typha charcoal senegal

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  • 7/28/2019 Typha Charcoal Senegal



    Typha Charcoal in Senegal:

    Changing a National Threat

    into Durable Wealth15.915 Laboratory for Sustainable Business

    Rodrigo Caro, Helena de Frutos, Ajamu Nassor Kitwana, Angela Shen


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    Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3

    Background & Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 4

    About Senegal ........................................................................................................................................... 4

    TyphaChanging a National Threat into Durable Wealth ...................................................................... 4

    Project Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 6

    Feasibility Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 6

    Market Potential ........................................................................................................................................ 6

    Typha Charcoal Production Process ......................................................................................................... 9

    Industrial Practices ................................................................................................................................ 9

    Value Chain Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 11

    Typha Harvesting ................................................................................................................................ 11

    Typha Charcoal Production ................................................................................................................ 12

    Distribution ......................................................................................................................................... 14

    Business Model Summary .................................................................................................................. 14

    Financial, Environmental and Social Impacts ............................................................................................. 15

    Financial Implications ............................................................................................................................. 15

    Environmental Impacts ........................................................................................................................... 17

    Social Impacts ......................................................................................................................................... 18

    Alternatives ................................................................................................................................................. 18

    Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................... 19

    Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................. 23

    Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................. 27

    Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 28

    Interview List .............................................................................................................................................. 30

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    Sup De Co, a business school headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, is inspired to make a positive difference

    for its country. Salla Dior Dieng of Sup De Co is a national champion for two environmental challenges

    in Senegal. The first environmental challenge is the spread of invasive Typha Australis, a weed similar to

    cattails that has significantly over grown throughout the Senegal River corridor. The second is

    deforestation and desertification in Senegal.

    As a business school, Sup De Co would like to find a market-based solution to these problems. In fact,

    Dr. Dieng has collaborated in the past with an NGO called PERACOD to demonstrate that the invasive

    Typha plant has several potential commercial uses. Sup De Co proposed developing paper pulp, biofuel,

    and cooking charcoal to the S-Lab team as business opportunities to explore for large scale commercial

    usage of Typha. We chose to target charcoal because of the significant domestic market (350,000 tons

    annually) for charcoal, and its social and cultural importance in Senegalese households.

    The S-lab team conducted a high-level feasibility analysis of launching a Typha charcoal production

    business in Senegal. After comparing small scale, medium scale, and large scale production options for

    profitability using market projections that are in line with Sup De Cos goals, we estimate that large scale

    production will be the most profitable. However, given that a market for Typha Charcoal has not been

    established yet, it would be valuable for Sup De Co to pilot Typha charcoal production starting with the

    small scale 3-barrel approach. This is largely because of the lower risk associated with the 3-barrel

    process due to low up front capital requirements and the fact that it does not require electricity or other

    energy inputs. The areas that we recommend investigating at the pilot scale before expanding are:

    Customer demand, Typha harvesting, transport logistics, barriers to charcoal markets and supply chains,

    and financing costs and availability

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    The host company, Sup De Co (Groupe Ecole Suprieure de Commerce de Dakar), seeks to develop a

    large scale operation to produce green charcoal from an invasive wetland plant called Typha that grows

    along the Senegal River. Sup De Co, a private institution based in Senegal, includes six schools, and

    provides university level education in business, commerce, finance, business management and

    information technology (IT). Sup De Co plans to be an owner of this new biomass energy production


    Senegal faces a considerable deforestation problem. With trees disappearing, finding viable alternatives is

    a must. Currently, at least half the population relies on expensive wood and charcoal for household fuel.

    Less than 30 years ago, charcoal consumed in Dakar came form 70 Km away, from the Thies region.

    Now, people have to go 400 Km form Dakar to find forests (Africa Good News, 2009). 40% use petrol

    products like butane gas that is all imported and partially subsidized by the government because of its

    high price (Africa Good News, 2009). 350,000 tons of wood charcoals are consumed each year from

    wood, in other words, approximately 2.5 million trees being cut down for charcoal national wide.

    Harvested locally in the southern semi-tropical region of Senegal, this contributes to desertification in the

    country and southern expansion of the Sahel region. This transition is characterized by decreased

    vegetation cover, greater soil erosion, millions of tons in soil loss, and diminished soil fertility in a

    country where 65% of the total population depends on the agricultural sector, directly or indirectly.

    (Elbersen W. , 2005)


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    During the 1980s, two dams were constructed on the Senegal River to provide electricity, irrigation,

    drinking water and to prevent sea water incursion. After the construction of the dams, altered river

    conditions cultivated wetland plants in shallow water along the shore. Typha, a native plant on the

    Senegal River, grows aggressively in the new environment and now covers large parts of the Senegal

    River. Typha roots in the soil and requires less than 5 feet of water depth. The proliferation of Typha

    leads to many problems, including blocking irrigation canals, making access to the river and fishing

    difficult for the local population, attracting bird pests that invade rice plots, a weed problem in rice plots,

    and increasing health problems that result from stagnant water. (Elbersen W. , 2005)

    The Senegalese Organization pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sngal (OMVs) is responsible for

    clearing tyhpa from the navigation channel of the Senegal River, but Tyhpa grows uncontrolled along the

    rivers banks. In order to encourage the removal of Tyhpa, Senegalese public officials and academics

    have considered promoting several options for commercial use of Typha biomass material. Those options

    include compost for local horticulture farms, paper production, construction material and energy

    production. For this study, we focus on investigating the feasibility of Typha charcoal production, given

    the urgency of the energy shortage and deforestation in the country.

