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  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    Ah, Halloween. It’s that time o year when

     jack-o-lanterns flicker in the cool night air,

    eerie ghosts hang rom willow trees, and

    children blithely nag their parents intoshelling out millions o dollars so they

    can dress up as paganistic monsters and

    Freudian archetypes in order to perpetuate

    a commercial corruption o a Catholic cor-

    ruption o the Celtic estival o amhain.

    Wait, what?

    Alright, let’s go back. Te end o October:

    he time o the year when the weather

    begins to get cold and plants start to die.

    It’d make perect sense or a primitive

    people intimately tied up in their climate

    and geography to want to commemoratethis turning point in the annual cycle. Te

    Celts were a primitive people, they liked

    to have estivals with meteorological im-

    plications, and they had a big estival in

    October to mark the end o summer and

    called it Samhain. It all makes sense.

    hen along came the Catholics. heCatholics liked to convert primitive peo-

    ple, and they liked to do so by moving

    Christian holidays to coincide with pa-

    gan ones. (Christ had an excellent grasp

    o astronomy or his time, to be born on

    the Winter Solstice and die on the Ver-

    nal Equinox). Introducing All-Saint’s Day

    – a time to commemorate all those Saints

    too uncool   to be celebrated individually.

    Originally held on May 13th, the holiday

    was moved to November 1st in the 8th

    century by Pope Gregory III. Why the

    move? o mark the papal dedication o a

    newly built church honoring the Saints,obviously. Definitely not  to compete with


    And what better way to show the Catho-

    lic saints you care than by dressing up as a

    sexy devil or Richard Nixon and going out

    to gorge yoursel on refined sugar?

    All-right, all-right: So Halloween is abastardized celebration and big uckin’

    deal. We’re used to it. Look at Valentine’s

    Day, look at Christmas. Tis is America

    and holidays boost the economy, pino.

    Te National Conectioners’ Association

    recognizes Halloween as the number-one

    holiday or candy sales, with over 85% o

    American households handing out sweets

    and cumulative sales in excess o $2 billion.

    What’re a handul o dead saints next to a

    ew hundred million dead presidents?

    In act, what’s the United States govern-

    ment next to a ew hundred million dead

    presidents? Really, once you’ve reachedthe loty economic stratosphere inhab-

    ited by today’s commercial sugar produc-

    ers and soda-pop manuacturers, nothing

    inside issueinside issue


    the issue is not the issue Issue 16. October 23, 2006

    Halloween UndercoverTe White Granular Stuff 

     by Bryan Murphy

    IntelligentDesign andyou.pg. 09

    N. Koreaand theatmoicoopspg. 05

    SongReview:Sufjanpg. 0716

    Katy Refus-es to weara costume.pg. 11

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2



    Get Tee Behind Me, Satan, and into the Halloween Store

     Down on my luck, back to the wall.All the odds are against me. I knew,

    one more lousy effort and I was surely

    going to get canned. So I perked up,

    summoned all o my strength and,

    with the will o God behind me, I set

    out on the most important quest o

    my lie, a quest… to the Halloween

    store, in Manchester, off exit 62 some-


    Preparations had begun some

    weeks back, and it was, like, uesday

    or Wednesday when we actually de-

    cided to go. We were going to go that

    previous Tursday, but, you know howit is, and so we decided to go on what-

    ever day it was that we actually went.

    Te Yankee game was on, I remember,

    game two, the one that bum Mussina

    ended up blowing. Anyway, things

    happen and it was too nice o a day to

    let the shitty Yankees interere with my

    Halloween store obligations. Plus that

    piece o shit Rogers was pitching game

    three or Detroit, so I wasn’t worried.

    In retrospect I should’ve been,

    but not because the Yankees ended

    up blowing it in our games, oh no,

    oooooooooohhhh no. No, I should

    have been worried because we were

    about to conront perhaps the largest

    black market supplier o psilocybin

    mushrooms and human traicking

    this side o the Mississippi. And beore

    it was all over, we would come ace to

    ace with death itsel.

    First o all, it took the photographer

    and I about 50 minutes to ind the

    ucking place off the highway. Have

    you ever been down to the Manches-

    ter mall? It’s ucking ridiculous! I’ve

    been to that movie theater literally five

    times and I still don’t have the oggiest

    idea where it is. Put up a ucking sign,

    you piece o shit town! We drove by

    the Dick’s sporting goods twice. How

    in the hell is that possible, we were

    stone sober. But Jesus was with us, in

    the orm o that really riendly Jesus

    rom Dogma, you know, the one giv-

    ing the thumbs up, so this calmed us

    down a bunch. Plus, as I remarked to

    the photographer at the time, “don’t

    worry, i we can’t find it we’ll just go

    into the Dick’s or something and make

    the story about that,” or something

    along those lines. In act, I was start-

    ing to get a little anxious about actu-ally even making it to the Halloween

    store. I figured, at that point we would

    either uncover a huge drug running

    operation, at which point I would have

    to go into witness protection in some

    by James Randall

    shithole suburb outside o Kansas Citywhere hal the population rides rascal

    scooters to get to the barbeque joints

    because they’re too large to move un-

    der their own power, or nothing at

    all would happen and it would end

    up being really a boring story and a

    real chore to write. Plus I heard tale

    that there was a pirate. So when the

    photographer yelled out “there’s the

    Petco,” the Petco being next to the Hal-

    loween store, I couldn’t help but eel

    a bit, well, ambivalent. Ambivalence

    being, o course, I bit lower than, say,

    sheer excitement, or jubilation, as onemight normally expect rom such an

    interesting, dare I say captivating as-


    Right rom the get go I knew this

    place was trouble. We were greeted at

    the door by some floor monster, who

    lunged at us and blinked red lights out

    o his eyes or a ew seconds, and then

    when the door closed he stopped. I

    waved into his eyes or a solid 15

    seconds, but he was done. Probably

    $49.99 plus tax.

    Tey had a bunch o shit there, man,and i any o it was made on this hemi-

    sphere I’d eat my hat, which is now,

    by the way, a purple edora pimp hat

    ($14.99). It’s really pretty nice. Tey

    had some solid canes there, too, but

    what with the skulls and all I figured

    most ladies o the night would be, per-

    haps, turned off a bit i I strolled up

    with them at my side. I don’t know.

    Weird place. Only about a third

    o the huge, cavernous, warehousian

    buiding was used or the fly-by-night

    Halloween setup. he rest was like

    something out o one o those terribleSaw movies. I hate that guy. I can’t wait

    or them to kill him off, he’s such a son

    o a bitch. And he was there, too! Sell-

    ing mushrooms, as it turned out.

    Oh, and we, uh, saw a bunch o grim

    reaper costumes, too.

    Oh, and a og machine, and we

    couldn’t figure out how in the world

    it worked. It was like magic. I put a

    chestnut in it!

    On the way out, I told the photogra-

    pher to slow down when we passed thepirate. I wanted to interview him.

    As we approached, he waved his

    sword mightily into the air, slashing

    it down with a heroes might at the big

    yellow sign he was holding. He had a

    big hat, and a patch, real piratey.

    “Excuse me,” I said to him, “we’re

    doing a story or the UConn Free

    Press, do you have a quote?”

    He looked back bashully, shoulder’s

    shrugged and smiling, “No.”

    “Oh.” No ucking way, I need this

    ucking pirate or this story, dammit.

    Tink, James, think. “Uh, do you havea name or your pirate?”

    He laughed a little. “No, uh, nope.”

    Success! Suc-ucking-cess! hat’s

    or damn sure a quote. I can definitely

    use that.

    So, in the end, the photographer

    and I rode off into the sunset, on the

    majestic hillside o the Manchester

    mall area, back to 84. All was right

    with the world.

    O W E D .

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    on Heaven or Earth is going to stop

    you rom getting what you want. Te

    orld ealth rganization? Pshhhh.

