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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Hi! I wrote this as quickly as I could for a TTI beta key contest. However, I wasn't quite able to finish it in time. So, here it is for the public to read.A satire by echotamar.


I am Uber. I am the top dog of Toontown at 36 Laff, and any animal can attest to that. When I say, Special Delivery! to those Cogs, they know whats coming to them. And when I say, Missed me, they know that they done goofed. You might have seen me strutting up Punchline Place with my gold medal shirt on and Cog Crusher pants to boot. Little Toons sing songs of my exploits, and I am the stuff of little Cogs nightmares. See the way that Cold Caller flies away; he fears me, and I fear no Cog, not even the Senior V.P. In fact, lets go visit him right now! Only a few Laff points left? No problem!I got Lil Oldman under my thumb and Bessie is at my beck and call; youd need the Rolodex of a Name Dropper to hold all the cards I got. My Doodle King has got ever trick mastered, and he never fails to impress; he taught Fluffy everything he knows. And now we enter the lobby. Notice how all the other Mr. Hollywoods scramble to my feet for an invite. Denied; I dont need them. Well get some Cold Callers to help me out. Easy enough.1,000 Cogs? 500 Buildings? No problem! Ill slice up any Big Cheese you throw at me, and forget Robber Barons; Im a royal pain to THEM! The Big Wigs wont overrule me any day, and its curtains for any Mr. Hollywood stupid enough to take me on. I could downsize a Downsizer as quickly as you could catch a Balloon fish. But enough about me, Ive got a group ready to fight. Theyre all Cold Callers, and none of them bothered to get Laff before coming back from the factory. 19 Laff on 4 of the other 7 mustve been a heck of a fight. Just another useless handicap.We emerge from the elevator, and the VP is too stupid to look closely at the heads of his new Cogs. So, did you Toons come to rescue me? Hey, Flippy. How you hanging? He gives me a wink; he knows Im down here to save him again.Huh? Toons! In disguise! Yeah, great detective work there, Senile V.P. He must not know me, though. If he knew, hed be running scared.The first Cog comes out. A lone level 12, no biggie. The other 3 start panicking, and I noticed from the lobby that they have no Toon-up. Whatever, if they die, its not my fault. Fortunately, the sight of my $10 Lure seems to satiate them.They say they dont have any throw gags, but the guy next to me has a Baker Bridget. Hell use that, and the other two pass. So Bridget enters the battle.Hi Piggy! And hello, Uber, she greets with a bat of her eyelashes, Glad to help! Golly, I remember the one night I spent at her estate lets just that I never knew how many lipstick gags one Toon could handle before then. So Bridget does her thing, and then she leaves. And heres the big moment where I save the day. I take out the dollar bill.Come here, Cog, I will with my mind. And then I release it.It misses. He uses a power trip. It hits everyone. We all go sad.RIP Uber: March 25th, 2015-August 18th, 2015.