FOREMAN, SURQISON Bankers Trust Bldg. DR. YOCUM. Natl. Hen It y lUdg. Day, Main EOO, nl«ht. Proc. I,'»(. RENT—BAKKMENT OOOD basement rent cheap, fine for storage oi auto bus. Silver C. House, 1511 Tacotna ar. "~ wetXljigoer 7"~ WELL DIGGER. B. T. Blroh. Fark- land. Wash XU-L i. i-ii. u-JTj-j-.j-LA.r-Jt-jn.r^.nj- -u-.-.-.n-r ju-.-l MASQUERADE COOTU MES IWITCHEB, waives, wlga. hair goods. Thorsen'a, (llft Broadway. Mala |[INTN(r FOX mining business or mining In- formntlon, enquire A. M. P. Co., IXO-321 Prov Bias;., Tacoma. jbußiness7shanSs^ PELL UN your wantß when wanting to buy. sell or f nance a business. Terms reasonable nnd we get ro- S.nts. UdLAS PROMOTION COM PAN V 11-1S Natl. Realty is.dg. Main JSB3 8A .j DKPUSIT VAULTS KlLLfei TX T»^T~Co!YliAF >E Da- POSIT VAULTS. Ground floor. \u25a0WE the new Woodstock typewrit er tliat speaks fur itself. Both n ,™i d lual"y- "• U Bak«r A LO., 1007 A «t. SAFETY UK-rOSITuOXEa 14.00 per year, fire and burglar proof. Peoplo' Knfety Deposit Main lilt S°- 1U"- Ber"n Bld«- RAZORS SHAHpSmJU^' WK nhorpen safety razor bindes. All work guaranteed. tJlraw Sup- ply. 119 Pacific ay. """ OSTEOHATH^" DR. IIUD3ON~3S2 Provident Bids' Main ll«l. Km. pbone. Main 4412 WINDOW CLEANING CITY Window Cleaning Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 4fi33. '^UMJKR'I\\Trf?RB C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Directors. _»10 Tatoma ay. Main 7745. BUCKLKY-KING CO.—Profi sslonai Funeral Directors. 730-32 St. _lleleim. Phone Main 412. CAMBDY, AUJBN & UcCONNELL CO.—Funvrul directors. 1110 80. 12lh. Main 8151 \u25a0a tacoma punjeral pajuom, 5433 T'nlo.i ay. Main lOlt. Oeo. W. Piper. PATKNT ATTORNEYS H. I. BLUOTt 1102 Nati. Realty _ UlJ<f itech. Krig Patents. M. U771. POPULAR MUSIcH H m; i I.Mi: and popular tnuslo taught In from 10 to 20 lessons. Tall m 14 Temple of Muilo, Hroadway. Main 1253. Res. l'rac- tor Hit, VIOLIN TEACHER 01-OF HILL. 27 years In TaconisT rttudlo Temple of Music, lsroad- way. IJOTFLS '""" MONTR CARLO—tat ifsc iiJT. Kvprythlns npw; steam lipat, free baths. iril!»% Broadway. Main 2058. HoTKr.~Mi:ruf Reputation KsiahllMn-d. Reasonable rates 31SV4 Market at. Court and Mnrket. MJAS'I A HIJTHI,- .ti'idrrii outside rooms, $2. |2 GO anil |3 per vr»-ck lip. BO^nlrht up UK Market HOTBL UIHOBHIMAYA. Cor. M<>r- lent and 16th: modern: BUc, 75c. |L SO A V I'lnTHcr's""'' "\u25a0 AMERICAN OARBAQU CO. Ito- Kovlaii Barbas;* ft refuse of nil kind*. 216 Pny. ay. If, 71.'. R , 7,",3<. BUSDiSs COLLEGES ck is the tltn.- fL\"^W m J&S*'" Kot a X'""1 'fin \u2666>*'JlMiKinesH train-! DllcrikiC* \u25a0* '\u25a0'' ' '" \u25a0 \u25a0 ' A ifc*iaVt wtalos,. ' ii's a «food BchooL LADIES' AND MEN'S SUITS \u25a0fy*fbs* WR nre prepared to ,/&?'"\u25a0\u25a0*L&, I'ulM I n Voi ii JL liVm "'"' vo1"' °w" ':'"- if mg'gßuU ':'slj ''>1' Tie r1,:.-sea B»*3«stfl •"'\u25a0 I'\u25a0 t I'MSiil.llhlo. JPk'M 4>°-H l'rov',di.nt a'lt)ki g . FLKSTI KKI>i;CTH)N RKDt'CE your fat without drug! by tlio Natural System. 427 l'ruvl- di'iit Hldg. LOGOED OK F I, \ N \T U WIAITAV Insures. 603 Berlin Rldg. Main 1737. I.S huutriwist vvti«i)!n({ ton tf* set- tlcra only IS 00 per acr« and up. Tan y*ar» to pay. Interest at 6*. WRYKRHAEUSER TIMHKK CO. Tacoma Bldg. Tacoms, Wash. 10-a. tract* *2j acre, nr. So. Prairie. _ Terms. 11l California Bid*. FOOT SPBCTALKT RHEUMATISM, bunions, nails, brok- en arches treated. Dr. Jones. Ave- nue Hotel. FAMILY WASHING " en Family washing. Main 1211 OUL Tacoma Wet Wash. BE U:lN^^A^HINEir QOf>n Sinßi'r machine, with attach- ments, fn.OO. 606 11th, bet X and \u25a0| i .1 i ay. TO"BUY WANTETP—!• iirnlrure and stoves. J. O. Turkey, Main 6839 WANTKl"—Furniture ~ot ail klndiT Immediately; pay good prlcea. Lewis l'ur. Co. 1004 Taooma ay, M«lr> mft. farms^to^Teask^ [•.MM to lease, stock for sale rea- Honahle. A-l land. Address W-2, Tlni' J. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, JAN. 30 AT IC:30 A.M. 10%J 80. 12th St. ON TUKBUAY WK ARK OOING TO HAVi: OIK ANNUAL CLEAN VP PALK IN I'Unrii to <:i:t kid OF ALL Till-; LJCKTOVKR* AuoiNij mi, storm:, and kv- KItVTHINQ .MUST Hi: SOLD UK- UAUULBMB OF Tl IU PRICK, THE FdU.uW \\i; OOODS WILL BB BOLD; DININU ROOM BKT with six chairs. Hin::- BOAUU, \ I.KNIS MAKTIN BKU, COIL SPKINO, lIION HPUISUB, NKW W(M)I) HKDS, MAITi;i;.SS- I)S, NKW DINBUH IN' OAJC, II MED AND QOLDKN'. KITCHKN CHAIIIH. NEW; TWii l,llti:.\ltV TABLIiH. WHITK I >i: LSSi: U, I TAPESTRY, ALL PATTKRNM AND COLORS; PHONOOHAPHi AND MTSIC BOX. MA.I! STIC ItANQB, COAL OIL UK ATI-: 1 1. WATER COOLERS, BREAD HOXRB, BIODDINO, 9HKRTB. COMKORTB. IMI.LoWS, KITOHKN WARR, KITCHEN TABLI'.B, li iI.DINC, BKU, SCKI'KN', BOOKS ANU MANY OTHKR SMALL Till.Vcs THAT KVKUVONK CAN r.-i:. ami THINQB that auk ÜBKU i:\i:uy DAY OF VuUR LIFR, I WATCH Ol'R AI)S NKXT WIiKK I'oi: I'M. OY Till-; LAIUiBIT BALKH THAT WTB HAVE HAP IN Ul'M Sj-olt!-: Xi >lt MONTHS. AND THINiiS THAT DEALERS AS WKLL AS I'oNSI'MRILS CAN USK ALL THE TIME. VVM. FITZ-HEKRY AUCTIOXEEH I I YOU SAVE JUST $25.00 A.\ Bdlion Hurnless Ambrola. It pinyn the 4-mlnute record*l It in [h« Intest slylt-. We will Include a new < cabinet and It 50c record!, all for t'ta, pay ?,"> down and f4 per month. No Intfr^st. Tliis Is Uio best off<T ynu will ever h»ve- only two at tins prioe- You save JJS. Bllen Music House, Broadway iit Nlntli, In th<« Tacoraa Theater Bulldlnc where superior sarvlce awaits you nnd where ev- ery make nf Talking Machine and re< ord is repreaenteai GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE H lbs. extra fine Sugar $1.00 I'int lara Pure Vaklma Honey ..-5(-| Quart Jars Pun- Nukiiu.i Honey ite » |iki?«. Hliaker Salt 25r *< llib. Fancy Jap Klce II Kurthcrn sn Apples^ a box ...,85c ci.issp & lllockwell Jains, rcg- -310 teller i!0o California Bacon, pit ib. 15c Dun't for^ft we itrt- .stilling IVa- nut Butter nt leaf than whole- sale, Bring your own cun- tainer, A pound 10c llMt, !»0r lot Hi' n( Itolifinian VAub Pure Olive Oil 65r i pkKi, Mince M««t IM li'is. JOe lars Minced Olivci for ido Corn, I'l-.ia. Tomatoes, v inn., iflc I pkfs, Citt Flukes ... .\ 25c \u25a0 cans Milk \u25a0 15c ICrnpson's Cul Stringed Beanii, . i i y l.uiiy, ;. ran 100 KKKK DKL.IVKHY to all p;ut» of the (\u25a0ity. Wholesale and retail. Hotel and reatauraat supplies, O'Brien Orooery Co. At the Ctntrul J'lililir "Market lH 1-46 PACIFIC AY. Ff)H SALR—-ShlngTes, buards and cedar pnsta. It, Sumfletli, Cash- mere St.i., >>I<l Puyallup line. OOOD ranoh horse, will sell cheap in* will tpatfe for chickens or cow. 614i"i VBkima ay. I'oH IAUE I largo tapestry rugri, dresser, chairs, oak lieott?r, dishes :111• I I'oukiiij* ntensilH. must be sold bfforp l't-l). 