    When an independent team o 30 o

    the world’s top nutritionists gets to-

    gether and releases a study advocating

    that added sugar should account orno more than 10% o a healthy diet,

    the orld ugar rganization has 40

    ambassadors write to the W.H.O de-

    manding the report be removed on the

    basis that it is doing irreparable harm

    to the developing world. Who would

    win in a fight between 30 nutritionists

    and 40 ambassadors?

    Tat was not a rhetorical question.

    Ten you have the U.S. Council or In-

    ternational Business, comprising more

    than 300 companies (predominantly

    among which are Coca-Cola and

    Pepsico.), threatening to strong-armCongress into cutting off the United

    States’ $406 million annual cash flow

    to the W.H.O. Ten the W.H.O. pulls

    their study. Health: 0. Sugar: 1.

    But to be air, the World Sugar

    Organization has some data on their

    side; their trump card is insisting an

    Institute o Medicine report claims a

    healthy diet can consist o 25% add-

    ed sugars. And again, to be air, the

    president o the Institute has gone on

    record stating that the W.S.O. is mis-

    interpreting their data. So remember,

    223,675,000 metric tons o raw sugar

    produced annually. Tat’s somewhere

    around 493 billion pounds at about

    10.5 cents per pound, and that’s what’s

    really important.

    Te most remarkable thing about

    this entire debate is that there’s such a

    controversy over restricting what was

    once an incredibly rare and expensive

    spice to only 10% of our total diet .

    (Have you ever thought o sugar as a

    spice?) Sugar used to be well-nigh im-

    possible to come by and the exclusive

    domain o the rich and luxurious. Q:

    What the hell happened? A: Disease

    and slavery.

    ake one set o Caribbean islands.

    Add in smallpox, cholera, typhoid e-

     ver, tuberculosis, a disease-susceptible

    native population, and the realization

    that the Caribbean has the perect cli-

    mate or sugarcane production. Mix

    rapidly, and as the native population

    quickly dies o replace with a ew

    million Arican slaves (to work the

    burgeoning sugarcane plantations).

    By the 18th century, the Europeans

    were firmly addicted to sweet tea and

    biscuits with jam, and sugar was here

    to stay.When you think “Jamaican”, do you

    think Bob Marley? But remember that

    there weren’t any blacks in the Carib-

    bean only 400 years ago. Bob Marley

    is an anachronistic relic of an impe-

    rial history  - with a sweet tooth. Te

    next time you think “Jamaican,” think

    cholera-ridden Arawak and aino In-


    But the past is the past, man, and

    onto the bright  future! In our mod-

    ern era, workers on a sugar plantation

    in the Dominican Republic need not

    ear the slave master’s whip – not when

    they can look orward to 12 hour work

    days at just under 17 cents an hour!


    So here we’ve got all this sugar be-

    ing produced under brutally inhu-mane conditions, and we’re lovin’ it.

    ‘Cuz that sugar has to go somewhere,

    and the leading suspect is Americans’

    wide, slavering maws. U.S. Depart-

    ment o Agriculture numbers indi-

    cate we all gulp down over 64 pounds

    o the white, granular stuff per year.

    And why not? We can get more sugar

    in more ways now than ever beore.

    Gone are the bad old days of bland

    boring white sugar. Why not some

    Demerara sugar? Why not some ur-

    binado sugar? Why not some high

    ructose corn syrup? I mean, corn isa vegetable, right? Te stuff is practi-

    cally good or you! Show your riends

    that you can uel your addiction more

    ashionably and expensively than they


    Because sugar is addictive, aer all.

    Not an “I really like sugar” addictive,

    but more o a, “I’m going through

    physiological withdrawal because I’m

    not getting enough sugar” addictive.

    remors, depression, headaches – all

    sorts o lovely withdrawal symptoms. I

    mean, did you think Americans derive

    more o their calories rom soda than

    any other single ood product simply

    because soda tastes good? Most soda

    is nothing more than high-ructose

    corn syrup and caffeine (another  ad-

    dictive substance), with a little flavor-

    ing thrown in to give us a pretext or

    wanting it.

    One shouldn’t be too hard on refined

    sugar, though. A lot o perectly natu-

    ral substances can become addictive

    when they’re highly processed. Sugar-

    cane goes through a lot of shit  to end

    up in those white packets at South. In

    order to produce refined white sugar,

    sugarcane is first crushed to bits to ex-

    tract its juices. Te resultant juices are

    filtered, treated with lime to remove

    impurities, and then neutralized with

    sulur dioxide. Te juice is boiled, with

    sedimentary impurities sinking to the

    bottom and scum rising to the surace

    to be skimmed off. Next, the syrupy

    liquid is cooled while being stirred,

    crystallizing into those brown sugar

    granules we all know and love, while

    uncrystallized syrup is removed by a

    centriuge. Tis raw, brown sugar is

    precipitated by a mixture o calcium

    hydroxide beore being passed througha bed o activated charcoal to achieve

    that desirable, pearly white color.

    Hell, what wouldn’t  be addictive

    aer being put through such a grind?

    ake a harmless little flower. Crush

    it up filter the juices. reat the juices

    with lime to remove impurities be-

    ore neutralizing them with ammo-

    nia, and then filter them again. Cook

    the resultant liquid or six hours with

    an equivalent weight o acetic anhy-

    dride, then treat it with a mixture o

    water and hydrochloric acid to puriy

    the product. Add sodium carbonate

    to induce precipitation o particulate

    matter in the liquid, and finally, pass

    the end product through a mixture o

    alcohol and activated charcoal. Tat

    procedure remind you o anything?Juices? Lime? Activated charcoal?

    Processing sugarcane yields refined

    white sugar. Processing poppy flow-

    ers yields heroin.

    O course, the difference between

    these two highly addictive, psychoac-

    tive drugs is that only one o them is

    directly marketed to children by super-

    subtle advertising executives through

    bright and cheery cartoon. Start with

    Pixie Stics, then work your way up

    to a line or two, kids.

    In act, maybe Little Johnny bet-

    ter just start with the line. You know,heroin causes no ongoing toxicity to

    the tissues or organs o the body – that

    is, i you don’t drop dead rom an O.D.

    outright. Sugar, on the other hand…

    we all know sugar can promote obe-

    sity, especially because it causes a

    rapid rise in insulin levels which tells

    the body to store consumed calories

    directly as at. But how many o the

    ultra-tanned O.C. Princesses order-

    ing their sweetened iced teas at Star-

    bucks are aware that sugar can also

    promote the growth o kidney stones

    and gallstones, while leading to os-

    teoporosis, heart disease, personality

    changes and mood swings? Oh, and

    did you know glucose and Vitamin

    C have extremely similar chemical

    structures? In act, your body can re-

    ally only metabolize one at a time – a

    blood sugar level o 120, considered

    perectly average or a healthy person,

    can nonetheless reduce the number o

    bacteria your body’s phagocytes caneliminate by 75%.

    And don’t even mention diabetes.

    So bac to Halloween. We’ve got

    clean, modern, liberated Christian

    parents rushing their kids off to Wal-

    Mart and arget to snap up poorly-

    made pint-size costumes o satanic

    monsters and sexually repressed Cin-

    derallas in order that their children

    might enjoy a night o pagan celebra-

    tion while snapping up pure refined

    sugar produced through the efforts o

    Dominican slave laborers. Perhaps the

    sugar’s cut with a bit o ood coloringand cocoa butter, maybe packaged

    in a shiny plastic wrapper. Perhaps it

    isn’t. At any rate, it’s a sight to make

    a comic-book supervillain weep tears

    o envy.

    So i you want to know what I’ll be

    doing this Halloween, I’m dressing up

    as the Joker. It only seemed appropri-

    ate. (Currently accepting applications

    rom hot babes to be my Harley Quinn.

    Lithe figures, anti-social personalities,

    psychiatric training all a plus.)

