typical czech feasts kroulíková, hervertová


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Page 2: Typical czech feasts   kroulíková, hervertová

CHRISTMAS First important day is 4th December: Barborka. On this day

people cut sprigs from cherry or apple tree and put them to a

vase. On a paper, every member of family writes his wish and

put it the on a sprig. When somebody´s sprig blooms, the wish

will come true.

On 5th December come "the devils". They go from house to

house with st. Mikuláš and angels and frighten small children.

Who was good , gets some sweets and an Advent calendar and

who was bad, gets nothing or potatoes and coal.

Mikuláš,angels and devils

Page 3: Typical czech feasts   kroulíková, hervertová

Before Christmas, we burn one candle on advent wreath every

Sunday. One or two days before Christmas, we decorate the

Christmas tree and prepare for Christmas Day. On Christmas day,

some people observe Christmas severe fasting. And who endures,

can "see a golden pig".

Before Christmas, we bake sweets.

Christmas Day: We get up and have

breakfast. For breakfast we have

vánočka and štola. After breakfast, we

watch typical Christmas fairy e.g. Three

nuts for

, Princess, About Goldhair,

Shrecarol, Truncheon , from

sack out, Mrazík, Salt above gold…


Page 4: Typical czech feasts   kroulíková, hervertová

And now we have lunch. For lunch we have : Kuba, Zelňačka,

Vinná sausage. In the evening, we sing Christmas carols.

Traditional habit is to cut apples in halves. If the inside part with cores

shapes a star , the next year you will be healthy.

But when it shapes a cross, somebody from

the family will die or be sick. Another habit

is to cast lead. Above flame, heat a bit of lead until it is thawing.

Prepare a vessel with water and pour lead into it with care. The shape

that comes out tells you about your future.

Vinná sausage ZelňačkaKuba

Page 5: Typical czech feasts   kroulíková, hervertová

Next habit is making and floating nut boats. Halve a walnut and take out

, the core and fasten candle and let

them float in water. . If yours doesn´t sink

and the candle shines long you will ,

have a happy life. If boat keeps near the edge of the vessel ,

its owner will stay at home all the year. If it floats

to the center, you will go to the world.

In the evening , we have a festive dinner for all family. For dinner we have a

potato salad with carp or cutlet. Under the plate, we put a carp´s scale

which will bring sufficient money for all the year. And then children go

out and Jesus brings presents under the Christmas tree.

After that somebody goes to midnight mass to church.On

25th December is a holiday. Everything is calm and quiet.On 26th

December we visit relatives and friends, prepare lunch and give small

presents for example sweets , nuts and fruit.We talk about what who got

"from Jesus".And we have a good rest after the busy Christmas period.

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EASTER We celebrate arrival of spring. They are after first full moon

between 22nd March and 25th April. Blue Monday and

Yellow Tuesday– on this day people clean and

whiten houses. Ugly Wednesday- they clean

chimneys and women bake Judas. You can´t

frown or you will frown every Wednesday

all year round. Green Thursday- the name came from green food

. People usually eat young nettles, spinach, cabbage, sorrel and

some herbs, Big Friday- this day was hard-fasting day. People

should not wash clothes , they don´t work in the field.

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White Saturday-people cook festive food , bake mazanec and

Easter lambs , make pomlázka and decorate eggs. Easter Day -

in the church , the priest sanctifies food. At home , we prepare

for Easter Monday. Easter Monday- on this day , girls wait for

carrolers. The boys gently whip the girls and get decorated

eggs , chocolate and a ribbon. Girl will "stay beautiful all year".

Who comes after 12 o´clock will be poured with cold water.

Typical food are lambs and mazanec

Lambs Easter eggsMazanec

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QUIZ 1) What is celebrated on the fifth December ?

2) Typical food on Easter ?

3) What is one of the habits of Christmas ?

4) What happens when a carroler comes after 12 o´clock on

Easter ?

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