1. 76SV. Si>. 38th, up- I wt a Irs, Flat A. Madison 1713. BBARINQ size apple trees, roses, etr. Mil.\u25a0hell Nursery, ltth and A^st TachMa Avenue Sewing Machine Store moving to 403 So. 11th, cor- ner Market. 100 Oool> CHAIRS at a very low price; also 2 good heaters with water colls. Tac. Aye. Fur. Ex- change, (13 Tacoma ay. Main _j! 34 7; REDUCE your fat without drugs by thu Natural System. 4J7 Provl- dent Bldg. RAKE old books at Te Olde Book Bhop, »01% Pacific STOVES re4lned and rebuilt. M. H. Ulvln, 1127 Broadway. Main f144. bflo WATCHBS clcanea or mala uy-i sprtna-a. (Oe. guaranteed. 1111 Pacific ar. WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hldrs poultry. Will call for same. Pay blKhMt market price. Taoesaa Meat Ce. Main 1400; after bue- ineae hours Main Rill. CABH PAID FOR ~USED FUBKIT- CRB AMD OTHKR MKHCIIAN DISH. .VH. FIT«-HENRT I>l >OUTH 11TH BTRHOT. MAHAFPAr Insures. Ml Berlin Bldg. Main 1717. I'LASU expert, tuning and repatr- !u«. T. T. Rlohaaond, lotI nth. none Main tltt. Doings of the Duffs FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FfITZ-HENRY'S SPECIALS 102 So. 12th St. ON'B VKRY PINE SMALL SODA FOUNTAIN, COMPLKTB IN EV- BKV IiKTAIL; HnLL. FLAT TOP AM' STANUIMi (JI'FICK DESKS, ITIMPMON BLKOTKIC COFFEE Mil.l. WITH U-HORBB MoTOH, TWO NATIONAL CASH RL'OIS- 'Ii.HS, D.Ni: BAHRKL CAPACITY bAKKU.S' BRBAO MIXER, LAItQK UAKKKS li.VKE OVEN, ON'K SMALL BAI'K AND BKVER- Al, LAROK ()Xi:s, A>MK WITH MOXIIIB IN81DE; 1011 UO'/.i:s Hi:AND NEW OAK DIN'KKS AND KITi'FIFN I'll MRS, FRONT AND BACK BAR, OAK, VKRY QOOD AM) VIUIT CHEAP: OPERATING CHAIItS. 4 I'OOL TABLES. ALL IN FIRST CLAM KHAPE; SCHOOL PF.SKS. CYPHER'S IN- CIUATOK AND BROODER, AND OTUKR .MAKKri OF INCtTtAT- ORR; 2 HACK ST'IT oR DREBB CAJTfca, SKVKRAL IRON DIS- PLAY RACKS I->")R BUITB AND DUKBSKB; COI'NTERB, SHOW I" VBKS. BTK \M T A n I. B S. FIIKNCH RANGES, REVTAU- RANT BAMQKS, p6ue?fry BABY \u25a0 \u25a0hicks ami i'kss from S. C. lihod« Island Reds nnd White 1/eghorns; also n few cockerels from each for mlc Reasonable. First-class stock. John K. Cros- by, R-3, Box SO. 160-EOO InouliHtor uheap: White Wyandotte cockerels; n Silver doe tind 1 steel buck rabbltl. CSO:: So. J st. FOR SALTC—Black Minolta co I. \u25a0 Ila and bitching \u25a0\u25a0i-'na. Phono aiaUison 113 .i-;:. FURNISHED HOUSE- KKKPINO HOP MS IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR housaksoplng roomi, furnuh- (d 100111?, loom and board. In pri- vate families. (;ill aii'l see our most complete lilt. We save you time, truulilc ;u 'I money, I'nmo and see us. List yuur rooms with UK. TiU'oma Rental Bureau 419 Perkins HidK Main :',112 RBDUCE your without Uiuks l>y the Natural System. 427 Provi- dent Bids. IMPi;!UAL--Flne hKkpg. ~7m» IS mo. up; wnik.MK distance, bo. lotn and Yaklma. THltl'iU nicely turnlshe.d hnusekeep- liii; rooms, private bulb, wn'klni distance. Mj 80. Vnklmn. BAY VlEW^A^FbTTsTi^.TaYTatea to bachelor*. 152614 Tacoma ay. FINK hakpg. rail. 12 vh. up. 70»Vi Puo. ay.. l.,iii claim Apta. "' ifENT^-HOrSKS nARtLMN—B-r. wltli furnace, and 2 lots. No. 24th st. Rertelaon & Co., 209 Bank of California Bldg. 8-ROOM cottage, good range, water In kitchen. l»0«A So. Yaklma. __Phone Madison BSS. HHI Fur- * Cnfumfsiiid. IIKJI OCjO R|t z ft Co, Main 46(S FLATS nnd houses for rent. Jess* _H J _Rcnd, 62!) Provident Rldr 715 80. Onkea, J-r. and bath . .110.00 113 BL 2Tth. 6-r. and bath $12.0f 318 So. 2S)th, 0-r. and bath ..SIO.OO 1714 So. RXd, B-r f SOO 323 So. JOth, 8 rms lltt.oo •06 K. Division Lane 110.00 II J. BCHWINN * CO.. INC. Tacoya Bids;. Main II LONQ DISTANCE Moving—Get Our Prices McLRAN. MAIN l»l>. MA TV Local and Lena; iWAIIN JUUJ Dletance Moving. Storage. Nights and Sunday* m a f n nn City Moving & Storage Co Finhpnoor storage. «U Tao. »T. AUTO DW.IVEKY CO. \u25a0imam and auto trucks. Local and long distance moving. Main 14(1 Night aervle*. itl Comiu.ic* ANNOUNCEMENTS"" THK builness conduftwl by T. it. llelllngham for the past 27 years will In the future be known as T. H. Belllngham Co. Bald company will collect all outstanding ac- counta and assume all Indebted- ness. H. J. BKLLTNQHAM, H. BELLINU H AM. STOCKS ANT> HONI)8~ 9F.LL CO Ansonla Realty. J. K. Mc- Farland, 114 Equitable Bldir HE LP—M ALE MAN lo lmrn dental laboratory work with dentist. Chance ti» make $:io w.eit or more. Invest- i Went reciiilrurf. n,\ W-4, Times. MEN wanted to spill raidwood, 55c per cord. Tools furnished I A Garrison, Duponl II i'MTP^iSIALE^ IfOOItKttELD BATH! for rhpuma- ll.'in and taffrlppc, rijirn day und fifht 7lh und Pacific, Main BIS At REDI'CE your fat without drujrsTy tho .Vntiiial System. 427 Provl- dent nuljf. JaxtTfat^ BEJJI'CE your fat wit limit iliub.s by tin' Natural System. 4"7 I'rovl- dent Uldg. TRADE or \u25a0=.>!! cheap, Improved ir- rlffated ranch at Kennewlck. Would mumc. Address \V-:: Tim Time-i. o\i-: ion iron wheel wagon, good condition, for livestock.. Murtln Paulstn. lies 11, v. t, Tacoma, 100 ACRES food lan.l, Raker i '0., Oi-csoii. riitiiiinjt wat«r, value $;i.- ohii. free and Blear, to trade. What nave im to offer, Miirtlii I'.uil- _ «f-n. Box 1 l-l-', H. F. I). 4. Taroma. 1400-LB, team to trade for Kuo 1 oar ..'-:"! _''""\u25a0"""\u25a0•' •\u25a0• Phone Main •98f, ROOM AND BOARD WANTBD—Two or more men to room or room find hoard. Call _RBO 7 No. Gove. near smelter. Mas. WOOLSEY at ltoi ai>. r.ith will take old people to board- reaaonable. Miiiilsc.n 1398. "BLUE Pi^NT^MAPsT SURVEYING I CITY and county surveys, tide-lands, LAND .st. PACT, & tacoma LVMBKR CO. offfiH direct to public, on I'-iims .i li.^iiliiiriy to suit. the choicest of shut clay, ct-dar and alder Imttntn land, on best of county roads and paved iiipii- Mrays to Taooma; near schools, \u25a0torei ;ind railway stations, on cream, mall and auto bus routes, nt |2I to J:;5 per acre. Literature on reriucst. JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR. tß* Tacoma BldgT, Main "sis. REDUCE your fat without dniK* by thn Natural lystem. 427 Provi- dent UldK. 5 ACRES AT WOODLAND, on old Pnyallup car line, easy payments, fine soil, wui-i-arity deed. $75 per acre JESBK O. THOMAS, JH. 120 Taeoma HMg. 24 LOTS or more in Parkland for Kale cheap, 4 block! west of Lin- coln ay. I. Anderson. A ro You Wide Awake to Tacoma'a Industrial situation? Fix your mind on the spot where III); 111 «.|M>s is fc.ihiK- —Flats. A little money handles a lot NUM. OEO. LAWLKK 617 Nafl Realty Bldff. 