    Concerned Senegalese NGOs and citizens like Dr. Salla Dior Dieng of Sup De Co have identified using

    biomass from Typha to create green charcoal as one of the solutions to limiting the proliferation of Typha

    and simultaneously reducing deforestation in Senegal. Any organic material such as agricultural waste

    can be carbonized in an anaerobic burning process called pyrolysis to be made into charcoal. PERACOD,

    affiliated with a German NGO called GTZ, has introduced a 3 futs (3-barrel) system for community

    scale charcoal production in Senegal. PERACOD ran a pilot program producing green charcoal from

    Tyhpa. The project brought together groups of rural women who harvested the Tyhpa, produced charcoal,

    used it at home and sold some in their local communities.

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    The S-lab teams task was to work on a business plan for starting and sustaining a large-scale charcoal

    business in Senegal using Typha. Sup De Co is particularly interested in understanding business models

    and production models used internationally for charcoal production. The plan had to consider the likely

    production, management, operational and marketing challenges for the envisioned production process and

    final products in the context of Senegal. The S-Lab team streamlined the project scope based on what they

    could produce in the time and with the resources available. The framework developed here can be built

    upon with further research by Sup De Co or others such as a group in the G-Lab course in the fall of

    2011. Here we develop a framework to compare potential approaches to launching a Typha charcoal

    business. This can be useful to identify the necessary conditions to achieve profitability in the tyhpa

    business- such as a minimum market share required to break even. If Sup De Co deems a given approach

    to be attractive, the next step would be to complete a business plan for the approach selected.



    PERACODs pilot project revealed some challenges to market adoption of the green charcoal. It burns

    slower than wood charcoal and has a different odor. Moreover, charcoal vendors have less incentive to

    sell Tyhpa charcoal due to smaller profit margins compared to wood charcoal. For 1kg of green charcoal,

    a vendor makes a profit of 5 US cents, whereas conventional charcoal brings in almost 20 cents per

    kilogram. (Africa Good News, 2009). Additionally, identifying distribution networks to reach the primary

    market in Dakar is also likely to be a challenge given the agreement between the Merchant Union

    (producers of wood charcoal) and the permitted vendors of charcoal in Dakar. Finally, interviews with

    Senegalese citizens that we conducted indicated that use of charcoal in Dakar has been falling and

    replaced by more convenient gas burners. The four interviews we conducted are not a statistically

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    significant sample, but this does merit more investigation into the growth projections in the charcoal


    Currently, the population consuming Typha charcoal in Senegal is negligible. The few people producing

    green charcoal are doing so in association with NGO sponsored pilot projects and they typically produce

    at the household or rural community scale. Furthermore, selling green charcoal, even at a significant

    discount (about 50%), to replace wood charcoal has been a challenge in the country. The energy yield of

    Typha charcoal per kilogram is 80% of that of wood charcoal. The appearance is different from wood

    charcoal so consumers believe it has lower quality. In the PERACOD pilot, Typha charcoal was also

    poorly packaged, so consumers were deterred by the fact that they got dirty managing it.

    However, Typha charcoal also offers many advantages to the consumers. One kilogram of green charcoal

    sells for just $0.15, whereas traditional charcoal currently costs twice that (Africa Good News, 2009).

    Right now, the price of butane gas is six times the price of green charcoal (about $1/day). Producing

    Typha charcoal presents an opportunity to getenergy in an inexpensive and more sustainable form of fuel

    for the country and for the riparian communities in particular. The Senegalese government has subsidized

    butane gas in the past to deter demand for wood charcoal and mitigate deforestation. Gas subsidies have

    however been phased out due to high costs to the national government. The demonstrated national

    commitment to combat deforestation through subsidies could be an opportunity to get financial support

    for Typha charcoal as a less costly alternative to wood charcoal. Moreover, another advantage of

    decreasing gas consumption in Senegal will be the reduction of the dependency on volatile international

    oil markets.

    A PERACOD customer who switched to green charcoal from gas explained that she is happy with the

    change because it is the most efficient, affordable and suitable (especially for large-scale cooking)

    household fuel (Africa Good News, 2009). Moreover, there is a general perception that cooking with

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    charcoal produces better flavor for many meals than cooking with gas. Green charcoal can offer the flavor

    advantages of charcoal without the deforestation impacts that have lead the government to limit charcoal

    production. Restaurants also present a market opportunity for green charcoal; most of them currently

    consume both gas and charcoal, with the price being the single biggest determining factor in the choice.

