uk primary sources - amanda primary sources ayrshire archives , scotland ‘scottish...

UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences of George Sydney Ford, ‘Recollections of the Past’ 2. MS 485/7-11 – Letters from Thomas Stewardson of Philadelphia to George Braithwaite Lloyd 3. MS 1350A/4 – Contract for the manufacture of gun barrel machinery for Colts of Connecticut, 1861 Bodleian Library , Dept. of Special Collections and Western MSS 1. MS Clarendon dep. C. 480 – correspondence from Edw ard Thornton at the British Legation in Washington. 2. MS Clarendon dep. C. 492 – American correspondence including American newspaper cuttings. 3. Charles Herbert Mayo MSS – papers relating to Mayo family (MS top gen, d 46) 4. Letter from Jefferson Davis to Prof. A.T. Bledsoe re: ‘great cause’ MS. Autogr.d 10 (SC36017) f23 5. Printed Cabinet Papers (MS.Clar.dep.c.492): possible British and French mediation in the Civil War in 1862. Bolton Archive And Local Studies Service 1. Letters from a variety of correspondents during ACW to Henry Ashw orth, a cotton manufacturer and charitable benefactor. Correspondents: Ellis Yarrall, Philadelphia; Samuel Boyd Tobey, Providence, R.I.; Sidney Homer, Boston; J. Townsend, Columbia, S.C. (ZWL 50/9-17) 2. Copy of article referred to in letter re: J. Pendlebury, ‘The Star Spangled Banner Unfurled In Bolton’ (no ref #) from Bolton Evening News British Library of Political and Economic Science , LSE Letters of Emigrants to America: 1848-65: John Griffiths, Illinois farmer. Greatly upset by the death of Lincoln; high profits from farm due to w ar. 1857-73: Ch. Aglionby, Charles Tow n, Va., farmer. Property in England and losses during the war. 1857-61: Four letters from John and David Hughes to their parents in Wales. Atlantic crossing, working in Boston, effects of Civil War, how railways are changing transport, Macready/Forrest riot in NYC. 20 Jan 1864: John Wiles, Camp of the 153rd regiment, NY State Volunteers, Army of the Potomac. Army life and conditions in the Southern states. British Museum 1. Layard Papers 38931-39164 – Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Sir Austen Henry Layard (1817-94). Correspondence from 1861-65. MS# 38, 987-39, 102 2. Miscellaneous Papers 41567 – from George Henry Herbert while serving w ith the

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Page 1: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

UK Primary Sources

Ayrshire Archives, Scotland

‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993)

Birmingham City Archives

1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences of George Sydney Ford, ‘Recollections of the Past’

2. MS 485/7-11 – Letters from Thomas Stewardson of Philadelphia to George

Braithwaite Lloyd

3. MS 1350A/4 – Contract for the manufacture of gun barrel machinery for Colts of

Connecticut, 1861

Bodleian Library, Dept. of Special Collections and Western MSS

1. MS Clarendon dep. C. 480 – correspondence from Edward Thornton at the British

Legation in Washington.

2. MS Clarendon dep. C. 492 – American correspondence including American

newspaper cuttings.

3. Charles Herbert Mayo MSS – papers relating to Mayo family (MS top gen, d 46)

4. Letter from Jefferson Davis to Prof. A.T. Bledsoe re: ‘great cause’ MS. Autogr.d 10

(SC36017) f23

5. Printed Cabinet Papers (MS.Clar.dep.c.492): possible British and French mediation in

the Civil War in 1862.

Bolton Archive And Local Studies Service

1. Letters from a variety of correspondents during ACW to Henry Ashworth, a cotton

manufacturer and charitable benefactor. Correspondents: Ellis Yarrall, Philadelphia;

Samuel Boyd Tobey, Providence, R.I.; Sidney Homer, Boston; J. Townsend,

Columbia, S.C. (ZWL 50/9-17)

2. Copy of article referred to in letter re: J. Pendlebury, ‘The Star Spangled Banner

Unfurled In Bolton’ (no ref #) from Bolton Evening News

British Library of Political and Economic Science, LSE

Letters of Emigrants to America:

1848-65: John Griffiths, Illinois farmer. Greatly upset by the death of Lincoln; high profits

from farm due to war.

1857-73: Ch. Aglionby, Charles Town, Va., farmer. Property in England and losses during the


1857-61: Four letters from John and David Hughes to their parents in Wales. Atlantic

crossing, working in Boston, effects of Civil War, how railways are changing transport,

Macready/Forrest riot in NYC.

20 Jan 1864: John Wiles, Camp of the 153rd regiment, NY State Volunteers, Army of the

Potomac. Army life and conditions in the Southern states.

British Museum

1. Layard Papers 38931-39164 – Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Sir

Austen Henry Layard (1817-94). Correspondence from 1861-65. MS# 38, 987-39,


2. Miscellaneous Papers 41567 – from George Henry Herbert while serving with the

Page 2: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

Northern Army

3. John Bright Papers 43390, ff.123-286 - 64 letters; and 43391 – letters re. advocacy of

the northern cause.

4. Cobden Papers 43676, ff.79-104, ff.115-58, ff.159-260 – sympathy for Confederacy,

tariffs, Trent, and many other civil war subjects from arming of Negros to the

character of Lincoln.

5. Sturge Papers 43722 f.122 – Quaker philanthropist and abolitionist, on American

differences, war fears, and the evil influence of The Times on Anglo-American


6. Gladstone Papers 44136, 44272, 44400, 44427, 44433-50 – Trent, emancipation in

border states, the blockade, civil war. Official papers 44593 – printed memoranda on

Trent. 44649-80 – notes and memoranda for speeches concerning opposition to

recruitment in the US for the British Army. Gladstone’s literary works 44790-1 – his

attitude toward Civil War.

7. Miscellaneous Papers 48212 – long letter from William V. Walton of ‘Hooyelles

parish’ La, to his brother in England, describing his experiences as a confederate

soldier in the Louisiana Infantry.

8. John Henry Temple, 3rd

viscount Palmerston – letterbook. MS# 48, 582

Buckinghamshire Records and Local Studies Service, County Hall, Aylesbury

1.) (Ref #D 102/8 part) Stevens family of Wycombe, includes 9 letters from H.W. Gould

in Hudson, N.Y. (1863-74)

2.) (Ref# D 115/20) three letters to Edward Moore Gawne of Kentraugh, Isle of Man, re

civil war/ naval matters, from Charleston, Bermuda, Fort Monroe (1863-72)

3.) Letter from Edwin Nichols [Lovegrove] to his sister in Aylesbury

4.) Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th

Duke of Somerset Official Correspondence

1. D/RA/A/2A/7/1-12, letters from the 8th

Duke of Argyll (12)

2. D/RA/A/2A/17/1-3, letters from Earl Granville (4)

3. D/RA/A/2A/19/1-8, letters from Frederick William Grey (8)

4. D/RA/A/2A/20/1-8, letters from Sir George Grey, incl. letter from Queen

Victoria (8)

5. D/RA/A/2A/34/1-37, letters from Admiral Sir Alexander Milne (37)

6. D/RA/A/2A/35/1-11, letters from the Duke of Newcastle (11)

7. D/RA/A/2A/37/1-38, letters from Viscount Palmerston (112)

§ 38/1-25

§ 39/1-18

§ 40/1-16

§ 41/1-15

8. D/RA/A/2A/47, letters from WG Romaine (4)

9. D/RA/A/2A/50/1-32, letters from Lord John Russell (115)

§ 51/1-25

§ 52/1-18

§ 53/1-23

§ 54/1-17

10. D/RA/A/2A/112 – 228, all letters (misc.) from 1861 – May 1865

11. D/A/RA/2A/256/1-21, letters from the Duke of Somerset to Sir G.C. Lewis, and

Sir F Grey, Sir J Moore, Lord Palmerston and Sir C. Phipps (21)

12. D/RA/A/2A/259/1-8, correspondence relating to the ‘Nashville’ & ‘Tuscarora’

affair (8)

13. D/RA/A/2A/270/1-37, assorted Admiralty Office papers 1863-64

5.) Material Concerning the Local History of the Burnham And Taplow Area

6.) Col. George St. Leger Grenfell Papers:

6.1 D 11/1 George St. Leger Grenfell and Family

6.2 3.c - Typescript memorandum by Joseph Wheeler, US Army on the trial of

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6.3 3.e - Letter to Sir Francis Grenfell from Gen Wheeler enclosing extracts from

US Civil War records concerning Grenfell

6.4 3.f.ii - 7 letters and 1 photocopy letter from Grenfell

6.5 3.f.iii - 16 letters concerning Grenfell

6.6 3.g - Typescript transcriptions, extracts and calendars of letters and other

documents concerning Grenfell

6.7 3.h - Original correspondence between various individuals including A.H.

Packe, concerning Grenfell

6.8 3.i - Biographical notes on Grenfell

6.9 4 - Original news cuttings, extracts, and notes from printed sources, with

correspondence, concerning Grenfell

6.10 5 - Correspondence between A.H. Packe and Stephen Z. Starr of

Cinc innati, Ohio concerning the latter’s biography of Grenfell

6.11 8.d - The Filson Club History Quarterly (article on Grenfell), Jan.


6.12 8.f - The Journal of Southern History (‘Col. G. St L. Grenfell – his

pre-civil war career’), Aug. 1964

6.13 8.g - The Filson Club History Quarterly (‘Was there a North West

conspiracy?’), Oct. 1964

6.14 8.h - The Wisconsin Magazine of History (‘The Grand Old

Regiment’), Autumn 1964

6.15 8.i - Civil War Times (‘A Reckless, Unthinking Adventurer’), Jan.


6.16 8.j - Civil War Times (‘The North West Conspiracy’), May 1971

Cheshire and Chester Archives and Local Studies,

Papers of Captain William Sherwen of New Ferry:

1) DDX 198 / 1 – Customs Clearance Certificate of Schooner “Dixie,” Philadelphia, 23

Aug 1862.

2) DDX 198 / 2 – Charter Party. Philadelphia, 11 Oct 1862. James W. Landell, owner

of the Schooner ‘Rowena’, 85 tons, “now lying in the harbour of Philadelphia”,

Janutche and Lavergne, agrees to charter ‘Rowena’ to Janutche and Lavergne for

voyage from Phil. to St Kitts and Dominica and back to Phil. for consideration of


3) DDX 198 / 3 – Letter of Parole, Fort Delaware, 20 January 1863. William Sherwen,

“a Political or State Prisoner of the US Government” promises not to “aid or comfort

the existing rebellion against the US Government.”

4) DDX 198 / 4 – Certificate of Payment of Tonnage Tax. Custom House, Philadelphia.

7 Feb 1863. Certifies payment of tax on Schooner ‘Rowena’ of St Kitts, 87 tons,

master William Sherwen, of St Kitts.

5) DDX 198 / 5 – Customs Clearance Certificate of Schooner ‘Rowena,’ 7 Feb 1863.

6) DDX 198 / 6 – Certificate of Sale. Havana, 7 April 1863. Sherwen declares that he

sold the Schooner ‘Rowena’ of ‘fifty nine tons register’ to Messrs. Jiminez Sobrine

and Co. Consideration: $3,000.

7) DDX 198 / 7 – Letter from Foreign office to Captain Sherwen from London, 20 Aug

1863. Refers to Cherwen’s letter of 30 April and encloses # 8 (below).

8) DDX 198 / 8 – Copy of letter from William H Seward to Lord Lyons, stating US

Governments reasons for Sherwen’s arrest and refusing to allow his claim for

damages. 14 July 1863.

9) DDX 198 / 9 – Letter from G. Hammond, Foreign Office, to Capt. William Sherwen,

informing him that Lord Lyons has addressed a further note to the US Gov’t, and has

received no reply. From London, 22 March 1864.

Additional Papers:

Page 4: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

1) Ref THSLC, Vol. 105, 1954, p 127 – 185; The diary of John Ward of Clitheroe,

Weaver, 1860 – 1864.

2) Ref THSLC, Vol. 123, 1972, p 105 – 143; The diary of James Garnett of Low More,

Clithmore, 1858 – 1865: Part 2 The American Civil War and the Cotton Famine,

1861 – 1865.

City of Coventry Archives,

PA526/156/5-7: 3 letters of Joseph Might, a civilian Coventrian, from Broadway in the US

reporting back to family.

Cornwall Record Office

Ref: America FS.3/1043 - letter to Maj. Stanton from a dear friend at war, 13 July 1864.

Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle

Aglionby family of Carlisle: family papers, incl. American Civil War diary and papers of

Charles Yates Aglionby 1857-78.

Customs Library

Board’s Minutes 9743-10068 (316 volumes) – minute books, including incidents during the

Civil War.

Devon Record Office, Exeter

1) 867B/ Z36 ‘Note Book, Civil War’; the book is a misc. item in a large collection

deposited by a firm of solicitors from Totnes in 1860.

2) Letters of J. W. Buller

Dorset Record Office, County Hall, Dorchester

1) Weld Papers 1840-63, Joseph Weld (1777-1863). Letters To Weld of Lulworth Castle

about his financial affairs (large investments in the Maryland and N.Y. Iron and Coal

Co.). An account of assets and liabilities from 1, July 1863 and 11 Mar. 1861 on the

Morrill Tariff and the prospects of Civil War.

2) Copy of A Genealogical Account of the Mayo and Elton Families - relevant pages:


Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Dumfries, Scotland

Ref GG 192 /6 - 7 - correspondence of Maxwell Hyslop, a merchant in Liverpool, with his

uncle, Wellwood Maxwell who lived in Dumfries.

Dundee University Library, Archives and MSS Dept., Dundee, Scotland

1) MS 15/122 - Letter from Margaret Sturrock to her sister, brother and family giving

account of life during Civil War

2) MS 15/258 - Information from Barabara Graham in connection with her thesis

‘Scottish Society and the American Civil War.” With particular reference to the

construction of blockade runners and warships for the Confederates (see U. of


3) Ruggles bequest

4) Carrie, David, Dundee and the American Civil War, 1861-1865 (Ref # 941.31 A147)

Durham County Record Office

1) D/Ho/C 31/136 – From A.M. Taylor; Mentions the effects of the Civil War,


2) 23/1 – From Samuel Rhoads; Discussing John Hodgkin’s remarks about

Great Britain’s neutrality in the American Civil War, 1863

Page 5: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

3) 31/144 – From Jesse Tyson; Re: Society of Friends and the Civil War, 1862

4) 31/146 – from William Wood; Mentions refugees of the Civil War, 1863

Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections, Durham

1) GRE/B84/10/62-67, correspondence files for Sir Charles Elliot, letter to Grey 12

June 1861

2) GRE/B162/25, Memorandum of Lord Lyon’s views of relations between the

Northern American states and England and France during the ACW

3) Papers of General Charles Grey, GRE/D/VI/6, 31 August 1861 – 6 April 1864, 3

letters to General Grey from his brother Henry George Grey, 3rd

Earl Grey (31

Aug 1861, 11 Sept 1862, 6 April 1864)

4) GRE/G17/21/18-19, letter to Miss Elizabeth Copley (sister of Maria, Countess

Grey) from Georgiana Elizabeth, Baroness Wharncliffe, 30 Jan 1862

5) SGD 23, 22 Jan 1865, incomplete unnamed letter from USA about ACW

Dyfed Archives, Aberystwyth

Log book and crew lists of the ship Xanthippe, 1860s (TSR/11)

Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Dept., Edinburgh, Scotland

1) Civil War mentioned in a letter of Sir D. Wilson to D. Laing, 31.7.1861 (La.IV. 17.