10 A<-res, iJOoTiiif^kenT WE OWN this place; it Is clnurliiK us 1111 a month; It is not for sale, hut w* own adjoining 10 acres, all cleared and in fine condition; only half mile to street car and paved road, which we will sell you for $1000, nothing down, if you will Ki> on it and Improve It with a modern poultry plant. If you do not the business, our expert on our plare will start you rIR-lit and keep you roliik. You can pay us uut of ili«. profits from the pluce. E. P. GREGORY CO. 1117 Paolfio ay. Second J'loor National Realty Bids. 200 LOTS AT LARCH MONT ON Old Puyallup oar line. Oood soil District well settled: 6 cent fare Will sell at tIE per lot. A splen- did opportunity for retailing Other lots in the vicinity held at Havolook C. Boyle & Co. I'll California Bldff. Main 22. WALKING DISTANCE 8-HOOM house within seven lilockn of Broadway, 1% lots, paved streets; house has basement, fur- nace, fireplace, «»>\u25a0<«<• for two cars, lots of fine fruit tre#s; cost over *....nil. but we have it Hated for a short time at 13,250 Uood terms. This Is near Wright park; fine residence section. UICK-WKBB (X). Main 1.42. 1107 A St Did Your Wife Ever Pull One Like This! Out of Mi persons who have 1 tipen Riven jail sentences lor vio- lating the prohibition luw during the last six months, only six have! served out their sentences, it has been le:irned today. One is still iv jail, four wore re- leased by order of Superior Judge Card without baring ,'nrved out thoir tlnip, .Justice Cirahaiu releiia- ed two, Justice Matliis of I'uyallip one, Shv'rilf Lonj;iiiire 0110 nnd I Deputy I'iiisocnting Attorney, ThOßipaoa one. Fred Ulu«radt, of tho lamous LIST your property with us, R. B. Mnii.ifffy /tc Co., 80S Berlin, Bl' NGALOW, $1200 GET Cisv AND BE QUICK HOW is this for a NEW 6 -room modern bungalow porcelain plumbing, hath, toilet, basin, elec- tric light*, large hasetnoot, and garage, Corner, two lots. What more rould you ask lnr the monoy I.' 11. 15. BITZ i 00. Information ;it <ifn<e, 881 Call! m<l JAMES A. lie lias the DargAlßS. I ro lias nml on« lot on North State ft., close to I'uifPi Simnd oolleeT^i only $l"50, $-'i) 0 cash. 111, SO per month. Why pay rintf .IAS. A. MASOX 208 LVjutUl.lo. Itlclg-. Main 2178. (M, No. 11.) "some trade , DANDY 10 aorai aaar Sumnor for i home In cily. Call QUOk for re- bulte. 0. \. joiins Nat'l Rank of Tiiroma Bldt?- REGENTS PARK niGiii.Y improved bungalow and 2 lots on lKivccl street. Will w.-tI :it low price or trade for logged-Otf land. Douglas Promotion Co, Rl2-1H Kat'l Realty Bldg, "TKrT\Tri<cvfiT'?>r' LOCAL Improvement District No. 435.—Notice is hereby given ttmt In pursuance <>f Ordinance No. 'iHitT of tho City nf Taroma, \u25a0 roll has been placed In my hands for tl" 1 collection <>t the 7th annual install- ment of the asaessment levied for tije Improvement of tht alley be- tween Yuklm.t Jiwnua and "I" Street from North l^tli Strict to Htcpln Strprt. Suit! Improvement shnit C'>nsißt in \u25a0Trading said portion of said alley to the established Krarlo, with a road- way sixteen (18) fe«t In width and in laying down on mild roadway a pavement <>f asphalt nn a concrete lias*', with concrete curb and guttar; nisei in taking- up aiici relaying any walk, pavement, or curb in pluc«* to make same cmiform to llnea and grad#i of new Improvemant, t Said Imtallmaai BHty be paid on or before Fehruary L'L'nd, 11M7, Imt If not paid on or before said date added InteioKt, penalty and o.sis will attach. JAMKS r. DRARD, City Treaaurer. Jan. 22-en. Feh. r>. I'M7. LOCAL Improvement District No 42S.—Notice is hereby Klven that In purHiianco of Ordinance No. 3»i»ii of the ('lty of Tacoma, a roll haH been placed In my handH for the collection of the 7th amainl Install- ment of th« aHHesHment levied for linprovliiK South Tucoma Avenue from the center of South 17th Street to South 2711 i Street. Said Improvement shall consist In gradinK xuld portion of .said avenue to the. established grade, with a roadway flfty-nlx r.1.1 feet In width, nnd In laying d.iwn on aald roadway a puvement of aaphalt, ex- cept where otherwise specified, on a concrete bane with brick Kutters, concrete and granite, curbs nnd all neceHßSry storm water drainage; aIHO In altering any pavement, curbs, gutters or walks to make flame con- fin m to lined and grade* of new Improvement, extending all aprons 1 to curbs, taking up and relaying 1 itatne where neccß«ary, constructlng 1 cement concrete sidewalk* nix (6) 1 feet In width where walks are not 1 already in plucc. Provided that the Intersection of South 17th Street, South.l»th Street, 1 South 21st Street. South 25th Street and part of the Intersection of 1 South 23rd Street shall be paved with nandntonfi Murks. . Provided alno that that part to be done by the Tacoma Hallway A 1 Power Company. Is not to be In- I eluded In th ti Improvement. Said installment may be paid on 1 or before February 22nd, 1917, but If not paid on or before said date, added interest, penalty and costs . will attach. JAMES C. DRAKE, City Treasurer. , Jan. 2t-2», Feb. 8. I*l7. ! \u25a0BAUD PROPOSALS will ~bl re"- 1 eelved at the office of the Cora- 1 miHßioner of Public Works. City 1 Hull, City of Tncotna, between the hour* of 12 M. aud 2 P. M on the sth <lav of February. I*l7, for furnish- ing labor ami material for construct- ing sanitary sewers In the alley I.e. t»»en »«' and "T>" titreet* from South 40th Street to South 48th Street, In Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 1184 according to plans "MIIIOMUrW (lull" in thr National] liealty building, lo which a dura- 1 ! Ixt ol' prominent Tacoma citizen* (N said to hii\<- had keys. #M Mntenoad to til) days, an<l lined Ho served nine days of his sen- tence and was MtMMd DJF Indue. Card. Qua Cartoon of rVltkeaon, the first man In Pierce county to be arrested for violation of the prohibition law, was Riven ;!f| days and $fW) fine. He served four days, and ni nlacscd Jan. L'u on order of Judge Curd. I. J. Connelly, of the Oasis !",ar. Soutli X npar 11th, was Riven Ml days and $\u25a0'<> line. Mo MTVed a liitle over :\i\ days mid was ie- toaaa & by Judge Card. Hin lin- nick, his bartender, was Riven Xl days and a $."iii fine, served 10 days and ni released. Samo All IKmvii l,lne. Rudolph WilaOD of Raton .ille was siven 10 dn<s, and \u25a0arvad 7, WIMB hfi was released by Sheriff Longraira. Henry Miller, who took out two permlta wltliin ihe tlm« tllowad for mm, paid a SMI ftno and served 10 dnys out of his 30, after nrhldh he was releuseil by Proseru'ing Atttornoy Uemann. \V. Kaw-asi, who also took out two permits, one being for .moth- er Japanese, paid |6| fine, served half of his 'in-day sentence and was released liy order of Deputyl Prosecutor Thompson. .insure Qraham impended the 10 day sentence of Vlefc f). Loren- zo, entirely, Lorenta was ulbo fined $.",0. JusMcp Mai his df I'uyalliiji re- leased John Pltrttta whan ho nad terved 70 dayi of his :jo day ni- tenca. Judga Card iid Monday morn- ing he had releaaed Plugradt, Legal notices nn.i apeclfleal lorn on (Ha In 11 r of fl' t llie Comnilgiloner of Public woi Uh. A nit of bond required w ill he 1i i aama :ih roni i icl price, li npOKßli mull he on print- ed r .i in furnlahi a by sai.i Commli- nloner anil accompanied by i»ertll \u25a0! rherk for five pi r \u25a0. nt of n,, amount "i propnaal, madn payable to the or- der of the i'lhi k oi the Commlaeloner (if I' bile Work". Work to !