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Kalzip ® – Fixing Manual Cor us B a u systeme

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Kalzip ® – Fixing Manual

Corus B a usys teme

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Introduction · Regulations 4

The System 5

Transport · Storage · Inspection 6

Site Preparation 8

Fixing KAL-ZIP ® 10

Roof Types 32

Special Types of KAL-ZIP ® 34

Transluscent sheets in the roof 36

Site Work 39

Surfaces · Finished Appearance 41

Accessories 43

Special Tools 50







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This Fixing Ma nua l outl inesthe correct use of KAL-ZIP ®, the

fixing elements a nd a cc es so ries .

In accordance with building regulationsKAL-ZIP ®- sheets can only be fixed bycompanies approved and trained by themanufacturer.

The follow ing ins truct ions cove r all s ta gesfrom unloa ding the ma teria l to a cc epta nceof the c ompleted wo rk.

They a re intende d a s a g uide fo r s ta nda rdapplications and conditions but do notexempt the fixing co ntra cto r from c ritic a lexamination.

This s ha ll a pp ly in pa rticular to lowpitched roofs, roofs with openings andstructures which are exposed to extreme

physical conditions.

It is assumed that the fixing contractorwill provide full design and working

draw ings on w hich a ll dimensions, d eta ilsand materials to be used on a particularco ntra ct a re s pecified.

This Fixing Manua l doe s not purport inany way to state the regulations of thebuilding supervisory board, trade asso-ciation, etc. It is assumed that they areknow n and that they a re c omplied with a ta ll times .

Thes e ins tructions , rec omm end a tionsa nd req uirements a re ba se d o n experiencegathered by the manufacturer togetherwith the practical experience of fixingco ntra ctors a nd a re co rrect to the bes t ofour knowledge.



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3.1 Transporting to the buildingsite or unloading at designated

storage areaIn general, KAL-ZIP ® sheets a re tra nsportedby roa d. Ta rpa ulins a re no t use d for sheetsover 14 mm long.

If they are transported rail, an exactlogistical examination has to be madebeforehand in order to ensure that thesheets c an b e la id o n the roof in ac co rda n-ce with the direction of laying.

It is norm al practice to c lean the external face of KAL-ZIP ® sheets used as w allcladd ing and the internal face if used as a single skin roof.

3.2 Unloading at the bulding sitePrincipally: Access to the unloading

point must b e g uaranteed, this a pplies for

all deliveries. It is especially important tocheck the maximum access height asKAL-ZIP ® can be delivered in high loadsdue to its low w eight.

B efore d elivery the o rde rer must c hec kthe site and it may also be necessary forthe tra nsport ag ent to c heck the route.

Delivery dates must be agreed withthe supplier.

Packages can weigh up to 3 .5 t .(C heck cra ne ca pa city!)

Make prior arrangements for liftinggear such as cranes, fork lift trucks,spreade r bea ms, s ling be lts, etc. P rotec tetedges of pallets if sling belts are used.

Sources of supply for sling belts can besupplied on request.

Maximum load per suspension pointmust not excee d 0.8 t!

Projecting ends exceeding 4.50 mmust be a voided!

Owing t o the d i fferen t sheet up s tands ,pal le t s mu s t be s tored in accordance w ith th e direct ion of laying to avoidhaving t o turn the sheet s in the roof .Instalat ion has to be m ade in the di- rect ion of the sheets’ small upstan ds.

P re-c urved KAL-ZIP ®

Ta ke s pec ia l ca re w hen unloa ding/ta kingpre-curved KAL-ZIP ® onto the roof. Youmust allow for the fact that extra slingbelts need to b e used.In many cases, the pallets cannot bepla ced d irec tly on the s ubs truc ture. Theprofiled sheets have to be liftet onto the

roo f individua lly or in sm a ll bundles .

Fig. 3-1




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4.1 Preliminary work Be fore co mmencing w ork, co m-

pare the roo f geomet ry anddimensions of the previous works withthe ap proved pla ns.

It is particularly important to ensure thatthe minimum pitch around the eaves isnot impaired by unevenness in the sup-porting structure. Use a shallower clip ifnecessary.

Notify the c lient in w riting o f anydiscrepancies.

4.2 KAL-ZIP ® Licensing NoticeThe KAL-ZIP ® Licens ing Notice a nd/orAgreement Certificate, must be kept onevery b uild ing s ite.

It contains important information con-

cerning the qualification of the fixingpersonnel, accident prevention, loadbearing capacity and the jointing ofKAL-ZIP ® sheets. It is imperative that thisinforma tion is o bs erved .

4.3 LayoutFollow the installation plans!

Measure and string out roof and wallareas. Arrange sheet widths so that theymeet transitional points such as rooflights, smoke vents etc. in accordancew ith the pla ns.

Depending o n the sheet g aug e a nd c liptype, it is possible to increase the coverwidth (= nominal width) by up to 3 mm.With curved roofs, the installation widthshould be 3 mm wider than the cover


The sheets must not be s pa ce d lessthan their cover width as this will prevent

thermal movement.

Observe the direction of fixing, storethe pallets s o tha t the sma ll sea m upsta nda llw a ys points in the direc tion o f la ying.

4.4 Special toolsBefore commercing fixing work, checkthe zipping machine, hand closing tool,ridg e fo lding to ol and unzipping de vice .

The z ipping ma chine mus t c los e fully a ndthe roller se ts must be co rrec tly fitted .

Always test the zipping machine befo-re use and check for paint damage oncolour coated sheets. Clean the hardchrome cover of the rollers if necessary.Repla ce da ma ge d rollers.

4.5 Corrosion protectionWhen fitting a luminium to othe r ma teria ls ,co ntac t corros ion must be a voided .

No particular measures are necessaryfor aluminium support structures with athickness a t lea st 1.6 mm.

No pa rticula r meas ures a re nec es sa ry forsteel structures if the contact surfacesa re ga lvanised or co a ted, e.g. tra pezoidalsteel sheets.




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Painted surfaces must be com-patible with aluminium. Inter-

mediate layers of non-corrosivema teria l must not ac cumula te da mpness .Suitable materials include plastic sheeting,plas tic b oa rd o r bitumen felt s trips . Woo lfelt, for example, is unsuitable.

P rec a utions m ust be ta ken with structuresif the timb er prese rva tives inc lude c hloridenaphta lene c ompo unds or if they conta incopper or mercury salts or fluoride com-pounds.

Aluminium and fresh concrete mustalways be separated by an intermediate


No measures are necessary when joiningaluminium with titanium zinc, aluminiumzinc o r s ta inles s ste el.