2) Letter of George Gilfillan giving his views on the American Civil War, Dundee,

31.2.1864 (La. II. 354)

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections Dept., Glasgow, Scotland

Whistler Collection:

1) The Times Literary Supplement 3/10/1961, article titled “This Strange, Sad War;”

2) The Observer Weekend Review 6/24/1962, article titled “Edmund Wilson’s Civil


3) Midland Tribune 6/17/1961, article titled “The ‘Shrill Trump’ in the American Civil


4) Glasgow Herald 6/3/1961 artic le titled “Songs of the American Civil War”

5) Glasgow Herald 6/17/1961, article re: ‘Popular Verse’ and ‘ “Dixie”’

6) GD319/11/1/10-13 – Scott & Co., Letter books (indexed), 3 volumes, 1861-64.

8) UGD 4/7/1-4 - Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd., Shipbuilders, Glasgow. Letter Book

(J Stephen) 1862-65. 4 vols.

9) UGD 4/8/2-7 - - Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd., Shipbuilders, Glasgow. Letter Book

(A Stephen) 1860-65. 6 vols.

Gloucestershire Record Office

Ref. D 3660/1 - Letter, Emma Pendered

Guildhall, Corporation of London

Catalogue pages of

1) T Wiggin Co

2) BCT Gray and Sons

3) Brown, Shipley & Co

4) Morgan Grenfell & Co.

Gwynedd Archives and Museums Service, Caernarfon Record Office, Caernarfon,


Llafar Gwlad, No 63, Spring Issue 1999 – ‘Sam yr Alabama’ ‘Sam of the Alabama’

(translation by a-pedwar)

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Hughenden Manor (National Trust), High Wycombe

Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st

Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-81). Papers.

Hull Local Studies, Central Library, Kingston upon Hull

1.) Bio. on Zachariah C. Pearson, mayor of Hull. Produced by Hull Local Studies

Library, text by Julian Smith.

2.) From Colorful Characters by John Markham, Highgate Publications (Beverly) 1992

– ‘Zachariah Charles Pearson’ pp 80-82.

3.) The American Neptune, Vol. 51, No. 2, Spring 1991, pp 127-129

(The Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass.)

Hull City Archives, Kingston upon Hull

1) Victoria County History, County of York, vol. 1

2) The Journal of Joseph Robinson Pease, 1822-1865, ed. J.D. Hicks (2000)

Northern Ireland PRO

1.) T/3028/B8 – letter from James A. Reford, New Jersey, concerned with the general

state of the country during the ACW, including numbers dead and wounded.

2.) T/3028/B10 – letter from James A. Reford, to his sister Frances, County Antr im.

3.) D/893 – emigrant letter Robert and Elanor McKelvey, Williamsburg, Va., to Thomas

Lawers, Belfast.

4.) MIC/143/10-17 – microfilm of letters of J. Carlisle, detailing movements and

experiences in several regiments, including 3rd

Brigade, US Volunteers, Camp

Observation, Maryland, and the 13th

New York Battery, Alabama.

5.) T/1585 – 2 letters from Pvt. John Thompson, 1st Artillery, to his father Robert

Thompson, Articlave Co. Londonferry, 1861. John Thompson was a member of the

small Federal garrison in Fort Sumter, Charlestown, SC, and his letters contain

eyewitness account of the siege by Confederate troops which marked the

commencement of the Civil War.

6.) D/3044/M – 57 letters to Herbert George Philip Meade (microfilm), youngest son of

the 3rd

Earl of Clanwilliam and lieutenant in the Royal Navy, which contain several

references to the American Civil War.

7.) D/1364/I/19a & 17 – William Redmond, ref. to ACW.

8.) D/1364/28 & 40 – letters that (28) describe the effects of the aftermath of the ACW

and (40) comments on the financial state of the Southern states post ACW.

9.) D/732 – 3 letters of William McFarland, describing service as a Federal soldier at

siege of Richmond, VA, 1864.

Isle of Wight County Record Office, Newport, UK

Transcript of letter from William Anthony Glyn, Ref OG/CC/501, 17 Apr il 1863.

Keele University Library

Sneyd family papers: 8 letters dating from 1861-1863 between Ralph Sneyd of Keele Hall and

his friend Henry William Vincent of Lily Hill, Bracknell, Berkshire.

Leeds University, Brotherton Library, Dept of Special Collections, Leeds

Richard Cobden letter to Robert Leech, SC MS 197, 17 August 1864.

The Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester

1.) D 3796/6 & 7 – From the papers of Theodore Lee, a Leicestershire man who had to

flee the country in 1856 as a result of financial and domestic problems and emigrated

to Toronto and then Chicago. Mentions earning money by being substitute in Army.

Second letter relates his time aboard the steamer ‘Brilliant’ as he sailed up the

Mississippi with a force under the command of AJ Smith. Gives address of Protective

Page 7: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

War Claim Assoc. in New York, for his wife to contact in the event of his death.

2.) DE 4784/29 – Letter written by John Ellson of Avon Ohio to his brother in

Leicestershire dated 16 Oct 1864. Mentions that his son, Robert, had gone to Canada

to avoid the draft, but came back when $500 was raised for volunteers and the town

filled its quota. Elson moved to USA in 1849.

3.) DE 4864/1 – Letter from James Woodfield, of Frankford USA dated 14 July 1861,

written to a friend in Leicestershire, predicting the coming Civil War.

Lincolnshire Archives

Four letters of the Barker family of Scotter MCD, 1469 - 18, 34, 37 & 38.

Liverpool Record Office and Local History Service, Central Library, Liverpool

1.) Letter from CK Prioleau to Arthur Earle, 13 Feb 1865 (acc. 2463)

2.) Daily Post 2 Aug. 1862, Lancashire Distress Meeting held at Liverpool Town Hall re:

ACW and effects on cotton industry, money raised, etc.

3.) Daily Post, 2 Aug. 1862 ‘Where has the Confederate Army Come From?’

4.) Daily Post, 6 Aug. 1862 ‘Great Excitement at the British Consulate at Saint Louis’

5.) Liverpool Mercury 23 Feb. 1863, Arrival of Another Relief Ship barque (Achilles).

6.) Details of James Dunwoody Bulloch, Confed. Agent.

7.) 1891 census details for James D. Bulloch.

8.) Article ‘The Birkenhead Blockade’ by D.P. Brankgan, from Sea Breezes VSI, 1977,

pp. 212 – 215

9.) Letter printed in Mersey vol. 5, April 1929, titled ‘The Fate of a Blockade Runner’,

from Donald Cruikshank, US Steamer Vicksburg, written 2 Nov. 1864

10.) Article from same issue of Mersey, vol. 5, April 1929, ‘Liverpool and the Blockade

Runners’ by George E. Hopcroft

11.) Ref H 387.2 JON, ‘America’s Secret War in Welsh Waters’ by Ivor Wynne Jones, pp.


12.) Williams, KB. ‘Ghost Ships of the Mersey’, Countryvise Limited, Merseyside, 1982.

13.) Diar ies from Durning-Holt Papers

14.) Emma Holt (1802-1871), wife of George Holt (1790-1861) ref # 920 DUR 10/16/2

15.) Anne Hold (1821-1885), daughter of Emma & George, ref # 920 DUR 1 /4

16.) Letters to Lord Derby, from ‘General Correspondence’

Ref. 920 DER 14 (94-95).

London City Mission

Copy of book about John Davis and his work - “A Marvel of Mercy”, an obituary and a

souvenir issued by Civil War Veterans London Branch.

London University, University College London, Manuscripts Room

Copies of ref#13.348– 13.355 and 13.346 – Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham’s


Merseyside County Archives

Cobham Archive

Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool

Fraser Trenholme MSS – obtained from Adam Matthews Publications

The Estate of the late Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Broadlands, Romsey

The papers of Henry John Temple, 3rd

Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865):

(p) Defence of Canada (1861-4, 1865). 23 letters

(q) Defence of Canada and American Civil War (1861-5). 63 letters

(r) America and Canada (1861-2). 9 letters.

(s) Letters from Lord John Russell to Palmerston. America 1862-5. 17 letters.

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(t) United States (1864-5). Memorandum and five letters.

John Rylands Library, Manchester, UK

1) Letter from Frederick Douglass

2) MSS of the Freedman Aid Association

National Maritime Museum, London

1.) Personal papers. Milne, Admiral Sir Alexander –Commander-in-Chief, North

American and West Indian Station (1860-4) - Alabama dispute, naval policy.

2.) ref. MLN 109/1,2 – Milne collection, Courts Martial of John Davis, Henry Lewis,

William Jones, James Sullivan, John Lowe, and Thomas Miller.

National War Museum of Scotland

M.L1957.3.1-3 - three letters written by W Gibson (5th

Kentucky Volunteers)

Newcastle upon Tyne University, Robinson Library

Trevelyan Papers, including letters from William Parker Snow to WC Trevelyan: WCT 232/2,

232/3, 232/12, 232/13, 232/17, 232/30 and 232/31

Florence Nightingale Museum Trust

1) Photocopies Clara Barton papers

2) Photocopy of page from The American Civil War related to F. Nightengale

North Record Office

Letters from John and Ann Pile (ref # 3197 Z / F 11-13)

Northumberland Record Office

1) ZR1 31/2/34 Letters re: Civil War 1862-63:

#1 - 19 Feb 1862 from VL Motley to Lord Wensleydale

#2 – 15 Sept 1865 L Motley to Lord Wensleydale

#3 – 15 Sept 1863 to Lord Wensleydale from R.

#4 – 26 Dec 18?? To Lord Wensleydale from Wertbury

2) NRO 2179 ACW: 4 letters from CA Race to his father from Fort Monroe, VA

Nottinghamshire Archives,

1) Letters of MH Lancashire (ref. DD419/3-8)

2) Letters of Francis Truman (M23, 890)

Nottingham University Library, Dept. of MSS and Special Collections, Nottingham

Lancashire and Truman letters from the Newcastle collection, NE C 11: 138/1-2, 348/1-2,

357, 359/1-3, 360, 362/1-2, 363/1-2, 370, 375/1-2; NE C 12: 577, 593; NE C 10885, pp. 134-

144 & 170-175; NE C 10890, pp. 47-54

Pembrokeshire Record Office, Haverfordwest, Wales

Four letters from the Benyon family of Sabine Pass, TX, and transcription of obituary (ref.

HDX/559/ 43-44 and 52-53)

Perth and Kinross Council Archive, A.K. Bell Library, Perth, Scotland

1) MS 100, Bundle 588, letters to Lord Kinnaird re: ACW.

2) MS 100, Bundle 678, letter from Thurlow Weed to Mr. Kinnaird (probably A.F.

Kinnaird, MP, brother to Lord Kinnaird).

Private Collection of Mrs. Iris Diggle

Letter from James Pendlebury

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1.) Lord Cowley, Henry Richard Charles Wellesley - FO 146

2.) Earl Russell - PRO 30

3.) Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley (1833-1913) (addnl.): papers (WO 147)

4.) Foreign Office - FO 5 (ser. 2) America, United States, FO 115, Embassy and

Consular Archives

5.) 5/1124 - Imprisonment of Mr. Shaver

6.) 5/1149-53 - Imprisonment of blockade runners

7.) 5/1155 - Imprisonment of William Ross and Col. Grenfell

8.) 5/1231 - Mr. Purvis

9.) 5/1233 - Mrs. Molyneux

10.) 5/13567 - Naturalisation

11.) 5/1454-5 - Emigration

Consular Correspondence, New York

FO5/778,79, 841-2, 901, 903-4, 96607, 1023-4

FO414/26. 881/1162: Trade

FO84/1138, 84/1172, 84/1197, 84/1202: Consular

FO5/868-943: Lyons

FO281-284: vols. of letter books

HO45/7261 – Civil War, Registered Papers

CO/318/232, CO/318/240: Emigration

MT10/8: Emigration to US

PC 6/9

PCAP 1/336

TS25/1309, 25/1304: Extradition

TS25/1332: Piece Emigration

TS 25/1380: Persons taking the Great Western

WO33/14: Report on Military affairs

30/22/39: Misc. Russell

PC 6/9: Privy Council Register

WO 33/14: Description of US Military Affairs

FO 198/21: ACW papers

Correspondence regarding US Recruitment – copies held in PRO file

HO45/7261/ 39 – Confederate correspondence, 1862, regarding finances and ship building.

Navy Dep (mallory), Treasury (Memminger), & Fraser, Trenholm.

HO45/7261/ 108 –Charles Frances Adams to Earl Russell, July 11, 1863; with enclosures

Thomas Dudley to Mr. Adams, and depositions of WH Russell and Joseph Ellis, and

George Temple Chapman.

HO45/7261/ 131 – Deposition /affidavit of William Thompson of New York

HO45/7261/ 136 Deposition /affidavit of William Thompson of New York re: Confederate

steamer Florida

HO45/7261/ 203 Mr. Dudley to Mr. Adams, Jan 11, 1864, with affidavits of John Latham,

Martha Latham, and Thomas Wistinley, including list of crew of Alabama.

Parliamentary Papers, Lords, Vol. XXV, ‘Correspondence on Civil War in the United States.’

PRO- KEW: from Guide to Manuscripts

Admiralty. Ad. 1/5691-7643 Secretary’s Department: In letters

Ad. 13. Supplementary

Foreign Office. Civil War Claims 5/1236-95, 1296-1312, Geneva Arbitration: 1390-1409,

1554, 1555, 1410-16, 1417-26, Treaty of Washington: 1570, 1602-29, Extradition (1864-65)


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Ships: Case of Free Negro emigration 5/934, Confederate ships 5/1008, Case of Mr. J.

Hardcastle (1863-65) 5/1046, Seizure of cotton at Savannah 5/1047, Confederate enlistment

(1863-65) 5/1053, St. Albans, Vt. raids 5/1056-8, etc.

F.O. 198 Embassy and Consular Archives: Turkey; Miscellanea 198/21 American Civil War

P.R.O. 30/22 Russell Papers – Lord John Russell, Foreign Secretary during Civil War.

Home Office. H.O. 45. Registered Papers 45/7261 – recruiting in England & ships;

45/9294/8148 – arming of Confederate ships in Channel Isl., Alabama claims.

Privy Council. P.C. 6/9 Miscellaneous Books: War Matters – section labeled ‘North

American Civil War’

Board of Trade. B.T. 1/560/1076 – Illegal imprisonment (1863)

Treasury. T. 5-28, Out-Letters – British ships leaving Charleston, fitting of gunboats in

Liverpool for Confederacy.

War Office. W.O. 33. Reports and Miscellaneous Papers, 33/12 – peace and suggestions re:

Civil War (1862); 22/14 – Report on American military affairs (1863). W.O. 81. Judge

Advocate General’s Records: Correspondence: Letter-Books, 81/111 – possession of

passenger’s ticket for NY not proof of desertion (1864).

HM Treasury

T 160/509 FINANCE. Loans Countries USA: USA Loan to Great Britain, 1922-84;

payment by Imperial Treasury; possibility of setting off amounts due in

respect of British Loans to Southern States prior to the American Civil War.

1924 March 17 – 1926 March 5; 1926 March 30 – 1927 Sept 20; 1927 Oct 15

– 1928 June 19; 1928 Aug 10 – 1929 Oct 11; 1930 March 2 – 1932 Feb 24;

1932 June 2 – 1934 May 23.

Domestic Records of the Public Record Office, Gifts, Deposits, Notes and Transcripts


PRO 30/22/26 Duke of Somerset – First Lord of the Admiralty: Old warships with “the

woodwork rotten, the boilers defective” must be sold in spite of American

Civil War. 1863 Dec 9.

PRO 30/22/14B Vol.14B Summary of Contents. Correspondence and memoranda relating

mainly to Italian affairs (The Queen’s and Prince Consort’s correspondence:

There are many notes, in this and other volumes, of letters received from the

Queen and the Prince Consort; the originals were returned to the Queen at J.,

Nov 3, 1860 – Nov. 1861)

PRO 30/22/14B American Civil War: Queen’s proclamation May 13, 1861.