    In our study we will examine the feasibility for large scale production. 40% of the population uses gas as

    a household fuel, but even those people maintain the capacity to switch to charcoal because of the high

    price of gas, the variance of government subsidizes over time, and the frequent gas shortages. The

    estimation of the charcoal consumption in Dakar is about 210,000 tons (60% of total consumption in

    Senegal) (Ribot J. C.) . In order to market Typha charcoal, Sup De Co has to implement an adequate

    marketing strategy that includes attractive packaging (e.g. paper bags), providing visibility and

    accessibility for customers in Dakar, a convenient price (about half the price of wood charcoal), and

    educating the consumers (including cooking demonstrations). If Sup De Co does so, it could potentially

    be able to replace some of the current consumption of wood charcoal in Dakar. If we assume that

    marketing efforts are successful in capturing 20% of the charcoal market in Dakar, this will represent the

    12% of the total wood charcoal replacement (20% wood replacement in Dakar which is 60% of total

    wood consumption). This meets the benchmark that Senegals Minister of Energy would like to obtain for

    the whole countryIt is not possible to completely replace charcoal. But even if we can replace 10% or

    15% is good (Africa Good News, 2009).

    Thus the S-Lab team estimates that 20% of the Dakar charcoal market will switch to Typha charcoal. Sup

    De Co is very confident in the availability of Typha as a resource for charcoal. There are more than

    400,000 hectares currently covered by Typha and we estimate that only 8,700 hectares will be used to

    meet the needs of 20% of Dakars charcoal market. Furthermore, the route from the river side to Dakar

    passes by several big cities, such as St. Louis (181,000 inhabitants) or Thies (278,000 inhabitants) (City

    Population). If Sup De Co were able to address any of these market, it might well reach the high range of

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    15% that the Ministry of Energy had set to replace the national consumption of wood charcoal. If Sup De

    Co helps the Ministry to get to this goal of wood charcoal replacement, it might be able to get some

    economic help from the Government to support the project.


    Charcoal is made through a process called pyrolysis which involves baking biomass in the absence of air

    to drive off volatile gasses. Pyrolysis can be done with two main methods, Direct and Indirect methods.

    Direct pyrolysis uses the biomass as its heat source and is easy to implement. This is the method used in

    the majority of small scale production processes. However, at the large scale the Indirect method, which

    requires an external source of heat such as coal or fuel oil, is typically used because this is more energy

    efficient. (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009)

    Another emerging process is gasification. The process converts biomass into carbon and hydrogen by

    transforming the raw material at high temperatures with a controlled amount of oxygen (Brewer, 2009).

    Ankurscientific, a company founded by an MIT trained PhD, uses this process in India, Sri Lanka,

    SouthAsia, US, and Mexico. The company produces 100KW power on average, using different biomass

    such as wood waste or coconut shell (Ankurscientific).However, currently there is no charcoal production

    at industrial level using the gasification process, let alone any using Typha as feedstock (Garcia-Perez,

    Lewis; C., & Kruger, 2011).


    The charcoal market is divided in two main groups of producers, the lump charcoal producer and the

    briquette charcoal producer. While the lump charcoal involves whole pieces of wood being exposed to

    high temperatures, the briquette charcoal consist of biomass being ground up, mixed, and compressed.

    Both charcoal type use pyrolysis processes (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009). Biomass sources include not only

    wood but also other biomass, such as coconut from Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. There are

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    numerous examples of charcoal production from non-wood biomass sources, such as coconut shell (Water

    Siemens), cocoa (Carbongold), as well as agricultural and forestry wastes, and animal manures

    (Kamimoto, 2005). In the US, the lump charcoal is mainly controlled by small companies.

    The main charcoal briquette producer in the US is Kingsford, which controls over the 80% of the charcoal

    briquette market. This company uses wood chips as the main biomass source (Kingsford). The process

    consists in the pyrolysis of the wood chips. Then this ground wood is mixed with other products such as:

    Mineral Coal to improve its calorific power Sodium borate as a press release agent to allow the briquettes to release from the molds they are

    made in

    Limestone used asan ash colorant Binder in the past they used wheat starch as a binder for the charcoal briquettes. Now they

    change the formulation to another chemical

    Sawdust to speed the ignition Sodium Nitrate to speed the ignition

    The pyrolysis charcoal process generates organic residues that can be used as a fertilizer that can increase

    revenue (Dharmakeerthi & Chandrasiri, 2010) (Chan, 2007) (Whitford, 2008). The effects on the soils are

    (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009):

    Reduce leaching of nitrogen into ground water Increase cation-exchange capacity resulting in improved soil fertility Moderate of soil acidity Increase water retention Increase number of beneficial soil microbes

    Regarding the use of gas, most processes re-circulate the syngas to the pyrolysis stage to increase the

    temperature inside the system. Best Energies in Canada patented a slow pyrolysis reactor that

    incorporates an electrical generator that operates on syngas (Bestenergies).

