uk government funding southeast asia prosperity fund newton fund

UK GOVERNMENT FUNDING Southeast Asia Prosperity Fund Newton Fund

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Southeast AsiaProsperity Fund


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The Newton Fund

“Research and Innovation for Growth and Prosperity”

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The Vision

The UK will use its strength in research and innovation to promote the economic development and social welfare of partner countries. By

working together on bi-lateral and multi-lateral programmes with a research and innovation focus, the UK will build strong, sustainable, systemic relationships with partner countries. This will support the

continued excellence of the UK research base and innovation ecosystem and will unlock opportunities for wider collaboration and trade.

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Our partner countries





South Africa

(and sub-Saharan Africa)








Turkey Kazakhstan


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The Partnership

We want a genuinely bilateral partnership where both sides – and global knowledge and innovation - gain significant benefit.

• The UK and partner countries already collaborate on a wide-range of research & innovation topics – we want to use the Newton Fund to take this to the next level

• We have some ideas for work we might take forward together based on things that have worked in the past – but we want to hear yours and to leave space to try something new

• Everything we fund should be chosen through an open, transparent and competitive process – so we fund the best people and projects

• Both sides should make an equivalent contribution

• Build evaluation in from the start

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The UK Delivery Partners

Our aim is to build strong, sustainable and systemic links between every part of our research base and innovation ecosystem – and every part of yours

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The Pillars


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School Student PhD Postdoc Young Prof Academician



Newton International


Researcher Mobility Schemes

Newton Advanced

FellowshipsSTEM Pipeline

Technical Training

& EmployabilityDeveloping People’s

Science & Innovation CapabilityLeadership in Innovation

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Potential Newton Fund people activity - examples

• Newton Fund Advanced Fellowships: The Royal Society, Academy of Medical Sciences and British Academy would offer fellowships to develop research capacity in partner countries by linking early- to mid-career research group leaders with UK research groups.

• Newton International Fellowships: The Royal Society, Academy of Medical Sciences and British Academy would offer early career researchers fellowships

• Newton Leaders in Innovation Fellowships: The Royal Academy of Engineering would offer fellowships focussed on developing academia and industry links

• Newton International Exchanges: The Academies and British Council would organise shorter exchanges for UK and partner country researchers e.g. summer placements in labs

• PhD Partnerships: British Council and RCUK would broker PhD Partnerships between UK and partner country institutions

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Potential Newton Fund people activity - continued

• Newton Researcher Links British Council and UK National Academies would offer a programme to stimulate initial links between, and support capacity building among, ‘rising star’ early career researchers in partner countries and the UK.

• Professional development and engagement (skills for researchers and research support staff, including English skills; community engagement; support for research governance and strategies at institutional level etc.)

• STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Education – support for STEM learning at the schools level

• Technical training and employability – building the science and innovation workforce outside academia

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Collaborative research programmes• Joint research calls

• Joint centres

• Access to research and innovation infrastructure

EnergyLiving With

Environmental Change



Food Security

Big Data

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Potential Newton Fund research activity – examples

• Global Health Research Call (MRC lead)

• International Wheat Yield Partnership (BBSRC lead)

• Sustainable Development in Urban Areas (ESRC lead)

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• Research and Innovation Bridges

• Global Innovation Capacity Building

• Developing entrepreneurial skills in S&I small and medium sized enterprises

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Potential Newton Fund translation activity - examples

• Global Innovation Capacity Building Bodies such as Innovate UK could work with government ministries and innovation agencies to share effective policies and practice.

• Research and Innovation Bridges Institutional “bridges” between UK Catapults and centres of innovation focusing on particular challenge areas

• Newton Institutional Links Institute-Institute programmes aiming to bring new technologies that can be spun-out potentially creating enterprises that can offer practical solutions to address particular needs affecting partner country’s low income communities

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Newton UK – Thailand Research and Innovation Partnership Fund


“…£2 million per year could be available for matching by Thailand…”

“...up to £4 million per year could be available for Newton UK – Thailand…”

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The Thailand Delivery Partners

Our aim is to build strong, sustainable and systemic links between every part of our research base and innovation ecosystem – and every part of yours

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Mechanism for in-country co-ordination

While our individual Delivery Partners will be forging links with their opposite numbers in-country, our Embassy, Consulate or High Commission will be making sure the whole programme really does represent a “whole system” partnership between the UK and our partner country.