Dang er of co ntac t co rros ion for uncoa teda luminium if fitted to other meta ls :

*This a pplies only to s ta inles s s tee l self-ta pping s crews a nd b lind rivets if elec tro-lytic bonding is to be avoided.




Type of a tmo s phere

Paired material Rural Urban/Industrial Marine

Zinc s a fe sa fe s a fe

S ta inles s s teel s a fe sa fe s a fe*

Lea d s a fe sa fe c ritica l

Unprotec ted s teel c ritica l c ritica l c ritica l

C opper c ritica l c ritica l c ritica l

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Principal rule: Zip each sheet imm erdiately after laying ! This is th e only

w ay to ensure the load bearingcapaci ty of the sys tem and t oprovide the necessary protec t ion agains t w ind forces .

5.1 Wind, WeatherKAL-ZIP ® shee ts a re light a nd ha ve a largew ind up lift area . Therefore exercise c a utionwhen storing open packages and liftingKAL-ZIP ®-sheets onto the roof.

Lash down open packages and dis-continue fixing work in strong winds, im-mediately fasten individual sheets andzip together.

In pa rticula r, sec ure the las t she et fromblowing a w a y, e.g . by provisionally fas ten-

ing w ith the ga ble end c lip. S ee Fig. 5.1

Fig. 5.1

5.2 Load bearing capacityDuring product ion, the s urface o f KAL-ZIP ®

sheets is coated with a thin film of oil,

so bew a re, a we t surfac e w ill increa se theda nge r of s lipping.While fixing work is in progress, it is pos-

s ible to w a lk on profiled s heets zipped a tleast on one side without taking load-

spreading measures as follows:

Loa d b ea ring c a pa c ity during fixing:


g aug e 65/305 65/333 65/400mm metres metres metres

0.7 1.20 1.14 1.000.8 1.60 1.55 1.420.9 1.95 1.88 1.731.0 2.30 2.24 2.111.2 2.60 2.48 2.20

Use load-spreading planks on widerspa ns o r la rge r cover widths.See also KAL-ZIP ® Lice nsing Notice a nd


Fig. 5.2

Fig. 5.3




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Recommendation: If the therm al insulation und er the


sheets along the ridge and eaves area is not weigh t resistant,you should not walk on the sheets. Protect routes that are used frequently for trans- porting material by using a provisional footb ridge (e.g. woo den p lanks) during the fixing process.Use seam clips to p revent p lanks fromsliding off.

Profiled sheets can be bent over theridge on low pitched flat roofs. Supportsheets a long the ridg e o n their bas e (e.g .rigid insulation material, wooden planks,spacer profiles, etc.). Depending on theposition of the clips at the ridge, it maybe necessary to change some clips forsha llow er types.

Do not walk on the ridge as this couldlea d to d ishing a nd the subs eq uent crea -tion of pudd les .

Apply load-spreading measures to thew a lkwa ys a fter s heet fixing or build w a lk-w a ys w ith la ttices .

Do not walk on the last free sheet,individual non-zipped sheets or plastictransluscent sheets. Zipped sheets canbe walked on for inspection and mainte-nanc e w orks up to the follow ing s pa ns:

Load-bearing capacity after the fixing:

Sheet KAL-ZIP®



ga uge 65/305 65/333 65/400(50/333)

mm metres metres metres

0.7 2.30 2.18 (1.62) 1.900.8 2.85 2.76 (2.11) 2.530.9 3.30 3.19 (2.27) 2.941.0 3.80 3.70 (2.73) 3.481.2 4.30 4.13 (3.28) 3.72

(Va lues in pa ranthe s is for KAL-ZIP ® 50/333)

5.3 Fixing clips and KAL-ZIP ®

In general, KAL-ZIP ®-sheets are lockedonto pre-fixed c lips . This is a lw a ys do neif the clip foot has to be symmetricallyfixed o n both s ide s , otherwis e one s ide is

concealed by the KAL-ZIP®

sheet.If exceptionally the clips are fixed asthe KAL-ZIP ® sheets are being laid, theorienta tion o f the KAL-ZIP ® sheets has tobe permanent ly superv ised in orderto ensure the propper alignment of thes ea ms . The po s ition o f the next c lipshould be marked before laying theKAL-ZIP ® sheet.

Observe manufac turer ’s ins t ruc t ionsrgarding fastening elements such asscrews or rivets, in particular drilled holedia meters a nd tightening torq ues.

Impor tan t no te : Do not use set t ing b ol t s for d i rec tf ixing of the cl ips .


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Fixing direction:Sheet fixing is done in the direc-

tion o f the s ma ll s ea m. The la rg eseam overlaps the small one. Fixing isgenerally done from verge to verge.In special cases it may be necessary orsensible to change the sequence. Fixingon dome-shaped roofs or roofs inclinedperpend icula r to the KAL-ZIP ® may requi-re a different fixing seq uence . Thes e p ro-cedures need to be planed in detail andsp ec ia l profiles ma y b e req uired .

The s ta nda rd proc ed ure for verg e to verg einsta lla tion is d es c ribe d b elow.

Fixing sequence:a) Start at the verge detail, set-out the

row of clips to the setting-out line.

S ee Fig. 5.4 Item 1

Fig. 5.4

Ensure that the clips at the eaves andridge of shallow roofs are positioned atthe correct height so that an adequateslope is a chieved.Set the clip head higher at the ridge andlow er a t the ea ves.

b) Close the large seam (2) of the firstsheet with the zipping machine so that

the gable end channel (3) can be fixeda nd rivette d into po s ition. The z ippingmachine must be suported by hand inorder to prevent its tilting .

c) Lock the KAL-ZIP ® sheet onto thepre-fixed clips or fix the second row ofclips a t mea s ured intervals.

d) Position the gable end channel (3)and fix by riveting to the large seamupsta nd a t interva ls of 500 mm ma ximum.Allow a s pa c e o f 50 mm from the c lips toensure that the sheets can expand andcontra c t. The larger leg is pos itione d inthe KAL-ZIP ® side. Leave a gap of 5 mmat the profile joint.

e) Screw gable end clip (4) to clip web.

Pre-drill holes in clip web where workingspace is confined. Hole diameter 4.5 mmDistance between top edge of clip headand centre of the hole:KAL-ZIP ® 65 mm of height: 66 mmKAL-ZIP ® 50 mm of height: 52 mmTighte n the s crews w ith a drive s oc keta nd ra tchet if neces sa ry.

f) Create a Fixed Point, for example,using rivets o r sc rew s.

S ee Figs . 5.5 a nd 5.6




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5.4 Zipping KAL-ZIP ® sheetsThe small seam upstand m ust be

clipped fully into po sition at the clip head to p revent incorred zipping.