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    In order to help Sup De Co identify and evaluate the various potential points of entry in to the charcoal

    market in Senegal, we will examine the charcoal value chain. This review will discuss challenges and

    opportunities that Sup De Co should consider at each stage in the process. The financial feasibility model

    in Appendix A offers cost and revenue estimates for the processes discussed.


    Typha can be harvested throughout the year once a month if cut appropriately. The two challenges are 1)

    Typha needs to be cut 10-15cm above the water; 2) large amount of green Typha (approximately 21 tons)

    is needed to produce one ton of charcoal. At the small scale 3-barrel production, every 21 tons of green

    Typha would produce 3.5 tons of dry matter and consequently 1 ton of Typha charcoal. From the

    economic perspective, it would make business sense only if the Typha can be harvested using highly

    efficient machine or very low cost labor. Given the financial estimates compiled in Appendix A,

    harvesting costs are 65% to almost 90% of total charcoal production costs.

    We spent time on secondary research and interviewing industry experts, trying to identify existing

    machinery that can be used to harvest Typha. Although it would be ideal to have a specific machine to

    cut Typha, our research shows that in developing countries (e.g. China, Kenya), pest plants are harvested

    in very labor intensive ways. According to the report prepared for PISCES and FAO by Practical Action

    Consulting, when harvesting with basic tools such as sickles, on average the yield is 250kg /person /hour

    which is approximately 1,500kg of fresh Typha each day based on a 6 hour work day. It is important to

    point out that Typha harvesting is very demanding. In a pilot project led by PERACOD, there were three

    production groups involved in the study when the project kicked off in 2006, but only one stayed

    involved till 2008. (Practical Action Consulting, 2009)

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    A 2005 Typha for Bioenergy report stated that a World Bank Project was in the pipeline to reduce the

    Typha coverage to 30,000-40,000 ha. (Elbersen W. , 2005) However Dr. Salla Dieng reported that the

    project did not happen and that it is no longer anticipated. It is currently uncertain whether there will be

    an effort to reduce the coverage area of Typha to protect against its negative impacts. However, if Typha

    is reduced to 30,000 ha, this still exceeds the amount needed to meet the proposed market share target. If

    efforts are launched to actually limit the Typha coverage, Sup De Co should keep that in mind when

    preparing the site the facility. This could also impact longer term growth opportunities. To further

    understand the impact, research must be conducted to understand the optimal or safe level of Typha on

    the Senegal River, the result of which could impact the business case of the investment. We have seen

    that in some cases of biomass production of invasive plants, there is a tension between the new incentive

    to grow that plant and the effort to manage it, if it ever becomes cheaper for someone to grow their own

    Typha at or near their property than it is to go out into the river to harvest it. We could risk encouraging

    additional Typha growth by creating a market for Typha products.

    On average, it takes 5 to 10 days to dry the Typha. For this study, we assume that either in the case of

    small scale production or household level production, the farmers would be able to find open area close to

    the harvesting site to dry to Typha.


    We examined three potential methods of producing Typha charcoal. Each of these processes use Pyrolysis

    conducted at different scale. All figures reported in this section are the results from our financial model

    included in Appendix A.

    The first method considered is the 3-barrel method which PERACOD has used in the past. This is a

    household level production process. Each 3-barrel system produces 31 tons per year. In order to achieve

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    the large quantity (52,000 tons of charcoal based on the assumption of 20% Dakar market), Sup De Co

    would operate almost 1,700 different systems. This highly decentralized approach maximizes the number

    of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities created through the process at 4,327 new jobs. A key advantage

    of the 3-barrel system is that the technology has been proven and many in Senegal are very familiar with

    a similar process from experience producing wood charcoal at the household scale. In our review of

    charcoal production efforts around the word, the small scale direct method has dominated as the approach

    of choice.

    The second method evaluated is at the midsize or semi-industrial scale. Pro-Natura, a French NGO, has

    marketed and operated an indirect pyrolysis system that produces 936 tons/year. The most recent version

    of their system is called Pyro 71. (ProNatura International, 2011) To meet the large scale demand goal

    with the Pyro 7, Sup De Co would purchase and operate 57 systems at $65,000 each. In partnership with

    Eco-Carbone a French company that brokers carbon credits, Pro-Natura is promoting its system to

    charcoal producers around the world. They advertize a profit margin near 70% once carbon credits are

    incorporated. The cost of energy in this system is approximately $0.50 per ton of charcoal produced. Sup

    De Co would create approximately 3,200 jobs with this approach.

    The third method that we evaluated is an industrial scale production. Our S-lab team did not find

    examples of production of biomass charcoal at this scale in our review of the industry. The figures used

    for the model were taken from a previous Sup De Co report that estimated cost and production at an

    industrial scale. (Groupe Sup De Co, 2010) At this scale Sup De Co would need only one system. It costs

    $4Million upfront and has a capacity to produce 60,000 tons of Typha charcoal per year. Operating costs

    are at about 60% of revenues and 2,700 jobs would be created with this approach.