PRO 30/22/14D G. Grote: notes on neutrality of England during the American civil war, Dec.

27, 1862

PRO 30/22/24 This volume contains 58 letters from the Duke of Somerset, first lord of the

admiralty, to Lord John (from 1861 earl) Russell, foreign secretary. The

correspondence is confined to naval matters of common concern to the two

departments of state and includes: the Chinese war; The American Civil War;

slave trade suppression on the west African coast and off Cuba; operations

against Japan; expedition against Mexico; obtaining timber for warships from

Turkey; armament of ships., July 7, 1859 – Dec. 16, 1862

PRO 30/22/35 US, Washington Legation. Private Correspondence, Lord John Russell Papers

from Lord Lyons, Jan. 7 – Dec. 31, 1861

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PRO 30/22/36 US, Washington Legation. Private Correspondence, Lord John Russell Papers

from Lord Lyons, Jan. 3 – Dec. 30, 1862

PRO 30/22/37 US, Washington Legation. Private Correspondence, Lord John Russell Papers

from Lord Lyons, Jan. 2 – Dec. 29, 1863

PRO 30/22/38 US, Washington Legation, Private Correspondence, Lord Lyons, envoy, JH

Burnley, legation Secretary, and Sir Frederick Bruce, envoy, to Lord Russell,

Jan. 12, 1864 –Nov. 6, 1865

PRO 30/22/39 US, Legation in London and miscellaneous Correspondence of Lord John

(from 1861, Earl) Russell, foreign secretary, Aug. 15, 1859 – Sept. 30, 1865

PRO 30/29/221 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal through

PRO 30/29/229

PRO 30/29/230 United States of America, 10 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal: papers connected

with claims, 1854 – 1865

PRO 30/29/231 United States of America, 11 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal: papers connected

with claims, 1861 – 1871

PRO 30/29/232 United States of America, 12 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal: papers connected

with claims, 1862 – 1871

PRO 30/29/233 United States of America, 13 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal: papers connected

with claims, 1856 – 1872

PRO 30/29/234 Geneva Arbitration Tribunal

PRO 30/36 Sir William Stuart: Papers

PRO 30/36/1 United States of America Dispatches: to the Secretary of State (as charge

d’affaires). Entry book, June 17 – Sept 19, 1862

PRO 30/36/2 United States of America Dispatches: to the Secretary of State (as charge

d’affaires), Sept. 23 – Nov. 11, 1862

PRO 30/36/2 United States of America Dispatches: to the Secretary of State (as charge

d’affaires), Aug. 15 – Oct. 9, 1863

PRO 30/36/10 Brazil, United States of America, Turkey, Russia, Argentine Republic and

Greece. Out-Letters. Official Private. Entry Book. [No.1], June 7, 1858 –

May 20, 1871

PRO 30/57/20 Brodrick’s telegram to Kitchener citing example of Lee’s capitulation in

American Civil War. As to future of military railways in South Africa.

Questions of courts martial of officers and capabilities of Judge Advocate

Generals, April 26, 1902

FO Records created and inherited by the Foreign Office

FO 5/750 To/From Lord Lyons 1861 through


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FO 5/778 Consul at …(NY, Charleston, Phila., etc…) through

FO 5/788

FO 5/789 Attaches Mr. Brodie, Mr. Monson, Foreign Various 1861

FO 5/790 Domestic various 1861 through

FO 5/808

FO 5/816A North West Boundary and Island of San Juan, vol. 8; general correspondence


FO 5/816B North West Boundary and Island of San Juan, vol. 9; general correspondence


FO 5/817 - To Lord Lyons 1862 through

FO 5/818

FO 5/819 To Lord Lyons and Mr. Stuart 1862

FO 5/820 - To Mr. Stuart 1862 through

FO 5/821

FO 5/822 To Mr. Stuart and Lord Lyons 1862

FO 5/823 - From Lord Lyons 1862 through

FO 5/831

FO 5/832 From Lord Lyons and Mr. Stuart 1862

FO 5/833 - From Mr. Stuart 1862 through

FO 5/837

FO 5/838 From Mr. Stuart and Lord Lyons 1862

FO 5/839 - From Lord Lyons 1862 through

FO 5/840

FO 5/841 - Consuls at New York. Archibald, Edwards 1862 through

FO 5/842

FO 5/843 - Consuls at Charleston. Bunch 1862 through

FO 5/844

FO 5/845 Consuls at Philadelphia. Kortwight, Crump 1862

FO 5/846 Consuls at Portland, Eastpoint, Richmond. Murray, Starr, Sherwood,


Moore 1862

FO 5/847 Consuls at Balitmore, Boston, Buffalo. Bernal, Lousada, Donohoe 1862

FO 5/848 Consuls at Chicago, Galveston, Mobile, New Orleans. Wilkins, Lynn, Magee,

Coppell, Mure 1862

FO 5/850 - Consular Domestic various 1862 through

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FO 5/867

FO 5/868 - To Lord Lyons 1863 through

FO 5/871

FO 5/872 - To Lord Lyons and Mr. Stuart 1863 through

FO 5/873

FO 5/874 - From Lord Lyons 1863 through

FO 5/891

FO 5/892 From Lord Lyons and Mr. Stuart 1863

FO 5/893 - From Mr. Stuart 1863 through

FO 5/894

FO 5/895 From Mr. Stuart and Lord Lyons 1863

FO 5/896 - From Lord Lyons 1863 through

FO 5/900

FO 5/901 - Consul at New York. Archibald 1863 through

FO 5/904

FO 5/905 Consuls at Philadelphia, St. Louis. Kortright, Crump, Wilkins 1863

FO 5/906 - Consuls at Charleston. Walker, Bunch 1863 through

FO 5/907

FO 5/908 Consuls at Mobile, New Orleans. Cridland, Magee, Coppell, Mure 1863

FO 5/909 Consuls at Richmond, Savannah, Galveston. Moore, Molyneux, Fullarton,



FO 5/910 Consult at Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo. Bernal, Lousada, Donohoe, Clay 1863

FO 5/911 Consuls at Portland, Oswego, San Francisco. Murray, Starr, Castle, Booker.


FO 5/912 - Consuls Domestic various 1863 through

FO 5/932

FO 5/933 Case of the Daring 1862

FO 5/934 Case of free Negro emigration 1862 – 1863

FO 5/935 Case of the Dolphin 1863

FO 5/936 Case of the Theresa, and Isabel 1862 – 1863

FO 5/937 Proceedings of United States cruisers at St. Thomas 1863

FO 5/938 To Lord Lyons 1864 through

FO 5/940

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FO 5/941 To Mr. Burnley and Lord Lyons 1864

FO 5/942 To Lord Lyons and Mr. Burnley 1864

FO 5/943 From Lord Lyons 1864 through FO 5/959

FO 5/960 From Mr. Burnley and Lord Lyons 1864 through

FO 5/962

FO 5/963 From Lord Lyons 1864

FO 5/964 From Lord Lyons and Mr. Burnley 1864

FO 5/965 From Mr. Burnley 1864

FO 5/966 Consul at New York. Archibald 1864 through

FO 5/967

FO 5/968 Consul at Charleston. Walker 1864 through

FO 5/969

FO 5/970 Consuls at Galveston, Mobile, St. Louis, San Francisco. Lynn, Wilkins,

Cridland, Booker. 1864

FO 5/971 Consul at New Orleans. Coppel, Donohoe. 1864

FO 5/972 Consul at Portland. Murray 1864

FO 5/973 Consul at Boston. Lousada 1864

FO 5/974 Consuls at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo. Kortright, Bernal, Donohoe


FO 5/975 Mr. Burnley, Mr. Stuart. Foreign various 1864

FO 5/976 Consular Domestic 1864

FO 5/977 Domestic, Mr. Adams 1864

FO 5/978 Mr. Adams, Mr. Noran 1864

FO 5/979 - Domestic various 1864 through

FO 5/991

FO 5/992 Case of the Empress 1862

FO 5/993 Case of the Alliance and Gondar 1861

FO 5/994 Case of the Springbok, vol. 1. 1863 – 1864

FO 5/995 Case of the Stephen Hart 1862 – 1864

FO 5/996 Case of Mr. J. O’Neil, vol. 1. 1864

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FO 5/997 Island of Sombrero 1863

FO 5/998 Case of the Chesapeake, vol. 1. 1863

FO 5/999 Case of the Chesapeake, vol. 3. 1864

FO 5/1000 Case of the Ironclads built at Birkenhead, vol. 1 – vol. 4. 1863 – 1864


FO 5/1003

FO 5/1004 Case of Captain Sherwin. 1862 – 1864

FO 5/1005 Case of the Victor 1863 – 1864

FO 5/1006 Trade with Bahamas, vol. 1. 1862

FO 5/1007 Trade with Bahamas, vol. 2. 1863

FO 5/1008 Confederate ships sold to British subjects 1863

FO 5/1009 To Mr. Burnley and Sir F. Bruce 1865

FO 5/1010 - To Sir F. Bruce 1865 through

FO 5/1012

FO 5/1013 - From Mr. Burnley 1865 through

FO 5/1014

FO 5/1015 From Mr. Burnley and Sir F Bruce 1865

FO 5/1016 From Mr. Burnley 1865

FO 5/1017 From Mr. Burnley and Sir F. Bruce 1865

(Specifically, newspaper excerpt ‘British Neutrality and Belligerent Rights’)

FO 5/1018 - From Sir F. Bruce 1865 through

FO 5/1022

FO 5/1023 Consuls at New York, Archibald, vol. 1. 1865

FO 5/1024 Consuls at New York, Archibald, Edwards, vol. 2. 1865

FO 5/1025 Consuls at Boston, Portland, Lousada, Murray 1865

FO 5/1026 Consuls at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Bufalo, Kortright, Bernal, Hemans,

Evans 1865

FO 5/1027 Consuls at New Orleans, Coppell, Donohoe, vol. 1. 1865

FO 5/1028 Consuls at New Orleans, Donohoe, Howell, vol. 2. 1865

FO 5/1029 Consuls at Galveston, Mobile, Key West, San Francisco, Lynn, Cridland,

Butterfield, Booker 1865

FO 5/1030 Consuls at Charleston, Walker 1865

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FO 5/1031 Consuls at St Louis, Savannah, Wilkins, Smith, Cosens 1865

FO 5/1032 Attaches, Scott, Antrobus, Consul at Domestic 1865

FO 5/1033 Sir F Bruce, Mr. Burnley, Consul Kortright, Commercial 1865

FO 5/1034 Domestic, Mr. Adams 1865

FO 5/1035 Domestic, Mr. Adams, Mr. Moran 1865

FO 5/1036 Domestic various 1865 through

FO 5/1044

FO 5/1045 Case of Mr. J. O’Neil, vol 2. 1864-1865

FO 5/1046 Case of Mr. J. Hardcastle 1863-1865

FO 5/1047 Seizure of cotton at Savanna 1865

FO 5/1048 Case of the Alexandra 1863-1864

FO 5/1049 Case of the Alexandra or Mary 1864-1865

FO 5/1050 Cases of the Hawk, City of Richmond, and Ajax and Hercules 1864

FO 5/1051 Case of the Canton or Pampero 1863

FO 5/1052 Case of the Rappahannock 1863

FO 5/1053 Confederate enlistments 1863

FO 5/1054 Capture of the United States vessel Hanover, proceedings at the Bahamas


FO 5/1055 Cases of the Hector, Amphion, Chickamauga, Virginia, and Louisa Ann

Fanny 1862

FO 5/1056 St Albans raids, vol. 1. 1864

FO 5/1057A St Albans raids, vol. 2. 1865

FO 5/1057B St Albans raids, vol. 3. 1865

FO 5/1058 St Albans raids, vol. 4. (Indictments) 1865

FO 5/1059 To Sir F. Bruce through

FO 5/1061

FO 5/1091 Commercial Negotiations and Reciprocity Treaty, vol. 4/5 1866 through

FO 5/1092

FO 5/1093 Cases of the Nashville, Tallahassee, and Bermuda 1861

FO 5/1094 Case of the Blance burnt off Cuba, vol. 1. 1862-1863

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FO 5/1096 Case of the Blanche burnt off Cuba, vol. 2. 1863-1866

FO 5/1097 Case of the York 1862-1866

FO 5/1098 Cases of the Georgiana, Phantom, and Southerner 1863

FO 5/1099 Gunboats on Canadian lakes 1864

FO 5/1100 Case of the Confederate cruiser St. Mary 1865

FO 5/1101 Case of Burley’s extradition 1865

FO 5/1102 To Sir F. Bruce 1867

FO 5/1103 To Sir F. Bruce, and to Mr. Ford 1867

FO 5/1104 From Sir F. Bruce 1867

FO 5/1105 From Sir F. Bruce 1867

FO 5/1121 Domestic various vol. 5. 1867

FO 5/1122 Domestic various vol. 6. 1867

FO 5/1123 Sir F. Bruce, Mr. Ford, Domestic, Mr. Adams, Domestic various 1867

FO 5/1124 Case of imprisonment of Mr. Shaver 1862

FO 5/1125 Claim of Mr. Burns for damage done by Fenians 1866

FO 5/1126 To Mr. Ford and Mr. Thornton 1868

FO 5/1127 to Mr. Thornton 1868

FO 5/1128 From Mr. Ford and Mr. Thornton 1868

FO 5/1129 - From Mr. Thornton 1868 through

FO 5/1133

FO 5/1134 Mr. Ford, Mr. Thornton, Domestic, Mr. Adams, Mr. Moran, Mr. Johnson,

Commercial 1868

FO 5/1135 Consul at New York, Archibald 1868

FO 5/1136 Consuls at Charleston, H. Walker, G. Walker 1868

FO 5/1137 Consuls at Mobile, New Orleans, Baltimore, Portland, Galveston, Cridland,

Donohoe, Briggs, Rainals, Jackson, Murray, Lynn 1868

FO 5/1138 Consuls at Boston, Philadelphia, Lousada, Crump, Kortright 1868

FO 5/1139 Attaches Ford, Barrington, Military attaché Captain Ward, Consuls at


San Francisco, Savannah, Chicago, Hemans, Booker, Tasker Smith, Benet, T.