    Bryan Murphy is a first semester reshman. I

    this article has induced you to love or hate him

    – or you’re an attractive, criminally insane psy-

    chiatrist – drop him a line at cormano.wild@


    Halloween Undercovercontinued from page 1


    Orange leaves and autumn spices are

    on the changing winds. Soon, we will

    have one last hurrah at Halloween, be-

    ore winter creeps in. Long ago, the

    ancient Celts also celebrated this time

    o year. Te Celtic calendar’s equiva-

    lent to November was Samhain (pron.

    SOW-wen), popularly translated as

    “summer’s end.” A holiday by the

    same name marked the month’s an-

    nual beginning around Oct. 31 or Nov.

    1, when Celts would hold a estival or

    the dead and or the final harvest.

    Present-day Pagans have embracedthis holiday as one o eight in their

    Wheel o the Year. Usually, Samhain

    is observed around Oct. 31 or Nov. 1.

    It is a time when the veil separating

    the world o the living and world o

    the dead is so thin that the spirits o

    the dead may easily cross between the

    two worlds, in order to socialize with

    the living. Samhain is also a time to

    honor ancestors and other departed

    souls, and to ask or their blessings.

    Moreover, the seasonal shi reminds

    us that here, Earth is moving toward

    darkness and winter, themselves

    symbolic o death. As part o a cycle,

    though, there is always the promise o

    a orthcoming rebirth. But or now,

    we greet the coming winter and shi-

    ing sunlight, the beginning o a new

    cycle. Because o this, you might soon

    hear “Happy New Year!”

    Want to learn more, or just chill

    with Pagans and people rom other

    aiths? Visit PODS, the Pagan Or-

    ganization or Diverse Spirituality!

    PODS meets hursdays at 6:30 PM

    in Student Union Room 410.

    Darkness, Our Dearly Departed, and the New Year

    Here’s to Samhain!by Olivia Von Kohorn

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    Jailing Pregnant Women Raises Health Risks


    In recent months, pregnant women

    have been arrested and jailed in South

    Carolina, New Mexico, Arizona, Ala-bama, Colorado, Georgia, Missouri,

    North Dakota and New Hampshire,

    among other states, based on the claim

    that pregnant women can be consid-

    ered child abusers even beore they

    have given birth.

    Women targeted or these arrests

    are usually those with untreated drug

    or alcohol problems.

    Other women have also been ar-

    rested or endangering the etus by

    not getting to the hospital quickly

    enough on the day o delivery and by

    not ollowing doctor’s advice to getbed rest. One woman who suered

    a stillbirth was arrested or murder

    based on the claim that by exercising

    her right to medical decision-making

    and postponing a Caesarean section,

    she caused the death o her child.

    Law enorcement officials oen jus-

    tiy the application o criminal laws

    to pregnant women by claiming that

    the arrest and imprisonment o preg-

    nant women will protect etuses and

    advance children’s health.

    “We have to look at each act to de-

    termine what the right thing is to doto protect the children,” Jerry Peace,

    a South Carolina prosecutor, said re-


    But every leading medical organiza-

    tion to address this issue--including

    the American Medical Association,

    the American College o Obstetri-

    cians and Gynecologists, the Ameri-

    can College o Nurse Midwives, the

    American Academy o Pediatrics and

    the March o Dimes--has concluded

    that the problem o alcohol and drug

    use during pregnancy is a health issue

    best addressed through education andcommunity-based amily treatment,

    not through the criminal justice sys-


    As leading public health and child

    welare groups have long noted, preg-

    nant women do not experience alco-

    holism and other drug dependencies

    because they want to harm their e-

    tuses or because they don’t care about

    their children.

    Treats Don’t Wor 

    Medical knowledge about addiction

    and dependency treatment demon-strates that patients do not, and cannot,

    simply stop their drug use as a result

    o threats o arrest or other negative

    consequences. Tis is one reason why

    threat-based approaches do not work

    to stop drug use or to protect chil-

    dren. Such approaches have, in act,

    been shown to deter pregnant women

    not rom using drugs but rather rom

    seeking prenatal care and what little

    drug and alcohol treatment may be

    available to them.

    Health risks to women, etuses and

    children--whether arising rom pov-

    erty, inadequate nutrition, exposure toalcohol, drugs or other actors--can be

    mitigated through prenatal and con-

    tinuing medical care and counseling.

    For this to be eective, however,

    the woman must trust her health care

    providers to saeguard her confidences

    and to stand by her while she attempts

    to improve her health, even i those e-

    orts are not always successul. rans-

    orming health care encounters into

    grounds or prosecution and turning

    health care proessionals into agents

    o law enorcement destroys this all-

    important trust.Not only does the threat o arrest

    deter women rom seeking care that

    could urther both maternal and etal

    health, but the imprisonment o preg-

    nant women itsel also poses signifi-

    cant dangers.

    A 2005 Maryland case belies any

    claim that arresting pregnant women

    protects etuses, children or amilies.

    Kari Parsons was imprisoned spe-

    cifically to protect the health o her


    She was arrested when she was sev-

    en months pregnant because a drugtest mandated as part o her proba-

    tion or shopliing returned a positive

    result. Tough standard practice is to

    release people arrested or probation

     violations on their own recognizance

    until their later court dates, the judge

    in Parsons’ case sent her to jail, citing

    his interest in protecting the etus’s


    Born in a Jail Cell

    Yet three weeks later, because o the

     judge’s ostensible concern or the e-

    tus, Parsons’ son was born in condi-tions that put both his and his mother’s

    health and lie at risk.

    Parsons gave birth to her son alone

    in a dirty Maryland jail cell urnished

    only with a toilet and a bed with no

    sheets. She had been in labor or sev-

    eral hours and had countless times

    pleaded or help and medical atten-

    tion. Te requests were denied.

    Te Jennier Road Detention Cen-

    ter, where she was incarcerated, re-

    peatedly ignored her cries that she

    was well into labor and needed to goto the hospital. Other inmates, hearing

    Parsons’ cries, implored guards to take

    her to the hospital.

    Instead, guards took her out o a

    holding area with other inmates--

    who had helped to time her contrac-

    tions--and put her in a cell by hersel.

    A ew hours later, Parsons gave birth

    completely alone, without health care

    or support o any kind. According to

    press reports, although completely

    healthy when he was b orn, Parsons’

    son soon developed an inection due

    to the unsanitary conditions o hisbirth.

    Only last week, a woman gave birth

    in a Harris County, exas, jail cell. An-

    other inmate who witnessed the birth

    told local television news reporters that

    despite the pregnant woman’s pleas or

    medical attention, guards reused to

    help her. She gave birth in a jail cell

    without medical assistance.

    Te argument that arresting preg-

    nant women protects etal or maternal

    health is squarely contradicted by an-

    other typical prison condition.

    Prisons throughout the UnitedStates restrain and shackle women

    throughout pregnancy and during

    labor, even though international hu-

    man rights law bans restraints under

    these circumstances.

    reaties Ban Shacling

    When Kari Parsons began to have

    labor pains a ew days beore giving

    birth, she was taken to a medical a-

    cility and later returned to the deten-

    tion center. She was transported in

    handcus and shackles. Although

    international law and treaties signedby the United States prohibit the

    shackling o pregnant and birthing

    women, Amnesty International USA

    reports that only two states--Illinois

    and Caliornia--have banned the bar-

    baric practice throughout pregnancy

    and childbirth.

    Besides being dehumanizing and

    totally unnecessary or public saety,

    the use o shackles and handcuffs dur-

    ing pregnancy and childbirth is dan-

    gerous to maternal and etal health.Pregnant women in their third

    trimesters may already have balance

    problems; shackling their legs height-

    ens the risk that a woman will all,

    potentially injuring them and their

    etuses. Also troubling is that the use

    o restraints during labor can, accord-

    ing to Amnesty International USA,

    “compromise the ability to manipu-

    late (the pregnant woman’s) legs into

    the proper position or the necessary


    Furthermore, when doctors need to

    remove the restraints to provide ad-equate care--such as perorming an

    emergency Caesarean--it can take five

    or 10 minutes to locate the keys, un-

    lock the shackles and ree the woman’s

    legs. Tis delay can be the difference

    between lie and death or a woman

    or her child.