For sa fety rea so ns, the sheets must bezipped immed ia tely a fter la ying to achie-ve the composite effect necessary to en-sure the load bea ring ca pa city.

Use the set of rollers corresponding withthe a pplica tion.S ee 12.1c

Alw a ys c hec k the ma chine b efore zipping.

Tens ion ha ndle se tting . It mus t be po s s ibleto fully c los e the zipping ma chine.

Adjus t the guide a nd s ide rollers to e limi-nate play.

The zipping rollers must be c lea n a ndfree o f burrs when b eing us ed on c oa tedmaterial.

Refer to item 12 for further details oncare, repair and handling of the zippingmachine.

Correct function of the zipping machinecan be checked using the dimensions ofthe fla nges .

Sh ee t g a ug e Fina l fla ng e d im ens io n

0.7 to 1.0 mm approx 20 mm1.2 mm a pprox 22 mm

Zipping ca n b e pe rformed in a ny d irec tionon s heets w ithout trans verse joints. The

zipping ma c hine c a n run on its ow n with-out being g uided by a n operator on a le-vel supporting structure (automatic con-trol).

Guidance may be necessary on unevenor curved roo fs (ha nd cont rolled ). The o per-ator must than walk on the overlappingside.

Guide rollers and skirts need to beremoved with crimp-curved KAL-ZIP ®.

If 50 mm high KAL-ZIP ® is to be zip-ped, remove the skirts and fix the sidero ller ho lders .

5.5 Handling the zipping machine

The c los ed zipping m a chine mus t beinched into position.

Exercise caution when the side rollersrea ch the ba se sheet. Avoid deformation.

Alternative for all sheet thicknesses:Fit the zipping machine 60 cm from theend o f the shee t fac ing in the d irec tion o fthe shee t end keeping the tens ion ha ndletensioned. S tart the zipping ma chine a ndfully close the tension bar while it is run-ning and zip up to the end of the sheet.The zipping m a chine runs off the end ofthe s heet upsta nd.

Turn the z ipping ma chine round w hilestill closed, inch into position and zip theentire sheet.


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5.6 Zipping transverse jointsThe zipping m achine must run over the transverse joint in the

direction of the fall of the slope.

Refer to 5.11 „Contructing transversejoints“ for further information.

5.7 Zipping wall areasThe z ipping ma chine c a n zip upw a rdsand downwa rds.

It is recommended to attach the zippingma chine to a sa fety line. The s pa ce bet-ween the finished wall and scaffoldingmust be a t lea st 350 mm.

5.8 Unzipping KAL-ZIP ®

Fit the unzipping device and check that

the height is co rrec tly a djuste t.

S lightly ope n the la rge fla nge with a s crew-driver before threa ding in the ta pered roller.

Then inch the ta pe red roller into p os ition.

The ta pered roller w ill op en the la rg e s ea ma nd the KAL-ZIP ® sheet ca n be removed.See P hoto V

If the KAL-ZIP ® sheets a re to b e re-used ,adjust the unzipping machine in a way tojust allow removal of the KAL-ZIP ® sheet.

5.9 Zipping errorsFit a repair cover strip over areas to berepaired, then close with the zippingmachine.

5.10 Constructing Fixed PointsThe Fixed P oint prevents the shee ts from

sliding off. If nothing else is specified onthe roof plan, each KAL-ZIP ® sheet mustbe fas tened a t the Fixed P oint to preventdisplacement.

On sha llow roo f pitches of up to 5 deg reesand sheet lengths of up to 25 m, it isge nera lly s ufficient to proc eed a s follow s :

Drill a hole throug h the s heet a t the s ma llsea m into the c lip head to a cc ommoda tethe blind rivet.See Fig. 5.5

Fig. 5.5 Fixed Po int

Fit a n 11 to 12 mm long rivet.

The rivet hea d is c onc ea led by the la rg ese a m of the next sheet.




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Alternatively: After zipping, boltthe KAP -ZIP ® upsta nd to the c lip


S c rew M6 x 25 DIN 931 or DIN 933 withnut M6 DIN 934 and disc with sealingvulca nized onto it.

Material: stainless or galvanised steel forco ncea led a plica tion.S ee Fig . 5.6 Fixed P oint.

S crew M 6KAL-ZIP ®


Fig. 5.6 Fixed Point

Note: If the Fixed Point is not positioneddirectly at the ridge, allow for longitudinalexpa ns ion o f the KAL-ZIP ® shee ts from theFixed Point to the ridge when designingthe ridg e ca p.S ee Fig . 5.21

Each KAL-ZIP ® sheet m us t have only one Fixed Point .

B ew a re – a be nd in the KAL-ZIP ® sheetor a c onnection to a roof ope ning c a n also

ac t as a Fixed P oint.

In such cases no additional fix point should be fore seen.


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5.11 Contructingtransverse joints

The req uireme nts p la ced o n thesealing properties of transverse joints onsha llow roo fs a re very hig h.

Therefore it is ne ces s a ry to e xerciseextreme c a re w hen jointing s heets .

Either welded or sealed joints can beproduce.

Welded jo intThe KAL-ZIP ® sheets to be jointed areoverlapped by approx 10-20 mm andwelded. Support the welded joints (e.g.Z-profile).

S ea led jointFigs . 5.7 to 5.9 show the fixing s eq uencewith KAL-ZIP ® 333. Apply the samesequence to all other KAL-ZIP ® widthsaccordingly.

Fig 5.7 Joint at Fixed Point

It is important to follow the fixingsequence exactly in order to achievepermane nt se a ling p rope rties .

Fig. 5.8 Joint not at Fixed Point

Fig. 5.9 Silicone sealing d iagram

Fig. 5.9 shows the diagram according to

which silicone sealing material has to beused. Any excesssilicone material mustbe remo ved immed ia tely.



S c rew s Rivets



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Figs 5-10 and 5-11 show thefixing s eq uence a nd the notches

for 1.2 mm gauge sheets. For1 mm ga uge s heets notc hes a re req uiredon the s ma ll se a m only. Notches a re notreq uired for ga uges of 0,9 mm a nd les s.

Fig. 5.10 Transverse join t

Fig. 5.11 Transverse join t




D i r e c t i o n o f l a y

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5.12 Fixing soakers

a) Welded soakerS ee Fig. 5.12, 5.13 a nd pho to MPlace prefabricated soaker onto trim-

ming but do not fasten to the supportingstructure in order to allow for slidingmoveme nt over clips .

Only fa s ten to the s upporting s tructureif the pla ns s pec ify the Fixed P oints to bepos itioned a t the so a kers.

Fig. 5.12 Soaker-fitting

Fig. 5.13 Soaker welded into position

Ensure tha t s oa kers a re po sitioned a t theco rrec t height.