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FO 5/1040 Consular domestic, vol. 1. 1868

FO 5/1041 Consular domestic, vol. 2. 1868

FO 5/1042 Domestic, Mr. Adams, Mr. Moran, vol. 1. 1868

FO 5/1043 Domestic, Mr. Moran, Mr. Johnson, vol. 2. 1868

FO 5/1144- Domestic various, vol. 1 – 4. 1868 through

FO 5/1147

FO 5/1148 Case of the Adela, 1862

FO 5/1149 Blockade runners, imprisonment of British subjects, vol. 1. 1863-1864

FO 5/1150 - Blockade runners, imprisonment of British subjects, vol. 2 – 5. 1864-1865


FO 5/1153

FO 5/1153 Case of the Pearl 1863

FO 5/1154 Case of William Ross and Colonel Grenfell 1861

FO 5/1155 To Mr. Thornton, vol. 1. 1869

FO 5/1156 To Mr. Thornton, vol. 2. 1869

FO 5/1157 - From Mr. Thornton, vol. 1-6 1869 through

FO 5/1163

FO 5/1164 Mr. Thornton, Domestic, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Motley, Commercial 1869

FO 5/1165 Consul at New York, Archibald 1869

FO 5/1166 Consuls at Portland, Charleston, Murray, HR Walker, GR Walker 1869

FO 5/1167 Consuls at Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Lousada, Grantham, Kortright,

Hemans 1869

FO 5/1168 Consuls at Mobile, New Orleans, Baltimore, Norforlk, Galveston, Cridland,

Donohoe, Briggs, Rainals, Jackson, Myers, Lynn 1869

FO 5/1169 Consuls at Savannah, Chicago, San Francisco, Tasker Smith, Bennett, JF

Wilkins, TF Wilkins, Booker 1869

FO 5/1170 Consular domestic, vol. 1. 1869

FO 5/1171 Consular domestic, vol. 2. 1869

FO 5/1172 Domestic, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Moran, Mr. Motley, vol. 1. 1869

FO 5/1173 Domestic, Mr. Motley, Mr. Moran, vol. 2. 1869

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FO 5/1174 - Domestic various, vol. 1 – 4 1869 through

FO 5/1177

FO 5/1179 Capture of the Hiawatha, vol. 1. Breach of blockade 1861-1868

FO 5/1179 Capture of the Hiawatha, vol. 2. Case of Mr. Potts 1863

FO 5/1180 Case of the Magicienne 1863

FO 5/1181 Matamoros seizures, vol. 1. 1863-1864

FO 5/1182 Matamoros seizures, vol. 2. 1864

FO 5/1183 Matamoros seizures, vol. 3. 1864

FO 5/1184 Matamoros seizures, vol. 4. 1864 – 1865

FO 5/1185 Matamoros seizures, vol. 5. 1866

FO 5/1186 Case of the Springbook, vol. 2. 1866 – 1869

FO 5/1187 - To Mr. Thornton, vol. 1 – 3 1870 through

FO 5/1189

FO 5/1190 To Sir E. Thornton vol. 4. 1870

FO 5/1191 From Mr. Thornton, vol. 1-5 1870 through

FO 5/1226 Domestic, Mr. Moran, General Schenck, vol. 2. 1871

FO 5/1227 - Domestic various, vol. 1 – 4 1871 through

FO 5/1230

FO 5/1231 Case of Mr. Purvis 1864

FO 5/1232 Case of the Monmouth 1861

FO 5/1233 Case of Mrs. Molyneux 1865

FO 5/1234 Case of the Margaret and Jessie, maritime jurisdiction beyond the three-mile

limit, 1863 – 1871

FO 5/1235A Case of the Peterhoff, vol. 1. Trade between neutral ports. 1863

FO 5/1235B Case of the Peterhoff, vol. 2. Trade between neutral ports. 1863-1871

FO 5/1235C Case of the Peterhoff, vol. 3. Trade between neutral ports (claimants). 1863 -


FO 5/1236 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 1. Adam to Aitken 1861

FO 5/1237 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 2. Albert to Annette 1861

FO 5/1238 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 3. Annie to W. H. Aymer 1861

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FO 5/1239 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 4. Baker, E. to Berkley, J. 1862

FO 5/1240 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 5. Bermuda and F. Berry 1861

FO 5/1241 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 6. Betsey to T. Boyle 1863

FO 5/1242 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 7. Boyne to T. Byrne 1861

FO 5/1243 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 8. Binney and Crawford 1864

FO 5/1244 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 9. M Cahan to Castor 1862

FO 5/1245 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 10. O. Chapman to Circassian, etc.


FO 5/1246 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 11. Clyde to Cosmopolite 1862

FO 5/1247 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 12. Cotton Claims 1864

FO 5/1248 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 13. Cotton Loan, Bondholders

(Confederates), to JJ Craven 1861

FO 5/1249 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 14. Crenshaw to Cuzco 1861

FO 5/1250 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 15. Dart to P. Durkan 1862

FO 5/1251 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 16. Eagle to Elias Reid 1861

FO 5/1252 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 17. Eliza and Catharine to Excels ior


FO 5/1253 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 18. J. Firmin to J. Franklin 1861

FO 5/1254 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 19. Gertrude to Granite City 1861

FO 5/1255 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 20. B. Grant to W. Gunner 1863

FO 5/1256 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 21. R. Hall to Herald 1861

FO 5/1257 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 22. W. Heslop to Hilja 1861

FO 5/1258 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 23. Miss Hill to J. Hughes 1861

FO 5/1259 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 24. J. S. Iddeson and Isabelle

Thompson 1863

FO 5/1260 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 25. C. Jackson to J. Campbell 1861

FO 5/1261 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 26. J. Johnson to Juno 1861

FO 5/1262 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 27. Kate to K. King 1862

FO 5/1263 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 28. Lady Stirling to Rev.



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FO 5/1264 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 29. Lilla to Louisa Agnes 1861

FO 5/1265 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 30. J. Macaulay to A. Macfarlane


FO 5/1266 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 31. M. McFeely to T. McWatters


FO 5/1267 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 32. Madeira to M. Maury 1861

FO 5/1268 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 33. G. A. Mason 1864

FO 5/1269 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 34. Memphis, etc., and W. M.



FO 5/1270 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 35. Mersey to J. Mews 1862

FO 5/1271 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 36. W. Miller to H. Moore 1862

FO 5/1272 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 37. M. Perry to Miss Murray 1861

FO 5/1273 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 38. Napier to Might Hawk 1861

FO 5/1274 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 39. J. Noble to Nymph 1861

FO 5/1275 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 40. H. O’Brien to Orion 1861

FO 5/1276 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 41. C. Pacey to Captain Paulson


FO 5/1277 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 42. Perthshire [to Pollard] to

Pushmataha 1861

FO 5/1278 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 43. P. Quillan and T. Fitzpatrick


FO 5/1279 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 44. J. Rahming to Revere, etc. 1861

FO 5/1280 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 45. J. Riddle to A. Russel 1861

Spec. H. W. Roothe (Lieut)

FO 5/1281 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 46. St. George to E. Sewell 1862

Spec. Edward Ell Sewell

FO 5/1282 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 47. G. Shannon to Southport 1861

FO 5/1283 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 48. J. Stovin to S.G. Owens 1861

FO 5/1284 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 49. Messrs. Swallow to [Sweeney

to] Symmetry 1863

FO 5/1285 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 50. Tampico to W. Thompson 1862

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FO 5/1286 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 51. J. Tovel to W. Turner 1862

FO 5/1287 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 52. E. Tully and others 1864

FO 5/1288 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 53. A. Venables to Vixen 1862

FO 5/1289 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 54. Messsrs Wakefield to Will o’the

Wisp 1861

FO 5/1290 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 55. Wm. Arthur to W. Wilson, etc.


FO 5/1291 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 56. F. Wilson to Wynn, etc. 1861

FO 5/1292 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 57. William J. Leitch, Eagle,

Connet, etc. 1862

FO 5/1293 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 58. Julia, Morris, Mary Ellen, Pet,

etc. 1864

FO 5/1294 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 59. St. George, Anglia, Scotia,


etc. 1861

FO 5/1295 Claims arising out of the Civil War, vol. 60. Carrie Mair, Lote Hurley, etc.


FO 5/1296 Conferences at Washington, vol. 1. To Sir E. Thornton 1871

FO 5/1297 Conferences at Washington, vol. 2. From Sir E. Thornton 1871

FO 5/1298 Conferences at Washington, vol. 3. Sir J. Rose, Sir J. Macdonald, Lord

Tenterden, Miscellaneous 1870 - 1871

FO 5/1299 Conferences at Washington, vol. 4. To British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1300 Conferences at Washington, vol. 5. From British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1301 Conferences at Washington, vol. 6. From British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1302 Conferences at Washington, vol. 7. From British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1303 Conferences at Washington, vol. 8. From British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1304 Conferences at Washington, vol. 9. From British High Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1306 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 1. To British High



FO 5/1307 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 2. To British High



FO 5/1308 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 3. To British High

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FO 5/1309 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 4. To British High



FO 5/1310 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 5. Sir E Thornton, Sir J

Macdonald, American Commissioners 1871

FO 5/1311 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 6. Protocols, and Draft Treaty


FO 5/1312 Conferences at Washington, Archives, vol. 7. Rough Drafts of statements for

final protocol. vol. 1. 1871

FO 5/1313 Case of the Oreto or Florida, vol. 1. 1862

FO 5/1314 Case of the Oreto or Florida, vol. 2. 1864

FO 5/1315 Case of the Sumter or Gibraltar, vol. 1. 1861 – 1863

FO 5/1316 Case of the Sumter or Gibraltar, vol. 2. 1863 – 1871

FO 5/1317 Case of the Georgia at Liverpool 1864 – 1871

FO 5/1318 Case of the Alabama, vol. 1. 1862

FO 5/1319 Case of the Alabama, vol. 2. 1863

FO 5/1320 Case of the Alabama, vol. 3. 1863

FO 5/1321 Case of the Alabama, vol. 4. 1864

FO 5/1322 Case of the Alabama, vol. 5. 1864

FO 5/1323 Case of the Alabama, vol. 6. 1864

FO 5/1324 Case of the Alabama, vol. 7. 1865

FO 5/1325 Case of the Alabama, vol. 8. 1865

FO 5/1326 Case of the Alabama, vol. 9. 1866

FO 5/1327 Case of the Alabama, vol. 10. 1867

FO 5/1328 Case of the Alabama, vol. 11. 1868

FO 5/1329 Case of the Alabama, vol. 12. 1869

FO 5/1330 Case of the Alabama, vol. 13. 1869

FO 5/1331 Case of the Alabama, vol. 14. 1870

FO 5/1332 Case of the Alabama, vol. 15. 1871

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FO 5/1333 Case of the Virginia or Japan. 1863 - 1871

FO 5/1334 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 1. 1864

FO 5/1335 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 2. 1865

FO 5/1336 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 3. 1866

FO 5/1337 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 4. 1866

FO 5/1338 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 5. 1866

FO 5/1339 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 6. 1866

FO 5/1340 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 7. 1866

FO 5/1341 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 8. 1867

FO 5/1342 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 9. 1867

FO 5/1343 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 10. 1868

FO 5/1344 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 11. 1868

FO 5/1345 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 12. 1869

FO 5/1346 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 13. 1869

FO 5/1347 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 14. 1869

FO 5/1348 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 15. 1870

FO 5/1349 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 16. 1870

FO 5/1350 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 17. 1870

FO 5/1351 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 18. 1871

FO 5/1352 Hudson’s Bay Company, vol. 4. 1859

FO 5/1353 Hudson’s Bay Company, vol. 5. 1865

FO 5/1354 Hudson’s Bay Company, vol. 6. 1869 – 1870

FO 5/1355 Hudson’s Bay Company, vol. 7. 1871

FO 5/1356 Naturalization Treaty, vol. 1. 1868

FO 5/1357 Naturalization Treaty, vol. 2. 1869

FO 5/1358 To Sir E. Thornton, vol. 1. 1872

FO 5/1374 Consuls at Philadelphia, Portland, Kortright, Murray, Consular and

Commercial 1872

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FO 5/1375 Consuls at San Francisco, Savannah, Booker, Smith, Bennett, Consular

And Commercial 1872

FO 5/1376 Attaches, etc., Inglefield, Pakenham, Consular Domestic 1872

FO 5/1377 Domestic, General Schenck, Mr. Mohan, vol. 1. 1872

FO 5/1378 Domestic, General Schenck, Mr Mohan, vol. 2. 1872

FO 5/1279 Domestic various, vol. 1. 1872

FO 5/1280 Domestic various, vol. 2. 1872

FO 5/1281 Domestic various, vol. 3. 1872

FO 5/1282 Domestic various, vol. 4. 1872

FO 5/1283 Domestic various, vol. 5. 1872

FO 5/1284 Case of the Shenandoah, vol. 1. 1864

FO 5/1285 Case of the Shenandoah, vol. 2. 1865

FO 5/1286 Case of the Shenandoah, vol. 3. 1865

FO 5/1287 Case of the Shenandoah, vol. 4. 1865

FO 5/1288 Case of the Shenandoah, vol. 5. 1871

FO 5/1289 Cases of the Maury and America. 1855

FO 5/1390 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 1. 1871

FO 5/1391 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 2. 1871

FO 5/1392 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 3. 1872

FO 5/1393 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 4. 1872

FO 5/1394 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 5. 1872

FO 5/1395 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 6. 1872

FO 5/1396 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 7. 1872

FO 5/1397 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 8. 1872

FO 5/1398 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 9. 1872

FO 5/1399 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 10. 1872

FO 5/1400 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 11. 1872

FO 5/1401 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 12. 1872

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FO 5/1402 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 13. 1872

FO 5/1403 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 14. 1872

FO 5/1404 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 15. 1872

FO 5/1405 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 16. 1872

FO 5/1406 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 17. 1872

FO 5/1407 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 18. 1872

FO 5/1408 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 19. 1872

FO 5/1409 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 20. 1872

FO 5/1410 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 1. Agrippina 1872

FO 5/1411 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 2. Ajax, Alar 1872

FO 5/1412 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 3. Atlanta, Bahamas, Bermuda 1872

FO 5/1413 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 4. City of Richmond, Edith 1872

FO 5/1414 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 5. Georgia, Georgina, Hawk, Hercules


FO 5/1415 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 6. Louisa Ann Fanny, Laurel, Phantom

Shenandoah 1872

FO 5/1416 Geneva Arbitration, Log Books, Vol. 7. Southerner, Virginia 1872

FO 5/1417 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 1. Lord Tenterden, from Mr. Bancroft



FO 5/1418 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 2. To Lord Tenterden 1872

FO 5/1419 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 3. From Lord Tenterden 1872

FO 5/1420 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 4. From Lord Tenterden 1872

FO 5/1421 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 5. From Lord Tenterden 1872

FO 5/1422 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 6. To Misc. and Register 1871-1872

FO 5/1423 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 7. Various memoranda 1862

FO 5/1424 Geneva Arbitration, Archives, vol. 8. Arbitrators, and US. Agency 1871-72

FO 5/1425 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 9. Copies of full powers, drafts of counter-case


FO 5/1426 Geneva Arbitration, vol. 10. Revised drafts of counter-case 1872

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FO 5/1427 Fenian Brotherhood, vol. 19. 1872

FO 5/1428 Sir E. Thornton. Drafts 1873

FO 5/1429 Sir E. Thornton. Drafts 1873

FO 5/1430 Sir E. Thornton. Despatches 1873

FO 5/1431 Sir E. Thornton. Despatches 1873

FO 5/1432 Sir E. Thornton. Despatches 1873

FO 5/1433 Sir E. Thornton. Despatches 1873

FO 5/1569 North American Fisheries. Reciprocity Treaty. Vol. 13. 1876

FO 5/1570 Treaty of Washington. Three Rules. 1871

FO 5/1571 Abduction of John Blair 1876

FO 5/1572 Abduction of John Blair 1876

FO 5/1573 To Sir E. Thornton, Mr. Plunkett. vol. 1. 1877

FO 5/1574 To Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Drummond, Sir E. Thornton, vol. 2. 1877

FO 5/1575 Sir E. Thornton, vol. 1. 1877

FO 5/1576 Sir E. Thornton, vol. 2. 1877

FO 5/1577 Sir E. Thornton, Mr. Plunkett, vol. 3. 1877

FO 5/1578 Mr. Plunkett, vol. 4. 1877

FO 5/1579 Mr. Plunkett, vol. 5. 1877

FO 5/1580 Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Drummond, Sir E. Thornton, vol. 6. 1877

FO 5/1581 Sir E. Thornton, vol. 7. 1877

FO 5/1582 To Sir E. Thornton, Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Drummond, Consular, Drafts 1877

FO 5/1583 Sir E. Thornton, Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Drummond, Consular, Despatches 1877

FO 83/288 Nationality Cases 1863

FO 83/289 Miscellaneous 1868

FO 83/290 Miscellaneous 1868

FO 83/291 Miscellaneous, Consular 1868

FO 83/292 Miscellaneous, Consular 1868

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FO 83/293 Circulars to Ministers and Consuls abroad 1868

FO 83/295 Technical and industrial education; American, Austria, Bavaria etc. 1867