>•\u25a0 commenced within to da yi Bfti r \u25a0Ifnlnit ronli net. woi k to In- mmpleti d irltl In no 'I f ' ' \u25a0:\u25a0:::.!; ,'• !l I f; t . \u25a0t . ! siui w..i v i... not completed h Ithln r,n dayi after alcnlng or oontruct, s;iiil mntracl bmhll hfromc void a< pi r »pi fir leal loim. Tin' \u25a0uoceaaful bidder stiaii asrM tn decept, at par, In pnymcnt nf laid \u25a0uppllei and work, nnj- nml iii.i the luiinis laiued in purauanct nf Or- dlnance No. 1511 and simil hara no claim whatever on accounl thereof .ip.iinst the City of Tacuma except •olrly upon auch immiK and aolaly from the Hppriiil aaaeaatneni imiile and xppclal fund liy »uid Urdlnanci rrea ted. The rotnml*sloiii>r rcsrrvps the rlßht to rpjtct any nnd all of the bills. CHAH. r>. ATKINS. ( omnilNBloni"! of Public Worka .lan. 2H, 30. 31, Keli. 1, 2. 1917. si:ai,ki> propobau trill be r7- --'-'•lvea at the otflio of the Com- missioner nf Unlit and Water Tioom 402, City Hall. City of Tnroraa. Wuh- Inirtoti. on Friday, February Ith 1917. between the hourn of' II m. bnil 3 P, M., for i uhMih: nml .!«- liviiiiiK, f. o. !> Tacoma, 2." oni) POUNCB OF WEATHER PltuoK DOfBLK Mlt.\ll> COPPBR WIRE in till- following sizoH. IR.OOO Ihe., No. fi B. A S i, ii,up |i. s . No. gf] A 3 1,000 lhs. No. 10 11. t S. Amuiint of bond roijulred to bn 25% of tin- proposal. Propoaala must bp made on prlnt- Pd fiitin furnished by the Commlfl- aloner of Lluht and Water< and ,ie- CompanUd by I cprtlflPd cherk for five pl iint of the amount of pro- poiial. mud* payable to the Commls- •lon< r of Light and Water. Shipment from factory must bp made on the following; baalg- f (a) Sixty (60) .laya from date of i-oiitract; (b) Onp hundred and twenty (120) dare from date of contract Payment will bp m«dp by warrant drawn nn the Llßlit Fund accor^llripx to oidlnanre provniina; for «amp. The Commlgxlonor reservpx the rlßht to reject iinv and all bids H. V ORONBN < ommxßlnner of Majht and Water. Jan. 27. 29, 80. 31 Kefc. i, 19 ] 7 BOND CALl.—Notice fa hereby riven that the following numbered Bonda of the following numbered 1.1» mI Improvement Dlntrlcts nf the City of Tacoma, are called for pay- ment, and that Interest on earn* cense* Jan. 2». 1917: "N 1.1|J)»K1 111-11 l lArmlMil JP.O'I 79ft Honda ( to 10 Inclualvp. I.«i al Improvement ttlatrlot No 890, liond B only. Local Improvement Dlatrict No. »'\u25a0•< llomla 1 to 2 Inclualve .TAaIKS C. DKAKR, City Traaauier. Jan. 11, HIT. By Ailman BOOZL LAW VIOLATORS LET OFF EASY BY COURT Carlson, Connelly and Minnick lie- eause lie believed Ihe law nvouid be us weii or battar ntoread by doing so. "The wives of Connelly and Min- nick came to me." said the judi^n, "and explained that they were In actual distress. "All these men UMpt Carlnon had paid fines to the clly befuru they (nine before me, and they were also fined in my court. "This plan of suspending a por- tion of a sentence. I find, often works bettor than letting the i.ieu complete the sentence; becaiine they know it is hanKlng over their beads if they misbehave again "It la not applied 'Specially to rase" under the prchibitlon law, l>ut to any where. It ;jnoins ndvia- nble." Da It in Other (use*. Prosecutor RemaUß also ex- plained I hat the custom of biis- pendiiiL' a sentence in Ca*M where it seemed advisable was not con- fined to prohibition law easeß. Tn tho case of Henry Miller, he naid, tho ei^ht children of Miller oann Into the offlaa every day for ton days, telliiig him that they .vera In actual want, und he, felt that tvattce would be better served by ralaaalng Miller. Sheriff I.oiiKmire explained that Wttoon cot only th« usual tlin* off hla sentence for pood behav- ior. "Keully. he hardly pot tUat." said Lonfmlra, "baoavat he vent to \u25a0.vorli it. the katebaa the first day lie i;ot here, instead of next day." Kan.isi seems to liave hen t;en- ulnely Ignoraat that the luw did not fellow liim to take out permits for liis rriendH, Deputy Thompson said. Justice Oraharn said the ciroum- stances of the Lorenzo case had escaped his memory. Harry Would Not Stay Home Harry ii. Haaaai is akarfM by nil wife, Huby 10. Ilansen. with refu ii - to tuko her to any place of aauMtnent, or to \isit anybody, Kning oui every evening and rtajr- Itiß till raldnleTßt and refuu*liig to tell her where he has been, nag- Rinp her, swearing nt h"r. failing tr> support her, n.'id finally donlng her and their 10-montha- old lihliv. Kor these reas .pi* s!ie filed n suit for divorce la.superior court Monday, taking for the child and $1.. n month. They were mar- ried in T.iionia in October, 1914. DEATHS' Mrs. Mary Hall, ase lid, wife of William 8., of ti^:: Baal ".Oth »t. t died Monday at a local hosplral. Body removed to C. C. MaUiagW CO.'B. Mrs. Susana M. Hoy,age 48, a resident of Pierce county for 30 years, died Monday at the family residence nt Rnsedale Two eons and four daughters survive her. Rody In charge, of 0. C'.Melllagar Co.'g. Mrs. Margaret Ilaird. age 52, wife of \V. H. Baird, died Monday at a local hospital. Body removed to Pipor's. Rlchrad Hamilton Peters, age 86, died Sunday night at Hie fam- ily residence. 711 South Yakima. A wife, one daughter, two slateri, ono brother, one grandson ,-md a nephew survice her. Funeral Wednesday at 3 from Buckley- King's. FUNERALS Funeral of Prank B. Rollly Tueaday at 8:30 from the St. Leo'a Rhurch. Interment alvary ceme- tery. Rellly died Friday nlglit In Seattle, and waa a pioneer of Ta- coma. funeral of Mr* Martha MHIor Tuesday Jt 2:SO fioiu the C. O. Lynn Co. Abandoned Her Regeina Weerman filed suit Saturday for divorce from Wlll- lum Wecrman. She amya they v>«re married In Auguat, I »IS, and within three month* lie abandon- •d her.