    1 Pictured in Appendix B.

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    In this part, we discuss the cost of transportation and distribution. We will separately consider inbound

    transportation and outbound transportation.

    Due to the large amount of green Typha needed for charcoal production, i.e. 21 tons of green Typha for

    one ton of charcoal, and the dry climate in Senegal, we believe it is easier to dry the green Typha before

    transporting to the production site. Even though, roads already exist for charcoal production

    transportation, the inbound transportation would be a considerable piece of cost. Outbound cost would

    also be significant, especially when planning to produce in north Senegal, close to St. Louis, and sell to

    Dakar. Distance of the two cities is above 300km. High-level estimation of the transportation cost is in the

    financial session.

    We interviewed the project leaders from MITs D-Lab (http://d-lab.mit.edu/), Amy Smith, Amy Banzaert

    and Manpreet Singh, who have worked on charcoal production projects in several developing countries.

    They reported that most of the D-lab projects were done on a small scale, not only because the small scale

    operation has a quick payback period (approximately one month) and promotes local development, but

    also because the cost to transport biomass material is high, compare to the overall production costs.


    Sup De Co aims to set up an industrial production facility for Typha charcoal. It would buy dried Typha

    plant material from rural harvesters, centralize the production and ship the charcoal to wholesalers in

    Dakar markets. Although the raw material (mainly dry Typha) cost is very low, the harvesting costs are

    expected to be high given the distribution of Typha along the Senegal River. Regarding the source

    material, further studies are needed to understand the cost of using Typha versus leveraging biomass

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    leftovers from agricultural or other sources. It is important to set up facilities that can process not only

    Typha but other biomass residuals. Regarding the production process, we would recommend further

    study to understand the economics of the different stages of the Typha charcoal production process:

    separating carbonizing and briquetting.



    Revenue potential

    Dakar is the primary market for wood charcoal, accounting for 60% of the charcoal sold in Senegal.

    (Ribot J. C.) Dakar is the target market for our Tyhpa charcoal business due this size, Sup De Co want to

    maximize scale in order to disrupt the wood charcoal market and mitigate its negative environmental and

    social impacts. For this analysis we assume that Sup De Co is able to capture 20% of the Dakar charcoal

    market within 3 years. This means selling 52,500 tons of charcoal and would yield $6.6 Million dollars in



    Our financial analysis in Appendix A shows the profitability figures discussed below. Our baseline

    scenario using the 3-barrel method projects a gross profit of $214,000, this is a 3% margin. We estimate

    that at an industrial scale the profit margin could be as high as 28%. The actual profits from green

    charcoal will depend on several factors. For the large scale production, profits will fall if sales fall below

    projections. Uncertainty in operating and maintenance costs and financing cost could also cut into larger

    scale profits. This process as well as the midsize ProNature process requires energy inputs, a larger

    upfront investment and certain lead times. ProNatura advertises their Pyro 7 machine to produce a

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    generous 38% profit margin with the potential to be doubled by using carbon credits which they facilitate

    for their customers. This option should be further explored in future phases of the business plan.

    Sup De Cos position in the supply chain will also impact profitability. We assume that Sup De Co would

    produce charcoal and sell to wholesalers in Dakar. The wood charcoal business in Senegal is reportedly

    tightly controlled by special interests, therefore making it difficult for new entrants to profit. Current

    profit margins range from 3% for local villagers to 54% for merchant union members who exercise

    significant power over the supply chains (Ribot J. , 2006). The profits that do exist are concentrated in to

    hands of few powerful players. Sup De Co sees benefit in the end goal of reducing deforestation,

    combating Typha, and limiting desertification. Therefore the uncertainties in profits alone are not likely to

    be a significant deterrent given the benefits of operating this business even if it just breaks even.

    Financing sources

    Sup De Co can potentially enhance its ability to launch, scale up or expand their Typha charcoal operation

    by leveraging appropriate financing resources. Sup De Co should pursue private sector investment

    programs from development banks that operate in Senegal. These funds are typically more willing to take

    the risk of investing in a startup industrial scale operation than traditional banks in Senegal (Abbey,

    2011). Many of these international development finance institutions prioritize initiatives which have a

    positive environmental impact as Sup De Cos business will. Senegals department of Forestry has grant

    funds available that could support pilot phase projects for Typha charcoal. They national government has

    subsidized gas in the past to help reduce stress on deforestation. Sup De Co should explore the potential

    for a similar subsidy for Typha charcoal as an alternative to wood charcoal and to oil which has been

    challenging due to price volatility.

    The NGO ProNatura has partnered with Eco-Carbone, a broker of carbon credits, to offer additional

    project financing for green charcoal. In their advertised sample business model they project eligibility for

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    Additionally, if successful at reducing deforestation, Sup De Cos impacts wouldbe helping to reduce

    desertification. Retaining trees will add to soil stabilization and moisture retention and therefore mitigate

    the desertification impacts in Senegal.