FO 83/298 Printed books

FO 83/300 Distressed British subjects (answers to circular of 8 Jan 1868) 1868

FO 83/1998 Consular Exequaturs 1864

FO 83/1999 Consular Exequaturs 1868

FO 83/2211 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1861

FO 83/2212 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1861

FO 83/2213 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1862

FO 83/2214 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1862

FO 83/2215 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1862

FO 83/2216 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1863

FO 83/2217 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1863

FO 83/2218 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1863

FO 83/2219 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1863

FO 83/2220 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1864

FO 83/2221 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1864

FO 83/2222 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1864

FO 83/2223 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1865

FO 83/2224 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1865

FO 83/2225 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1866

FO 83/2226 Law Officers’ Reports, America, US 1869

FO 115 Foreign Office: Embassy and Consulates, United States of America: General

Correspondence, 1791-1967 (specif ic to 115/271 – 115/449)

FO 115/48 To Consuls, to United States Government, and to and from Foreign Office,


FO 117 Foreign Office: Consulates, United States of America: Register of

Correspondence, 1816 – 1929

FO 198/21 American Civil War, 1862-1868 (printed multi-volume)

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FO 281 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America: General

Correspondence, 1816 – 1911

FO 282/6, 8, 10, 11, 12 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America:

Letter Books, 1842 – 1894

FO 283 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America: Register of

Correspondence, 1847 – 1911

FO 284 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America: Shipping

Records, 1787 – 1907

FO 285 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America:

Miscellanea, 1834 – 1901

FO 333 Foreign Office: Consulate, New York, United States of America:

Miscellanea, 1791 – 1913

FO 366/466 Passport Fund: Monthly and Annual Accounts 1860

FO 366/281 Passports: Monthly Accounts

FO 391 Hammond Paper

FO 391/1 No description available

FO 391/2 From Sir R. Alcock 1868

FO 391/3 No description available

FO 391/4 From Lord Clarendon 1856

FO 391/5 From Lord Cowley 1860

FO 391/6 To and from Lord Cowley 1864

FO 391/7 No description available

FO 391/8 From Mr. D. B. Robertson 1861

FO 391/9 From Mr. D. B. Robertson 1866

FO 391/10 From Mr. D. B. Robertson 1870

FO 391/11 From Mr. D. B. Robertson 1872

FO 391/12 From Mr. D. B. Robertson 1873

FO 391/13 From Lord Lyons 1866

FO 391/14 From Sir H. Parkes 1866

FO 391/15 From Sir H. Parkes 1866

FO 414/17 Civil War in the United States. Correspondence 1860 – 1862

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FO 414/18 Civil War in the United States. Correspondence 1862

FO 414/19 Civil War in the United States. Correspondence 1862

FO 414/20 Blockade of the ports of the Confederate States. Papers. Part I, 1861 – 1862

FO 414/21 Blockade of the ports of the Confederate States. Papers. Part II, 1862 – 1863

FO 414/22 Mexico correspondence. Part I, 1861 - 1862

FO 414/23 Mexico correspondence. Part II, 1862

FO 414/24 Mexico correspondence. Part III, 1862

FO 414/25 Mexico correspondence. Part IV, 1862

FO 414/26 Interference with trade between New York and the Bahamas. Correspondence


FO 414/27 Attacks on St. Albans, Vermont; and the Naval Force in the North American

Lakes. Correspondence. 1864

FO 414/28 British North American Fisheries. Correspondence. 1865

FO 414/29 Settlement of claims against Great Britain arising out of the Civil War in the

United States. Correspondence. 1866

FO 581 Foreign Office: Consulate, New Orleans, United States of America: General

Correspondence and Various Registers, 1850 – 1938

FO 611/1-15 Index to names of Passport holders 1851 - 1888

FO 701 Foreign Office: Consulate, Galveston, United States of America: General

Correspondence and Registers of Correspondence, Births and Deaths, 1838 –


FO 703 Foreign Office: Consulate, Baltimore, United States of America: Registers of

Correspondence and Letter Books, 1821 – 1951

FO 800/924 American Civil War: seizure of British vessels, 1862 – 1864; 1915

FO 881/959 UNITED STATES: Proclamation. Neutrality of Great Britain in dispute


Northern and Southern States. 1861

FO 881/993 UNITED STATES: Corres. Seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. “Trent”


FO 881/994 UNITED STATES: Corres. Seizure of United States’ Citizens on board

“Eugenia Smith.” “James Campbell” and “Adeline” 1861

FO 881/995 UNITED STATES: Desp. “Trent.” Obstructions to Entrance of Harbours of

Southern States.

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FO 881/996 UNITED STATES: Letter. To Public Offices. Regulations for Ships of War

or Privateers of Belligerents in ports or waters subject to British

Jurisdiction… 1862

FO 881/1038 UNITED STATES: Article. “Trent” “Gazette des Tribunaux” 1861

FO 881/1039 UNITED STATES: Corres. International Mar itime Law. Appendix, 1856 –

57, 1861

FO 881/1040 UNITED STATES: Seizure of Messrs. Mason &c on board the Trent 1861

FO 881/1041 UNITED STATES: Corres. Withdrawal of Consul R. Bunch’s Exequatur,

Part 1, 1861

FO 881/1042 UNITED STATES: Letter. Seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. (Mr.

Seward to Mr. Lyons) 1861

FO 881/1043 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Nashville” 1861

FO 881/1044 UNITED STATES: Desp. Seizure of Messrs Mason and Slidell. Reply to Mr.

Seward 1861

FO 881/1045 UNITED STATES: Report. Messrs Mason and Slidell. Law officers on

Mr. Seward’s letter 1861

FO 881/1047 UNITED STATES: Corres. Civil War in the United States. Part 1. 1860 –


FO 881/1048 UNITED STATES: Corres. Civil War in the United States. Part 2.

FO 881/1114 UNITED STATES. Memo. Affairs in the United States. Abolition of Slavery.

With appendices.

FO 881/1115 UNITED STATES. Memo. Affairs in the United States. Abolition of Slavery.

With appendices.

FO 881/1132 UNITED STATES. Corres. Civil War in the United States. Part 3.

FO 881/1049 UNITED STATES: Corres. Blockade of ports of Confederate States. Part 1.

1861 – 1862

FO 881/1161 UNITED STATES: Desp. Interference of United States with Trade with West

Indies. (To Lord Lyons) 1862

FO 881/1163 UNITED STATES: Corres. Blockade of ports of Confederate States. Part 2.

FO 881/1050 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Nashville” and “Tuscarora” at Southampton


FO 881/1051 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Nashville” and “Tuscarora” at Southampton

FO 881/1052 UNITED STATES: Corres. Withdrawl of Consul R. Bunch’s Exequatur, Part

1, 1861-1862

FO 881/1053 UNITED STATES: Corres. Messrs. Mason, Slidell, McFarland, and Eustis.

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“Trent” 1861

FO 881/1079 UNITED STATES: Memo. “Caroline.” Despatches on Neutral Ship but


From Ambassador to Enemy State 1861

FO 881/1080 UNITED STATES: Instructions. Hostilities in the United States. (To Lord

Lyons) 1861

FO 881/1081 UNITED STATES: Decision. Blockade of United States’ Ports. (Judge J.

Dunlop) 1861

FO 881/1082 UNITED STATES: Corres. Imprisonment of Mr. Shaver 1861

FO 881/1093 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Emilie St. Pierre” 1862

FO 881/1103 UNITED STATES: Report. United States’ Civil War. (Mr. H. P. Anderson)


FO 881/1139 UNITED STATES: Regulations. Mixed Courts. Suppression of Slave Trade


FO 881/1154 UNITED STATES: Corres. Seizure of British Schooner “Will o’ the Wisp”


United States’ Ship of War 1862

FO 881/1162 UNITED STATES: Corres. Interference with Trade between New York and



FO 881/1165 UNITED STATES: Correspondence respecting interference with trade


New York and the Bahamas

FO 881/1169 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Peterhoff.” Treatment of Public Mails 1863

FO 881/1174 UNITED STATES: Letter. Iron-Clad Vessels launched at Liverpool. (Mr.



FO 881/1175 UNITED STATES: Letter. To Treasury. Detention of Iron-Clad Vessels at

Liverpool 1863

FO 881/1179 UNITED STATES: Memo. Conduct pursued by United States with regard to

Privateers, &c., during War

FO 881/1180 UNITED STATES: Memo. General Principles involved in Discussions


Great Britain and United States

FO 881/1196 UNITED STATES: Papers. Position of British Subjects in, and Expulsion of

British Consular Officers from the so-called Confederate States of N.A.

FO 881/1200 UNITED STATES: Corres. Iron-Clad Vessels building at Messrs. Laird’s

Yard At Birkenhead. Part 1. 1863

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FO 881/1193 UNITED STATES: Corres. Iron-Clad Vessels building at Messrs. Laird’s


At Birkenhead. Part 2. 1863

FO 881/1195 UNITED STATES: Corres. Iron-Clad Vessels building at Messrs. Laird’s


At Birkenhead. Part 3. 1863

FO 881/1205 UNITED STATES: Memo. Foreign Enlistment Act. (Duke of Argyll)

FO 881/1239 UNITED STATES: Papers. Seizure of United States’ S.S. “Chesapeake”


FO 881/1240 UNITED STATES: Memo. “Alabama” (Duke of Argyll) 1864

FO 881/1245 UNITED STATES: Return. Claims of British Subjects against United States

from commencement of the Civil War to March 1864

FO 881/1246 UNITED STATES: Corres. Removal of British Consuls from Confederate

States 1863

FO 881/1247 UNITED STATES: Corres. With Agents of Confederate Government in


Britain 1863

FO 881/1254 UNITED STATES: Report. Naval Resources of United States. (Capt. J. G.

Goodenough, R.N.) 1864

FO 881/1280 UNITED STATES: Letter. To Public Offices. Regulations for Ships of War


Privateers of Belligerents in Ports or Waters subject to British Jurisdiction


FO 881/1281 UNITED STATES: Corres. Purchase of “Rappahannock” from HMG by

Agents of Confederate States 1863

FO 881/1282 UNITED STATES: Notification. Exclusion of Belligerent Ships of War from

British Ports for purpose of being dismantled or sold 1864

FO 881/1300 UNITED STATES: Memo. Iron-Clads at Birkenhead. (Earl Russell)

FO 881/1331 UNITED STATES: Extract. Claims arising out of Confederate Cruisers fitted

out in Great Br itain. Port 1864

FO 881/1332 UNITED STATES: Corres. Demand of United States for Extradition of St.

Alban’s Raiders

FO 881/1344 UNITED STATES: Corres. Attack on St Alban’s, Vermont, and Naval Force

in North American Lakes 1864

FO 881/1351 UNITED STATES: Memo. Conduct of United States towards Spain and


During Revolt of Spanish American Provinces

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FO 881/1358 UNITED STATES: Proclamations. 1. Closing Ports of Virginia, N. and S.

Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana and Texas 1865

FO 881/1359 UNITED STATES: Letter. To Public Offices. Admission of Belligerent ships

of war into ports of United Kingdom and Colonies 1865

FO 881/1361 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Alabama” &c. (Earl Russell and Mr. Adams)

FO 881/1362 UNITED STATES: Desp. Ravages committed by Confederate Navy 1865

FO 881/1364 UNITED STATES: Letter. To Public Offices. Treatment of Confederate

Vessels of War in British Ports

FO 881/1385 UNITED STATES: Corres. Claims for Injuries to American Commerce

during Civil War by Confederate Vessels fitted out in British Ports 1865

FO 881/1386 UNITED STATES: Instructions. To British Naval Officers. Privateers.

FO 881/1387 UNITED STATES: Memorial. From Liverpool Merchants, and Reply.


Enlistment Act.

FO 881/1394 UNITED STATES: Memo. Relations between Great Britain and her North

American Colonies previous to Revolution

FO 881/1395 UNITED STATES: Corres. Claims arising out of captures made by

“Alabama” and “Shenandoah.” Two mema. Annexed 1865

FO 881/1395A UNITED STATES: Memo. Representations made by Mr. Adams of Breaches

of Neutrality during the Civil War

FO 881/1395B UNITED STATES: Memo. Measures of Coercion adopted by Great Britain

during her contest with the North

FO 881/1447 UNITED STATES: Memo. I. “Alabama.” II. American and British Civil


Claims. (Mr. C. S. A. Abbott)

FO 881/1460 UNITED STATES: Account. Conduct of British authorities at Melbourne


Vis it of “Shenandoah”

FO 881/1461 UNITED STATES: Note form Mr. Adams forwarding despatch from his

Government, on subject of claims arising out of depredations committed by


“Senator”, “Alabama” &c.

FO 881/1495 UNITED STATES: Memo. Proposed answer to United States. “Alabama”

&c. (Mr. W. E. Gladstone) 1865

FO 881/1496 UNITED STATES: Memo. Proposed answer to United States, “Alabama”

&c. (Earl Russell) 1865

FO 881/1497 UNITED STATES: Draft. Despatch to Sir F. Bruce. “Alabama”

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FO 881/1498 UNITED STATES: Corres. Arrival of “Shenandoah” at Liverpool 1865

FO 881/1504 UNITED STATES: Corres. Settlement of Claims against Great Britain

arising out of Civil War in United States 1866

FO 881/1508 Memo. United States’ “Alabama” Claims. Appendix. (Mr. C. S. A. Abbott)


FO 881/1541 UNITED STATES: Memo. Claim of United States’ Government under 3rd

Article of Treaty of Washington

FO 881/1570 - UNITED STATES: Corres. Termination of Reciprocity Treaty of June 5,

1854 through

FO 881/1570X

FO 881/1608 UNITED STATES: Report from Law Officers on claims arising out of Civil


FO 881/1620 UNITED STATES: Memo. “Alabama” and other claims (Mr. C.S.A. Abbott)

FO 881/1636 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Alabama,” British Claims, Naturalization, and

San Juan Water Boundary. 1868

FO 881/1680 UNITED STATES: List. Claims filed by British Subjects at H.M. Legation at

Washington 1861

FO 881/1736 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Alabama” Claims. (L.G., Dec. 24, 1869) 1869

FO 881/1921 UNITED STATES: Corres. Proposed Treaty on Naturalization

FO 881/1956 UNITED STATES: Protocol. Naturalization

FO 881/1957 UNITED STATES: Draft. Treaty. North-West Boundary 1868

FO 881/1958 UNITED STATES: Draft. Convention. Settlement of Claims

FO 881/1959 UNITED STATES: Convention, &c. Settlement of Claims

FO 881/1960 UNITED STATES: Draft. Convention. Settlement of Claims 1868

FO 881/1991 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Springbok” 1863

FO 881/1996 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Bermuda” 1861

FO 881/1997 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Sumter” (or “Gibraltar”) 1861

FO 881/1998 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Hector” 1862

FO 881/1999 UNITED STATES: “Nashville” 1861

FO 881/2000 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Alabama” 1862

FO 881/2001 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Phantom” 1863

FO 881/2002 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Amphion” 1863

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FO 881/2003 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Southerner” 1863

FO 881/2004 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Georgiana” 1863

FO 881/2006 UNITED STATES: Corres. Iron-Clad Vessels built at Messrs. Laird’s Yard

At Birkenhead 1863

FO 881/2007 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Rappahannock” 1863

FO 881/2009 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Hawk” 1864

FO 881/2010 UNITED STATES: Corres.”City of Richmond” 1865

FO 881/2011 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Florida” 1862

FO 881/2012 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Canton” (or “Pampero”) 1863

FO 881/2013 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Virginia” and “Louisa Anne Fanny” 1865

FO 881/2015 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Ajax” and “Hercules” 1865

FO 881/2048 UNITED STATES: Message. Export of Articles Contraband of War for use


French Army in Mexico 1862

FO 881/2050 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Georgia” and “Florida” in French Ports 1863

FO 881/2065 UNITED STATES: Corres: “Tallahassee” 1864

FO 881/2066 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Chickamauga” 1864

FO 881/2067 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Lord Clyde” 1863

FO 881/2068 UNITED STATES: Instructions. To Governor of Victoria. Reception of

Belligerent Cruisers, Observance of Neutrality 1861

FO 881/2071 UNITED STATES: Corres. “Retribution” 1863

FO 881/2097 UNITED STATES: Corres. Between United States and other countries.