Where required incorporate supportsalong the welded joints.

Ins ta ll KAL-ZIP ® sheets continuously,cut out a s req uired a nd la y onto the soa kerflange.

Crimp the upsta nds a nd s ta bilising ribstogether to leave only a small gap andweld all open joints to form a tight seal.




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b) Sealed soakerSee Figs. 5.14 and 5.15

The prefab rica ted s oa ker isprovided with la rge se a ms on a ll sides sotha t it ca n be fitted from the to p.

Fig. 5.14 Fittingthe apron flashing

Fig. 5.15 Fitting t he cover cap

1) Fold up sheet (7).2) Apply the s ilicone sea ling ma teria l to

the sheets (5) and (6).Refer to 5.9 for sea ling d ia gra m.3) Place the prefabricated soaker onto

the prepa red s upporting structure.4) Zip the large roll (2) so that the next

continuous s heet ca n be c oncea led.5) Zip up o verla ps (3) a nd (4) us ing the

hand closing tool and fit the blind sealedrivets.Refe r to Fig . 5.8 for rivet pa ttern.

6) Lay the sheets on the ridge side, atthe same time sealing the base and sideupstand overlaps.

7) Sheet (7) insert closure with filler.8) Fit on apron flashing (8), seal the

edg e to the s oa ker a nd fas ten with rivetsto the s oa ker a nd to the c los ure.




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Fixing soakers into curvedroofs

If soakers are to be installed into cur-ved roofs , the ba sic ma teria ls for the so a -kers must also be made of curved KAL-ZIP® sheets.

5.13 VentsAfter laying the KAL-ZIP ®-sheets, cut outthe bo ttom pla te. Max. diameter (se e b e-low) if installed in the centre of a sheet.Minimum 75 mm wide gutters are left oneac h side.

KAL-ZIP ® Max. dia meter

305 160 mm333 190 mm

400 250 mm

Weld a luminium vents into po s ition:

Fig. 5.16

Alternative:P refa brica ted a luminium vent we lde d to a

short KAL-ZIP®

sheet is sealed into theroo fing a rea by using silico ne s ea la ntand blind rivets.Fixing a na log ous to Fig. 5.10 a nd 5.11




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5.14 Eaves

Eaves fillerInstall the eaves fillers as fixing workprogresses ensuring that they are fittedas shown in Fig. 5.17

Fig. 5.17

Drip anglePosition at least 20 mm from end of

sheet so that the bottom sheet can befolded dow n.

Distance „A“ in Fig. 5.18 is related to theanticipated thermal movement of theKAL-ZIP ® she et res ulting from tempera tu-re fluctuation.

Allow 1 mm e xpa nsion for ea ch metreof sheet length from the Fixed Point tothe gutter.

Fig. 5.18

Where KAL-ZIP ® or tra nslusc ent shee tsdiffer in length, the drip angle must be

interrupted to a llow for different e xpa ns ion.

Leave a gap of 5 mm at drip anglejoints.

Folding down the base sheet:To protec t roo fs o f pitc hes be low 5degrees against driving water, the last15 mm of the sheet base must be bentdo w n. This s hould b e d one us ing theeaves folding tool. Also refer to Section12 „S pec ia l Too ls “ .

Observe the following sequence: Fix the drip angle first, then fold down.




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5.16 Ridges

a) Fold up the KAL-ZIP®

sheetends w ith the ridg e folding to ol

b) Lock the ridge closure into theKAL-ZIP ® profile to the setting-out lineand fix the overlapping supports to thesheet ups tand with one rivet ea ch.

Note: Do no t fix the ridge closure in the vicinity of clips but o ff-set them.

c) Push in closure fillers behind theridge closures on the ridge side in orderto protec t them from U V-ra ys .

See P hoto L

Fig. 5.21

Use spacer profiles for support of theridge flashing with protruding KAL-ZIP ®

or very s ha llow ridg es .

The s pa cer profiles a re b ut-jointed w ith a10-mm-gap.

5.17 Sliding ridge clip on the ridgeIf longitudinal thermal expansion of


sheets has to be considered a tthe ridge area, a sliding ridge clip needsto be used.

It is pushed in loosely over the KAL-ZIP ®

sheet upstand and becomes a supportand fixing joint for the ridge flashings.Consequently, the KAL-ZIP ® sheets areno t fixed to the ridge flashings rigidly butca n expand underneath (obs erve the ne-cessary distance between ridge closurea nd s lid ing ridg e c lip!).Allow 1 mm of expansion for each metrelength of sheet from fixed point to ridge.S ee Fig . 5.10Fix ridge flashing with two rivets to eachsliding ridge clip.

Fig. 5.22




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6.1 Purlin roof The c lips a re fixed d irec tly to the

purlins or the inner skin is layedparallel to the KAL-ZIP ®. A spacer profilemay be required for double skin roofsde pend ing on the inner skin d imens ion.

Fig. 6.1

6.1.1 Fixing of clipsIn gene ra l, the clips a re mounted on ea chpurlin and at intervals corresponding withthe KAL-ZIP ® co ver widths.

Fig. 6.2

6.1.2 Re-roofingWith s ma ll spa c ings be tw een the p urlins

of appr. 1.15 m is generally sufficient toplac e c lips only on every s ec ond purlin. Inorder to evenly distribute the load to allpurlins, the clips are fixed to the purlins inchang ing s ucces sion.S tres s ca lcula tion is req uired .

Fig. 6.3




l = Truss distancec = Clip distance

l = Truss distancec = Clip distance

KAL-ZIP® cover width

KAL-ZIP® cover width







V e r g e

V e r g e

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Photo AUsing spreader beam to unload Photo B




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Photo G Drip ang le at eaves Photo H




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Photo M Soaker w elded into p osition

Phote N Ridge, verge and g utter



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Photo O Catwalk Photo P




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Photo Q Ridge folding tool Photo R

Hand closing tool Photo S

Eaves folding too l



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6.2 Trussed roof A load-bearing trapezoidal steel

inner skin is layed parallel to theea ves . The c lips a re e ither fixed d irec tlyto the high trough or indirectly to spacerprofiles.The clips are po sitioned d iagonally across the inner skin. All inner skin high troug hs must b e load b earing.

Fig 6.4

6.2.1 Roofing areas

Fig 6.5

The d imens ions of the individua l roo fingareas determined in accordance to DIN1055 Pa rt 46.2.2 Clip fixingThe c lip fixing layout has to g ua ra ntee auniform transmission of both positivea nd/or nega tive loa ds .

S et o ut one c ontinuous clip line a t theeaves and at the ridg e.