    In 2005 Regina Kilmon and Kelly

    Lynn Cruz in albot County, Md.,

    were arrested and charged with child

    abuse and reckless endangerment

    when they gave birth in spite o a

    drug problem. Te local social services

    director, Cathy Mols, said that suchprosecutions were “helpul in protect-

    ing children and amilies.”

    Recently, Maryland’s highest court

    unanimously overturned the convic-

    tions, concluding that the state leg-

    islature never intended its child en-

    dangerment law to be used as a basis

    or policing pregnancy. Such a ruling,

    however, should not have been nec-

    essary to persuade prosecutors and

    other state officials that arresting and

    imprisoning women is no way to pro-

    tect pregnant women and their chil-


    Tis article first appeared in Women’s eNews,

    and is reprinted here with the permission.


    by Ehrlich and Paltrow 

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2



    About Women’s eNewsby Women’s eNews

    Women’s eNews is the deinitive

    source o substantive news--unavail-

    able anywhere else--covering issues

    o particular concern to women and

    providing women’s persp ectives on

    public policy. It enhances women’s

    ability to define their own lives and

    to participate ully in every sector o

    human endeavor.

    Women’s eNews became indepen-

    dent on January 1, 2002. Women’s

    eNews grew out o a 1996 roundtable

    discussion conceived and unded

    by the Barbara Lee Family Founda-

    tion and hosted by the NOW Legal

    Deense and Education Fund. Aer

    additional research on the need or a

    media outlet to distribute news o con-

    cern to women and the opportunity to

    provide women’s voices to commercial

    media, NOW Legal Deense under-

    took in 1999 to create Women’s eNews

    as an Internet-based news service or

    all women, with a special emphasis

    on being a resource or commercial

    media. wo years later, NOW Legal

    Deense determined Women’s eNews

    could sustain its success and stand on

    its own.

    Women’s eNews editors seek out

    reelance writers rom around the

    world to write on every topic--politics,

    religion, economics, health, science,

    education, sports, legislation--and

    commission them to write 800-word

    news articles or distribution each

    day to our subscribers and or post-

    ing on our Web site. We rely on the

    ham News, the Pittsburgh Post-Ga-

    zette, the Spokane Spokesman-Leader,

    NPR and MSNBC to newspapers in

    Kuala Lampur and the Philippines.

    [Go to What Editors Are Saying about

    Women’s eNews page]

    Women’s eNews launched in April

    2003 its Arabic language version o

    Women’s eNews. Te site has drawn

    rave reviews and attracted the atten-

    tion o the New York imes business


    Check out Women’s eNews at http://


    best practices o journalism and have

    gained enormous credibility by do-

    ing excellent journalism each day.

    Our commentaries--distributed each

    Wednesday--are written by prominent

    advocates. We also offer a monthly col-

    umn in the media, Uncovering Gen-

    der, and update our page each week

    with an editorial cartoon by Pulitzer-

    prize winner Ann elnaes.

    Women’s eNews has been widely

    tapped by other media rom coast to

    coast and around the globe, rom such

    leading media outlets as Te New York

    imes, PBS, Te Washington Post, the

    Los Angeles imes, the Chicago ri-

    bune, the New York Daily News, the

    San Francisco Chronicle, the Buffalo

    News, San Jose Mercury, the Birming-

    Nuclear Boogie-ManEmpty Costume

    Recently North Korea announced that

    it has detonated its first nuclear weap-

    on. Tis is the announcement rom the

    North Korean News Agency website.

    “Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) -

    - Te Korean Central News Agency

    released the ollowing report: Te field

    o scientific research in the DPRK suc-cessully conducted an underground

    nuclear test under secure conditions

    on October 9, Juche 95 (2006) at a

    stirring time when all the people o

    the country are making a great leap

    orward in the building o a great pros-

    perous powerul socialist nation.

    It has been confirmed that there was

    no such danger as radioactive emission

    in the course o the nuclear test as it

    was carried out under a scientific con-

    sideration and careul calculation.

    Te nuclear test was conducted with

    indigenous wisdom and technology100 percent. It marks a historic event

    as it greatly encouraged and pleased

    the KPA and people that have wished

    to have powerul sel-reliant deense


    It will contribute to deending the

    peace and stability on the Korean Pen-

    insula and in the area around it.”

    While the Uconn Worker’s Deense

    Collective would like to commend

    worker’s states, even degenerated

    worker’s states, or their work to build

    deenses against western capitalist im-

    perialism we deplore the North Kore-ans or their ineffective weapons con-

    struction. While there is little doubt

    that amidst great adversity the DPRK

    indeed detonated a nuclear device it

    was hardly a success.

    As many o you know, nuclear

    weapons require extensive technol-

    ogy to develop. However, you may

    underestimate the scientific research

    necessary to actually put the raw ma-

    terials together into a device that not

    only will create an awesome explosion

    but also be useul in deterring western

    imperialist aggression. You may have

    seen that 80s movie “Te Manhattan

    Project”. In this cult classic, John Lith-

    gow develops “99.9% pure plutonium”

    which zany iconoclastic boy-genius

    Christopher Collet then steals with

    a remote controlled car and uses to

    build a super bomb. Well, North Ko-

    rea ain’t got John Lithgow even i theymight have super-genius types at their


    North Korea’s bomb was by most

    expert opinion very much a issile

    fizzle. It is very likely that the DPRK

    had plutonium which was close to

    “99.9% pure” but sadly or North Ko-

    rea it should have done more research

    than watching “Te Manhattan Proj-

    ect”. We know it did – Kim Jung-il’s

    love or decadent bourgeoisie cinema

    is another reason that we denounce

    North Korea as a degenerated worker’s

    state. What it needs to build its inde-pendent nuclear deterrent is not only

    pure plutonium but a very speciic

    type o plutonium – o atomic weight

    239 and not the heavier PU- 241 and

    PU 242 which will stifle the explosion.

    It is likely Kim Jung-il was expecting

    5-15 kilotons o yield, however due to

    the incompetence and corruption that

    is endemic in totalitarian degenerated

    workers’ states, he got one-hal kilo-

    ton. Oops. Tis is like buying a 30 rack

    and finding a can o O’doul’s inside.

    o quote the arms control

    wonk[1],“o close this discourse about op-

    erational conidence by noting that

    the United States has built a missile

    deense that does not work, to deend

    against a North Korean missile that

    does not work, that would carry a

    nuclear warhead that does not work.

    Tis is all very postmodern”

    I only capitalism understood irony.

    [1] http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/1233/


    by UConn Worker’s Deence Collective

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2



    wants YOUwants YOU5000 copies o your work

    distributed to the public, ree.

    weekly meeting Tues. 6pm - Student Union Room 324

    [email protected]

    WritersWriters ArtistsArtists



  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    Song Review:Sufan’sby Chad “Bourner” Denton