    Sup De Co can make positive social impacts by greening the charcoal industry and greening charcoal

    production jobs. By replacing the charcoal made through the highly regulated and allegedly corrupt wood

    charcoal industry, Sup De Cos success would have important social consequences. Today rural villagers

    who live in regions of Senegal like the Cassamance that are exploited for remaining wood resources get

    almost no financial benefit compared to the other parties in the charcoal value chain (Ribot J. , 2006). The

    value in the wood charcoal industry goes largely to the merchant union (whose heavy-handed leader is

    currently under investigation for fraud) and migrant worker groups that do not stay to contribute

    significantly to the local economy. Sup De Co hopes to employ rural women in sustainable jobs as it

    grows its green charcoal business.

    Projected jobs created from a Sup De Co Typha charcoal business range from 2,756 for the large scale

    production to 4,328 using the 3-barrel method. 2,607 jobs are created across all production methods in

    rural areas from harvesting alone.


    Our research shows that production location, production machinery, market access, and financing

    availabilities are key factors that would impact the success of the business. We suggest that Sup De Co

    consider the alternative opportunities below.

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    Sup De Co is very committed to take action to address the significant environmental challenges

    associated with the spread of Typha in Senegalese waterways and deforestation in the countrys southern

    region. Commercializing Typha by producing green charcoal is promising as a way to potentially address

    these challenges and produce profits. However, charcoal is a very challenging industry in Senegal. Before

    launching a Tyhpa charcoal business in Senegal we recommend that Sup De Co work to further

    understand several factors including: demand for Typha charcoal, harvesting challenges, logistics of

    transport of Typha to be processed and of charcoal to markets, barriers to entry into the charcoal industry,

    and financing costs and availability.

    Increase Demand and Awareness of Typha Charcoal

    Launch a marketing, education, and market research campaign to increase demand for Typha charcoal.

    Find out what segments of the population are open to the Typha charcoal. Examine the speed at which

    people choose to adopt Typha charcoal over other fuel methods and why. Study customer willingness to

    pay for Typha charcoal and factors that increase customers willingness to pay. Study what might be

    unique about the Dakar market regarding demand and willingness to pay for Typha Charcoal.

    Find an Optimal Harvesting Technique

    Harvesting represents the greatest portion of the Typha charcoal production cost in our analysis. So far

    those studying Typha commercialization have proposed and tried several methods of harvesting. The

    challenge of Typha growing in water, and the fact that it must be cut sever centimeters above the water

    make the harvesting process challenging. We recommend that Sup De Co study harvesting techniques to

    settle on one that will have predictable costs. If Sup De Co wants to create jobs through harvesting, the

    capacity and costs of Senegals rural labor force will have to be considered.

    Investigate Transportation Logistics

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    Our interviews and literature review suggested that drying and transporting Typha can be significant

    logistical challenges that drive up costs. However the examples that we found sited production facilities

    near the source of Typha. These examples did not require the extent of transport that Sup De Co would

    require to bring tyhpa (wet or dry) to the large scale processing facility. Sup De Co should conduct a pilot

    that require transporting tyhpa to a central location then shipped to markets in Dakar. Study the cost and

    benefit trade-offs to selling in Dakar compared to smaller cities that are closer to Typha sources.

    Secure an entry point into the charcoal supply chain

    Make a close assessment of the charcoal supply chain to identify a good entry point. For this analysis we

    assumed that we will be able to sell to charcoal wholesalers but both union control and smaller Tyhpa

    charcoal margins are potential detterents to Dakar wholesalers from taking and distributing Typha


    Start with Small Scale

    We found that at the targeted scale (20% of Dakar market) the industrial scale tyhpa production would be

    most profitable. This is consistent with Sup De Cos hypothesis. However, we did not find evidence of

    actual demand being significant enough to justify the initial investment ($4Million) in industrial scale

    production. We recommend that Sup De Co produce charcoal at the small scale in conjunction with

    market testing, raising awareness within the market, and investigating optimal harvesting strategies. Once

    Sup De Co has observed evidence that demand for Typha charcoal will reach the scale studied (50,000-

    60,000 tons annually), it would then be reasonable to invest in an industrial scale facility.

    Seek partnerships

    As an educational institution Sup De Co could face many barriers in starting a business. We recommend

    finding strategic partners with experience raising financing and with operational experience in charcoal or

  • 7/28/2019 Typha Charcoal Senegal



    a similar industry. An international company with experience accessing carbon credits that can help to

    incorporate them as a revenue stream would be particularly helpful.

    Investigate Financing Options and Costs

    Literature review and interviews with Senegalese professionals have emphasized the potential challenges

    of finding financing. We did not focus on this aspect, but we found a general sentiment that lenders in

    Senegal as well as the international finance agencies like the World Bank and IFC tend to be conservative

    when lending in Senegal. This can make borrowing difficult for a startup. Find out more about specific

    public and private financing options and what is required to access them. Forming the right partnership as

    recommended above can significantly help in this regard.