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Page 1: UK-rOSITuOXEa BOOZL LAW VIOLATORS LET OFF EASY COURT · Monday, Jan. 29, 1917. THE TACOMA TIME& PAGE SEVEii. »«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TELL YOUR WANTS IN THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Monday, Jan. 29, 1917. THE TACOMA TIME& PAGE SEVEii.

»«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TELL YOUR WANTS IN THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


1 cent a n onl wh Inso. 11 on—3 times for the price of XI month, p«r line per mouth 11005 months, per line per month ','.'.'. *56 months, per line per month \u0084 goj:' months, per line per raoa th !!!!!! 71Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advanceNo Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents




TACU.UA TITL.K CO—Ground floorFid' tity Bldg. Main 11*4


Cotumonwetlth TitleTrust (Jo.

MAIN 101. Bank\u25a0 \u25a0r« Tr'uat l)ljIs"^AMmjLANCES

AUTuMUBILh; anibulunce. Only oneIn cit). Main 43.

•^"^carpkt^cleanTno^ii. 1* UOL'CK—Carpet beating, re-

flttlnK and laying; feather reno-vating and upholstering. 2812 Otliay. Main 125.

COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIESWE make conaeetiona to new heat-

Ing compuny. Cotton PlumbingCo. Main 670.

Comnurclal Truck A storage Co.—* Vumlture moved, packed and•tor«d. Team and auto vans. Fire-proof warehouse. Bust corps oftrained men In city. Main 706.


chicken lice. Caroo Vegetable•pmy, water glnss. Standard_ Chemical Co. Main 6486.

'r^WEY""ToToAN"""'"""'"r ''"'MONEY TO LOAN

On mortgage security Iniiuoved cityor fin in property.

I!. K. Anflerunn * Co.Bcanilin.'ivlun-Am. i!,-.i:i Bank Bids;.

Kleventh am! r'nciflc.LOTS Hl' MONRV. I'iii-.-ip riite. I.

B. ti.Miilley, 72!' T; Hhl«.HonI•: \" on linnd for Improved pr^p-

Tty lomiN. 101 Itiiiik or Cal. Bids;,6 AND 1 PER"CKXT money. J. C.

J.l\n.\HL, 205 Kriuitable MKig.Main 217C.

»• to 7%ON IMi'HOVCD propertr- Loans

(or hulldluK a specialty. Alsomule loans payat'ie In smalliHonthly ln»tftl!::iccts.

L. 11. MANNIN'J * CO.. T«l. Main J6. Knuitablf^Blds;.JjO\y KHT rates an.' reaioaabl* •«•per-. Van Va.en. 1221 Fidelity

BMg. _SEA t. KSTATK LOANS, term or

mrnthly payments Mareti-Mc-Cnndlpss. Iloom 200. NationalRenlty Bldg.

OL'i: nvn money to loan. W. N.. I) \u25a0 <\u25a0 A Co.. Inc.. »04 Cal. Blda;Main 2181.

PRIX'ATI': money to loaD. $60 tolIOOOi no runiinlMulon. Paymentsto null. Call 6318 rio. Flfa. KelUDutiols.

f PKlt CENT money, H commission.till So. 54th, So Taooma, Wn.

ItOOO to loan at 7 and 8 p'-f r.nt.Other money at 6 per cent. In-quire of J I. Bnnpp, 1221 I i ' \u25a0 i 'v

Bldjrj Main 4uai

ISa.vs — Short or lon« term, anyamount. 418 California BI.Ih

MOlt'l'dAOK LOAN.S. Amounts from1200 up; city or fnrm; lowestrates. NORTON 4k CO.. 210 Bsrlln.

LOANS for home huinling or topay off old moriiiiai x. Lowest !rates, special privilege* to bor-rowers—3 to 8 years. Money al-ways on hand- no delay.

11. J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc.210-19 Tacoma;

t^A^rr^NrTcTrvTTiirrloa>cs ;*LOA\S TBOMPTL,V HADK ON



'jLt mtes you can afford to i>n>Hmny buys eheap«i ihan cnl-t.Our service lias pleaded manyothers and will pleaM you. Let ustell you all about It.

COAST FINANCE COMPANYk 210 Bankers Truat HI '«;


of women and genii>>-urlnary anj I

\u25a0kin diseases 1103 Commeroe ;t. |



»R. LA (JABA — Surgeon, X li-iy.dlsea.'is of women, gcnlto-urln-»ry. Realty Bldg.

I «. DR. "JONBZ—SURr.rcONjPlsesnes of women. Fidelity Bids.©5Tb7 ELIZABKTH DRAKE. Phys-

ician and Surgeon. 1016 FidelityBlilK Main J34; Proctor 148. Mad-Ison 117 R-l.

PR. PKTERSEN-DANaT 210 BerlinHi. Bcandinavlan Am. Bank).Office, Main 3.178, rns., Main KT7.

t)R. FOREMAN, SURQISONBankers Trust Bldg.

DR. YOCUM.• Natl. Hen Ity lUdg.Day, Main EOO, nl«ht. Proc. I,'»(.

RENT—BAKKMENTOOOD basement rent cheap, fine

for storage oi auto bus. SilverC. House, 1511 Tacotna ar.

"~ wetXljigoer 7"~WELL DIGGER. B. T. Blroh. Fark-

land. Wash

XU-Li. i-ii. u-JTj-j-.j-LA.r-Jt-jn.r^.nj- -u-.-.-.n-r ju-.-l J»


IWITCHEB, waives, wlga. hair goods.Thorsen'a, (llftBroadway. Mala

|[INTN(rFOX mining business or mining In-formntlon, enquire A. M. P. Co.,

IXO-321 Prov Bias;., Tacoma.

jbußiness7shanSs^PELL UN your wantß when wanting

to buy. sell or f nance a business.Terms reasonable nnd we get ro-S.nts.UdLAS PROMOTION COM PAN V

11-1S Natl. Realty is.dg. Main JSB3


\u25a0WE the new Woodstock typewriter tliat speaks fur itself. Bothn ,™id lual"y-

"• U Bak«r ALO., 1007 A «t.

SAFETY UK-rOSITuOXEa14.00 per year, fire and burglar

proof. Peoplo' Knfety Deposit

Main liltS°- 1U"- Ber"n Bld«-

RAZORS SHAHpSmJU^'WK nhorpen safety razor bindes.

All work guaranteed. tJlraw Sup-ply. 119 Pacific ay.

""" OSTEOHATH^"DR. IIUD3ON~3S2 Provident Bids'

Main ll«l. Km. pbone. Main 4412


CITY Window CleaningCo., vacuum cleaning.Main 4fi33.

'^UMJKR'I\\Trf?RBC. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Directors._»10 Tatoma ay. Main 7745.BUCKLKY-KING CO.—Profi sslonai

Funeral Directors. 730-32 St._lleleim. Phone Main 412.CAMBDY, AUJBN & UcCONNELL

CO.—Funvrul directors. 1110 80.12lh. Main 8151

\u25a0a tacoma punjeral pajuom,5433 T'nlo.i ay. Main lOlt. Oeo.W. Piper.

PATKNT ATTORNEYSH. I. BLUOTt 1102 Nati. Realty_ UlJ<f itech. Krig Patents. M. U771.

POPULAR MUSIcHH m; i I.Mi: and popular tnuslotaught In from 10 to 20 lessons.

Tall m 14 Temple of Muilo,Hroadway. Main 1253. Res. l'rac-tor Hit,

VIOLINTEACHER01-OF HILL. 27 years In TaconisT

rttudlo Temple of Music, lsroad-way.


MONTR CARLO—tat ifsc iiJT.Kvprythlns npw; steam lipat,free baths. iril!»% Broadway.Main 2058.

„ HoTKr.~Mi:rufReputation KsiahllMn-d. Reasonable

rates 31SV4 Market at. Court andMnrket.

MJAS'I A HIJTHI,- .ti'idrrii outsiderooms, $2. |2 GO anil |3 per vr»-cklip. BO^nlrht up UK MarketHOTBL UIHOBHIMAYA. Cor. M<>r-

lent and 16th: modern: BUc, 75c. |L

SO A VI'lnTHcr's""'' "\u25a0

AMERICAN OARBAQU CO. — Ito-Kovlaii Barbas;* ft refuse of nilkind*. 216 Pny. ay. If, 71.'. R , 7,",3<.

BUSDiSs COLLEGESck is the tltn.-

fL\"^Wm J&S*'" Kot a X'""1'fin \u2666>*'JlMiKinesH train-!

DllcrikiC* \u25a0* '\u25a0'' ' '" \u25a0 \u25a0 'A ifc*iaVt wtalos,.

' ii's a «food BchooL


\u25a0fy*fbs* WR nre prepared to,/&?'"\u25a0\u25a0*L&, I'ulM I n Voi ii

JL liVm "'"' vo1"' °w" ':'"- ifmg'gßuU ':'slj ''>1' Tie r1,:.-seaB»*3«stfl •"'\u25a0 I'\u25a0 t I'MSiil.llhlo.

JPk'M 4>°-H l'rov',di.nta'lt)kig.

FLKSTI KKI>i;CTH)NRKDt'CE your fat without drug!

by tlio Natural System. 427 l'ruvl-di'iit Hldg.