    Tere was a period o two-or-so years,ollowing the 2003 Greetings romMichigan album release, when SufanStevens was the single most prolificmusician in the independent realmand simultaneously one o the mostrevered. Having therein begun anopenly-declared mission to producean album or each o the fiy states,Sufan moved on to Illinois (Come On!Feel the Illinoise,) and all the while

    nursed a number o unrelated albumsinto fine orm. Most remarkably, themass o b-sides he accumulated alongthe way included some o his most pro-ound work, which he elt warrantedreleasing the entire collection in albumorm. Tis, however, is where Sufan’sluck with the public eye took a turn orthe worse. Upon airing Te Avalanche(outtakes rom Michigan) Sufan cameunder critical fire, and in the ace odisapproval he seemed unconvincedo his own readiness to capture theessence o each state. While Te Ava-lanche earned song-by-song praise inthe online blog networks, publishedmusic writers generally considered itsrelease an indiscriminate use o excessmaterial on the artist’s part. While TeAvalanche was valuable as, i nothingelse, a respectably sincere and riskydisclosure o the artistic process, itsdamaged reputation raised doubt as toSufan’s ability to build on early successin the ace o criticism. For some timeSufan made no gesture to signal hewas moving orward, until he unveiledan as-o-yet unpublished masterpiecein live orm on September 29 – “Maj-

    esty Snowbird.”Reportedly the song is the end-

    result o a concept Sujan has beenchurning in his head or several years,and the sheer volume o considerationhe has given to it is reflected in its ull-ness throughout an epic span (aboutten minutes.) Tough the basic themerepeats, there is no weak point in theperormance and the oundationalmelody grows ever-more intenselybeautiul as it resuraces. Sufan haslong perormed with a small orches-tra at his side, and “Majesty Snowbird”allows every acet o the company toshine as rarely beore, with the hornand percussion sections highlightedparticularly brightly. “riumph” is thefirst word that comes to mind as thesong picks up, and I find mysel pictur-

    ing Sufan as a tuxedo-clad conductorperorming in glory or the first timesince a stint o creative stagnation.he classical-composer image allsaway in the final two minutes, how-ever, when he steps orward with anelectric guitar; in trademark Stevensashion he spikes his steadily-pacedmarch through identifiable musicaltraditions with a fierce cry or indi- viduality, this time by driving a line odistortion into the heart o the melody.Te ultimate effect is timelessness, asSujan pushes classical themes andnostalgic olk-Americana to indie’scutting edge.

    Much o the circumstance sur-rounding “Majesty Snowbird” is amystery, and it is sae to say that noone who witnessed the perormance

    saw it coming. Sufan’s next scheduledstudio release is a Christmas EP, whichseems an unlikely fit or the song. Tepossibility o its appearance on thenext installation o the Fity StatesProject has led ans to speculate overwhat U.S. territory might be home to

    this elusive snowbird and all its maj-esty, but the man in charge has kepthis peace on the matter. What is clear,however, is that Sufan Stevens is back- i he was ever gone - and he wants usto know it. You should find this songonline at the Hype Machine (hype.non-standard.net,) and i you are bysome chance new to Sufan’s work besure to look up “Chicago” and “For theWidows in Paradise, For the Fatherlessin Ypsilanti” as well – the triple crown,i you will. Enjoy the odyssey.

    moving like mind motor light,

    this 3 am eeling is eeling right!

    im in deeep wrist thinker fink in articulate

    endocrine modulators o shower curtain stall

    moving like he was moving books down the halli cant move

    the stink bug on the bug screen hunting with pride

    as time just slides on by 

    its no longer july 

    mists and skinny trunks reaching reaching

    im slender will somebody pull me off?

    the ender’s tender buffed and scoffed

    retouched with the cloth, o her

    weeping as a well o rose petals,

    and my mother’s old drawing stares out rom

    rames o black and red, people on fishooks

    and the fish rowning...


    like nothing

    eeling bliss

    ollowing light with physical maniests

    spaceships to sun, and gardens to glass to mars

    o destiny, souls cryingor we orbit ourselves with dying o the light,

    the borne creation made

    or love, here and now 

    flexing back into a ramework 

    o names places and things

    and a billions strings stretching rom

    butterflies to sun evolving into the perect rom the perect

    (aint it eeling just so)anonymous

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    Murky Water

    Te continuing popularity o bottled

    water has created a $100 billion dol-

    lar a year industry, but very ew in-

    dividuals know exactly what they are

    drinking. Is it really just pure, crisp,

    natural, water?

    Tere seems to be a small revolu-

    tion taking place where soda and

    other high ructose beverages are

    being replaced by a healthier alterna-

    tive: bott led water. It’s cheap, easy, and

    everyone’s doing it.

    It is clear that brands such Coca-

    Cola and Fiji “Natural Artesian Wa-

    ter” use packaging tactics to make

    bottled water more appealing. Tere

    are blue tinted plastics, enticing pic-

    tures o tropical settings, and o course

    the picturesque enchanted orest and

    mountain streams.

    Te water in all o these bottles are

    not the same, nor are they as clean,

    pure, and healthy as you are led to


    In 1992, as Poland Spring was be-

    coming a household name, there were

    suspicions o whether or not their wa-

    ter was really spring water. o settle

    the critics, the company sent six ge-

    ologists into the pond that was ed by

    Poland Spring and confirmed that the

    source was spring ed.

    It wasn’t until 1995 however, thatthe Food and Drug Administration

    agreed that water rom boreholes

    (holes drilled that tap into the ground-

    water as it’s flowing toward the spring’s

    opening) were acceptable sources and

    could be called “spring water.”

    In 2002, to investigate a class-action

    suit against Poland Spring and their

    claim as “natural spring water,” our

    geologists were hired to bore holes

    into the pond o Poland Spring, still

    not convinced that the 1992 study the

    company did was credible. All our o

    the geologists stated that the boreholeswere not providing “natural spring

    water,” according to FDA definitions.

    Additionally, another source used by

    Poland Spring five miles away—Gar-

    den Spring—was determined to be


    Again in 2003, the Connecticut

    Superior Court filed a lawsuit against

    Nestle, the owners o Poland Spring.

    Te plaintiffs contended that Nestle

    was using alse advertising, stating

    that the original Poland Spring hadn’t

    flowed since 1967. Tey claimed that

    the water was coming rom sources

    up to 30 miles away, including an area

    surrounded by asphalt parking lots.

    Additionally, the two plaintiffs were

    concerned about Poland Spring us-

    ing groundwater and a source near a

    ormer garbage dump. Poland Spring

    settled by handing out discount cou-


    Similar cases were filed in New Jer-

    sey and Massachusetts.

    A our-year study by the Natu-

    ral Resources Deense Council that

    looked at 103 different brands, ound

    that one-third o the water did not

    meet state or industry saety stan-

    dards. Some o the samples contained

    traces o contaminants like arsenic

    and carcinogenic compounds. he

    World Health Organization says that

    “some micro-organisms, which are

    normally o little or no public healthsignificance, may grow to higher levels

    in bottled waters,” as they are gener-

    ally stored or longer periods and are

    at higher temperatures compared to

    water distributed in pipe systems.

    In hopes o making huge proits

    o Mother Nature, many bottling

    companies look to over sea sources,

    where many countries do not have the

    resources or the expertise or sae wa-

    ter standards and guidelines. Many o

    these countries may be prone to water

    contaminated with hazards such lead,

    arsenic, benzene, bacteria, viruses,parasites, Vibrio cholera, hepatitis A,

    and even trace amounts o glass chips

    or metal ragments.

    In 2004, nearly 200 bottling plants

    were shut down in India, due to plants

    not submitting water test reports.

    Many o these plants were operated

    by the Coca-Cola Company, which

    bottles under the label Dasani. Ad-

    ditionally, as many as fiy nearby vil-

    lages complained o water shortages.

    While there are international guide-

    lines, which are recommendations and

    not mandatory, set orth by the Codex

    Alimentarius Commission or natu-

    ral mineral water, there are currently

    no universally accepted standards or

    bottled and packaged waters other

    than mineral water, which comes

    rom a strict source and has no urther

    treatment. Te WHO, which recog-

    nizes Codex, is seen “as representing

    the international consensus or con-

    sumer protection.”

    Furthermore, according the NRDC,

    many o the FDA’s rules regarding bot-

    tled water in the United States exempts

    nearly 60 to 70% o the bottled water

    sold. he guidelines, which can be

    ound in section 165.110 in the Code

    o Federal Regulations, leave many

    loopholes or bottling companies to

    pass on potentially unsae water to


    Te marketing strategies that bot-tling companies use to sell their prod-

    uct as a healthy alternative to tap water

    is clearly a myth. For example, many

    city water plants must test or E. coli

    bacteria 100 times or more a month,

    while bottling plants can get by with

    only once a week. City tap water must

    also meet strict standards or certain

    toxic and cancer-causing chemicals

    such as phthalates (a compound used

    in the plastic bottling that has been

    shown to cause damage to the liver,

    kidneys, lungs, and testes); bottled wa-

    ter is exempt rom these regulations.City water supplies must also be tested

    by government certified labs, some-

    by David Huck 


    thing bottlers are not required to do.