S et out the clips d ia go na lly in betw een.The s pa cings a re de termined in a cc or-dance with the design loads to be consi-dered, the KAL-ZIP ® co ver width and thecorrugation spacing of the trapezoidalsheet.

Number and layout of clips as well asthe fixing m ea ns a re to b e ta ken from theinstallation plan.

Regular Layout

Fig 6.6

Half Clip Spacing at edge and cornerareas

Fig 6.7




l = Truss distancec = Clip distance

l = Truss distancec = Clip distance

KAL-ZIP® cover width

KAL-ZIP® cover width

T r o u g h d i s t a n c e T R P V e r g e

T r o u g h d i s t a n c e T R P V e r g e

K A L - Z I P ®

K A L - Z I P ®

Steel TRP

Steel TRP






Edge areasNormal areasCorner areas

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7.1 Curved Roof 7.1.1 Transporting onto the roof

If pallets with curved KAL-ZIP®

sheets cannot be lifted onto the roof intheir entirety, the sheets have to be liftedonto the roo f individua lly o r in bund les byusing the crane (the pallet has to be lefton the ground).Observe laying direction ! (Refer also to p a ra 4.3)

P revent b undles sliding off

7.1.2 Preparing for fixingSet clips as described under 5.3 and6. Obs erve pla ns. S et clips exa ctly. Chec kalignement of clips using a theodolite ifnec es s a ry. The use o f a temp la te isrecommended in order to keep a regulardista nce b etwe en the clips.

It is not po ss ible to rota te into p os itioncurved KAL-ZIP ® sheets like straightshee ts . They a re fixed vertica lly from thetop and pushed into the clip. Low clips(les s tha n L60) a re rig id a nd c a n ha rdly bebent sidewards. It is therefore recom-mended to fix low clips at a spacing of2-3 mm greater than the cover width(= nom ina l width).

Zip curved KAL-ZIP ® sheets in one d irec tiononly. Start locking KAL-ZIP ® into clips asw ell a s z ipping from the e a ves .

7.1.3 Smooth-curved KAL-ZIP ® sheetsDista nce b etw een the clips:

a cc ording to pla nG uide value: 1.5 to 1.8 mInstallation width:KAL-ZIP ® co ver w idth + 2 to 3 mm

Modification of zipping machine.(refer to pa ra 5.4 a nd 12.1d).

7.1.4 Crimp-curved KAL-ZIP ® sheetsDista nce b etw een the clips:a cc ording to plan.Crimp-curved sheets are only used forvery tig ht ra dii. The d is ta nce be tw een theclips is correspondingly small.

Tight radi i have the sam e effect as a f ixed point . For this reason, no secondfixed point (as described in para 5.10)must be produced.

Installation width:KAL-ZIP ® co ver w idth + 2 to 3 mm

Modification of zipping machine(refer to para 5.4 and 12.1d)

Zip o nly by ha nd.




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7.2 Tapered roof 7.2.1 Installation widths

B etwe en 230 mm a nd 680 mmMinimum length: 1500 mmMaximum leng th: Depend ing o n trans port

7.2.2 Setting outTa pered KAL-ZIP ® sheets have to be layedonto the roof in accordance with theinstallation plan. It is recommended tocompare the actual sizes of the supportstructure with the sizes indicated on theinsta lla tion plan b efore produc tion s ta rts.La rg er toleranc es in the s upport s tructuremight imply a new s etting o ut.

7.2.3 Load bearing capacityRefer to the ta bles under para 5.2 for coverwidths of up to 400 mm. With greaterw idths , w a lking o n the shee ts is res tricte d.The s heet mus t be s upported b y a pplying

a more rigid insulation under the sheetba se . B uild foot-bridg es .

7.2.4 EavesIt is very important to install a drip angleas it gives the required rigidity to theKAL-ZIP ® base .

S ta nda rd e a ves fillers (cut to s ize) ca n beapplied from the upstand to the stabili-sing ribs. A self-adhesive sealing ribbonca n be use d b etw een the sta bilising ribs .

7.2.5 Ridges

Orde r spec ia l ridg e c los ures to the req ui-red s ize.Cut the closure fillers to size on site.

7.2.6 VergeAlways apply the gable end support clipin orde r to mo re ea s ily a bs orbe s tructura ltolerances.Others a s per Fig. 5.15

7.2.7 Sheet endsGenerally, the length of the sheets issupplied with an extra 50 mm at bothends . They ha ve to be cut to s ize o n siteif necessa ry; at both ends.




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Extra care is needed with alltra nslusc ent s heets . They s hould

be fitted immediately if possiblein order to avoid dangerous openings inthe roof, where people or objects couldfall through. If it is impossible to fix thesheets immediately, safeguard the ope-nings.

8.1 Transluscent sheets 610Do not w a lk on tra nslusce nt sheets.Refer to pla ns fo r de ta ils .

Fig. 8.1

8.1.1 Transluscent sheets from ridgeto eaves

a) Fix transluscent sheeting rails afterhaving first chec ked the s izes a nd s crew to the ba s e s tructure. Drill the foo t of thera il w ith a n a llow a nce of 2 mm. C ut out inthe g utter area .

J oints tha t a re not po sitioned on a purlinare produced by using a joint connection

. Fix joint connections to transluscent

sheeting rail on one side only. Leave aga p of 6 mm betw een the tw o rails to a llow for expansion.




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b) Reduce the la rge sea m of theKAL-ZIP ® sheet to a diameter

a pprox. 18 mm. This w ill eve ntu-ally be positioned under the transluscentsheeting rail by using the zippingmachine.

c) Apply a co ntinuous c ompress ed ribb on(15/8 mm) with a dhes ive o n o ne s ide onlyto both sheet upstands under the trans-luscent sheeting rail .

d) Fix further KAL-ZIP ® sheets to bothsides o f the tra nslusc ent sheet a nd zipthem together. Fix KAL-ZIP ® ridg e c los ures

a nd s tiffening a ngle to the ridg e.

e) P ut ea ves closure for the translus-cent sheet on the transluscent sheetingra il a nd fix w ith rivets .

f) Fit the eaves end piece so that itho lds KAL-ZIP ® and eaves closure .

g ) Fix the tra nslus ce nt she ets a nd rivetto b oth rails .(Head dia meter = 14 mm)Dista nce b etwe en rivets = 300 m

h) Cut out the ridge end piece twiceto create space for the KAL-ZIP ® ridgeclosure. C ut off the upsta nd o n the upperend. Adjust while fixing.