LOGOED OK F I, \ N\TU WIAITAV Insures. 603 Berlin

Rldg. Main 1737.

I.S huutriwist vvti«i)!n({ton tf* set-tlcra only IS 00 per acr« and up.

Tan y*ar» to pay. Interest at 6*.WRYKRHAEUSER TIMHKK CO.

Tacoma Bldg. Tacoms, Wash.10-a. tract* *2j acre, nr. So. Prairie._ Terms. 11l California Bid*.

FOOT SPBCTALKTRHEUMATISM, bunions, nails, brok-en arches treated. Dr. Jones. Ave-

nue Hotel.


en Family washing. Main 1211OUL Tacoma Wet Wash.

BE U:lN^^A^HINEirQOf>n Sinßi'r machine, with attach-

ments, fn.OO. 606 11th, bet X and\u25a0| i .1 i ay.

TO"BUYWANTETP—!• iirnlrure and stoves. J.

O. Turkey, Main 6839WANTKl"—Furniture ~ot ail klndiT

Immediately; pay good prlcea.Lewis l'ur. Co. 1004 Taooma ay,M«lr> mft.

farms^to^Teask^[•.MM to lease, stock for sale rea-

Honahle. A-l land. Address W-2,Tlni' J.



AT IC:30 A.M.10%J 80. 12th St.





YOU SAVE JUST $25.00A.\ Bdlion Hurnless Ambrola. It

pinyn the 4-mlnute record*l It in[h« Intest slylt-. We will Includea new < cabinet and It 50crecord!, all for t'ta, pay ?,"> downand f4 per month. No Intfr^st.Tliis Is Uio best off<T ynu willever h»ve- only two at tins prioe-You save JJS. Bllen Music House,Broadway iit Nlntli, In th<« TacoraaTheater Bulldlnc where superiorsarvlce awaits you nnd where ev-ery make nf Talking Machine andre< ord is repreaenteai


H lbs. extra fine Sugar $1.00I'int lara Pure Vaklma Honey ..-5(-|Quart Jars Pun- Nukiiu.i Honey ite» |iki?«. Hliaker Salt 25r*< llib. Fancy Jap Klce IIKurthcrn sn Apples^ a box ...,85cci.issp & lllockwell Jains, rcg-

-310 teller i!0oCalifornia Bacon, pit ib. 15cDun't for^ft we itrt- .stilling IVa-

nut Butter nt leaf than whole-sale, Bring your own cun-tainer, A pound 10c

llMt, !»0r lot Hi' n( Itolifinian VAubPure Olive Oil 65r

i pkKi, Mince M««t IMli'is. JOe lars Minced Olivci for idoCorn, I'l-.ia. Tomatoes, v inn., iflc

I pkfs, Citt Flukes ... .\ 25c\u25a0 cans Milk \u25a0 15cICrnpson's Cul Stringed Beanii,. i iy l.uiiy, ;. ran 100KKKKDKL.IVKHY to all p;ut» of the

(\u25a0ity. Wholesale and retail. Hoteland reatauraat supplies,

O'Brien Orooery Co.At the Ctntrul J'lililir"Market


Ff)H SALR—-ShlngTes, buards andcedar pnsta. It, Sumfletli, Cash-mere St.i., >>I<l Puyallup line.

OOOD ranoh horse, will sell cheapin* will tpatfe for chickens or cow.614i"i VBkima ay.

I'oH IAUE I largo tapestry rugri,dresser, chairs, oak lieott?r, dishes:111• I I'oukiiij*ntensilH. must be soldbfforp l't-l). 1. 76SV. Si>. 38th, up-

I wt a Irs, Flat A. Madison 1713.BBARINQ size apple trees, roses,

etr. Mil.\u25a0hell Nursery, ltth and

A^stTachMa Avenue Sewing Machine

Store moving to 403 So. 11th, cor-ner Market.

100 Oool> CHAIRS at a very lowprice; also 2 good heaters withwater colls. Tac. Aye. Fur. Ex-change, (13 Tacoma ay. Main

_j!3 4 7;REDUCE your fat without drugs by

thu Natural System. 4J7 Provl-dent Bldg.

RAKE old books at Te Olde BookBhop, »01% Pacific

STOVES re4lned and rebuilt. M. H.Ulvln, 1127 Broadway. Main f144.

bflo WATCHBS clcanea or malauy-i sprtna-a. (Oe. guaranteed. 1111Pacific ar.

WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hldrspoultry. Will call for same. PayblKhMt market price. TaoesaaMeat Ce. Main 1400; after bue-ineae hours Main Rill.



MAHAFPAr Insures. Ml BerlinBldg. Main 1717.

I'LASU expert, tuning and repatr-!u«. T. T. Rlohaaond, lotI H«nth. none Main tltt.

Doings of the Duffs





BABY \u25a0 \u25a0hicks ami i'kss from S. C.lihod« Island Reds nnd White1/eghorns; also n few cockerelsfrom each for mlc Reasonable.First-class stock. John K. Cros-by, R-3, Box SO.

160-EOO InouliHtor uheap: WhiteWyandotte cockerels; n Silver doetind 1 steel buck rabbltl. CSO:: So.J st.

FOR SALTC—Black Minolta co I. \u25a0

Ila and bitching \u25a0\u25a0i-'na. PhonoaiaUison 113 .i-;:.


IP YOU ARE LOOKINGFOR housaksoplng roomi, furnuh-

(d 100111?, loom and board. In pri-vate families. (;ill aii'l see ourmost complete lilt. We save youtime, truulilc ;u 'I money, I'nmoand see us. List yuur rooms withUK.

TiU'oma Rental Bureau419 Perkins HidK Main :',112

RBDUCE your without Uiuks l>ythe Natural System. 427 Provi-dent Bids.

IMPi;!UAL--Flne hKkpg. ~7m» ISmo. up; wnik.MK distance, bo. lotnand Yaklma.

THltl'iU nicely turnlshe.d hnusekeep-liii; rooms, private bulb, wn'klnidistance. Mj 80. Vnklmn.

BAY VlEW^A^FbTTsTi^.TaYTatea tobachelor*. 152614 Tacoma ay.

FINK hakpg. rail. 12 vh. up. 70»ViPuo. ay.. l.,iii claim Apta.

"' ifENT^-HOrSKSnARtLMN—B-r. wltli furnace, and 2

lots. No. 24th st. Rertelaon &Co., 209 Bank of California Bldg.

8-ROOM cottage, good range, waterIn kitchen. l»0«A So. Yaklma.

__Phone Madison BSS.HHI Fur- * Cnfumfsiiid.IIKJI OCjO R|t z ft Co, Main 46(S

FLATS nnd houses for rent. Jess*_HJ_Rcnd, 62!) Provident Rldr715 80. Onkea, J-r. and bath . .110.00113 BL 2Tth. 6-r. and bath $12.0f

318 So. 2S)th, 0-r. and bath ..SIO.OO1714 So. RXd, B-r f SOO323 So. JOth, 8 rms lltt.oo•06 K. Division Lane 110.00

II J. BCHWINN * CO.. INC.Tacoya Bids;. Main II

LONQ DISTANCEMoving—Get Our Prices

McLRAN. MAIN l»l>.

MATV Local and Lena;iWAIIN JUUJ Dletance Moving.Storage. Nights and Sunday*m a f n nn

City Moving & Storage CoFinhpnoor storage. «U Tao. »T.

AUTO DW.IVEKY CO.\u25a0imam and auto trucks. Local and

long distance moving. Main 14(1Night aervle*. itl Comiu.ic*

ANNOUNCEMENTS""THK builness conduftwl by T. it.

llelllngham for the past 27 yearswill In the future be known as T.H. Belllngham Co. Bald companywill collect all outstanding ac-counta and assume all Indebted-ness.


STOCKS ANT> HONI)8~9F.LL CO Ansonla Realty. J. K. Mc-

Farland, 114 Equitable Bldir

HELP—M ALEMAN lo lmrn dental laboratory

work with dentist. Chance ti»make $:io w.eit or more. Invest-i

Went reciiilrurf. n,\ W-4, Times.MEN wanted to spill raidwood, 55cper cord. Tools furnished I A

Garrison, Duponl

IIi'MTP^iSIALE^IfOOItKttELD BATH! for rhpuma-

ll.'in and taffrlppc, rijirn day undfifht 7lh und Pacific, MainBIS At

REDI'CE your fat without drujrsTytho .Vntiiial System. 427 Provl-dent nuljf.

JaxtTfat^BEJJI'CE your fat wit limit iliub.s by

tin' Natural System. 4"7 I'rovl-dent Uldg.

