uganda smallholder pigs value chain component situation report 2012

Uganda Smallholder Pigs Value Chain Component Situation Report 2012 Danilo Pezo Livestock and Fish Value Chain Component Planning Meeting, Nairobi Kenya, 6-7 December 2012

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Presented by Danilo Pezo (ILRI) at the Livestock and Fish Value Chain Component Planning Meeting, Nairobi Kenya, 6-7 December 2012


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Uganda Smallholder Pigs Value Chain Component Situation Report 2012

Danilo Pezo

Livestock and Fish Value Chain Component Planning Meeting, Nairobi Kenya, 6-7

December 2012

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Progress done

• Stakeholders Consultation Meeting held in Kampala in June 2011 (32 participants)

• ILRI-Uganda Office established at Bioversity/CIP compound (March 2012).

• Hosting agreement with Bioversity signed (June 2012)

• Project Agreement with IFAD signed (August 2012)

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Progress done

• Stakeholders Consultation Meeting held in Kampala in June 2011 (32 participants)

• ILRI-Uganda Office established at Bioversity/CIP compound (March 2012).

• Hosting agreement with Bioversity signed (June 2012)

• Project Agreement with IFAD signed (August 2012)

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Progress done (continues)

• Recruitment of Staff:• Project Coordinator (mid-Feb.

2012)• Agricultural Economist (late

July 2012)• Post doctoral Animal Health

(September 2012)• Administrative Assistant and

Driver (October 2012)• Consultants (Situation Analysis

–June 2012; Outcome Mapping – October 2012)

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Progress done (continues)

Links with other ILRI projects established (e.g. FF-SF; LDIP)

Identification of partners representing national and local governments, NGOs, universities, and private sector

SPVCD Project and other ILRI activities presented to partners, and other CGIAR centers operating in Uganda.

Outcome mapping and site selection workshop conducted (October 2012)

Report on targeting pig value chains systems in Uganda at district/sub-county level (GIS work)

Situation analysis of the pig sector in Uganda (final draft)

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Progress done (Value Chain Assessment)

Sites selected at district level by national partners, based on GIS information and soft criteria provided by the project.

Sub-counties/districts selected by project staff using GIS information

Villages selected by local partners according to representativeness of value chain types (U – U; R – U; and R – R)

Tools for Rapid Appraisal of VC (producers & key informants) developed and applied using other projects experiences as a basis. Tools for other actors need to be developed/adapted

FGD facilitators selected and trained. Data collection running in15 villages in


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Plans for 2013

• Installation of Steering Committee• Recruitment of Research Assistants

(graduate students doing research under the project in some cases?)

• Value Chain Assessment To complete the VC assessment in

selected sites (farmers & key informants in Kamuli and Mukono; other VC actors in all three districts);

To conduct a VC assessment in Gulu (a site not selected by partners, but relevant for ILRI’s Pig VC research activities)

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Plans for 2013 (continue)

• Ex ante evaluation of best-bet interventions, and testing of the most promising in all three districts

• Training of partners (extension staff & farmers) on best-bet interventions tested, as well as VC assessment methodologies

• Preparation and dissemination of synthesis materials on lessons learnt and impacts

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Plans for 2013 (continue)

• Negotiate with the donor project’s non-cost extension

• Resource mobilization Project Proposal/Concept Note for Up- and

Out Scale the SPVCD project lessons learnt Other proposals to conduct deeper studies for

different SPVCD components• Preparation and conduction of Mid- and Final-

Term evaluations• Writing and submission of Final Report to the


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