Ridge and ea ves end piece a re thes a me, they a re o nly c ut out d ifferently.

i) Conceal the ridge with a ridge flash-ing

8.1.2 Special case: the transluscentsheet ends before the eaves

P roc eed a s des cribed under 8.1.1 a ) to f)Additionally:

k) A purlin is req uired for fixing the c lipsbehind the translusc ent sheets .

l) Fix KAL-ZIP ® sheets below the tra nslus-cent sheet, fold the end up, fix ridgeclosure and closure filler. Use an angle toprotec t c los ure filler from s un-rays .

m) Cut out the ea ves e nd piece three timesa nd insta ll to c over the ridg e c los ure.

Fig. Cross- section 8.2

Fig. Long itudinal section 8.3




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8.2 Transluscent sheets (305)Do not w alk on single or do uble skin transluscent sheets.

8.2.1 Fixing sequencea ) Fix KAL-ZIP ® sheets to bo th sides of

one translusce nt sheet (ob serve d ista ncebetween the clips of 305 mm for thetransluscent sheets!) Leave a gap fortransluscent sheets.

b) Reduce the large seam which tou-ches the tra nsluscent sheet by using thezipping machine (Ø approx 18 mm)

c) Lay both sides of the transluscentshee t o nto the KAL-ZIP ® sheet upstands.

d) Click the cover strip into positionand zip by hand-using the roller set fortra nslusc ent sheets (se e pa ra 12.1 c)

Note: Lea ve a g a p of 5-6 mm betw eenthe individual cover strips to allow forexpansion.

e) The c over s trips a re rivited to theKAL-ZIP ® sheet upstand at the ridge andea ves in order to s ec ure the pos ition. C utout the transluscent sheet upstands bya pprox 40 mm a t thes e p oints. The longi-tudinal expansion of transluscent sheetsis about twice as much as that of theKAL-ZIP ® sheets.

f) Adjus t ridg e c los ures to the trans lus-cent sheet upsta nds.

8.3 RooflightsDo not w alk on rooflights.

8.3.1 InstallationRooflights are fixed to special soakers

(S ee Fig . 5.12)

Insta ll roo flights in a cc orda nce w ith thema nufa cturers instructions.

Ta ke ca re tha t no a dditiona l, uninten-tiona l Fixed P oint is c rea ted during fixing .Often, rooflights are installed by compa-nies unfamiliar with KAL-ZIP ® roo fs . Theiroperators ma y be less ca reful and ca useda ma ge to the roof s kin.

It is rec omm ende d to ha ve the roo f in-spected by the construction supervisoryboard before installing rooflights and toinstruct the roo flights co mpa ny’s employ-

ees ab out sa fety a nd ca re of the roof.




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9.1 Folding, Bending radiiMinimum rad ii mus t be ob served

in acco rdance wi th ma te r ia lquality and finish.

KAL-ZIP ® sheets a nd fla t sheets of coatedcoiled material are generally manufacturedfrom 3/4 hard ma teria l. S pec ia l fla t s hee tsa re g ene rally 1/2 ha rd .

Fig. 9.1

Minimum internal radius

S urfa ce 1/4 H 1/2 H 3/4 H

Stucco 2 x t 3 x t 4 x tembossed to 6 x tmill finishC oil g enera lly 5 x tcoating

Mark with a soft pen, do not use mar-king tools.

When working with colour coatedmaterial, mask the bending tool or workwith protective film.

9.2 WIG weldingThe reco mme nde d a uxilia ry ma teria l for

welding KAL-ZIP®

is S G -ALSi5.

It is ea s ier to w eld joints if they ove rla pa litt le (10 mm ).

The c olour finis h on c oa ted ma teria lsmust b e removed prior to w elding .

Rinse off res idues w ith w a ter if chem ica lsa re used.

9.3 Cutting and sawing KAL-ZIP ®

Only use an angle grinder with cuttingedge s co vered.

A hand-held circular saw with a hardmetal blade with a coarse tooth pitch(9-20 mm) or a nibbler are best suited.For cutting s tra ig ht roo f edg es , etc . guide

the hand sa w a long a straight edge.

A la rge b ow sa w w ith a ha rd meta l bla deis suitable for cutting individual sheets.

9.4 DrillingUse HSS drill bits, observe manufac-

turer’s instructions for screw and rivetholes.

Hole diameters for self-tapping screwsare dependent on ma teria l type and ga uge.


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10.1 Storage:Dust, condensation

S tore pa llets a t a n a ngle to a llow ra in-w a ter to drain off.

If pallets are stored on the floor, there isan increased danger that they will soonbe covered with dust from traffic andconstruction work.P a rtic ula rly ma teria l for s ing le s kin roo fsshould be well covered or the lower sidec lea ned be fore fixing . The c ove r mus tallow air circulation in order to allowco ndensa tion to drain off.

10.2 Splashwater from scaffoldingWall cladding may become soiled bysplas hwa ter from sc a ffolding.

This ca n be a voide d b y keeping thescaffolding planks clean.

10.3 Removing protective filmBefore zipping, peel off sufficient

protective film from the small seam sothat no film will be trapped.

Opa q ue or tra ns pa rent UV-res is ta nt filmca n be left on the surfac e up to 2 months.

The effect o f UV ra ys c a n ca use a chemica lreaction in the adhesive and extensivework may be needed to remove the film.

It is recomm ended to remove the film w ithin 2 weeks.

10.4 Colour differencesGenerally, only noticeable on walls and

steep pitched roofs.

Due to production methods, colourdifferences may occur on natural orcoloured surfaces from different batches.

On la rge buildings , it is rec omme nde dto plan the use of material from oneba tch. Ma teria l ma y a lso be d ivide d up inaccordance with indiv idual bui ld ingsections. Ensure that, where identicallengths are involved, material from thesame batch is used for one buildingsection only.

The s a me ma teria l s hould b e use d forflashings.

Obs erve instructions on the p la n.

10.5 Coil coating and post coatingWhere the simultaneous use of bothco lour syste ms is unavoida ble, difference sca n be minimis ed by c o-ordinating c olourand the deg ree of gloss .




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10.6 Removing dirtNatural-finish surface:

Use an abrasive agent with apH-value of between 5 and 8 abrasivecleaning e.g . fibre fleec e. Abras ion trac esw ill be vis ib le w ith a bra s ive c lea ning . Thesurface will be brighter as the oxide coatdarkens and the new coat will be brightmeta llic a t firs t.

When using special cleaning agents,make sure that they are ecologicallyco mpa tible. Alw a ys rinse off with wa ter.

S tea m-jet c lea ning must b e performed b ya specialised company.

Coated surface: Use spe cia l non-a bras ive, biod eg ra da blec leaner compat ib le with the coat ings y s t e m a n d r i n s e t h o r o u g h l y a f t e r

cleaning. Alw a ys w ork w ith extreme ca resince m a jor co lour differenc es ma y o c cur.