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    Below session is a high-level business case comparison among the small scale, mid size and industrial level production, to show case

    the economical, social and environmental analysis. Costs of material other than Typha, packaging cost, marketing expenditure etc are

    not included, due to the lack of data support. Further studies are needed for investment decisions.

    Basic As sumptions

    Item Number Unit

    Exchange rate 1USD = 500 CFA

    Working days per year 208 days

    National charcoal consumption 350,000 ton per year

    % of charcoal consumed in Dakar 60%

    Assumption: SupDeCo market share in Dakar 20% in 3-5 years

    10 kg

    conversion: wood to wood charcoal 5

    conversion: wood charcoal to typha charcoal (energy efficiency) 1.25

    # of CO2 equivalent emissions are avoided for each Kg of green cha

    Item Unit

    conversion: green typha to charcoal 21

    conversion: dry typha to charcoal 3.5

    conversion: green typha to dry typha 5.9

    Total area covered by typha 400,000 ha

    Green typha 125 ton per ha per year

    Typha charcoal market price 75 CFA per kg

    Distance Ross Bethio, St Louis - Dakar 300 km

    conversion tree to wood 50%

    Mass of avg tree 680 kg

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    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ 3 barrel

    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ midsize

    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ industrial Assumption Source / Note

    Volume of Typha charcoal ton 52,500 52,500 52,500

    equals to CO2 emission reduction ton 525,000 525,000 525,000

    equals to wood ton 262,500 262,500 262,500

    Harvesting Harvesting labor cost $ 4,130,516 4,130,516 4,130,516

    Premium for drying / harvesting 50% 50% 50%

    Assume green typha will be harvested

    and dried at the river side, before being

    transforted to the production center

    need to be confirm

    Harvesting efficiency kg / (person*hour) 250 250 250 Peradco report

    Work hours hours 8 8 8Average work week. 8 hours per day,

    8 month per year, 6 days per week

    Daily salary cost / (person*day) 5.08 5.08 5.08OECD report, in 2002 average salary

    at $220; 2540 CFAneed to be confirm

    Job cr Person - harvesting 2606.069712 2606.069712 2606.069712

    Inbound Transportation 499,800 499,800 499,800

    Total dry matters ton 183,750 183,750 183,750 Assume renting the f leet, rather than owning

    Average Distance

    from collecting point tokm 10 10 10 Dr. Dieng

    Average Distance

    from havesting point tokm 500 500 500

    Assume 1/8 of the length of the river,

    which is 4K km

    Cost per ton per km $ 5.33E-03 5.33E-03 5.33E-03

    12.5 tons 300km costs 1000CFA;

    Assume 10 times cost of high-way long

    distance transporting

    need to be confirm

    Job cr Person - transportation 9 9 9Assume 2 drivers needed for each 10ton truck; round trip would take 30

    minutes; 8 hours per day

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    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ 3 barrel

    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ midsize

    Baseline - 20%

    Dakar @ industrial Assumption Source / Note

    Production Annual depreciation 46,816 370,500 400,000

    Operation cost (labor + fuel) 1,766,702 627,525 130,904

    Capacity per machine ton / year 31 936 60,000


    report Oct 2010; 31407 -

    2004 PERACOD report

    5 ton per day - ProNatur


    # of machine needed 1672 57 1

    Cost per machine $ 140 65,000 4,000,00032,500,000 CFA -

    PREDAS fiche project

    Fuel cost $/ton 0 0.48 0.48

    cost of 500K CFA fuel

    for 5 tons per day for

    six months

    PERACOD project


    Total fuel cost $ 0 25,240.38 25,240.38

    PPE useful life year 5 10 10 need to be conf irmed

    # of operators per machine 1 10 100 need to be conf irmed

    Amortization $ 46,816 370,500 400,000

    Interest Expense $ 7,490.56 59,280.00 64,000.00 Assume 16% need to be conf irmed

    Job created Person - production 1672 570 100

    Outbound Transportation $ 8,400 8,400 8,400

    Average volume pertruck per day

    tons 12.5 12.5 12.5

    It takes 5-6 hours from

    Ross Bethio to Dakar,

    so assume one round

    trip per day, each truck

    carry 10 to 15 tons

    Cost of transporting

    per truck$ 2 2 2

    1000 CFA per truck of

    10 to 15 tonsDr. Dieng

    Job created 40 40 40

    Assume 2 drivers

    needed for each 10 ton


    Wholesale 662,344 662,344 662,344

    Mark up % 8.41% 8.41% 8.41% bench-mark wood charcoal

    Job created 30 30 30

    Retail 593,137 593,137 593,137

    Mark up % 7.53% 7.53% 7.53% bench-mark wood charcoal

    Job created 1500 1500 1500

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    Revenue @ market price 7,875,000 7,875,000 7,875,000