Confederate Cruiser “Alabama”

FO 881/2099 UNITED STATES: Corres. Sale of Vessels belonging to British Navy 1863

FO 881/2100 UNITED STATES: Return. Visits of United States’ Ships of War to British

Ports during the American Civil War 1871

FO 881/2290 UNITED STATES: Papers. Headland Question and Three-Mile Limit. (Mr.

T. H.

Farrer and Mr. F. S. Reill...) 1863

FO 881/4961X UNITED STATES: Memo by Lord Chancellor. Stoppage of the “Trent” and

Seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, &c.

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ADM Records of the Admiralty, Naval Forces, Royal Marines, Coast Guard, and

related bodies

ADM 121 Admiralty and Minitsry of Defence: Mediterranean Station: Correspondence


Papers, 1843 – 1968, 104 files and volumes

ADM 121/64 American Civil War, 1861 – 1865.

ADM 128/56-60 Admiralty: North America and West Indies Station: Correspondence,

Reports And Memoranda, 1810 – 1913, 153 files and volumes.

ADM1/5819, 5820, 5821, 5851 Admiralty correspondence related to Milne.

TS Records created or inherited by the Treasury Solicitor and HM Procurator

General’s Department

TS 18/275 Whitley, E. v. Forget, C: Liverpool Cotton Famine Relief Fund. 1862 – 1868

TS 25/1346 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: Directions forbidding any ship of war of either

belligerent to be brought into a British port to be dismantled or sold, Aug. 26,


TS 25/1234 THE UNITED STATES: Deliberate attempt to establish, within the limits of


United Kingdom, a system… 1863

TS 25/1243 STEAMER ALEXANDRIA: Seizure of ship by the Officers of Customs for a

Breach of the Foreign Establishment 1863

TS 25/1244 STEAMER ALEXANDRIA: Proposed simultaneous action of the United



TS 25/1246 STEAMER ALEXANDRIA: As to completion of the vessel Alexandria

TS 25/1247 STEAMER ALEXANDRIA: Alleged owners of the vessel being allowed to

Inspect the documents which led to… 1863

TS 25/1252 STEAMER ALEXANDRIA: Further case 1863

TS 25/1256 VESSEL WARD JACKSON: Possible prosecution of the master 1863

TS 25/1259 STEAMER PHANTOM: Seizure of steamer in course of construction at

Liverpool, with further papers 1863

TS 25/1263 VESSEL WARD JACKSON: Further case 1863

TS 25/1267 FOREIGN INVESTMENT ACT 1819: Enlistment of men in Leeds for the

army of the United States.

TS 25/1269 COURTS OF UNITED STATES: Proposed act for taking the evidence...


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TS 25/1270 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Possible prosecution of builders of

steam ram at Birkenhead 1863

TS 25/1274 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Steam ram at Birkenhead: further

case 1863

TS 25/1282 CONFEDERATE STEAMER FLORIDA: Whether the crew should be

proceeded against, with further papers 1863

TS 25/1284 CONFEDERATE STEAMER FLORIDA: To determine if crewmembers


all British subjects with copy crew…. 1863

TS 25/1285 STEAM RAMS, BIRKENHEAD: Seizure of iron clad ships, from Messrs



TS 25/1286 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Notice to British subjects 1863

TS 25/1292 IRON CLAD SHIPS: Vessels under seizure: to determine their destination

and ownership 1863

TS 25/1296 IRON CLADS AT LIVERPOOL: Insurance of iron clad vessels at Liverpool


TS 25/1301 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Enlistment of British subjects for

service in the Rappahannock 1863

TS 25/1302 SHIPS DEPARTURE: Outfitting and departure from Sheerness of the

Rappahannock 1864

TS 25/1304 BREECHES OF NEUTRALITY: Breaches of neutrality toward the United

States 1864

TS 25/1309 EXTRADITION: Extradition of certain subjects of the United States for



TS 25/1314 EXTRADITION: Further case 1864

TS 25/1323 Foreign Enlistments: Proceedings against officers of the Kearsarge 1864

TS 25/1332 EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES: Warning note against

recruitment for military service 1864

TS 25/1333 THE GEORGIA: Request for confederate cruiser to leave Liverpool

TS 25/1337 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Foreign enlistment by British subjects


TS 25/1346 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: Directions forbidding any ship of war of either

belligerent to be brought into a … 1864

TS 25/1355 FOREIGN ENLISMENT ACT 1819: Agent in London for enlisting recruits

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for the federal army in America… 1864

TS 25/1357 R v RUMBLE: The outfitting of the Rappahannock: further case 1864

TS 25/1360 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Legality of the detention of the Great

Western and if it should be cont… 1864

TS 25/1366 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: In the matter of Shaw Martin and

others with copy letters 1864

TS 25/1380 FOREIGN ENLISTMENT ACT 1819: Persons taken in the Great Western to

New York, with a view to enlistment 1865



Committed under escheated recognizance 1865

TS 25/1424 ALEXANDRA AND STEAM RAMS: Liability of HM Government to pay

Claims of the American consul at Liverpool 1865

WO Records created or inherited by the War Office, Armed Forces, Judge Advocate

General, and related bodies

WO 28/348 Bermuda: maintenance of independence during American Civil War;

Strength of

Island defences, 1865 – 1869

RAIL Records of the pre-nationalisation railway companies, pre-nationalisation canal

and related companies, the London Passenger Transport Board, and successors

RAIL 667/590 Forty-two collector’s booklets for subscriptions in aid to destitute Lancashire

Cotton workers, unable to work through shortage caused by ACW, 1862

MT Records created or inherited by the Transport Departments and of related

bodies, and of the London Passenger Transport Board

MT 9/14 Registry of ships. Questions of ownership and nationality aris ing from

transfer of

American vessels to British Registry owing to ACW, 1861

MT 10/8 Emigration to United States of America. New Regulations. Year?

CUST Records of the Board of Customs, Excise, and Customs and Excise

CUST 33/252 American Civil War: Bermuda case, 1862

CO Records of the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Common

Wealth Offices, Empire Marketing, Correspondence with the colonies, entry

books and registers of correspondence: CANADA, formerly British North

America, Secretary of State

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CO 42/629 Offices: Admiralty, Council, Foreign, Home and Colonial Land and



CO 318/239 Immigration: Offices and Individuals, covering date 1861

CO 318/235 Correspondence, original – Secretary of State

CO 318/237 Correspondence, original – Secretary of State

CO 318/243 Correspondence, original – Secretary of State

Co 318/244 Correspondence, original – Secretary of State

Royal Society, Burlington House

Letters and Papers Collection. Sabine, General Sir Edward – 45 letters from American

Correspondents and 5 papers on American subjects (Civil War).

Salop Record Office, Shire Hall, Shrewsbury

Marrington Collection. Papers of Lewis R. Price. 1833 – 70: references to the effects of the

blockade of American Ports during Civil War.

National Archives of Scotland, HM General Register House, Edinburgh

1) Ref # RH, 1/2/698, letter form Margaret Sturrock, Dec. 15, 1862

2) Ref # GD364/1/675, item 20(1)(2) – letter from G.R. Hope, Nassau, New

Providence, 1861

National Library of Scotland

1) Tweeddale Muniments/ Yester Papers (0439), confirmed as MS 14467, folios 40 to


2) Letter from John Bigelow, President of the New York Pubic Library

3) Sherman, to Sir John Rose, Dublin 1872

4) Ref. 20362, correspondence of Francis G. Richards

5) Ref. 20366, letters to Anne Richards

Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge (copy obtained from

Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney Australia)

1) Lefroy Bequest (1941) Letters, Journals. 1814 – 1870

2) Journal of Lady Jane Franklin - Travel journal, Vol. 4, 1 July – 12 Sept. 1861,

Mitchell Library (Ref. # MS 248/124)

Sheffield Archives

1) Wharncliffe Muniments Wh. M. 460

2) Three Asline Ward letters, Wos. R. 179 –14, 16, 17

3) Transcripts from Southern Independence Assoc., Wharncliffe Muniments

Shetland Archives, Scotland

1) D.9/117 - Letters addressed to Peter Jamieson, 1975, and Arthur Cheyne, native of

Eshaness, a soldier in the Confederate Army during the ACW.

Shropshire Research and Records Centre

The Marrrington Collection, a catalogue of letters

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Southwark Local Studies Library

1) Southwark and Bermondsey Recorder, 11/04/1903 – ‘Civil War Veterans in


2) Southwark and Bermondsey Recorder, 24/10/1903 – ‘Missionary Labours in

Bermondsey – Twenty Six Years Efforts’

Stockport Archive Service, Heritage Library, Stockport

1) D.136 - 7 - Newspaper cuttings from the North Cheshire Herald relating to the Civil

War, including letters/debate by Thomas Bentley Kershaw of the Southern

Independence Association and Edward Owen Greening of the Union and

Emancipation Society.

2) Miscellaneous editorials from The Stockport and Cheshire County News regarding T.

B. Kershaw and his lectures on southern independence from G.W. and H. Lee

3) TB Kershaw editorial to Stockport and Cheshire County News, Feb 25, 1864.

4) Miscellaneous papers from T. B. Kershaw: ‘Stonewall Jackson,’ ‘The Picket on the

Potomac’ and MS ‘The American Question’.

5) Two Articles on the Cotton Trade (unknown publication / date); notice of lecture by

the Union and Emancipation Society, delivered by Mr. J. C. Edwards of Manchester.

6) Numerous handwritten notes by T. B. Kershaw

7) Editorial: T. B. Kershaw Vs. J. D. Morton, Stockport and Cheshire News, May 20th –

June 1863 (includes a ‘Stonewall’ Jackson article from a Times’ Southern


8) Account of T. B. Kershaw Lecture ‘Sympathy for the South’.

9) Joseph Barker lecture announcement ‘Is Secession Right’ and T. B. Kershaw lecture:

‘The American War: its influence on the cotton trade of this district, and Negro

emancipation the certain consequence of southern independence.’

10) T. B. Kershaw Lecture: ‘Southern Independence’

11) Copy of petition to Gov’t from Stockport; newspaper clipping ‘The Raid Across the


12) More letters to the editor of the Stockport and Cheshire County News re: T. B.

Kershaw (from W. M. White & Anonymous); and one from T. B. Kershaw

13) Misc. T. B. Kershaw MSS

14) ‘Manchester Southern Club’ meeting (incl. T. B. Kershaw)

15) Editorial by TB Kershaw from the Stockport and Cheshire County News ‘What Are

We Paying For Cotton’

16) Many miscellaneous MSS by T. B. Kershaw of unknown date

University of Strathclyde

Graham, Barbara, ‘Scottish Society and the American Civil War,” Ph.D. thesis (MS 15/258).

Ordered from Dundee University, sent from University of Strathclyde.

East Sussex Record Office

Letters of Grace Cox (neé Mighell) and Joseph Mighell

Library of the Society of Friends, Friends House, London

Official Manuscript Records:

1.) London Yearly Meeting: Epistles Received

2.) London Yearly Meeting: Christian and Brotherly Advices

3.) Miscellaneous Correspondence and Documents – John Greenleaf Whittier and Elihu

Burritt, letters to Henry Richard re: Civil War

Sussex Archaeological Society, Barbican House, Lewes

Gage Papers, 1740-1874: American Estate Affairs, between Gage and the Kemble Family.

1791-1870. Discussions on the financial prospects of the American market and the Civil War.

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Stockport Archive Service, Heritage Library, Stockport

D.136-7, newspaper cuttings in 2 volumes, relating to the Civil War, including many letters

by Thomas Bentley Kershaw, 1861 – 1865.

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives

Rev. Dan Greatorex MSS

Trinity College Library, Cambridge University

From the Houghton Papers:

1) Ref. Houghton 3[162] – letter from John Bright to Milnes

2) Ref. Houghton CA9 [66], [70], [73], [76], [77] – from Richard Monckton Milnes to

Sir Charles J. MacCarthy

3) Ref. Houghton 44[105] – from Charles J. MacCarthy to Milnes

4) Ref. Houghton CB270/5[2] & [19] - from George B Buckley Matthew to Milnes

5) Ref. Houghton EC 25[1] – J. R. Ingersoll of Philadelphia to Milnes

6) Ref. Houghton CB36 / 2[3] – Henry A. Br ight to Milnes

7) Ref. Houghton CB36 / 2[2] – from C. E. Norton to Henry Bright

8) Ref. Houghton 11[139] – from Nathaniel Hawthorne to Henry Bright

The Library, University College

Brougham, Henry Peter (1778-1868). Letters with British correspondents discussing

American affairs: 1862-65.

University of Edinburgh

1.) Robert Botsford, Ph.D. MSS 1955, ‘Scotland and the American Civil War’

2.) Lorraine Peters, ‘Scotland and the American Civil War: A Local Perspective’ (Ph.D.

MSS, 1999)

University of Glasgow

1.) Robert LeBaron Bingham, ‘The Glasgow Emancipation Society, 1833-76’ (M.Lit.

MSS, 1973)

2.) Robert Napier, marine engineer: letters from Robert Napier, Sr., David Napier and

other family members, with lists of vessels and engines, indentures, certificates, press

cuttings, 1814-74 (DC90 (add))

3.) Simons-Lobnitz Ltd, shipbuilders, Renfrew: records (UGD 356)

4.) Greenock Dockyard Co Ltd, shipbuilders: records (UGD 360)

University of Keele

Frank Hughes, ‘Liverpool and the Confederate States’, (M.Phil. MSS, 1998)

University of Liverpool

Margaret Wendy Corke, ‘Birmingham and the American Civil War’ (M.A. MSS, 1963)

University of Leeds

D. G. Wright, ‘Politics and Opinion in Nineteenth Century Bradford, 1832-1880’ (Ph.D MSS


University of Reading

Thomas Keiser, ‘The English Press and the American Civil War’ (Ph.D MSS, 1971)

University of Southampton

Lord Palmerston, Henry John Temple MSS

National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth

Page 43: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

Papers of Sir George Cornewall Lewis

University of Wales, Bangor, Wales

1) MSS 18896 – letter by Pvt. Robert Davis, Co. F, 25th Reg’t Iowa Vol. Infantry to his

parents at Long Creek Iowa Welsh Settlement.

2) MSS 2854 – Journals and letters of Griffith Evans, pp 63-84: account of his visit to the

Northern Army.

Warwick County Record Office, Priory Park, Warwick

All letters to Admiral Sir George Francis Seymour (except where noted):

Ref. CR114A / 533/ 20

1) James Connolly, Paris, 28 March 186(0?).

2) James Connolly, Richmond, Va., 26 March 1861

Ref. CR114A / 533/ 21

1) James Connolly, Montreal, 4 July 1861

Ref. CR114A / 533/ 23

1) J. L. Wistar to Maj. Gen John H Dix, Yorktown, Va., 15 April 1864

2) E. Cunard, New York, 22 April 1864

3) James Connolly, Washington, 2 May 1864

4) Illegible (10 Eaton Square, SW, London), 9 May 1864

5) James Connolly, Montreal, 24 May 1864

6) E. Cunard, New York, 7 June 1864

7) James Connolly, Chicago, 13 Sept. 1864

8) Enclosure to ‘The Lord Somerhill’

Wellcome Institute/ Trust

1) Sir Harriet Verney letter from Florence Nightingale, MS 8999/24

2) The Lancet, Sept. 29, 1877, vol. 2, pp 479 & 521 – obit. of Charles Mayo.