It is o ften w orthwhile d elaying the c lea ningprocess because weathering and dirtaccumulation will reduce colour differen-ces.

A 5 % chemically neutral soap solutionapplied with a high pressure cleaner willoften prove s ucce ss ful.

Do not use s olvents or a bras ive ag ents.




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Type/ KAL-ZIP®

Profile No. 65/.. 50/..

Alu-clip · Aluminium H W1 W2 W1 W2 W3Tk5 Tk10

10 66 * * 20 25 3025 81 20 25 35 40 4550 106 45 50 60 65 7060 116 55 60 70 75 8080 136 75 80 90 95 10090 146 85 90 100 105 110

100 156 95 100 110 115 120

110 166 105 110 120 125 130120 176 115 120 130 135 140Fig. 11.1 130 186 125 130 140 145 150

140 196 135 140 150 155 160150 206 145 150 160 165 170

W2 inc l. The rma l ba rrier.Fig. 11.2 * Only valid for 50 mm high KAL-ZIP ®

Double length clip

Special clips on request

Thermal barrier · polyamide Double thermal barrier · polyamides uita ble for a ll types , s uita ble for a ll types ,pre-fixed on c lip loos e

Fig. 11.3 Fig. 11.4




( S i z e i n m m )

Standard holearrangement



1 0


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Type/ S izes in mmProfile No.

Gable end channel · Aluminium 11 792 35 x 27 x 20 x 1.55000 long

Fig. 11.5

Gable end clip for KAL-ZIP ® 65/... · Aluminium 11 679 58 long

Gable end clip 50 doe KAL-ZIP®

50/... · Aluminium 13 187 3 holes Ø 7

Fig. 11.6

Gable end support clip · Aluminium 12 753 60 w ide5000 long

Fig. 11.7

Sliding ridge clip · Aluminium 12 643 60 w ide60 long

Fig. 11.8

KAL-ZIP® flashing sheet · Aluminium S tucco: 586with large sheet upstand with coloured sheet

depe nding o n theKAL-ZIP ® coverw idth 6000 long

Fig. 11.9

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11 Type/ S izes in mmProfile No.

Cable clip · S ta inlees s teel ––

Fig. 11.10

Seam clip · S ta inless s teel ––

Fig. 11.11

Seam clip · Aluminium ––

Fig. 11.11a

Ridge cap · Aluminium 5019 235 x 1255000 long

Fig. 11.12

Spacer profile · Aluminium 11 950 45 x 6 x 45 x 1.55000 long

Fig. 11.13

Flat bar · Aluminium 0217 50 x 65000 long

0403 22 x 65000 long

Fig. 11.14

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Type/ S izes in mmProfile No.

Ridge closure · Aluminium 300/305 C ut to s ize of333/400 KAL-ZIP ® profile500600

Spec ia l ridge c losure As requ ired

Arris rid ge clos ure As req uiredFig. 11.15

Closure filler · C ellulos e polyethylene 300 C ut to s ize of305 KAL-ZIP ® profile333400500600

Fig. 11.16 S pec ia l s ize 1000 long

Eaves filler · C ellulos e polyethylene 300 C ut to s ize of305 KAL-ZIP ® profile333400500600

Fig. 11.17

Drip angle 0074 40 x 20 x 25000 long

0202 70 x 30 x 2Fig. 11.18 5000 long

Expansion compensating ribbon 1 x 400Aluminium vulc a nized 6000 long

Fig. 11.19

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Type/ S izes in mmProfile No.

Transluscent panel single skin · Rhenopla s t 305 C over w idth:305 mm

Max. leng th:20.000 mm

Fig. 11.20

Transluscent panel double skin · Rhenopla s t 305 C over w idth:305 mm

Max. leng th:30.000 mm

Fig. 11.21

Cover Strip · Aluminium 12 771 5000 long

Fig. 11.22

Closure filler for double skin UL ––transluscent panels · Cellulose polyethylene

Fig. 11.23

Eaves end piece for double skin ––transluscent panel · P VC

Fig. 11.24

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Type/ S izes in mmP rofile No.

Transluscent sheet · Rhenopla s t C over w idth 610

Installation length5850

Fig. 11.25

Ridge and Eaves end piece for transluscent sheet ––Rheno pla s t/P VC

Fig. 11.26

Eaves closure for transluscent sheet ––Aluminium- not a vaila ble- from s toc k -

Fig. 11.27

Transluscent sheet rail 12.300 5000 longAluminium

Fig. 11.28

J oint connection for transluscent 12.301 400 longsheet railAluminium

Fig. 11.29

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1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 - 6 0 0 0




Type/ S izes in mmP rofile No.

Sealed mounting soaker Special fabrications ing le s kin or ins ula ted · Aluminium in a ccorda nc e

width sketch

Fig. 11.30

Welded mounting soaker Special fabrications ing le s kin or ins ula ted · Aluminium in a ccorda nc e

with sketch

Fig. 11.31

Cover Strip for repairs 5000 long(not s uita b le fo r tra ns lusc ent s hee ts ) · Aluminium

Fig. 11.32

Comb-profiled jointing sheet 5084 3.5 x 80 x 5000

Fig. 11.33

Flat sheet cut from Coil 0.8 x 1200 xs tucc o-des ig n, pro tec tive c la dding on both s ides 2000 to 6000Aluminium (1/2 ha rd)

1.0 x 1200 x2000 to 6000

Fig. 11.34

Special flashings: Fabrica tion o nly in a cc orda nce with s ketches ,leng ths up to 6000 mm ma x.

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12.1 Zipping machineThe s ta tica lly impo rta nt co m-

pos i te e ffec t and ra in -p roo fseal of the KAL-ZIP ® sheets will only beachieved if the zipping machine worksproperly.

Protect the zipping machine from dirtand moisture. Do not expose to rain. Becareful not to drop the zipping machineand never work without the handlescrewed into position.

Observe all accident prevention regu-lations when zipping along roof edgesand around openings.

The ma chine must be co nnected to amains supply with separate earth. Largecable diameters must be used for longsupply lines to ensure that 235 volts are

a vaila ble for operation.

The ma chine is not intende d for manua lzipping.

a) CareUsed carefully, the zipping machine willlast for many years with a minimum ofmaintenance.

All rotating shafts are equipped withma intenanc e-free ba ll bea rings . Depe ndingon machine strain, the bearings of theouter guide rollers (DDF 3-6; DDF 5-3;DDF 4-1) must b e lubrica ted with light-dutymachine oil.

Check the toothed wheels for dirt andforeign bodies and clean if necessary.

Clean and slightly lubricate zip rollers re-g ula rly in order to retain the c hrome co a -ting a nd to a chieve exce llent zipping.