    Cities also required to release annual

    reports to citizens telling consumers

    what is in their water, while bottlers

    do no such service.

    We are part o a global community

    in which 14,000 people a day die due

    to water-related diseases, the leading

    cause o death in the world. As Ameri-

    cans who have become subjected to

    a trendy bottled water culture, we

    should become more conscious o the

    products we buy and who they have



    Parloff, Roger. “SPRINGIME FOR POLAND.”

    Fortune 149.3 (2004): 42-44. Academic Search

    Premier. 9 October 2006. http://search.ebsco-host.com.

    21 Code o Federal Regulations. Section165.110(a)(3)(ii) 8 Oct. 2006

    Aslam, Abid. “Bottled Water: Nectar o the

    Frauds?” Project Censored. 3 Oct. 2006.

    < http://www.projectcensored.org/censored_2007/index.htm#20>

    “Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?”Natural Resources Deense Council.

    5 Mar. 1999. 24 Sept. 2006. < http://nrdc.org/


    Klessing, Lance. “Bottled Water Industry.”

    Spring 2004. 5 Oct. 2006.< http://academic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/


    World Health Organization. Bottled Drinking

    Water Fact sheet No. 256 October 2000.4 Oct. 2006. < http://www.who.int/mediacen-


    Sherri Day. “Suit Disputes Integrity o Poland

    Spring Water. “ New York imes [New York,

    N.Y.] 20 Jun 2003, Late E dition (East Coast):C.2. New York imes. ProQuest. University o

    Connecticut Libraries.

    I . N E D .

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2



    Intelligent Design Isn’t by Bryan Murphy

    One might have hoped that the dead

    horse o Intelligent Design had finally

    taken out the plastic angs, dropped

    the ransylvanian accent, and decidedto stay down. But nope, no way, and

    especially not with mid-term elections

    coming up. Republican candidate or

    the Governor’s office o Michigan, Mr.

    Dick DeVos, has brought Intelligent

    Design back into the spotlight by say-

    ing that he thinks it should at least be

    given a air airing in the classroom.

    Now, this is somewhat tiring. How

    many times must the courts rule that

    Intelligent Design, Creationism, and

    the like cannot be taught in public

    schools beore our putative elected

    officials get the message? Darwinistsmay need to try a whole new strain

    o garlic to vanquish Intelligent De-

    sign. While we’re at it, let’s be rank:

    Intelligent Design is Creationism with

    a make-over. You fight one, you fight

    both; both must be disproved simulta-

    neously. We’re gonna need garlic and

    a stake or this affair.

    he story thus ar is that most

    Darwinists have been largely con-

    tent to concede that creation is pretty

    complex – but not so complex that it

    could not have arisen through natural

    selection. Yet why not play that recordbackwards?

    Backmask Warning, Intelligent De-

    signers: Instead o arguing that cre-

    ation could have arisen randomly, why

    not argue that it couldn’t have arisen

    intelligently? Creation is oen pretty

    sadistic, evil, and, rankly, stupid. It

    seems the overriding theme o our

    world is a cacophony o nonsensical

    pain and misery, unavoidably punctu-

    ated by the terrible rimshot o mortal-

    ity. Tis isn’t a newsflash. You’ve got

    John Stuart Mill saying, “I there are

    any marks at all o special design increation, one o the things most evi-

    dently designed is that a large propor-

    tion o all animals should pass their

    existence in tormenting and devour-

    ing other animals.” It’s hard to imagine

    our schizoid world was deliberately

    designed, least o all intelligently – and

    i it was, the designer was pretty sa-


    o be air, one can’t deny that nature

    has its moments. Te human body has

    at least 25,000 genes, 206 bones, and

    over 60,000 miles o veins, arteries,

    and capillaries, and it seems hard to

    think all o that could have been put

    together at random. o trot out an old

    Creationist analogy, imagine shaking

    a box containing a jumbled up 25,000

    piece jigsaw puzzle –what’re the odds

    you’d ever assemble the puzzle?

    Excepts whoops, evolution is actu-

    ally nothing at all like a jigsaw puzzle,

    because the current human orm is no

    more preerred by nature than any

    other random iteration o 25,000 jig-

    saw pieces. A more accurate question

    to ask would be, i you shook a box

    containing 25,000 Legos, what are the

    odds you would get any random as-

    sortment o Legos? Pretty good, prob-

    ably. Sure, some o the random assem-blies would be ugly, but in Darwinian

    terms, those ugly assemblies would die

    out - in much the same way 99% o

    all species which have ever lived have

    gone extinct. I there is an intelligent

    designer, it apparently does like to play

    dice, though it preers playing or the

    ates o entire species over our mere

    mortal chips.

    And even when a species doesn’t

    go extinct, there’s no guarantee every-

    thing will be coming up roses or its

    individual members. Lie can be, and

    or most creatures, is, nasty, brutish,and short. Ask your next hamburger i

    it thinks the world was designed intel-

    ligently by a benevolent being. Ask the

    one in our European peasants struck

    dead at random by the Black Plague

    i they thought the world was put to-

    gether in a sensible manner. Next time

    you catch the flu, ask yoursel between

    sniffles i an intelligent designer would

    strike his own creations down at ran-

    dom – it doesn’t seem very intelligent

    to me. When oyota designs robots to

    weld doors on cars, you can be sure

    they aren’t programmed to arbitrarilylie in bed or a week every now and

    then slurping chicken soup and drink-

    ing orange juice. Does oyota know

    something our intelligent designer


    Pain serves a useul purpose when it

    tells you to pull your hand away rom

    that open flame, or lie down because

    your leg is bleeding and broken; in

    short, when it offers some prospect

    o useul remedy. But when pain can

    serve no purpose, that’s simple sadism.

    ake the case o a cancer victim with

    a brain tumor in the middle o theircerebral cortex. What purpose does

    their pain serve then, other to insure

    that their last days on earth are spent

    in unending, incurable agony? Dar-

    win noted this quandary o suffering,

    the seeming incompatibility between

    an intelligent creator and a vicious

    world. “I cannot persuade mysel,” he

    said, “that a beneficent and omnipo-

    tent God would have designedly cre-

    ated the Ichneumonidae [a species o

    parasitic wasp] with the express inten-

    tion o their eeding within the living

    bodies o caterpillars”. Our intelligent

    designer is shaping up to be quite the

    capricious ellow.

    And somewhat silly ellow, too.

    Men have nipples but don’t lactate;

    whales have hip-bones but not legs;

    emus have wings but can’t fly. Silly, sa-

    distic; sitting at his drawing board, our

    intelligent designer must have decided

    to spontaneously abort 2/3rds o all

    homo sapiens ever conceived. Con-

    ception being the resource-intensive

    process that it is, our designer certainly

    didn’t have economy in mind when he

    green-lighted our flawed reproductive

    system. Nor was he apparently think-

    ing o theology, or i babies that die

    beore baptism float about in Limboor all eternity, then it seems Limbo

    has twice the population o Heaven

    and Hell combined.

    However, to be air, Intelligent

    Design advocates are careul never

    to mention God in their arguments.

    he intelligent designer, thereore,

    could be anyone. From our evidence,

    it seems quite likely that the intel-

    ligent designer might well be some

    unreliable evil alien struggling to get

    his G.E.D.

    hough the thought isn’t exactly

    comorting. Me, I’d rather not be theplaything o a designer who gives hip-

    bones to whales and breast cancer to

    old women. I’d rather be the product

    o my ancestors, the sublimation o

    millennia o evolution, standing on

    my own two legs and making my way

    through the mutable world o my own

    accord. Tere’s something downright

    American in that.








    Te Bible

    M S. .