3) British Medical Journal, vol. 2 for 1877, p 462 – obit. of Charles Mayo.

4) DNB 1912 – 1921 for Sir Charles Wyndham.

5) Journal of Medical Biography, Aug. 2000, Vol. 8, Num. 3, Sir Charles Wyndham.

West Sussex Record Office, Chichester

Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, MSS

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Wakefield

1) Ref C3/1/0 – letters of Mary Wilson, written from Dexter and North Aurealis, 1862-


2) Ref WYP1/A139/6 – Examination Book [Joseph Taylor]

Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office

Two letters by Edward Best to his aunt Sophia, 1861 (MS 2536/10)

East Riding of Yorkshire Archive Office

Eckles family genealogy by Hannah Wetherbee (condensed copy)

West Yorkshire Record Office, Central Library, Huddersfield, Kirklees

Ref. DD/BE 1- 6, Beaumont Letters 1861- 65


Diary of Edward Merrill, Musician. Complete with transcription and Roster of Ohio Soldiers.

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Papers relating to the blockade of the ports of the Confederate States. [microform] May 1861

to [February 1863] Micro-opaque. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1962. – 9 [London, s.n.,


Parliamentary Papers, 1863, Commons, LXXII, ‘Correspondence with Mr. Adams respecting

enlistment of British Subjects.’

Parliamentary Papers, 1864, Commons, LXII, ‘Correspondence respecting the Enlistment of

British seamen at Queenstown’ and ‘Further Correspondence. And ‘Correspondence

respecting the Enlistment of British subjects in the United States Army’ and further


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US Primary Sources


Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery

James W. Beer MSS

University of Alabama, W. S. Hoole Special Collections Library

A. William Stanley Hoole Papers

1. Box 2248, Folder 44 - Material regarding Hoole's book on Midshipman Anderson and

Anderson's photo album, presented July 22, 1864, Liverpool. Includes photos of the

CSS Alabama crew, friends, and associates made in London or Liverpool dur ing the

summer of 1864

2. Box 2248, Folder 66 - Typescript of Low's Reminiscences and other newspaper


3. Box 2248, Folder 67 - Clippings: Liverpool paper, 1904, interview with Low;

photocopy, Cape Argus, 1933; Illustrated London News, 1863, and others.

4. Box 2248, Folder 68 - Photographs of Semmes, Low, Low's pistols, coat, and grave


5. Box 2250, Folder 94 - Typescript of a Union agent's report on activity in the Laird

shipyards; typescript of other spy reports on "290."

6. Box 3747 - Color prints of the Alabama at sea.

B. CSS Alabama Collection

1. Box 1744 - Manuscript log of the CSS Alabama 1862-1864; manuscript log of Lt.

(later Captain) John Low, kept on the CSS Alabama and the CSS Tuscaloosa, 1862-

1863; photos of the masts and rigging of the CSS Alabama and the shipyard model

used by Laird

C. Miscellaneous

1.) Transcript of Articles in Various Newspapers and Periodicals Relating to the


2.) (Microfilm Copy (negative) of three notebooks belonging to Mr. and Mrs. F.

Bradlow, Rondebosch Cape, South Africa)

3.) Gorgas Microforms (MICRO-FILM B28)

Mobile Public Library

Raphael Semmes MSS

Log of the CSS Alabama

Records of the CSS Florida, 1862-4

Arizona University of Arizona Library, Tucson

Thompson Family MSS


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Huntington Library, San Marino

Alfred Crowquill MSS

Francis Lieber MSS

Thomas H. Dudley Collection

Charles Sumner MSS

University of California, Berkeley

O’Rourke, Sister Mary Martinice

The Diplomacy of William H. Seward during the Civil War: His policies as related to

International Law

Private Collection of Mr. John Knight

Journal of Robert Neve

Lincoln Memorial Shrine, A. K. Smiley Library

Harry S Samuel, letter to Cousin Matilda, 1865

Stanford University

R. L. Duffus, ‘Contemporary English Popular Opinion on the American Civil War,’ MA,


Ephraim Douglass Adams

Connecticut Connecticut State Library

Copies of John and David Hughes letters to parents in Wales

Simsbury Historical Society, Massacoh Plantation

Toy Family MSS

Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

James Henry Burton papers

Henry Fitzhugh MSS

Francis Hobler MSS

Blanchard Jerrod MSS

Liverpool Emancipation Society MSS

Lloyd Waddell Smith MSS

District of Columbia Georgetown University, Lauinger Library

David Rankin Barbee MSS (papers include material on Rose O’Neil Greenhow)

Library of Congress

William H Bradbury MSS

John Chandler Bancroft Davis MSS

James Mason MSS

Henry Hotze MSS

George B. McClellan MSS

Matthew Maury MSS

Edward M. Stanton MSS

Francis Wilkinson Pickens and Milledge Luke Bonham MSS, 1837-1920

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National Archives

Pensions (all in RG59) :

1.) Dispatches received by Seward during 1861 from US consuls at Liverpool, London,

and Manchester, and at Havana and Nassau

2.) “Correspondence Regarding Prisoners of War, 1861-1862, Parr-Sullivan,” Box no. 9,

folder nos. 61, 75, 81

3.) “Civil War Papers”, and “Instructions to Special Agents”, vol. 21

4.) “Letters Sent Regarding Prisoners of War and Intercepted Messages, Aug 1861 – Feb.


5.) “Miscellaneous Letters of the Department of State”

General Records (all in RG59):

1.) ‘Despatches from United States Minister and Consuls in Britain’

29 T368 Belfast, Ireland

30 T185 Bristol, England

31 T375 Cardiff, Wales

32 T200 Dundee, Scotland

33 T474 Leeds-upon-Hull, England

34 T396 Leith, Scotland

35 M141 Liverpool, England

36 T168 London, England

37 T416 Newcastle upon Tyne, England

38 T239 Southampton, England

2.) ‘ Despatches From Special Agents of the Department of State’ M37

3.) ‘Notes From Foreign Legations and Consulates – Great Britain’

M50 - Enlisted Branch Letters: Record Group 94, Records of the AGO

409 - Letters received, Enlisted Branch, vol. II, 1863

409 - Letters Received, Enlisted Branch - File 5KM 36 (EB) 1864

416 - Letters Received relating to Soldiers – 1861-1862

Records of the American National Red Cross:

RG 200, Central File, 1881-1916, box 1, 41-46

U.S. State Department

England, Vol. LXXIX

“Despatches of United States ministers to France, 1789-1869.” Record group 59, National


“Exequaturs.” Record Group 59, National Archives.

“Notes from Foreign Consuls in the United States to the Department of State, 1791-1906.”

Record Group 59, National Archives.

“Notes from the British Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1791-

1906.”, Record Group 59, National Archives.

“Notes to Foreign Consuls in the United States from the Department of State, 1853-1906.”

Record Group 59, National Archives.

“Notes to Foreign Legations in the United States from the Department of State, 1853-1906.”,

Record Group 59, National Archives.

Diplomatic Instructions

1.) Great Britain

2.) H.W. Spencer to Seward, No. 8 July 3,1861, Paris, Vol. 12.

3.) Seward to CF Adams, August 1, 1861, Vol. 17

4.) Adams Papers, Adams Manuscript Trust, Massachusetts Historical Society, See Adams

Diary, Nov 1861 – Microfilm

Page 48: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

U.S War Department

Official Documents

OR, Armies The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union

and Confederate Armies 70 vols. (GPO, Washington, DC, 1880-1901)

OR, Navies Off icial Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion


Hagley Museum and Library, Greenville

Bancroft Family MSS

Copeland Family MSS

Samuel Francis Du Pont MSS

Joseph Shipley MSS

David Thomas MSS


Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum, Sanford, Florida

Henry Shelton Sanford MSS

Georgia Emory University, Atlanta

Godfrey Barnsley MSS

British Consulate MSS 15, 1859-1866

Confederate States of America, Department of State Papers – MSS 115

Confederate Navy, Savannah River

Elias J Prichard

1st Georgia Infantry Regiment Company A

William Henry Gregory MSS William Henry Gregory papers, 1817-1900, at Woodruff

Library, Emory MSS 624

John Marchand, Charleston Blockade

Hugh Weedon Mercer

Savannah District and Port MSS 226

Southern District of Georgia Account Book

Henry Frederick Willink

Robert F. Durden, ‘The Index: Confederate newspaper in London, 1862 – 1865’, (M.A.

thesis, Emory, 1948)

Georgia Historical Society, Savannah

‘Letter from Edward’ Letter from Edward, June 20, 1865

University of Georgia, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Francis Marion Coker, 1861-1866 – discussing foreign intervention

Keith M. Read MSS

Illinois Chicago Historical Society

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Zebina Eastman MSS

George W. Hart, Collections: 56:90 – 5 Letters to his Mothers, Private 69th N.Y. Infantry

Illinois State Historical Library

‘Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln’

Kentucky Kentucky Historical Society

Stone Family MSS 85M02 – 3 letters from George St. Leger Grenfell

Lexington Public Library

John Breckenridge Castleman, MSS

Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Society

Adams Papers, Adams Manuscript Trust,

See Adams Diary, Nov 1861 – Microfilm Reel 76 – 77 for C. F. Adam’s Diary; Reel 165-

167 for CF Adams Letterbooks; Reel 296 for CF Adam’s Reminiscences; and Reel 554-58

for CF Adam;s Letters Received and other loose papers.

Argyll, Letters 1861-1865, Letters of the Duke and Duchess of Argyll to Charles Sumner,

Dec. 1913, pp. 66 -107.

Boston College, O’Neil Library

Guide to Archival Sources in Nursing – RT4. G8x 1989. Microfiche set of ‘The History of

Nursing with Index and Microforms Index RT31.H57 1983.

Mary Patricia Tarbox, ‘The Origins of Nursing by the Sisters of Mercy in the United States:

1843-1910” Ph.D., in Microfiche RT42.N86

Boston Public Library

American Anti Slavery Society Papers

Essex Institute, Salem

John Newmark Cushing MSS

Lee Family MSS

Harvard University, Houghton Library

Charles Sumner MSS

Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University

Dorothea Lynde Dix, 1802 – 1887, Correspondence and Manuscripts (MS Am 1838)

Frank Vizetelly, 1830-1883. Drawings, 1861-1865: Guide.

Harvard College Library

Griswold Collection of Theatrical Letters

Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College

Blackwell Family MSS (MHVW-A14)

Massachusetts Archives

Lists of Substitutes, Micro. GSU 500 – also - Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City.

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University of Microfilms International

Stanley Gallas, ‘Lord Lyons and the Civil War, 1859-1864: A Br itish Perspective’

Sibyl Ventress Brownlee, ‘Out of the abundance of the Heart: Sarah and Parker Remond’s

Quest for Freedom’

Michigan University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor

Monaghan Family MSS

Charles H. Townsend

William L Clements Library

Henry Yates Thompson MSS

George T. Anthony MSS

Numa Barned MSS

James Miller MSS

Hugh and George Roden MSS

Robert Sherry MSS

Nathan B. Webb MSS

Minnesota Minnesota Historical Society, St Paul

Silliman Family MSS

William H. Maies MSS

Edward Duffield Neill MSS

George Peabody MSS

Claude E. Simmonds MSS

Mississippi Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Humphrys (David Colin) Collection, 1861-1863; 1865

Thomas Spight MSS


University of Missouri, Columbia

Loren P. Whetsell, ‘The Southern Independence Association: Britain and the American Civil

War Reconsidered’ (Ph.d. thesis)

William Keeney Bixby MSS

George W. Carvill MSS

Neill Fred Sanders, ‘Lincoln’s Consuls in the British Isles, 1861-1865’

New Jersey

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New Jersey Historical Society, Newark

Boggs MSS

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39 12/4/61, Weed to Robert Brown Minturn

40 7/12/63, Weed to Edwin McMasters Stanton

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commencement of the civil war to the 31st March, 1864. London, 1864 (JX238 .A85


5.) Great Britain. Foreign Office. Correspondence respecting the seizure of the British

vessels "Springbok" and "Peterhoff," Published/Created: London, H. M. Stationery

off., Harrison and sons, printers (1900)

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Confidential Print: Part I, From the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the First World War.

Vols. 5-8, Series C, North America, 1837-1914, ed. Kenneth Bourne, University

Publications of America (1986) 7.) James D. Richardson, Compilation of the messages and papers of the

Confederacy, including the diplomatic correspondence, 1861-1865

8.) Majority report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

9.) Confederate States of America. Congress. House of Representatives.

Committee on Foreign Affairs

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Gorgas Microforms (MICRO-FILM H37; MICRO-FILM H22)

Newspapers and Periodicals


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Harper’s Magazine


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Leicester Mercury

Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper

London American

Macmillan’s Magazine

Manchester Examiner Manchester Times

Midland Tribune

Morning Advertiser

Morning Star

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New York Daily Tribune

New York Times

North Carolina Standard

Once a Week

Philadelphia Weekly Times Preston Guardian


Richmond Enquirer

Sheffield and Rotherham Independent

The Bradford Observer

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The Daily Telegraph

The Economist

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The Examiner

The Glasgow Herald

The Liberator

The Manchester Guardian

The New York Herald

The Observer

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Bibliographies and Manuscript Guides

A Brief Guide to the Manuscripts Section of the Special Collections Division, Tulane

University Library (1977).

A Calendar of the Ryder Collection of Confederate Archives at Tuf ts College Library (Boston,


A Catalogue of Some Mississippi Squadron Papers, Collection of George P. Lord, LT USN,

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ed., Robert R. Lasher (1942).

A Catalogue of the Burney Family Correspondence, 1749-1878, ed. Joyce Hemlow (New

York, 1971).

A Checklist of Manuscripts, UC Santa Barbara Special Collections (1970).

A Guide to British Documents and Records in the University of Virginia Library, ed., Sharon

Vandercook (Charlottesville, Va., 1972).

A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War, eds. Munden and Beers (Washington,

D.C., 1962).

A Guide to Manuscript Catalogues and Related Sources for Modern British History in the

Perkins Library, Duke University, ed. William R. Erwin (Durham, N.C., 1977).

A Guide to Manuscript Collections of Rutgers University Library, ed. Herbert R. Smith (New

Brunswick, N.J., 1964).

A Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America, The US

National Archives, ed. Henry Beers (Washington, D.C., 1968, 1986).

A Guide to the Catalogued Collections in the Manuscript Department of the William R.

Perkins Library, ed. Richard C. Davis, (Santa Barbara, Calif., 1980).

A Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the South Carolina Library, University of South

Carolina, ed. Allen H. Stokes (1982).

A Guide to the Microf ilm Edition of Confederate Military Manuscripts, eds. Joseph T.

Glatthaar and Martin P. Schipper (1997).

A Selected, Annotated Bibliography of Sources in the Kansas State Historical Society

Pertaining to Kansas in the Civil War, ed. Eugene Decker (Emporia, Kan., 1961).

American Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of Published American Diaries and Journal,

vol. 2: Diaries Written f rom 1845-1980, ed. Laura Arskey et al. (Detroit, 1987).

An Introduction to the Papers of the New York Prize Court, 1861-1865 (1945).

Articles Describing Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States: An Annotated

Bibliography (Westport, Conn., 1997).

Bibliography of Military History: A Selected and Annotated History of Reference Sources, ed.

Alan C. Aimone (West Point, N.Y.).

Catalogue of the Confederate Museum of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society

(Richmond, Va., 1905).

Catalogue of the Manuscript Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, ed. G. K. Hall


Catalogued Manuscripts: Department of Special Collections, Manuscript Division, Stanford

University Library (1973).