TRADE or \u25a0=.>!! cheap, Improved ir-rlffated ranch at Kennewlck.Would mumc. Address \V-:: TimTime-i.

o\i-: ion iron wheel wagon, goodcondition, for livestock.. MurtlnPaulstn. lies 11, v. t, Tacoma,

100 ACRES food lan.l, Raker i '0.,Oi-csoii. riitiiiinjtwat«r, value $;i.-ohii. free and Blear, to trade. Whatnave im to offer, Miirtlii I'.uil-_ «f-n. Box 1 l-l-', H. F. I). 4. Taroma.

1400-LB, team to trade for Kuo 1 oar..'-:"! _''""\u25a0"""\u25a0•' •\u25a0• Phone Main •98f,

ROOM AND BOARDWANTBD—Two or more men to

room or room find hoard. Call_RBO 7 No. Gove. near smelter.

Mas. WOOLSEY at ltoi ai>. r.ithwill take old people to board-reaaonable. Miiiilsc.n 1398.


I CITY and county surveys, tide-lands, PACT, & tacoma LVMBKR

CO. offfiH direct to public, onI'-iims .i li.^iiliiiriy to suit. thechoicest of shut clay, ct-dar andalder Imttntn land, on best ofcounty roads and paved iiipii-Mrays to Taooma; near schools,\u25a0torei ;ind railway stations, oncream, mall and auto bus routes,nt |2I to J:;5 per acre. Literatureon reriucst.

JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR.tß* Tacoma BldgT, Main "sis.

REDUCE your fat without dniK* bythn Natural lystem. 427 Provi-dent UldK.

5 ACRESAT WOODLAND, on old Pnyallup

car line, easy payments, fine soil,wui-i-arity deed. $75 per acre

JESBK O. THOMAS, JH.120 Taeoma HMg.

24 LOTS or more in Parkland forKale cheap, 4 block! west of Lin-coln ay. I. Anderson.

Aro You Wide Awaketo Tacoma'a Industrial situation?

Fix your mind on the spot whereIII); 111 «.|M>s is fc.ihiK-—Flats.A little money handles a lot


617 Nafl Realty Bldff.

10 A<-res, iJOoTiiif^kenTWE OWN this place; it Is clnurliiK us

1111 a month; It is not for sale,hut w* own adjoining 10 acres, allcleared and in fine condition; onlyhalf mile to street car and pavedroad, which we will sell you for$1000, nothing down, if you willKi> on it and Improve It with amodern poultry plant. If you donot the business, ourexpert on our plare will start yourIR-lit and keep you roliik. Youcan pay us uut of ili«. profits fromthe pluce.

E. P. GREGORY CO.1117 Paolfio ay.

Second J'loor National Realty Bids.


ON Old Puyallup oar line. Oood soilDistrict well settled: 6 cent fareWill sell at tIE per lot. A splen-did opportunity for retailingOther lots in the vicinity held at

Havolook C. Boyle & Co.I'll California Bldff. Main 22.

WALKING DISTANCE8-HOOM house within seven lilockn

of Broadway, 1% lots, pavedstreets; house has basement, fur-nace, fireplace, «»>\u25a0<«<• for twocars, lots of fine fruit tre#s; costover *....nil. but we have it Hatedfor a short time at 13,250 Uoodterms. This Is near Wright park;fine residence section.

UICK-WKBB (X).Main 1.42. 1107 A St

Did Your Wife Ever Pull One Like This!

Out of Mi persons who have 1

tipen Riven jail sentences lor vio-lating the prohibition luw duringthe last six months, only six have!served out their sentences, it hasbeen le:irned today.

One is still iv jail, four wore re-leased by order of Superior JudgeCard without baring ,'nrved outthoir tlnip, .Justice Cirahaiu releiia-ed two, Justice Matliis of I'uyallipone, Shv'rilf Lonj;iiiire 0110 nnd IDeputy I'iiisocnting Attorney,ThOßipaoa one.

Fred Ulu«radt, of tho lamous

LIST your property with us, R. B.Mnii.ifffy /tc Co., 80S Berlin,


HOW is this for a NEW 6 -roommodern bungalow — porcelainplumbing, hath, toilet, basin, elec-tric light*, large hasetnoot, andgarage, Corner, two lots. Whatmore rould you ask lnr themonoy I.'

11. 15. BITZ i 00.Information ;it <ifn<e, 881 Call! m<l

JAMES A.lie lias the DargAlßS. I ro lias nml

on« lot on North State ft., closeto I'uifPi Simnd oolleeT^i only$l"50, $-'i)0 cash. 111, SO per month.Why pay rintf

.IAS. A. MASOX208 LVjutUl.lo. Itlclg-. Main 2178.

(M, No. 11.)

"some trade, DANDY 10 aorai aaar Sumnor fori home In cily. Call QUOk for re-

bulte.0. \. joiins

Nat'l Rank of Tiiroma Bldt?-

REGENTS PARKniGiii.Y improved bungalow and 2

lots on lKivccl street. Will w.-tI :it

low price or trade for logged-Otfland.

Douglas Promotion Co,Rl2-1H Kat'l Realty Bldg,

"TKrT\Tri<cvfiT'?>r'LOCAL Improvement District No.

435.—Notice is hereby given ttmtIn pursuance <>f Ordinance No. 'iHitTof tho City nf Taroma, \u25a0 roll hasbeen placed In my hands for tl" 1

collection <>t the 7th annual install-ment of the asaessment levied fortije Improvement of tht alley be-tween Yuklm.t Jiwnua and "I"Street from North l^tli Strict toHtcpln Strprt.

Suit! Improvement shnit C'>nsißt in\u25a0Trading said portion of said alley tothe established Krarlo, with a road-way sixteen (18) fe«t In width andin laying down on mild roadway apavement <>f asphalt nn a concretelias*', with concrete curb and guttar;nisei in taking- up aiici relaying anywalk, pavement, or curb in pluc«* tomake same cmiform to llnea andgrad#i of new Improvemant, t

Said Imtallmaai BHty be paid onor before Fehruary L'L'nd, 11M7, ImtIf not paid on or before said dateadded InteioKt, penalty and o.siswill attach.

JAMKS r. DRARD,City Treaaurer.

Jan. 22-en. Feh. r>. I'M7.

LOCAL Improvement District No42S.—Notice is hereby Klven that

In purHiianco of Ordinance No. 3»i»iiof the ('lty of Tacoma, a roll haHbeen placed In my handH for thecollection of the 7th amainl Install-ment of th« aHHesHment levied forlinprovliiK South Tucoma Avenuefrom the center of South 17th Streetto South 2711 iStreet.

Said Improvement shall consist IngradinK xuld portion of .said avenueto the. established grade, with aroadway flfty-nlx r.1.1 feet Inwidth, nnd In laying d.iwn on aaldroadway a puvement of aaphalt, ex-cept where otherwise specified, ona concrete bane with brick Kutters,concrete and granite, curbs nnd allneceHßSry storm water drainage;aIHO In altering any pavement, curbs,gutters or walks to make flame con-fin m to lined and grade* of newImprovement, extending all aprons 1to curbs, taking up and relaying 1itatne where neccß«ary, constructlng 1

cement concrete sidewalk* nix (6) 1feet In width where walks are not 1already in plucc.

Provided that the Intersection ofSouth 17th Street, South.l»th Street, 1South 21st Street. South 25th Streetand part of the Intersection of 1

South 23rd Street shall be pavedwith nandntonfi Murks. .

Provided alno that that part to bedone by the Tacoma Hallway A 1Power Company. Is not to be In- Ieluded In th ti Improvement.

Said installment may be paid on 1or before February 22nd, 1917, butIf not paid on or before said date,added interest, penalty and costs .will attach.

JAMES C. DRAKE,City Treasurer. ,

Jan. 2t-2», Feb. 8. I*l7. !

\u25a0BAUD PROPOSALS will ~bl re"- 1eelved at the office of the Cora- 1

miHßioner of Public Works. City 1Hull, City of Tncotna, between thehour* of 12 M. aud 2 P. M on the sth<lav of February. I*l7, for furnish-ing labor ami material for construct-ing sanitary sewers In the alley I.e.t»»en

»«' and "T>" titreet* fromSouth 40th Street to South 48thStreet, In Local Improvement Dis-trict No. 1184 according to plans

"MIIIOMUrW(lull"in thr National]liealty building, lo which a dura- 1

! Ixt ol' prominent Tacoma citizen*(N said to hii\<- had keys. #MMntenoad to til) days, an<l lined

Ho served nine days of his sen-tence and was MtMMd DJF Indue.Card. Qua Cartoon of rVltkeaon,the first man In Pierce county tobe arrested for violation of theprohibition law, was Riven ;!f| daysand $fW) fine.