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2



    Reusing to Wear the Costume on Halloween

    Halloween is a time o disguises and

    trick playing, o secretly toilet-pa-

    pering houses and smashing amily

     jack-o-lanterns: in short, a un t imeor everyone. Surprisingly, the govern-

    ment o the United States has decided

    not to celebrate Halloween this year.

    Instead o wrapping itsel in a color-

    ul costume, it is taking the opposite

    route by publicly unveiling itsel o the

    disguise adopted shortly aer the ter-

    rorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

    his unveiling process is a com-

    plicated one, and is not being done

    entirely willingly by the government.

    In November 2005, news came out

    that the CIA was using government

    approved “enhanced interrogationtechniques” to question the detainees

    in the War on error. A rather ina-

    mous list describing the six enhanced

    techniques was circulated through the

    media; some defined them as consti-

    tuting torture. People began to won-

    der: is the United States government

    really supporting the use o torture as

    a valid interrogation technique? Te

    government said no.

    hen, in December 2005, John

    Bellinger, a state department legal

    advisor, admitted to the press that

    the Red Cross does not have access toall detainees in U.S. custody—a right

    that is guaranteed internationally to all

    detainees. Te assumption was then

    logically made that the United States

    was keeping a number o detainees in

    secret prisons across the world. People

    began to wonder: is the United States

    government really supporting the use

    o secret prisons about which even

    reputable international aid agencies

    are uninormed? he government,

    again, said no.

    People are, by nature, nosy and per-

    sistent creatures, and within the span

    o a year, the unveiling was well under-

    way. Te President recently gave pub-lic acknowledgement to the existence

    o both the “alternative set o proce-

    dures” used to interrogate detainees,

    and the secret prisons which are now

    no longer secret or in operation.

    his raises questions, however,

    about government accountability.

    Who determines what constitutes

    torture in detainee prisons? Who de-

    termines what inormation should

    remain secret, and or how long? Bill

    aer bill is being passed through Con-

    gress addressing these very issues. Tis

    is now a very public debate.

    Te Geneva Conventions prohibit

    torture and inhuman treatment, in-

    cluding the humiliation or degra-

    dation o prisoners. It also provides

    access to the Red Cross—or all pris-

    oners. It does not require a debate to

    realize that the United States, in its

    recent treatment o detainees, has vio-

    lated these Conventions. Te Geneva

    Conventions, however, reer only to

    prisoners o war. Interestingly enough,

    its fiy-year old definition o “prison-

    ers o war” does not apply to terrorist

    groups. According to the Conven-

    tions, and to the government o the

    United States, prisoners o war must

    be a group affiliated with a State—ter-

    rorists may or may not ulfill this re-

    quirement— and must wear a “distinc-

    tive sign recognizable at a distance.”

    Since terrorists generally rely on

    anonymity to carry out their attacks,

    they do not openly mark themselves

    or wear uniorms. Te Conventions

    urther speciy that prisoners o war

    must “carry arms openly”; in short, the

    Geneva Conventions apply only to the

    conventional sort o warare that oc-

    curred at the time o its creation, and

    not to modern terrorism.

    oday, times are different and warsare different. Especially the War on

    error—which is not so much a war

    on a state or even on a group, but on a

    broadly interpreted state o being. Ac-

    cording to the Military Commission

    Act o 2006 (which is a new bill await-

    ing approval rom the White House),

    a captured terrorist is not a prisoner

    o war. errorists all into the group o

    “unlawul enemy combatants,” mean-

    ing that they do not belong to a state,

    they do not clearly mark themselves

    as a group, and they do not ollow the

    laws o war. Te only problem with

    this label is that there is no pre-estab-

    lished law in the United States that ap-

    plies to the treatment and legal status

    o “unlawul enemy combatants.”

    Te government o the United States

    is currently making a public effort to

    create such laws. Te Detainee reat-

    ment Act o 2005 is one such law. It

    states that no one should be subject

    to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treat-

    ment and punishment, and specifies

    that detainees who are not citizens o

    the United States have no claim to the

    rights provided by the United States

    Constitution. Te Military Commis-

    sions Act o 2006 goes more in depth,

    providing detainees with the right to

    be deemed innocent beore proven

    guilty, and the right against compulso-

    ry sel-incrimination. It also specifies

    that any inormation drawn rom the

    detainee under unlawul treatment (as

    Secretary o State Condoleezza Rice

    said to the press, no one is perect)

    cannot be used against him or her in


    rials o the accused detainees will

    be under newly established military

    commissions, which will be convened

    by the Secretary o Deense. Te ac-

    cused will be inormed o his or hercharges “as soon as practicable”—else-

    where in the bill it states that “unlaw-

    ul enemy combatants” do not have

    the right to a speedy trial—it is there-

    ore unclear what eect this aspect

    o the bill will have. he records o

    these trials may or may not be made

    public out o respect or national se-

    curity. Te bill also leaves the Presi-

    dent and the Secretary o Deense a

    certain amount o room to interpret

    “cruel and unusual” and gives them

    the power to determine the maximum

    punishment o the guilty.

    In short, what has been a well-

    kept government secret is now being

    brought into the public atmosphere,

    becoming a topic o public discussion.

    In times like this, it is important to

    participate. Democracies do not exist

    without dialogue, and especially with

    the current War on error, it is crucial

    that democracy—true democracy, o

    and or the people—be upheld.

    he Detainee reatment Act o

    2005 and the Military Commissions

    Act o 2006 can be read at the Library

    o Congress’ website: http://thomas.










    by Katy Laguzza

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


    I think I first saw “GOV” used dur-ing the 2004 elections on some pro-gressive blog. I was mystified until Istupidly put it together: “Get Out theVote”. Our party bosses, blogosphereautocrats and co-conspiratorial com-rades have spoken. We letists havebeen given our standing orders intheir execution o the vast le wingconspiracy to take back control othe US government. It’s all lovely andmakes you eel warm and uzzy insideuntil you look at who they’re not only

    asking us to vote or but asking us toget other people to vote or. I’m sorrybut it is very hard or an idealistic per-son to campaign or the less-than-evilDemocrat Party line without lookinglike a complete jerk. I say, uck evil,even less-than-evil. I you are a leistin the United States, voting or any-one’s party line is utile because there’sno coherent le party line anymore.I think the best we can do is to lookbeyond the Democrat Party, to Greensand the most green-socialist wing oDemocrats. Tere are rare, rare cas-es where anyone else is worthwhile.Personally, I hate taking orders romany o those pushy Democrat partymachine sellouts who are paid to tryto get you to canvass or them. I youare a progressive please look at all thecandidates and make up your mindabout who reflects your socialist val-ues. Hell, vote Republican i they’re themost progressive candidate.

    So, what are the progressive choicesthis time around? Sadly, this electionyou don’t have too many candidates tochoose rom. I’ve got to assume that

    almost all o you are like me and live orat least vote somewhere in Connect-icut’s second congressional distr ict.You’ve got a choice or the US Houseo Representatives between the Demo-crat Joe Courtney and Republican RobSimmons, nobody else. Given thateach candidate is a liberal on socialissues and fiscally conservative I’d saydon’t even bother even voting or thisone. Leave the lever be.

    I you live anywhere in Connecti-cut you can vote or some slightly

    more exciting races. One example isthe race or Governor or whom youcan select Democrat John Desteano,Republican Jodi Rell, or my avorite,Green Clifford Tornton. It’s really sadthat Desteano is such an ass that heconspired to keep Tornton out o thegubernatorial debates. Tornton hasa lot o articulate messages and hasgreat appeal, especially to students.Examples o his awesomeness includehis passionate arguments or endingthe current drug prohibition that killsso many and wastes so much moneyevery year, ully unding state tuitionor Connecticut residents, and ullUniversal health care to name a ew. Ithink it’s clear that to the vast major-ity o Uconn students Tornton is theonly reasonable option. Let’s not kidourselves: it’s in our interest to elimi-nate tuition and legalize drugs!