Oil the tension bars (DDF 7-0) near theeccentric shaft in such a way that a thin

oil film rema ins vis ible on the surfa ce.

b) Check settingClean c ontact surfaces . S et tension ba rs(DDF 7-0) so that the zipping machineca n be fully clos ed . Chec k a ll guide rollers(DDF 3-6; DDF 5-3; DDF 4-1) for smoothoperation and correct position.

Perform zipping test and comparethe flange dimensions with the table inSection 5.3.

c) Changing the roller set or side rollersRequired tools:

Ring spanner, 19 mmHexa go n so cket spa nner, 5 mm

The fo llow ing roller sets a re a t yo ur dis -posal:

1) for 0.7 - 1.0 mm, Nom. 07 - 1.02) for 1.2 mm, Nom. 1.23) for tra nslus ce nt pa nels Nom. L

Wrong fixing of the various roller sets isunder norma l circums ta nces not pos sible.




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12.2 Fixing accessories

Tools Use

Zipping machine Driving ma chine w ith220 Volt /50 Hertz a pprox 0.7 m ca ble, 1 roller s et for

KAL-ZIP ® 0.7 - 1.0 mm, packed inporta ble s teel bo x

Additional roller set Type C L for co ver s tripsType 1.2 for ma te ria lthicknes s 1.2 mm

Hand closing tool Clos ing s heet upsta nds by ha nd

Folding tool for KAL-ZIP®

Folding KAL-ZIP®

sheets atthe ridge305 · 333 · 400 · 500 · 600

Eaves folding tool for KAL-ZIP ® Folding down KAL-ZIP ® sheetsin the ea ves a rea

30 5 · 33 3 · 40 0

Roofing pliers Folding down small sheetscranked or straight

Unzipping device Zipping KAL-ZIP ® sheets(can only be used together withzipping ma chine)

Spreader beam (on renta l ba s is ) Unloa ding long s heets

of up to 50 mS prea der bea m length up to 24 mS prea der bea m length up to 36 m




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12.3 Zipping machine – front view12


D D F 2 - 1 U p p e r p a r t o f c a s i n g

d r i v i n g s i d e

D D F 5 - 1

S c r e w f o r f r o n t r o l l e r h o l d e r

D D F 5 - 2

W a s h e r f o r f r o n t r o l l e r h o l d e r

D D F 2 - 3

U p p e r p a r t o f c a s i n g n o n - d r i v i n g s i d e

D D F 2 - 4

L o w e r p a r t o f c a s i n g n o n - d r i v i n g s i d e

D D F 8 - 0

T e n s i o n b a r w i t h e c c e n t r i c s h a f t

D D F 8 - 1

N o t c h i n g p i v o t

D D F 5 - 0

F r o n t r o l l e r h o l d e r n o n - d r i v i n g s i d e

D D F 4 - 2

S c r e w f o r c e n t r a l f r o n t c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 4 - 3

W a s h e r f o r c e n t r a l f r o n t c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 4 - 1

C e n t r a l f r o n t c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 7 - 1 N u t f o r t e n s i o n

b a r

D D F 7 - 0 T e n s i o n

b a r

D D F 3 - 3 R o l l e r h o l d e r f o r l o n g

h o l e

D D F 3 - 7 B o l t f o r s m a l l c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 3 - 8 W a s h e r f o r l a r g e c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 5 - 4 S c r e w f o r f r o n t s m a l l

c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 5 - 3 S m a l l f r o n

t c o n t a c t

r o l l e r

D D F 5 - 5 W a s h e r f o r f r o n t

s m a l l c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 3 - 6 L a r g e c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 3 - 9 N u t f o r l a r g e c o n t a c t r o l l e r

D D F 4 - 0 F r o n t r o l l e r h o l d e r d r i v i n g s i d e

D D F 3 - 0 - 1

S i d e r o l l e r h o l d e r l o n g c o m p l .

f o r 6 5 m m

h i g h K A L - Z I P ®

D D F 3 - 0 - 2

S i d e r o l l e r h o l d e r s h o r t c o m p l .

f o r 5 0 m m

h i g h K A L - Z I P ®

D D F 3 - 0 - 3

S i d e r o l l e r h o l d e r w

i t h l o n g h o l e

D D F 3 - 1 / 3 - 2

R o l l e r h o l d e r l o n g / s h o r t

D D F 3 - 4 / 3 - 5

S c r e w / W a s h e r f o r r o l l e r h o l d e r

D D F 7 - 2 W a s h e r f o r t e n s i o n

b a r

D D F 2 - 2 L o w e r p a r t o f c a s i n g

d r i v i n g s i d e

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12.4Unzipping device12


Repair serviceAll tools can be professionallyse rvice d a nd repa ired in ourworkshop.

Shipping address:Hoogovens AluminiumBausysteme GmbHAugus t-Horch-S traße 20-22P.O. Box 10 03 31D-56033 KoblenzGermany

P hone: + + 49(0)2 61/891-607Fa x: + + 49(0)2 61 /8 20 38

DDF 10-5 Threaded pivot

DDF 10-1 Holder for tapered rollers

DDF 10-2 Tapered roller

DDF 10-4 ScrewRight threaded DDF 10-3 ScrewLeft threaded

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Europe:The NetherlandsHAFKON BVPos tbus 46NL-3140 AA Ma a s luis

The Netherland sT + 31 (0) 1059 15300F + 31 (0) 1059 [email protected]

BelgiumCorus Building Systems NVA. Stocletlaan 87B-2570 Duffel · BelgiumT + 32 (0) 15 30 29 21F + 3 2 (0) 15 30 29 [email protected]

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kalzip/uk@co rusg roup.c omFranceCorus Building Systems SAS8, Avenue Des clers · B .P. 20F-77515 Faremoutiers · FranceT + 33 (0) 1 64 65 30 56F + 33 (0) 1 64 03 98 [email protected]

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GreecePhanos N. Epiphaniou Ltd.82 Grammou Str.GR-18345 Moscha to · GreeceT + 301 9 405 941F + 301 9 412 465fanos@otenet .gr

Overseas:Middle East

DubaiCorus Building Systems

P.O. Bo x 9217UAE-Dubai · United Arab EmiratesT + 971 4 3388586F + 971 4 [email protected]

KuwaitAli Alghanim & SonsTrading &C ontrac ting G roup C o.W.L.L. · P.O. B ox 21540KT-Sa fat 13076 · Kuwa itT + 965 4 822190F + 965 4 821669

Far EastSingaporeCorus Building Systems Pte. Ltd.41 Gul Circle · Singapore 629576T + 65 768 9081F + 65 898 [email protected] .

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