Civil War Manuscripts: A Guide to Collections in the Manuscript Division of the Library of

Congress, ed. John R. Sellers (Washington, D.C., 1986).

Civil War Records at the Louisiana States Archives, ed. Arthur W. Bergeron Jr. (1981).

Civil War Records in the New York State Archives (Albany, N.Y., 1985).

Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society, 5 vols. (Charleston, S.C., 1857–1897).

Confederate Research Sources: A Guide to Archive Collections, ed. James C. Neagles (Salt

Lake City, Utah, 1986).

Descriptive Bibliography of Civil War Manuscripts in Illinois, ed. William Burton (Evanston,

Ill., 1966).

Descriptive Inventory of the English Collection, eds. Arlene Eakle et al. (Salt Lake City, Utah,


Guide to American Historical Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (1979).

Guide to British Historical Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (1982).

Guide to Civil War Records in the North Carolina State Archives (Raleigh, N.C., 1981).

Guide to Civil War Records in the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, ed.

Patrick McCawley (1994).

Guide to Indiana Civil War Manuscripts, ed. Ann Turner (Indianapolis, Ind., 1965).

Guide to Manuscript Collections in the National Museum of History and Technology,

Smithsonian Institution (1978).

Guide to Manuscripts and Archives in the West Virginia Collection, West Virginia University,

Page 58: UK Primary Sources - Amanda Foreman...UK Primary Sources Ayrshire Archives , Scotland ‘Scottish Industrial History’, vol. 16 (1993) Birmingham City Archives 1. MS 1799 – Reminiscences

ed. James W. Hess (Morgantown, W.Va., 1974).

Guide to Manuscripts in the Iowa State Historical Department, ed. Katherine Harris (1973).

Guide to Private Manuscript Collections in the North Carolina State Archives, ed. Barbara T.

Cain, (Raleigh, N.C., 1981).

Guide to the Civil War Source Material in the Department of Archives and History, State of

Mississippi, ed. Patti Carr Black et al. (Jackson, Miss., 1962).

Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Brown University Library, ed. Stuart C. Sherman

(Providence, R.I., 1974).

Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Clements Library of Michigan, ed. Arlene P. Shy


Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society, ed. Don C. Skemer


Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, ed. Waverly K.

Winfrey (Richmond, Va., 1985).

Guide to the Manuscripts and Archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society, ed. Kermit

J. Pike (Cleveland, Ohio, 1972).

Guide to the Personal Papers in the Manuscript Collections of the Minnesota Historical

Society Manuscript Collections (St. Paul, Minn., 1977).

Inventory of the Louisiana Historical Association Collection on Deposit in the Howard-Tilton

Memorial Library, Tulane University (1983).

Letters of Florence Nightingale in the History of Nursing Archive, Special Collections, Boston

University, ed. Lois A. Monteiro (Boston, 1974).

Louisiana in the Civil War: A Bibliography, ed. Edith T. Atkinson (1961).

Manuscript Holdings of the Military History Research Collection, ed. Richard Sommers

(Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1972).

Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, University of Arkansas, ed. Kim Allen Scott (1990).

Manuscript Sources for Civil War History: A Descriptive List of Holdings in the Special

Collections Department, Emory University (1990).

Manuscript Sources of Civil War Research in the Virginia Tech Libraries, ed. Laura Katz


Papers relating to the Civil War at the Historic New Orleans Collection (New Orleans, La.,


Records Relating to Civil War Claims, United States and Great Britain, U.S. National

Archives, RG76, eds. George S. Uilibarri et al., (Washington, D.C., 1962).

Register, Henry Shelton Sanford Papers, Tennessee State Library and Archives, ed. Harriet C.

Owsley (Nashville, Tenn., 1960).

South Carolina Historical Society Manuscript Guide, eds. Daivd Moltke-Hansen and Sallie

Doscher (Charleston, S.C., 1979).

The Civil War Collection of the Illinois State Historical Library, ed., Donald Berthrong

(Springfield, Ill., 1949).

The Manuscript Collections of the Maryland Historical Society, ed. Avril J. M. Pedley

(Baltimore, Md., 1968).

The Papers of William H. Seward: Guide and Index to the Microfilm Collection, ed. Janice L.

Budeit (Woodbridge, Conn., 1983).

The Samuel Richey Collection of the Southern Confederacy in the Walter Havinghurst Special

Collections Library of the Miami University Libraries, ed. Frances D. McClure (Oxford,

Ohio, 1983).

Travels in the Confederate States: A Bibliography, ed. E. Merton Coulter (Louisiana, repr.


Treasury Department Collection of Confederate Records, US National Archives, RG365, ed.

Carmelita S. Ryan (Washington, D.C., 1967).

War Department Collection of Confederate Records, US National Archives, RG109, ed.

Elizabeth Bethel (Washington, D.C., 1957).

Wisconsin’s Civil War Archives, ed. William Paul (Madison, Wis., 1965).

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General Bibliographies

A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A., ed. Donald Whyte (Baltimore, Md., 1972 –


American Civil War: A Researcher’s Guide (US Military Academy Library Bulletin No. 11A,

West Point, 1977).

Civil War Eyewitnesses: An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles, 1955-1986, ed.

Garold L. Cole, (Columbia, S.C., 1988).

Compendium of the Confederate Armies: Virginia, ed. Stewart Sifakis (1992).

Confederate Research Sources: A Guide to Archive Collections, ed. James C. Neagles (Utah,


Descriptive Inventory of the English Collection: Finding Aids to the Microf ilmed Manuscript

Collection of the Genealogical Society of Utah, no. 3, University of Utah, ed. Arlene H.

Eakle (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1979).

Guide to Civil War Periodicals, ed. Lee W. Merideth (1991).

Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1783-1903, ed. Francis Heitman

(GPO, 1903).

Immigrants f rom Great Britain and Ireland: A Guide to Archival and Manuscript Sources in

North America, ed. Jack W. Weaver (Westport, Conn., 1986).

List of Synonyms of Organizations in the Volunteer Service of the United States, ed. John T.


Marine Corps Persona Papers Catalogue, Marine Corps History and Museums Division, ed.

Charles A. Wood (Washington, D.C., 1980).

Military Bibliography of the Civil War, ed. Dornbusch, C. E. (New York, 1961).

Military Operations of the Civil War: A Guide-Index to the Official Records of the Union and

Confederate Armies, 1861-65, 5 vols. (1977).

Militia lists and musters, 1757-1876: A Directory of Holdings in the British Isles, eds. Jeremy

Gibson and Mervyn Medlycott (Baltimore, Md., 1990).

Subjects Collections: A Guide to Special Book Collections and Subject Emphases as Reported

by University, College, Public, and Special Libraries and Museums in the United States and

Canada, 2 vols., ed. Lee Ash (New Providence, N.J., 1993).

The Era of the Civil War, 1820-1876. Special Bibliography 11, ed. Louise Arnold (US

Military History Institute, 1972).

The Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, ed. Janet B. Hewett (16 volumes, 1996).

The Union: A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War, US National Archives

(Washington, D.C., 1986).

The Virginia Civil War Battles and Leaders Series, ed. H. E. Howard (Lynchburg, Va.).

The Virginia Regimental Histories Series, ed. H. E. Howard (Lynchburg, Va.).

U.S. Naval History Sources in the United States, ed. Dean C. Allard et al. (Washington, D.C.,


Great Britain and Empire: Bibliographies

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A Guide to British West Indian Archive Materials in London and the Islands for the History of

the United States, Carnegie Institution of Washington, ed. Herbert C. Bell (Washington,

D.C., 1926).

A Guide to Manuscript Sources for the History of Latin American and the Caribbean in the

British Isles, ed. Peter Walne (London, 1973).

A Guide to Manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J. W. Raimo


A Guide to Manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland: A revision of the

Guide edited in 1961, ed. B.R. Crick and M. Alman (Westport, Conn., 1976).

A Guide to Manuscripts relating to American History in British Depositories, Reproduced for

the Division of Manuscripts in the Library of Congress, G. G. Griffin (Washington, D.C.,


Canadian Manuscripts in the Boston Public Library: A Descriptive Catalogue (Boston,


Guide to the Items relating to American history in the Reports of the English Historical

Manuscripts Commission and their Appendices, American Historical Association Annual

Report for 1898, ed. J. F. Jameson (Washington D.C., 1899).

Guide to the Materials for United States History in Canadian Archives, Carnegie Institution

of Washington, ed. David W. Parker (Washington, D.C., 1913).

Guide to the Materials in London Archives for the History of the United States since 1783,

The Carnegie Institution, ed. C. O. Paullin and F. L. Paxson (Washington, D.C., 1914, repr.

New York, 1965).

List of American Documents (Edinburgh, SRO, 1976).

List of Records relating to Caribbean Countries not in State Archives (or in the British

Museum or National Maritime Museum) in England and Wales, Caribbean Archives

Conference, ed. D. B. Wardle (Kingston, Jamaica, 1965).

Manuscripts and Government Records in the United Kingdom and Ireland relating to

Canada, ed. B. G. Wilson (Ottawa, 1992).

Manuscripts Relating to Commonwealth Caribbean Countries in the United States and

Canadian Repositories, ed. Kenneth E. Ingram (St. Lawrence, Barbados, 1975).

Nursing, A Historical Bibliography, ed. Bonnie Bullough, Vern L. Bullough, and Barrett

Elcano (New York, 1981).

Report on the Caribbean Archives Conference held at the University of the West Indies, 1965,

ed. D. B. Wardle (Kingston, Jamaica, 1967).

Source List of Manuscripts Relating to the USA and Canada in Private Archives Preserved in

the Scottish Record Off ice (London, 1970)

Source List of Manuscripts Relating to the USA and Canada in the Scottish Record Office

(Edinburgh, 1964).

Sources for the Study of Canadian-American Relations: Manuscripts at the University of

Vermont Library, ed. Michael P. Chaney (Vermont, 1986).

The Genealogical Handbook for England and Wales, ed. Joseph Hall (Salt Lake City, Utah,


The United States of America: Maps, Letters, Diaries, Truro Record Office (Cornwall, U.K.,


Wharncliff e Manuscripts Relating to the American Civil War, 1864-1872, Sheffield City

Library, ed. B. A. Holderness (Sheffield, U.K., 1974).

Pamphlets and Polemics A Popular View of the American Civil War (London, 1861)

Anon., A Talk with the Camp. (Reprinted f rom the New York Evening Post.) (New York,

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Anon., The American Question: Secession, Tariff, Slavery (Brighton, 1862)

Anon., American Civil War, 1861-65. A pocket list, for reference, of commanding officers,

both North and South, who have been conspicuous during the war (London, 1865)

Anon., Rebel brag and British bluster; a record of unfulfilled prophecies, baffled schemes,

and disappointed hopes (New York, c. 1865)

Anon., What the South is Fighting For, British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (London,


The Alabama and The Kearsarge: An Account of the Naval Engagement in the British

Channel, on Sunday, June 19th, 1864 (Boston, 1870)

Correspondence Respecting the "Alabama"; also respecting the Bark "Maury" (London,


Anon., Earl Russell and the Slave power: Issued by the executive of the Union and

Emancipation Society, Manchester (Manchester, U.K., 1863)

Anon., Cotton Cultivation in Africa. Suggestions on the importance of the cultivation of

cotton in Africa, in reference to the abolition of slavery in the United States, through the

organization of an African Civilization Society (Philadelphia, 1858)

Anon., Economical Causes of Slavery in the United States, and obstacles to Abolition. By a

South Carolinian (London, 1857)

Anon., Northern man: Curiosity visits to southern plantations, by a northern man (London,


Anon., Right and Wrong among the Abolitionists of the United States: or the Objects,

principles and measures of the original American Anti-Slavery Society, unchanged: being a

defence against the assaults of the recently formed Massachusett's [sic] Abolition

Anon., ‘Owls Glass’ Rebel Brag and British Bluster: a record of unfulfilled prophecies,

baff led schemes and disappointed hopes (New York, 1865)

Anon., Earl Russell and The Slave Power, The Union and Emancipation Society, Manchester

(Manchester, 1863)

Anti-Slavery Societies ... With an introductory letter by Miss Martineau (Glasgow, 1841)

Adams, W. E. The Slaveholders’ War: An Argument for the North and the Negro (London,


Assollant, Alfred, Canonniers, à vos pièces! (Paris, 1861)

B. D. Federals and Confederates, for What do They Fight: The True Issue of the American

Civil War (London and Dublin, 1862)

Bar lee, Ellen, A Visit to Lancashire in December 1862 (London, 1863)

Beecher, Henry Ward, England and America: speech of Henry Ward Beecher at the Free-

trade Hall, Manchester, October 9, 1863

Bell, Andrew, Men and Things in America, or The Experiences of a year’s residence in the

United States in a series of letters to a friend (Southampton, 1862)

Kershaw, T. Bentley, The Truth of the American Question: Being a reply to the Prize Essay of

Mr. Rowan (Manchester, 1864)

Beresford-Hope, A. J. B., England, the North, and the South (London, 1862)

Ibid., A Popular View of the American Civil War (London 1861)

Ibid., The Social and Political Bearings of the American Disruption (London, 1863)

Ibid., The results of the American disruption the substance of a lecture delivered by request

before the Maidstone Literary & Mechanics' Institution, in continuation of a popular view

of the American Civil War and England, the North and the South (London, 1862)

Bright, John, Speeches of John Bright, M.P. on the American Question (Boston, Mass., 1865)

Broom, Walter William, An Englishman’s Thoughts on the crimes of the South: and the

Recompense of the North (New York, 1865)

Carines, John E., England’s Neutrality in the American Contest (London, 1864)

Cavendish, Lord F., A Memoir, The Yorkshire Notes and Queries (April, 1886)

Cobb, Frances P. The Red Flag in John Bull’s Eyes (London, 1863)

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A Creole of Louisiana [Eugene Musson], Letter to Napoleon III on Slavery in the Southern

States (London, 1862)

Cobden, Richard, Speech of Mr. Cobden on the “Foreign Enlistment Act,” in The House of

Commons (London, 1863)

‘During the War and after the War’, True Index (Warrenton, Va., 1900)

Eastman, Zebina, Eight Years in a British Consulate, from 1861-1869 (1919)

Ellison, Thomas, Slavery and Secession in America, Historical and Economical (London,


Fairbanks, Charles, The American Conf lict as Seen from a European Point of View (Boston,


Field and Loring, Correspondence on the Present Relations between Great Britain and the

United States of America (Boston, 1862)

Grattan, Thomas Colley, England and the Disunited States of America (London, 1861)

Hall, Newman, The American War: A Lecture to Working Men, Delivered in London, October

20, 1862 (London, 1862)

Harcourt, William Vernon, American Neutrality, by Historicus, Reprinted from the London

Times of December 22, 1864.

Hitchcock's chronological record of the American Civil War; also, a complete list of vessels

captured by the Confederate Navy. [With a portrait of Major General G. H. Thomas.] (New

York, 1866)

Hodge, Charles, England and America (Philadelphia, PA, 1862)

Jones, Ernest, The Slaveholders’ War: A Lecture Delivered in the Town Hall, Ahston-under-

Lyne on November 16th, 1863 (Ahston-under-Lyne, 1863)

Kershaw, T. Bentley, The Truth of the American Question: Being a Reply to the Prize Essay

of Mr. Rowan (Manchester, 1864)

Leng, Wiliam C., The American War: The Aims, Antecedents, and Principles of the

Belligerents. A Lecture delivered on the 10th of December 1862 in Castle Street Church

(Dundee, 1863)

London Confederate States aid association, An address to the British public and all

sympathizers in Europe (London, 1862)

Lowrey, Grosvenor P., English Neutrality: Is the Alabama a British Pirate? (Philadelphia,

Pa., 1863)

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