    Te green party is also running can-didates or other elected positions inConnecticut that get lamentably lessmedia coverage than they deserve.I you are a an o our radio stationWHUS, then you’re probably amil-

    iar with Mike DeRosa’s “New Focus”.Well, DeRosa is running or Secretaryo State as the Green Candidate. SusanBysiewicz, the Democrat incumbent,has had this job orever and let’s aceit, our state’s business community isnot exactly the most well regulated.Nancy Burton’s Green candidacy orAttorney general should be supportedor the same reason: Richard Blumen-thal has been in FOREVER. Also, Bur-ton would go aer polluters with argreater zeal. As students, we have a

    duty to make sure our state is sae notonly rom Islamists abroad but romcancer causing pollution at home.

    Another more interesting race is orsenate. I know that you probably haveread a lot about it already and alreadyknow that it’s the most interestingrace ever in the history o Connecti-cut politics. Te main candidates areDemocrat Ned Lamont, RepublicanAlan Schlesinger, Green Ralph Fer-rucci, and Connecticut or LiebermanParty (a one man party – lame ass!)Joe Lieberman. For college studentsthe only really good choice is Ferrucci,not only because the Green Party plat-orm is most in line with our interestsbut also the senate is supposed to beespecially concerned with US oreignpolicy. Ferrucci takes a ar more even-handed approach to oreign policythan any others, especially in solvingthe Middle East conflicts and is theonly candidate who says he would doso – thus he almost earns my vote.I wish I could say that Lamont waspretty decent too but I’m araid he’sgot some terrible status-quo moder-

    GOV: A Scary Acronym that Subverts Democracy 

    ate ideas except that he’s opposed tothe war in Iraq. Because Liebermanis ahead in the polls and since out oall the candidates Lieberman is theonly one to support continued mili-tary involvement in Iraq and every-where else, I’d say this is the one othose rare times progressives shouldsuck it up and vote or a lame-o. ohave the sensible vote split betweenthe three other non-evil candidateswould be a shame. Hold your noseor whatever, but you should probably

    pull the Lamont lever.Come November 7th, election day,I say go out and vote but don’t get outthe vote. Electoral politics are not areasonable way to reorm the system– that’s something you need to doevery day, least o all on election day.Realize that party bosses are bossesall the same and are out or their ownpower and benefit. Sure they’ll offeryou concessions to work or ‘em andall but don’t sell-out. You’re subvertingdemocracy when you do and hurtingyourselves, America, and the idealsyou stand or. I’m voting this time orsome moderates because some veryscary people will be elected other-wise. However, I hope you will join mein making plans now or what to donext time. We should lay the ground-work now to kick out these moder-ates and throw a wrench in the partymachines, finally making progressivechanges possible or our country andthe world.


    Te Bitterness Behind Each Bite

    Children think o Halloween as a sweetand scary holiday. Tis is the one timeo the year that they are allowed to in-dulge in all o the chocolate that theywant. Pretty much every Americanamily buys at least one bag o candy

    during this holiday, which amounts tohuge profits by the chocolate corpora-tions. While these American childrenare busy filling their bodies with sugarand scaring each other with witch andghost costumes, children in the IvoryCoast are acing a situation ar morebitter and ar more scary. Te choco-late that American children are enjoy-ing has come at the cost o the paino the child slave laborers on cocoaplantations. Something that is reallyrightul is seeing your riends beingbeaten, seeing your own blood leakrom your innocent flesh, seeing nouture.

    he University o Connecticutbrought a speaker and photographer,Robin Romano, to speak about thehuman rights abuses on cocoa plan-tations in the Ivory Coast. Te IvoryCoast produces 43% o the world’s co-coa. It is a country that is highly in-debted due to structural adjustmentpolicies. In recent years its povertyhas doubled and its literacy rates have

    been cut in hal. Spending on socialservices have been greatly reduced.Its economy depends on the chocolateindustry, and the cheap labor o thechildren. All powers are against theseinnocent ones. Both the government

    and chocolate corporations want tosuppress any protest.Te poor economic situation o the

    Ivory Coast and surrounding coun-tries sends children out o the homein search or work since their parentscannot support them, and since edu-cation is an expensive option that ewcan afford. Te child is oen lured inby a trafficker who offers them the op-portunity or lots o money. Te naïvechild and oen amily are encouragedby this prospect, and do not suspectnegative consequences. Children areoten taken across the border romMali into the Ivory Coast by traffick-ers, who then sell the child to the co-coa plantations or a low price. Techildren find themselves ar away romhome, in a strange place tucked intothe woods, where there are no roadsout, and no opportunity o escape.

    One o the first things that they areshown are the sights where they will beburied i they try to escape or protest.I the child reuses to work they may

    be beaten to death or have their eetsliced off. One child had his eet cutoff simply because the overseers elthe looked too strong and needed to bedebilitated in some way. Te childrenare let in hopeless situations. hey

    have very little ood, and no clothes.I they are sick, they won’t be treated.Yet even while they are malnourishedand ill, they are expected to have theenergy to work all day long. o keepthem passive, they are drugged upwith ermented cocoa juice.

    While the corporations are mak-ing huge profits off o the slave laboro these children, the armers are still just getting by, and the country is all-ing deeper and deeper into despair.o prevent this exploitation, Romanourged us all to avoid buying choco-late rom major corporations such asNestlé, Hershey, and Mars. Insteadyou should buy air trade chocolate.Tis sets a minimum wage that labor-ers must be given as well as standardsor treatment. One o the most wellknown air trade companies is EqualExchange, and it can be ound at manylocal stores such as the WillimanticFood Coop. U.S. consumers have alot o economic power. Corporationsonly stay alive through our purchas-

    ing o their products. Tereore, I urgeanyone who cares about human rightsto boycott products made by abusivecorporations, and support ones thatare trying to promote human rights.

    Te Univerity o Connecticut indi-

    rectly supports child slavery by sellingonly Hershey’s chocolate in the caes.As an institution that boasts its greathuman rights department and ide-ology, it ought to not be supportingcompanies that do not adhere to suchpractices. Students can do their part bypressuring the administration to breaktheir ties with corrupt corporations.

    On top o this, as Halloween is ap-proaching, when you go out to thestore to stock up on sweets or yourparties, please think about more thanthe instant gratification o the taste,the allure o the packaging, and theprice. Always think about the story be-hind the products you buy. What wentinto the production o this product?What social and environmental rami-fications are involved? Uconn studentsare privileged Americans and can a-ord moral consumption. Halloweendoesn’t have to be as bitter and scary asit is or the anonymous children whosuffer to satisy our sweet cravings.

    by tara kurland

    by Damon Yakovleff

  • 8/21/2019 UConn Free Press Oct. 2006, 2


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    Between Women - or women who love women.

    Movie Mondays

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    Hidden Narratives: Te Black Freedom Movement ...

    Movie – CHISHOLM ‘72: Unbought & Unbossed

    SOS - Guided Meditation

    Charmain White Face, and others.

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    “How Black Public Intellectuals are Failing Black America”

    Fundraiser or the Willimantic Radical Lending Library 

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    Rainbow Center

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    Class o 1947 Room, Babbidge Library 

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    Andrew BaconJoelle CohnDavid F. CrouseChad “Bourner” DentonEric Drooker

    Joshua FaucherGaping Voidim GorinKatie Gregory Dan HammondDavid Huck Salmun KazerounianAlexander Kobulnicky ara KurlandKaty Laguzza

    Married to the SeaBryan Murphy John SchreiberCassie UptonAmy Vanheuverzwyn

    Ashley WidteldtDora WilkeneldDamon Yakovleff 

    UConn Free Press is an alternative student-run newspaper. We arean anti-profit weekly publication serving the university and local

    community. We are dedicated to carrying out the tradition o partici-patory democracy through staff consensus in all matters concerningthe paper. Open meeting times are available on the website.We welcome article and art submissions via www.uconnreepress.orgor [email protected]. Consider, criticize, and debate.