He served four days, and ninlacscd Jan. L'u on order of JudgeCurd.

I. J. Connelly, of the Oasis !",ar.Soutli X npar 11th, was Riven Mldays and $\u25a0'<> line. Mo MTVed aliitle over :\i\ days mid was ie-toaaa& by Judge Card. Hin lin-nick, his bartender, was Riven Xldays and a $."iii fine, served 10days and ni released.

Samo All IKmvii l,lne.Rudolph WilaOD of Raton .ille

was siven 10 dn<s, and \u25a0arvad 7,WIMB hfi was released by SheriffLongraira.

Henry Miller, who took out twopermlta wltliin ihe tlm« tllowadfor mm, paid a SMI ftno and served10 dnys out of his 30, after nrhldhhe was releuseil by Proseru'ingAtttornoy Uemann.

\V. Kaw-asi, who also took outtwo permits, one being for .moth-er Japanese, paid |6| fine, servedhalf of his 'in-day sentence andwas released liy order of DeputylProsecutor Thompson.

.insure Qraham impended the10 day sentence of Vlefc f). Loren-zo, entirely, Lorenta was ulbofined $.",0.

JusMcp Mai his df I'uyalliiji re-leased John Pltrttta whan ho nadterved 70 dayi of his :jo day ni-tenca.

Judga Card iid Monday morn-ing he had releaaed Plugradt,

Legal noticesnn.i apeclfleal lorn on (Ha In 11 r offl' t llie Comnilgiloner of Publicwoi Uh.

A nit of bond required w ill he1i i aama :ih roni i icl price,li npOKßli mull he on print-

ed r .i in furnlahi a by sai.i Commli-nloner anil accompanied by i»ertll \u25a0!rherk for five pi r \u25a0. nt of n,, amount"i propnaal, madn payable to the or-der of the i'lhi k oi the Commlaeloner(if I' bile Work".

Work to !>•\u25a0 commenced within toda yi Bfti r \u25a0Ifnlnit ronli net.

woi k to In- mmpleti d irltl In no'I f ' ' \u25a0:\u25a0:::.!; ,'• !lIf;t . \u25a0t . ! •siui w..i v i... not completed h Ithlnr,n dayi after alcnlng or oontruct,s;iiil mntracl bmhll hfromc void a<pi r »pi firleal loim.

Tin' \u25a0uoceaaful bidder stiaii asrMtn decept, at par, In pnymcnt nf laid\u25a0uppllei and work, nnj- nml iii.ithe luiinis laiued in purauanct nf Or-dlnance No. 1511 and simil hara noclaim whatever on accounl thereof.ip.iinst the City of Tacuma except•olrly upon auch immiK and aolalyfrom the Hppriiil aaaeaatneni imiileand xppclal fund liy »uid Urdlnancirrea ted.

The rotnml*sloiii>r rcsrrvps therlßht to rpjtct any nnd all of thebills.

CHAH. r>. ATKINS.( omnilNBloni"! of Public Worka.lan. 2H, 30. 31, Keli. 1, 2.,ki> propobau trill be r7-

--'-'•lvea at the otflio of the Com-missioner nf Unlit and Water Tioom402, City Hall. City of Tnroraa. Wuh-Inirtoti. on Friday, February Ith1917. between the hourn of' II m.bnil 3 P, M., for i uhMih: nml .!«-liviiiiiK, f. o. !> Tacoma, 2." oni)POUNCB OF WEATHER PltuoKDOfBLK Mlt.\ll> COPPBR WIRE intill- following sizoH.

IR.OOO Ihe., No. fi B. A Si, ii,up |i. s . No. gf] A 31,000 lhs. No. 10 11. t S.

Amuiint of bond roijulred to bn 25%of tin- proposal.Propoaala must bp made on prlnt-

Pd fiitin furnished by the Commlfl-aloner of Lluht and Water< and ,ie-CompanUd by I cprtlflPd cherk forfive pl iint of the amount of pro-poiial. mud* payable to the Commls-•lon< r of Light and Water.

Shipment from factory must bpmade on the following; baalg- f

(a) Sixty (60) .laya from date ofi-oiitract;

(b) Onp hundred and twenty (120)dare from date of contractPayment will bp m«dp by warrantdrawn nn the Llßlit Fund accor^llripxto oidlnanre provniina; for «amp.

The Commlgxlonor reservpx therlßht to reject iinv and all bids

H. V ORONBN< ommxßlnner of Majht and Water.Jan. 27. 29, 80. 31 Kefc. i, 19 ] 7BOND CALl.—Notice fa hereby riventhat the following numberedBonda of the following numbered1.1» mI Improvement Dlntrlcts nf theCity of Tacoma, are called for pay-ment, and that Interest on earn*cense* Jan. 2». 1917:"N 1.1|J)»K1 111-11 llArmlMil JP.O'I79ft Honda ( to 10 Inclualvp.

I.«i al Improvement ttlatrlot No890, liond B only.

Local Improvement Dlatrict No.»'\u25a0•< llomla 1 to 2 Inclualve.TAaIKS C. DKAKR,

City Traaauier.Jan. 11, HIT.

By Ailman


Carlson, Connelly and Minnick lie-eause lie believed Ihe law nvouidbe us weii or battar ntoread bydoing so.

"The wives of Connelly and Min-nick came to me." said the judi^n,"and explained that they were Inactual distress.

"All these men UMpt Carlnonhad paid fines to the clly befuruthey (nine before me, and theywere also fined in my court.

"This plan of suspending a por-tion of a sentence. I find, oftenworks bettor than letting the i.ieucomplete the sentence; becaiinethey know it is hanKlng over theirbeads if they misbehave again

"It la not applied 'Specially torase" under the prchibitlon law,l>ut to any where. It ;jnoins ndvia-nble."

Da It in Other (use*.Prosecutor RemaUß also ex-

plained I hat the custom of biis-pendiiiL' a sentence in Ca*M whereit seemed advisable was not con-fined to prohibition law easeß. Tntho case of Henry Miller, he naid,tho ei^ht children of Miller oannInto the offlaa every day for tondays, telliiig him that they .veraIn actual want, und he, felt thattvattce would be better served byralaaalng Miller.

Sheriff I.oiiKmire explained thatWttoon cot only th« usual tlin*off hla sentence for pood behav-ior. "Keully. he hardly pot tUat."said Lonfmlra, "baoavat he ventto \u25a0.vorli it. the katebaa the firstday lie i;ot here, instead of nextday."

Kan.isi seems to liave hen t;en-ulnely Ignoraat that the luw didnot fellow liim to take out permitsfor liis rriendH, Deputy Thompsonsaid.

Justice Oraharn said the ciroum-stances of the Lorenzo case hadescaped his memory.

Harry WouldNot Stay Home

Harry ii. Haaaai is akarfMby nil wife, Huby 10. Ilansen. withrefu ii - to tuko her to any placeof aauMtnent, or to \isit anybody,Kning oui every evening and rtajr-Itiß till raldnleTßt and refuu*liigto tell her where he has been, nag-Rinp her, swearing nt h"r. failingtr> support her, n.'id finally her and their 10-montha-old lihliv. Kor these reas .pi* s!iefiled n suit for divorce la.superiorcourt Monday, taking for the childand $1.. n month. They were mar-ried in T.iionia in October, 1914.

DEATHS'Mrs. Mary Hall, ase lid, wife of

William 8., of ti^:: Baal ".Oth »t. tdied Monday at a local hosplral.Body removed to C. C. MaUiagWCO.'B.

Mrs. Susana M. Hoy,age 48, aresident of Pierce county for 30years, died Monday at the familyresidence nt Rnsedale Two eonsand four daughters survive her.Rody In charge, of 0. C'.MelllagarCo.'g.

Mrs. Margaret Ilaird. age 52,wife of \V. H. Baird, died Mondayat a local hospital. Body removedto Pipor's.

Rlchrad Hamilton Peters, age86, died Sunday night at Hie fam-ily residence. 711 South Yakima.A wife, one daughter, two slateri,ono brother, one grandson ,-md anephew survice her. FuneralWednesday at 3 from Buckley-King's.

FUNERALSFuneral of Prank B. Rollly

Tueaday at 8:30 from the St. Leo'aRhurch. Interment alvary ceme-tery. Rellly died Friday nlglit InSeattle, and waa a pioneer of Ta-coma.

funeral of Mr* Martha MHIorTuesday Jt 2:SO fioiu the C. O.Lynn Co.

Abandoned HerRegeina Weerman filed suit

Saturday for divorce from Wlll-lum Wecrman. She amya theyv>«re married In Auguat, I »IS, andwithin three month* lie abandon-•d her.