    -) Dealer mark-up 1,255,481 1,255,481 1,255,481

    Revenue @ selling to wholesalers 6,619,519 6,619,519 6,619,519


    harvesting +

    transportation cost +

    operating cost

    6,405,418 5,266,241 4,769,621

    Gross margin 214,101 1,353,278 1,849,899

    Gross margin % 3% 20% 28%Margin after amortization 159,794 923,498 1,385,899

    Margin after amortization % 2% 14% 21%

    Total Job Created 5,858 4,756 4,286

    excl retailer and wholesales 4,328 3,226 2,756


    Typha cleared ha 8673

    wood charcoal substituted ton 42,000

    wood substituted ton 210,000

    Trees saved 308,823.53

    Trees saved/kg charcoal 7.35

  • 7/28/2019 Typha Charcoal Senegal



    Harvesting Typha Typha Charcoal

    Pro-Natura, Pyro 7

    (ProNatura International, 2011)

  • 7/28/2019 Typha Charcoal Senegal




    Africa Good News. (2009, April 23). Retrieved May 2011, from



    Action Learning MIT. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2011, from http://actionlearning.mit.edu/s-lab

    Ankurscientific. (n.d.).Ankurscientific. Retrieved 10 5, 2011, from http://www.ankurscientific.com/

    Bestenergies. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 10, 2011, from http://www.bestenergies.com/index.html

    Brewer, C. E.-R. (2009). Characterization of Biochar from Fast Pyrolysis and Gasification Systems.

    Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,, Volume 28, Number 3, p.386 - 396,.

    Carbongold. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 10, 2011, from http://www.carbongold.com/cacao_belize_project.html

    CBBQA. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://old.cbbqa.org/wood/Kingsford.html

    Chan, K. e. (2007). Agronomic Values of Greenwaste Biochar as a Soil Amendment.Australian Journal

    of Soil Research Volume 45(8),, p.629634.

    City Population. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2011, from http://www.citypopulation.de/Senegal.html

    Dharmakeerthi, R. S., & Chandrasiri, J. A. (2010). Use of charcoal as a soil amendment in rubber (Hevea

    brasiliensis) plantations: Effectiveness in young budding polybagged plants,. Third Symposium

    on Plantation Crop Research (pp. p.179-188). Colombo, Sri Lanka: Stakeholder Empowerment

    through Technological Advances.

    Elbersen, W. (2005).Report on bus ticket no. B1.

    Garcia-Perez, M., Lewis; C., T., & Kruger, E. (2011).Methods for Producing Biochar and Advanced

    Biofuels in Washington State Part 1: Literature Review of Pyrolysis Reactors. Ecology

    publication number 11-07-017. Washington State University.

    Kamimoto, L. K. (2005). Economic Feasibility of Bagasse Charcoal in Haiti. Thesis for Bachelor of

    Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Kingsford. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 10, 2011, from http://www.kingsford.com/our-heritage/

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  • 7/28/2019 Typha Charcoal Senegal




    Name Organization / title Area of Expertise Interview date & topic

    Richard CocoAgbeyibor

    MIT student Spent IAP in Senegal;visited Sup De Co and


    4/10/2011. Provided anoverview of the project

    Amy Smith MIT D-lab lead Lots of experience inInternational Development,particularly for charcoalproduction

    4/26/2011. Overview of theD-lab charcoal projects.Shared key lesson learnt

    Amy Banzaert MIT D-lab instructor Charcoal industry expert 4/26/2011. Overview of theD-lab charcoal projects.Shared key lesson learnt

    Jessica Huang MIT D-lab staff Project coordinator 4/26/2011. Provided charcoalproject SME contact info


    Jungle Scapes Charcoal production fromLantana in India

    4/29/2011. Provide anoverview of their project in

    India. They have successfullypartnered with Philips inbringing to the villagers theeco-chulha (a firewood basedcook stove)

    Manpreet Singh MIT D-lab alumni Green charcoal projects inChina and Rwanda

    5/2/2011. Shared experienceand insights about project inChina and Rwanda.Discussed about the D-labsmall scale charcoalproduction technology

    Jesse Ribot University of Illinois,

    Political ScienceProfessor

    Charcoal in Senegal 5/3/2011. Shared insights

    about the charcoal industry inSenegal

    Dovi Abbey Senegalese BusinessManFrom Dakar

    Business in Senegal 4/30/2011. Discussedentrepreneurship, businessfinancing, and charcoalindustry in Senegal

    Khadim Thiam Professor of Africanand French Literatureat University of Ohio.Former resident ofDakar, Senegal

    Dakar households,Senegalese culture

    5/2/2011. Discussed hishousehold use of charcoal andother cooking fuels. Includingprice changes, gas shortages,and incense use.

    Magueye Seck Resident of Saint

    Louis, Senegal

    Senegal politics and Family


    5/2/2011. Discussed the

    charcoal market and localgovernment in Saint Louisregion.

    David Ly MIT Sloan MBAstudent, from Senegal

    Senegal life and business 5/5/2011. Discussed charcoalindustry and market inSenegal. Shared experiencesof his father who doesbusiness in Senegal.

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