Pijarana Samukkan

Research and InnovationProgramme Manager

Prosperity Section

British Embassy in Bangkok

Tel. +662 305 8280

Email: [email protected]

• Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI)

• National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

• Thailand Research Fund (TRF)

• Agricultural Research Development Agency (ARDA)

• Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC)

• Institute for Promotion of teaching Science and Technology (IPST)

• Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI)

• National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)





• Academies

o Royal Society

o British Academy

o Royal Academy of Engineering

• British Council

• Innovate UK

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Infectious Diseases





ure Rice … ….

STEM Education

PhD Scholars &

Supervisor Travel Grants


& Fellowships

Professional Development

Researcher Links

Institutional Links

Research& Innovation Collaboration

Overall Plan @ May 2015

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2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/9

1. STEM Education

2. PhD Scholars & Supervisor Travel Grants

3. International Exchanges (Mobility)

4. Advanced Fellowships

5. Leader in Innovation Fellowships

6. Professional Development

7. Researcher Links

8. Joint Research

9. Research & Innovation Collaboration

10. Institutional Links

Overall Plan @ May 2015 (cont.)

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• Researcher Links: workshop grantsBritish Council, London and TRF joint programme

o Collaboration between Thai and UK researchers to carry out workshop

o Deadline: 13 July 2015


Call Opens

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• 12 JUNE 2015Rice Research contributing to global food security through BBSRC (China, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand)

PhD Programme through British Council, Bangkok

- PhD Placement- Travel Grants for supervisors

• 24 JUNE 2015Advanced Fellowships through the National Academies of UK- Royal Society for Science and Engineering: 3 grants/year- British Academy for Social Science and Humanity: 2 grants/year

International Exchange (Mobility) through the National Academies of UK- British Academy for Social Science and Humanity: 3 grants/year



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• JULY 2015Institutional Links through British Council, London(focusing on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy)

Researcher Links : travel grants through British Council, London

• AUGUST 2015

Professional Development through British Council, Bangkok- Mid-Career Researchers: 15 grants- Project / Programme Officers: 15 grants

International Exchange (Mobility) through the National Academies of UK- British Academy for Social Science and Humanity: 3 grants/year



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Pijarana SamukkanResearch and Innovation Programme ManagerBritish Embassy, BangkokTel. +662 305 8280e-mail: [email protected]

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Newton Fund

British Council

Chanya Tangsuk

Manager Education

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Newton Fund Delivery Partners

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British Council Thailand and Newton Fund

• Projected started in 2014

• Worked with over 71 universities and 470 researchers in Thailand and UK

• Managing the following projects:

Newton-RGJ PhD Placement

ProgrammeResearcher Links

Professional Development

Institutional Links


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British Council- Newton Partners 27

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Newton-RGJ PhD Placement Scholarship

For Scholars and Supervisors 28

• Collaboration with the Thailand Research Fund (Royal Golden Jubilee Scholarship)

• Enable scholars to stay for longer periods in UK higher education institutions

• Creating more opportunities to learn from the UK’s research excellence and create collaborative links.

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The funding from Thailand Research Fund will cover:

• Return international airfare (economy class) to the UK.

• Living expenses for six months in the UK (according to the rate of Office of Civil Service Commission, Thailand).

• Thai and UK research supervisors short-term visit to the UK and vice versa to follow up the scholar’s research progress and academic development.

• Other cost for preparing students to travel to the UK e.g. UK visa fee and overseas travel insurance.

• Costs beyond the above arrangements will be borne by the students themselves. 29

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The funding from Newton Fund will cover:

• A pre-departure briefing session in Bangkok.

• Living expenses for six months in the UK (according to the rate of Office of Civil Service Commission, Thailand).

• Funding for English proficiency development and examination in Thailand or in the UK and conference participation in the UK.

• Tuition fee and bench fee for 12 months and not more than £5,000 in total.

• Costs beyond the above arrangements will be borne by the students themselves. 30

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Applications will be open to existing Royal Golden Jubilee PhD students who meet the following criteria:

• Have passed a qualifying examination or proposal.

• Have planned to travel to the UK for a minimum of 12 months.

• Applicants who have a national or international publication record will be given a preference. 31

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PhD Programme

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Newton- Researcher Links 35

• The Researcher Links programme aims to stimulate initial links between, and support capacity building among, ‘rising star’ early career researchers in partner countries and the UK.

The Researcher Links: WORKSHOP

bring together the UK – Thailand bilateral cohort of early career researchers to take part in a workshop

The Researcher Links: TRAVEL GRANT

provide financial support for early career researchers to spend up to six months in the UK to enhance and strengthen collaboration,

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Researcher’s link

Researcher link workshop: King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and The University of Manchester

Robotics research in Thailand 36

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Newton- Professional Development 37

• support the research environment and encourage optimal impact from research, by enabling researchers continue to develop their skills and providing supported through the ‘life cycle’ of their career

Midcareer Researchers

Project Officers

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Professional Development

Professional Development for researchers – workshop and training by UK experts 38

Research on magnetic recording technology

Example of turning research into economic benefits

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Newton- Institutional Links 39

• Grants for establishing links between higher education, research institutions and businesses with the aim of translating research to drive economic development and social welfare in partner countries.

• Initiate new research and innovation collaborations between academic groups, departments and institutions in partner countries and the UK

• Develop existing collaborations at group, departmental and institutional level

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OPEN CALL Open call for Researcher Links Workshop April 2015

collaboration between Thai and UK researchers to carry out workshop

Deadline: 13 July 2015

Open call for PhD Placement (supervisors and scholars)

Opportunities for PhD Placement for scholars and supervisors

Deadline: 11June-11 September 2015 40

Opportunities for Newton Fund

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UPCOMING CALLSOpen call for Institutional Links July 2015

collaboration for establishing links between higher education, research institutions and businesses

Open call for Researcher Links Travel Grants July 2015

Up to 6 month travel grant to the UK to conduct research

Open call for Professional Development August 2015

Skills for researchers and research project officers

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Contact us

British Council Thailand

02 657 5633

[email protected] 52

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Prosperity Programme

UK Support for Thailand’s Development


Chalisara Suparat

Prosperity Fund Programme Officer

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What is the Prosperity Fund Programme

Priority area: Sustainable

The Bidding Process

Important Bits about Prosperity Fund


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The South East Asia Prosperity Fund is the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) technical cooperation programme that aims to create the conditions for global growth.

Technical Assistance, Building Capacity, Encouraging Stakeholder Discussions and Sharing the UK Experience.Must fit with the Official Development Assistance (ODA)Priority Areas: Openness and Sustainable. Support bilateral and regional projects.

What is the Prosperity Fund Programme

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Assist and encourage the government to progressively engage in international and multilateral climate change fora, in particular all UNFCCC agreements. Increase government ambition on climate change through information on climate change science and risks. Low carbon economic growth Carbon emissions reduction from the energy sectors.Energy efficiency in key sectors :energy, agriculture, transport, waste and land use.Sustainable management of natural resources.

Priority Area: Sustainable 2015/16

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Examples of project we funded


Priority Areas: Sustainable 2015/16

Projects in Thailand

• A Co-benefit Study on GHG Emissions in Agriculture

• Development of Thailand’s Solar Photovoltaics Consortium and Thailand’s Solar Photovoltaics

• K Energy Saving Guarantee Program

• Enhancing Electricity Security in Thailand

• Capacity Building and Technical Upgrade of the Thailand 2050 Pathways Calculator

Regional projects

• Climate Smart Cities: Transitioning to Green Growth in Asia ( lead implementer in Malaysia).

• Green Growth Capacity Building in South-East-Asia.

• Strengthening Capacity for Low Carbon Growth in Developing Asia.

• South East Asia Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change.

• Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform in South-East Asia.

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The Bidding Process

24 Nov 2014 : Call for bids begins

: Forms to be downloaded

: Strategy for 2015/16

9 Jan 2015 : Deadline for interim

project proposals

6 Mar 2015 : Deadline for FULL

project proposals

30-31 Mar 2015 : Announce successful

project proposals

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• UK Financial year: April – March• No limit of funding per project but ideally range

between 20-50 K• Multi-year funding is possible but not guarantee• No more than 10% administrative costs• Reimburse actual expenses

• Demonstrate High Impact, Sustainable Outcome, Strong Stakeholder and Government Support

• The grant contract is only available in English

Areas not covered by the fund• Not classified as ODA• Pure research• Have significant capital costs• Climate change adaptation projects

Important Bits about the Prosperity Fund

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[email protected]


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Thank you and we are looking forward to your



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• Fully-funded scholarship to study a one-year Masters degree in the UK

• Application for 2016/2017 Chevening Scholarship open in August 2015

• Be a part of the highly regarded global network community.

• Please visit:

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Thank you and we are looking forward to your
